Little Einsteins S04E05 - The Wild Goose Chase

  • le mois dernier
00:00Nous allons sur une voyage dans notre vaisseau de roquettes préférés
00:05Zoomer dans le ciel, les petits Einstein
00:10Sortez de bord, soyez prêts à explorer
00:13Il y a beaucoup à trouver, les petits Einstein
00:17Nous allons sur une mission, commencez le countdown
00:215, 4, 3, 2, 1
00:25Tout le monde commence la mission
00:29Everyone to rocket, rev it up now!
00:37We're going on a trip, in our favorite rocket ship
00:41Zooming through the sky, Little Einstein
00:46Climb aboard, get ready to explore
00:49There's so much to find, Little Einstein
00:53Come on! Let's go!
00:55Little Einstein
00:57We need you!
00:59Little Einstein
01:04Ok, we're starting, this is it
01:08The Wild Goose Chase
01:13Circles in a circle
01:15Painted by
01:17Wassily Kandinsky
01:21And music
01:28Symphonie No. 40
01:31Written by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
01:43Hi, I'm Leo
01:46My friends and I are flying in our big red rocket ship
01:52Rocket can fly anywhere
01:55Just like a bird
01:57Let's tell Rocket that we want him to fly really high
02:02Say, fly high, Rocket!
02:09Fly high, Rocket!
02:17Yay, Rocket!
02:25Look, look, look!
02:27Rocket found a family of red-breasted geese
02:32See? There's the grandma and the grandpa
02:37And the mom and the dad
02:40And the big brothers and sisters
02:43And in the back is a little baby goose
02:48The baby goose has to be at the back
02:51So he can follow the grown-ups
02:54Aww, he's so little
02:57He doesn't have any red feathers yet
03:01But when he grows up, he'll have lots of red feathers
03:05Then he'll fly up front with the grown-ups
03:09The goose family must be migrating
03:12They're going south for the winter
03:15It's important that they stay together so no one gets lost
03:20Right! They need to stay safe from other animals
03:25Like arctic foxes
03:33Bye, red-breasted geese!
03:36Have a good migration!
03:46Hey! It sounds like someone is following Rocket
03:52Who's following Rocket?
03:57Oh yeah! It's the little baby goose
04:02He must have gotten confused in that big fluffy cloud
04:08He followed Rocket by accident instead of his family
04:15Rocket is telling the baby goose that he needs to follow his family
04:21Baby goose! Rocket's not a red-breasted goose
04:26He's a rocket ship
04:28See? He's following his family
04:32He's following his family
04:35He's following his family
04:38He's following his family
04:41Baby goose! He's a rocket ship
04:48Let's see if we can find where the baby goose's family went
04:54Do you see the baby goose's family?
05:00Yes! There they are!
05:02They flew all the way to Lake Durankuak in Bulgaria
05:07Oh no! But that's so far away!
05:15Poor baby goose! He sounds so sad
05:20He really misses his family
05:26I wish we knew someone who could fly and lead baby goose to his family
05:37Hmm. Who do we know that can fly?
05:48Yeah! Rocket can help the baby goose
05:56Rocket's going to lead baby goose to his family
06:02Will you help Rocket lead the baby goose to his family?
06:08Alright! We've got a mission!
06:14We're going to lead baby goose to his family
06:18Let the mission begin!
06:25Baby goose! Get ready to blast off with Rocket!
06:36Come on!
06:39Welcome aboard!
06:43Buckle your seatbelts!
06:47Seatbelts buckled!
06:49Prepare for blast off!
06:51We're going to need a lot of power to blast off!
06:55Pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat
07:00June is patting!
07:02Quincy's patting!
07:04Annie's patting!
07:06But we need more power!
07:10Put your hands on your lap and pat with us!
07:13Pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat
07:19Pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat
07:24Now raise your arms as high as you can
07:29And say, blast off!
07:32Blast off!
07:37Hold on tight guys, here we go!
07:49Uh-oh, baby goose is flapping his wings
07:53But he can't keep up with Rocket!
07:57Don't worry, I can make up a song to help baby goose
08:02Go for it Annie!
08:04But I need your help
08:07Flap your arms with me while I sing
08:11Come on, flap your arms!
08:14Up and down, up and down, flap your goose wings
08:17Follow Rocket and soar through the sky
08:20Up and down, up and down, flap your goose wings
08:23You can fly, you can fly, you can fly
08:28It worked!
08:30Baby goose is flying with Rocket!
08:37Oh, it sounds windy up ahead!
08:45The wind is swirling around in big circles!
