Venezuela | Insurrectional coup after Maduro’s electoral win

  • 3 months ago
Earlier in the day, after the National Electoral Council (CNE) of Venezuela, proclaimed and confirmed the reelection of Nicolás Maduro as President of the South American Nation, the head of state denounced that the far right is trying to impose a coup d'etat.


00:00The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, affirmed that the pertinent measures are being
00:05taken to counteract the violent acts registered in the territory promoted by the sectors of
00:10the Venezuelan extreme right.
00:15We have been following up on all the acts of violence promoted by the extremist right
00:21I can tell the people of Venezuela that if they have done damage, we are acting, and
00:27with the Civic Military Police Union, we are acting once again.
00:32That is why I said we know this story.
00:35We are acting once again.
00:47Because we know this modus operandi that has been used for the coup d'état of April 2002,
00:54for the first Warimba in February 27, 2004, for the violent actions called by Capriles
01:02one day after the presidential elections of April 14 and all those subsequent weeks, for
01:20the Warimba of 2014 which were called the exit, for the Warimbas of 2017.
01:28I have said it throughout this pilgrimage in more than 30 cities.
01:33They are hate, revenge, violence.
01:39During his special television address to the Venezuelan people, President Maduro went into
01:43details about the destabilization plans of an extremist sector of the opposition to disrupt
01:48the electoral process.
01:53I am obliged, as head of state, as leader, to speak to the people with the truth.
02:00We knew what the plan was for before, during, and after July 28.
02:08They did everything possible for a violent scenario of sabotage against public services,
02:15against people's electricity, against everything so that the elections would be suspended.
02:22Yesterday, on the election day, they fiercely attacked two strategic points of the electric
02:31system, to get a blackout at 12, noon and at 8 o'clock in the evening.
02:41I am obliged to tell you the truth.
02:43I am obliged, and we are all obliged to listen to the truth, to be patient, calm and strong,
02:51because we have seen already this film and we know how to face these situations and how
02:56to defeat the violent groups.
02:58Earlier in the day, after the National Electoral Council of Venezuela proclaimed and confirmed
03:05the re-election of Nicolás Maduro as president of the South American nation, the head of
03:10state denounced that the far-right is trying to impose a coup d'etat.
03:14After Sunday's victory, President Maduro arrived at the headquarters of the National
03:18Electoral Council to be proclaimed constitutional president for the period 2025-2031.
03:25During his speech, the re-elected president of Venezuela warned that the far-right is
03:29trying to impose a coup d'etat in Venezuela and reiterated his calls to respect the constitution
03:36and not to allow hatred, fascism, lies or manipulation to be imposed in the country.
03:47It is not the first time that we are facing what we are facing today.
03:52They are trying to impose in Venezuela a coup d'etat again, of a fascist and counter-revolutionary
03:59nature, I could call it a kind of Guaido 2.0.
04:04As history says no, that it presents as a tragedy and then as a comedy.
04:21It seems that as Hegel said, and then Marx popularized it, history presents itself as
04:27tragedy first and then repeats itself as comedy.
04:31We already lived this, we saw this movie, the same movie with a similar script.
04:48The protagonists are the same, on one side the people who want peace, democracy, prosperity,
04:55progress, and on the other side, elites full of hate with a counter-revolutionary and fascist
05:01project tied to the United States empire.
05:09The constitutional president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, received the credential from
05:13the electoral power for a new mandate for the 2025-2031 term.
05:18During his speech, he denounced a far-right led cyber attack against the electoral system.
05:25A cyber attack, a hacking to the electoral transmission system, hindering the transmission
05:37of data to lead to an electoral blackout.
05:46They wanted to boost an electoral blackout to hinder the electoral results.
05:57In the face of the attacks and claims from the far-right backed by international forces,
06:02the re-elected president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, reaffirmed the Venezuelan people's
06:06determination to freedom and sovereignty.
06:10We are determined to be free, and as well as we have defeated you, we are going to defeat
06:19you once again.
06:21We are going to defend peace, tranquility, democracy, and the life of this Bolivarian
06:28revolution of this 21st century.
06:32We are going to defend it with constitution, with laws, with civic unity, with the mobilized
06:38people permanently.
06:42In this context, Elvis Amoroso, president of the electoral council, expressed that there
06:47were attacks to the electoral system that were overcome by the technical capacity of
06:52the electoral personnel.
06:58The presidential election took place in a climate of respect, peace and democratic participation.
