A family moves into a home with a dark, hidden history and soon begin to realize they are not alone
00:00the foxes move into a dream house it was just breathtaking it was love at first
00:12sight that soon becomes their worst nightmare
00:19at first the ghosts and demon taunt and tease I couldn't believe what I was
00:26seeing this cannot be happening but then they attack I saw her gasping for
00:32air will the family get out before the house claims its next victim in America
00:41there is real evil it lurks in the darkest shadows and in our most ordinary
00:48towns between the worlds we see and the things we fear there are doors when they
00:57are opened nightmares become reality
01:09nestled in the Ozark Mountain region of Northwest Arkansas the small town of
01:14Lowell is the kind of place people move to for a slower pace of life and the
01:20peace and quiet of country living
01:28it's the summer of 1983 and the Fox family is about to meet their new home
01:35when we first pulled up to the driveway it was just breathtaking just like gone
01:42with the wind Arkansas style we had been living in Iowa and jobs were so
01:48scarce it's like we had finally made it you know dad and mom's hard work was
01:51paying off the house has plenty of room for the family father Jesse mother
01:59Carol and their two children Mary and Wesley
02:04sure is the house was one of the largest house I've ever seen in my life
02:14moving out of the small trailer and to the large house was you know an
02:19incredible feeling for me I was very happy for my mom and my dad but also you
02:24know for my sister Wesley was my baby and he was eight years old there's nine
02:31years between Mary and Wesley Mary quit school she was 17 and we depended on her
02:38to take care of Wesley and do it work around the house thanks my mother is
02:46still to this day one of the sweetest kindest people I have ever known I was
02:51close to both of my parents okay you guys we're never gonna get the rest of
02:54the stuff in the house if you don't stop fooling around my father Jesse was
02:58typically Irish at that point he was fun the Fox family feels they have
03:06lucked out and landing this house the plant manager at the cannery where
03:10Jesse works rents the home out cheap to employees Carol and Jesse are surprised
03:17at how inexpensive the house is but sometimes good deals are good deals for
03:24a reason
03:29awesome you said it was nice but this is amazing
03:34yeah when am I gonna sleep well that's the best part kiddo you each get to pick
03:40your own rooms really all right
03:49Mary instantly falls in love with the house it was just everywhere you looked
03:55it was another wonder how we're gonna be living here and then Mary discovers
04:04the attic
04:16the attic was like every teenage girl's dream it was pretty much soundproof so I
04:22could listen to my music as loud as I wanted it was just great this is gonna
04:26be my room but Mary has no idea that the house harbors dark secrets and in the
04:32place she's chosen as her bedroom unspeakable atrocities have taken place
04:42later that afternoon Mary unpacks boxes and watches her little brother while her
04:47parents are at work I started off with the kitchen stuff because you know a
04:53couple hours I was gonna have to find Wes something to eat and needed dishes my
04:58parents worked a lot my relationship with Wes I was his substitute mom I was
05:04protective of him especially if mom and mom and dad were gone it was like he's
05:09mine now he's mine to watch over and to protect
05:18suddenly Mary gets the feeling there's someone in the room I had a sensation
05:28like somebody was really close I feel a little breeze it was a cool breeze no
05:38vents no air conditioning I didn't even have a box fan set up in there yet this
05:43is July in Arkansas it's hot and it is very humid outside nothing stirs I
05:55thought it was strange but there's got to be a reason for it I decided it's an
05:59old house there's probably cracks and God only knows what else
06:04sure just be back by noon okay Wesley decides to explore his new stomping
06:23grounds I decided I wanted to just go right around the neighborhood well I
06:30don't get very far away from the house I cross the tracks and there's kids
06:33sitting outside hey who are you you don't live around here no I do just
