• last year
(Adnkronos) - Sostenibilità, al Meeting di Rimini l'esperienza di Coca-Cola HBC Italia; Come cambia il lavoro, nuove strategie per attrarre giovani e donne; Ue, crisi demografica e di competenze.


00:00Sustainability at the meeting of Rimini, the experience of Coca-Cola HBC Italy.
00:20How does the work change? New strategies to attract young women.
00:24U.E. demographic crisis and skills.
00:31They are called infiltration forest areas,
00:33i.e. agricultural land located in high plains areas characterized by permeable soils,
00:39equipped with a network of canals in the area of which a continuous flow of water is made
00:45taken from external sources, with the aim of facilitating the infiltration into the phreatic faucet.
00:51At the meeting of Rimini, AFI talked about how to conserve, use and share
00:57such a precious resource as water, which has seen the presence of the institutional,
01:02academic and business world on what is the essential element for life,
01:06which due to climate change is in ever more scarce quantity.
01:11The project presented by Coca-Cola HBC Italy,
01:15carried out together with the consortium of Bonifica Veronese,
01:18will allow to zero the use of the water of the Falda by the Nogara plant.
01:24We take the water from the subsurface, we do not use the aqueduct water,
01:29we take it in depth.
01:31The infiltration forest area allows us to increase the richness of the Falda
01:37with 800,000 cubic meters, which will become 1.5 million cubic meters of water,
01:42thus going to more than compensate the water we take.
01:45And always in Rimini, Coca-Cola HBC Italy also brought an important project
01:50related to the packaging.
01:52In the four corners of the meeting restoration areas,
01:55compactors have been positioned to involve visitors
01:59on the importance of correct recycling and daily gestures
02:03to be more sustainable through educational quizzes on the themes of circular economy.
02:08We decided to bring four compactors in collaboration with the CoriPet
02:13to collect bottles for consumption, which are then inserted in these compactors
02:18and the recycling process begins, which will lead to new bottles,
02:22because packaging is not an enemy of the environment,
02:25but it is what allows us safe and quality products.
02:28The important thing is not to waste it, but to deliver it and then recycle it.
02:33Today we use 100% recycled plastic in our drinks.
02:39Two years ago, in Piedmont, near Biella, in Gallianico,
02:45a plant that works with 30,000 tons of recycled plastic,
02:50making recycled plastic for food use and then transforming it into bottles
02:55that must then be filled in all our Italian plants
02:58and serve the Italian market with packaging that is already 100% recycled.
03:07Occupation in Italy has reached record levels,
03:10with an increase of 62.1% with almost 24 million employees,
03:14but with the demographic winter that we are going through
03:17and the arrival of artificial intelligence,
03:19which risks making many jobs disappear, which occupy millions of workers,
03:23it is necessary to monitor the future of a market that will change face in a few years.
03:29From Rimini's meeting, the importance of training is emphasized
03:33to increase competence and productivity,
03:35but above all to involve populations still on the margins.
03:39We can, of course, contrast what are the future negativities of the demographic trend
03:48only with two important levers.
03:51One, to better use technological innovation
03:55and what could be the practical applications of innovation and artificial intelligence.
04:03In addition, there is certainly the fact that we need to bring to work
04:09not only women, young women, but young people in general.
04:14That really worrying number is made up of young people who do not study,
04:20do not work and do not train.
04:23In this context, training and competence play a fundamental role
04:27to make work more productive, promote growth,
04:30reduce the gap between demand and supply and stimulate innovation.
04:34At the same time, companies face a constantly evolving scenario
04:39with respect to the balance between private life and professional commitment.
04:43The measures of welfare, continuous training and inclusiveness
04:46are increasingly relevant aspects for workers,
04:49in particular for the new generations.
04:52An investment that allows to accelerate on its own people,
04:56therefore increasing productivity,
04:59but at the same time to have happy people,
05:03proud to work in a company that invests in people and not only in machinery,
05:08invests in training, invests in opportunities even abroad,
05:13because obviously this is also an added value that companies like ours,
05:17present in many countries of the world, can offer.
05:20Continuous growth, continuous training, fast development abroad
05:25are the factors that certainly make people happy to work in Philip Morris.
05:33Demographic crises and competence crises
05:35are among the main challenges of the European Union,
05:38which in the case of Italy translate into the lack of qualified staff.
05:43The lack of staff and above all the lack of qualified staff
05:47is a problem not only in Italy but more generally in Europe.
05:51For us, however, it is a little more serious.
05:53It is estimated that in Italy, in the last ten years,
05:56there has been less than 1,800,000 people.
06:01The same number for Germany is 800,000
06:05and the Germans are more, about 80 million, while we are 60.
06:09Where does all this come from?
06:11Partly from the birth crisis,
06:14unfortunately for a long time we have had fewer children,
06:17but above all from the aging of the population.
06:20More and more people leave the workforce
06:23normally considered between the ages of 15 and 64.
06:27This is why in all the meetings of entrepreneurs
06:30we start by talking about the most varied topics,
06:34but in the end all these meetings always end in the same way,
06:38that is, the real problem in the end is the lack of staff
06:42and above all the lack of qualified staff.
06:47The problem of training is a central problem
06:50that determines our ability to prosper in the future.
06:54In our history, the idea that professional training
06:58should be given to the State is a very recent idea
07:01and in part it has not worked,
07:03because before then the responsibility to train workers
07:07has always been of the companies themselves,
07:12which considered it a central part of their duty
07:16and of their own sustainability over time.
07:19Let's think, for example, of the medieval shops,
07:22but also more recently of the cases of success,
07:26the school of Olivetti, the school of Mattei,
07:30therefore the large enterprise, but also the small one,
07:33the shop that takes care of training its own people.
07:38It does not ask for it or delegate it to the State or an external entity.
07:42In my opinion, to solve the problem,
07:45we must return to this concept,
07:49that is, it is the entrepreneur who must take care
07:53of the training of his own workers,
07:57much more than I do now.
08:01Clearly, myself and many of my colleagues
08:05would love to, but I need help because I can't do it,
08:09and the point is a bit this,
08:11we must reorient the resources of the school
08:15towards the enterprises,
08:17especially for the professional school, of course,
08:21by re-opening the business academies,
08:24but also initiatives in which the companies themselves,
08:28even the small and medium-sized ones,
08:30get together and make small local academies among themselves.
08:35I think this is the path to follow,
08:38it is part of our culture,
08:40it is part of our history,
08:42the State should invest and intervene on this
08:46if it wants to enter or solve the problem of training,
08:49not eroding training directly.
09:00World Economic Forum
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