A Costa Rican Wedding 2024 - Great Hallmark Romance Movies 2024 - Best Holiday Movies 2024 .mp4

  • last month
00:00:00well nice work Michael I can always count on you to get the job done that's
00:00:07why you're the company fixer this fixers tired in nine months I'm ready for a
00:00:11break yeah and I wish I could give it to you but there's something else I need
00:00:16you on right away yeah what's that apparently the land we purchased has to
00:00:21be thoroughly inspected for leprechauns he almost had me on that isn't a joke
00:00:27apparently the people in the area are very superstitious and they take their
00:00:30leprechauns very seriously and unless our site is declared a leprechaun free
00:00:35zone they won't work on it it's crazy well I don't know but it needs to be
00:00:39handled counting on you Michael we've invested very heavily in this project so
00:00:48do what you have to do to get things moving
00:01:02Ned Aaron says temperatures are set to fall as low as minus 9 degrees tonight
00:01:07and more snow is forecast for the north and west road users are urged to
00:01:12exercise extreme caution as black ice and freezing fog continue to affect
00:01:17parts of the South these conditions are expected to last until the weekend and
00:01:22temperatures should rise and now it's back to the sports desk
00:01:30excuse me you need a hand yeah I'm looking for a town called Valley Glen
00:01:37oh you're in luck I know it well it's just the that's the this is the right
00:01:41road well it's not exactly the wrong road how do I get there I want to get to
00:01:47belly Glen from here you see you'd have to go past belly dermatitis until you
00:01:52get to belly clean then you'd have to go through belly Brian and belly Shannon
00:01:56you know what I know a shortcut won't you follow me
00:02:01Ali come on
00:02:47there you go thanks for help I didn't take you too far out of your way oh I've
00:02:53learned to enjoy detours end up finding surprising and wonderful places you
00:02:56never even knew existed today Tina thanks again the mayor will see you now
00:03:02I'm a donor Flint and I'm the town mayor and this is Patrick Doyle he's the head
00:03:08of the local business council we'll do everything we can to help well gentlemen
00:03:12you can start by explaining the problem yes I'm sorry about the little setback
00:03:17it's just that when the location of the smelting plant was announced there were
00:03:23some concerns about the impact it might have on the local indigenous population
00:03:28explain that to me the leprechauns you're serious well you see we have a
00:03:34bit of a law an ordinance on the books going back over a hundred years and
00:03:39before any new construction can begin the area has to be inspected for signs
00:03:44of little people habitation what do we need to do all you have to do is to get
00:03:51the local inspector to sign that certificate stating that the area is
00:03:55unoccupied of course there's a local leprechaun inspector right just go into
00:04:03the pub on Killarney Street nice for Sarah Cavanaugh all right mr. mayor
00:04:07let's do it needs to get done exactly nice to meet you mr. mayor you're
00:04:12welcome mr. Garrett I've acquired quite an
00:04:16extensive property portfolio in the local area believe you me I understand
00:04:20the importance of that plant if you run into any problems and need anything and
00:04:24I mean anything don't hesitate to give me a call I'll be in touch
00:04:50what would you like are you Sarah Cavanaugh what can I do for you the
00:05:03local leprechaun expert well I know when there are boundaries that's what you
00:05:08mean I'm Michael Garrett I represent Thorpe
00:05:11Industries we're building that big plant on the outside of town hmm so you're
00:05:15here about the ordinance gotta say it's a nice little side business you can go
00:05:20on I considered a service to the community of course of course look hey
00:05:25you don't have to explain to me I get it and what exactly do you get you just put
00:05:30your John Hancock on their certificate and send me the bill I don't want your
00:05:33money what do you mean you don't want my money everybody wants my money I don't
00:05:37charge for my services and I'm not going to put my John Hancock on anything till
00:05:44I've actually seen the land
00:05:53it's Gavin up take my advice give her time to cool down yeah I blew it didn't
00:06:03I well you did
00:06:31hi is this the B&B indeed it is you must be the American mr. Garrett indeed I am
00:06:38I'm Edwin McGuire what part of America New York City New York Broadway Central
00:06:46Park the Statue of Liberty have you ever been no I've hardly been down the road
00:06:53but I've always wanted to go when I show you a room oh here we are I've given you
00:07:07my best room I hope you'd be comfortable if an extra quilt new
