• last year
Targeting flabby arms and enhancing overall arm definition can be effectively achieved through a combination of resistance training, proper nutrition, and consistent effort. One of the most efficient exercises for toning your arms is the tricep dip. This powerful move focuses on the triceps, which comprise the majority of your upper arm muscles, and can be performed virtually anywhere, using a bench, couch, chair, or even the edge of a sturdy coffee table. To execute a tricep dip, position your hands shoulder-width apart on a stable surface, extend your legs out in front of you, and lower your body by bending your elbows until they form a 90-degree angle. Push back up to the starting position and repeat. Incorporating this exercise into your routine, with three sets of 12-15 repetitions a few times per week, can yield noticeable results. However, exercise alone isn't enough; nutrition plays a critical role in achieving a toned physique. Focus on a balanced diet rich in lean proteins, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates, while maintaining a caloric deficit to shed excess fat. Also, staying hydrated and getting adequate sleep are essential for muscle recovery and growth. By combining targeted exercises like tricep dips with a nutritious diet and a healthy lifestyle, you'll be on your way to transforming those flabby arms into strong, sculpted ones in no time.

00:00As we get older, we start developing this flabby arm type of condition, but guess what?
00:08You can beat that, and I want to go over some important things with you.
00:11I'm going to show you one exercise I'll show you for a beginner, a semi-intermediate or
00:17even advanced, as well as an additional exercise that's going to help build these tricep muscles.
00:24As these muscles start to develop, you're going to see less flabby arms, but there's
00:28a few important things we need to understand.
00:31Number one is diet.
00:33If you're eating too many excessive carbs, too many calories, that will cause excessive
00:41Obviously, if you have too much fat, you're going to have flabby skin, not only in your
00:44arms, but other areas as well, visceral fat as well.
00:47We know that aerobic exercise, walking, swimming, riding a bike is good for us, but calorie
00:54deficit is extremely important, so that's number one.
00:58Number two, when we lose weight, if we're not getting enough protein in our diet, that
01:03protein, those amino acids, is needed to develop and strengthen and rebuild those muscles.
01:10You see, when we exercise, we are breaking down muscle, but as we break it down, the
01:15body repairs it, so it needs those amino acids within those proteins to allow that muscle
01:20to get stronger.
01:21What we're going to do today is we're going to help strengthen those muscles.
01:25I'm going to give you some simple tips, easy things.
01:28What I love about this, we could do it on the couch or against a wall.
01:33No weights, no money, no coaches, something very, very simple, but I want to stress to
01:41you, eating a healthy diet, cutting out refined processed foods, trans fats, too many saturated
01:48fats, eating our healthy fruits and vegetables, our legumes, our healthy proteins, chicken,
01:54fish, whatever kind of meat you like, it's okay, but you need to understand that if you're
01:59eating too many excessive calories, it gets converted to fat, and the key thing is a good
02:05diet will definitely help along with what I'm about to share with you.
02:10I love this technique so much because it's so easy.
02:13We can do it when we watch TV, we can do it when we're chatting with our family, all you
02:18need is a couch or some type of sofa, and we can then start getting results.
02:26Let's start with the beginner.
02:27Yes, we must have resistive training, resistive exercise, resistive tension on that muscle
02:33called our triceps.
02:35You see, when these triceps get flabby, there's still muscle there, but remember that muscle
02:41is a metabolic burner, so as you strengthen muscle, as it builds, it will start to burn
02:46more within your body.
02:47Your caloric burning is going to increase your thermogenesis, and you're going to lose
02:52that excess fat as well as build that muscle that we're achieving right now.
02:58Let's put our hands right next to our thighs, sit in the middle of the couch, and here's
03:04what I want you to do.
03:06You're just going to lean back, and if your couch, like where my depth of my couch is,
03:10lean back just to the point to where your elbows are hitting the back of the couch.
03:14Now, just like you're getting up, here's what you're going to do.
03:17You're going to push up as you're getting up.
03:20That's it.
03:21And by this little motion, leaning back and pushing back up, I just want you to do it
03:25with me.
03:27Just lean back, keep your hands down, and push up, okay?
03:30Just like you're pushing up off a couch to get up.
03:32These little pushes are excellent for our triceps, just go back to where your elbows
03:37can't go back anymore, my elbows are bent, and push up, extend your arms, then bend your
03:42elbows again, go back to the couch, and push up again, and let me tell you something, just
03:47those few, I'm feeling it right now, push up again, and you can do these a good few
03:53sets, 12, 15 repetitions, two to three sets.
03:57If you can only do one set, that's okay.
04:00You'll get stronger as the days and weeks go ahead.