07:06Although some tried to generate violence.
07:09The attacks on our electoral system were many, but the technical capacity, morale and ethics
07:16of the personnel of the National Electoral Council overcame all obstacles.
07:26In addition, the president of the National Electoral Council, Elvis Amoroso, extended
07:31his gratitude to the national and international observers for their assistance during the
07:35entire process of the presidential election.
07:41We extend a special recognition and gratitude to all the international and national observer
07:47missions that accompany us.
07:49On behalf of the National Electoral Council, we ask you to be the spokesperson of what
08:07you have experienced here in Venezuela during these days.
08:14Many of you have been for several days here in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, in
08:21our beloved homeland, which is also the homeland of each one of you.
08:29In Venezuela, the president of the National Assembly, Jorge Rodríguez, denounced the
08:33real violent plans of the extreme right that are in full development.
08:38The high official assured that the proposals of Extremist always drives into violence while
08:43detailing that participating in the presidential elections was an excuse to develop their terrorist
08:49He also insisted that the proposal of the right wing is to spread hate and generate
08:54violence to attempt against the peace and calm of the Venezuelan people.
09:03They have already chanted fraud in all the electoral events in which they have lost since
09:112004 until today.
09:14It's not even original.
09:18Fifteen of August 2004, Hugo Chávez won 60% to 40%.
09:25The so-called referendum fraud, they call fraud.
09:30They said that they would show the proofs, the evidence, they never did.
09:36In this context, the head of the National Assembly, Jorge Rodríguez, referred to the
09:40violence generated by the extreme right wing.
09:43For them, the elections is not only, it's not, it's an opportunity to violence and it's
09:49what they're trying to do at this moment and I will tell them, no, we're not going to permit
09:55We're not going to permit it.
09:56Nicolás Maduro, we're not going to permit it.
09:58The public forces of Venezuela will not allow it.
10:02And of course, the people of Venezuela would not allow it.
10:07So he calls to celebrate the victory of Nicolás Maduro in the presidential elections as well
10:12as to defend peace and the achievements of the Venezuelan people.
10:16We summoned to all our people to great marches tomorrow at two o'clock from Petare to Miraflores,
10:27from Cate to Miraflores, from La Vegas to Miraflores, from El Valle to Miraflores to
10:32celebrate this victory, but also to defend peace of the republic.
10:37This time, we will not allow that and they will not achieve it.
10:41And of course, we sum all the forces of the revolutionary people of Venezuela for these
10:49marches, for marches in their cities, in their states.
10:54In Venezuela, there have been acts of violence carried out by opposition groups that rejected
10:58the official results issued by the electoral power after the presidential elections.
11:03These acts, which have been widely denounced by the national executive, are part of a plan
11:08of the ultra-right wing to come to power through violence.
11:12Train stations have been one of the first points to be attacked by these groups.
11:16Also members of the police were injured during small but violent outbreaks in the capital, Caracas.
11:22Likewise, assaults have been reported in several major offices.
11:26In the images, groups of subjects can be seen leading road blockades as well as attacks
11:32to public infrastructure.
11:33Far-right sectors beat a man just for appearing to be a chavista.
11:38It is part of the plan of the Venezuelan extreme right sector.
11:42These actions are being observed and monitored by the legitimately constituted authorities.
11:51The Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda, Gaston Brown, congratulated through an official
11:56statement President Nicolás Maduro on his election victory.
12:00Brown highlighted that the people of the Bolivarian Republic had given him yet another vote of
12:05confidence to continue the Chávez revolution began in 1998.
12:11The Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda also stated that the success at yesterday's
12:15elections signals a strong message for an engaging democracy, a respect for sovereignty,
12:21tolerance and a good political relations, not only in Venezuela but within the Caribbean
12:26and Latin America.
12:29Also, the Government of Dominica congratulates the Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro on
12:36his election victory.
12:37In a statement, the Government of Dominica extended its warmest congratulations to Venezuela's
12:43President Nicolás Maduro on his success in general elections held on Sunday.
12:48This victory reflects the confidence of the Venezuelan people in President Maduro's leadership
12:53and vision for the nation's future.
12:55We count the efforts of all involved in ensuring a peaceful electoral process.
13:01Dominica reaffirms its commitment to strengthening the bonds of friendship and cooperation between
13:06our nations and offers its support to Venezuela in its pursuit of peace, stability and prosperity.
13:12We convey our best wishes to the Government and people of Venezuela for a successful and
13:17prosperous term ahead.