00:07:22where's the oh down the hall now breakfast will be served every morning
00:07:28at 8 o'clock in the dining room do you know how long you'll be here for I don't
00:07:33think that long oh well I hope you have a lovely time while you're here let me
00:07:39know if you need anything excuse me is there their heat or something oh yes I
00:07:46have it on full
00:08:59I'm sorry mr. Garrett that's right what are you doing at this time of night
00:09:04sleep guilty conscience no doubt chronic jet lag my body never seems to stay in
00:09:12one place long enough to catch up what's your excuse I'm going home I do have a
00:09:16closing time I owe you an apology yeah you see in my
00:09:24line of work sometimes I have to deal with people who aren't exactly honest
00:09:30I apologize for thinking that of you well it's a sorry thing thinking the
00:09:35worst of people before you get to know them yeah well so maybe we're both a
00:09:39little bit guilty huh
00:09:43miss Cavanaugh I need your help
00:09:48okay I'd inspect your lawn mr. Garrett thank you you can pick me up at the pub
00:09:54tomorrow morning will do where are you I'll be getting myself indoors now why
00:09:59is that well for the past few nights I've been hearing the cry of a banshee
00:10:05means someone's about to die not a good time to be out and about
00:10:10are you joking right oh I never joke about the unseen world mr. Garrett don't
00:10:17say I didn't warn you
00:10:29good morning mr. Garrett I'll have you up here excellent do I say top of the
00:10:45morning you'd never hear that in Ireland what's all this that's just breakfast
00:10:51bacon egg sausage tomato pudding and potato bread okay
00:11:01come on
00:11:04what's this it's blood pudding
00:11:32guys are here early huh it's a better place to be he might be onto something
00:11:39by the way my name is Seamus Seamus O'Connor nice to meet you Seamus
00:11:43Michael Garrett I'm looking for Sarah she around she's about to play somewhere
00:11:48yeah have you your business with her in a manner of speaking yes I do I'm ready
00:11:59there you are got everything you need yeah what you mean you don't need a
00:12:04pendulum or something defining rod no no mr. Garrett I've got everything I
00:12:13need to work with right here what's that
00:12:15pepper spray
00:12:19wish me luck well money what do you think I think he's in a world of trouble
00:12:27and he doesn't even know it yet
00:12:54what exactly are we looking for little people live in rocks and trees in the
00:13:01underground you ever seen a leprechaun before I believe in many things I have
00:13:09never seen I'm sorry if you've never seen how are you gonna know what when
00:13:13you find it well they'll make their presence known one way or another
00:13:31I thought I heard no not here are you sure I mean this looks like a perfect
00:13:47place for a bunch of elves to hang there's no elves in Ireland if you want
00:13:51else you go to Iceland or Norway sorry I didn't bring my fairy tale handbook be
00:13:57very careful what you say about the little people mr. Garrett if you anger
00:14:02them they can make your life very uncomfortable whatever out of that
00:14:06famous Irish sense of humor oh they have one all right it's just you will not be
00:14:10laughing at the jokes they pull yeah there's a lot of life in this ancient
00:14:15forest does that mean
00:14:18they're here
00:14:23hey the leprechauns I can hear them tapping away
00:14:31no I'm sorry I don't hear anything they're cobblers by trade does this mean
00:14:40I'm not gonna get the certificate signed or well I'm not gonna lie if that's what
00:14:45you mean you're gonna stand here in the 21st century and tell me I can't build a
00:14:48copper smelting plant because of a leprechaun infestation is that right
00:14:52that's exactly what I'm telling you mr. Garret okay and I'm telling you I don't
00:14:56believe you well too bad mr. Garrett tough look
00:15:03what are my options what you mean what are your options well I've got to get
00:15:07them to move oh okay well how exactly do you propose you do that maybe a little
00:15:14Celtic who do how about it an exorcism or do I need the village priests for
00:15:20that you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about I've got it we'll
00:15:25call leprechaun busters get them in here
00:15:33we're going I'm walking back to the village on my own come on you can't just
00:15:38leave me we got to work this thing out we don't have to work anything out it's
00:15:43your problem you work it out
00:16:43hello Evelyn mr. Garrett lovely day isn't it oh it's brilliant I've lost my
00:16:51keys no where did you last see them they were in my pocket last time I don't
00:17:01feel bad I sometimes forget things too comes with age I need to get back to my
00:17:09car I don't imagine there's a taxi service in Bally Glen is there no I'm
00:17:14sure we can find someone who can help you
