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My Destmate
Season 01 episode 02 in urdu/hindi dubbed K-drama
4 K-Drama Lovers


00:00What is he doing?
00:23What shampoo do you use?
00:25It smells so good
00:27Is this the one you use for your ad?
00:29Shut up!
00:42Forgive me, Ms. Jain.
00:49I just asked you a question.
00:51Don't ask me any more questions.
00:54Tell me, can I say something for the last time?
01:02What did I just tell you?
01:03Keep your mouth shut.
01:09I got excited on seeing you.
01:12Do you have anything else to ask?
01:15I wanted to say, don't worry.
01:17Everyone's class must be going on.
01:19No one will know that you got punished.
01:21Yes, you're right.
01:23Oh my god, look at that girl.
01:26Yes, look at her.
01:40Listen, actually...
01:41Don't talk to me.
01:44I don't want to listen to anything you say.
01:51I don't want to listen to anything you say.
02:07What is it now?
02:33What are you doing?
02:34What would you like to eat?
02:35Noodles, please.
02:36I'll get it right away.
02:39Here you go.
02:41Thanks, ma'am.
02:43Ma'am, me too.
02:48Boss, your favorite noodles are over.
02:57It will cost you 21 rupees.
03:01Not cash, give me your meal card.
03:03Sorry, I don't have a card.
03:04I'll give it to you tomorrow.
03:07Where did she come from?
03:12Go ahead.
03:13Oh my god.
03:22Look at her.
03:23What is she doing?
03:25You can talk to her.
03:29I mean, you don't have to pay her.
03:32This is my treat.
03:34I don't want any treat.
03:35Here's your money.
03:37Oh my god, he's paying her.
03:39But I don't have change.
03:46Do one thing.
03:47You deposit this money in my card.
03:49Then you can eat from my card tomorrow.
03:51Okay, deal.
03:58Let's go.
03:59He's going that way.
04:04Jin Han's money is mine.
04:06He touched it.
04:08I will never spend it.
04:12Let's go.
04:38You came again?
04:43What is this?
04:47Oh my god.
04:48What is he going to do?
05:12So much vinegar.
05:15Oh my god.
05:16Why are you adding so much vinegar?
05:18I love vinegar.
05:32How will he eat this?
05:42Oh my god.
05:45What is he doing?
05:48How will he eat this?
05:50He's gone today.
06:12Oh my god.
06:13Oh my god.
06:41What are you doing?
06:42What are you doing?
06:44The sauce and vinegar was too much.
06:46Now it will be fun to eat noodles.
06:48It's okay if you can't eat.
06:50No one will make fun of you here.
06:57Who said I can't eat?
07:00These were very tasty.
07:06Sir has come.
07:11Jin Han.
07:13How was the food?
07:14Did you like it?
07:16Have a seat.
07:18Thank you for asking.
07:20I didn't taste it properly.
07:21But looking at tears in Yu's eyes,
07:23I feel that the food is tasty.
07:24Really, the food is very tasty.
07:27That's great.
07:29What happened?
07:30If you like it so much,
07:31eat more.
07:32Come on, finish it.
07:48It was such a simple trick.
07:49Poor guy has become a fool.
07:51Jin Han is so handsome.
07:54Look at yourself.
07:55You have become so fat.
07:56You shouldn't eat all this.
07:58You eat this.
08:08Look at the result.
08:10His concentration is low.
08:12Look at the color.
08:13It's orange.
08:14First, you put MCN.
08:16Our experiment was successful.
08:17No, first you put MCN.
08:19Only 5 ml.
08:205 ml.
08:37Let me see Jin Han.
08:40Shut up.
08:42Is he a sweet?
08:43Wake up from your dreams, Mohini Pyari.
08:45There are many girls like you behind him.
08:47Shut up.
08:50Good morning, class.
08:51Good morning, class.
09:19Good morning, class.
09:20Today we are going to do an experiment.
09:22Which is based on a chemical equation.
09:24In which we are going to mix ammonia with bicarbonate.
09:27I will repeat the notes of this experiment.
09:29The one who is on the desk will be the team.
09:31Remember, safety first.
09:32Yes, sir.
09:34So, start.
09:44I will do it.
09:45This is a chemical equation.
09:46You leave it.
09:50I will do it.
09:58Concentrated ammonia is volatile and corrosive.
10:02You should be very careful while using it.
10:06If it's a little too much, then...
10:08Wait, wait.
10:12What did you do?
10:14What did you do?
10:17Will you kill us?
10:18Concentrated ammonia reacts with sodium bicarbonate.
10:22This is how white gas is produced.
10:24I did it by mistake.
10:31How many times have I told you that safety comes first?
10:33If you are careless like this, there can be a big accident.
10:36And you will have to clean the entire lab as a punishment.
10:48Let's go.
11:08Give it to me.
11:11Boss, we have a basketball meeting with the senior high school team after school today.
11:15You are our star player.
11:17You will have to come.
11:19I don't need it.
11:20You go.
11:21Okay, but...
11:22If he bothers you, then tell me.
11:24I will break his face.
11:28Who will bother me except you?
11:30Come on, go from here.
11:31Move, move.
11:32Let me clean.
11:33Okay, I am going.
11:48Come, I will help you.
12:27Move away from this.
12:31I am sorry.
12:40Your apron.
12:42Stay away from me.
13:16Ladies first.
13:19Shall we go together?
13:20I will never meet you again.
