LazyTown S04E04 New Kid in Town 1072p

  • il y a 2 mois


01:27New Kid in Town
01:31Wait a minute.
01:44Finally, peace and quiet.
01:48I'm so ready for the big stone festival.
01:54I'm strong as an ox.
02:01Qu'est-ce qui se passe? J'essaie d'aller me coucher.
02:04Tu vas bien? Je suis en route pour le festival des grandes pierres.
02:08On va boire de la canne de sport.
02:10Et on va lever les grandes pierres.
02:13Tu vas lever les pierres?
02:15Je l'ai déjà fait.
02:18Tu l'as fait? D'où as-tu obtenu l'énergie?
02:25Je l'ai obtenue de...
02:28Des lollipops sucrés.
02:32Mais je pensais que tu n'obtenais que de la canne de sport.
02:36Non, non, non.
02:38Tu l'as obtenue de ces lollipops.
02:41C'est parti.
02:42Vas-y et dis-les aux autres amis de LazyTown.
02:46Oui, je le ferai.
02:48C'est génial.
02:53Je vais pouvoir lever la grande pierre.
02:56Je n'y crois pas.
02:593 pierres de LazyTown.
03:01C'est génial.
03:03On va devoir commencer à pratiquer.
03:09Les enfants!
03:12Salut, Ziggy.
03:13Regarde ça.
03:15Ziggy, pourquoi tu manges ce lollipop?
03:18Ce lollipop va m'aider à lever ces pierres.
03:23Il a besoin de la canne de sport.
03:25C'est un lollipop à puissance de sucre.
03:29C'est très puissant.
03:32Qui t'a dit ça?
03:35C'était Robbie.
03:41Je vais parler à Robbie.
03:43Vous commencez à pratiquer.
03:46Au revoir.
03:47Au revoir.
03:56J'essaye d'en prendre un.
03:58C'est pas bien de mentir à Ziggy sur ce lollipop.
04:05Oh, tu veux dire Candy Boy.
04:07Si tu mens, ton nez va grandir.
04:10Comme Pinocchio.
04:15Le garçon en bois qui mentait tant
04:18que son nez grandit.
04:20C'était un bon menteur?
04:22Il mentait tout le temps.
04:24Et les autres, ont-ils croyé à lui?
04:26Oui, ils l'ont fait.
04:29Et ce...
04:34Tu sais où je peux le trouver?
04:36C'est juste un personnage dans un livre.
04:38Mais tu dois promettre de ne plus mentir.
04:42Je promets de ne plus mentir.
04:51Mais Pinocchio, il le fera.
04:56Je sens un plan brillant à venir.
04:59Ils ne croiront jamais à moi.
05:01Mais ils croiront au meilleur menteur du monde.
05:04Ce Pinocchio...
05:07Quoi que ce soit.
05:08Je lui dirai de leur dire de manger seulement des lollipops
05:13pour qu'ils perdent toute leur énergie.
05:36J'aimerais envoyer un livre sur un garçon avec un...
05:40Avec un...
05:41Avec un nez.
05:42Oui, qui a un dos plus grand
05:44quand il ment.
05:48Yes, that's the book. Thank you.
06:00Now let's meet this lying genius villain.
06:18Où suis-je ? Ah, qui es-tu ?
06:35Je suis Robbie Rotten.
06:38Je ne te connais pas.
06:39Tu ne me connais pas ? Je suis le plus grand villain de la ville.
06:41De quoi tu parles ?
06:42Je veux juste retourner chez moi, chez mes frères.
06:44Non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non
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09:14non, non,
09:17non, non,
09:21non, non,
09:26douze mois.
09:32Fait avec un
09:40Je suis en trouble.
09:45Je n'ai pas réussi!
10:02Oh, mon Dieu!
10:04Nous aurons tous besoin d'un peu de sport, Ken!
10:06Tu vas bien?
10:07Oh, merci!
10:08Qu'est-ce que tu fais?
10:09Eh bien, j'essayais de tirer sur ce bâtiment
10:12et je n'ai pas réussi.
10:15Il faut être prudent quand on tire sur des bâtiments.
10:17C'est vrai, Sportacus.
10:19Hey, Sportacus!
10:20As-tu essayé de tirer sur la pièce la plus lourde?
10:22Elle a l'air vraiment, vraiment lourde.
10:24Oh, essaie!
10:25S'il te plaît, essaie, s'il te plaît!
10:26Eh bien, je peux essayer.
10:29Fais attention.
10:41Hey, il doit être vraiment lourd si Sportacus ne peut pas le tirer.
10:46Je pense que je dois retourner à l'équipe sportive
10:48et pratiquer un peu plus.
10:49Et manger plein de canneaux de sport.
10:51Je vais le faire.
10:52À plus tard!
10:53Au revoir, Sportacus!
10:55Rassemblez-vous, vous, les Stone Festival Rescue!
10:58Des canneaux de sport,
10:59un bâtiment plein d'énergie!
11:02Power up and get into the groove
11:06LazyTown is always on the move
11:08Let's practice!
11:10Force and evil bring you all the way
11:13Fill you up with power, everyday
11:17When the going gets tough, you know what to do
11:24Grab a little good stuff made for me and you
11:32Nananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananan Nananananananananananan Nananananananananan Nananananananananan Nananananananananan Nananananananananan Nananannananananananananan Nananannannannananananananannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannan
12:47Hello, everybody!
12:53Who are you, and where do you come from?
12:56I come from Rotemundshire In Scotland.
12:59My name is Seamus McR...
13:02Shameless, ma couille!
