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Wizards vs Aliens - S3 E10 - Twilight Falls II


00:00It's our girl. Is this allowed?
00:01I'm Jack.
00:02I preferred Benjamin Cho.
00:03You'll not be so bad looking for a human.
00:06Then who's the guardian of the chamber?
00:07Without him, it's starting to collapse.
00:09Caractacus, the great master!
00:11The Key of Bones has fallen into the hands of our enemies.
00:13They will use it to bring down the line of twilight.
00:15My Lord Warlock.
00:17I shall be whole again.
00:19It's time to see some real magic.
00:22I, Warlock!
00:30Thank you, sorceress.
00:48You have truly given me a helping hand.
00:51Now I am whole.
00:54Are we really in trouble?
00:56Enjoy it while you can, Warlock.
01:00You are now a prisoner of the Necros.
01:03Prepare to have your magic extracted.
01:10Do you think I do not see the working of your strange mind,
01:16even from the Neverside, sorceress?
01:18Your people feed on magic, but you embrace it.
01:24This has advanced both your strength and your weakness.
01:31Grash Zah!
01:36This magic's working against the Necros.
01:38Wraith magic will be using a wizard's magic against himself.
01:41Even the stolen magic of an Unworld sorceress.
01:46Stop it!
01:52Who are you, boy?
01:56Tom Clark of the Magical Line.
01:58No, young master!
02:01Crow, the Lion of Karak Tek.
02:04Yeah, that's right.
02:10I smell hobgoblin.
02:23You're a goblin?
02:24Hobgoblin, hob-hob-hob.
02:27For now, I'll be wishing I'll be a bonk-grumpkin or an anything-but.
02:32Grand Llamaroon.
02:35How perfect that you should be the first to feel my wrath of five centuries.
02:40Ah, faster!
02:46Pick on someone your own size.
02:51You remind me of your ancestor, little Crow.
02:56I heard he kicked you into the back end of the Neverside.
02:59He was an irritating horsefly.
03:03Well, at least he wasn't any pushover.
03:07Always shut the door behind you!
03:12The doorway of Longshadows! It will be destroyed!
03:15Nice work.
03:16And he thought I'd break if he tackled me.
03:19We've all learnt a lesson today.
03:21Do you not agree, my lady?
03:24My husband still believes that every problem can be solved with a laughter.
03:33Forget it, warlock.
03:34The doorway's been destroyed.
03:36There's no threshold left into the dayside.
03:38You're stuck there.
03:44You know, if that was me, I would have been laughing.
03:48You are wrong, little Crow.
03:51The hobgoblin has deserted your chamber, and without him, its walls are collapsing.
03:57By the great ogre's bristling beard, he will be coming through the chamber of Crow.
04:02Oh, reddened moon, what will you have done?
04:04Finally, you shall feel my wrath, hobgoblin.
04:08My army of wraith lords shall trample your Crow magic under the hooves of their black unicorns,
04:18and darkness and chaos shall torment the dayside forever!
04:25We have to get back to the chamber. We have to stop him.
04:28I do not think so.
04:35Caractacus' spell of being is failing.
04:37The chamber is crumbling.
04:38Can't he just cast another one? Another spell of being?
04:41A wizard with Caractacus' power comes only once in a millennia.
04:44All I can do is patch it up.
04:45But I only have one spell left, and that has to be for the last possible moment.
04:52What's that?
04:54The chamber lies between the dayside and the neverside.
05:00Its walls are falling.
05:02You mean it's the neverside?
05:03Something terrible is trying to get through.
05:16Barth, listen to me.
05:18If Warlock and his wraith lords break into the dayside, Earth is finished.
05:25Your Earth, yes.
05:27But before I throw you into the extractor,
05:29it will amuse me to see you witness a world swarming with magic and chaos.
05:35Where the necros shall go unnoticed as we plunder.
05:40In case you didn't notice, we just saved your necks.
05:43I mistrusted my wife's sorcery, and I was right.
05:47It left us open to attack.
05:49But now we have no need for sorcery.
05:52Warlock shall bring forth the creatures of the neverside,
05:55and we shall extract them all.
05:57As I always foresaw.
05:59With magic and science, we are victorious.
06:13We've got to get out of here.
06:14You're a wizard.
06:16Just magic us out.
06:17This is necros technology.
06:21My magic won't work against it.
06:24This would all be of Randall Moon's doing.
06:26This is not your fault.
06:29You left the chamber because Karatka's told you the necros had the key of bones.
