• le mois dernier


00:00Hello, hello, hello everybody, welcome back to Hermitcraft, this is Tango, back to feed the addiction called Minecraft.
00:19And we are back here guys, we are back at my crazy new game that I started last episode with all the redstone.
00:26And I gotta say, you guys responded with some love there, you guys all said, like 2% of you said you didn't want to see it, but like 98% of you said you wanted to see the redstone, of how it works, that's why we're subscribed to you Tango, just all kinds of good feedback.
00:41And I really do appreciate it, it makes me feel better when I do that kind of stuff, because traditionally, you know, the viewer retention kind of drops off.
00:48YouTube's got this little thing in their dashboard for content creators where you can see the retention on the videos and stuff, so it'll be interesting to see that compared to what you guys are saying.
00:56But I'm going by what you guys are saying, I'm trusting you, you said you wanted to see the redstone, so we are going to pick up right where we left off last episode, we're going to make all this back here be a complete mess.
01:05Oh, but I got a comment by Douglas Burley, I want to thank you very much, someone else had it too, but he was the first one, he said, hey, instead of those ugly buttons down there below to call, remember the buttons, the wooden buttons I had down here?
01:18Yeah, instead, just put a tripwire hook right up here, I put it one block higher so that when this piston extends, it doesn't break the string, but talk about an improvement, I'm so excited about this, because before, like the buttons down here were just a complete mess, right?
01:31You had to, first of all, you had to look down, which was horrible because you couldn't see the block coming, you were going to almost definitely miss some of the blocks falling, you had to like find the little tiny button and try and press it and everything, and where is it?
01:43And it just made this whole area up here look bad too, so that's all solved now, that's going to stay nice and clean down there, you can keep looking at the field and when you want to call, all you got to do is jump, I love it, I love it, it's such an improvement to the game.
01:56So we got that wired up here, I'm pretty sure I should still be able to hit that just with the tip of my head without jump boost, because we're going to, I got jump boost right now obviously, but that'll be gone, because if you have jump boost and you fall in the pit here, it'd be pretty much like, oh, I think I'll just jump back up here, not much of a penalty.
02:11Alright, so, the next thing we need to do, like I said, is continue in the back here and this is going to get real ugly real fast, I got to bring the call lines from the tripwire hooks down and in and start doing some ands and stuff like that with some and gates with these lines here, which are basically, are they bluffing, which we figured out last episode, you know, for instance, it's like, if this person is calling, which is going to come off of tripwires, which are going to be right there, and this person is bluffing, then extend those pistons.
02:40And, you know, conversely, if this person calls, and this person is not bluffing, then I've got to extend their pistons, I hope I said that right, I probably messed it up, but you guys get the general idea.
02:52Unfortunately, though, it's going to become like spaghetti soup, or redstone soup back here with like wires looping in around and everything, so I'm going to go ahead and do all that off camera and you're probably not going to look at it, from there we will move on, I've got to hook up all the scoring systems here and then we've got to do a lot of stuff up top there for all of the item dropping stuff with little water canals and dropper clocks and everything, so, lots to do, here we go.
03:12And we're back, and lots of stuff has happened, the redstone mess has occurred, it has occurred, no, I'm not going to, I don't think I'm going to try to explain this because it would just be painful for everyone, yeah, redstone happened, but what I do want to do, basically all I did here was try to do all the conditional logic for when someone calls, whose side should get pushed in, that's what all that recent stuff is, okay?
03:42So what I want to do, though, is test it, okay?
03:44It's going to be a little bit tricky, I'm going to have to, let's see, I'm going to have to replace one of these with, so I'm going to simulate someone betting a three, okay, by doing that, obviously I'm going to use an item to represent a person, so they're on the third one in, they're betting three right now, and we'll say, we'll give them a three bet, and I don't think that's, I don't think that's holding, hold on, let me see here, this, this, this.
04:12Okay, three items on the pressure plate, so they're making a legit bet right now, they're betting three, they have, one of their pressure plates has at least three, so let's say this guy over here wants to call, I think when I jump here, it should push me in the bid, yes, okay, perfect for her, this is cool stuff.
