Met Office Morning Weather Forecast 28/08/24

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A band of rain and cloud across much of England and Wales, pushing north throughout the morning. Making way for a drier afternoon for much of the south; feeling warm with sunny spells in the south east. Showers persisting across Northern Ireland and Scotland. - This is the Met Office UK Weather forecast for the morning of 28/08/24. Bringing you today’s weather forecast is Alex Burkhill


00:00Hello, very good morning to you. There's a bit of a mix in our weather across the UK.
00:04Yes, there's some hot sunny weather towards the southeast, but elsewhere it's a bit cloudy
00:09and there will be some rain at times, partly due to the same front that brought the rain
00:13through yesterday for many places. That's clearing away and then we will have showers
00:17towards the north and west on Thursday before this area of high pressure becomes more dominant
00:23as we go towards the end of the week and into the weekend and this will settle our weather
00:27down. So turning largely dry, not necessarily totally dry, but nonetheless, it is going
00:32to be a relatively quiet period as we go into the weekend. Before that, though, and as we
00:36go through the here and now, the front then is bringing quite a bit of cloud, a bit of
00:41rain across parts of northern England, Wales and southwest England for a time this morning,
00:45but then it pushes a bit further northward. So across parts of Wales and southwest England,
00:50it is going to turn largely dry by the afternoon and towards the southeast of the UK, it's
00:55going to be a pretty dry day, not as much sunshine as there was yesterday, perhaps,
01:00but nonetheless, largely fine. Across Scotland and Northern Ireland, though, some showery
01:04rain coming in from the west and some of this could be quite heavy and could bring some
01:09more persistent spells for a time. In the northwest, temperatures aren't really too
01:14far away from average for the time of year. High teens just about getting into the low
01:1820s, perhaps towards some eastern parts of Scotland, but ahead of the front towards the
01:23south and east here, we have some hot air and so temperatures are going to be a little
01:27bit higher than they were yesterday. Highs of around 27, 28 Celsius, perhaps even a bit
01:32higher than this. So feeling hot for some in any sunshine towards the southeast. Later
01:37on, we are going to see that front clearing away towards the northeast and most of the
01:41showery rain behind it will also clear away for a time. So there will actually be a lot
01:46of dry and clear weather for many of us as we go overnight. That being said, some further
01:50showers will then push into parts of western Scotland, perhaps some for the far west of
01:55Northern Ireland, England and Wales as we go towards dawn on Thursday. But many places
02:00holding onto the dry and clear weather and with fresher air coming in behind that front,
02:04it is going to be a bit of a cooler night this coming night than it was last night.
02:09Not especially chilly. Most towns and cities holding up in double figures, but away from
02:14the more built up areas, it will just about drop into single figures for some of us. So
02:19a fresher start tomorrow morning than it was this morning. Otherwise, as we go through
02:24tomorrow, quite a few showers from the get go across western Scotland. Then these becoming
02:28more widespread across Scotland, some heavier ones, but they're not looking like they'll
02:32be quite as persistent as the showers that we'll have seen through today. And they're
02:36going to be a little bit more hit or miss with some bright or sunny spells in between.
02:40Plenty of showers also for Northern Ireland and some developing across parts of Northern
02:43England and a few for Wales. But towards the south and the east of England, it's actually
02:48looking largely dry. I'm not really expecting any showers to push through here. It should
02:52be a fine day. Yes, some decent sunshine. But again, because of that fresher air that's
02:57coming in, temperatures aren't going to be as high as today. So we're looking at highs
03:01of around 23, possibly 24 Celsius towards the southeast. So feeling pleasantly warm
03:06in the sunshine and further north and west, mid to high teens really at best. There will
03:12be more showers to come as we go through the end of the day on Thursday. But really, as
03:16we go through Friday into the weekend, that high pressure becomes more dominant. And so
03:20things are really going to settle down. Lots of dry weather to come. Make sure you stay
03:24across our YouTube channel for more updates as we get nearer to the weekend. I'll see
03:28you again soon. Bye bye.