06:33I should have believed you.
06:35All the same, Warlock's really got it in for you, Moon.
06:40How come?
06:44It will have been the final battle of neverside wars at the Abbey of Blackhawk,
06:50home of the most evil of wizards.
06:54Edric Blackhawk!
06:56Face me!
06:57Wraithlords are the essence of wizards who, in life,
07:01will have been treading the path of darkness.
07:05And Blackhawk will have been in an alliance with them.
07:08I am Warlock.
07:13You've become one.
07:15A wraithlord.
07:16By the time we will have found you,
07:19you will have become so much more.
07:23The strongest of all the wraiths.
07:28Too powerful even for my great master, Trent.
07:31If Warlock will have defeated Karaktakus,
07:35all hope for the Uncharted will have been lost.
07:38Randall Moon will have been having but one choice.
07:45You cut off Warlock's hand.
07:48Randall Moon will have been saving his friend and master.
07:51You ended the neverside wars.
07:54Karaktakus will have been ending the war.
07:57He and the other wizards of the meeting of the silver dawn
08:00will have been using the key of bones to cast the line of twilight.
08:04But as Randall Moon will have been playing his part.
08:10But you beat him. A hobgoblin.
08:13No offence, but if you can see him off, so can we.
08:21What are you doing?
08:22The cell doors. Controlled by a pressure pad.
08:25Didn't you notice?
08:26No, I had other things on my mind.
08:28Escape will be seeming to be the most pressing matter of mind.
08:34Just like shooting a basket.
08:37Concentrate. Take your time.
08:41Maybe if someone wasn't talking.
08:45Just don't miss.
08:57Your turn, hairdo.
08:58I got us out of jail. You get us off this ship.
09:04Tom Clarke has escaped!
09:10Fears of no consequence.
09:12Once Warlock breaks through from the neverside,
09:14our harvest of magic will make your boy wizard look like a
09:18Tyurian tadpole among whales.
09:20You forget, I have seen this boy wizard
09:23defeat a necros battle marder with a sweep of his hand.
09:26With magic intended to feed our people.
09:28A crime for which he has yet to pay.
09:32Rage brings a flash of pomegranate to your cheeks, my sweet.
09:37We shall search out the wizard together,
09:40in celebration of our love.
09:47Tom Clarke will make for the teleport.
09:49It is his only option of escape from the Serantulas.
09:52Then we will await him, and feed on his magic in the old way.
09:56Sucking it from his very bones.
10:03Now what are we going to do?
10:06If we go for the matter-transporter, you're wizard on toast.
10:09Randall Moon will be too hungry to be somebody else's dinner.
10:13There has to be a way.
10:16Be quiet, bird of horrors.
10:19The young master will be a-thinking.
10:27The bird of horrors.
10:30The bird of horrors.
10:33It will be a creature of magic.
10:37I'll be feeling magic all about us.
10:43Maybe I should go and take a look.
10:45It's too dangerous.
10:47If there's an opening to the nether-side, you could be brought through it.
10:55We can't just stand here waiting, Ursula.
10:59We have to do something.
11:01There's only one thing I can do.
11:08I am Ursula!
11:10Lord of the line of Caractacus,
11:13who forged this place with his spell of being!
11:16Hear me!
11:18Misha! Shasha!
11:23It didn't work.
11:27The devastation of the chamber's come too far.
11:33I'm getting you out of here!
11:35No, Michael, I can't!
11:37Whatever is coming through that threshold, I have to face it!
11:40With what? You're out of spells!
11:42It's my duty to protect the Unenchanted, whatever the cost!
11:46But you, mister, this isn't your battle!
11:49You're my family, Unenchanted or not.
11:52That makes it my battle.
11:56Forces of magic, gathered here,
11:59reveal yourselves to me.
12:01Be clear!
12:05Oh, wow.
12:08What just happened?
12:10Invaders in the Palace of Shadows!
12:13Be gone! Be gone!
12:16Be hushed, you big, beaky bird,
12:18or Randlewood will be seeing you stuffed!
12:21Look at this.
12:23It's filled with magic.
12:25All of it, stolen from wizards.
12:28Keep away from the sphere of magic,
12:32or I'll be pecking at your soft bits!
12:35Soft bits!
12:37He's not a pretty boy, then.
12:39Use the wizard magic in that ball to send us home,
12:42or I'll turn you into a box of nuggets.
12:44The bird will be unable to use the magic, nor will Randlewood.
12:47What? How can I?
12:50We will be of the Neverside.
