• last year
00:00The love of my life
00:02The deep love
00:04The love of my soul
00:07Nothing can happen between you and me
00:13Excuse me
00:18If you want it that way, I'll respect it
00:21And even if I die inside
00:25I'll take you out of my heart
00:27And never, listen to me, never
00:30Talk about my love for you again
00:37What happened to you?
00:38I fell, I don't know why this staircase is closed
00:40There's a cone there, I can't get through
00:42Did you hurt your foot?
00:43Yes, yes, it hurts
00:45I'm going, I'm going
00:46I have to check you
00:48Hold on, hold on, hold on
00:50I have to see what happened to you
00:52Be careful, Vic
00:53I'm sorry, I'm sorry
00:56It's already inflamed
00:58Okay, we have to get you out of here
00:59Come on
01:00Come on, come on, come on
01:02Careful, careful, careful
01:03I fell and I can't step on it
01:04Let's support her, let's support her
01:05Hold on to the line, hold on to the line
01:06Hold on
01:07There it is
01:08Hold on
01:12Come on, come on, come on
01:13Let's go
01:14I can't, I can't, I can't
01:15One, two
01:16Because I have to get you out of there
01:17One, two, three
01:19Ouch, ouch, ouch
01:25What happened, Elias?
01:30I finished my 24-hour guard
01:32And I want to introduce you to my partner Armando Juárez
01:35He's going to replace Oscar Corona
01:37Good morning, Mrs. Renata
01:38Nice to meet you
01:40Good morning
01:41And what happened to Oscar?
01:43We don't know
01:45We didn't find him
01:46That's why Commander Narvaez sent his partner Juárez to cover his guard
01:52Thank you, but
01:54Please keep me informed of what I find out about Oscar, okay?
01:57Of course, ma'am
01:58Excuse me and good morning
02:00Good morning
02:22Hello, Renata
02:24Don't hang up, I want to ask you a question
02:26Leave me alone, okay?
02:28I want to know what you think of the new guard they sent you
02:34I send you kisses
02:56And the one who dies inside me
02:59Will take my heart out
03:01And never, listen to me, never
03:04Will I be able to talk about my love for you again
03:10Barbara, nice to see you, come
03:13What's wrong? Why are you crying?
03:15No, I'm not crying, Lucia, nothing's wrong
03:18What do you mean nothing's wrong?
03:20Did you fight with Mario?
03:22No, I'm sorry
03:23I need to be alone
03:27I need to be alone
03:30I know Verania well
03:31And I think it's an excellent option
03:33Beyond the relationship she has with Sebas
03:36I agree with you
03:37Me too
03:38For me, Verania is perfect to be the model
03:40I'm very sorry about Carolina, of course
03:43But if we think about the business
03:45It wouldn't affect us so much in the content creation
03:47In terms of time and money
03:49If we already use Verania
03:50Besides, it makes it incredible
03:52If you want, I can take care of the contract
03:54I don't know if someone from Sebastián's team will do it
03:56I asked Trini to do it
03:58But since she's leaving today with the team
04:00I ask you to send it to me as soon as you can
04:02To check it, please
04:03Of course, Mr. Federico
04:05Perfect, very good
04:07If it says Víctor and Tirana, there's nothing
04:10Víctor is here
04:12But I don't know where they are
04:14Let's see, I'm going to send him a message
04:16Let's see
04:18My life, you don't know how much it weighs me
04:20I couldn't have been last night at your exhibition
04:23Hey, but I read the reviews and I saw that it was a success
04:27I'm happy, thank God, it was a success
04:29Hey, but how is Carolina doing?
04:32You can imagine
04:34Yes, but they already found a replacement, right?
04:36I mean, Triana told me that she was leaving today
04:39Yes, yes, we already have her
04:42She wants you to take care of her
04:44Yes, we already have her
04:46She wants you to find out who she is for me
04:49Well, who is she?
04:54Verania, your ex?
05:00The contract is already there, just add it
05:02No, no, no, wait, wait, wait, wait, please, slow down
05:07Oh, it doesn't hurt
05:10Let's go
05:13She just fell in the parking lot
05:15She hurt her ankle, it's very swollen
05:17But the best thing is that she saw a doctor
05:19No, no way, you have to go to the airport in this second
05:23The driver is waiting outside
05:24I don't think it's convenient, Triana can't travel like this
05:27No, then no
05:28Oh, no, I don't know if I'm luxing it or I'm breaking it, I don't know, but it hurts a lot
05:32Calm down, I'll take care of it right now, I'll check with a doctor
05:36Tell them to go
05:37And it depends on what the doctor says, you can reach them in the afternoon or tomorrow with Sebastian
05:44Thank you, Mr. Federico
05:45Okay, then we're leaving, okay?
