• last year


00:00an entity who masquerades as a young boy sets its sights on a team boy came
00:13walking in I looked at it like oh my nephew's here I looked over and I
00:17realized no it taunts and teases and then it attacks it changed form and it
00:26actually looked like a gargoyle it had the claws he had a really menacing grin
00:33very sharp teeth evil is the easiest way to put it we expel you now demon I knew
00:42the battle had begun can he be saved before it's too late
00:48this demon was trying to take full possession of no one in America there is
00:55real evil it lurks in the darkest shadows and in our most ordinary towns
01:04between the worlds we see and the things we fear there are doors when they are
01:14open nightmares become reality
01:31I was probably six when I realized that I see things that everybody else does
01:36not see I would see things kind of dart around or people just kind of standing
01:44there off to the side
01:51is it him is it grandpa yeah he could tell you anything about his great
01:59grandpa he'd gotten his arm caught in a corn picker when he was younger and it
02:04was off just above the elbow and he knew which arm no one was a year old when he
02:12died come on son help us pack a car sure mom Jackie Lidoff doesn't question
02:21her 16 year old son's gift she has gifts of her own
02:26mine's more just the feeling I don't necessarily see it but I still have that
02:33feeling to know that there's something I have strong instinct the odd man out is
02:39Nolan's dad Dennis I wasn't a believer in anything paranormal I kind of
02:45dismissed it while he doesn't share his family's paranormal sensitivities you
02:49grab that for me he does play along when planning the annual family vacation I
02:54think I may have found something in Branson you'd like to do my jacket so
02:58you think Nolan would want to go on a ghost tour and of course I knew the
03:00answer to that a ghost tour you know me well the family heads off on a six-hour
03:09road trip from their home in Stockport Iowa to Branson Missouri driving through
03:13the Midwestern farming belt Stockport is a really small town it's basically all
03:22agricultural base growing up in a small town you learn to enjoy this quietness
03:29that you do have whenever you know you're not harvesting or anything and
03:32it's nice knowing that when you go somewhere that you will know someone
03:46I'm glad you could join us I'm Wesley Fox this is my wife Melissa I'm an author
03:51and a paranormal investigator and I will be your tour guide for tonight Branson
03:56has a rich history in the mid 1800s this was a lawless place until the
04:01vigilantes tamed it and then the vigilantes became the criminals Wesley
04:06and Melissa Fox of Branson paranormal have been leading ghost tours in Branson
04:11for the past year all the buildings on our tour we have either investigated or
04:16through research we found out that they are haunted several of the locations
04:20though we do have the evidence to back up that they are very haunted in 1912 a
04:25fire destroyed most of the downtown this building was built after the fire when
04:34businesses moved in several years ago they reported hearing scratching sounds
04:38and the sound of machinery coming from the basement Nolan's gift draws him to a
04:43ghostly presence I would see Nolan's eyes stray so I would look and see where
04:49he was straying at and I never felt there was always something there follow
04:53me to the basement Melissa a psychic empath can see her too I've always
05:00called myself an empath most empaths can feel things but not only can I feel them
05:06I can sometimes see them if they want me to Melissa and I actually both picked up
05:15on the same spirit it was a very nice feeling because you have that
05:20confirmation you know that oh this is real I'm seeing it and that was really
05:25comforting to me
05:33follow me come all the way in that's it one of the buildings on our tour has a
05:40very rich history the things that happened in this building have made it
05:45one of the most active haunts in Branson in the 1920s the KKK printed a
05:50hate-mongering newspaper right here in the basement in the 1960s a woman was
05:56murdered by a jealous lover at the building it's no wonder that this is a
05:59hotbed of paranormal activity on a regular basis we hear knocking
06:04scratching at this door we've picked up voices on EVPs electronic voice
06:09phenomenon a lot of times if you knock something knocks back let's see if we
06:19hear anything
06:36well folks spirits will be spirits I guess no one's answering the door
06:40tonight follow me
06:48that location I don't like to go to I've knocked on the door one time the
06:54door pushed back at me the feeling I got when the door pushed back was not good
07:02there's something about that location that is just dark evil evil is the
07:08easiest way to put it
07:32Nolan the tours moving upstairs I'm gonna lock up
07:38Thanks Melissa after Nolan was on the tour people could go down there and
07:45knock on the door and nothing happened that location became dead which before
07:51it was one of our most active locations
08:00the Lydon's vacation ends with Nolan returning to his sophomore year of high
08:05school and a horror movie date with his girlfriend Angela
08:16oh my god why are they just sitting there who does that they know that
08:25nothing's gonna happen it's too early in the movie for that
08:41we started noticing movements they would get really close to us and then run away
08:52and we looked over and you couldn't see anything
08:57but we both swore that something had entered the room
09:13after returning from a ghost tour sixteen-year-old Nolan and his
09:17girlfriend Angela sense of presence in his home we both noticed something just
09:27kind of walk in in that light it looked like kind of the outline of a child it
09:37wasn't completely black it had some color to it but no facial features at
09:48oh my god what was that while Angela has seen Nolan interact with spirits many
09:54times this one feels different she'd already gone through a few different
10:01things with me that were pretty unexplainable and I think she was
10:04starting to get used to it
10:06well should we be worried no no whatever that was I don't think it means
10:14us any harm for me a spirit was a spirit I didn't think too much of it and it
10:22didn't try to hurt me or anybody in the family so it didn't bother me
10:29Nolan returns home from basketball practice
10:39mom I'm gonna grab a quick shower before dinner
10:43okay dinner's on the table in 30
10:45got it
10:51Tiger? Did you get stuck in the basement again?