12:52Creatures of magic, natural and pure.
12:55Are you telling me there's an alien Neverside?
12:57It will be, assuming so.
12:59And this magic will have been robbed from wizards by technocory,
13:03tainted by science.
13:06To we of the Neverside, it'll be poison most deadly.
13:10Randlewood can be doing nothing with it
13:12to return himself and his young master to save the Chamber of Crow.
13:16Oh, hang on.
13:18You're not a goblin.
13:20Or a talking gargoyle.
13:22Why can't you use the magic?
13:36I can't.
13:41Where is Tom Clark?
13:45Clark has no business here.
13:53There has to be another way.
13:55Sure. Hold your breath and space dive about a thousand miles.
13:58You don't understand.
14:01I'm scared.
14:02So am I.
14:04Such a goblin.
14:06You're the only chance we've got.
14:08I'll be a hobgoblin.
14:10Hob, hob, hob.
14:13Aside from which, Randlewood will be in general agreement with the girly imp.
14:17I'm sorry.
14:19But I've used their extracted magic before.
14:21And what I turned into.
14:23It was worse than warlock.
14:25And this never left me.
14:27Not completely.
14:29Wizards should not have that sort of magic.
14:32I wasn't a wizard.
14:34Then what were you?
14:37My husband told me of how you swept away an entire Necros battle fleet.
14:43With a flick of your hand.
14:45What were you?
14:49A god?
14:53I wasn't a god.
14:55A shame.
14:57Perhaps a god would have some chance against what is about to sweep across your planet.
15:03Elixir's hungry.
15:05Turn them into beetroot bugs.
15:07Beetroot bugs.
15:11The female.
15:13She has no magic.
15:15She is of no use to me.
15:17Leave her alone.
15:19Or what?
15:21Wizards only have three spells from sunrise to sunrise.
15:23Unlike the sorceress.
15:25Who can harvest and use as much magic as she wants.
15:27I'm not a sorceress.
15:29I'm a witch.
15:32As much magic as she likes.
15:34How many spells do you have left?
15:36Tom Clark.
15:38One spell.
15:40One spell.
15:42Just one spell.
15:46And it's a witch's duty to protect the unenchanted.
15:48Isn't it?
15:58So who are you going to save, Tom Clark?
16:02The female or your world?
16:08I see something.
16:10It's a man.
16:12At least I think it's a man.
16:16Oh no.
16:18It's not a man.
16:22Time's running out, Tom Clark.
16:24A god must make his decisions and live with them for all eternity.
16:28A boy.
16:31On the other hand.
16:33Can be scared.
16:35I'm not a god.
16:37And you can't make me choose between the world and a friend.
16:41Then you are finished, wizard!
16:43So is your world.
16:55I can save the unenchanted.
16:57All of them.
16:59I can save my world.
17:01Because I'm not a god.
17:03I'm a wizard.
17:05Born to protect the unenchanted, whatever the cost.
17:09And I won't be scared anymore.
17:11Not of you.
17:15Not of magic.
17:19La chez.
17:29What happened?
17:33Tom Clark!
17:37Where are we?
17:39My house.
17:41I got us home.
17:43Young master.
17:45You would have been using the Unworld One's orb of magic.
17:47Will you be all well?
17:49I'll let you know.
18:05Chamber of pro. Open to me.
18:07Reveal yourself on the knock of three.
18:17Never sighed a day sider as one again.
18:19Savor the calm.
18:23I am Orvok.
18:26High lord of the wraith.
18:28And chaos and everlasting darkness.
18:32Come with me.
18:34Oh yeah?
18:36Well this house has got all the chaos it needs, thanks.
18:38So you can sling your hook.
18:46How perfect that the chamber of crow
18:48should be my gateway.
18:52And through it
18:55I will bring Corruptica's legacy
18:57to the unenchanted.
18:59Is there destruction?
19:03I might be an old woman
19:05but the blood of the warrior wizards
19:07is still in my veins.
19:09Only for the moment.
19:11Don't you touch my gran.
19:17The boy wizard.
19:19And his hobgoblin.
19:21And little princess.
19:25And this princess kicks so watch yourself.
19:27Ball horns.
19:29I could crush your beating heart.
19:31Then you would have to get through me first.
19:35Be careful.
19:37Strong words from a small wizard.
19:39How like Corruptica's
19:41you are.
19:43Your quest is even
19:45more hopeless than his.
19:47I do not
19:49come alone.
19:52The masked horde of the wraith lords
19:54is gathered on the neverside.
