Deathstalker II (1987)

  • 2 days ago
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00:00:19So where she keeps it
00:02:00Come on come on, yeah, I'll have my revenge and Deathstalker 2
00:03:52Quiet or you'll eat steel for dinner
00:03:55You've eaten everything else shut up you little wench this town's got no room for beggars I
00:04:03Am NOT a beggar. I'm a seer even the king knows that all too well girl
00:04:08You're lucky to get away with your life
00:04:10Look his highness asked for a prophecy and that's what he got
00:04:13In my kingdom a man would delight to learn his wife would sue me with child, but not by another man a Marco
00:04:20I see him good or bad
00:04:23Even I can predict what's gonna happen to you. Give me a break
00:04:26How's an oracle supposed to make a living the king wants you off the castle grounds now?
00:04:31You can't treat me like this. I'm a princess
00:04:34Right, right, and I'm Merlin the magician. Yeah, I'll be off with you princess of beggars
00:04:41You'll be sorry. You're the one that's gonna be sorry. Let's get her
00:04:52The hell are you
00:04:55Ordinarily, I don't mind seeing a woman get a good beating if she deserves it. Yeah
00:04:59But this doesn't look like much of a contest to me. You picked the wrong town to stop in stranger
00:05:05He's gonna stop here permanent. You know who we are
00:05:11Village idiot the two runners up
00:05:28Take it easy, I don't even know these guys
00:06:44No, I got a nice big room upstairs
00:06:53Need to talk to you line forms. All right, you gotta help me one rescue a day. That's my policy
00:07:02It's a matter of life and death
00:07:04Do the words walk east till your hat floats mean anything to you? Hey you princess. I thought we told you to get out of town
00:10:47You're good
00:10:48Helps in my line of work. What line of work is that? Oh
00:10:53I like to call it the wealth redistribution business. Oh, so you robbed from the rich and give to the poor
00:10:58No, I robbed from the rich and pretty much keep it. Do you think we'd lost him?
00:11:04You got to get up pretty early in the morning to catch the Prince of Thieves
00:11:09It is pretty early in the morning
00:11:43Yeah, I think we finally lost them
00:11:49Starving here just a second. I haven't had a thing to eat since last night of the booze
00:11:58Here try it it's my specialty Oh specialty, huh?
00:12:04Like it
00:12:06Mm-hmm. Good very good. Um, awesome water to please
00:12:14Thank you, that was great great boy. You must have really been hungry. Mm-hmm more. Oh, no
00:12:22Couldn't eat another bite couldn't eat another bite. I know it kind of messed things up for you before
00:12:31Just struck me funny
00:12:33But I'm willing to make it up to you. I'm listening. I can tell your future
00:12:37No, really, I'm a seer. It's a gift. I've had since childhood
00:12:42Okay, things can't get much worse. I guess shoot
00:12:47Spirits of tomorrow hear my call
00:12:54I want to keep that to a minimum. I see you embarking on a heroic quest
00:12:59It shall become legend and storytellers shall recount your many accomplishments
00:13:04It shall become legend and
00:13:06Storytellers shall recount your many exploits down through the ages. Well, I sure hope they get my name right an image is coming to me
00:13:14Yes, I see. It's so clear a young woman
00:13:19No a princess a princess. She rich. She's calling to you
00:13:25Help me help me Deathstalker. Only you can save me. She's in trouble
00:13:32Oh big trouble a matter of life or death
00:13:38What I see someone else
00:13:40dark and evil
00:13:42This is bad. This is real bad. The princess is being imprisoned by jerak an evil sorcerer
00:13:50Are there any other kind?
00:13:52He's also a great swordsman
00:13:54even greater than Deathstalker
00:13:57Better than me wait
00:13:59He's laughing at you
00:14:01Come and get me Deathstalker if you dare
00:14:05What the sorcerer where do I find him in the land of?
00:14:10Where the hell is that?
00:14:12Oh, it's a long and perilous journey. Oh figures many dangers witches dragons ogres must cut down on the tourist trade
00:14:20You shall confront them all emerge victorious and reap a fabulous reward
00:14:26The all-seeing eye never lies
00:14:28Ha ha ha and this is gonna get me into the legends right up there with conan. Oh
00:14:41You all right?