13:23You can go.
13:49I am sorry.
14:19I am sorry.
14:49I am sorry.
15:39Are you hungry?
15:44Here, eat this.
16:08Hello, Shark, tell me.
16:09Jinhan, are you at home?
16:11Yes, I am at home.
16:13By the way, your house is nearby, isn't it?
16:15Yes, I have left a building.
16:16It is very near.
16:17Yes, I saw your car parked outside.
16:19I will go to school with you in your car from tomorrow.
16:22I will stay here so that the media doesn't know.
16:24Okay, no problem.
16:26I have ordered food for you.
16:29It will reach there in some time.
17:18Dinner is ready.
17:20Yes, I am coming.
17:21I am coming.
17:23I am coming.
17:28Here is your dinner.
17:29Enjoy the dinner.
17:43What is the matter?
19:41How are you doing?
19:42Keep it outside the door.
19:45This voice sounds so familiar.
19:48It's so cute.
19:50This voice is so familiar.
20:03He has kept the parcel on the floor.
20:05He didn't even keep any paper below.
20:13He has kept the parcel on the floor.
20:23Mom, you said there is a simple man upstairs.
20:26But he is very rude.
20:28He was very weird and rude too.
20:33Do you know when I will give him food?
20:35Look, what's in the news?
20:37Someone is robbing a shop.
20:38This morning, a man robbed a supermarket.
20:43A high school girl caught him red-handed.
20:47After that, the girl beat him up.
20:52But the girl didn't even tell her name.
20:54Listen, isn't this the same supermarket near Chia's school?
20:59Yes, it is.
21:00Look at it once. It looks exactly like Chia.
21:03The picture you are seeing is of the supermarket where this incident took place.
21:09No, that can't be our Chia.
21:11But one thing is for sure, Chia is after me.
21:13In such a situation, she won't back off.
21:16In fact, she will attack the thief.
21:18You are absolutely right, dad.
21:19I am right, right?
21:20How can I do all this?
21:23Kids these days have become used to doing what they want.
21:26What if the thief had a weapon and the girl got hurt?
21:31That girl didn't even think about her family once.
21:34You are absolutely right.
21:35Listen, Chia. Listen to me carefully.
21:37If you ever face a thief, don't move ahead even by mistake.
21:42In such a situation, call the police.
21:44Got it?
21:44Your mom is right.
21:46You should stay away from such people.
21:47Got it?
21:48Dad, you just said something else.
21:50Mom is always right.
21:52Enough, enough.
21:53Eat your food. Come on.
22:19I heard that Jinhaan has taken admission in your school.
22:26Yes, he is my deskmate.
22:32Oh, you are so lucky.
22:34Does he know that you are such a big fan of his?
22:38Of course.
22:40I am a member of his gold fan club.
22:42I have been following him since he joined the industry.
22:52Hello, mom.
22:53Your complaints are coming on the first day of school.
22:56I have handled it now. But next time...
22:58It won't happen next time.
23:00Director Yen's birthday is on next Monday.
23:03Mom, I have a class on Monday.
23:04Send him a gift on my behalf.
23:06Look, I am your manager.
23:08I will take care of everything.
23:10But we have written in the contract
23:12that you won't take any appointment without my permission.
23:18Okay, tell me.
23:19Did you like the new house?
23:24I have made sure that the surrounding environment is absolutely secure.
23:28If you have any problem, you can stay in the old house.
23:30I don't have any problem here.
23:33I have a lot of work. I will hang up now.
23:41He has been working since he was nine years old.
23:44He has become a big star because of his hard work and dedication.
23:46Do you know? He once said,
23:48if you work hard, you can get anything.
23:54What if you don't succeed today?
23:56One day, you will get the fruit of your hard work.
24:00His words still inspire me.
24:06He said this.
24:07Listen, can you get his autograph for me?
24:12This is a little difficult.
24:20Oh, well...
24:24I have an idea.
24:27Become a hollow man.
24:34Many of his fans are sad because of Jinhan's school transfer.
24:37That's why I reached school in the morning.
24:40Thank you so much.
24:41Hello, students.
24:41I want to know that Jinhan has come to your school to study.
24:45Tell me, what kind of a boy is he?
24:46He is a very good boy.
24:47We met him yesterday.
24:49And what a personality he has! Wow!
24:51I wish I could become a star like him.
24:53He is really a very good boy.
24:55Jinhan has just come here with his school transfer.
25:00Are you the one?
25:01Yes, it's me.
25:02Aren't you afraid that the thief will come to take revenge on you?
25:05Why should I be afraid?
25:07If he comes in front of me,
25:08I will break his face.
25:11How much is it?
25:24Today is my lucky day.
25:27Oh no!
25:28I can't do this.
25:30What if he sees me?
25:55Don't look behind. Go fast.
25:56I am a hollow girl.
25:57I am a hollow girl.
26:01Listen, Shark.
26:02I think someone is following me.
26:05I don't know who it is.
26:06But I think it's a man.
26:25Where did he go?
26:39Aren't you afraid that the thief will come to take revenge on you?
26:44How dare you follow me?
26:46Don't hit me.
26:47Don't hit me.
26:48Don't hit me.
26:49Don't hit me.
26:50Don't hit me.
26:51Don't hit me.
26:52Don't hit me.
26:53How dare you follow me?
26:54Ihaven't seen you for a long time.
26:56Let me go.
26:57I haven't seen you for a long time.