06:39moved in the big house back there I wouldn't live there if I was you why
06:43that house is haunted get out no that house is very haunted I've seen it there
06:49are no such things as ghosts are to ghost did not exist it was all just
06:57crazy crazy nonsense you know kids being kids kind of thing a few days
07:05later the house is mostly unpacked and the Fox family is ready to entertain dad
07:12decided he was gonna have barbecue on a day off it was a lot to celebrate it's
07:16beautiful of course it was hot but we'd had the barbecue I'm gonna get you one
07:22of the people that came over was my niece Christy she was closer to my age
07:26so we were pretty you know good playmates hey you want to go in the
07:32basement no it looks creepy what are you scared no then come on the basement was
07:40a huge play area especially for an eight-year-old boy I thought that was
07:44gonna be the perfect place to go play hide-and-go-seek is because you could go
07:47into almost any room it's gonna take a while for someone to find you I told you
07:57this was gonna be creepy you were right
08:17what's in here hmm open it whoa thing is really creepy yeah hey did you hear
08:29something I'm not scared Wesley Fox no shh what over there
08:47I think we should go back outside yeah okay hey these old shoes oh we noticed
08:57a pair of old-fashioned shoes you know the shoes didn't look like anything
09:00other than just a pair of old shoes they must have been left behind by the people
09:05who used to live here I don't know I never seen them before you haven't
09:17in 1983 the Fox family moves to a large house in Lowell Arkansas for 17 year old
09:30Mary their new home is a dream come true when I first pulled up the house it was
09:35love at first sight it was like a plantation but within hours of moving in
09:45Mary senses an unknown presence hey at the same time her eight-year-old brother
09:52Wesley hears the local rumor about the house I wouldn't live there if I was you
09:57why that house is haunted get out I'm gonna get you a few days later the Fox
10:06family invites friends and family to a housewarming barbecue Wesley dares his
10:12Christie to explore one of the spookiest places in the house the basements hey
10:18these old shoes when I saw the shoes moving I couldn't believe what I was
10:23seeing this cannot be happening this can't be real we took off running up the
10:27stairs we don't know what was but it scared us
10:34there were shoes in the basement and they walked with no one in them in the
10:39I told you no running on the stairs we tried to tell mom exactly about the
10:44shoes moving how it happened but she was angry because we were running up the
10:47stairs they told us that those shoes have moved and how could they move on
10:53their own so we thought it was in their imagination but they did really Wesley
10:59looked like he had just seen the devil himself
11:03Christy to our house is haunted just like the kids on the street told me it's
11:08haunted all right Wesley no more telltales y'all go play kids huh we knew
11:18she wasn't gonna believe us it ran to my mind that you know the neighborhood kids
11:22are right this house is haunted and the neighborhood kids are not the only ones
11:29with suspicions I guess the rumors are true they didn't know about the stories
11:35the murders
11:41longtime residents tell stories of multiple murders and suicides that have
11:46taken place in the house one rumor is about a mean-spirited philanderer who
11:54lived in the house in the 1930s with his wife and mistress
12:08and if you don't like it then one day one of them snapped
12:15but no one in town dares tell the foxes what they've heard you walk into one of
12:25the convenience stores or to the post office to check the mail and and people
12:29be talking having conversation and then you walk in and it's dead quiet it's
12:35like everybody shuts up we found it odd at first we didn't know what to think
12:45several weeks after moving into the house Mary is up late watching a movie
13:02I just looked up and they're open it's like hey I had those closed I thought it
13:07was the wind there's lots of big windows and we had those windows open almost all
13:11the time
13:18and I'd say it's gotta be the breeze
13:30I got up closed again then I walked one of them had little old-fashioned locks
13:35if you lock the last door then that lock is supposed to keep the first door from
