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My Deskmate
Season 01 episode 13 in urdu/hindi dubbed K-drama
4 K-Drama Lovers


00:00This is how we enjoy.
00:11Thank you so much, Yoshangji, for saying all this.
00:17I apologize for the inconvenience.
00:21Why did you come?
00:22I'm not done yet.
00:24I don't know what I'd have done if I hadn't come.
00:26Our boss has a style, a style and a history.
00:30And we wanted to honor you with their strategy and history, got it?
00:35We want everyone in the school to know about your life, your career, your fans, and your...
00:42You've said enough.
00:46Mr. Yusheng, you were amazing!
00:49That's more like it!
00:51We didn't know you were a fan of Jinhan.
00:54No, no, I'm not a fan of him.
00:56He went and told the principal that I'm more popular than him.
01:00That's when I realized that Jinhan is also a fan of mine.
01:04Mr. Yusheng, you helped Jinhan, didn't you?
01:07That's great.
01:08Now all his problems have been solved.
01:11Huh? Solved?
01:14You guys didn't even know?
01:15Boss, you told us to keep helping Jinhan, didn't you?
01:18You guys shut up!
01:21Little mouse!
01:24Jiang Cheng, you think he's handsome?
01:26I think he's more handsome than Jinhan.
01:28He's so charming!
01:29I think you should be his fan now.
01:32Yusheng Jai, you're misusing the radio.
01:35You should be punished.
01:36Let's go to the teacher.
01:47No one knew that you paid the doctor's fee.
01:51Just pray that he gets better.
01:54Then why did you donate 200 rupees to the class?
01:56Because I'm a common student like all of you.
02:21You're packing up earlier than me again?
02:22And you're going to leave me alone?
02:24To suffer the torture of that director?
02:25Then take less holidays.
02:28It'll lessen the torture.
02:29You and I are on different levels, kid.
02:31I need some rest after the shoot.
02:35So that my skin looks good.
02:38Speaking of skin, I brought a mask for your problem.
02:47See you.
02:53Jinhan was being nice today.
02:55Of course.
02:55You know who I am.
03:03To get rid of the wrinkles on my face?
03:12You said you'd come on the weekend to solve puzzles.
03:15How come you're here in the middle of the week?
03:17The sooner I finish this, the sooner I can study.
03:25Chori Juhiya, would you like some roasted chicken drumsticks?
03:29We have fresh French roasted chicken drumsticks at home.
03:32Crisp on the outside, soft on the inside.
03:34You'll like it.
03:35Yes, yes, of course.
03:39I want to finish this first.
03:41What's the hurry? Let's eat first.
03:43No, I want to finish this quickly.
03:47This is so weird.
03:48Why can't I find a piece?
03:50Come on, it's okay.
03:52Let's eat the chicken first.
03:54Maybe I can see the piece myself.
03:57It must have flown or walked.
04:03Tell me something.
04:04Why are you sitting so comfortably?
04:06Whose puzzle is this?
04:18Excuse me, I'm getting a call.
04:25Yes, tell me Ming, what's going on?
04:27Boss, would you like to play basketball?
04:29No, no, I can't come.
04:32Choti Juhiya has come to my house.
04:35What? Choti Juhiya is with you?
04:38Boss, you can't give up, can you?
04:40You'll leave Choti Juhiya and Jinhaan alone.
04:43The plan has changed.
04:46Where did he go?
04:49Where did he go?
04:56Choti Juhiya is my friend.
04:58It's my duty to keep her away from that fake Jinhaan.
05:01She doesn't know that she's crazy.
05:03Last week, I took Choti Juhiya in my arms and made her drop the puzzle.
05:08She thought she had broken a thousand pieces of the puzzle.
05:10Now, for the next few weeks, she'll come here and fix this puzzle.
05:14So, she won't have time to spend with Jinhaan.
05:19What do you think of my idea?
05:21You rock, boss.
05:22You always come up with a solution to every problem.
05:25But what if she finds out about this?
05:28How can she find out?
05:30You, me and Bin should know about this game.
05:33No one else should know about it.
05:40Choti Juhiya.
05:42You, Mr. Sheng.
05:43How can you do this?
05:45Wait, let me explain.
05:47Leave it. I've heard everything.
05:49Choti Juhiya.
