Designing Christmas With You 2024 - Best Hallmark Movies 2024 - Great Hallmark Romance 2024

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00:00:00It'll be fun. Maybe you'll even meet a nice guy and fall in love. Ooh, taxi!
00:00:04Ugh, trust me, Nancy. The last thing I need in my life right now is love.
00:00:30Yes? Dr. Sidney Twaddle? It's pronounced Twa-dell. Well, congratulations, sir. You just won an all-expense-paid two-week vacation cruise to the South Pacific.
00:00:46Yeah, I'm afraid that's impossible. I am scheduled to appear on a television program later this afternoon.
00:00:51Oh, come on! Free cruise! Dancing girls? All the coconuts you can eat! I'm allergic to coconuts.
00:00:59Is there anything I can do to help you change your mind? No, I'm afraid not. Thank you.
00:01:04Hey, Twaddle! Yes? Have fun in Tahiti.
00:01:17She doesn't deserve you, you know. No. I'm here, I'm here, I'm here.
00:01:22I was up all night reading this book by today's guest. Good morning, Miss Lovett. Good morning, Bob.
00:01:26It's been... Uh, Miss Lovett, about today's guest. Yes, Dr. Sidney Twaddle. He wrote this book, Dissection of Love.
00:01:33And he's not here. What? Why? He had to cancel, but Mr. Dayton found a replacement. A replacement? Who?
00:01:42Ah! Vernon Gart, Cupid Incorporated. Pleasure to meet you, Miss Lovett.
00:01:51Cupid Incorporated? Now, what exactly is that, Cupid Incorporated? Well, we offer a very specialized service.
00:02:00One that the head office feels you are in desperate need of. The head office? Yes. According to our records,
00:02:07you are a complete failure in the romance department. This has caused you to close
00:02:11yourself down emotionally to the world around you, and is in large part responsible for the
00:02:16unhappiness that you feel, which you try to smother with the empty trappings of television
00:02:21celebrity. Now, what you're talking about it all, Mr. Gart. Miss Lovett, I'm here to help you find love.
00:02:32Will you excuse me for a moment?
00:02:38Yeah, I definitely... Can I call you back? Would you mind telling me what's going on here?
00:02:42What do you mean? I mean there's some weirdo in my office telling me that I am a failure at love,
00:02:48but he's here to help. Yes, I... I was going to tell you about him. When? When were you going to tell me,
00:02:53Rick? When I was on the air? I got a call from Dr. Twaddell. Something about being on a boat in
00:02:58Tahiti. It was a bad connection. I couldn't get it all. Anyway, we were stuck, and this guy's name
00:03:03suddenly came up, and he's available, and he comes highly recommended. Okay, this is exactly what I
00:03:09am talking about, Rick. This is why our numbers are down. It is the same old self-help authors and
00:03:16psychics and fortune tellers. We need something fresh, something original. You're right. What?
00:03:23Which is why we're lucky that Vernon Gart was dropped into our lives.
00:03:27What are you talking about? I'm talking about
00:03:31Valentine's Day.
00:03:33Eve's Week of Love. Huh? Four days of romance themed programs, starting with Vernon Gart,
00:03:39our very own representative from Cupid Incorporated, and finishing with a live
00:03:44broadcast in the studio. Are you kidding me? No, this is the kind of thing that could bring
00:03:49our numbers back up to the top. I'm not doing that. Why not? Because, Rick, it is corny and cheesy
00:03:58and old-fashioned. Love is corny and cheesy and old-fashioned, Eve. That's why people love being
00:04:03in love. It hasn't been so long, and you forgot what it's like? What is that supposed to mean?
00:04:07Eve, you don't let anybody in. Maybe that's why our audience is tuning us out. Well, I'm sorry
00:04:13that you don't think I've got what it takes to be the host anymore. Oh, perhaps I'll take up
00:04:18singing, and then I can give the judge on Channel 8 a real run for her money. Eve, you...
00:04:25And here we go, another exciting adventure in television history.
00:04:30Your enthusiasm is inspiring, Marv. Well, I don't need this, you know. I was nominated for an Oscar.
00:04:35It was a student Oscar, and you lost. In five, four, three...
00:04:45Here's your host, Eve Lovett.
00:04:55Thank you. Hi, everyone, and welcome to the show. I am Eve Lovett, your host, and today our very
00:05:05special guest is a remarkable man who is going to tell us all a little bit about what it means
00:05:11to be in love. Please welcome Mr. Vernon Gart.
00:05:24Welcome, Mr. Gart. Oh, please, just call me Vernon. Okay, Vernon, thank you. Now, to start
00:05:32things off, why don't you tell our audience a little bit about what it is that you do?
00:05:36Well, frankly, Miss Lovett, I'd rather just talk about you. Sorry, me?
00:05:43This should be interesting. I'm really just here to help you find love.
00:05:48Well, thank you very much, but I don't think I need help in that department.
00:05:52Oh, I believe you do. You've needed my help since Andrew Voyvonich.
00:05:57Well, how do you know about him? The young boy who dumped you in the seventh grade?
00:06:01I have my sources. And, of course, there was Chaz Leland, a high school football player who
00:06:08two-timed you with Mary Louise Baumgarten at the senior prom. Okay, come on. Who told him?
00:06:14Who told you about that? Worst was that jerky guitar player in college, Darren Palminteri.
00:06:20What? What? I never told anyone about that. Who is this guy? Haven't you had just the worst luck?
00:06:30And that's what we're worried about at the head office.
00:06:34You've been hurt so many times that you've given up on love.
00:06:37So I'm here to help you find it again. All right, that's enough. Rick. All right, cut. Cut. Excuse me.
00:06:49What is going on out here? I was just about to ask you the same thing. Did you set this whole
00:06:53thing up? I had nothing to do with this. What did you do? Did you go back to my high school yearbook
00:06:57or something? I swear I didn't tell him anything. I don't even know any of that stuff. Okay, then who
00:07:01is he? One of your mind readers? I don't know. Why don't we ask him? Okay, I will.
00:07:08Where'd he go?
00:07:13Did anyone see him leave? No, no, that's okay. That's okay. I'll deal with it later.
00:07:19No sign of him anywhere in the building. He must have just left.
00:07:23I mean, you were not very polite to him. Oh, so now it's my fault? Well, he got up and walked away
00:07:28from the interview without any explanation. Poor guy must have felt completely insulted.
00:07:32You could stop this anytime, you know. Stop what? I have to admit, though, it's an original idea.
00:07:38Talk show guest as performance art. Eve, I told you, I've never met this guy before. His publicist
00:07:44called suggesting him for the show and we were in a spot, so I... Nuh-uh. Have it your way. But the
00:07:50next time we do something like this, might be a good idea to clear it with the host first.
00:08:19What are you doing in here? Can you ever forgive me? I shouldn't have tried to discuss such a
00:08:27private matter in a public forum. I do not know where you got your information, but I do not
00:08:32appreciate my love life being spread all across America on national television. Listen, I know
00:08:37you're upset, but you're a very difficult person to get a hold of and the head office felt that
00:08:41time was running out for you. I don't care what the head office felt. You need to get out of here.
00:08:47Rita! Please, call security. Miss Lovett, are you all right? No, Rita, I am not all right. Why did
00:08:53you let him in my office? Miss Lovett, can I get you some tea? No, thank you, Rita.