00:14:43Yes. Well, what about the reward when I know more you know more?
00:14:47Well that settles it then i'm out of here
00:14:50Where are you going?
00:14:52Let's go
00:14:53I'm, not getting any younger, you know go
00:14:56To jafir now you got it sis. Wait a minute. Well, wait a minute
00:15:03There's still more soup
00:15:26Have you found the princess yet i'm working on it she won't get far
00:15:31You should have never let her escape she might come back and take the throne
00:15:37A way of pretending to be a princess who would believe it. Why don't you just kill her?
00:15:46Evie darling we've gone over this a dozen times before
00:15:52I created you from the original soul of the princess an exact duplicate in all respects
00:15:58Unfortunately, I haven't had time to work out the bugs
00:16:04In other words if she dies
00:16:07You die
00:16:09But once i've made a few minor adjustments in the formula I can duplicate anyone then eliminate the original now, my dear
00:16:16Please run along these brief practice sessions are the only leisure I allow myself
00:16:21And I enjoy them so much more alone
00:16:27I'll be in my chamber waiting as you wish my dear as you wish
00:16:41You know how I hate standing in line
00:16:44You look marvelous
00:16:46Lovely as a rose we can dispense with the pleasantries if you don't mind
00:16:50After what you've done to me i'd hardly call this visit a pleasure. Whatever. Do you mean my dear?
00:16:55You never would have been able to put that little blonde bitch of yours up on the throne without my help
00:17:00Let alone get rid of the real one. You were paid handsomely. I did not come here to bicker with you. Jerak, my dear
00:17:07I have a proposition for you. You wish to have the princess evie returned to you
00:17:12I wish to settle a score with a certain varlet who is escorting her back here
00:17:16I have a man shadowing them now doubtless. You'll remember chin the buccaneer
00:17:20Chin the one eye the man's a second-rate amateur in any event. He will assist him
00:17:26Evie is mine and the meddler death stalker
00:17:31death stalker
00:17:33Oh very well, he's yours. Enjoy done
00:17:36Always a pleasure sultana. Likewise. I'm sure next
00:17:40Likewise i'm sure next
00:18:11Which way oh mighty oracle, why did they call you the prince of thieves?
00:18:17Some of the best but you're not a real prince which way
00:18:21the west road
00:18:23Are you sure? Absolutely. The crystal ball never lets me down the west road
00:18:29You sure about that?
00:18:31West road
00:18:34If you had the chance to marry a real princess would you do it? No, I wouldn't why not because being
00:18:40A princess brings out the worst in a woman always whining and pouting and acting like a spoiled little brat
00:18:45They don't get their own way
00:19:02Give it to me chin. What do you got?
00:19:04Death stalkers is good has in the grave. Look sailor. Don't carve a tombstone. So readily
00:19:10He has as many lives as a cat and remember the last one belongs to me
00:19:16If he's made of flesh and blood he can die never underestimate the strength of an enemy
00:19:22Especially an accomplished fighter like stalker you telling me how to do my job sultana
00:19:27Just giving you some friendly advice. Well, keep it to yourself. I'll bring stalker to you on a platter
00:19:33Like a piece of raw meat. Oh, yeah. Yeah, i've got just the butchers to do it
00:19:40Say hello to crazy auto reingold the mad prussian solely responsible for the lemurian massacres that killed hundreds and left thousands homeless
00:19:48I'm sure you recognize ed the hedge shemansky five years on the genghis khan strike force part-time consultant to attila the han
00:19:55Next john the baptist bombasto drowning's a specialty
00:20:00Beside him nick the crippler of cashmere. I think his name says it all
00:20:05And last but not least a real find buddy footstool. Rosa only recently dismissed by ivan the terrible for excessive brutality
00:20:17Still skeptical you bet I am
00:20:21Suit yourself
00:20:23Come on boys
00:20:29Let's go
00:20:33Okay, men let him have it
00:20:43Close man, but don't kill not yet
00:21:29I think we better find another way. Oh, really you think so west road, right?