05:52Choti Juhiya.
05:58Choti Juhiya.
06:06Listen, boss.
06:07Did you fail?
06:08Hang up, idiot.
06:18Choti Juhiya.
06:20I made a mistake.
06:21But I did this so that you don't become Jinhaan's fangirl.
06:26If I say this, she'll get even more angry.
06:29I have to meet her first.
06:38Jinhaan, why are you here?
06:42I live here.
06:43You live here?
06:44I live here.
06:45You live here?
06:48You, Mr. Sheng.
06:50How come you're here?
06:51He says he lives here.
06:53Yes, he lives upstairs.
06:54So what's the big deal?
06:57Since when are you neighbours?
06:58If we're neighbours, what's your problem?
07:00No, you can't be neighbours.
07:01What nonsense is this?
07:02Do we have to take your permission to be neighbours?
07:08Do you know someone deliberately broke the puzzle to stop us from studying together?
07:13And made me busy with it.
07:14And now I know his intentions.
07:17So now no one can stop me from studying.
07:20Jinhaan, let's go and study.
07:22Let's go.
07:23No, that's not possible.
07:25Why not?
07:26Because I want to talk to you.
07:28You've already ruined my studies.
07:31And now you want to talk to me?
07:32We have to go and study.
07:35I can't talk right now.
07:37Forget it.
07:38I'll see you tomorrow.
07:39He has to study for tomorrow.
07:44Jinhaan, are you sure you're not worried?
07:47I've been taught to help my neighbours.
07:52You're neighbours.
07:53What's the big deal?
07:58He's so childish.
08:13Let's go.
08:29Come in, sir.
08:37Look at this, sir.
08:39There's a lot of light in the house.
08:40The house is very nice.
08:41And the furniture has been used for a short time.
08:44You don't have to spend any money on the house.
08:47The landlord had to shift elsewhere for work.
08:50He's renting this house for the first time.
08:52But doesn't this house look a little small?
08:55Yes, it's a little small.
08:57But you have everything you need in this house.
08:59And the specialty of this house is that
09:01there's a beautiful garden outside, sir.
09:05You can invite your friends and guests here
09:07and have a barbecue party, sir.
09:09This is a very nice house.
09:10And this house is perfect for teenagers.
09:14Sounds nice.
09:16Let's go.
09:17Okay, I'm leaving.
09:19Take care of yourself.
09:20Call me if you need anything.
09:22Okay, I'm transferring the money right now.
09:24Okay, sir.
09:29Little rat.
09:30Now we're neighbours too.
09:47What's wrong with her?
09:48She's not answering my messages.
09:52Is she still angry with me?
09:57Come to life.
09:58Come to life.
10:09Come to life.
10:17Do you want to rest?
10:30Now she'll trust me.
10:40What's he doing here?
10:46This place looks familiar.
10:56I have to go now.
10:57I'll see you later.
11:08I'll see you later.
11:09I'll come with you.
11:19She's still not answering.
11:22I think I'll have to go and check.
11:27Little rat.
11:28You wanted to surprise me, right?
11:32Mister, you're here too.
11:34Little rat was studying at my house.
11:36I came to know that you're in the neighborhood.
11:38So, I came to meet you.
11:39Why do you study together?
11:42Can't you study alone?
11:43What's going on in your mind?
11:45If you're joking, stop it.
11:47Of course, I'm not joking.
11:48We'll be good neighbors from now on.
11:52You'll leave your villa and live in this small house?
11:56Has your family gone bankrupt?
11:59What are you saying?
12:01My parents have always given me all the comforts.
12:03Then why did you come here?
12:07Your dad kicked you out.
12:10I just want to live with you.
12:15I want to live a normal life.
12:21You live your life.
12:23I'll leave now.
12:24Little rat.
12:25I just shifted here.
12:26So, all my stuff is scattered.
12:27Will you help me?
12:28Come, I'll show you my new house.
12:30I want to study with Jinhan.
12:32You know that I've never done any housework in my life.
12:36If you don't help me today, I'll have to sleep on the floor all night.
12:40Call someone for help.
12:41I don't know how to call them.
12:43Wash Wash Cleaning Company.
12:48I don't want to call an air cleaner.
12:50But why?
12:53I told you that I came here to live a normal life.