00:17:23oh there you go
00:17:26thanks Tommy
00:17:33what can you tell me about Sarah Cavanaugh well everybody knows her I
00:17:39mean what do you need to know I need an angle for what she's got something I
00:17:44need ah well I wouldn't know anything about that but maybe she talked to Molly
00:17:53who's Molly a really beautiful girl that works for Sarah she's single
00:17:59honey Sarah yeah as far as I know thanks
00:18:07I travel the world once a year solving problems problems with form problems
00:18:12with substance this is a leprechaun problem I just don't know how to sell
00:18:15appreciate your situation mr. Garrett no no it's not my situation it's our
00:18:19situation you want that plant built it's our unfortunately if Sarah says
00:18:25there are leprechauns on that land everyone will believe it I knew that
00:18:29woman would be a thorn in our backside can't you talk to her I have no
00:18:33influence with Sarah have you tried offering her money she doesn't want
00:18:36money everyone has their price mr. Garrett let me ask you I just do you
00:18:42believe in leprechauns personally I'm a politician mr. Garrett I believe what
00:18:52the people believe of course you do
00:19:22you mean you can't get a car to me before Thursday what am I supposed to do
00:19:29hello hello
00:19:38can I call the New York hello mr. Thorpe is Michael Michael I've been trying to
00:19:47reach you yeah I've been having phone problems and car problems leprechaun
00:19:53problems so what was that well the local leprechaun expert isn't making things
00:19:59any easier in fact she's making people well she says we have a leprechaun
00:20:05infestation they're building a shoe factory or something what does she
00:20:10suggest we do well she says there's nothing we can do well this is
00:20:14ridiculous I know sir the situation is a little bit more complex than we
00:20:18thought sir well I'm sure you can handle it well don't worry about it I'll I'll
00:20:23handle it yep time is money Michael yes I know
00:20:33you all right mr. Garrett hmm yeah
00:20:58hello again mr. Garrett finding your way around okay how'd you know my name I'm
00:21:03sure everyone in town knows who you are now we're travels fast huh I understand
00:21:07you're having trouble with your car and your boss is not that happy with you now
00:21:12how could you possibly know that you're staying with Evelyn that's right she's
00:21:16what you might call our CNN round-the-clock news I hope everything
00:21:22works out okay
00:21:33can you believe the nerve of that man he's learned some bonus you're being a
00:21:38bit hard on the light you weren't there Seamus he didn't hear the things he was
00:21:42saying he's a typical American he thinks he can come over here throw his money
00:21:46around and do whatever he wants and I'm just trying to protect the little people
00:21:50but Sarah you can't expect him to understand that straightaway it's not
00:21:55part of his culture that's no excuse he's over here now do you have an
00:22:00invalid Glen not everybody believes in leprechauns what about you Molly Molly
00:22:07it's not that I don't believe in them look even if you don't sign this
00:22:12certificate how do you expect to stop a big company like that from doing what
00:22:16they want to do I don't know have you ever considered that it might be better
00:22:21to have this man who works for the company as an ally and not as an
00:22:30would you like some tea mr. Garrett yeah thank you so you'll be seeing another
00:22:40few days it looks that way I'll do my best to make it comfortable for you I
00:22:46know Bali claims not exactly New York but you can't deny it's a lovely place
00:22:53so what do you miss most about New York pizza there's a great place on father
00:23:02Demos Square called Joe's Pizza Joe's pizzeria I'd kill for a slice right now
00:23:08goings on Main Street to love me chips keep in mind it's not the same as home
00:23:14you know where my home is anymore 30,000 feet that's where I'm at
00:23:18almost where you have your heart where's your heart stickers maybe
00:23:26someday I'll have one of those fancy New York pizzas find out what all the fuss
00:23:30is about Evelyn why don't you just pack your bags and go to New York small
00:23:38matter of money you should have noticed I'm not exactly overflowing with
00:23:42business maybe that'll change you watch we build the plant you might get busier
00:23:48do you know what I'd like to go first the top of the Empire State Building
00:23:53where the beautiful Meg Ryan met the lovely Tom Hanks maybe I'll find me a
00:23:58man there
00:24:00is it supposed to do that no no it's no
00:24:16I can sleep insomnia guilty conscience pick one you know what's good for that
00:24:40let me guess a couple of pints it's a trick every time
00:24:45Seamus let me ask you a question if you were me and you had a leprechaun problem
