Six Kung Fu Heroes 1980

  • 2 days ago
English dubs.
Six Heroic Figures 1980
The 6 Disabled Chivalries 1980
00:00:44What's the matter?
00:00:45Come on.
00:00:51Making me work, dammit.
00:01:00Yeah, some water drink it
00:01:25Hey, hey you gone crazy
00:01:27Stop giving me a hard time
00:01:33Well if you don't want it
00:01:46I'll drink myself
00:02:27I'm back. Oh, yeah. Yes you bowling. What the hell you got there? Hey
00:02:32It's only a chicken leg for my supper. Just let me eat it in peace. Will ya? All right, you ask for it
00:03:43Hey hunchback, who are you talking to to charge you come here to
00:03:51Not only me is coming a big brother as well. Oh big brother
00:04:45You're always getting yourself in trouble
00:04:50Just not my day nonsense you heard master's orders, so what's got into you?
00:04:57What we're doing here
00:05:01Master's coming now. He's got new orders for us. He wants us all to be present when he gives them to us
00:05:08What are we waiting for? Why don't we form ourselves into a special unit then we'll be strong
00:05:58Hey, is there an old monk living here?
00:06:04Huh big red nose all his teeth have fallen out
00:06:11Hey, are you deaf or dumb or something, huh?
00:06:54Smells good. I must drive it. Oh
00:07:29I'm telling fortunes. Hey blind man. So that's a starly Susan
00:08:22Gotta have to teach you a new stuff
00:08:30Of the drunken man falling down Oh
00:08:35Bastard you really don't know a lot. I'm back. It's your turn now. I'm gone. Yeah
00:08:41It's my turn
00:08:43Huh? All right. I didn't touch the milk. There's nothing to do with me
00:08:59Again I must say you're a very quick learner
00:09:50Crane take it off
00:10:29Know that is well, that's what it takes
00:11:29Bastard you're finished. Just give me a taste of my iron head
00:11:47You've got no answer to that one you bastard
00:11:52Kung-fu no, I'll show you just watch this
00:12:03Wasn't really trying it didn't hurt he just can't stand the stink that comes from your head
00:12:13Bastard you think you're smart not smart enough. Oh
00:13:12You stupid imbecile, how dare you I'm not dead yet
00:13:19Yeah, look dad what kind of comfort that never mind you're so stupid you never heard of sleeping waking kung-fu
00:13:33Master I'll put your shoes on for you. Oh
00:13:37I'll fetch a seat for you
00:13:44Master I'll massage your back for you. All right. All right. So June
00:13:59Come and meet your five elder brothers
00:14:03Xiao Qing
00:14:06Her parents were killed by the Qing so nearly was she she's been deaf and dumb ever since
00:14:12You're to take good care of her as if she's your own sister. Oh, yes, don't worry
00:14:17The reason I've asked you to come here today is because I have an important mission for you
00:14:23Oh master, you just tell us there's nothing we can do if we set our minds to it
00:14:29Take it up you watch him
00:14:35I'm afraid you all may die in the attempt. It's very dangerous
00:14:41During the last war I knew a brave man
00:14:50I'd like to take you to meet the man now
00:14:56Used to be the Ming Minister of Defense, mr. Fu Chao
00:15:01Your master is a dear and old friend of mine
00:15:03He's told me all about your brave deeds and I'm proud of you
00:15:08It's your country's good fortune that people like you still come forward to fight
00:15:15Please thank you
00:15:28See thank you, thank you
00:15:35Tell me of any of you heard of the man told oh
00:15:39You mean that cruel bastard told oh, that's right. You know him. I only know that he's cold-blooded and merciless
00:15:47He is the head of the secret agents that the Qing have sent to infiltrate our ranks. He's very dangerous
00:15:54What's so bad if he's only a running dog of the Qing just wait until I catch up with him
00:16:00Huh? I'll soon show him a thing or two and sort the bastard out you keep your mouth shut
00:16:06We know the Guangzhou commander Li Ka-shing intends to move against the Qing soon. Huh? That's great news
00:16:14Trouble is we can't link up because of the roadblocks and told those got his spies everywhere
00:16:20But we have to find a way of getting through to Guangzhou. I
00:16:25See so you want us to get in touch with him, right?