00:21:47Who are they you tell me you're the seer well, they're trying to kill us somebody give the lady a cigar
00:21:55Look if they were trying to kill us they could have done it way back down the road
00:21:58No, they're they're after something
00:22:00You sure you're telling me everything. I told you it was going to be a long and perilous journey, didn't I?
00:22:05Yeah, yeah witches ogres all that bad stuff
00:22:14You and your visions
00:22:19Maybe these would come in handy
00:22:22Where are you going just stay put I want to help done plenty already
00:22:35That'll be fine boys save your arrows
00:23:59Stalker stalker
00:24:35Throw your sword down or i'll cut her pretty little throat go ahead. Got it you rat
00:24:48You were gonna let him kill me now would I do a thing like that
00:24:54Come on let's go find that horse and get the hell out of here
00:24:58And uh, would you mind taking that knife out of that guy for me? It's the only one I got left
00:25:07Wait a minute, what do you want?
00:25:14No, you wouldn't do that
00:25:23Ah, you're back minus the fearless five
00:25:27You should have listened to me you want a bitch bitch to jarek. I'm calling him right now
00:25:47What news have you bad news lord jarek, I hate bad news it spoils my day I got an idea
00:25:54Come close
00:25:57I'll kill that son of a bitch if it kills me you may rest assured that it will
00:26:20So long sailor
00:26:37Well, look what we have here
00:26:51I still don't understand why you want to break in there because we're broke. That's why what's that got to do with anything?
00:26:59That's a family mausoleum
00:27:01There are probably
00:27:03More jewels in there than we could carry out
00:27:07You're about to become a very rich woman
00:27:10I was just starting to enjoy poverty. Come on. Where's your sense of adventure?
00:27:14This is an adventure. It's just damn scary. Yeah, but uh when legend's told I want people to think we face this bravely
00:27:24When the legend's told nobody's gonna believe we were this stupid
00:27:30Stalker, huh? I heard somewhere it was bad luck to walk over graves. I heard it was only the open ones
00:27:37Wait a minute
00:27:39I just remembered my hut. I left the door unlocked. We gotta go back
00:27:45You don't have a door
00:27:46I don't oh
00:27:48Oh, yeah
00:27:52What was that
00:27:55The wind it should get oiled it came from in there
00:28:01You bet it did
00:28:03Stalker you're not really going in there
00:28:13Don't go in there. It's dark. Look relax, will you?
00:28:22Well, come on in what are you waiting for? Oh, come on, it's a little smelly but what could happen?
00:29:16You know
00:29:18Grave robbing is not only morally repulsive
00:29:21But I believe it carries a rather stiff penalty in these parts
00:29:25Who the hell are you?
00:29:27Forgive me for not introducing myself properly, but I assumed a person with even your limited deductive powers could have guessed
00:30:04Get out here
00:30:06Stalker get out here
00:30:07I'd offer you my hand sir, but it's both tiring and inconvenient to be at two places at once
00:30:14Even for a sorcerer. So if you'll be so good as to excuse me
00:30:18I have a rather pressing engagement to attend to and oh, by the way, i've arranged one for you as well
00:30:38The old crushing wall routine, huh, you couldn't do better than this
00:31:09God, I'm gonna see her lover around here someplace
00:32:14Gosh leave me alone for five minutes. Look what happens. Come on
00:32:20Come on i'm coming i'm coming
00:32:35Yeah, yeah, come on
00:32:53Yeah, don't you know another tune get out of here
00:33:06It's happening again
00:33:26Dinner is served your majesty
00:33:32You see the face on her too bad nice body though
00:33:46I won't bite
00:34:22You know, something funny's going on here.
00:34:25First, we get attacked by bandits.
00:34:27Then those damn zombies.
00:34:29What's next?
00:34:30Don't answer that.
00:34:33Every time, it's like they're waiting for us.
00:34:36It's Jarek guy.
00:34:37He's playing for keeps.
00:34:38I told you the path would be filled with perils.
00:34:41Yeah, yeah.
00:34:42We can forget the legend if we want to.
00:34:44There's still time to turn back.
00:34:46The ward's still open.
00:34:47We can't go back.
00:34:49If we want to.
00:34:50There's still time to turn back.
00:34:52The ward's still up for grabs, isn't it?
00:34:55Who said anything about turning back?