10:54my room's in the basement I heard a scraping noise
10:58and I thought oh one of the cats got down in the basement and were wanting back up
11:04and I opened the door and there was nothing there
11:10so I went down and actually searched for the cat
11:27there's no reason that that noise should have happened
11:57I was in the shower and I heard growling
12:28and there was nothing there
12:31kind of wrote it off as an animal like one of the dogs came in and then they
12:37kind of dawned on me that I always lock the door to the bathroom always have so
12:45I was the only one in there
12:58there's a back room that we use as storage we put the decorations and
13:12everything into I felt like there's something in there watching it just felt
13:18really eerie down there
13:41ever since we got back from Branson I've been sensing weird things really like
13:47what I was in the shower I heard something and that storage room is
13:53giving me the creeps I talked about the back room and the feeling I got there
13:58was something down there I've never felt comfortable in that storage room but
14:03this is different what are you guys talking about over there
14:07state secrets yes we are and you don't want to know these state secrets trust
14:12me discussing the paranormal with Dennis he just really never believed anything
14:16we was telling him so most the time we just didn't discuss that it was kind of
14:21no one and I talked about it him and his mother talked about these things more
14:28amongst themselves and they knew I didn't believe a lot in that
14:54Nolan Lightoff has been seeing spirits for most of his life
15:25but they have never heard him
15:31something scratched my right arm all the way down the forearm nothing should
15:39have been in my room that could scratch me I mean I was fast asleep it was just
15:43really insane because it was just I woke up to a burning sensation on my arm and
15:49there's just no explanation for it I realized it was more than just a spirit
15:56you know it had intentions it wants to cause me harm
16:09mom take a look at these the first time Nolan got scratched and he didn't know
16:16where he got him how'd you get the scratches I don't know I just asked him
16:22what he did you know whether he scratched himself in his sleep or I
16:25wasn't sure what he had done wash it put some disinfectant on it okay trim your
16:32fingernails I didn't do this she wondered at first if maybe I had done it
16:39to myself but I think it was obvious that I didn't
17:10I heard my name called out and it sounded like Dennis he was supposed to
17:17be at home at the time
17:35Dennis is that you
17:50you know you think to yourself am I just seeing things or is there you know was
17:55there something just went by or the wind blew or something and it's like there's
17:59really no rational explanations
18:10now concerned for their safety Jackie discusses Nolan's unexplained physical
18:19attacks with his father I'm worried Dennis during this time Nolan would have
18:24scratch marks and Jackie talked about how when I wasn't home she would hear
18:30someone calling her name and thought it was me and go out and nobody's there I
18:35don't know what this is all about but he'll be okay
18:45all sudden I had scratches down my arm oh my god Jackie she had it basically
18:52claw marks on her arm something is going on in this house we need some help yes
19:02we do I try to rationalize everything and there's just so much stuff going on
19:07that it can't be explained or rationalized that's when he realized that
19:14we did actually have something going on that it was physical not knowing where
19:23to turn the family contacts the guides from the ghost tour Melissa and Wesley
19:28Fox and Branson paranormal they were hearing growling sounds at their house
19:32Nolan and Jackie both had been scratched there's a scratching especially in
19:37threes like there's was it was demonic Wes explained that most of the time when
19:43it comes in a pair of threes that it's demonic and that it's making fun of the
19:48father son and Holy Ghost it's a mockery of it
19:55Wesley gives instructions on how to bless the property and get rid of the
20:09three months passed by without any activity it appears to have worked my
20:17hope at that point was that everything was done like it was just finally over
20:21with and that everything could go back to normal
20:26a little boy came walking in hey and I looked at it like oh my nephew's here I
20:55looked over and I realized no it was just kind of a random kid had walked in
21:00the living room
21:0316-year-old Nolan light off has interacted with ghosts since he was a
21:23little boy but a gift that was once innocent and comforting has attracted
21:30unbridled evil it changed form and it actually looked like kind of like a
21:37gargoyle like figure it had the claws and it was all hunched up on the ceiling
21:44and then it just kind of went straight up and through and disappeared I'd never
21:51seen anything like that it was just so large and so close and so sudden it just
21:58took me off guard this was like the first moment where it ever went this is
22:03what I look like here I am this is what you're going against it scared me I
22:10wasn't ready for that and I just kind of kept that in I didn't tell anybody about
22:17that experience
22:21although Nolan decides to keep the terrifying experience to himself his
22:29mother also has the ability to sense the presence is back it wasn't the same
22:35feeling that the house had always had before I knew it was there but it never