00:16:29Because if Li Ka-shing does rise then the whole of Guangzhou is in our hands and that's bound to have an effect on other
00:16:37We're glad to fight for our country we may just be crippled but we'll go wherever we're needed
00:16:45This is an imperial letter it is in the Emperor's own handwriting I
00:16:50Want you to deliver it to Li each of you will take one
00:16:54His chances of getting it are good. At least one of you should succeed
00:16:58I'll see you are well rewarded and your country will be proud of you
00:17:02But be careful on no account must the letter fall into enemy hands
00:17:06You must guard it with your life to help. I've made a small contrivance if you are in danger
00:17:13Just push the button
00:17:16The letter will start burning
00:17:18Listen soon as you get through then send up smoke signals and somebody will soon contact you. Yes, master
00:17:29Buddha's name we bless the six brothers going on this mission. The letter will get through alive or dead
00:17:36There's no looking back now. We must succeed
00:17:47Is that the truth now, are you sure I'm telling you the facts but
00:17:53What I don't know is to whom the letter is being sent
00:18:35Just entered the valley
00:19:49No one can pass through without his permission
00:19:53If anyone should try they'll be executed
00:20:07What are we gonna do
00:20:23What's the matter he's engaged need no men go there now
00:21:23I know where you're going. You ain't going anywhere
00:22:14Don't just lie there here I'll make you pay for it
00:22:19You gave me a bad fight you made the hunchback fight, huh?
00:22:23You could help but what's up now? You want some all right ready? Damn you
00:22:29That's enough no more phoning from you too, it's getting dark already we should find a place to bed down for the night
00:22:45Dark terrace, they've got away again
00:22:47Harder yeah report to the master's up
00:22:51All right, man. If you see a cripple kill them. I don't want one left alive
00:23:01It would seem oh no already knows who we are and why we're here so tomorrow morning we better all go separately
00:23:08We'll meet up on the other side at Whitehorse Hill in Kwong Ming country
00:23:12All right, I'm ready for anything but I refuse to have to go with him ha ha
00:23:18Hey, you're so wonderful. You think I'm happy lover with you. Shut up. Let's go for it. Sure
00:23:25Then nobody can complain
00:23:36Yeah, what's yours you tell me you you tell me both at the same time, all right
00:23:58You and I are together who's coming with me
00:24:09It's me
00:24:27Oh, what's the matter? What's up? How should I know? Huh? Where are they?
00:24:38Feather flock together. Oh, hey, so brothers what's going on?
00:25:24How dare you bastards try to resist me
00:25:29You goddamn bastards listen to me when I'm talking to you
00:26:29I'll get you. Let's go
00:27:04Stay the six cripples have entered Shinto County
00:27:08Who ain't a quack child?
00:27:10Okaha, yes, sir
00:27:12Take some men and patrol the entire Guangzhou border. Yes, sir
00:27:18Enlist the help of local fighters to give you a hand master. I'll be reliable
00:27:25Sure, if you pay him enough, sir
00:27:33Watch out watch out
00:27:36Take it easy
00:27:38Easy easy
00:27:40You're gonna kill me. I won't have a bone left and broken. Oh
00:27:44Man, I'm not gonna charge you you needn't worry. Hey, if I'd known about that before this I wouldn't have sat on it
00:27:52Hey mister, it's a lovely day today. And would you like some tea here?
00:27:57You hold it right here. I'll go and get some tea for you. Why don't you take it easy?
00:28:02All right. All right, you can have some tea. We don't stay long
00:28:08Let me give you a hand
00:28:11Come on, not a sedan chair. It's more like a man sit down. Come on sit down
00:28:17Sitting down the whole way here. I met one blind man and one cripple trust my bad luck
00:28:27Oh, yeah, we have got company
00:28:40On the right way buddy
00:28:42But you've taken your time. We've been expecting you. Huh? Well, that's strange. Why should he be waiting for two bangers?
00:28:48There's no use pretending anymore
00:28:51Just hand it over. Huh? What are you talking about? I said no more pretending
00:28:55Now hand over the Emperor's letter to me
00:28:59Who'd have guessed that the con law coup gang now to the dirty work for toe
00:32:40Don't see why I gotta do it I refuse
00:32:50Why can't I be cheap instead no
00:32:55Take it up. Let's change disguises
00:32:58You sure you want to just cuz you wear my clothes. It doesn't mean you get to use my brains as well
00:33:03You know, what do you mean?
00:33:06Hey, I'm not one of the Emperor's was bought as a coat
00:33:10But I never heard of one with a hunchback
00:33:14Mr. Oh, mr. Oh, you're welcome in this way, please
00:33:19Sit down sit down
00:33:22What you want
00:33:25Bring the best food you have in the house
00:33:28Don't you understand?