05:47Yes, thank you, thank you
05:49Well, good luck, good luck, Triana
05:51Let's see, if you want, I can also...
05:52We're going back to Cargaba
05:53Yes, yes, yes, I can take her to the doctor, to the hospital, if necessary
05:56Yes, I'll do it
05:59Let's see, help me find her
06:02Be careful, okay?
06:03We're going to lift her
06:04I don't know how to move her
06:06There were thousands and thousands of models in the world, they just had to hire Verania?
06:10Love, it was an emergency, really, there was no way to find someone who didn't have a commitment in less than 24 hours
06:17And Verania appeared by magic in Mexico and is just available, how curious
06:21Yes, yes, although it seems incredible to you, that's how it was and we were lucky
06:24If it weren't for her, we would have had important economic losses
06:27You really don't know what a day lost in this production means
06:31Yes, I can imagine, I can imagine, but I can't stand knowing that Verania is going to be the image of the campaign and that you're going to have to be with her
06:39Baby, I don't like the idea either, but I had to give in
06:42And then I have to give in, right? I have to give in and I have to put up with seeing you with Verania and also with Carolina
06:49Love, I understand that you are upset and that you do not feel comfortable, but I have never given you reasons to distrust me
06:54No, no, that was a gift that Adrián left me
06:57Yes, I am not Adrián
07:02The next day
07:08That's it
07:10Oh, thank you
07:12So, Sebastian is the man you swore was the love of your life
07:17What a surprise
07:19No, well, what a surprise mine, which is the man you took a look at, right?
07:24Oh, if I had known, I wouldn't have told you anything
07:27No, don't worry, he has already made it clear to me that the only relationship that will be between us is purely professional
07:34He doesn't want anything with me or with you, only with Fátima
07:40And you know her?
07:42Yes, we have seen each other several times and it is that she was just dating the interim vice president of the soda company
07:49And when she met Sebastian and found out that he was staying with his position, she changed it
07:54Oh, really?
07:55It's serious
07:57Yes, when he realized that he was more powerful and richer than his boyfriend, he had absolutely no problem changing it and staying with the son of the owner
08:07So, Fátima only loves Sebastian for his money and that's it
08:13Well, that's the impression she's giving
08:15And of course, you can't tell Sebastian anything because he has her on an altar
08:22So, Fátima is our real rival
08:25That's right, and it's a shame because she doesn't love him the way I love him or the way you could love him
08:37I know I don't
08:40But at least you are sure that I will never go back with him
08:44I don't have him with you and with Verania
08:50Really, you have no reason to be jealous
08:55Verania and I will never see each other again
08:58I don't care, I don't care, the only woman who fills my heart is you
09:06I swear
09:11Believe me
09:16I know it's something I have to do, I have to trust, but I know it's hard for me
09:25Just behave, okay? I'm begging you
09:30Of course, don't doubt it
09:35I swear
09:38And with you, can I behave badly or do I have to behave well too?
09:47I love you
09:48I love you
09:50I want you to investigate the disappearance of Comandante Oscar Corona
09:55We are on it, Mrs. Gamboa
09:57I'm sure Jose had something to do with his disappearance
10:00He called me and asked me what I thought of my new bodyguard
10:06Let's see, how does he know they sent me someone new? I don't understand
10:11I don't know, but it's my priority to locate Agent Corona
10:15I'll keep you posted
10:16Yes, yes, it's fine, thank you
10:18Thank you
10:25Don't waste your time, they're going to find Oscar
10:30And that's just a warning of what I can do if you keep doing what I asked
10:36Don't go away from Federico and that makes me very angry
10:42But how?
10:46But how?
10:49But how?
10:50But how?
10:51But how?
11:15Oh, oh, no, no, no, no, no, no
11:18It hurts a lot, it hurts a lot
11:20Are you sure you don't want me to call your parents?
11:23Thank you, but I prefer to let them know when the doctor tells me what I have, I don't want to worry them
11:29We already have the plates and fortunately the ankle is not broken
11:32But you do have a third-degree sprain in ligaments
11:36Well, if it's not broken, I can move with a boot or a bandage
11:39No, it's not that simple
11:40Because the sprain is in the ligament area and you won't be able to support your foot in about eight days
11:46And then?