13:39being able to open
13:50they start rattling
14:09within days of moving in Mary Fox and her younger brother Wesley know that
14:26something is wrong terribly wrong with their family's new house in Lowell
14:31Arkansas Wesley sees shoes move on their own in the basement
14:39while Mary senses they are not alone in the house it felt like you were
14:50like you're there the rents been paid deposits have been paid utilities are on
14:57you're supposed to be there you belong there but you felt totally the opposite
15:04like you don't belong you're not supposed to be there late one Saturday
15:13night Mary feels threatened as the entity in their house grows bolder the
15:24rattling started it's like somebody was on the other side of these doors and I
15:27know there's no one on the other side
15:33and then boom they went open
15:41I jumped up I ran
15:58Mary do you know what time it is mom I Mary it's late you've been running
16:10through the halls you've left all the lights on downstairs do you think your
16:13father and I are made of money I'm sorry but mom mom was very light sleeper I got
16:20the lecture about how you know yeah I'm a night owl but other people have to get
16:25some sleep because they have to get up and go to work the next day I think
16:28something's wrong with this house the house is fine I'm going back to bed and
16:32you should too
16:38mom didn't believe now I'm getting mad at this point I was like yeah some real
16:44strange things are going on in this house too bad the parents are too blind
16:47to see it I cried myself to sleep that night trying to figure out how am I
16:53gonna explain this to mom and dad to make them understand what they've done
17:00despite her mother's dismissive attitude Mary is certain their house is haunted
17:13and the bumps in the night continue
17:24334 o'clock in the morning and to me it sounded like somebody was hitting the
17:30table Carol thinks Mary is up late again she
17:35decides it's not worth her precious sleep time to get up what the hell was
17:42she doing you know she knew we had to get up early but Mary is fast asleep
17:54in the weeks that follow Carol continues to hear strange noises at
18:05night and her relationship with her daughter grows more strained Mary I'm
18:12tired I work 10 hours a day before we moved me and my mom we're pretty close
18:18but by the time we started talking about what was actually going on mom and I
18:23felt like cats and dogs we argue argue day after day I was always accusing her
18:30of making so much noise and she knew that we had to get up early I don't
18:35understand why you can't respect me I have plenty of respect for you you don't
18:43show it at all and I come home and you're running around the house and then
18:47you're hiding in your room you're so distant got it mom got it Mary you're
18:57not listening to me why I've heard it all before you heard noises that night
19:01somebody's making a racket and as usual you blame me but why can't you see
19:05there's something wrong with this house mom Mary there's something else here
19:09with us a ghost or something Mary you're on my last nerve
19:17I started being accused of doing stuff I didn't do they're supposed to be doing
19:26the protecting but they refused to see
19:40one night Mary has a dream in which she wanders through the house and
19:45eventually finds herself in her own bedroom I'm seeing the attic and I see
19:53that it figures all of them but one are in black and there's one that's in a red
19:58bright red except it's blood no one appears to notice her but it's as if the
20:05house is trying to let her in on a secret
20:35ever since they moved into their Lowell Arkansas home the Fox children have felt
20:57the presence of ghosts one rumor around town is that the property is haunted by
21:05the spirit of an old man murdered in the house in the 1930s the Foxes are about
21:14to find out he's not the only dark entity to walk these halls in the summer
21:22of 1983 17 year old Mary has a horrifying nightmare that something
21:28awful took place in her attic bedroom I went to sleep and I'm seeing the attic
21:34and I see who did figures except it's blood at first no one appears to notice
21:40Mary's presence and suddenly and the man in the red most evil eyes I've ever seen
21:51in my life