00:33:32If you ask me our master should have made squabbling by now be careful
00:33:41Get a load of that idiot and look at his seven as well
00:33:52Noticed that man's servant looks very much like his master you see your servants just like him as black as the ace of spades
00:34:06It's my seven and I call him Colby hey, hey copy come here believe two gentlemen
00:34:15You've got a handsome face so good-looking. Oh, what a pleasant countenance you do
00:34:21Hey, you're some kind of fortune teller. Oh, of course, of course. I know all about
00:34:26I'll be quite frank with you then
00:34:29bad luck is just around the corner and
00:34:34You know, you'll have it too. Oh my god. Looks like something terrible is gonna happen
00:34:41You're just saying
00:35:00And I warn you you'd be in trouble
00:35:25We recognize you that's right. Well, I give me you kill him
00:35:31That's how you want to fight just let me take me off these clothes
00:36:12Come on come and help me. Why should I do what it couldn't get it? Come on
00:38:05My turn to have a rest now
00:38:54This is no joke we should get out of here
00:39:25They've got us covered everywhere we turn their men posted
00:39:29Since we're coming to the most dangerous part of our mission tomorrow. We'll each go our own way
00:39:35But if anyone needs some help, I'll choose a place where we can meet in case of emergency
00:39:41But we can only meet at night
00:39:44Come here
00:39:50This is Kwan Ming and here Kwan Chao
00:40:29Make a noise. Yeah. Yeah, forgive me. Spare my life
00:40:38Temple from the
00:40:44Bastard go to the temple
00:42:49You were so near but I didn't hear a sound you may your gung-fu isn't bad at all, but I thank you
00:43:04Now tell me who you are I thought I already told you in the night
00:43:11You're one of the cripples I give yourself up to me to buy a life
00:43:18My life Oh my life an exchange for what the other five cripples Oh
00:43:28Why should you because you're bad I kill the six of us sooner or later you're afraid to die
00:43:33Everyone is afraid to die. Then. Why did you agree to take the letter? I had no choice. I had to agree
00:43:44But tell me why should I take your word you better had you got no choice because without help from me you can never
00:43:52Get the letter. Oh
00:43:57We will all die for the latter
00:44:00So if you try to force us to give it we'll just destroy it fast. Do you understand?
00:44:05Hmm, but if I get yours, won't that be enough? Uh-huh
00:44:27Let me finish what I have got to say to you I
00:44:31Was prepared to burn that letter to show you good faith so that you and I can trust each other and work together
00:44:38Why not? Give it to me instead. All right, if I did you'd have killed me right away. I'm not a fool
00:44:44All right
00:44:45It's a deal. But then you must promise to get me the letter, huh?
00:44:52I'll only set things up. You'll have to take it from there. But then if you try to double-cross me
00:44:58I'll rip your black heart out. Oh, of course. I don't want to die
00:45:04Mr. I better be going now
00:45:16Hold it, huh? Which one of the six are you known as after you've killed the five other cripples you'll find out
00:45:28Master don't worry. He can't get very far
00:50:21Master please kill me
00:50:46Sister sister
00:50:56Have you found him yet
00:50:58What's the matter
00:51:28My man, I'll take revenge for you
00:53:00You bastard
00:53:02Stop shouting. There's plenty of time for you to die. Did you murder the blind man?
00:53:08That's right. All right
00:56:02Bet you you've been poisoned as well
00:56:11I've been poisoned
00:56:16Master I'm poisoned
00:56:26Master master, I implore you. Where's the antidote? Please? Give me some
00:56:37Master master, I beg you master. Please. Give me the antidote
00:56:48I'm dying
01:01:12We're here at last we're here at last
01:05:26But it's gone wrong here tell me
01:05:30Don't try to pull me get your hands off of me
01:05:42My sister
01:08:11You're not going anywhere give it to me come on give you up don't pretend I know that you have the letter with you
01:08:24Right and it's mine I have you to thank for that, huh?
01:08:30What do you mean? Huh? If you hadn't ever scored at me, I don't think I could have got the letter through the lines
01:08:37You our chances were low of avoiding capture by your soldiers. You'd try to kill us
01:08:43Huh, but the mission had to succeed for that they were all willing to give their lives so you be taken in by my trick
01:08:58Very smart, but not quite smart enough my friend. You've just underestimated my power
01:09:04And you had your chance and you blew it
01:10:53Have you on your knees begging for mercy you bastard
01:12:17Warned you before I'm gonna rip your black heart out
01:13:02Let's see, what's better your claws are my teeth, right?
01:15:54Mr. Did you just send a smoke signal?
01:15:58Are you mr. Lee gentle general Lee? Yes, that's right
01:16:22The Emperor's letter
01:16:30Our six cripples a great risk and sacrifice
01:16:36Are proud to give it to your general
01:16:42For the sake of our country
01:16:48Hold on
01:17:00Wait for me. I
01:17:02I'm I'm coming