11:48I have to immobilize your foot
11:50You can use crutches or it will be a little heavy, but you won't be able to support your foot
11:55So my recommendation is that you use a wheelchair or a skateboard
11:59No, it's serious, no, no, I'm sorry
12:02I'm going to fix everything to immobilize him, I'll be right back, excuse me, sir
12:05Thank you, doctor
12:07I'm very sorry, Triana
12:09I'm sorry, I'm sorry more, Mr. Federico
12:12I won't be able to go to the recording
12:14No, you won't be able to do it
12:15And since I need a production manager to be there, I won't have a choice but to send Brenda to your place
12:22No, no, no, no, please don't
12:46I'm coming
12:51And the kids?
12:52The kids aren't coming back
12:55So please pack all your things because from now on they're going to stay with me
13:01Are you crazy?
13:02No, you're the crazy one for getting involved with a guy like Pablo
13:07And allowing his friends to intimidate my children
13:10Did you tell me what happened?
13:13I swear, Leandro, it's not going to happen again
13:16Yes, I assure you
13:18My lawyer and I warned you
13:20If you played or exposed my children again, you were going to lose custody
13:24No, no, no, you can't take them away from me, no
13:26I didn't take them away from you
13:28You lost them by putting them in danger with the guys who broke into the house
13:32So now you have to take them away from me
13:34You lost them by putting them in danger with the guys who broke into the house
13:39So now you have to take them away from me
13:42Tomorrow you'll get the official notification
13:45No, please, Leandro, we can't put lawyers in this, it's not going to happen again, I promise
13:49Yes, you told me the same thing when you bet on the kids' school
13:52And the dentist just called me to tell me that you didn't pay for the orthodontics treatment
13:59This is the cake we're going to make for the baby
14:02Do you like it more?
14:04Yes, my love, it's very nice, you showed it to me last night
14:08I hope the piñata is the same color
14:11No, pretty, there won't be any piñata or candy, just the cake
14:15The Remigio family can't afford to have a party like the ones your mom has made for you
14:21But a birthday party is not a birthday party without piñata
14:25Let's see, Maca, my love, I'm going to explain something to you
14:30Not all children have had the privileges you've had
14:35But mom, it's a piñata, I'm going to make you a piñata
14:38Well, let's see, what do you think if this time you and I give the piñata to Remigio?
14:44Yes, mom, thank you
14:46Here is the jamaica water you asked for, ma'am
14:49Thank you, Rita
14:51Thank you, Barbara, for your generosity with Remigio, really, the pretty one
14:54You also bet on that money, right?
14:56No, no, they'll be around, I forgot
14:59Enough lies!
15:01You are the queen of manipulation and deception
15:05But this is over, Carla
15:07Leandro, please, you can't take them away from me, I can't live without the kids
15:11No, Carla, not anymore
15:13And since you don't have the kids anymore, you're going to have to leave this apartment
15:16I'm going to pay you a pension so you can survive, but nothing more
15:20So start doing something productive with your life, okay?
15:26Mom, I'm going to town, do you need anything?
15:30No, no, son, thank you, but maybe Barbara does
15:33Why don't you give them a list of what you need for the piñata, for the sweets?
15:37No, don't worry, I'll go to town alone later
15:40Mom, but why don't you go with Daniel right away?
15:43No, no, no, I have to take Selma, I don't know how long it's going to take me
15:47Excuse me, mom
15:51Oh, what's wrong with Daniel? Why is he in a bad mood?
15:54Who knows, ma'am, but since breakfast he's in a bad mood
15:58Maybe he has a bad mood
16:01A bad mood?
16:03Yes, that's how people get when they're not responsible
16:06Or don't you remember how Maricruz got when young Daniel didn't listen to him?
16:12Look, aunt, look, lemon piñatas with almonds
16:15Look, and here
16:17We can do this one and decorate it like that, right?
16:20Oh, the spatula has it like ...