19:56Ready to ride down
19:58the walls of this chamber
20:00and stampede
20:02across your world.
20:04And I am a wizard of the line of crow.
20:08And I'm telling you
20:14go back to where you belong warlock.
20:17An impressive trick
20:21But I am not of a mind
20:23to go anywhere.
20:27You said you've got a choice.
20:41You did it.
20:43She's impacting Tom.
20:46She beat him.
20:48No. It's not over.
20:50Not yet.
20:52Thomas wait.
20:54Do not be a worry.
20:56There will be great magic about this night.
20:58Grindelwald will be coming.
21:00Hello. I'm Jazz.
21:02Nice to meet you.
21:04Wait for me.
21:12This looks familiar.
21:14The great hall of Black Hawk Abbey.
21:16Only this is the neverside.
21:18You shouldn't have followed me.
21:20Are you always going to be doing this?
21:22Doing what?
21:24Following you?
21:26Who says I was following you?
21:28Maybe I was just curious.
21:30Maybe I thought you could use my
21:36The little crow has come to roost
21:38in the halls of the Black Hawk.
21:40How do you suppose it will fare?
21:44That was just magic.
21:46Grindelwald will be the great.
21:48You're going to have to do better than that warlock.
21:50Your lady friend Lysera
21:52was stealing magic from wizards.
21:54And guess what?
21:56I took it all off her.
21:58You're not going up against
22:00the one wizard here.
22:02You're taking us all on.
22:04Then you shall be
22:06even more scared little crow.
22:08No young master.
22:10You will be remembering.
22:13Wraith magic will be using a wizard's power
22:15against himself.
22:19Wraith lord is the essence of a wizard
22:21who has walked the darkest path to the end.
22:23You cannot destroy
22:25that which no longer lives.
22:27So I have you
22:29at a disadvantage.
22:42That explains the smell in here.
22:44Thought something had gone off big time.
22:46Turns out
22:48it's just a dead guy
22:50dressed as a pantomime cow.
22:52I tire of your torment.
22:54Yeah, I know what you mean.
22:56I've sort of got to like her.
22:58It's me you want, warlock.
23:02You want to use all this magic
23:04against me?
23:06Creature of the Neverside.
23:08Come and get it.
23:10If you think you're big enough.
23:12No, Thomas, no!
23:14I shall pluck you and cook you
23:16with your magic little crow.
23:18Come on then.
23:20Take a bite.
23:26What is this?
23:35Science and magic,
23:39It's a killer combination.
23:53You did it.
23:55You totally
23:58destroyed him.
24:00He will have become a creature of the Neverside.
24:02And magic tainted with science
24:04will have been poison to him.
24:06Oh, by the fiddling and jiggling
24:08of a pixie's party. Oh, yes.
24:16Hear me, Wraith Lords.
24:20is gone.
24:22The line of twilight
24:24is strong again.
24:26If you ever
24:28threaten the unenchanted,
24:32I will be waiting for you.
24:38descendant of Caractacus.
24:52I suppose that told them.
24:55So it would seem.
24:57Great master!
25:03Greetings, Thomas.
25:05Moon, my old friend.
25:09And new friend.
25:13I don't get it.
25:17Why do I feel like I know you?
25:19You have much magic within.
25:21Kind of hijacked it from this alien
25:26Long story.
25:28Are you like hundreds of years old?
25:32shut up.
25:36I don't mean the magic
25:38the unworld sorceress stole
25:40from our wizards.
25:44I speak of the magic reborn.
25:48In you.
25:50It's my magic.
25:53That which you have felt stirring deep inside.
25:55I don't understand.
25:57The way of the wizard
25:59is a path of
26:01wonders and dangers.
26:04And you have fought with spell
26:06and wisdom.
26:08You have conquered your fear
26:10and become a true warrior wizard.
26:14Your world
26:16has many dangers to face.
26:20Be ready for them.
26:23That was legendary.
26:29are you back?
26:31We were going out of our minds.
26:33What happened to Warlock?
26:35Oh, he got what was coming to him.
26:37The young master will have been a warrior wizard
26:39to impress even the great
26:41Caractacus himself.
26:51Are you alright?
26:55Never better.
26:57I'm Tom Clark
26:59of the Magical Line of Crow.
27:03I'm a wizard.
27:05Born to protect the unenchanted
27:07from wraithlords,
27:09dragons, ghouls
27:13and even aliens.
27:16And I'm ready for them.
27:32I'm ready for anything.
27:45To be continued...