00:34:57Not me.
00:35:02Looks like you could use this.
00:35:05What are you going to use?
00:35:07The fire won't last but a few more minutes.
00:35:09I'll be all right.
00:35:11Are you sure?
00:35:12There's plenty of blanket here.
00:35:30Isn't it cozy?
00:35:32Yeah, I think so.
00:35:37Is that your sword or are you just happy to see me?
00:35:50Well, what's the old crystal ball say about this one?
00:35:54Just follow the road to Bagot,
00:35:56turn west at a tree that looks like a rock,
00:35:59where you cross a dry river bed
00:36:01where the water is most shallow.
00:36:04Dry river?
00:36:05Just, just follow the mountains.
00:36:08There ain't going to be any zombies or anything, are there?
00:36:10It's a clear road.
00:36:11No surprises.
00:36:13Let's go.
00:36:16There ain't going to be any zombies or anything, are there?
00:36:18It's a clear road.
00:36:19No surprises.
00:36:20No surprises.
00:36:21No surprises.
00:36:23No surprises?
00:36:25Some oracle you turned out to be.
00:36:27Three out of four's not bad.
00:36:29Why, I ought to...
00:36:37Rough crowd.
00:36:47Look, I...
00:36:49Let me do the talking.
00:36:51Now listen, I think there's been some mistake
00:36:54or maybe you haven't heard of me.
00:36:57Haven't we met before?
00:36:59No, no, no, no, no.
00:37:00I don't think so.
00:37:01I would have remembered.
00:37:03You look a lot like Evie of Joffre,
00:37:06the demon princess who raids our camps
00:37:08and burns our crops and steals our men.
00:37:12A princess?
00:37:14Do I look like a princess to you?
00:37:17My name is Rina.
00:37:19Rina the seer.
00:37:23Oh, yeah.
00:37:24Her name's Rina, all right.
00:37:25Rina the seer.
00:37:26Rina the lawyer.
00:37:28Oh, well.
00:37:29Maybe I've made a mistake.
00:37:31Well, now that we've cleared up this little misunderstanding
00:37:35and we're all friends again,
00:37:37maybe we could just be on our way.
00:37:41The girl may go,
00:37:44but not you,
00:37:48So you have heard of me.
00:37:50Oh, yes.
00:37:52Your legend precedes you.
00:37:54Your exploits as a womanizer are well known in these parts.
00:37:59Well, I am more of a lover than a fighter.
00:38:02I hope not.
00:38:05You'll be put on trial for your crimes against womanhood.
00:38:13By combat.
00:38:19I used to be able to do this great.
00:38:21How's it going?
00:38:22This is a farce.
00:38:23I can beat any of these women with my hands tied behind my back.
00:38:26That's the spirit.
00:38:27Come on, come on, let's get going.
00:38:29Let's get in the ring.
00:38:30Okay, okay.
00:38:31Stop shouting.
00:38:36Here it comes.
00:38:38According to our laws,
00:38:40we must settle all serious disputes in a trial by combat.
00:38:44Your opponent in this contest
00:38:48shall be none other than Gorgo,
00:38:51our fiercest warrior
00:38:54and my champion.
00:38:57Gorgo, Gorgo, Gorgo.
00:39:00I could beat her with my eyes closed.
00:39:03Gorgo, come on down.
00:39:07I'm taking candy from your baby.
00:39:09You name it.
00:39:10Did you see her?
00:39:12Will you?
00:39:14Shut up.
00:39:15I could beat her with my eyes closed.
00:39:17I think you should keep at least one eye open.
00:39:20What are you talking about?
00:39:22Gorgo, Gorgo, Gorgo.
00:39:27Gorgo, Gorgo, Gorgo.
00:39:31Gorgo, Gorgo, Gorgo.
00:39:35Gorgo, Gorgo, Gorgo.
00:39:39Gorgo, Gorgo, Gorgo.
00:39:43Gorgo, Gorgo, Gorgo.
00:39:50This is, of course, a fight to the death.
00:39:57No mercy.
00:40:00Well, may the best man...
00:40:06skip it.
00:40:09Let the fight begin.
00:40:16That's a nice outfit.
00:40:17Do you have to buy your clothes at a special store?