08:53Oh no! Rocket and baby goose are stuck in one of the wind circles!
09:04We have to help them!
09:08Rocket knows what to do!
09:11He says we can fly out of the wind circles if we do a loop-de-loop!
09:18That's a great idea, Rocket!
09:21But Rocket is going to need our help!
09:24We have to do the loop-de-loop maneuver!
09:30To do the loop-de-loop maneuver, we have to fly out of the wind circles
09:37To do the loop-de-loop maneuver, clap the beat in a circle!
09:43Try it! Clap in a circle with me!
09:46Clap, clap, clap, clap! That's it!
09:50Clap, clap, clap, clap!
09:53We're helping Rocket and baby goose do a loop-de-loop!
09:59It worked!
10:01But now they're stuck in a little wind circle!
10:05We have to help Rocket and baby goose do a little loop-de-loop!
10:10Can you clap your hands in a little circle?
10:14Like this!
10:16Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap!
10:26We're almost out of the wind circles!
10:30But there's still one last circle!
10:34And it's the biggest one!
10:38Clap your hands in the biggest circle you can make!
10:43Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap!
10:46Even bigger!
10:48Clap, clap, clap, clap!
10:53We did it!
10:55We helped Rocket and baby goose loop-de-loop through all the wind circles!
11:05Way to go!
11:07Thanks for helping me do the loop-de-loop maneuver!
11:14The baby goose is changing!
11:19He's getting his first red feather!
11:23Congratulations, baby goose!
11:26You're growing up!
11:29He can't wait to show his family his new red feather!
11:34Come on, baby goose!
11:37Rocket is going to lead you to your family!
11:48Let's sing our flying goose song!
11:51Flap your arms with me!
11:54Up and down, up and down, flap your goose wings
11:57Rocket and soar through the sky
11:59Up and down, up and down, flap your goose wings
12:02You can fly, you can fly, you can fly
12:05All right! Here we go!
12:12Uh-oh! Something is wrong!
12:16Baby goose is running out of energy!
12:23Pauvre bébé goose! Il a l'air faim!
12:28Hum! Voyons voir!
12:31Les oiseaux rouges aiment manger de la viande et de l'arbre
12:36Mais leur nourriture préférée est la graisse musicale!
12:47Regarde, regarde, regarde!
12:50Regarde, regarde, regarde!
12:52Il y a de la graisse musicale au sommet des montagnes d'Euron!
13:03Mais il y a trois types de graisse musicale
13:07et elles sont toutes différentes!
13:10Je me demande quel genre de graisse bébé goose aime manger!
13:15Oh! Baby goose likes the musical grass that sounds like a clarinet!
13:25Let's listen carefully to the musical grass!
13:34We need to figure out which one sounds like my clarinet!
13:40Let's listen one more time!
13:50Which one sounds like a clarinet?
13:56Yes! There it is! At the top of the biggest mountain!
14:02We found the grass that sounds like a clarinet!
14:10Regarde! Le bébé goose essaie de manger toute la graisse musicale santé!
14:16Vas-y bébé goose! Tu peux le faire!
14:19C'est bon pour toi!
14:39Tu l'as fait!
14:41Ouais bébé goose!
14:44Tu as beaucoup d'énergie maintenant!
14:49Regarde! Quelque chose se passe avec le bébé goose!
14:54Est-ce que le bébé goose a eu une autre graisse musicale?
14:59Oui! Il a deux graisses musicales maintenant!
15:04Le bébé goose veut aller montrer à sa famille! Il les a vraiment manqués!
15:13Rocket va te ramener à la maison, bébé goose! C'est un promis!
15:20Allez, équipe!
15:34Flappes tes bras et chante avec moi!
15:38En haut, en bas, en haut, en bas, flappes tes flèches gooses
15:41Fais un rocket et tourne dans le ciel
15:44En haut, en bas, en haut, en bas, flappes tes flèches gooses
15:47Tu peux voler, tu peux voler, tu peux voler
15:53Il fait vraiment pluvieux!
15:56C'est parce qu'il y a de la pluie!
15:59C'est vraiment pluvieux!
16:02C'est de plus en plus difficile de voir où on va!
16:08Regarde, Rocket! Il y a un château en face!
16:13Pfiou! On est arrivé au château!
16:20Mais le bébé goose est allé dans le château!
16:24Oh non! C'est le château de Bran, en Transylvanie!
16:32Reste là, bébé goose! Rocket va te sauver!
16:41Tu vois le bébé goose?
16:45Oui, il est là!
16:47Il est là!
16:52C'est drôle à l'intérieur de ce château!