00:09:06Yes, he was in my office. No, I don't know how he got there, Rick, but I would appreciate it in
00:09:18the future if you would screen my guests a little more thoroughly before you let any
00:09:22crackpot with a book deal on my show. Okay.
00:09:41Nice wheels. What are you doing here? I thought this would be a more private place to talk.
00:09:48Who are you? I told you my name is Vernon Gard and I work for... Yeah, yeah, Cupid Incorporated. I got
00:09:55that part. What do you want from me? It's not what I want from you, Miss Lovett. It's what you would
00:10:01like from yourself. What does that even mean? Well, according to your love profile... My what?
00:10:06Your love profile at the head office. Everybody has one. And yours says that you have commitment
00:10:13issues. So not true. Uh, really? What was the longest relationship you ever had? A year? Uh-uh. Sam Callahan,
00:10:24an insurance salesman from Omaha, Nebraska. It lasted six months, a week, and an afternoon.
00:10:28That's a nice run, but it's not exactly Phantom of the Opera now, is it? Well, what does that have to
00:10:33do with anything? Because until you can see that love can actually work, you won't find it for
00:10:39yourself. That is why the head office has authorized me to offer you a deal. A deal? All you have to do
00:10:47is help one couple fall in love. And then what? And then your one true love will be revealed to you.
00:10:54My one true love? Come on, that doesn't even exist. Love is not for sissies. There's always going to
00:11:01be bumps and bruises along the way, but do you really want to live your life without it?
00:11:06This is your chance to find love, Eve. Oh, and one more thing. This offer expires February 14th.
00:11:13If you can't make a love match by then, then you're out of luck for ever. Well, that's less than a week
00:11:19away. That's impossible. How am I supposed to make two people fall in love that fast?
00:11:23Miss Lovett, is everything okay? Why don't you ask him? Are you sure about that, T?
00:12:24okay, Mr. Gart.
00:12:30Love is in the air.
00:12:34Let's see what happens next.
00:12:35Okay, let me try. Oh, yes. Okay. Steady. Okay. Good morning, Carolyn. Sure.
00:12:56Okay, okay. Here we go. Oh, wait.
00:13:04Oh, you too. Sorry. No, don't pay any attention to me. I just love watching the two of you together.
00:13:10So cute. Uh, thanks. Thanks. So adorable.
00:13:20This is gonna be easier than I thought. What do you know about Doug and Trina? And a happy good
00:13:25morning to you, too. You know the sound man and my makeup girl? I know who they are. I'm just
00:13:30surprised that you do. Tell me a little about them. They're good kids. Hard workers. He wants to be a
00:13:35director, and I think she wants to open a day spa. Well, she mostly seems interested in finding a
00:13:40boyfriend. Oh, really? Yeah. Why the sudden interest? Oh, nothing. Just a new resolution
00:13:46of mine. Trying to get to know the crew a little bit better. Really? Why does that surprise you?
00:13:50Because until now, I didn't think you realized that we had a crew.
00:14:02Trina, let me ask you something. Sure, Miss Lovett. Oh, please, dispense with the formalities. Call
00:14:07me Eve. Okay, Eve. Tell me about your love life. My what? You know, what kind of guys do you like?
00:14:16Um, I don't know. It kind of varies. Yeah? Well, what about someone like Doug? What do you think
00:14:23of him? Um, Doug's awesome. Awesome? Oh, well, that's good. So, you'd say that you were attracted
00:14:32to him? Um, I don't know. I never really thought about it. Eve Lovett Cho, 15 minutes to video call.
00:14:3815 minutes. Think about it.
00:14:50Hey, where you been? We're ready to roll. No, I, um, I have a problem with my mic.
00:14:58Doug? Hey, honey. I'm having a little problem with my mic. Could you
00:15:03take a peek at that for me, please? Sure, Miss Lovett. No problem. Oh, call me Eve.
00:15:07Really? Absolutely. That's what all my friends call me, Eve. For instance, uh, Trina over there.
00:15:16Trina, she's my really good old friend. She's been with me like 12 weeks now. Yeah? Mm-hmm.
00:15:26We talk. We talk about things like our careers, travel, guys. That's nice. I shouldn't be telling
00:15:36you this, but, um, she told me that she likes you. She does? In fact, she used the word awesome.
00:15:49That's really nice of her. Trina's single, you know. Right. No, no. I understand. Places?
00:16:04Food for thought.
00:16:07Hi, everyone, and welcome to the Eve Lovett Show. I'm your host, Eve Lovett.
00:16:19Hey, Valentine's Day is coming, and we are going to celebrate it with a very special week on our
00:16:24show that we like to call Eve's Week of Love. Cue the insulin. And what better way to kick
00:16:30things off in true Valentine fashion than a visit from our favorite celebrity chef,
00:16:35Antonio Capricola. Ciao, Antonio. Ciao. It's such a wonderful time of the year,
00:16:45so full of love and romance. Oh, it sure is. What are you going to make for us today? When I think
00:16:50of Valentine's Day, I always think of chocolate. So I am making a wonderful old Italian recipe for
00:16:58you. It smells heavenly. Wait until you taste it.
00:17:10Oh, that is amazing. Is it true what they say about chocolate being a love potion?
00:17:18That's what the ancients believed, and if it was good enough for them, it's good enough for me.
00:17:23Well, let's put it to the test, shall we? Where's Trina? Honey, Trina, come on up here. And Doug,
00:17:32you too, come on up here. Ladies and gentlemen, give a warm round of applause
00:17:36for our brilliant sound man, Doug, and my personal makeup artist, Trina.
00:17:40What's she doing? Camera one, go for Trina. Three, take Doug.
00:17:45Come on, put that thing down. Come up here, you two. Wait until you try this. It is
00:17:55absolutely delicious. Give that a shot there. Here we go. Huh? What do you think?
00:18:05Wow. Yum. Si, si. You're going to have to tell us if it really works.
00:18:10You two have been such good sports that I would like to offer you dinner for two
00:18:16at Mauro Ristorante, one of the most romantic spots in town. That is for you.
00:18:26Happy Valentine's Week, everyone. One more round of applause for these two kids.
00:18:31They make the most adorable couple. All right, we'll be back.
00:18:39Eve, can I have a word with you in private? I haven't got much time.
00:18:47Well, take a minute. Oh, okay.
00:18:54What was with that stunt you pulled this afternoon? What stunt?
00:18:57Dragging Doug and Trina up on stage. What did you think you were doing?
00:19:00Oh, you said it was love week. I just thought maybe watching two people fall for each other
00:19:03was a good way to start. Fall for each other?
00:19:05Mm-hmm. I've had my eye on those two. There's definitely something going on between them.
00:19:08I was just giving them a little nudge is all. A little nudge.
00:19:12They were eventually going to get together. I just thought I'd speed things up.
00:19:15Well, you sure did, Eve. Do you know Doug is engaged?
00:19:18What? To Maureen.
00:19:19Who's Maureen? The props girl.
00:19:21Oh, I thought her name was Alice. The point is you just set up her
00:19:24fiance on a date with another woman. Oh, no. Why didn't I know those two
00:19:28were engaged? Maybe they didn't realize they had to clear it with you first.
00:19:31That's not what I meant. I got to go talk to them.
00:19:33No, you've done enough damage already. Hey, that's not fair. I was trying to do
00:19:37a nice thing. I know that. But the next time you decide
00:19:40to behave like a human being, give me a heads up, okay?