16:22It's obvious, what José wants is to scare you and blackmail you
16:25In fact, it is even likely that he has some contact who is informing him that he has security
16:30Yes, it may be, and although I am very afraid, I have to relax
16:35And I'm not going to give him the pleasure of scaring me
16:38Very well, don't give it to him, don't give it to him
16:40No, I'm not going to give it to him, but hey, let's see, let's keep talking about Sebastián Iberania
16:46I know you don't want to talk about this, but let's see, you have to trust him
16:52That's the problem, I hate to be distrustful, but I can't help it
16:57Fátima, not because of what Adrián did to you, it means that all men are like him, except Sebastián
17:03I know
17:06Hey, Elvia, this balance is pending, you have to call to collect it
17:12Yes, yes, of course, right away, Mr. Alvaro, an apology, I don't know why I didn't have it
17:16Good morning
17:17Well, it will be late, boy, it's more than 12
17:22Sorry, but I had personal things to do, grandfather
17:25Look, I don't care, never mess up your personal things, boy, you are working in this company
17:34And if you can't even meet your schedules, then there's no point in you staying here, son
17:41Grandpa, please
17:43No, no, no, but nothing
17:45This is the last time you're late and you don't fulfill your responsibilities
17:51And I'm serious, boy
17:55Okay, it won't happen again
17:58You're warned, go back to your place
18:08But it's not funny at all that Verani is back in her life
18:11The fact that she was there, casually free to do the campaign, right at that moment, I don't know, it gives me a bad feeling, I don't believe in those coincidences
18:20Well, let's see, if it wasn't a coincidence, why do you think she's there?
18:24Well, to be present in Sebastián's life, because she doesn't give up
18:28The fact that Carolina and Verania became friends like that, on the plane, by pure chance, I swallow it
18:35I know, I know
18:37But it would be great, because it would mean that Verania is aware of all of Sebastián's life
18:43Exactly, I know, and I can't prove anything, but she warned me
18:48What did she warn you about?
18:50She clearly told me that she never gives up and that Sebastián is unfaithful by nature and that I always go back to her
18:59But don't believe her, do you think she told you the truth?
19:04Well, a little bit
19:06And that's why I don't give a damn about knowing that Sebastián will be with her every day in the affirmation
19:11Wait for me to understand you, my girl
19:13But regardless of what Verania has done to stay in the campaign, you have to overcome the distrust
19:19Yes, because if you feed her, you're going to get bitter and you're going to affect your relationship with Sebastián
19:25Trust is basic in a couple
19:30And without it, sooner or later, love is over
19:35Phone ringing
19:40What's up, love?
19:42I need you to come to my house, you don't know what just happened, I need you, Pablo
19:47I'm on my way
19:49My girlfriend has an emergency, I have to go see her, I won't be long
19:52Look, look, listen to me, if you go out, don't bother to come back, you'll be fired
20:01Grandpa, please, it's an emergency, understand me
20:04I only understand the sense of duty and responsibility
20:10And you haven't earned that there are concessions with you, so if you leave, don't come back
20:35Excuse me, sir
20:37Thank you, Juanita
20:48Hi Fede, how are you?
20:51I'm here between consults, analysis, studies, but I haven't stopped thinking about you
20:57I have no idea why he says that, because the only sin my brother has committed is to have loved a woman who doesn't deserve him
21:10So I ask you to respect his marriage and also respect the relationship he has with Mrs. Renato
21:17She doesn't deserve a betrayal either
21:28I love you
21:41Hi Fede, how are you?
21:44I'm here between consults, analysis, studies
21:58Why don't you answer me?
22:02What's wrong?
22:04Let's see, again
22:14Honey, I'm here
22:21Is something wrong?
22:23No, it's just that I don't know which wine to choose
22:31Let's see
22:35Honey, the bottles are identical, it's the same wine
22:40I don't even know where my head is
22:43Oh my life, I'll hold you, because then I'll fall with Paco
22:47I'm so glad you're with me, here by my side
22:50I love being with you
22:53It's a beautiful afternoon, isn't it?
22:56Yes, my life
23:02And the diagnosis we got is exactly the same as the one they gave you in Mexico
23:10So, two bypasses are necessary?
23:15That's right, Mr. Uriarte, and the most important thing is that you do it as soon as possible
23:22Well, being so, I think I'm going to operate in Mexico, doctor
23:28I mean, it's not that I don't want to do it here, but the recovery, my children, my granddaughter
23:33I understand perfectly, and I assure you that you are in the best hands with your cardiologist
23:41Thank you very much, and believe me, it gives me a lot of peace of mind that you tell me
23:46What I do want to ask you is that you do it immediately, don't leave it for later, schedule the surgery immediately
23:54Your heart is very delicate, and not doing it can bring serious consequences
24:04Nice to meet you, Mr. Alvaro
24:06The same to you, Aníbal, sit down, please
24:10Thank you
24:12Hey, and who told you to sit down?