22:40made itself seen to me I mean I just had the feeling for the last few months the
22:52light offs have been in constant contact with Melissa and Wesley Fox of Branson
22:57paranormal now the family asks them to come investigate the house my first
23:06initial feeling when I walked into the house was very uncomfortable you could
23:12cut the tension in the house with a knife not necessarily between the family
23:17members but just in general it was very tense feeling very heavy and you feel
23:23like you can't breathe it's something that is not normal in a home when we
23:29found out that the activity had not stopped at Nolan's family's house we
23:33didn't know if the family maybe didn't do the blessing correctly or if it's
23:39just a very strong demon it was definitely time for an investigation
23:44thanks for coming we think that the demon is still here we can feel it right
23:50Nolan yeah so the scratching sounds have continued what about knocking sounds
23:58growling where do you want to start in the basement there was actually one
24:09particular location in the house that was worse than all of the others it was
24:12downstairs in the basement it was by Nolan's bedroom and Nolan's room was
24:19uncomfortable as well
24:28but there was a little area of the basement that was very uncomfortable I
24:32did not like to go back there
24:39was a sense of dread evil is the easiest way to put it
24:49I got something what are you sensing this is it it was very much a hot spot
25:05in the basement my theory on spots like that is that's where the demonics
25:09concentrate a lot of their time planning is an attack you know it's kind of like
25:14where you where your home base is
25:25but the demon doesn't stay in one place for long I could feel the entity anytime
25:32I would go into one room it would run to another room it was hiding it did not
25:37want me to get a good look at it
26:14I was outside looking at the trees looking at the yard
26:53there's one particular tree which I saw from the back of the house the tree kind
27:00of creep me out a little bit
27:14after sensing a demonic presence the Lidoff family invites paranormal
27:30investigators into their home we think that the demon is still here we can feel
27:36it it did not want me to get a good look at it it didn't want me to get a good
27:39feeling on it
27:44it was like a gargoyle he had a really menacing grin lots of teeth very sharp
28:13looking teeth it frightened me
28:22I saw it I saw the demon Nolan is petrified could it be the same demon he's
28:29been seen
28:35I thought a few days ago it looked like a kid and then it it just it turned into
28:42this this thing everything that I started to describe Nolan could complete
28:49it was because it was the same entity the only difference is is it showed him
28:55that it was a child first it never showed me the child form he would do that to
29:01try to make Nolan basically trusted at first the theory was that it was just
29:05trying to intimidate and basically cause fear but where did this demon come
29:13from suddenly Melissa remembers when Nolan attended the ghost tour she and
29:20her husband
29:23it's a very good possibility that on the ghost or that something followed Nolan
29:38home because Nolan is like a beacon of light whenever you have gifts it draws
29:43entities to you the next morning the family performs a second blessing with
29:49Wesley and Melissa's help
30:01we knew that it was demonic there wasn't really a question or a doubt in our
30:05minds at that point the hope was that this time you know with us there to make
30:10sure that the house blessing was done exact
30:15with every nook and cranny that most people don't think about that it was
30:20completely done that we could get everything completely out of the house
30:33it's a very strong demon it's not gonna let go easily so we have to do more
30:39things to help out after they left we all were pretty hopeful that this might
30:47be the last time that anything would happen
30:52the house I just had a warm warmer feeling about it and maybe a little
31:01they all agreed that what had been there is actually gone in Melissa before they
31:07left she said you know she felt pretty good that it was gone
31:20but as the weeks go by Jackie begins to notice a change in Nolan
31:36where'd you get that bruise his bruises was more frequent I mean he had some
31:43scratches once in a while but it was more of the bruising that he would have
31:47was it basketball practice no what do you care anyway hey I was concerned
31:57about his behavior in his mood because he was more irritable negative he wasn't
32:02as happy like he always was before it started becoming pretty common for me to
32:10only get an hour or two of sleep every night according to my mother I was
32:14getting moodier and more upset fairly quick kind of started distancing myself
32:21basically from everyone
32:29one night I started having a dream and in this dream I would actually find
32:37myself in that back storage room
32:44I was looking down on my own body I looked like I had killed myself there's
33:04blood on the walls and I was just laying there motionless
33:14go on
33:26for more haunting visit destination america.com
33:45for weeks Nolan Lidoff has suffered terrifying nightmares in which a demon
33:50tells him to kill himself
34:03in this dream it looked like I had killed myself in that back storage room
34:11it happened once or twice in a week and then it slowly became basically every
34:19time I would go to sleep I would have a dream
34:30go on do it
34:41go on
35:00Nolan are you okay?