22:03Mary is horrified she believes this is more than just a dream it's a message
22:08from beyond it was too vivid it was too real I think the guy in the red I think
22:17he was showing me a story a story that could have an unhappy ending for Mary
22:23after that I decided I'd never sleep again in my life
22:28not long after Mary is suddenly overwhelmed with a profound sadness she
22:50cannot explain I went from normal happy teenager to all of a sudden I felt so
22:56I didn't know why I was so emotional but I felt like everybody in my family had
23:02just been like killed in an accident and I was a sole survivor there's really
23:08something going on here you know I'm not imagining that god-awful feelings I
23:12would get when I would be in that house by myself
23:15and Mary is not the only one who feels the evil in the house for weeks eight
23:29year old Wesley has been sleeping on a cot in his parents bedroom while there
23:34was no way I was gonna sleep by myself it wasn't gonna happen that is one
23:40creepy house one night Wesley's father works late but in spite of the presence
23:47of his mother Wesley struggles to sleep I was trying to sleep no matter how hard
23:52I could I could not sleep
24:03and suddenly there it was a dark cloaked figure I could see its face but it was
24:09just really scaly and green it almost reminded me of almost like a lizard type
24:14face I reach over and try to grab my mom but she wasn't waking up then suddenly
24:29it was gone I hurried up threw the covers over my head I didn't care if it
24:41was hot or not Wesley eventually tells his mom about what he saw but she
24:48dismisses his fears this figure had like a green scaly face it was really scary
24:54but nobody's believed me at this point I was very frustrated and very angry so
25:12I knew there was only one thing to do I knew I needed to tell my sister the two
25:16exchange ghost stories Mary tells Wesley about her nightmare and Wesley describes
25:30the demon he saw in his room then Mary she looks at me and I could see it in
25:38her eyes that just maybe I have this glimmer of hope that someone's starting
25:42to believe me something isn't once here we have to tell mom she's not gonna believe us
25:48I didn't know what to think I knew I did not want liver at this point I wanted out
25:56that boy was terrified but despite their mutual encounters Mary can't imagine ever
26:04moving out of her dream house we're living in a haunted house that scared me because
26:11I still loved that house my biggest fear at that time was that something bad was gonna
26:17happen to Wesley but Mary's fears are misplaced she is the one in immediate danger the ghosts
26:27are not quite finished with her yet one morning Mary discovers she's fallen asleep on the
26:42living room couch
26:44get up, get up
26:46get up
26:48get up
26:50get up
26:52get up
26:54get up
26:56get up
26:58get up
27:00get up
27:02No, No
27:04Get up
27:06Get up
27:11it's the fall of 1983 in Lowell Arkansas for the past few months 17 year old Mary Fox and her
27:20eight-year-old brother Wesley have been haunted by entities that inhabit the house I was terrified
27:26I tried to stay out of the house as much as possible there's really something going on
27:35here there's a very dark energy one morning Mary wakes to find out no place in the house is safe
27:47I thought I was seeing things or maybe I wasn't quite awake like I thought I put my head down
27:54go back to sleep next thing I know that man is like right there in front of me and he's got that
28:03get up
28:05no stop it
28:11Mary Mary
28:13wake up
28:15Mary you're dreaming honey
28:17who are you talking to
28:19I look up at her and there's an old man standing right beside her
28:21and she doesn't see it
28:23were you sleeping here all night
28:25I wanted to ask her
28:27you know mom do you see that
28:29but the words wouldn't come
28:31I'd open my mouth and nothing would come out
28:35I'm late for work
28:37I'll see you later
28:43why don't we straighten this up and get some breakfast ok
28:45come on
28:51you ok Mary
28:53what happened to you
28:55it was dark black and purple bruises
28:57all across the lower part of my legs
29:01this ain't nothing
29:03how'd you get those bruises
29:05I don't know
29:07what do you mean you don't know
29:09don't know
29:11for Jesse this is the last straw
29:23everyone in the Fox family is ready to face
29:25what's been going on in the house