00:40:25Get out.
00:40:26All right, come on.
00:40:34Gorgo, Gorgo, Gorgo.
00:40:37Gorgo, Gorgo, Gorgo.
00:40:40Gorgo, Gorgo, Gorgo.
00:40:45Gorgo, Gorgo, Gorgo.
00:40:53And stay down.
00:40:58Come on.
00:41:15Here's what you gotta do.
00:41:17Stay away from her.
00:41:18Wear her out, run her down, then attack.
00:41:22If I'm still alive, I'll have her in five.
00:41:26Six, maybe.
00:41:28Seven at the outside.
00:41:31Go get it, tiger.
00:41:33Gorgo, Gorgo, Gorgo.
00:41:36Gorgo, Gorgo, Gorgo.
00:41:39Gorgo, Gorgo, Gorgo.
00:41:43Gorgo, Gorgo, Gorgo.
00:41:52Not the hair, not the hair.
00:41:58Anything but the hair.
00:42:01Gorgo, Gorgo, Gorgo.
00:42:05Get up, okay, come on.
00:42:09Could I have just one moment of your time?
00:42:34You're looking good out there, you're doing a good job.
00:42:39Keep it up, and don't let her get you with that run.
00:42:42You know, she may have her strength,
00:42:46I got the stamina.
00:42:49Go get her.
00:43:09Come on, Tim.
00:43:37This is what I wanna know!
00:43:39Putty in my hands. Putty in my hands.
00:44:10No! No!
00:44:28Get them! Get them!
00:44:39Get them! Get them!
00:44:59Kill her! Kill her!
00:45:01Kill her! Kill her!
00:45:03What are you doing?
00:45:05This is a fight to the death!
00:45:10You want to kill her?
00:45:12Do it yourself.
00:45:22That was incredible! You were great!
00:45:24Thanks, princess.
00:45:28Look, I know I haven't been completely on the level with you.
00:45:31Yeah, you can say that again.
00:45:33I can't believe I bought that whole bill of goods you tried to sell me.
00:45:36I bet you're not even a seer.
00:45:38Well, not a very good one.
00:45:40But I am a princess.
00:45:42Or I was.
00:45:44Jerk made a double of me, put her on the throne and seized the kingdom.
00:45:47That's good. That's rich.
00:45:50Try it on the next sap you meet.
00:45:52Look, I escaped, I needed help, and I didn't know whether you'd believe me.
00:45:56So you dangled fame and fortune in front of me like some kind of carrot?
00:45:59Didn't you think I might help you?
00:46:01Have you ever heard of honor among thieves?
00:46:03You mean you would have helped me without the money?
00:46:05I didn't say that!
00:46:08Look, begging your highness' pardon,
00:46:11but I'd rather be an obscure thief than a famous fool.
00:46:21I want her here, and I want her here now!
00:46:24Where the hell is she?
00:46:26Beauty, darling.
00:46:28I'm here!
00:46:29Wait, you're wrong.
00:46:30Well, that little witch is out there plotting against me!
00:46:33Beauty, darling.
00:46:36What do you want?
00:46:38I hate her! I hate her! I hate her!
00:46:41Why haven't you found her yet?
00:46:43Patience, my little lovebird. You needn't worry. I shall find her.
00:46:47You'll be pleased, though, I think, to learn that I have achieved
00:46:50what I believe to be a major breakthrough.
00:46:52I hope so.
00:46:54Every day I fade more and more.
00:46:56Soon I'll cease to exist.
00:46:58Come with me to my chamber.
00:47:00You shan't be disappointed.
00:47:02This better be good.
00:47:03I assure you, it will be good.
00:47:11In my hand, I hold the key to our success and happiness, my darling.
00:47:16The elixir.
00:47:18An elixir which will sever your ties to the real princess forever.
00:47:22Now for the moment of triumph.
00:47:25A work of art, don't you think?
00:47:27I duplicated him as I duplicated you.
00:47:29Now for the test.
00:47:34You may have the honor.
00:47:44It works!
00:47:47You've made me so happy.
00:47:54Drink this, and I'll let you go.
00:47:56No, no, no, no.
00:47:58No, no, no, no.
00:48:01Drink this, and our little princess is as good as dead.
