Venezuela | ALBA-TCP discusses strengthening of economic cooperation

  • last week
*Pres. Maduro condemns right wing's attack on national energy system.
*Attorney General receives attorney of far right former candidate Edmundo Gonzalez.
00:00In Venezuela, representatives of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of
00:03our Americas, ALBA-TCP, discussed the strengthening of economic cooperation
00:08agreements. Present in the meeting were the Executive Secretary of the
00:12regional bloc, Jorge Arreaza, the Venezuelan Foreign Minister, Iván Gil, and
00:16representatives of the diplomatic corps accredited in the country. The
00:20discussions focused on the creation and strengthening of new alliances and
00:24initiatives with the International Center for Productive Investment, the
00:28AgroALBA project, the strengthening of the ALBA Bank, and the promotion of
00:41ALBA, as you know, had as a tool and will have as a fundamental tool PetroCaribe.
00:47PetroCaribe, as the Ambassador of St. Vincent and the Grenadines knows very
00:51well, had a great impact on the Caribbean and Central America, and was a great tool
00:55not only for energy but also for cooperation. The Venezuelan Foreign
01:03Minister, Iván Gil, informed that the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of
01:07our Americas has saved the lives of millions of people due to the
01:11achievements of the past 20 years. I doubt that there are many international
01:21integration organizations in the world that have achieved what ALBA has
01:25achieved in these 20 years. Just take a look at the medical plans. How many lives
01:31has the Alliance saved? How many? Millions. How many lives has it changed for
01:39citizens around the world? Millions. This has not been done by any organization, or
01:45it has been achieved by only a few organizations.
01:51During the meeting, the President of TELASUR, Patricia Villegas, pointed out
01:55that the multi-platform and the organization need to increase their work
01:58together in order to continue showing the truth in the region.
02:08We are part of the 2030 ALBA agenda and we need, of course, as I have said several
02:15times to the Secretary, much more work together, not only to say clearly that we
02:20have to be together in terms of communication, but to make it true, to
02:24make it a reality, to have teams that, as events run round, can really be working
02:29and showing our inhabitants of this region and beyond what is happening in
02:33all these territories of the ALBA. During his speech, the Ambassador of Cuba to
02:40Venezuela, Dagoberto Rodriguez, said that the Alliance is expected to become a
02:45living center of cultural exchange among the members. We are astonished and
02:54we really hope that, as you and the Foreign Minister have said, we all
02:58succeed in turning it into a living and active center of exchange, not only of
03:02our dreams, our ideas, our great initiative, but also a center of cultural
03:06exchange where we can get to know each other much better. On the other hand, the
03:12Mexican Ambassador to Venezuela, Leopoldo de Kiev's De La Cruz, highlighted the
03:17commitment of the Mexican government to build integration in the region despite
03:21not being a member of the Alliance. As you all know, my country, our government
03:30is not a member of ALBA, but I must say that our government, particularly that of
03:39President Andres Manuel LĂłpez Obrador, strongly supports the building of
03:44integration among our countries, especially with our Latin American and
03:52Caribbean countries, and above all with those who love progress in the world.
03:59In Venezuela, President Nicolás Maduro condemned the attack on the energy system
04:03carried out by the extreme right wing and revealed that they are advancing in
04:07the investigations to capture all those responsible. During an official press
04:11conference, the President affirmed that the attack against the SimĂłn BolĂ­var
04:14hydroelectric power plant is only the beginning of several criminal plans of
04:19the ultra right wing against the Venezuelan people. The President also
04:22reiterated that thanks to the efforts of the intelligence and counterintelligence
04:27agencies, several terrorists have already been captured, but that they are still in
04:32the investigation phase. These statements were made after President Nicolás
04:36Maduro headed the inspection and integration of the first phase of the
04:41Dr. José Gregorio Hernández Child Development Centers, CDI, in the parish of
04:46El Junquito, located in the capital, Caracas.
04:54And we continue in Venezuela, where the Attorney General Tarek William Saab
04:58received at the prosecutor's office the lawyer of the ultra right wing, Edmundo
05:02González Urrutia, who is wanted by the judicial system. According to a statement
05:07from the Attorney General's office on Wednesday, William Saab, in his capacity
05:11as Attorney General of Venezuela, received Dr. José Vicente Aro, lawyer of
05:16the person wanted by the Venezuelan justice system, Edmundo González Urrutia.
05:21During his meeting, José Vicente Aro delivered a message on behalf of
05:26González. The lawyer, as well as his client, recognized the constitutional and
05:31legal powers of the public prosecutor's office as a holder of prosecution to
05:36undertake and develop the necessary investigations.
