LazyTown S04E02 The Last Sports Candy 1072p

  • le mois dernier


01:00Avec le soutien de
01:31Avec le soutien de
01:50Avec le soutien de
01:56Avec le soutien de
02:00Guys, are you ready?
02:01Yeah, let's do this!
02:02Remember, when I say red light, then you stop.
02:05No peeking!
02:06Yeah, no peeking!
02:07Let's do it!
02:08Okay, ready?
02:10And... green light!
02:13Red light!
02:14Ziggy, you're supposed to freeze when she says red light!
02:19I didn't understand the rules, huh?
02:21It's okay, let's just reset the beginning.
02:23Better next time!
02:25No! I'm winning!
02:28I'm ahead! I don't want to go all the way back!
02:30Go back, Stingy!
02:31Why do I always have to suffer for Ziggy's mistakes?
02:33It won't happen again, huh?
02:34And... green light!
02:36Red light!
02:38Don't move!
02:42Where is he?
02:44Where is that sportaflop?
02:47Well, probably some are eating sports candy!
02:52Well, I'll give him sports candy!
02:55A fake apple made out of a sugary goo!
02:59So, he'll have a sugar meltdown!
03:02I'm so smart!
03:03Candy maker 3000!
03:13A little more!
03:22Red light!
03:25Red light!
03:28You're playing one of those silly hacks!
03:30This is a game!
03:31How can you not know?
03:32I don't know!
03:33I don't know!
03:34You don't know?
03:37I don't know!
03:38I don't know!
03:39Who doesn't?
03:40I don't know!
03:41I don't know!
03:42I don't know!
03:43I don't know!
03:44I don't know!
03:45I don't know!
03:46I don't know!
03:48I don't know!
03:49They're playing one of those silly, happy outdoor games.
03:52Hello, children!
03:54I brought you some sports candy.
03:56Wow! Thanks, Uncle. We'll eat it later.
03:58We're playing now. Yeah, we're playing.
04:00Well, just don't forget it.
04:02It might not be here later, you know.
04:05Oh, Mr Mayor,
04:07there's always plenty of sports candy everywhere.
04:12Actually, that's not true.
04:15Let me tell you a story.
04:18Once upon a time, there wasn't any sports candy here at all.
04:22This was the very first sports candy tree.
04:28It was planted here by Johnny Sportscandy Seed.
04:32Johnny Sportscandy Seed? Wow!
04:35Yes, and the sports candy from this tree
04:38helped us grow all the other sports candy trees.
04:44Yes, it's over 100 years old.
04:47Wouldn't it be cool if we could go back and visit 100 years ago?
04:51That would be neat.
04:53The only way to do that would be to invent a time machine.
04:56A time machine?
04:58Why, if Mr Sportscandy hadn't come to LazyTown,
05:02we might not have any sports candy at all.
05:05LazyTown without sports candy?
05:08What? No sports candy?
05:11That would be a weird LazyTown.
05:14No energy and no sports candy.
05:17And maybe no Sportacus.
05:20I can't believe I'm hearing this.
05:22This sounds like a dream.
05:24No sport-a-yuck and no sport-a-floppity.
05:27This gives me an idea.
05:33If I travel back in time in a time machine,
05:36I can get rid of that sports candy seed guy.
05:39Then there will be no more sports candy.
05:44I don't need this anymore.
05:46And no more Sportacus.
05:48And LazyTown will be lazy again.
05:56Now, what was I doing?
05:58Oh, yes, getting rid of the trees.
06:14Too Queenie.
06:17Too Meanie.
06:19Too Leanie. And some Miss Orwitch.
06:24It's disguise time.
06:37Now, let's build a time machine.
06:40It's good to enjoy the special things today
06:43because you never know what's going to happen tomorrow.
06:46Yeah, that's true.
06:48You're right, Uncle.
06:50In fact, I'm going to have some sports candy right now.
06:53Me too!
06:55Wow! Thanks, Uncle.
06:57You're welcome.
06:59Here you go.
07:05We can use this bag to play a game.