12:57I told you that I came here to live a normal life.
12:59Do normal people call cleaners?
13:01No, right?
13:02Yes, that's why.
13:03I want to decorate my house myself.
13:06If you don't want to help me, then it's okay.
13:08I'll sleep on the floor.
13:16Jinhan, I should help him.
13:18It's just a matter of a few minutes.
13:20I'll deal with him and come back to study.
13:33Whatever you think is right.
13:37Let's go.
13:38I really need you.
13:40Let's go.
13:43What do you say? Isn't it nice?
13:48Mr. Yu Shang, do your family know that you've come here?
13:53They're busy making money.
13:55I don't care.
13:57But I think you should tell them.
14:03They don't care about me.
14:04Even I don't care now.
14:11Anyway, Juhi.
14:14About the puzzle.
14:15I wanted to apologize to you.
14:17I didn't do the right thing.
14:19Oh, you didn't think about it.
14:22Mr. Yu Shang, if you're going to apologize,
14:25you should wear a brief.
14:27It's so difficult.
14:30I never did that.
14:31I always apologize for my mistakes.
14:34Anyway, I'm sorry.
14:38It's okay.
14:39Let's get to work.
14:47I'm going to study.
14:49Wait a minute.
14:51You can keep the key to my house.
14:53But why are you giving it to me?
14:55I don't want it.
14:56Keep it.
14:57Keep it as an extra key.
14:58If I ever lose my key,
15:00I'll come to you and take it.
15:05Okay, I'll keep it.
15:21Jinhan, I helped Mr. Yu Shang.
15:24Let's go and study.
15:25That's enough for today.
15:39That's it?
15:41But we haven't studied anything yet.
15:51Good morning, Jinhan.
15:58Good morning, little mouse.
16:01You helped me a lot yesterday.
16:03I was able to sleep well because of your help.
16:05I sold my horse.
16:06That's not a big deal.
16:07I wanted to tell you one more thing.
16:10Keep my key safe.
16:11I don't want to lose it.
16:13I have it.
16:14Don't worry.
16:22Should I drop you?
16:23I'll call the driver to pick us up.
16:25No need.
16:26I'll go.
16:27Don't be shy.
16:28We're going the same way.
16:29You helped me a lot yesterday.
16:31Let's go.
16:42Boss is here.
16:47Little mouse?
16:48Here I am.
16:54Boss, how come you're with little mouse today?
16:57I shifted my house.
16:59But boss, you live in Alishan Villa.
17:01You must have shifted to the palace.
17:07Get out of my way.
17:08You started chatting on the way.
17:11The rest of us have to go to school.
17:13Is this road too narrow for you?
17:22Listen, boss.
17:23Why did you shift?
17:24And how big is your house?
17:26You'll see when you come home next time.
17:28Don't worry.
17:29Hey, boss.
17:30I want to tell you something.
17:31The whole school knows about you.
17:34What's the news now?
17:36The news of world famous people will spread.
17:39You tell me.
17:40After the school radio station event,
17:42everyone is saying that you're Jinhan's fan.
17:45Me and his fan?
17:46He's my fan.
17:48Let's go.
17:54I'm telling you.
17:55The day I become a big man,
17:57I'll tell the principal
17:58that I should have a big poster on the gate.
18:05The dream of the day is over.
18:07Let's sit in the class and dream.
18:23Why did Sia come here in Yusheng's car?
18:26How would I know?
18:29And if she came,
18:30what does it have to do with us?
18:32Mind your own business.
18:35When did I say it has to do with us?
18:37Why are you getting angry at me?
18:42Hey, wait.
18:43Don't go so fast.
18:44The chips are left.
18:45One packet of chips has 150 calories.
18:47And to reduce it,
18:48you have to run for 15 minutes.
19:00I forgot to bring my pen today.
19:02Can you give it to me?
19:07Choti Chuiya.
19:08Let's go to the supermarket after school.
19:10I have to buy a lot of household items.
19:22That pen...
19:24You will get it in the supermarket.
19:43What do you want to buy?
19:44Let's see what it is.
19:45I don't have anything anyway.
19:47When we were cleaning the house yesterday,
19:49we noticed that there was no cleaning stuff.
19:51So, let's buy that first.
19:54I am very happy that you came with me.