00:48:05Thank you again.
00:48:23Have you ever seen Deathstalker?
00:48:31Have you seen Deathstalker?
00:48:39Have you seen Deathstalker?
00:48:40There he is.
00:49:10Shall we drink then to your magnificent battle tonight?
00:49:14And the magnificent battle yet to come.
00:49:19Which one's that?
00:49:27Your body's close to me,
00:49:29but your mind seems far away.
00:49:34Just wait here one minute.
00:49:39Don't go away.
00:49:47Stalker, just think.
00:49:51Our lovemaking tonight may spawn generations of leaders to come.
00:49:55The passion in our hearts will burn like a great central fire,
00:49:59melding our souls into a whirlpool of unending ecstasy.
00:50:04Sounds good to me.
00:50:06Tomorrow, my servant will awaken us at dawn.
00:50:09You've got to be kidding.
00:50:11After that fight, I was kind of looking forward to sleeping in.
00:50:13Oh, no, that's not possible.
00:50:15The ceremony traditionally is performed at daybreak.
00:50:19Ceremony? What ceremony?
00:50:21Our wedding ceremony.
00:50:26Oh, shit.
00:50:30Excuse me, have you seen the girl I was with?
00:50:32I think she left a half hour ago.
00:50:56I don't suppose you guys are hunters and I stepped into your bear trap.
00:51:01No, I didn't think so.
00:51:18Ah, now that you're up, Your Royal Highness,
00:51:21there are matters we need to discuss.
00:51:23You! You're the one who helped Jarek!
00:51:25In all the excitement, we never really did have a chance to sit down and talk.
00:51:29But now we can fix all that.
00:51:31Where's Deathstalker?
00:51:33Why should I tell you anything?
00:51:36I can think of lots of reasons.
00:51:39Here's one.
00:51:43I'll never talk!
00:51:45And do you know why?
00:51:47Jarek needs to keep me alive.
00:51:49You killed him.
00:51:51He needs to keep me alive.
00:51:53You kill me and you're as good as dead and you know it.
00:51:56Do you know that I could drop you, say, up to your waist
00:51:59and you'd still be very much alive?
00:52:01Now where is Deathstalker?
00:52:05Somebody looking for me?
00:52:08You came back!
00:52:09By popular demand.
00:52:10Get him!
00:52:21Ah! Ah!
00:52:40It's payback time, Stalker.
00:52:45I'm all for it, of course.
00:54:13What's the matter?
00:54:15Nothing. I just think there's a time and a place for everything.
00:54:18Well, the top half of you may think it's the wrong time,
00:54:21but the bottom half definitely knows it's the right place.
00:54:33Lord Jarek, we've recovered the body.
00:54:37Get her in here at once, fools.
00:54:39Will there be anything else, my lord?
00:54:41Out! Out!
00:54:42As you wish, my lord.
00:55:22Welcome back.
00:55:59Very interesting.
00:56:01Is there another way in?
00:56:03Of course.
00:56:12Where do these tunnels go?
00:56:14Under the castle.
00:56:17What was that?
00:56:18The wind.
00:56:23Friend of yours?
00:56:25Looks like he died with a gag in his mouth.
00:56:27Yeah, well, if he did, he never got a chance to tell it.
00:56:36Stalker, I've got a feeling...
00:56:38Don't say it. Just don't say it.
00:56:41Every time you have a vision, something bad happens.
00:56:46Get out of here! Get out of here!
00:56:52Hi, guys.
00:56:56Ah, Deathstalker.
00:56:58You needn't have come through the servants' entrance.
00:57:01I would have welcomed you through the front gates.
00:57:03Oh, I've seen your welcoming committee.
00:57:05You know, despite your rather silly name,
00:57:07I hear you're quite an extraordinary swordsman.
00:57:09Like a demonstration.
00:57:11Another time, perhaps.
00:57:12Oh, God, I've forgotten.
00:57:14There won't be another time.
00:57:15You see, I couldn't possibly attain my current position by playing fair.
00:57:20Kill him.
00:57:24He's mine!
00:57:27I thought you was dead.
00:57:29Not hardly.
00:57:31Well, I must say, you're looking better than ever.