00:24:52what would you do it's all for me lads like you don't have a leprechaun problem
00:24:59you have a lady problem miss Cavanaugh uh-huh
00:25:05hey Seamus I gotta negotiate with some of the toughest people in the world put
00:25:09me in the room with them I'm fine I'll take them down Sarah two minutes with
00:25:14her lose my cool it's under your skin I don't know how to fix it what's the
00:25:25trick Seamus how do I win her over I can't help you with that lad but just so
00:25:32that I understand you're only interested in Sarah and a purely
00:25:38professional way of course Seamus come on that's too bad
00:25:46I do wish she was with someone she worries about me and I worry about
00:25:52her and all this worrying doesn't do either of us a bit of good
00:25:59mr. Garrett
00:26:03good night mr. Seamus
00:26:14you don't speak for Polly Glenn Sarah I'm only speaking what I know mr. Doyle
00:26:19and your childish superstitions I know what you believe in money that plant is
00:26:27going to be built if we have to pave over every leprechaun in that county
00:26:33money just say something no never mind sorry
00:26:50Kevin up mr. Garrett where you going delivering food to an ailing customer
00:26:57I'm meaning to swing by the pub there are other pubs in the village yeah I
00:27:01know but I owe you an apology seems to me you've been saying sorry a lot lately
00:27:07listen I asked you for your professional opinion the other day you gave it to me
00:27:11I should have respected let me make it up to you and how do you propose to do
00:27:17that lunch tomorrow
00:27:21consider a peace offer you are a peculiar man mr. Harris says the lady
00:27:27who hears leprechauns okay yes but I expect you to be on your best behavior
00:27:38you kidding me I'm from New York good behavior is what we're known for
00:27:50and what manner of conveyance is this this this is a 1973 X 5000 doesn't this
00:28:10launch Tommy Riley yeah Lisa why don't we just walk too far where we're going
00:28:17where exactly are you going where's your sense of adventure
00:28:39okay what are we doing way out here seems how you spend most of your day in
00:28:43the pub I thought you'd use some fresh air
00:28:46what about lunch
00:28:51let me connect you if you're trying to butter me up it won't work it's not
00:28:58gonna change the facts of the situation we don't have to talk about that
00:29:01business at all we don't know whatever gonna happen is gonna happen right okay
00:29:09so what will we talk about them ah what brought you about England I was born
00:29:20I'm from a small town mm-hmm you ever get tired of it small-town life no just
00:29:30take life as it comes really
00:29:34you ever get the sense you were meant for something bigger what do you mean
00:29:39well I mean look at you you can do anything you want anything right
00:29:44strong-willed beautiful any you know for someone who's not from Ireland you know
00:29:52how to talk a lot of baloney that good not really
00:29:59it's amazing to me that the men in this town aren't beating a path to your door
00:30:03why is that well I have to admit one of the disadvantages of coming from a small
00:30:07town is that the stock of eligible men is also quite small stock stock it's a
00:30:14word you use stop everybody telling you this what are you gonna do run the pub
00:30:20pub life yep pubber it was my father's pub I was here carrying on the family
00:30:27business the tradition is that it hmm well I really love what I do you're
00:30:36happy yeah I am life couldn't be better
00:30:49you must be eager to get back home got a layover what about friends and family
00:31:00family scattered all over the place friends kind of I guess they stop
00:31:05calling when you're not around I couldn't imagine life without friends
00:31:08and family are you telling me there's no one to miss you I guess not
00:31:15that's sad come on
00:31:26you didn't just do that did you what happened what must have been a leprechaun
00:31:32it must yeah you can't annoy them oh no here comes another look out
00:31:37oh too bad
00:31:44truth my truth hey
00:32:07who's your hero this guy you're old and gray full of sleep and nodding by the
00:32:16fire take down this book slowly read and dream of the soft look your eyes
00:32:24will tell and of their shadows deep gates I think so Wow
00:32:29I'm surprised why well I had you packed for a complete Philistine oh I'm only
00:32:35mostly the first time uh-huh and partially a little bit poet
00:32:44how long does this no less around here you see well I mean usually till it
00:33:02what's this Oh nothing it's a certificate yeah I
00:33:08forgot I had it I mean I always have it what am I gonna spring this on me
00:33:12what I'm gonna spring on you you don't care about me at all Michael do you I'm
00:33:18just another business deal to you you know that's not true but did you