00:19:44Heads up. Thanks.
00:19:55Not as easy as it looks, huh? Have you been here this whole time?
00:20:00Long enough. Here, have a bonbon.
00:20:05I find chocolate takes the sting off failure. All right.
00:20:10Yeah. God, they were so perfect for each other.
00:20:14Were they, really? Or were you just trying too hard?
00:20:19Maybe you're right. Of course I'm right.
00:20:22This is my area of expertise. Well, then give me some tips.
00:20:25Oh, okay. Well, first off, what do you really know about Doug and Trina?
00:20:30Well, they're really good kids. Doug wants to be a director. And Trina...
00:20:37What are their last names? Either one. I don't know.
00:20:40Where are they from? I don't know.
00:20:44What are their hopes, their dreams, their disappointments?
00:20:48I do not know. Exactly.
00:20:52The only thing you do know is what Rick told you about them.
00:20:56But you really do know everything, don't you?
00:20:59Not everything. Just enough. Here, have another bonbon.
00:21:05See, you won't be able to help anyone fall in love, including yourself,
00:21:10until you find out what really makes people tick.
00:21:13How am I supposed to do that? Just listen.
00:21:16Let someone else talk once in a while. Take an interest in somebody other than yourself.
00:21:22All right, maybe I'll try. Better do more than that.
00:21:26You've only got three days left until Valentine's.
00:21:32But what...
00:21:37But the normal coffee I just wasn't right and he did like...
00:21:43Nail's here.
00:21:45Yes, I can see that.
00:21:47Well, I guess I better get back to work.
00:21:48The place pretty much shuts down without me.
00:21:50Nice to see you, Ms. Lovett.
00:21:51Rita, see you around.
00:22:05Oh, um, Ms. Lovett.
00:22:09I was just wondering if I could leave a little bit early tonight.
00:22:11Oh, I'm sorry.
00:22:13Ms. Lovett.
00:22:16I was just wondering if I could leave a little bit early tonight. I have a game.
00:22:19A game?
00:22:20Yeah, I coach a girls' basketball team.
00:22:22I did not know that.
00:22:24Well, I didn't think it would interest you.
00:22:25No, you're right.
00:22:27Rita, are you single?
00:22:29Unfortunately, yes.
00:22:30Nothing on the horizons? No secret boyfriends I should know about?
00:22:34Nope, not a one.
00:22:36I'm sorry?
00:22:37How would you like a little company at your game tonight?
00:22:44We'll sneak in a little girl talk.
00:22:51Oh, here we go.
00:22:54Ready, girls.
00:22:58So tell me about the guy in the mail room.
00:23:01Ben? What about him?
00:23:03Oh, come on. I see your face light up when he comes into a room.
00:23:07Nobody gets that excited about mail.
00:23:09Oh, is that obvious?
00:23:13Do you ever, you know, do you ever think about, you know, you and him?
00:23:19Oh, no. I couldn't.
00:23:21I mean, I see him at work every day, but I don't really know much about him.
00:23:25Well, is he single?
00:23:29Well, you have that in common. Come on, what else?
00:23:31I know he likes the Lakers, almost, as much as I do.
00:23:35All right, perfect.
00:23:37What's stopping you, girl?
00:23:39I almost love it. I mean, Eve.
00:23:42I'd be too scared to even think about it.
00:23:45I mean, I wouldn't even know how to start.
00:23:49You may not have to worry about that.
00:23:52Oh, what do you mean?
00:23:53I don't know.
00:23:54Fate may lend a hand.
00:24:04Here I come.
00:24:11I have a very important question to ask you.
00:24:13Eve, come on in.
00:24:15Tell me, was it one guy who ruined it for the rest of us,
00:24:18or did you just sort of hate the whole species on principle?
00:24:21Oh, right.
00:24:23Oh, am I interrupting anything?
00:24:26Just sleep, Eve. What kind of way?
00:24:28Okay, Lakers. Basketball, right?
00:24:31You're kidding.
00:24:32No, I just, I get mixed up.
00:24:34Why the sudden interest in sports?
00:24:36Oh, well, I was out tonight with Rita.
00:24:38Your assistant?
00:24:39Yeah, why does that surprise you?
00:24:40Well, considering for the first eight weeks you knew her, you called her Brenda.
00:24:43So we were out, and we were talking about what huge fans of the Lakers we were.
00:24:47Well, a second ago, you didn't even know what sport they played.
00:24:50I told you I get confused.
00:24:51I want to take Rita to one of those Lakers matches.
00:24:56They're called games?
00:24:57Games, right.
00:24:59So do you just go there and get a ticket,
00:25:02or do you have to phone ahead and make a reservation?
00:25:04I'm going to take care of this for you through the company.
00:25:09Yeah, I don't want you to have to go through all the trouble
00:25:11of phoning ahead and making a reservation.
00:25:14So I will get the tickets, and I will drop them off at your office tomorrow morning.
00:25:17Oh, you're a lifesaver.
00:25:18So what's this all about, anyway?
00:25:21What do you mean?
00:25:22Well, obviously, you're up to something, and I'm just curious what it is.
00:25:26You're a very suspicious man, McDayton.
00:25:29That's not attractive.
00:25:44Good morning, Carolyn.
00:26:01Good morning, Ben.
00:26:02Miss Lovett.
00:26:04Miss Lovett.
00:26:06What are you doing here?
00:26:08Did I do something wrong?
00:26:09Absolutely not.
00:26:11Quite the contrary.
00:26:13I came down to tell you what a good job you've been doing.
00:26:15Oh, thanks.
00:26:21I was out with my assistant, Rita, last night.
00:26:23You know Rita, my assistant?
00:26:27We went to one of her games.
00:26:29She coaches a girl's basketball team.
00:26:31Did you know that?
00:26:32I did not know that.
00:26:34Yeah, she really loves her basketball, that Rita.
00:26:36Really into it.
00:26:38You're into basketball, too, aren't you, Ben?
00:26:40Yeah, actually, I'm a pretty big Lakers fan.
00:26:42Oh, that's right.
00:26:44She actually mentioned that.
00:26:46She did?
00:26:47Talked quite a bit about you last night.
00:26:53Ben, could you do me a small favor?
00:26:56Anything, Miss Lovett.
00:26:57All right, I have a package that absolutely has to go out this morning.
00:27:02So if you could meet me in my office in about 10 minutes?
00:27:06Yeah, no problem.
00:27:07All right, 10 minutes.
00:27:09Don't be late.
00:27:20Miss Lovett.
00:27:21Good morning, Alice.
00:27:22It's Maureen.
00:27:25Maureen, do you have a second?
00:27:28Yes, absolutely.
00:27:29It's about you paying for dinner for Trina and my fiance last night.
00:27:33I am so, so sorry.
00:27:35It was just a terrible misunderstanding.
00:27:38Maureen, I am sick about it.
00:27:41I would like to make it up to you somehow.
00:27:44Perhaps if I could buy dinner for you and Doug.
00:27:48Oh, no, I don't think so.
00:27:50It would make me feel so much better.
00:27:51No, I mean, dinner would be great, but not with Doug.
00:27:54Beg your pardon?
00:27:54He and Trina stayed out all night.
00:27:59Oh, no.
00:28:00You actually did me a really big favor, though, you know?
00:28:02You showed me what kind of guy Doug really is.
00:28:05I think I almost married that creep.
00:28:07Thanks, Miss Lovett.