04:33Now, let's try it again, and we'll say, and again, which pressure plate I choose here is pretty arbitrary, they all work, so we'll do two on that one, we'll do one on that one, and we'll do one on that one, okay, so now, he's making, he's bluffing, this person's bluffing, they're betting three, they do not have a pressure plate with at least three on it.
04:52By the way, if you missed last episode, and you have no idea what I'm doing, go watch last episode, where I spend like eight minutes describing the rules to this game, it's pretty complicated, but it should be fun.
05:00All right, so this person is bluffing now, and this person is going to call them, oh, it looked like it worked, yep, boom, pushes them right in, okay, cool, you see it extending over there, awesome.
05:10So I think, I'm not going to test every combination, it should be fine, if there's a problem, it'll make itself known pretty quick, but that's the general idea here, so if they're bluffing, the person's bluffing, you're going in, and if the person calling is incorrect, they're going in, so let's see, what is next now, I want to go check out here, I think, oh, okay, now I need to put in the scoring system, which is going to involve basically as they're standing on a,
05:39a bet down there, one of the bets, there's going to be a clock that's continuously adding to their score, so I think I'm going to tackle that now.
05:48All right, we have a little bit more progress, I'd like to show you how this part works, actually, because it's kind of cool, I think, this is the part, before I jump in there, I'll just verbally tell you, this is the part that as you are standing on a bet on your side, this is the part that's going to continuously add to your score, it's going to cause those lamps to light up, and as I mentioned last episode, first one to the top wins,
06:08so this is how you raise your score by making higher bets, so in here, and yes, it is getting a little compact here, basically, back there, you can see all the lamps and everything, this is the part back there that determines that you're standing on a bet, okay, so that's going to come into this comparator here, I can't really get back there without showing you, but just accept that it comes into this comparator here, okay, from there, it goes into a little clock and loops around here,
06:31so you got a nice eight tick clock here, it's going to be just like kind of rolling around as you stand on the clock, and I can change this, you know, if I change the delay on this, it's going to basically make it so that the game is faster and you score points faster, which I'll definitely be experimenting with this delay here, but you'll notice that this is on a subtract here, I've got a furnace here with just the right amount of items in it, with the comparator jamming into the side, so what it's doing is subtracting, again, from this comparator, so that you get just the right signal length, okay, from here,
07:00from making your bets, so you'll also notice here that the redstone here pops up and comes up just the right length, okay, I'm trying to get a good view here, but it comes up here and comes down this line here, so what you have is, because of the value we have in the furnace and the value we're subtracting from the strength of the signal, if you have a bet of four, it's going to reach just to the end here on each clock tick, and if you have a bet of one, it's going to just reach right there, so two there and three there, obviously, okay,
07:29so what you get now is every clock tick, you're going to get one, two, three or four of these, ah, of those, let's see, of these droppers firing into these hoppers here, okay, so you have laterally facing droppers here pushing into this line of hoppers here, and the hoppers are going down the line, pushing into that hopper, into that comparator, so if you have a four bet, for instance, all four of these are going to fire, and put one item into the hoppers, they're all going to come down here,
07:58and that's how you get four points, okay, and this comparator here is going to go into the little kind of silo, let them up action jobby thing there, which we're going to do next, I think, but I'm going to repeat this process on the other side, the other thing I wanted to do, I'll do some of this right here, ah, let's see, first I wanted to cover these guys up so that nothing can get in the hoppers by accident, then I want to add some hoppers here, and do like a, a bulk, because I don't have any way of refueling these, I'm not going to, it's not going to work,
