Venezuela | 11th Extraordinary ALBA-TCP Summit ends

  • last month
*ALBA-TCP condemns attempted coup in Venezuela and backs the presidency of Nicolás Maduro.
*Second Popular Consultation was successfully developed nationwide on Sunday


00:00In Venezuela, the 11th Extraordinary Summit of the Bolivarian Alliance for the People
00:05of our Americas, Trade Agreement of the Peoples of the Americas, ended on Monday with a joint
00:09declaration of all its members.
00:11The meeting was attended by the Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda, Dominican Republic,
00:15St. Kitts and Navies, Grenada, St. Lucia, as well as the President of Bolivia, Cuba,
00:19Nicaragua, and Venezuela.
00:20During the summit, President Nicolás Maduro thanked the representatives of the member
00:24states in the preparatory meeting of the Bloc's Council of Social Movements.
00:36The ALBA-TCP's final joint declaration expressed its support to the Venezuelan government and
00:40rejected the attacks carried out by the far-right against the Venezuelan states.
00:44Through a communiqué, the regional bloc strongly condemned any coup d'etat or attempt coup
00:48d'etat as they constituted a violent, illegal, and unconstitutional way that threatened
00:54democracy, peace, and life itself, as well as the destabilizing plans and actions promoted
00:59by the foreign factors, with attempts to disregard the will of the peoples of Latin America and
01:04the Caribbean expressed democratically and legitimately at the ballot box.
01:08The document also denounced the disregard of the official results of the electoral process
01:14by the violent and fascist sectors of the Venezuelan opposition that has openly requested
01:20interventionism and more sanctions for the country at the expense of the Venezuelan
01:25people and which had already shown signs of its intentions by not signing the agreement
01:30for the respect of the electoral results provided by the Venezuelan governing body, the National
01:34Electoral Council.
01:35The regional bloc also affirms once again that the American Caribbean is a zone of peace
01:41and demands the strict compliance with the obligation not to intervene directly or indirectly
01:48in the internal affairs of any other state and to fully respect the inalienable right
01:56of every state to choose its political, economic, social, and cultural system as an essential
02:03request to guarantee peaceful coexistence among nations, peace, and stability in our
02:10The tax rate rate and member states' determination to gather to defend today more than ever the
02:16brothered Venezuelan people from the tentacles of fascism and raise their voices to reject
02:22the interference, manipulation, and imperialism, colonialism, and Cuban intentions to seize
02:27their legitimate rights and resources and which have caused so much harm to our people
02:33and ends by sentencing that defending Venezuela is to defend the dream of a union and brotherhood
02:40of our heroes and peoples.
02:46During the one-day meeting, several members of the regional bloc took the floor to express
02:55their support to Venezuela's election results and their rejection to any interference in
03:02the nation's internal affairs.
03:03In his speech, the Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro warned about a powerful outbreak of
03:08fascism not only in Latin America but also in Europe and the U.S.
03:39the United States of America.
03:51There is no doubt about it.
03:53Today, in Europe, in Latin America, in the United States of America, there is an outbreak,
04:02a powerful outbreak of fascism.
04:05It is a reality.
04:08During his speech at the ALBA-TCP Summit, Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega accused
04:13European powers of institutionalizing fascism to dominate the world.
04:18Let's take a listen.
04:22Fascism became institutionalized because the European powers, always fighting among themselves,
04:34became the masters of the planet, the masters of the African, Asian and American continents.
04:49For his part, Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel condemned the Cuban interference against Venezuela
04:54and prized the efforts of the Venezuelan people to overcome the sanctions and blockade imposed
04:58by the United States government.
05:00It is not the first time that the U.S. imperialism and the regional oligarchies showed rejection
05:09and contempt of the will of our peoples.
05:14It's not the first time that they tried to defeat political processes against their interests
05:23because they favored the people, and so it is not possible to remain quiet ahead of these
05:32oligarchies and the imperialism and the assaults in communications against Venezuela, today
05:44against Venezuela and tomorrow against any of our countries.
05:51On the other hand, Bolivian President Luis Arce expressed his total support and recognition
05:55to the Venezuelan Supreme Court's ruling on the results of the electoral process in the nation.
06:00We received recently the decision made by the Venezuelan High Tribunal, which is validating
06:07the result of the polls.
06:11Bolivia welcomed the decision.
06:13We ratified the will of the majority of the people and the strength of the Venezuelan institutions.
06:22The Prime Minister of St. Vincent and the Granadines, Raul González, took the floor
06:26on behalf of the Black Six, Isaa, Caribbean nations, and reiterated the group's full satisfaction
06:32with the result of the elections and reiterated our support to President Nicolás Maduro.
06:37To reiterate our full satisfaction on all the processes which delivered the result in
06:56the reelection of Nicolás Maduro as the constitutionally elected President of the Bolivarian Republic
07:05of Venezuela.
07:23Also in Venezuela, the Electoral Commission of the communes gave an updated account of
07:27the development of the Second Popular Consultation, of which a democratic exercise was successfully
07:33From the office of the Minister of Popular Powers for the communes, the Electoral Commission
07:37declared that the voting process in this Second Popular Consultation was successful, achieving
07:43the activation of 100% of the polling stations nationwide.