00:28:13OK, could you give these to her when she gets in, please?
00:28:15But listen.
00:28:16I'm here, I'm here, I'm here, I'm here.
00:28:18Morning, Miss Lovett.
00:28:19Sorry, I'm still getting used to that.
00:28:20Get used to it.
00:28:21This is your lucky day.
00:28:21Oh, don't I know it.
00:28:22Come on, get in there.
00:28:25Rita, I'm expecting a very important package this
00:28:28morning, so I need you to stay right there at your desk.
00:28:31Do not leave your desk.
00:28:32Got it.
00:28:39Are those my tickets?
00:28:41Took all my charm and powers of persuasion,
00:28:43but you are now the proud owner of two luxury box
00:28:46seats for tonight's Lakers Celtics game.
00:28:49Is that good?
00:28:49Eve, most people would give their firstborn
00:28:51child for those tickets.
00:28:53Thank you, thank you, thank you.
00:28:55You're welcome, welcome.
00:28:59So, um, you want to tell me what's going on?
00:29:06I don't know what you mean.
00:29:08I mean why a woman who previously had absolutely
00:29:12zero interest in any sport other than a pedicure
00:29:14is suddenly a Lakers fan.
00:29:19He's here.
00:29:20Who's here?
00:29:22Can't you do anything right?
00:29:25I told you I wanted these tickets for tomorrow night.
00:29:27You didn't say anything like that.
00:29:29This is great.
00:29:30This is just great.
00:29:31Is something wrong?
00:29:34I asked my producer here to get me tickets
00:29:36for tomorrow night's Lakers-Cedrics game.
00:29:39I think you mean Celtics.
00:29:40And instead, he got me two luxury box cars
00:29:43for tonight's game, and he knows that I have a conflict.
00:29:46I do?
00:29:46Yes, you do.
00:29:47You know that I have the thing with those people.
00:29:49What people?
00:29:50It doesn't matter now because the point is
00:29:52I cannot go to the match.
00:29:54I can't go to either one.
00:29:55What am I supposed to do with these tickets?
00:29:57Well, look, I'll just do it.
00:29:58Oh, God.
00:29:59Oh, my.
00:30:00I have just had the most brilliant idea.
00:30:04Rita, would you be a doll and take
00:30:06these tickets off my hands?
00:30:07I would love to.
00:30:09Now, there's just one problem, is there are two tickets,
00:30:13and it's awfully late notice to try to find somebody else
00:30:17to be in the other seat.
00:30:19What about, hmm, how about you, Ben?
00:30:23You wouldn't be interested in going to the game, would you?
00:30:27Are you kidding?
00:30:27I would.
00:30:28Rita, how do you feel about Ben going with you to the game?
00:30:32I mean, yes, yes.
00:30:33I mean, because that would be amazing.
00:30:35All right.
00:30:35Look at what I just did.
00:30:36It's settled then.
00:30:37All right.
00:30:38Now, why don't you two take a nice coffee break
00:30:41and iron out all the details?
00:30:43And oh, I just had another brilliant idea.
00:30:45How about this?
00:30:46After the game, dinner at Malrose, on me.
00:30:49OK, this is officially the greatest day of my life.
00:30:51And it's still early.
00:30:52So go on, you two.
00:30:54You crazy kids.
00:30:55Crazy kids, yeah.
00:30:57So you don't really have a conflict tonight, do you?
00:31:00Well, that's a matter of opinion now, isn't it?
00:31:04OK, this average day just turned into the best day ever.
00:31:07Oh, absolutely.
00:31:08The best day of my life.
00:31:10Yours especially.
00:31:52Oh, sorry.
00:32:09I was just checking the plants.
00:32:13This one's good.
00:32:34I know.
00:32:34I know.
00:32:35That's awesome.
00:32:35It's going to be amazing.
00:32:36I hear fish is back.
00:32:38Well, yeah.
00:32:38Hopefully, I can.
00:32:52Oh, I'm on my now.
00:33:06Um, but, uh, yeah, this way.
00:33:10No, you do this.
00:33:24I was just checking all the plants.
00:33:28And this whole thing looks really good.
00:33:32So carry on.
00:33:46I did it.
00:33:48I really did it.
00:33:54Is everything OK?
00:33:56Everything is perfect.
00:34:17Oh, Vernon.
00:34:21How'd you guess?
00:34:23Because no one sent me roses in 100 years.
00:34:25Oh, that's sad.
00:34:27Pity I have to take them back.
00:34:30Well, they're from the head office.
00:34:32To congratulate you on the successful completion of your assignment.
00:34:34Well, then why don't I get to keep them?
00:34:36Because you aren't done yet.
00:34:38Oh, but you are mistaken, my friend.
00:34:40Come here. I gotta show you something.
00:34:48Huh? Huh?
00:34:49Looks like love to me.
00:34:51Oh, it is.
00:34:52I've checked out their paperwork already, and they're a perfect match.
00:34:56So why are you saying I'm not done?
00:34:58Come over here.
00:35:05Maureen's not happy.
00:35:09Needless to say, the engagement's off.
00:35:12And, unfortunately, company policy says that this one cancels out the other one, so...
00:35:18I'm sorry, Eve, but you're back at zero again.
00:35:21That's not fair.
00:35:22No one said love is fair.
00:35:25Why don't you keep them?
00:35:27Why? To remind me that I'm a failure?
00:35:29Now, now.
00:35:31There's no time to feel sorry for yourself.
00:35:33You've only got two days left.
00:35:34Love's awaiting.
00:35:38But Vernon, can I at least...
00:35:56Night, Miss Lovett.
00:35:58Oh, good night, Vince.
00:35:59That's Vance. But you're real close, though.
00:36:02Oh, I'm starting to realize close doesn't count.
00:36:05Rough day, huh?
00:36:06It shows.
00:36:08This whole Valentine's thing got you down?
00:36:10How'd you know?
00:36:11It has that effect on us single people.
00:36:16You're single?
00:36:19Guilty as charged, yeah.
00:36:22You, uh, seeing anyone?
00:36:26No, I actually gave up on that whole dating scene.
00:36:29Oh, come on. You? Please, what happened?
00:36:34It's a long story.
00:36:36You wouldn't want to hear it.
00:36:38Try me.
00:36:42Eve, I thought we agreed you were going to run this kind of thing by me first.
00:36:45There wasn't time. It's fresh. It's original.
00:36:47It's exactly what I've been talking about.
00:36:50Trust me, there isn't going to be a dry eye in the house.
00:36:52I just have a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach about this.
00:36:56Ask the nurse for some bromo.
00:36:59I've got a show to do.
00:37:05Hi there. Welcome back to the Eve Lovett Show.
00:37:08And we have a very special segment for our Valentine's week called Cupid at Large.
00:37:14Our guest today is one of our very own staff members, Vance Freiman.
00:37:18Welcome him, everybody.
00:37:22Is this a handsome gentleman or what?
00:37:26Number two, push in on the hump.
00:37:30You know how to pick them.
00:37:32So welcome, Vance.
00:37:33Listen, I'm going to jump right in, okay?
00:37:36You're nearing 40 and you're not married.
00:37:42What's the deal? You've gotten shy?
00:37:44No, actually, not at all.
00:37:46Truth is, I just haven't met that person that I want to spend the rest of my life with.
00:37:51Oh, well, and why do you think that is?
00:37:55Well, because none of them were Laura.