00:57:33It's really great to be back here at the castle.
00:57:38Found her, boys!
00:57:47Poor girl fell off her horse.
00:57:49What can we do?
00:57:50Check her heart.
00:57:51Ha, ha, ha, ha.
00:58:10I think we're revived.
00:58:36Steady, Steady.
00:58:50Good evening, Devstalker.
00:58:52It doesn't look too good from here.
00:58:55Where is the little princess?
00:58:57You don't expect me to talk.
00:58:58No, no, no.
00:58:59I expect you to die.
00:59:02And I'm sorry to see you go.
00:59:05made a great team. There's still time. I'm afraid time's run out for you. Did you ever
00:59:12think about joining our side? Goodbye, Deathstalker. I should have stood in bed.
00:59:21Princess wants to see you. I think we're tough for our family for a long time.
00:59:42Most of my gentlemen callers bring flowers. Damn, my mistake. I must have given them
00:59:53the wrong princess. I don't want to shock you, but there's another girl running around
00:59:57here that's a dead ringer for you. That little harlot is nothing but a lying imposter. That's
01:00:02funny, because that's exactly what she said about you. Say, would you mind calling off
01:00:08your hogs here? Big laughs, these guys. Next time I see them, it's going to be on a plate
01:00:16next to some eggs. Don't you think I look like a princess? You dress like a princess.
01:00:24You walk like a princess. You kiss like a princess. But you sure don't act like a princess.
01:00:40Oh, and how's a princess supposed to act? I'm not sure, but I think you're starting
01:00:49to get a handle on it. I think so, too. Oh, I could just eat you alive. Bones and everything.
01:01:19I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
01:01:48I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
01:02:16I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
01:02:44I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
01:03:12I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
01:03:40I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
01:04:09What about we even up those odds considerably?
01:04:16Told you I had a surprise.
01:05:09I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I
01:05:42Where are you going?
01:06:11You owe me your life.
01:06:12I owe nothing to any man, even you.
01:06:13Good luck, but you're going to need it.
01:06:14Get out of my way.
01:06:15What is going on here?
01:06:16I have a splitting headache.
01:06:17I'm trying to get some sleep.
01:06:19Inside, inside.
01:06:20It's not over yet.
01:06:21You okay?
01:06:22I guess you are.
01:06:23Come on, we've got business to attend to.
01:06:24I'm sorry.
01:06:25I'm sorry.
01:06:26I'm sorry.
01:06:27I'm sorry.
01:06:28I'm sorry.
01:06:29I'm sorry.
01:06:30I'm sorry.
01:06:31I'm sorry.
01:06:32I'm sorry.
01:06:33I'm sorry.
01:06:34I'm sorry.
01:06:35I'm sorry.
01:06:36I'm sorry.
01:06:37I'm sorry.
01:06:38I'm sorry.
01:06:39I'm sorry.
01:06:40We've got business to attend to.
01:06:42How could you let this happen?
01:06:45You've ruined my life.
01:06:48I gave you your life.
01:06:51Now go to your chambers.
01:06:53I'll be there short.
01:07:08Throne room is that way.
01:07:10Where are you going?
01:07:11There's only room for one princess in this castle.
01:07:14What are you going to do?
01:07:15Can't tell you.
01:07:16Girl talk.
01:08:10You bitch.
01:08:31You bitch.
01:09:11Still ready for that demonstration?
01:09:13Spoken like a true gallant.
01:09:16And soon to be a legend.
01:09:18But not a living one.
01:12:44Don't know
01:13:01Yeah, I shall speak now, it's ought to be good come forward Deathstalker
01:13:17We've searched through the kingdom's coffers for some expression of our appreciation for your magnificent deeds
01:13:24And that is you're looking at it back. Oh
01:13:31You sure you made the right choice, I don't know let me consult my crystal ball, uh
01:13:37Don't be needing this anymore
01:13:41Really think our story's gonna make it into the legends. Oh more than that a thousand years from now players will reenact all our exploits
01:13:50Well, I sure hope they get a good-looking guy to play me
01:15:51Don't you think I look like a princess
01:15:55You dress like a princess I hate these friggin stairs, excuse me
01:16:31That's lunch 30 minutes