19:56You are better than my little helper.
19:59My dear friend.
20:14What will you have for dinner?
20:16Should we buy something or go home and cook?
20:20I will cook today.
20:21Do you have anything at home?
20:24I have to buy some things.
20:33Jinhan, this towel is for indoors.
20:35Pure cotton.
20:36Durable and soft.
20:43I will buy this one.
20:51Jinhan, this shampoo is for indoors.
20:53It is good for hair.
20:56I will buy this one.
21:01Jinhan, this one is also for indoors.
21:02I will buy this one.
21:08Are you a fan of Jang Jang?
21:12Then why did you buy all his things?
21:18I think he is more handsome than Jinhan.
21:22Jinhan is more handsome.
21:34I have never seen this brand.
21:36It is so soft.
21:37I want it.
21:39Do you think you will use this?
21:43I want all those things which Jinhan's face is not on.
21:47For you.
21:51Why will you buy this for me?
21:54What else do you want to buy?
21:58Let's buy something to eat.
22:01You don't know how to cook.
22:03Take this. Frozen foods.
22:04It will be easy for you.
22:06And you won't be hungry.
22:08Let's go.
22:16Excuse me.
22:17I also want this.
22:24Why did a superstar like you come here?
22:27I think you are following us.
22:29Jinhan has already come to the supermarket.
22:31Why are you surprised?
22:34Will I get rice here?
22:36Yes, you will get.
22:37Do you want it?
22:39I will get it right now.
22:40I also want it.
22:42Then I will get two.
22:44Till then you can see other things.
22:45I will get it right now.
22:57I am not ready to believe that he has come here to shop.
23:07Let's go.
23:16This yogurt brand is my favorite.
23:25I also wanted to buy this one.
23:28This is also my favorite.
23:38Let's go.
23:50Pack one kilo of lobster.
23:51Give me two kilos.
23:53I want one fish.
23:54Give me two, please.
23:56I want 100 shellfish.
23:57Give me two.
24:01Are you making fun of me?
24:02I don't understand what you are doing.
24:05Do you think you will play and I will become a fool?
24:09Excuse me.
24:10My friend wants 100 shellfish.
24:12Please give it to him.
24:13Leave it.
24:14What happened?
24:15It will become expensive.
24:16No problem, I will give it to him.
24:22He doesn't have rice.
24:29What did you buy?
24:30Will you eat all this?
24:31I will eat half of it and donate the rest.
24:33I have a lot of money.
24:44Wait, I will also come.
25:02I will also come.
25:14Did you buy steak?
25:21Shark bro is going on a date with his girlfriend.
25:25There is no one at home to cook.
25:27No problem, I will cook for you.
25:30Don't worry.
25:31Shark bro.
25:33I also want to eat steak.
25:34Please help me.
25:36I bought all the steak available.
25:46I will show you.
25:51Today you both will have a feast at my house.
26:00Thank you for helping me.
26:02No problem.
26:03I will do whatever you say.
26:08Why did you buy so much steak?
26:10Will you eat all of it?
26:13No, it's not like that.
26:14I will keep the package of steak in the fridge.
26:16It won't get spoiled.
26:18But the fish that I bought today...
26:25Nice try Jinhan.
26:27Nice try Jinhan.
26:28You fooled me.
26:30I wanted to help you.
26:32But you are not worth it.
26:36I won't spare you.
26:45Why is she shaking so much?
26:48Very impressive.
26:54Yes, I am coming.
26:57Yes, come in.
26:58Come in.
27:10Come, sit.
27:18Is your family bankrupt?
27:20Why are you talking like a kid?
27:22Is it necessary to be bankrupt to shift the house?
27:24Is it necessary to be bankrupt to shift the house?
27:26Then why did you leave your villa and come here?
27:32You don't know who my neighbor is.
27:38Choti Chuhiya.
27:40And guess who lives above her house.
27:49What is happening boss?
27:50Jinhan is such a big star.
27:51He can live anywhere.
27:53But why is he staying here?
27:55Do you understand?
27:57He has a bad intention behind staying here.
28:00I understand everything.
28:02He will stay here to teach Choti Chuhiya.
28:05And will make her happy.
28:06And will take advantage of her.
28:11I don't think your intention is right.
28:14Are you trying to make a place for Jinhan?