00:37:58I see.
00:38:00Why don't you let the audience know who Laura is?
00:38:06Laura was, uh, she was the first girl I ever kissed.
00:38:11She was my first love.
00:38:14Would you go so far as to say perhaps that she was your only love all these years?
00:38:18Oh, yeah, definitely. Absolutely.
00:38:20And why aren't the two of you together?
00:38:23I've, uh, to be honest with you, I've wanted nothing more than that.
00:38:26But, see, Laura and I were high school sweethearts.
00:38:31And I knew the moment I met her that she was my soulmate.
00:38:34You seem pretty sure of that.
00:38:37Well, I was. And I am still, even to this day.
00:38:41The problem is that for some reason her father disapproved of me.
00:38:45So we, of course, snuck around him at times so we could see each other.
00:38:48But to no avail. He finally just moved the whole family out of state.
00:38:52Just to keep the two of you apart.
00:38:54I mean, I tried to keep in touch with Laura over the years by sending her letters.
00:38:58But, uh, my letters were always returned address unknown.
00:39:02So sad.
00:39:03Yeah. I spent the last 20 years trying to find her, but...
00:39:06No luck?
00:39:07No. No, unfortunately, she, uh, it's like she just disappeared.
00:39:11Well, what would you say, Vance, if I told you that we found her?
00:39:16I'm sorry, what?
00:39:18That's right. You're Laura.
00:39:20Are you serious?
00:39:21I am serious.
00:39:22Our crack research team has tracked her down.
00:39:28You gotta be, this is incredible.
00:39:29No, it gets better.
00:39:30She feels the same way that you do.
00:39:32You are the one great love of her life.
00:39:35I can't believe this is happening.
00:39:37Wait till you hear this.
00:39:39We have brought her here today to get the two of you reunited.
00:39:46Are you serious?
00:39:47She's here.
00:39:49She's here. Keep that applause going.
00:39:51Ladies and gentlemen, give a warm Eve Show welcome to Miss Laura Wilson.
00:40:04Hello, Vance.
00:40:06Come on, Romeo, don't be shy. Get over there.
00:40:09No, no, that's not, that's not Laura, that's Dee Dee.
00:40:11And this woman has been stalking me for two years now.
00:40:15This is gonna be good.
00:40:16It's been a long time, Vance.
00:40:17Actually, not long enough.
00:40:18Is this true?
00:40:19Yeah, it's true.
00:40:20She's been charged twice for identity theft, haven't you?
00:40:22That's just because I needed to see you.
00:40:24No, stay away from me. Don't come near me.
00:40:26Follow them, camera three.
00:40:27Two, stay with the psycho.
00:40:29You know I have a restraining order.
00:40:31Oh, that silly little thing.
00:40:32No, no, the police. Call the police right now. Right now.
00:40:35Okay, Laura, Dee Dee, whatever.
00:40:40We can talk about this like rational adults.
00:40:44Oh, then we're supposed to be together?
00:40:46You know that you wouldn't be together forever, right?
00:40:49Don't let her go.
00:40:50Don't let her go.
00:40:51Ladies and gentlemen, it appears that our research team has made a little mistake.
00:40:57Hold on to her, please. You know I hate yellow teeth.
00:41:00Don't let her go. Get her out of my life.
00:41:04We'll be back right after these messages.
00:41:09Rick. Rick.
00:41:17They took the tape for evidence.
00:41:20It's a trap to air a rerun.
00:41:22Probably the ratings could get much lower.
00:41:24Okay, just say it.
00:41:25Say what?
00:41:26I told you so. I know you're just dying to.
00:41:29I just don't get it, do you?
00:41:32We're on the same team.
00:41:35We're on the same team.
00:41:41I'm sorry.
00:41:44You know what? I think you really mean that.
00:41:51Don't worry. We'll make it up in the live broadcast.
00:41:54You really think so?
00:41:55Yeah. I have faith in our host.
00:42:22You know, I really thought you had that one.
00:42:25Could you at least honk or something?
00:42:30And that was not my fault.
00:42:32In a way it sort of was.
00:42:34What am I supposed to do?
00:42:36I have 24 hours before, according to you,
00:42:39I lose any chance I'll ever have at finding love.
00:42:43So stop wasting your time looking at the petals.
00:42:45You're missing the rose.
00:42:49What does that even mean, Vernon?
00:42:59Will you stop doing that?
00:43:18You all right, Carolyn?
00:43:20Oh. Oh, yeah.
00:43:22Everything's just sunshine and buttercups.
00:43:26And it's Janice.
00:43:30Excuse me?
00:43:32My name is Janice.
00:43:36Not that it really matters. I'm just the receptionist, right?
00:43:42It matters.
00:43:44It matters.
00:43:53You want to talk about it?
00:43:55What, this?
00:43:57It's just allergies.
00:43:59I'm allergic to broken hearts.
00:44:01Oh, it isn't.
00:44:03Can I show you something?
00:44:13He's cute.
00:44:15Look at him.
00:44:17What's his name?
00:44:21He's probably the best friend I've ever had.
00:44:23Well, I'd like to meet him sometime.
00:44:26I wish you could, but, uh,
00:44:28I had to put him to sleep last night.
00:44:31Oh, I'm sorry. That's terrible.
00:44:34Oh, you probably think this is pretty stupid, me hiding out in here.
00:44:39I just...
00:44:42I couldn't get through the day.
00:44:45It's not stupid.
00:44:47Well, it's just, you know, sometimes it's hard for someone like me.
00:44:51Love doesn't come along every day.
00:44:53But with Gus,
00:44:56just having him around, he seemed to take the loneliness away a little bit.
00:45:15Miss Lovett, call me Eve.
00:45:17Okay, Eve.
00:45:21Have you ever tell anybody about this?
00:45:24I'll deck ya.
00:45:34Vance! Vance!
00:45:39Let's see it. The police have the tape.
00:45:41Someone in your audience had a cell phone camera.
00:45:43It's gone viral.
00:45:45Oh, no.
00:45:46Oh, yes. You've had half a million hits.
00:45:48You're an internet sensation.
00:45:51I don't feel very sensational.
00:45:53What's the matter now?
00:45:55You wouldn't believe it if I told you.
00:45:57I bet I can guess.
00:45:58It's about Valentine's Day, isn't it?
00:46:00In a way.
00:46:01I knew it. You're feeling the clock ticking, aren't you?
00:46:04You've come to a point in your life when you realize you've cut yourself off from love.
00:46:08Nancy, that's ridiculous.
00:46:10And you feel if you don't reach out and grab it, you may never have the chance again.
00:46:14Hey, let me ask you something.
00:46:15If you know so much about relationships, why are you still single?
00:46:18Personal choice. I'm not ready to settle for second best.
00:46:20Oh, and you're saying I should?
00:46:22I'm saying because of a few bad experiences, you have let life pass you by.
00:46:27You need to open yourself up. Let love in.
00:46:33Hey, Nance, I've got to call you back.
00:46:35What? But we were just about to make a breakthrough.
00:46:38I've got to go see a man about a dog.
00:46:41Eve, a dog is not a replacement for a man.
00:46:45As a rule.
00:46:46Bark, bark.
00:46:48Bark, bark.
00:46:52That's a very nice thing you're doing, Miss Lovett.
00:46:54Please, call me Eve.
00:46:56Well, how about you call me Harvey, then?