08:28it's not in my design, and yes, it probably should be, but it's not, so I'm going to put some chests like this, okay, and we got, you guys know the iron situation here, so I'm just going to do this, all right, which is going to give us plenty of iron, I'm going to fill these all up with iron, just bring over a whole buttload from the iron titan, and fill those up, so we shouldn't really have to worry about refueling it, you know, maybe people play like 20 games, or 30 games, they'll have to start worrying about it then, I don't know, but I'll keep my eye on it, but all right, I'm going to repeat this clock over here,
08:58I'm going to get the scoring system falling to my death, I'm going to get the scoring system working on the other side, and then we'll start working on the silo up there, okay, all right, all right, I think we are basically like 95, 98% done with the redstone in the back here, who's glazing over, who's glazing over, raise your hand, I'll try to wrap it up guys, this is the, the silo, I guess you could call it, for the scoring system, so there's a comparator right there, which I'll show you in just a second,
09:28the redstone is going to basically piggyback up these stair steps, or slabs there, each one is going to read a comparator, and is going to push into either the, what is that, blue, like blue clay, which is next to the lamp, or into one of these blocks there, or there, which is behind the lamp, so you get a nice, each increase in redstone lamp signal, or redstone signal, will light up another light, I'll have to put a wind detection system up there, I don't know how I'm going to do that yet, but that shouldn't be that hard, maybe I'll play a little tune or something, I don't know, we'll see,
09:58and then down here, I got both scoring systems fully in, as you can see, and I added a little bit more stuff here, this right here, I'm going to have to power this when the game is on, so when the game is on like this, it's going to power that block, and that block there, which, I don't know, I'm jumping around here, it doesn't make any sense, but basically this is the item return system from the scoring system, so as the items are being scored, that block is going to be locked, so the items are going to stay in that end hopper over there, so that they can be read by the scoring system, when the game is on,
10:28it's going to unpower that, and the items are going to flow through this hopper chain, into this little storage, this horrible little storage system I've got here, so if and when the items run out of here, I'll just basically pick the items up out of here, and refill them back into the chest like that, and we should be good for another 30 or 40 games, or however many, who knows how many it's going to be, yeah, like I said, I think we're finally done with the redstone back here, minus a few late minute changes that I'll have to do with like wiring that up, and doing the wind detection,
10:58so I think, oh I missed, thank you for the following, I think at this point, to keep things moving along here, I think I'm going to start with the item drop on the top there, it's not going to be any simpler, I basically have to have, let's see, 8 different item aligned drop shaft areas, man, Zulzan's castle looks good, look at that, I'm just sitting here staring right at it,
11:248 different aligned items to drop items onto these 8 pressure plates, so I'll probably go ahead and do a bunch of that now, it's going to be a big jump, so here we go,
11:33Big update, big update, alright, I got all the magic up on top of the roof here, this is all for randomly selecting one of the 8 drop areas, and basically dropping the 8 items at random intervals, which will be very tweakable as I determine what is appropriate for the game,
11:55So basically what we got is 8 individual units here that all kind of look the same, little ice path here where the water turns, aligns the items on cakes here, now I've gone over this a couple of times, but in case you're not familiar with what's going on here, what cakes do here, you need 2 of them, and what ender chests would also do, is items come over here, and because this is small and a full block, the item can actually partially slide off, and it's kind of like half on, half off, it's like right on the crease there,
12:23So when it falls down there, it'll fall half on that pressure plate and half off, which is, that's the trick that allows the piston to push the item over, so this is all very important here, and we'll, as we test it, we'll go down there and make sure the items are aligning up correctly, but yeah, as you can see here, just a little L turn here, the items that we're going to be dropping are going to be here, this is going to be like, probably 2 stacks of each of the items that I want to play with,
12:50I'm thinking red, yellow, green, and blue wool, but I kind of need Azuma to finish up his farm there so I can get that much wool, if not, I'll probably go with like iron and maybe glowstone or something, I don't know, doesn't really matter, and then each one is also hooked up to a randomizer, which we use the same ones down below, I've got the shovel, obviously that's the key item, and then 5 others, there's only a 1 in 6 chance every tick here, that the pulse will reach, which will actually shoot at an item,