29:27we all sat and took turns
29:29telling each other the different things that happened
29:33my mother and of course my sister Mary
29:35it turns out
29:37for quite some time their mom Carol
29:39has been keeping a secret
29:41she's been sensing things too
29:45I am not crazy
29:47I heard voices in the hall
29:49angry voices
29:51I heard the voices
29:53I knew
29:55something was wrong with the house
29:57I mean all the times
29:59that you guys were trying to tell me something
30:01it scared the hell out of her
30:03you could see that
30:05in her eyes when she started talking about it
30:07she was just as scared as we were
30:09we were extremely scared
30:11and didn't know
30:13what to do or
30:15how to approach it
30:17Jesse is the only one
30:19who doesn't believe anything paranormal
30:21is going on in the house
30:23but for the first time he can see
30:25his family is in distress
30:27I feel like
30:29I let you guys down
30:31I've been working so much
30:33I didn't know it was this bad
30:35I think my father was finally realizing
30:37that maybe we're not crazy after all
30:39maybe there really is something going on
30:41that is paranormal here
30:43alright alright I think it's time
30:45to talk to someone at the church
30:47maybe they can help
30:53later that day Carol and Mary
30:55visit their local minister
30:57he turns out to be more skeptical
30:59than supportive
31:01he said that he didn't believe
31:03there was devils or any demons
31:05it made us feel
31:07that he just didn't care
31:09he had no interest in trying
31:11to help us at all
31:13he does leave them with one bit of counsel
31:15read from the bible
31:17read out loud
31:19preferably from when Jesus is talking
31:21that gives you more power
31:31again the devil taketh him into an exceeding high mountain
31:33that night
31:35Jesse decides to take the minister's advice
31:37and fight back
31:39and the glory of him
31:41then saith Jesus unto him
31:43get thee hence Satan
31:45for it is written
31:47thou shalt worship the lord thy God
31:49and him only shalt thou serve
31:55something stabbed me
31:57it's like something grabbed a hold
31:59and kind of burned his hand
32:01we were very scared
32:03not only did it go across the room
32:05it went into the next room
32:07and these were big rooms
32:09at that moment
32:11I realized
32:13that there was a lot of power with this entity
32:15I knew it was a very strong entity
32:17doing these things
32:19so now
32:21as an 8 year old boy I'm fearing for my life
32:27the family is at their wits end
32:29Jesse decides to contact
32:31his sister Mary
32:33Aunt Mary
32:35is a deep believer in the supernatural
32:37and thought by many to have psychic gifts
32:41my aunt was
32:43what we call an empath
32:45where she could feel things a lot more than what normal people can
32:47Aunt Mary would tell us that
32:49if she walked into a house
32:51and if there was something in that house
32:53she would know
32:55Aunt Mary!
32:57oh my goodness you've gotten so big
32:59look at you
33:01Aunt Mary was the only person we thought of
33:03that maybe could give us some answers
33:07Aunt Mary
33:09immediately senses
33:11there is something wrong with the house
33:29what's up here?
33:31the attic
33:33my bedroom
33:35show me
33:55she knew it was bad
33:57she knew that the attic was evil
34:19help me
34:31we pulled it up
34:33and when we did
34:35there was that pentagram in red
34:39do you feel the energy in here?
34:41do you feel it?
34:47we need to get
34:49we need to get out of here
35:03it's the fall of 1983
35:05for the past few months
35:07the Fox family has endured
35:09the torments of dark entities
35:11in their low Arkansas home
35:13shout thou serpent
35:15Jesse's sister Mary
35:17a psychic
35:19comes to their aid
35:21help me
35:23help me
35:25help me
35:27help me
35:29help me
35:31help me
35:33immediately she senses
35:35the evil in her niece's bedroom
35:37when they uncover a pentagram
35:39a sign of the devil
35:43I didn't know it was there
35:45and I did not feel it's evil
35:47that scared me too
35:51it was
35:59the attic was my sanctuary
36:03we need to get out of here
36:05and Mary
36:07and Mary
36:09I saw her gasping for air
36:11mom! dad!
36:13she was being attacked
36:15whatever is in that attic
36:17did not want her there
36:19what's going on?
36:21is everything okay?
36:23what is that?
