The Legend of the Blue Sea S01 E20 WebRip 720p Hindi AAC 2.0 x264 - Vegamovies.NL

  • 2 days ago
00:30He will not die, will he? He has vomited for the 7th time.
00:49He will come out of death with a trick, but he will not die.
00:53Tell me, how did you drink alcohol with him?
00:56He said that it is very important to learn to drink alcohol.
00:59Then you should have come to me.
01:01But John Jay said that you are a scoundrel and you become more of a scoundrel when you are drunk.
01:06Yes, this is true. I only taught John Jay to drink. He is a very good student of mine.
01:18By the way, do people lie after drinking or speak the truth?
01:23You can say 50-50.
01:25John Jay is a liar. Everything is a lie.
01:30Talking to him when he is drunk does not affect him as much as he normally talks.
01:39I understood.
01:43What happened? What did he say to you?
01:45Tell me, what did John Jay say to you?
01:49I have an appointment with Jinju's vet today.
01:51Okay, so now the game starts.
01:55Hello, ma'am.
01:56Welcome back, Bella.
02:00Look at her. She is shaking her head.
02:03Maybe because she loves you a lot.
02:05No, then she would have smiled like me and she wouldn't have cared about people.
02:09But today she has become a little weird.
02:11She doesn't behave well.
02:13Maybe she has some emotional problem.
02:15No, I don't think so.
02:17I don't think so either.
02:19I don't think so either.
02:21I don't think so either.
02:23She doesn't behave well.
02:24Maybe she has some emotional problem.
02:26I think she never behaved like this before.
02:28What do you say?
02:31I will write the name in the list.
02:33Did Gobek's dad visit?
02:37He is also here.
02:41Hey, here he is.
02:44How are you?
02:45I haven't seen you for a long time.
02:47I am sorry. The schedule is very tough these days.
02:50Gobek has become the class president.
02:53Yes, he has left all his friends behind.
02:55And he has started doing the washroom in the toilet.
02:57And all the teachers have liked his behavior.
03:00Other dogs' moms have asked me to buy treats.
03:02So I have come here to buy dog gum.
03:06He is behaving very well.
03:08This is such a good thing.
03:12Whenever someone talks too much, he barks at him.
03:15After all, he has become the president.
03:17Yes, I can understand.
03:20So, have you talked to CEO Kim Jae about me?
03:25Yes, I did talk to him about you.
03:30But I think it will be very difficult.
03:32But why?
03:33His meeting schedule is very busy.
03:36And the free time he gets, he goes to Japan with his fiancée to eat sushi.
03:41You said you like home food.
03:43So why did he go to eat sushi?
03:45I am sorry. I requested him a lot.
03:47But I think it will be difficult.
03:49That's why I have asked you for a favor.
03:51We have worked very hard to save money.
03:54We want to invest in safe hands.
03:56You understand this, right?
03:59So what should I do?
04:02And take this.
04:03What is this?
04:04Keep it. Keep it.
04:05No, no, no.
04:06This is for Gobek.
04:08This is dog food.
04:09My friend has made this.
04:10That too from the sweet potatoes and sesame seeds at home.
04:13And you won't find this anywhere.
04:15Yes, I will tell you.
04:16Keep it. Keep it.
04:17It's for the dog.
04:18He will eat it.
04:19He will like it.
04:20Thank you very much.
04:22Okay, then I will wait for your call to hear the good news.
04:30I told you, right?
04:31He is a trickster.
04:32If he was a trickster, why would he refuse me?
04:35This is his trick.
04:39Listen to me.
04:41I don't want to disturb you, but it's important.
04:43What happened?
04:44When you keep dirty clothes,
04:46keep the clothes in this basket and the undergarments in this basket.
04:49My work increases unnecessarily.
04:54Listen to me.
04:56There is a lot of work.
04:58Maybe that's why I have kept you here.
05:03Yes, you are right.
05:05But if you do this, my work will be easier.
05:11I am trying to make you understand something.
05:14Do you know who the owner of this house is?
05:17Are you my mother-in-law?
05:20I think I am living in my in-laws' house.
05:23I didn't mean that.
05:26And anyway, I will never like you to be my daughter-in-law.