07:11I've got even more bags.
07:14Wow! Guys, we can play Apple Tag.
07:17What a great idea!
07:19Piggy, do you know the rules to Apple Tag?
07:21No, no, I don't.
07:23Thank you.
07:25I want a bag. I want a bag.
07:27Mr Mayor, throw one to me.
07:29Are those children always playing games?
07:34Hey, Pixel!
07:36You're it!
07:39Bye, Uncle!
07:42You can't get me!
07:44Pixel, you can't tag me. I tagged you.
07:47But I got you.
07:49So I'm it? No, I'm not.
07:51Stephanie is!
08:00Hi! What are you doing?
08:02Apple Tag!
08:04You're it!
08:06I'm gonna get you!
08:11I'm having a great time!
08:17Today we're gonna stay outside
08:19Play games that we haven't tried
08:22The seesaw is my thing!
08:25I prefer to play on my swing
08:28Lots of things to do for you and me
08:31Everyone is full of energy
08:34All because of Orange Candy
08:38Here we go now!
08:43I'm having a great time!
08:50We're having a great time!
08:56One, two, three!
09:02Oh yeah!
09:04I'm having a great time!
09:06Thank you very much!
09:10Wrong time!
09:14I really like to jump around
09:17You can even make a jumping sound
09:20Playing on the trampoline
09:23First to make sure it's clean
09:26Try a little game and you will see
09:29Everyone is full of energy
09:32All because of Orange Candy
09:36Here we go now!
09:40I'm having a great time!
09:42We're having a great time!
09:46I'm having a great time!
09:48We're having a great time!
09:51Oh yeah!
09:53One, two, three!
10:04Oops! I did it again!
10:09All because of Orange Candy
10:17I'm having a great time!
10:19We're having a great time!
10:23I'm having a great time!
10:25We're having a great time!
10:50Extra, extra, read all about it!
10:53Extra, extra, read all about it!
11:13Good morning!
11:15Vote for me?
11:17Yes, of course!
11:21Morning sir!
11:22Good morning!
11:23What's your name and what brings you to this town?
11:25My name is Johnny Sportscandy Seed and I'm here to plant sportscandy trees
11:29That's the guy!
11:33Vote for me!
11:42Nice disguise!
11:48Vote for me!
11:53Hey you, come on! You can't plant any trees!
12:30Yes! Yes! Yes! I did it!
12:37I did it! No more sportscandy trees than LazyTown in the past or in the future!
12:44Time to watch all the sports canteen trees in LazyTown disappear!
13:07Wait for it...
13:10Wait for it...
13:15Qu'est-ce qui se passe?
13:25Ça, c'est un problème!
13:39Marcus! Oh, on est tellement heureux que tu sois là!
13:42All the sports canteen trees have disappeared!
13:44They're gone!
13:53Yes! It's working!
13:56All the sports canteen trees in LazyTown are disappearing!
14:13Qu'est-ce qui se passe?
14:16J'ai oublié de lui!
14:26Où suis-je?
14:27Où es-tu?
14:29Tu es là-bas!
14:31Oh, j'ai un travail à faire!
14:33J'ai des sports canteen trees à planter!
14:35Non, non, non! Pas de trees! Pas de travail!
14:37Ton travail est terminé!
14:39Pourquoi ne pas juste t'enregistrer?
14:41T'enregistrer? Non!
14:44En fait, il n'y a pas de sports canteen trees ici!
14:47Oh, nous n'en aimons pas!
14:48Et il y a plein d'autres endroits pour les planter!
14:51Oh, il m'attrape! Il m'attrape!
15:04Oh, les sports canteen trees!
15:24Je dois l'envoyer!
15:27Je pense que mon travail est terminé!
15:28C'est l'heure d'y aller!
15:30Les sports canteen trees! Attends!
15:36Je dois l'amener à la machine de temps et l'enlever!
15:43C'est ça, les amis!
15:44Qu'est-ce qui se passe?
15:45Ils disparaissent!
15:47Qui est-ce?