13:14so that's, there's 8 of those now, and the, right here is where I'm going to have the line come up when the power is on, so this is going to come over here, underneath, and I haven't finished this yet, just because it's going to get a little bit more crowded, but we've got a clock here, so I want to tweak the rate of this obviously, but then every tick of this clock, the redstone just fans out to each of those 8 kind of units I guess, with randomizer and a dispenser, and the items will drop down,
13:40so what I need to do now is add the water, and this terrifies me, because, yeah, because if I mess up, water is going to flow, and there's all kinds of badness if water just flows down, so double checking everything, I've got glass, glass, glass, cakes, and the sign there, so this one should be good, boom, perfect, so I'm going to add all 8 of those, and then I need to get the items in question obviously added here, I'll figure out what those are,
14:08but we're getting close, we're getting very close to done here, I need to do a little bit of wiring with the on-off power lines that, you know, like, where are they, somewhere in that vicinity, you can't see it, like that one, and then I need to merge those, run one up here, run one in the back, and then run one down to the piston randomizer down below, to randomize the pistons that will clear it, this is a big project, this is a big project, oh, that's right, I wanted to test the water streams here,
14:36and show you how this is going to work out, so let's see here, I'm going to throw, let's see, oh, I need to put items on top here too, or glass on top, otherwise it's going to get all cranky, yep, alright, fine, give me some stone here, just to place temp, and then I'll do 2, yeah, so I want to do that, so in the dispenser, we don't get items stuck up on top here, but with that said, let me add, let me add one more water, let's see, we'll do this one over here,
15:04alright, we're still good here, right, everything good, yep, okay, and I got a sign there to stop it, so, good, okay, so what I want to do now is test this, I'm going to throw like a redstone, a chicken, and we'll say a block of stone, now, when I drop down here, they should be, yep, perfect, okay, so they're lined up right there on the edge, do I have, what do I got, can I, can I power that, and I don't have any way to do that, so I'm going to do that, I'm going to do that, I'm going to do that, I'm going to do that, I'm going to do that, I'm going to do that, I'm going to do that, I'm going to do that, I'm going to do that, I'm going to do that, I'm going to do that, I'm going to do that, I'm going to do that, I'm going to do that
15:34that should be that, but anyway, when that piston powers, it will push those items, boop, right into the hopper, so that's the magic that clears it, but it's still also registering on the pressure plate there
15:44I'm tired
15:46oh, I did the roof there, too, a little bit, oh this is going to push me off
15:48oh, my face
15:52and getting up there, did I loose, did I loose jump boost or something, why is that not
15:58let me get over here
15:59Donc c'est ce que la coulisse va ressembler, j'ai ajouté un peu de patteur
16:03pour ajouter un peu de mort et des choses comme ça.
16:06Donc il va venir un des 8 slots que vous voyez là-bas.
16:09Je suis un peu inquiet que ça va être difficile de voir entre celui-ci et celui-là.
16:14Tu sais, c'est le mien, c'est le leurs, je ne sais pas si je vais pouvoir distinguer
16:18quel chemin ils sont sur, mais ce sont des choses que je vais devoir jouer et découvrir.
16:22On verra.
16:26J'ai pas fait ce truc, je me suis dit pourquoi je fais ça.
16:29Et je me suis dit, oui, parce que tu as essayé de crier un peu et ce gars n'était pas bluffant.
16:33D'accord, qu'est-ce qu'il reste?
16:34Laissez-moi terminer.
16:35Oui, je pense que je vais terminer tous les câlins maintenant et
16:38remplir tous ces objets en haut,
16:40remplir tout l'eau, terminer tous les câlins,
16:42et je pense qu'on va être prêt à jouer.
16:45Il me reste juste à trouver un hermite qui veut jouer maintenant.
16:48OK, OK.
16:50Il est bien plus tard que la dernière coupe maintenant.
16:52Je pense que j'ai mis un bon 4 ou 5 heures supplémentaires maintenant,
16:54pour remplir tout ici,
16:56et je voulais vous montrer ce qu'est la version finale maintenant,
16:59avant de jouer le jeu ici, d'accord?
17:02J'ai contacté Etho,
17:04et je pense qu'on va jouer ensemble dans quelques minutes ici,
17:07mais comme je vous l'ai dit, je voulais juste vous montrer la version finale ici,
17:10avant de l'appeler ici.