05:32Won't you throw him out even after hearing all this?
05:36Hey, if I throw him out,
05:38who will cook for the dinner party?
05:41I can't throw him out.
05:43You know how good food he cooks.
05:46He also has a son.
05:49I pity his future daughter-in-law.
05:51Oh God!
05:56These people have got my house
05:58to fight.
06:00They always fight.
06:09How is Gubek's father?
06:14What are you saying?
06:15He has really agreed.
06:19Thank you very much.
06:21Oh God!
06:23So tell me, when is the meeting?
06:27Jaan! Jaan!
06:30Which one?
06:31This one or the one you wore earlier?
06:33This one or the one you wore earlier?
06:35Is this one different from the previous one?
06:39Leave it.
06:40Leave it.
06:42Look at this.
06:44Look, look.
06:46What do you think?
06:47It's shiny.
06:48And the red color looks so good.
06:50Isn't it?
06:52According to the dinner party,
06:54I don't think this is appropriate.
06:55It looks useless.
07:00It looks useless?
07:02You can wear whatever you want, madam.
07:07How is this?
07:09This looks good.
07:10Isn't it?
07:11What do you say?
07:13I think this is too dark.
07:18Look, madam.
07:19You can wear whatever you want.
07:25How is this?
07:28This is much better.
07:29Is this good?
07:30Thank God.
07:32It's acceptable.
07:34But please don't wear any jewelry with this.
07:37Something small and delicate should be there with this.
07:42Okay, I'll wear a bracelet.
07:44Bracelet will be too much.
07:46I think necklace will look better.
07:50Whatever you like.
07:55Why do I feel that I'm dancing to his tunes?
08:00But sometimes she's not wrong.
08:02It's a good thing.
08:04When will my guests come?
08:07I'm waiting.
08:10Yes, as I told you earlier.
08:14There's no money.
08:15He's just doing business there.
08:16Why are you wearing such a stupid dress?
08:19Go and wear a decent dress.
08:21Go and change.
08:23Hurry up.
08:24That's why it's important to give dinner invitation
08:25instead of going to the restaurant.
08:26Why don't you understand?
08:27What a stupid dress you were wearing.
08:29I've arranged this meeting with great difficulty.
08:31Do you understand?
08:33We don't have to say from the beginning
08:35that we want to invest money.
08:38We just have to ask them how they're doing.
08:40Do you understand what I'm saying?
08:44Chashia said that they might be frauds.
08:48I'm worried about that.
08:51Your sister knows a lot.
08:53She's stupid.
08:54She keeps talking about old things in the lab.
08:57What does she know?
08:58Answer me.
08:59Why are you quiet?
09:00Tell me.
09:01You're right.
09:02I'm just saying that
09:04you shouldn't investigate in front of her.
09:06Do you understand?
09:07Otherwise, it'll be very bad.
09:09Why would I say that in front of her?
09:11Tell me.
09:13Where's Chashia?
09:15She's not coming?
09:16She's in the lab.
09:17She'll come after finishing her work.
09:19How did she come so late?
09:28Come on.
09:42Don't take my name even by mistake.
09:44John Jay?
09:45What did I tell you?
09:46Listen to me carefully for the last time.
09:48My name is Kim Jay.
09:50Why can't I take your name?
09:52Just think of it as a business.
09:55Shut your mouth.
09:56I'm saving my life.
10:08Hurry up.
10:09Madam, your guests are outside.
10:11Can I bring them in?
10:13We'll go.
10:16Hurry up.
10:19Come on.
10:24Hello, how are you?
10:26Come in.
10:27I've got this for you.
10:28A small gift for you.
10:29Thank you so much.
10:31Please come in.
10:34Hello, madam.
10:37It's quite cold today, isn't it?
10:41I mean, we've met before.
10:45When Yuna and Elizabeth had a fight.
10:49Look, we've met again.
10:51Elizabeth, say hello.
10:53Hello, aunty.
10:55Hello. Don't fight with Yuna anymore.
10:57She's my favourite friend.
10:59You don't have to say that.
11:02I've already explained it to her.
11:04She won't do that again.
11:06Who's your best friend, dear?