04:03That's for the early beginner, but here's another good early beginner one as well.
04:08This time I want you to sit up to the front of the couch, put your hands next to your
04:13body like this, and this is all I want you to do.
04:17I want you just to go a little more forward on the couch, make sure your buttock stays
04:22on it, you're not going to come off of it, and you're going to go just to where you feel
04:27the muscles start to contract, okay?
04:30You'll know what I'm talking about.
04:31Let me start again.
04:33Hands next to your thighs on the couch, I'm pushing myself off the couch, my buttocks
04:41is on, but right now, they're firing.
04:43Right now they're firing.
04:44This is called isometric.
04:47Isometric exercise is there's no movement, but you have excessive contraction in these
04:52muscles right now, okay?
04:55If I hold it like this, and I'm coming off, it's squeezing, otherwise I fall off the couch.
05:01As we squeeze it, we're going to hold that squeeze about 15, 20 seconds.
05:06I'm sweating.
05:08Now we can come back, rest a couple seconds, hold on, scoot forward, and right now they're
05:14contracting again, that isometric.
05:18Extremely good for the triceps.
05:19You're going to say, wow, I really feel that.
05:23No weights, it's simple.
05:26Come back again, lean forward, just to where you feel like you're coming off, and hold
05:32it in this position right there, 15 seconds.
05:34If you can't hold it 15, do it 10, do it five seconds, do your best.
05:38But shoot for several repetitions, the best you can, a couple sets.
05:43If you can get 10 to 15, it's great, and that's all you'll do.
05:47Now when you break down a muscle, we want it to heal.
05:52If you notice that you're really using that muscle and it hurts, do the exercise every
05:56other day.
05:57You give it that 48 hours of healing.
06:00Let's move on to the more intermediate now.
06:03Same thing.
06:04As we go forward, we're going to keep going forward until our buttocks just comes off.
06:10Now I'm off.
06:11Guess what?
06:12We either can stay in this position, isometric exercise, or we can push ourselves back up,
06:18just like this, and you can use your feet a little bit if you have to.
06:22You come back down, just enough to where you're feeling it really tighten up on you, and then
06:27after a few seconds, three, four seconds, push back up, and that is the full exercise.
06:34As you come back down, it's contracting, and you can challenge yourself.
06:38You can hold it longer.
06:39You can hold it 10 seconds, 15 seconds, 20 seconds, and do less repetitions, and then
06:44push yourself back up.
06:46So let's go to the more advanced version.
06:50Yes, you've already guessed it.
06:53We're going to go down farther.
06:55So by going down farther, we're putting it through what we call an isotonic, just like
07:00the other one was because there's movement in the joint, but the more mobility we get
07:04in there, the harder it gets.
07:05So as you become more advanced, again, hands by your side, you're bringing your feet forward
07:12little by little as you drop down like this.
07:16You can hold it there, but guess what?
07:17When you push up, you have a lot to push up here, pushing up.
07:22You go back down again.
07:24You can hold it a couple seconds.
07:25The muscles are firing, and push up again.
07:29There's not a better exercise.
07:31You're going to do it again.
07:33Go all the way down.
07:34You can challenge yourself.
07:35You can hold it longer, and then push up.
07:39And for the many of you who have never lifted weights, that's okay.
07:44All you need is a wall.
07:45It's that simple.
07:46I want to make sure you have shoe wear on so you don't slip.
07:49You're going to walk up against the wall.
07:51Keep your elbows 90 degrees like this.
07:53What you're going to do is you're going to put your hands up on the wall like this, and
07:57you're going to traction your feet further back as you're just leaning against your arms
08:01like that.
08:02That's right.
08:03Now what I want you to do is put pressure on your hands, and push away.
08:07These triceps are working, and then come back again, and push away.
08:12Go nice and slow.
08:14If you want more traction, you lean a little bit further backwards with your feet, and
08:18you come into the wall, and you go a little slower.
08:21You can see the back of my arms.
08:23They're shivering because I'm using those muscles.
08:27Let me tell you something.
08:28I am sweating.
08:30You will sweat as well.
08:31That's excellent.
08:32That's how you know you're doing this correctly.
08:36In summary, please devote yourself.
08:40This is called repetition, something that you're going to make a change right now.
08:45If you want your arms to get toned and tight, as well as burning those excessive calories,
08:52eating healthy, now is the time to do it.
08:55It's the best time.
08:58Start doing these little exercises.
09:01Do them at home.
09:02You will see within a week, two weeks, and one month, tremendous changes.
09:09I hope it helps you, your family, and loved ones.
09:12Please leave your comments below, and most important, make it a great day.
09:17I'm Dr. Alan Mandel.