17:12Donc, j'ai sorti, ou j'ai terminé les couloirs ici et tout,
17:16et j'ai terminé tout l'intérieur.
17:18Tout va vers le ciel maintenant,
17:20et j'ai mis un peu de lumière ici,
17:22car je voulais que vous puissiez voir les objets quand ils tombent.
17:26Il y a un système de détection de vent très triste ici,
17:30donc le premier à l'allumer doit jouer un petit son.
17:33Quand vous entendrez ce son, regardez en haut et vous verrez qui gagne.
17:36Oui, tout est fait,
17:38et prêt à partir ici.
17:40Je ne me souviens même pas, il y a tellement de choses que je n'ai pas fait.
17:42J'ai fait tout ce qu'il fallait ici.
17:44C'est le chemin quand vous tombez dans la pente ici.
17:46C'est le chemin que vous prenez pour sortir.
17:49Si quelqu'un vous appelle et que vous bougez,
17:51ou si vous appelez quelqu'un et qu'ils ne bougent pas,
17:53vous allez dans la pente, et vous devez aller là-bas.
17:55Donc, aller dans la pente a un peu de risque de temps associé à ça,
17:59mais on y reviendra quand Etho arrive.
18:01Tout est bien, tout est bien,
18:03les couloirs sont en bon endroit, je pense qu'on est tous prêts à jouer ici.
18:06J'ai tous les objets en haut,
18:08donc les objets que j'ai choisis sont,
18:10qu'est-ce que c'est ?
18:11Iron ingots, Glowstone, Redstone et Gunpowder,
18:14basiquement des objets que j'ai beaucoup.
18:17Et j'ai aussi construit un extérieur pour cette chose,
18:20qui est simple, mais je l'aime.
18:23Regardez ça.
18:26Le nom du jeu est Rooz,
18:28je ne sais pas qui c'est,
18:30quelqu'un l'a suggéré dans les commentaires,
18:31je sais que je devrais y aller,
18:32mais le nom est parfait, parce que c'est court,
18:34ça se situe là-haut très bien,
18:36et vous savez quoi ?
18:37J'aime le clay cyan et le clay bleu,
18:41qui ressemble à du jaune.
18:42Je pense que ces deux ressemblent tellement bien ensemble.
18:45Je suis vraiment content de ce qu'il s'est passé.
18:47C'est l'un des peu de bâtiments que je n'ai pas créé,
18:49j'ai juste commencé à placer des blocs,
18:51et ça s'est passé.
18:52Je suis content.
18:54C'est Rooz,
18:55et je pense qu'on est prêts à jouer.
18:57Je vais voir si je peux dialer Etho,
18:59voir s'il est prêt,
19:00je ne vais pas lui donner le tout,
19:02comment jouer et tout,
19:03ça va probablement être fou,
19:04mais ça devrait être amusant.
19:05Voyons voir si ce jeu marche.
19:06Oh, vous allez me haïr, vous allez me haïr.
19:09Je suis un délire.
19:11Voilà le problème.
19:13Je vais être simple avec vous.
19:14J'ai juste terminé d'enregistrer avec Etho,
19:16et c'était 20-25 minutes de super footage,
19:20et je ne veux vraiment pas le couper.
19:22Et vu où nous sommes dans cet épisode,
19:24je vais l'appeler ici,
19:25et mon prochain épisode de TerminCraft
19:27va être juste la version complète d'Etho et moi jouant Rooz.
19:30Vous ne voulez pas le manquer,
19:31c'était plutôt drôle, je dois le dire.
19:33Le jeu s'est passé plutôt bien, je pense,
19:34mais j'ai des tweaks à faire,
19:36mais vous devez attendre les prochaines épisodes
19:38pour voir.
19:39Ça va être quelques jours d'ici,
19:40mais n'oubliez pas ça.
19:41En ce qui concerne ce truc,
19:43je pense qu'on a presque terminé,
19:44et je veux vous remercier d'avoir regardé,
19:46j'espère que vous avez passé un super jour,
19:47et je vous verrai la prochaine fois.
19:49Tango out.