00:33:21honestly think that I would just be blinded by your charms and fall into
00:33:24your arms is that it no no I forgot it was there kind of man are you
00:33:32I'm not a mouse for you why you letting it bother you so much I don't know
00:33:53men are all alike doesn't matter what country they come from just forget about
00:33:58him it's hard to do while he's still in town
00:34:29good morning mr. Garrett good morning everyone have you ever seen this pine
00:34:38cone before it's hard to say maybe it's hard to say well one pine cone looks
00:34:44pretty much like another pine cone I might have seen it before
00:34:50I do you any idea how it wound up in my bed no idea
00:35:11Oh mr. Garrett I saw some books on display are they for
00:35:19sale yes you have any on leprechauns yes I'd like to buy all
00:36:19hello mr. Thorpe it's Michael Michael is that you I can barely hear you I'm
00:36:34calling you from a phone booth what I can't call from the B&B anymore it seems
00:36:38that gossip has been elevated to an Olympic sport around here what's going
00:36:42on are you still in Ireland I thought you'd have this wrapped up by now I'm
00:36:46still here the local leprechaun inspector isn't gonna budge I've been
00:36:51studying the folklore doesn't seem to be any loopholes what are you going to do
00:36:55I'm gonna try a different approach everybody here looks at me like I'm an
00:36:58outsider you are an outsider what if I could become more like them you know
00:37:07blend in well I can get him to stop looking at me like I'm a foreigner maybe
00:37:10it warm up to the company we can forget this whole crazy leprechaun business you
00:37:14think you could do that I said it's gonna take a few more days you said
00:37:18yourself we need to do all we can to keep the goodwill of the locals all
00:37:22right Michael a few more days all right
00:37:27you hey hey come on this isn't funny
00:37:57what are you doing here public house am I not a member of the public you've got
00:38:15breath I'll give you that you get a fine when you get a chance thanks
00:38:28hello mr. Seamus ah how are you good how are you I've got a place in my hand
00:38:35I've got change in my pockets I'm among friends so I couldn't be
00:38:56I'd like to be Irish who is I say I'd like to be Irish
00:39:04you'd like to be Irish well I can well understand why those people the whole
00:39:12world over would like to be Irish but unless you or your ancestors were born
00:39:18in this old sod I'm afraid you're out of luck
00:39:28can you at least help me out getting along better with the villagers you're
00:39:35serious that's a heart attack you've got one thing going for you
00:39:40where that's it you're not English
00:39:48thanks for your help Seamus seems like I'm not that popular around here these
00:39:53days I don't worry that there's no one trying to chase you out of town I can
00:39:57think of one person oh well no that's a whole different matter right but the
00:40:03rest of the community they'd want things to work out but it's going to take the
00:40:09judgment of Solomon find a solution that's it
00:40:13did you ever hear the story of King Solomon and the baby sounds vaguely
00:40:18familiar well two mothers came before Solomon each claiming the same baby
00:40:24Solomon decided to cut the child in two and give them half each but one of the
00:40:30women said no give it to the other woman don't hurt it that's how Solomon knew
00:40:37which was the real mother how does that apply to me exactly I don't know but I
00:40:46like the story
00:40:52what do you think that's more like it it's not too much
00:40:57maybe I'll give one of those for shillelagh only if you want to get
00:41:01smacked over the head with it we're not all right where do we start
00:41:08how long have you two known each other ah we grew up together wasn't the fishing
00:41:14business together and we retire together exactly we doing here you don't know
00:41:20much about fishing do you take a look around you when was the last time you
00:41:27went someplace for a couple of hours just to be there
00:41:57nothing to it
00:42:14sorry regards please get some chips fish and chips are good here best in town
00:42:24the only place in town yeah so what's all this trying to pull the wool over
00:42:31people's eyes suit was getting a little tight hmm well don't loosen up too much
00:42:36mr. Garrett you might forget why you're here well if I do I'm sure you'll remind
00:42:55this is what we call Gaelic football Tommy come here can we just go fishing
00:43:04no mr. Garrett would like to give it a try
00:43:08oh yeah hey Tommy what's going good your play soccer every day bit of rugby
00:43:13that's all I do well you're half whatever
00:43:18off you go
00:43:24lights you got a kick bounce or pass the ball in four steps you got it
00:43:28Jameis Sarah what are you doing out here I'm watching a good game
00:43:37hang on the Yankee what's he doing out here