24:16You can retire, Pablo
24:18How? The project is for both of us, grandfather
24:21Pablo, please, stop lying
24:25It is evident that you have no idea what this matter is about
24:31Can you tell him something?
24:33Obey me, Pablo
24:34Tell him, go ahead, follow him with the files, but in another office
24:40Let's go
25:19It's my dad
25:21They gave him the same diagnosis, he's going to operate here, so come back tomorrow
25:26The sooner the better
25:29Dad, thanks for letting me know, aunt Lucia and Maca send you a kiss
25:34Kisses, grandpa, I love you
25:36We love you a lot, dad
25:48Dad, how are you? How do you feel with the diagnosis they gave you?
25:51Oh, my princess, no, don't worry, don't worry, look, it coincided with Dr. Mendeola
25:59Well, yes, of course, of course, I would have liked to be told that I didn't have to have surgery
26:04Well, yes, dad, but now there is no doubt that you need surgery
26:08That's right
26:10But it's good that you're going to do it here, dad, because that way we'll all be able to take care of you
26:13Yes, especially you, my love, you always do it
26:17Hey, I want you to live many more years, to meet my children when you have them, to see them grow up, to make them aware
26:24Oh, no, God will allow that, don't worry, I really want to live and I'm going to get ahead of all the pending things I have in this life
26:36Of course, in the wrong step, hurry up, as soon as I arrive, I will undergo surgery and the matter is fixed
26:43I send you many kisses
26:55Sir, Mr. Juan has arrived
27:00What happened?
27:07It gives me great pleasure to meet you, Renata
27:14My love
27:18Renata, are you okay? Renata, my love
27:21Renata, my love
27:30Don't worry, Renata
27:33Juanita, bring alcohol
27:36I think the blood pressure must have dropped
27:39Juanita, call the doctor
27:42Yes, right away
27:44Yes, sir
27:46Breathe, breathe, breathe
27:52I think a glass of water will be fine
27:58What's wrong with you?
28:00I don't know, I feel very dizzy
28:02Breathe, breathe, calm down, calm down
28:06I really don't want to be inopportune, I think we should leave the food for another time
28:12I'm sorry, Juan, but I'm going to take your word and I appreciate your understanding
28:17No, don't worry, the important thing is that your wife is fine
28:20It gave me great pleasure to meet you, Renata
28:23I hope everything is fine
28:26Don't worry
28:28Excuse me
28:32Hug me, please, hug me
28:39I'm glad you left my dad alone and that your exhibition was a success, congratulations
28:44Yes, I'm really happy
28:45I mean, if it wasn't for my dad and Verania, everything would be amazing
28:50What the hell is this about love, right?
28:53It's complicated
28:55And you, how are you doing with Mario?
28:57Oh, Fátima, I have a lot of doubts
29:00The truth is, I've been thinking about asking for a divorce
29:04Divorce? You?
29:06Is your crisis so serious?
29:08Yes, I realized that since I got married, everything has revolved around Mario and forming a family
29:13And I forgot about me
29:16Somehow I did what was expected of me
29:19You know, like I didn't even question if it was what I really wanted
29:23That's why I told you many times to resume your career
29:26That you should have a space just for you and not just as a mom and a housewife
29:32I know
29:34I'm a fool for not listening to you
29:36Because that would have given me autonomy and freedom
29:39Well, but you can resume it whenever you want
29:42Don't worry, Aníbal
29:44Both Gonzalo and I realized that this project is only yours
29:50Well, I'm glad to know that they realized without me saying anything
29:55Your project to transform the factory is really very interesting
30:01Oh, Gonzalo couldn't interview you anymore because he went to do a check-up
30:06But he asked me a lot to analyze the project
30:09And that's why I asked you to come
30:11Well, I'm here for whatever you need
30:14If it is carried out, I would love to lead the project
30:18It's good to know
30:21I will inform Gonzalo when he comes
30:25Now tell me, where do you think we should start to implement the changes?
30:32Well, I think that we should start with the factory
30:36I think so, look, if we see here on page 23, which is this
30:41The first thing we have to do is check the machinery
30:44Yes, it's super important and...