13:04No, not one.
13:05And I come here to see who can lift the heaviest stone in the world.
13:12Um, excuse me, I think this is the heaviest stone.
13:17That one.
13:18That one.
13:21Oh, that's never gonna happen. Sportacus couldn't even lift that stone.
13:25Oh, yeah, that's true.
13:26But I know a lad who can lift it.
13:32He can lift the heaviest stone in the world.
13:36Who are you?
13:37I'm Peter.
13:43Peter Popsicle.
13:44Peter Popsicle?
13:46That's right.
13:47So let me get this straight.
13:51He needs sports candy to lift that rock.
13:53No, no.
13:54I'm just gonna have some sugar power couille lollipop.
14:05A little more.
14:13Now I'm ready.
14:16I'm gonna lift the heaviest stone in the world.
14:20And that's the truth.
14:32It's so strong!
14:33It's so strong!
14:37I want a lollipop!
14:38I want a lollipop!
14:39Me too!
14:40I want a lollipop!
14:42That was amazing!
14:51Me first!
14:52Me first!
14:54You don't even like lollipops!
15:08It's disguise time.
15:19Sugar power couille lollipop!
15:22That's one for free!
15:27They really work.
15:37This isn't good.
15:39There's something not right about that Peter Popsicle character.
15:44Oh, please!
15:45What about me?
15:46What about me?
15:49This is so good!
15:52Good guys.
15:53Keep eating those lollipops.
15:54You want to get strong, right?
15:56I feel strong already.
15:59Ha, ha, ha!
16:00This is wonderful!
16:02Ha, ha, ha!
16:03Oh, this Pinocchio character is the best thing ever to happen to me!
16:08Ha, ha, ha!
16:12Wait a minute.
16:13If he could lie about this, then he could lie about so much more!
16:19He could even lie Sportacus out of town forever!
16:25I can't let him go back into the book.
16:28I have to hide it somewhere.
16:32I know the perfect place.
16:48Ha, ha, ha!
16:54There we go.
16:55They'll never find the book here.
16:57I'm a genius!
17:15Hello there!
17:17Where is my book?
17:19What book?
17:21My book.
17:22Your book?
17:23Where I live.
17:28Well, I'm so sorry, but I lost it.
17:31You lost it?
17:33My book?
17:34I lost it.
17:35But you promised.
17:38I'll never get back home.
17:42I think I'm really ready, huh?
17:44I'll be able to lift a big stone now.
17:46Ha, ha, ha!
17:47Watch this!
17:48Ha, ha, ha!
17:53It's not working. I can't lift it.
17:56You shouldn't be eating all these lollipops.
17:58I'll try to lift a small one.
18:01You're just going to get weaker.
18:03I'm weaker than I was this morning.
18:06Where is that Peter guy anyway?
18:09My lollipop isn't working at all.
18:11Mine either.
18:12I'm going to go find him.
18:20Where is he?
18:27Oh, there you are!
18:30Hi, it's you.
18:31I think your name is Pinocchio.
18:33Your nose grew bigger.
18:35You're right.
18:36My name's not Peter.
18:38It's Pinocchio.
18:40So, why are you in LazyTown?
18:42Well, this purple guy got me out of my bed
18:45to trick you all into eating
18:47these sugar-powered gooey lollipops.
18:50And he wouldn't let me go back till I did.
18:53So, why are you still here?
18:55Well, he lost the book.
18:58So, now I'm stuck here.
19:01If you tell my friends the truth,
19:03I'll help you get back home.
19:06You will?
19:07Of course I will.
19:08I never lie.
19:10Come on.
19:16These lollipops don't work.
19:18It's all a big lie.
19:20Peter Popsicle is really Pinocchio.
19:26I'm really sorry I lied to you.
19:28I just want to go home to my book.
19:34Why would we help someone who lied to us?
19:37Guys, we always help people in trouble.
19:40That's what we do.
19:41Just like Sportacus.
19:44All right, then.
19:45Come on, guys.
19:46Let's go look for that book.
19:51Wait, stop!
19:52I found the book!
19:53Look, it's down there.
19:55Oh, no!
19:56The book is stuck under the heaviest stone.
19:58I wish we could lift the rock.
20:01Yeah, but we don't have any energy.
20:06Someone's in trouble.
20:16Oh, no!
20:23I came as quick as I could.
20:24What's the problem?
20:25There's nothing you can do.
20:27It looks like Pinocchio will never be able to get to his home.
20:30Yeah, his book is stuck under the heaviest stone.
20:34Yeah, and we tried to lift it.
20:38What's Sportaflipity doing here?
20:42Don't give up.
20:43Remember, there's always a way.
20:45That's true.
20:47I'll try it.
20:50He can't lift it.
20:52I know what to do.
21:15Grab the book, Stephanie.
21:23This is my book.
21:24Here you go.
21:25Here's your book.
21:26Thank you, Stephanie.
21:28You're welcome.
21:29No, no, no, no.
21:30Wait, wait, wait.
21:31This is my book.
21:33That's the guy who made me tell you lies.
21:36He's lying, huh?
21:39Give him the book back.
21:40No, this book is mine.
21:43What are you doing?
21:44No, it's my book.
21:45Give it to me.
21:46It's mine.
21:55Robbie Rotten!
21:57Robbie Rotten.
21:59Thank you for all your help.
22:01You're welcome.
22:02You're welcome.
22:03I truly learned that telling the truth is so much better than lying.
22:07That's true.
22:08Bye, everyone.
22:09Bye, Snookio.
22:10Bye, Bella.
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