00:43:48he's mostly been knocked on onto his bum gone in the head I think he's having a
00:43:56great time
00:44:07Oh those lads that are real number on my back listen lad it's not how many times
00:44:14you get knocked down the cuffs so many times you get up again
00:44:18cheers look at you two dragging all that mud in here all in a good cause Molly
00:44:23all in a good cause
00:44:28Molly what are you going to the candy tonight yeah I'm going like I was just
00:44:35wondering what's a candy
00:45:05I guess your dream mr. Garrett no fun we found a way we can all get what we
00:45:27want yeah now if I were you I'd forget about seeking the approval of the
00:45:33community just bring in outside workers you wish oh the locals will complain
00:45:37and grumble about it but they'll come around when they see the jobs are
00:45:40missing huh then you can in turn rent them all your apartments all the
00:45:44outsiders be happy to play my part mr. Garrett of course I'll take it under
00:45:50consideration I don't let this leprechaun sit in a
00:45:52stop the flow of progress no I was gonna say you know I possibly shouldn't
00:46:09have run off so quickly I'm sorry maybe I was looking for an angle with you at
00:46:17first sorry by the time you got to the fire business this is the last thing on
00:46:23my mind okay
00:46:27but what exactly is on your mind now
00:47:29you care to dance
00:47:59I could dance better than that you put in the ask her up so do you know
00:48:20anything about women you have to clear how to get
00:48:28Hey Seamus don't get me wrong but I'd say you're a virtuous woman
00:48:35won't you well I hope so of course you are so always remember the greatest of
00:48:44all the virtues is forgiveness
00:48:52there she is she looks to me like a young lady in need of an escort all
00:49:21right coach
00:49:26miss Kavanaugh
00:49:29going my way well depends which way you're going you keep popping up
00:49:35everywhere lately a bit like Irish boss
00:49:38well seeing as how I'm not gonna get my midnight run in I thought maybe a
00:49:43midnight walk would do I'm not gonna get to sleep anyway mm-hmm still suffering
00:49:48from that guilty conscience no
00:49:54how'd you enjoy the Kaylee I always like the Kaylee hmm and I was gonna ask you
00:50:00to dance
00:50:03why didn't you it's a fridge gonna slug me well then you don't know me very well
00:50:08well that's just it miss Kavanaugh
00:50:13I would like the chance to get to know you
00:50:19if you're afraid your work wouldn't get in the way well I mean it would if I let
00:50:31I won't let it
00:50:34Oh not bad for a city boy you're not bad yourself maybe you're not so out of
00:50:47touch with the natural world as you think eh what do you mean seen any
00:50:51leprechauns lately no some weird things would happen yeah yeah well I did warn
00:51:01you look I'm not saying I believe in leprechauns at all but if I did and I
00:51:09wanted them to get them to back off how would I go about that well you might
00:51:14want to start by not threatening their homes you ought to talk to my boss not
00:51:19me have you spoken to him lately I thought we weren't gonna talk about
00:51:25business like there's not something that you can do I'm my control Sarah if I
00:51:30could I would I'd move the plant someplace else really yeah I love it
00:51:35here I love the people I love the town there's something about Bali Glen the
00:51:42fact remains the company owns this land they've drawn up plans and they intend
00:51:47to build how long have we got before they start
00:51:53how much
00:52:10right oh
00:52:13thank you for caring about that again I had fun
00:52:40no to be truly Irish have to blame all your misfortune on the government
00:52:45Seamus that sounds very American you learned it from us all right what else
00:52:50can you tell me the Irish are a compassionate people with me down
00:52:53ourselves and if someone is in trouble well we'll help them if we can and if we
00:52:58can't well we'll share a good cry and a prayer with them I like the sound of
00:53:04that yeah
00:53:12how are you feeling these times grand I complain cookie for my job I love it
00:53:21that was part of the plan wasn't it tell you the truth I can't remember what the
00:53:28plan was and my work is done what you used to do Seamus before you before I
00:53:36was a seat warmer in the pub teacher I knew it literature and history
00:53:45something we have plenty of over here what about you and Sarah
00:53:52we're good I love her like she was my own daughter
00:53:57God knows that I know that she's strong and independent
00:54:02burdens of life that easier to carry them when you're somebody walking beside
00:54:07you wouldn't you say so mr. garage I think it's time maybe you started
00:54:15calling me Michael did it is
00:54:45Mr. Carrot. Mr. Coyle. I got a message. The mayor wanted to see me.
