Al via la raccolta delle mele nelle valli trentine

  • last month
(Adnkronos) -
Avanti fino a metà ottobre


00:00In these days, the harvest of our apples is starting, which is the result of a year of hard work for our farmers.
00:22As you can see behind me, the quality is extremely high, I have to say, despite this spring we had big problems, big concerns regarding the frost.
00:42This spring we had a very early spring, we were exposed in a particular way to the problem of the cold, we had some areas where this event unfortunately left its mark, so we have a lower production than the other years, but with a really high quality.
01:00We start with the Gala, the Gala is the early variety, in low valley, and slowly we go up in high valley with the same variety and then follow the other varieties that have a little later maturation times.
01:12The harvest will continue until mid-October, involving thousands of Italian farmers and collectors in Nuun. Last year, the number of foreign workers in agriculture in Nuun Valley was more than 11,500, those registered in Val di Sole over 550.
01:28We are waiting, some have already arrived, thousands of collaborators, collaborators that for us, you understand, are precious, because these apples are collected one by one, so we are equipping all our agricultural companies to host thousands of people for the harvest. These will arrive anyway then to scale according to the opening dates of the sites.