35:09no I'm not okay
35:12I can't sleep and when I do I dream I've killed myself
35:23and I hear voices whisper in my ear telling me to kill myself and I don't
35:31know how to make it stop. When Nolan told me that he was having these nightmares
35:37and it wanted him to kill himself I was scared that's when I talked to Wes
35:42Wesley Fox of Branson Paranormal has been advising the family on how to get
35:47rid of the demon. Wes hi it's Jackie we're having some trouble here with Nolan
35:56it's just getting worse this thing is telling him to kill himself I don't
36:02know what to do. Jackie told me about the voices that Nolan was hearing in his
36:07head and these voices were encouraging him to kill himself and I wasn't sure
36:12how much more Nolan was gonna be able to take we were concerned that this demon
36:15was trying to take full possession of Nolan. You want a what?
36:25thank you
36:31they think the demon is attached to Nolan not the house
36:38and it's trying to possess him
36:42they think he needs an exorcism
36:46it's not safe
36:48that sounds extreme
36:50do you want this thing to kill our son?
36:53no of course not
36:55I don't think we have a lot of other choices
36:58you're supposed to be your family's protector
37:00once I realized what was actually happening I told Jackie I said we'll get
37:06him down there because they know what they need to do
37:20Branson paranormal demonologist and ordained minister Joe Eder leads the
37:31exorcism. When I got the phone call that he was going to commit suicide we had to
37:39do an exorcism. This demonic entity had the strength to actually interact with
37:45his body. Before we begin I'm going to baptize you in the blood of Jesus in the
37:53word of our Lord you are now baptized let's begin. Baptism is a cleansing of
38:01the spirit and I believe the mind. We the children of our Lord we pray now. Now God
38:09steps in. We profess our lives to Jesus and our Lord. And a demon really can't
38:14catch on to anything. We are saved this day, this time, this hour.
38:20In Christ's name be gone. Be gone. Come on! We expel you now demon. Demon tell us
38:43your name. Demon tell us your name. Talk to God Nolan. God is reaching out to you.
38:52God is a joke. We the children of our Lord we pray now. His whole appearance
39:02changed at that point we knew that Nolan was not there. We profess our lives to Jesus
39:08and our Lord. We are saved this day, this time, this hour. Nolan's eyes were
39:14completely black. Tell us your name demon. I'm not going to say it. And the voice
39:21coming out wasn't his voice. Say your name. No! Say it! Exorcise! Exorcise! I command you
39:34in Jesus' name to leave this body and return to hell.
39:47Finally the demon released its name. Within three seconds of him saying this name and
39:52Joe repeating it you could see all the light in the room start to return slowly
39:57just like someone had opened up a curtain and the sun was coming into the room.
40:05The next thing I remember is waking up and just feeling really drained. Wes was
40:11just kind of like well how you feeling? And I'm like I feel like I just went
40:16through a fight. It's kind of like he was waking up from a sleep and he doesn't
40:22remember anything of it. I was very glad that was over.
40:34With the nightmare of the demon behind them, the Leidoffs look forward to a new
40:39chapter in the family's life. You thinking about getting any training in Atlanta?
40:43No, not really. My mom, dad and I just all kind of got you know closer as a unit.
40:53Breakfast afterwards. We're going to spend the night. We've got him back. We're
40:57always there for him. If Nolan needs something then I'll drop what I'm doing
41:03and do it. But he doesn't ask a lot. I'm just glad it ended up the way it ended
41:10up. There's things that happen that can't be explained. I'm not afraid anymore
41:16to bring up the paranormal to people. I'm more than willing to be open and let
41:23them know you know what our experience with it was. With everything that's gone
41:30we're still dealing with it. I mean you can't get past it. It's just to be scared
41:35of something that you can't see, touch. There's nothing you can do. That's the
41:42scary part of it. I still see family members and old family friends that have
41:47passed. I still see things all the time. I'm not going to stay in the upstairs.
41:54That's something I feel like I'll probably have for the rest of my life and I'm
41:57okay with that. I consider it a blessing.