11:08Tell me. It's Yuna, right?
11:11People say that friendship after a fight is the best.
11:18I was saying that it's quite cold today.
11:22It's quite cold these days, isn't it?
11:24Please come in.
11:26Please come in. We'll show you our hospitality.
11:32I'm Cha Dong Shik.
11:33I'm Kim's manager as long as he's here.
11:36It's a pleasure to meet you.
11:41This is my Japanese business card.
11:43I'm usually there.
11:46Please give it to me.
11:47It's a pleasure to meet you too.
11:54What's the matter?
11:55Can you get me a drink on your way back?
11:58I forgot to call my maid.
11:59But I'm already home.
12:18Hello. I'm the secretary of King's Jungle.
12:21Hello. I'm the secretary of King's Jungle.
12:24I'm from King's Jungle Investment Japanese branch.
12:27How can I help you?
12:28You can speak Urdu?
12:31Is CEO Kim there right now?
12:34He's on a business trip to South Korea.
12:37You can let me know if you need anything.
12:40It's okay. I'll call you later.
12:47Listen. The food is ready.
12:49Is everything ready?
12:50It's good, right?
12:51I thought we'd eat what we normally eat.
12:54That's great.
12:56We can buy the best food in the world.
12:59What we need today is love.
13:01That's it.
13:04No, I'll take it.
13:13Well, I don't think it's of much value.
13:17A place like Manhattan, where it's hard to get property,
13:19would be the best.
13:20It's not easy to get land there.
13:22And you must have heard about supply and demand.
13:24And when demand is high, the value increases automatically.
13:28I understand.
13:29We're also very interested in the property business.
13:32Today, you'll only talk about this and that.
13:34Nothing else.
13:36When you get to know each other, you'll go into details and talk.
13:41Why not? Of course.
13:43I was just a little excited.
13:44You two make a beautiful couple.
13:46So, when are you getting married?
13:51Very soon.
13:52Next year, we'll get married in Dubai or Europe.
13:55Wow! That's so romantic.
14:00You're so excited.
14:06Oh, here.
14:08I made this today. Try the fish.
14:11And today, I got fresh seeds and mixed them in the salad.
14:13Please try it.
14:17And this...
14:18This cake is made with fish.
14:21It's a good recipe.
14:23Please try it.
14:24You'll love it. I'm telling you.
14:26I make really good food.
14:32This is really delicious.
14:34Just like my mother used to make it when I was a kid.
14:37Is that so?
14:40I'm so happy to hear that.
14:42Listen, make more egg rolls for us.
14:55To be honest, I'm really happy to meet you guys.
14:59Put it here.
15:01Here, enjoy.
15:03Whenever you're in the mood to eat, just give me a call.
15:06I'll bring it to your office and serve it to you.
15:13Try this.
15:14Yes, I will.
15:24Where did she come from?
15:31How are you?
15:33What are you doing here?
15:34You tell me.
15:36This is my house.
15:39That's why I came here.
15:41Did you know my address?
15:43Yes, I want to talk to you.
15:48We can talk later.
15:49We have guests. Is it necessary?
15:51What's the matter?
15:54Get out of here. I'm going inside.
15:57I love you, auntie.
16:04So, when did you fall in love?
16:09Anyway, love is not like a machine.
16:12Am I right?
16:14When there's a lot of pressure and love,
16:17and you know that I love John Jay.
16:22And when he's around,
16:26nothing can happen.
16:40Hey, silly.
16:41Get up.
16:43Is it a crime to fall in love?
16:47Oh, look at you. You're so sad.
16:51What do I do?
16:54Are you feeling better now?
16:58Can I go now?
17:02What else can I do?
17:05I only love John Jay.
17:08Oh, I'm so sad.
17:11When did you fall in love with me?
17:16I could never notice your feelings.
17:19I could never notice your feelings.
17:23Why did I...
17:26I'm probably your best friend.
17:31I had a little doubt at first.
17:35It's a sad thing.
17:37Are you okay?
17:38Mr. Kim is very busy, believe me.
17:41He has no time since he came here.
17:43So, how did you meet?
17:44You're right.
17:47I'm glad you guys came to eat with us.