16:55Oui! Qu'est-ce que tu dis?
16:58On sort d'ici!
17:02Oh non! On est emprisonné!
17:08Regarde! Regarde! Regarde!
17:11Le bébé goose a une sortie!
17:14Mais c'est jusqu'à la fin de ce long passage spooky!
17:23Et c'est rempli de...
17:31Ne vous inquiétez pas! Je connais une danse spéciale
17:34que Rocket et le bébé goose porteront
17:37quand une boubie-trape arrive!
17:45Oh, cool!
17:47La BOUBIE-TRAPE DANSE se déroule comme ça!
17:51Pat, pat, pat!
17:53Clap, clap, clap!
17:55Allez! Je dois que tu fasses la danse avec moi!
18:00Tout d'abord, tape le beat sur ton pied, comme ça!
18:05Pat, pat, pat!
18:08Ensuite, tape le beat!
18:11Clap, clap, clap!
18:15Maintenant, faites les deux parties ensemble, comme moi!
18:18Pat, pat, pat!
18:20Clap, clap, clap!
18:22Nous devons taper et taper
18:24Et taper, taper, taper
18:26C'est tout!
18:29Faites la BOUBIE-TRAPE DANSE avec moi!
18:32Nous tapons dans notre bouche
18:34Pour trouver une boubie-trape
18:36Nous devons taper et taper
18:38Et taper, taper, taper
18:42Ca a marché!
18:44Notre danse a expliqué à Rocket et à Baby Goose
18:47De s'arrêter juste en temps!
18:53Faites la BOUBIE-TRAPE DANSE!
18:57Nous tapons dans notre bouche
18:59Pour trouver une boubie-trape
19:01Nous devons taper et taper
19:03Et taper, taper, taper
19:13We warned them about another booby trap!
19:16We're almost out of the castle!
19:19Keep doing the booby trap dance!
19:22We're patting in our lap
19:24To find a booby trap
19:26We have to pat and clap
19:28And clapping, clapping, clap
19:34We missed another booby trap!
19:45We made it out of Grand Castle!
19:52Way to go, June!
19:54Your booby trap dance worked!
19:57Thanks for dancing with me!
19:59You did wonderfully!
20:03You were very brave, Baby Goose!
20:14Baby Goose got another red feather!
20:18How many feathers does he have now?
20:23Three red feathers!
20:26You're right!
20:29He's so excited!
20:31He can't wait to show his family!
20:42That sounds like...
20:44An arctic fox!
20:47There he is!
20:49On top of that hill!
20:51And he sees Baby Goose!
20:59Get away from the arctic fox!
21:02We need to teach Baby Goose how to fly super fast!
21:07Will you help Rocket and Baby Goose fly super fast?
21:16Super fast!
21:18Super fast!
21:28To get to super fast, we have to start at Adagio.
21:34Pat the beat on your lap slowly.
21:44Now pat the beat on your tummy a little faster.
21:57Now pat the beat on your shoulders even faster.
22:09Now reach your arms to the sky and shake your whole body!
22:16We did it!
22:18We're flying super fast!
22:27Yay, Baby Goose!
22:29You did it!
22:31You don't have to worry about that arctic fox ever again!
22:39Wow! What happened to Baby Goose?
22:46Yes! He got lots and lots of red feathers!
22:54Aw! Rocket is so proud of Baby Goose!
22:58He's all grown up now.
23:11Listen! That sounds like Baby Goose's family!
23:16Do you see Baby Goose's family?
23:21Yes! There they are!
23:37They're so happy to see Baby Goose!
23:41And they can't believe how much he's grown up!
23:53Yay, Baby Goose!
23:55He's leading the way!
24:01Mission completion!
24:07Now it's time for the curtain call!
24:12Let's give a hand and hear it for the team
24:17And rah, rah, rah for Rocket
24:22Come on, take a bow
24:24It's your turn now
24:26Let's give a big hand for you
24:30Hurrah! Hurrah!
24:33Now clap, clap, clap, clap, clap
24:37Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap
24:40Let's give a big cheer for the artist of the day
24:45Pam Gipsby!
24:47Pam Gipsby!
24:49The composer of the beautiful music we play
24:56Mozart! Hurrah!
25:01And here comes the music of the day
25:17See you on the next mission!
25:21Hey, look! There's a ring!
25:24Pull it!
25:26No! Don't do it, Rocket!
25:29Do it, Rocket! See what happens!
25:33J'ai ri, Bipi!
25:36They're everywhere!
25:39Ha, ha, ha!
25:42Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
26:02Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