00:46:58You got a deal, Harvey.
00:47:00Yeah, the day you lose a dog is a bad day any way you look at it.
00:47:04You know, a lot of people never get over it.
00:47:06They go through the rest of their lives with this canine-shaped hole in them.
00:47:11That's why what you're doing for this lady, trying to find one that fills the space,
00:47:15shows that you're a very good friend to have.
00:47:17Oh, Harvey, I haven't been much of a friend. That's why I'm trying to make up for it.
00:47:21Well, it's a great place to start.
00:47:23As my wife used to say, we should all aspire to be the kinds of people that our dogs think we are.
00:47:28Your wife's a smart lady.
00:47:30She gave me my first dog, Mutt, named Tom.
00:47:33And it led me to this place, and it's interesting, because it's hard sometimes.
00:47:38People can be very cruel, but then someone like you comes along and makes it all worthwhile.
00:47:44Now, this is the fella I was telling you about.
00:47:47He's not a purebred, as you can see.
00:47:49A little bit of this, a little bit of that, but a whole lot of love.
00:47:53What do you think?
00:47:55Harvey, I will be right back.
00:48:00Fingers crossed, huh?
00:48:03Eve, I told you, I'm not ready for this. It's just too soon.
00:48:07I understand. Just humor me. It'll only take a minute, okay?
00:48:11Come on.
00:48:13Janice, I would like for you to meet...
00:48:21Harvey? You know him?
00:48:25Harvey Midford? I don't believe it. Is that really you?
00:48:28In flesh. Of course, a little more flesh than the last time you saw me, but...
00:48:32How do you two know each other? We went to high school together.
00:48:36We were quite the hot item back in the day when dinosaurs ruled the earth.
00:48:40As I remember, I wasn't your only hot item.
00:48:43Harvey was a bit of a ladies' man at school.
00:48:45Can't blame the girls for having good taste.
00:48:47And one of them got you, too.
00:48:50How is Alice?
00:48:52She passed.
00:48:54Twelve years ago.
00:48:56I'm sorry.
00:48:58I thank my lucky stars every day for having known her.
00:49:01And now I get to work with these guys.
00:49:04So this is the little fella you wanted me to see.
00:49:07What's his name?
00:49:08Doesn't have one. You want to name him?
00:49:12I don't know.
00:49:14I can't replace Gus.
00:49:16You wouldn't be replacing Gus.
00:49:18It's just something new.
00:49:20Besides, everybody deserves a fresh start every now and then.
00:49:39Well, that was certainly unexpected.
00:49:43Hey, what does the head office think of that now, huh?
00:49:46Oh, the head office definitely approves.
00:49:48They are absolutely perfect for each other.
00:49:51So, do I get my flowers now?
00:49:55I'm sorry, Eve, but the rules are very clear.
00:49:57You must do the matchmaking yourself.
00:49:59But I brought her here.
00:50:01To get a dog.
00:50:02Plus, those two have been in love with each other since they were kids.
00:50:05Life just got in the way, that's all.
00:50:07Had nothing to do with you.
00:50:08You can't do this. I only have one day left.
00:50:11I'm sorry, Eve, but rules are rules.
00:50:13Since when does love have rules?
00:50:15Well, maybe you should ask yourself the same question.
00:50:18What does that even mean?
00:50:19You're the one who won't allow herself to get close to anyone
00:50:21just because she's been hurt a few times in the past.
00:50:24Now isn't that a rule?
00:50:26No, that's completely different. I am protecting myself.
00:50:29Because you're afraid.
00:50:31Love isn't for sissies, Eve.
00:50:32Oh, I heard that the first time.
00:50:34And this is the last.
00:50:35That's it. I quit.
00:50:36Now, Eve.
00:50:37Oh, don't now Eve me.
00:50:39I did everything right.
00:50:41I found those couples and I put them together
00:50:44and I bought them dinners and tickets
00:50:46and I even got shots for that dog.
00:50:49I think after all that, I deserve a little love.
00:50:52No one deserves love, Eve.
00:50:54It's not a prize.
00:50:55It's a gift.
00:50:56It's a gift.
00:50:58It's not a prize.
00:50:59It's a gift.
00:51:02You know what?
00:51:03I don't want either one.
00:51:04Goodbye, Vernon.
00:51:06And if I never see you again,
00:51:07which I sincerely hope is the case,
00:51:10happy Valentine's Day.
00:51:29Good to see you, Miss Lovett.
00:51:43Oh, get a room.
00:51:53Good evening, Miss Lovett.
00:51:55Good evening, Willie.
00:51:56Your table is ready and your champagne is on ice.
00:52:01My champagne?
00:52:08I didn't order champagne, Willie.
00:52:10No, the champagne comes compliments of the lady at the bar.
00:52:26Well, at least somebody's having a good time.
00:52:40I didn't know you were going to be out.
00:52:43I don't want to bother you.
00:52:44Can I get a table, Louie?
00:52:45Don't be ridiculous.
00:52:46Join me.
00:52:47You sure?
00:52:53Besides, I can't finish this entire bottle of champagne by myself.
00:52:57Well, that's not the kind of offer I can refuse.
00:53:01Producing television was pretty much the last thing I ever thought I'd wind up doing.
00:53:05What do you want to do?
00:53:07I promise you won't laugh.
00:53:09Oh, I can't promise anything of the sort.
00:53:12I, uh, want to be a writer.
00:53:16Not laughing.
00:53:17No, not yet.
00:53:18A serious writer.
00:53:19A great American novel.
00:53:21I'll laugh any time now.
00:53:23There's just one problem.
00:53:25What was that?
00:53:26No talent.
00:53:28I seriously doubt that.
00:53:30Well, maybe a little.
00:53:31But not enough.
00:53:32And when I realized it wasn't going to be great, I thought, why even bother, you know?
00:53:37I mean, I know that sounds childish, but...
00:53:38It doesn't sound childish at all.
00:53:41I felt the same way.
00:53:43I didn't know you wanted to be a writer.
00:53:45Well, nothing as grand as the great American novel.
00:53:49But I did major in journalism in college, and...
00:53:53You know, I thought by now I would have this very serious column in the Times.
00:53:57You know, tackling the important issues and...
00:54:01Helping people.
00:54:03No, you're not writing, but...
00:54:05Isn't that kind of what you're doing now?
00:54:09Sometimes I feel more like a ringmaster at a circus.
00:54:13Yeah, but you're a very good ringmaster.
00:54:18Is that a compliment, Mr. Dayton?
00:54:20Hey, you're catching on.
00:54:26It was, yeah.
00:54:29Looks like we shut the place down.
00:54:32I guess so.
00:54:35Quiet night, huh?
00:54:45Go ahead.
00:54:46No, you go.
00:54:49I just wanted to say that, um...
00:54:51You look beautiful tonight.
00:54:54Come on, you've seen this dress I wore it on the show.
00:54:57I don't mean the dress.
00:54:59I mean you.
00:55:00There's something different.
00:55:03There's something different.
00:55:05You're, um, glowing or something.
00:55:11Maybe it's the lighting.
00:55:13Eve, it's not the lighting.
00:55:15That was definitely a compliment.
00:55:17Yes, it was.
00:55:20It was.
00:55:30It's, uh...
00:55:58I am so sorry.
00:56:01My fault.
00:56:02No, I shouldn't have...
00:56:03No, don't blame yourself.
00:56:05That was, um...