17:53Sir, excuse me.
17:56We have to leave now. Chashi is here.
18:01I'm sorry, but we have some important work to do.
18:05So soon?
18:06Did we make a mistake?
18:08No, not at all.
18:10I'll call you later.
18:11No, you can't leave like this.
18:14Listen, we need to talk to you.
18:16Mr. Kim, please listen to us.
18:34How is this possible?
18:37You should've checked his background.
18:40We were about to get caught.
18:42How would I know if you didn't mention my sister-in-law?
18:46I didn't even think about it.
18:48We were about to get caught.
18:53Who got caught?
18:55No one.
18:58Who was about to get caught?
19:01What was going to happen?
19:06John Jay, you're a bad artist.
19:13I'm a bad artist too.
19:15And if John Jay finds out, he'll start hating me.
19:21He'll leave me.
19:28It's normal to have ups and downs during work.
19:34Tell me, why are you staring at me? What's wrong?
19:38It was a lie, wasn't it?
19:42Yes, I lied to you.
19:46I make money by cheating people.
19:50Did you hear that?
19:53This is my job.
19:55What are you saying?
19:56This is my secret.
19:59John Jay...
20:00What's your secret?
20:03I have a secret.
20:13That I'm different from humans.
20:17I'm a water fairy.
20:33Why are you staring at each other?
20:36Let's go and rest for a while.
20:38If you find out who I am, you'll get hurt by this fear.
20:43And you'll leave me.
20:45That's why I'm trying my best to hide the truth.
20:51Hello, Chiyon, John Jay.
20:53Stop it.
20:54I don't like you guys today.
20:56I don't like you guys.
20:58I don't like you guys.
21:01I don't like you guys today.
21:17Did you hear what he said?
21:19About getting caught?
21:22Then, about which artist?
21:24No, not about that either.
21:26Then, did anyone say anything else?
21:28No one said anything else.
21:58I have a secret.
22:01That I'm different from humans.
22:04I'm a...
22:06Water fairy.
22:10When I saw Guldaan's drawing...
22:14I thought...
22:16I thought...
22:18I thought...
22:20I thought...
22:22I thought...
22:24I thought...
22:27I thought...
22:29I thought...
22:31I thought...
22:33I thought...
22:35I thought...
22:37I thought...
22:39I thought...
22:41I thought...
22:43I thought...
22:45I thought...
22:47I thought...
22:49I thought...
22:51I thought...
22:53I thought...
22:55I thought...
23:03Where did she go?
23:15Everything will be repeated.
23:20Have you heard about that water fairy?
23:25Kim Damryong.
23:27The Sardar of the Himkuk district, whom I told you about.
23:30Today is a very happy day for everyone.
23:33A new Sardar has arrived.
23:35I'm thinking that...
23:37I should show everyone a very unique thing today.
23:40I saw a dream.
23:42In that dream,
23:44I was in a strange and poor world.
23:48You were also there.
23:52Look at this man's clothes.
23:55These are the clothes of the modern era.
23:57The painter must have seen the future.
23:59And the one who saw the water fairy...
24:01He must be so lucky.
24:15The past will repeat itself.
24:17Whatever happened in my world,
24:19will happen in your world too.
24:21Good and bad, everything.
24:25Protect that woman.
24:27From that man.
24:29Save her.
24:39Many centuries ago,
24:41a boy fell in love with a water fairy.
24:46She used to hear her voice.
24:48She often used to say,
24:50Save me, John Jay.
24:52I'm different from the rest.
24:55He will start hating me.
24:57And maybe even leave me.
24:59Don't come here, John Jay.
25:01But there was one thing that he was unaware of.
25:05That water fairies have such a special power.
25:11They can kiss anyone,
25:13and kill all their memories.
25:17That water fairy,
25:19who was like a wave in the sea,
25:21died from that boy's life.
25:25If I can walk to the horizon of the sea,
25:32I won't let go of your hand.
25:40I'm afraid that I'll be erased
25:48I'm afraid that I'll be erased
25:55If I can walk to the horizon of the sea,
26:06I won't let go of your hand.
26:12I love you.
26:18I love you.
26:48I love you.