30:47What worries me right now is your relationship with Mario
30:50Although, well, I guess all marriages have crises and so
30:54The problem is that it's not just a crisis
30:57I feel like Mario doesn't fill me anymore, he's very cute, he's a good husband, he's a good dad
31:02I love him very much, obviously
31:03But, I don't know, Fatima, as a woman, he doesn't provoke me at all
31:10So much?
31:12Well, yes, maybe that's why I was so determined to have another child
31:17So as not to face what was really happening
31:20Hey, how did you realize that you didn't love him?
31:23I mean, because when it happened to me with Adrian, it was a lot because of Sebastian's appearance in my life
31:28He was the one who made me realize that it wasn't love that I felt for Adrian
31:32But, well, I don't think the same thing happened to you
31:39Or do you?
31:43Barbara, did you meet someone else?
31:46Don't make me talk, Fatima, please
31:52I was waiting for Mr. Gonzalo's call
31:54Thank you for your time, Aníbal, and we'll keep in touch
31:58Thank you very much, excuse me
32:00Thank you
32:05Hey, traitor, I brought you this company
32:09If it hadn't been for me, my dad would never have known your project
32:12You don't want to change things for me, Pablo
32:14You were the one who asked me to steal my project
32:16But since you couldn't fool your dad, now you're betraying me
32:19Because you are, and I'm going to make you pay for it
32:21If you do it, you're going to get your ass kicked, because if this company doesn't change, it's going to go bankrupt
32:25Do you think your project is the only thing that can change things?
32:28Well, look for another one, but do it now, before it's too late
32:36You've been under a lot of stress, Renata
32:39Yes, yes, doctor
32:41Your blood pressure is fine, but I'm inclined to think that you had a nervous breakdown
32:46I don't think so
32:47Your blood pressure is fine, but I'm inclined to think that you had a nervous breakdown
32:52Yes, maybe it's because I've been working a lot
33:00I want to send you to do some tests, tomorrow or the day after, and I want you to rest all night
33:07Yes, doctor
33:09No, no, no, I have to go to the exhibition
33:12No, you'll do it another day
33:15I already told the office that I'm not going back to work
33:18I'm going to stay to take care of you
33:21That seems very good to me
33:23A dose of tenderness and affection is the best medicine right now
33:28Thank you
33:30I need you a lot, and I'm very afraid of losing you
33:35That's not going to happen, my love
33:38I know I've neglected you, but I promise that it won't happen again
33:49Can you tell me why you changed your mind to come back tomorrow without consulting me?
33:54I still have a lot of appointments
33:57Because the reason for the trip was to ask for a second opinion, and I already have it
34:01But I'm not in the mood, Gonzalo
34:03I have a lot of things to do here
34:05Well, then stay
34:08Stay, I'll come back to Mexico tomorrow, with you or without you, period
34:12You are a rude, incredible
34:15Let's see, don't get mad when I should be the one who has to be angry
34:21You just came to accompany me with lies
34:24For me, for what concerns me, leave when you feel like it
34:29I can't do it
34:31Oh, you can't? Or don't you want your children to know what you really came for?
34:36Besides, sorry to tell you, but I don't understand why or who I want to rejuvenate you
34:45It's not for me
34:47Of course it's not for you, it's for me
34:50Because I like to feel good with myself
34:53Well, look, do what you want for me
34:56All I want is to recover my health, to continue living
35:00But no, not like until now
35:05Well, I'll leave you the prescription
35:08Thank you
35:10And please tell them to send me the results to my email
35:14Yes, doctor, thank you for everything
35:17I'm leaving and we'll keep talking
35:22I'll go with you, doctor
35:24Thank you
35:35Thank you
35:51Genoveva, Jose was at Federico's house
35:56He introduced me as his new provider, can you imagine?
36:01Yes, tomorrow I'll tell you calmly
36:04But I got sick and I have to stay in bed
36:10I'm terrified, Jose is willing to kill me
36:17Oh, I'm sorry
36:19Are you okay? Are you sure?
36:21Oh, it must have been Fatima
36:24Because she told me she was going to come see me before going to the exhibition
36:27Can I cover your fingers? I'll open it for you, let me talk
36:30It's okay
36:35Hi, aunt
36:36Hi, my love
36:38How are you?
36:39Everything okay?
36:40Here, worried about Triana, who, look, made a bad move
36:44Oh, I know, damn, what a bad mood
36:47How do you feel?