28:16What nonsense are you talking?
28:17Do you think I am like him?
28:21How did your shirt get wet?
28:24Don't ask.
28:25It's all because of Jinhan.
28:32Steak is ready.
28:33It's your favorite.
28:34Eat it.
28:37Will you make one more?
28:38Will you eat two?
28:40That's for you.
28:41Will you eat two?
28:42That's for you.
28:49My parents must be at home.
28:50They must be waiting.
28:52I will tell them not to wait for me.
28:58Yes son.
28:59Hello dad.
29:00I won't come for dinner.
29:01Will you be out again?
29:02You are 14 years old.
29:03Focus on your studies.
29:06Eat something.
29:08I will eat.
29:10No one is going to disturb us.
29:12We can have candle light dinner.
29:21So this is the whole story.
29:25So this is what he did.
29:27How dare he trap you?
29:30We won't leave him.
29:32Juhi is also at Jinhan's house.
29:35We have to disturb their dinner.
29:41We can call Jinhan as the dean of the school.
29:45And ask him to come.
29:46Are you out of your mind?
29:48Have you thought what will happen if we get caught?
29:50We will live tonight but we will starve all our life.
29:53You are right.
29:57I have a plan.
30:11Do you smell something?
30:14Like what?
30:16Roasted chicken.
30:18I didn't smell anything.
30:47Who is roasting the chicken?
30:49I have to go and see.
31:04What are you doing here?
31:06Chhoti Chuhiya.
31:07We have roasted your favorite chicken drumsticks.
31:09Do you want to come down and taste it?
31:12And crabs, lobsters and many more.
31:15Whatever you want.
31:16Just come.
31:17Chhoti Chuhiya.
31:18Come on.
31:19Do you want to enjoy the barbecue?
31:25It will be fun.
31:27Do you want to go?
31:28If you want to go, you can join them.
31:32Let's go together.
31:39I am allergic to smoke.
31:43You guys enjoy.
31:44I am having steak with Jinhan.
31:52Does Chhoti Chuhiya have no interest in this?
31:55She has two choices.
31:56Choice A.
31:57Candle light dinner with her favorite star.
31:59Choice B.
32:00Free smoke with stupid people like us.
32:02Who will make anyone cry.
32:03No smart girl will choose this.
32:05Will you keep your mouth shut?
32:07You are talking too much today.
32:10Should we keep this shop open?
32:16Of course.
32:18Chhoti Chuhiya will be hungry again.
32:19She won't be satisfied with just steak.
32:22She will definitely come to us for chicken.
32:24Keep it open.
32:32Electric shock.
32:35Move it.
32:36Let's go inside.
32:37Hurry up.
32:39Let's go.
32:45Even the sky didn't support us today.
32:49I heard it today.
32:50There is a possibility of rain today.
32:53Still you came up with the idea of barbeque.
32:56But I just remembered.
33:00If we can't do barbeque.
33:02Why don't we play a game?
33:07Let's start.
33:09Let's play.
33:17Come on.
33:18Where are you going?
33:21Where is this smell coming from?
33:24I like it.
33:25Play the game.
33:50What is this?
33:53Looks like an automatic smoke alarm.
33:56Where is this coming from?
34:20What happened to your house?
34:23Nothing much.
34:24Just a small fire.
34:25Nothing else.
34:26I have told the agent.
34:27He will fix everything tomorrow.
34:29What did you say?
34:31What about today?
34:33Why don't you...
34:34Why don't you go to your house?
34:36No way.
34:37I have told my house manager.
34:39That I have come here to live a normal life.
34:41Today is my first day.
34:42If I go back today.
34:46Then why don't you go to their house?
34:48Can I stay at your house?
34:50Of course.
34:56Our house is very small.
34:57I have to sleep on the floor.
34:59How will I make him sleep?
35:01You tell me.
35:02And what about Zengbin?
35:05Don't even think about him.
35:07Because three people in his family.
35:09Sleep in a small room.
35:11They can't even think of sitting in such a place.
35:15I am in a very bad condition.
35:19Look at my condition.
35:20I can't go back to my house.
35:22I can't stay here.
35:23I don't have a house.
35:24I don't have a place to stay.
35:28Then you can stay at my house.
35:30Come to my house.