36:25there is something evil in this house
36:27it's a pentagram
36:29she thought it was connected to
36:31some type of a coven
36:33she thought it was devil worshippers
36:35and she thought that probably it was
36:37connected to the dreams
36:39and what I had seen in the dreams
36:41Aunt Mary believes
36:43that satanic rituals in the house
36:45conjured the demon
36:47which may have trapped the spirit
36:49of the man who was murdered in the house
36:53but that's not all
36:55Aunt Mary warns that young Mary
36:57is in danger
36:59I think it's after Mary
37:03the demon is now trying to possess her
37:05Aunt Mary said that
37:07she had the impression that
37:09if we stayed any longer
37:11I would be possessed
37:13that I probably would have killed my parents
37:15I probably would have killed Wesley
37:19maybe I just set the house on fire
37:21with all of us in it
37:23that's not gonna happen
37:25this house has a grip on you Mary
37:27she advised us
37:29not to spend another night in that house
37:35Carol and Jesse are convinced
37:41I'm gonna take this stuff to the car, okay?
37:43I'll meet you out there
37:45I'm coming
37:51but shockingly
37:53Mary is not ready to go
37:55she is suddenly overcome
37:57with an inexplicable calm
37:59as if something is holding her back
38:01I was the only one
38:03that wasn't scared
38:07I didn't want to leave
38:09I don't really know why
38:11I wasn't worried about Wes
38:13I wasn't worried about me
38:15Mary, what are you doing?
38:17you need to pack
38:19we're never gonna find another house like this
38:21Mary, this house is dangerous
38:23we're not staying here another night
38:25come on, now
38:29I begged and I begged
38:31and I begged both of my parents
38:33please let's just stay
38:35you know, please
38:37don't move us from here
38:39why do we have to give up this house?
38:41because of a little fear
38:43dad, what's wrong with Mary?
38:45just get in the car, Wes
38:47she'll be better
38:49once we get her out of this place
38:51okay, let's go
38:53I loved that house
38:55and I don't know if it was
38:57like an artificial love
38:59like some thought or desire
39:01that they had put in my head
39:03it just felt like it had been given to us
39:05and then ripped out from underneath us
39:07you know, like a very cruel joke
39:12I think someone was playing with my head
39:15it had to have been a demon
39:17sucking the life out of me
39:19maybe my will to live
39:21because honestly, I don't think I really cared
39:23if we made it out alive
39:25for the next several weeks
39:27unable to rent another home right away
39:29the Foxes split up
39:31living with nearby relatives
39:37they would never step foot in the house again
39:39in 1985
39:41two years after the Foxes fled
39:43it was torn down
39:49years later, Mary Fox
39:51her aunt and her grown brother Wesley
39:53now a paranormal investigator
39:55researched the history of the home
39:59several locals spoke of a coven
40:01that once met at the house
40:03there was a lot of rumors
40:05that there was devil worship
40:07being done on that property
40:09further research confirms
40:11that there was a man with a cane
40:13who was killed in the house
40:21I think the man was haunting the house
40:23because of being murdered in the house
40:25I think that was his domain
40:27his place to torment
40:29anyone that he could
40:37I have never gotten over
40:39this experience completely
40:41because there's times
40:43when I'll still dream about it
40:45a lot of people don't believe in it
40:47if they ever have an experience
40:49with it, they will change
40:51their mind
40:53today, you know, I'm
40:55so much into the paranormal, I do ghost tours
40:57I write books
40:59I do everything, and it's all paranormal
41:01paranormal, paranormal
41:03so to me, this house
41:05has shaped my life
41:09to be tortured by something that you can't see
41:11but you know it's there
41:17it's worse when it's over
41:19because then you got time to sit and think
41:21of all the things that could have happened
41:27in spite of the terror she encountered there
41:31Mary longs for her house
41:33and the attic bedroom
41:37I still loved that house
41:39my favorite book's gone with the wind
41:41and this was like our terra
41:45to this day, if I win the lottery
41:47I'm gonna build a house just like it