00:56:07Really inappropriate.
00:56:09Very unprofessional.
00:56:10Um, yeah.
00:56:13Okay, so...
00:56:15I'm gonna go.
00:56:17Me too.
00:56:19Good night.
00:56:22Good night.
00:56:26Good night.
00:56:32Good night.
00:56:41Good night.
00:56:51Good morning, Eve.
00:56:53Beautiful day, isn't it?
00:56:54Yeah, sure.
00:56:55Harvey and I had a wonderful time last night.
00:56:57We spent the whole evening catching up, if you know what I mean.
00:56:59Great. I'm happy for you.
00:57:01You and Mr. Dayton seemed to be enjoying yourselves.
00:57:04It was like there was nobody else in the whole restaurant.
00:57:06It was a business dinner.
00:57:08Didn't look that way to me.
00:57:10I don't care what it looked like to you.
00:57:13It was just business.
00:57:15That's all it was.
00:57:22Whatever you say.
00:57:31Good night.
00:57:57Morning, Eve.
00:57:58Morning, Miss Lovett.
00:57:59Don't you have any mail to deliver?
00:58:00And I will talk to you later.
00:58:05So, I will get your tea...
00:58:06All right, stop.
00:58:08Before you say anything else,
00:58:10I just want to make something perfectly clear about last night.
00:58:13And you might want to spread this information around.
00:58:15No matter what you heard from Janice or anyone else,
00:58:19Mr. Dayton and I are co-workers.
00:58:22We were having a co-working dinner during which time we co-worked.
00:58:26Is that understood?
00:58:29What were you going to say?
00:58:30You have a guest.
00:58:36Excuse me, last time I checked this was my office.
00:58:40There she is.
00:58:43What are you doing here?
00:58:46Oh, a patient of mine is starring in a big action movie out here
00:58:49and he had an emotional meltdown on set last night.
00:58:52Is he all right?
00:58:53If he was all right, he wouldn't be an actor, would he?
00:58:56Rick has been keeping me company, telling me all about your show.
00:59:00He says you're doing it live today.
00:59:02That's so exciting.
00:59:03Yeah, it's nerve-wracking.
00:59:05And we are ready to rehearse the sketch,
00:59:07so after you guys catch up, I need you to go to wardrobe,
00:59:09get the harness on, and run through it a couple times, okay?
00:59:12Okay, be right there.
00:59:14It's nice to meet you, Nancy.
00:59:16You never told me you had such beautiful friends in New York.
00:59:18Oh, I like this one.
00:59:20Keep talking.
00:59:21You know what, Nancy, if you want,
00:59:23you can join Eve, come down, and watch the rehearsals.
00:59:26You sure that'd be okay?
00:59:28Of course. The more, the merrier.
00:59:30All right, see you soon.
00:59:32So, that's the famous Rick you're always talking about.
00:59:37I am not always talking about him.
00:59:39From what I've heard around here, you two are a real item.
00:59:43That is not true at all.
00:59:45That is a rumor somebody started,
00:59:47and it's going to stop right now, people.
00:59:49So there's nothing going on between you?
00:59:51Nothing. We work together.
00:59:54All the more convenient.
00:59:56Nancy, we're not interested in each other.
00:59:59You're sure about that?
01:00:02So you haven't ever made a move on him?
01:00:04Never. Not once.
01:00:05Come on, he's hot.
01:00:10I guess he's good-looking in his way.
01:00:13I wouldn't mind him looking my way while he was at it.
01:00:17Same old Nancy.
01:00:19If that's what you want, you have to go for it, right?
01:00:28I'm telling you, this is a horrible idea.
01:00:30It's never going to work.
01:00:33Looking good, Rick.
01:00:36Pull me, right?
01:00:40You set, guys?
01:00:44You all right?
01:00:46Hot, and this thing is really tight.
01:00:48How about us?
01:00:51Um, Rick.
01:00:54About last night.
01:00:56We never should have had that much champagne.
01:00:59This is very unprofessional of us.
01:01:01Yeah, very.
01:01:03Okay, good. I'm glad that we got that out of the way.
01:01:07Me, too. That's, um...
01:01:10So you...
01:01:11Yeah, well, check this out.
01:01:13Yeah, um...
01:01:14So, uh, what's, uh...
01:01:16What's the deal with your friend Nancy?
01:01:19Um, what do you mean?
01:01:22Well, is she single?
01:01:24Uh, yeah, she's...
01:01:26She's single. Why do you ask?
01:01:28Oh, I'm just curious.
01:01:30I mean, she seemed nice.
01:01:32Yeah, she's really nice.
01:01:34She's one of my best friends.
01:01:36But I gotta tell you, under that good-girl facade, that one over there,
01:01:39she got me in a lot of trouble when we were younger.
01:01:43Looking at her, I can believe that.
01:01:45What's that supposed to mean?
01:01:47Well, she's got that wicked glint in her eye.
01:01:51What? And I don't?
01:01:53No. I mean, that's not what I'm saying.
01:01:56You're just more practical.
01:01:59You mean boring.
01:02:00No, that...
01:02:01You know what? Let's just pretend I didn't say anything at all.
01:02:06Your way, guys.
01:02:10Oh, there she goes.
01:02:11Is this supposed to do this?
01:02:21Okay, I think that's good.
01:02:24So, what does a producer do, anyway?
01:02:27Mostly keep people like Eve in line.
01:02:30Must be a full-time job.
01:02:32Yeah, and it pays lousy, too.
01:02:35Hello? Remember me up here?
01:02:38It's kind of scary.
01:02:41People, when we go to air,
01:02:43we're going to have one chance to get this right,
01:02:45so let's all remember the cue.
01:02:49In three, two, one.
01:02:56Hey, Rick?
01:02:58What's wrong?
01:03:00Hey, Rick?
01:03:01It's jammed.
01:03:02Oh, you think?
01:03:03Guys, get her down.
01:03:05Hey, can you do something about this, please?
01:03:08Whose idea was this, anyway?
01:03:14I'm a talk show host, not a piñata!
01:03:21You getting a kick out of this?
01:03:24Help me!
01:03:25I'm glad you guys think this is funny.
01:03:41Come on.
01:04:15Are you in here?
01:04:18Vernon, come on!
01:04:20I know that I said that I quit,
01:04:22but I need another chance,
01:04:24because I think I figured it out.
01:04:26I think I know who the couple is.
01:04:31Come on, you said it was never too late for love.
01:04:34How about it?
01:04:41Never mind, you know what?
01:04:43I don't need you.
01:04:45I'm gonna do this myself.
01:05:05Got it.
01:05:08Hey, Rick, that's all?
01:05:10We're good.
01:05:11Not a minute.
01:05:12Yeah, I thought you'd be in makeup.
01:05:16I'm on my way.
01:05:17Have you seen Nancy anywhere around?
01:05:19She went to the commissary for coffee.
01:05:21She'll be back in a while.
01:05:22Oh, okay.
01:05:23She likes you.
01:05:24I can tell.
01:05:26I like her, too.
01:05:27She's nice.
01:05:29I was thinking that maybe tonight,
01:05:30after the show, you'd want to go out.
01:05:32The three of us?
01:05:33That's okay.
01:05:34You guys need time to catch up.
01:05:36Oh, I wasn't gonna go.
01:05:38Yeah, I just thought maybe the two of you
01:05:40might want to get to know each other better.
01:05:48Are you trying to hand me off to your friend?