15:49Il porte un pot sur la tête! Regarde!
15:52Oh, mon Dieu!
16:01Je dois l'arrêter!
16:07Hey! Non, non, non! Tu ne peux pas planter des arbres!
16:10Hey, regarde! Il a aussi une tête bizarre!
16:13Il a un chimney sur sa tête!
16:16Qui sont ces gars?
16:27Allons les aider!
16:28Ok! Allons les aider!
16:37Oh, non! C'est bloqué!
16:40Tu vas l'aider et je vais l'arrêter!
16:45Qui êtes-vous et pourquoi avez-vous un pot sur votre tête?
16:50Je suis Johnny Sportscandyseed!
16:53Le Johnny Sportscandyseed!
16:59Oh, non!
17:07Johnny, nous avons vraiment besoin de votre aide!
17:09Tous les arbres de LazyTown ont disparu!
17:12Pouvez-vous nous aider à planter des arbres de Sportscandy
17:15pour que nous puissions récupérer notre énergie?
17:17Je pourrais, mais ce garçon avec le masque
17:20a emprunté mes arbres et les a emportés dans cette machine bizarre!
17:24Ça doit être une machine de temps!
17:30Comment ouvre-je ce truc?
17:38Tu vas bien?
17:39Je ne peux pas ouvrir la porte!
17:42Là, il y a la machine de temps!
17:46Oh, non!
18:06Il s'en va!
18:31Oh, non!
18:37Je suis là-bas!
18:44Ok, prends mes mains!
18:53J'ai peur de la haine!
19:00Je serai là-bas!
19:07Oh, non!
19:28Oh, non!
19:37Laissez-moi sortir!
19:39Tu vas bien?
19:53Oh, non!
19:57La machine de temps!
20:02Tu sais ce qui s'est passé avec tous les arbres de Sportscandy?
20:05Oui, tu sais!
20:06Qu'est-ce qui s'est passé?
20:07Eh bien, je pourrais avoir retourné dans le temps
20:10et empêché Johnny de planter tous les arbres de Sportscandy!
20:14De toutes les choses que tu as faites!
20:17Ouais, vraiment!
20:18Si on veut retrouver Johnny, il faut réparer la machine de temps!
20:23Quoi, maintenant?
20:24Oh, non! C'est ruiné!
20:26Je ne reviendrai jamais!
20:28Tout d'abord, nous devons nous lever!
20:32Allez, les gars, vous pouvez le faire!
20:43Maintenant, c'est prêt!
20:44Nous devons retrouver Johnny dans le temps
20:46et tout sera de nouveau normal!
20:48Pixel, peut-il le réparer?
20:49Je ne sais pas, mais j'espère que oui!
20:52Je dois reconnecter le capaciteur
20:54et inverser la polarité
20:56et calibrer les coordonnées...
20:59Maintenant, je dois savoir de quel an il vient!
21:01Johnny, quel an est-il?
21:03Je ne sais pas pour vous,
21:04mais pour moi, c'est le 3 avril de l'année 1840!
21:07Oh, 1840!
21:10Ok, essayons!
21:11C'était agréable de vous rencontrer!
21:17Tout le monde, reposez-vous!
21:27Ça ne marche pas!
21:29Pourquoi ça ne marche pas?
21:30Nous devons juste lui donner un peu plus de temps!
21:32Qu'est-ce si ça ne marche pas?
21:34Ça ne marche pas encore!
21:37Nous devons récupérer ces arbres sportifs!
21:40Ça a réellement marché?
21:46Oh, mon Dieu!
21:47Pour toujours!
21:48C'est inutile!
21:50Que pouvons-nous faire?
21:56On l'a fait!
21:59Ils sont partout!
22:07Maintenant, tout est de nouveau normal!
22:25Oh, mon Dieu!
22:32It's gonna be..
22:35So we go up, up, do the jump
22:37Mouve around and clap your hands
22:39Andaille, baille, balle
22:43Down, down, turn around
22:45Have fun is what it's all about
22:56I am having a sport, candy!
22:58For ever!