36:49Very frustrated
36:51I'll take advantage of you being here, my love, to go get a wheelchair that they lent me so she can move from that armchair
36:59Yes, aunt, don't worry, I'll stay here taking care of her
37:02Thank you
37:03You're at home
37:04Thank you, aunt
37:05Thank you, have a good day
37:06Behave yourself, girl
37:10Girl, I won't be able to take care of Sebas anymore
37:13Not Carolina anymore, but Varania
37:15Don't worry about that, I know
37:18But you can help me with something
37:21With what?
37:22I need you to find out what event Varania went to
37:26But why?
37:28Because, I know I'm hallucinating
37:32But the fact that she was right there and available for the campaign makes a lot of noise for me, right?
37:37I know
37:39Of course you can count on that, obviously
37:42I'm going to ask Henry
37:43No, don't bother me
37:45I'll help you
37:46I'll tell Henry and Victor to help me
37:48Thank you, thank you
37:52Hello, son
37:53How are you?
37:56I'm sorry I asked you to come here, but I don't want to leave you alone, Renata
37:59No, no, don't worry
38:01How's she doing?
38:02Juanita made her a tea and she fell asleep
38:06Did you talk to Triana?
38:08I'll do it as soon as I get out of here
38:10I don't care if she hurt her foot
38:13I don't like the idea that Brenda is in a recording
38:17I don't trust her
38:19There's no other way, son
38:21You weren't going to do it just with Victor
38:29Your corporate card so you can pay for Caroline's expenses
38:34I just hope there's no other surprise and that everything goes as planned
38:38Yeah, I hope so too
38:41Yes, help me, but please, please, don't let Sebastian find out
38:44Because I want to have proof that I'm not wrong
38:48Let's see
38:49Girl, I don't like to see you so jealous, so insecure
38:53I mean, I know that Verania, after she went to look for you
38:55She made it very clear that she was capable of everything, but
38:58You don't give her the pleasure of being in her game
39:00Well, I wish I did, but
39:02I can't help but feel like this, feel how I feel
39:08Let's see
39:10Let's stalk her
39:13If it was an event, she obviously uploaded it to her social media
39:15Yes, yes, yes
39:16Let's see
39:17Be careful
39:18Calm down, calm down
39:19Then she forgets you and
39:22Let's see
39:24If you need anything, call me on my cell phone
39:26No matter what time it is
39:28Yes, don't worry, dad
39:29And don't worry about Renato
39:31You're going to see that it's not going to be anything serious
39:33It's just that my imagination is running wild
39:35And I kept thinking if Renato's crisis
39:38Will have to do with Greta
39:40I don't think so
39:41If she knew, she would have told you something, right?
39:45Well, yes, but she may be waiting for me to tell her first
39:48And that's why she's so stressed
39:50Well, then be honest with her, tell her the truth
39:53That's what I'm going to do
39:54Today she told me that she didn't want to lose me
39:57And she had never told me something like that
40:00See, in her networks
40:02There is no recent event
40:05It's weird, isn't it?
40:08Yes, because as an influencer, the first thing you do is upload stories
40:11And there's nothing
40:13I mean, there are photos of her, but it looks like she went on vacation
40:17Well, unless, I don't know, if she went to a private event
40:20I doubt it
40:22If they hired her, it's to spread
40:25But leave it to me
40:26I'm going to get to the bottom of this
40:28Guys, if we prove that she didn't go to any event
40:32I'll have to accept that she's a much more dangerous rival than I imagined
40:39That's weird
40:41What have you decided about Greta?
40:44She's been sending me messages from Houston
40:46But I blocked her
40:49I prefer not to have contact with her, but
40:53But the truth
40:55I don't know if she's blocked
40:57I don't know if she talked to Renata
40:59Look, that's a possibility
41:02You know what I think of that woman
41:06Talk to Renata today
41:07Do it today, okay?
41:09Let her listen to your version of the story
41:11With that woman
41:13Don't put your relationship with her at risk
41:18I want to get my children back, but I won't be able to do it if you don't help me
41:22I need a good position, stability
41:24I felt confused
41:26I miss her
41:27Do you still love her?
41:28I like you a lot
41:31Hello, good afternoon, how are you?
41:33You're so beautiful
41:35Don't look at me like that anymore, because I really won't be able to
41:38You won't be able to what?
41:42I'm sorry
41:43I won't be able to
41:44You won't be able to what?