01:05:50No, not exactly.
01:05:52It's just you seemed like you were interested in her.
01:05:55In her?
01:05:58What about us?
01:06:01Yeah, us.
01:06:02You and me.
01:06:04Well, you and Nancy have a lot in common.
01:06:09The only thing we have in common
01:06:11is that we both love you.
01:06:17I thought you felt it, too.
01:06:20What's been going on between us.
01:06:22I thought that you didn't want anything to go on here.
01:06:25Clearly you don't.
01:06:26You wouldn't be trying to set me up with someone else.
01:06:28No, no, no, you don't understand.
01:06:30I was just trying to help you find love.
01:06:35What's this for?
01:06:36That's for the next person you hire to produce your show.
01:06:40This can't work, Eve.
01:06:42Not now.
01:06:43Rick, you can't do this.
01:06:45We go on the air live in less than an hour.
01:06:48Not we.
01:06:52I quit.
01:06:54I'm leaving.
01:06:57Oh, Eve.
01:06:59I'm glad I caught you.
01:07:02Hey, I wanted to tell you to break a leg,
01:07:04but then I got to thinking maybe that wasn't
01:07:06such a good thing to say after all.
01:07:09I think.
01:07:10I wouldn't worry too much.
01:07:12You're in good hands with Rick.
01:07:14He really cares about you.
01:07:18You said you weren't interested in him,
01:07:20so I thought I'd let you know.
01:07:24You said you weren't interested in him,
01:07:26so I used my best hair tosses and my biggest smiles,
01:07:31and all he could do was talk about you.
01:07:35I don't know what your problem is,
01:07:37but he's the keeper.
01:07:42Anyway, good luck.
01:07:44I will be watching you.
01:07:47Eve, we've got a problem.
01:07:50Rick, quit.
01:07:51Well, I'm glad you're taking it so calmly.
01:07:53We go on the air in 15 minutes.
01:07:55Where are we going to find a producer?
01:08:01Okay, everyone, we are on the Titanic.
01:08:05Might as well enjoy the ride.
01:08:07Here we go.
01:08:12Everyone take your seats.
01:08:14Everyone take your seats.
01:08:16The show is about to start.
01:08:19Hey, hey, okay.
01:08:24Live in ten.
01:08:26Is Eve in position?
01:08:28Hey, you, producer.
01:08:30Is our host in position?
01:08:32And Miss Lovett, I mean Eve,
01:08:35are you ready?
01:08:36Well, if by ready you mean
01:08:39uncomfortably hanging by my armpits from the ceiling,
01:08:42then sure.
01:08:43She's ready.
01:08:47Wow, what a thing I do to make a living.
01:08:51Tell me about it.
01:08:53Hey, what are you doing up here?
01:08:56Oh, I thought I would just keep you company.
01:08:58You know, nobody should be alone on Valentine's Day.
01:09:02Three, two...
01:09:05Well, starting to think I'm the exception to that rule.
01:09:09Hey, what am I, chopped liver?
01:09:11Come on, if you really believed that,
01:09:13you wouldn't have taken me up in the off in the first place.
01:09:24Coming to you live from the studio,
01:09:26the Eve Lovett Show, starring Eve Lovett.
01:09:31Your offer didn't do me any good.
01:09:33Look, I still ended up alone.
01:09:35Did you? Really?
01:09:37Do you remember what I said about the petals and the rose?
01:09:41Still trying to figure that one out.
01:09:43There's nothing to figure out, Eve.
01:09:46You've known the answer all along.
01:09:50Three, two, one, and cue the puppet.
01:09:55Three, two, one, and cue the puppet.
01:09:59Three, two, one, and cue the puppet.
01:10:23Happy Valentine's Day, everyone.
01:10:26Good afternoon, and welcome to a very special live broadcast
01:10:30of the Eve Lovett Show.
01:10:32As always, I'm your host, Eve Lovett.
01:10:48I knew this was a bad idea, but we'd better go to commercial.
01:10:51No, wait.
01:10:55Zoom in.
01:10:57Hey, I call the shots around here.
01:10:59And I'm the producer.
01:11:01I know that look.
01:11:03This is gonna be good.
01:11:05Zoom in.
01:11:07All along, we had this
01:11:10really terrific show planned for you.
01:11:12We had roses and chocolates and...
01:11:18But that's not what Valentine's Day is about, is it, now?
01:11:22It's about love.
01:11:25I learned something about love this week.
01:11:28That's right. Eve Lovett learned something.
01:11:33I learned that...
01:11:36true love isn't for the faint at heart.
01:11:41Someone told me...
01:11:43that love wasn't for sissies.
01:11:46It takes courage.
01:11:49There would be bumps and bruises along the way.
01:11:52And sometimes...
01:11:55sometimes you gotta start all over again.
01:11:59But no matter how tough it gets,
01:12:02oh, it's all worth it.
01:12:05Because love makes us the best that we can be.
01:12:09And I've been staring at it all along.
01:12:11It was right in front of me, and I didn't even see it.
01:12:16So if you'll excuse me, ladies and gentlemen,
01:12:19I have to go take care of something
01:12:21that I should have a long time ago.
01:12:28Where is she going?
01:12:30She's the star of the show, Follower.
01:12:32Eve seems to be on a mission.
01:12:34We've got the mobile crew to Follower.
01:12:36Let's see what happens.
01:12:50Yes, yes, I understand.
01:12:57That was the head of network.
01:12:59He's watching the show from home.
01:13:01I knew this was gonna be a disaster.
01:13:03No, he loves it.
01:13:05He thinks it's the most exciting thing we've ever done.
01:13:09I told you that this would work.
01:13:11All right, keep Follower.
01:13:13Do not let her out of your sight.
01:13:15She's headed towards Rick's office.
01:13:32You're still here.
01:13:34Eve, what are you doing?
01:13:36Please, Rick, just listen.
01:13:38Guys, shut off the camera. Shut off the microphone.
01:13:41Tell them if they do, they'll both be back working studio tours.
01:13:44Sorry, Mr. Dayton, we don't work for you anymore.
01:13:47You quit, remember?
01:13:49You're right. I did quit.
01:13:52What, make me feel like an idiot once wasn't enough,
01:13:54and I have to do it on TV?
01:13:56No, I'm the one who should feel like an idiot.
01:14:02I have been running around here,
01:14:05trying to find the perfect couple,
01:14:08and we've been right here all along.
01:14:12What do you want, Eve?
01:14:14I'll tell you what I want.
01:14:18I want you...
01:14:21to be my valentine.
01:14:26That's, uh...
01:14:28That's kind of corny.
01:14:31A little cheesy.
01:14:33Very old-fashioned.
01:14:41That's why the people love it.
01:14:49And that's why I love you.
01:14:54Is that a compliment?
01:14:56I would say so.
01:15:09I love you.
01:15:40What are you up to up there?
01:15:42The first overnight ratings just came in,
01:15:44and we beat the singing judge.
01:15:46And everything else.
01:15:48Our numbers are through the roof.
01:15:55To our host.
01:15:57To our producer.
01:16:02Wow, where'd those come from?
01:16:04I think I have an idea.
01:16:06I think I have an idea.
01:16:12To Eve and Rick.
01:16:14Happy Valentine's Day from all of us at the head office.
01:16:20Long story.
01:16:22You can tell it to me on the honeymoon.
01:16:28Want those chocolates?