00:55:12The mayor has stepped out for a moment. Actually, it was me that wanted to see you.
00:55:20I'm very happy to inform you that I have found a solution to your leprechaun problem.
00:55:27What's that?
00:55:28By finding an expert witness who is willing to travel across from Galway and certify your worksite free and clear of any and all supernatural creatures.
00:55:37All the way from Galway? Without even looking at the land? Just sign on?
00:55:42Is there any need? There are no such things. They are the product of the overactive imagination of children and drunks.
00:55:51You don't believe in leprechauns.
00:55:53Put it this way. Any leprechaun that loses his home, he can come to me and I'll give him a great deal on a... How do you Americans call it? On a condo.
00:56:02I just can't see how the locals would accept your expert's word over Sarah's.
00:56:06Because all they want is a piece of paper to allay their foolish superstitions.
00:56:11What does the mayor think?
00:56:13He'll go whichever way the wind blows.
00:56:18Mr Doyle, it's very important that nobody get hurt here.
00:56:21Who's going to get hurt?
00:56:25Ah, are you referring to that Sarah Kavanaugh one?
00:56:29She shouldn't have made such an outrageous claim to begin with.
00:56:32It's her own fault that she stirred the locals up over nothing.
00:56:38Miss Kavanaugh believes what Miss Kavanaugh believes.
00:56:41Well, that's tough on Miss Kavanaugh. But we are men of business, Mr Garrett, and it is time to get down to it.
00:56:46Now, what I'm offering you is a way to get out of this and get out of here.
00:56:51I'll take it into consideration.
00:56:54Are you sure to mention to your boss how I was of assistance in this matter?
00:56:58He's got a man he can count on here in Buddy Glen.
00:57:02I'll pass on.
00:57:04Thank you very much.
00:57:20How you doing?
00:57:23Garrett, how's it going, guys?
00:57:27Where's Seamus?
00:57:29I haven't seen him all day. You want Sarah? She's just out the back.
00:57:33No, I'm looking for Seamus. I want to talk to him about something.
00:57:37Do me a favour. If you see him, come and find me, will you?
00:57:41Thank you, Miss Molly.
00:57:45Do you want to join us?
00:57:47No. I've got too much on my mind today, guys.
00:57:51As you were, lads.
00:58:02Who did that?
00:58:04I'll be arrested!
00:58:58Cold. Cold.
00:59:22Mr. Garrison!
00:59:26I've been looking all over for you.
00:59:28I've got a very important call here.
00:59:30From New York? I'm not here.
00:59:32No, no, no. It's Mr. Doyle.
00:59:35Yes. He's in hospital.
00:59:39Mr. Doyle.
00:59:42Mr. Garrison, is that you?
00:59:44Yes, it's me.
00:59:47Mr. Doyle.
00:59:50Mr. Garrison, is that you?
00:59:52Yes, it is.
00:59:53I take back my offer. I take it back. Do you hear me?
00:59:56Yeah, I hear you.
00:59:57I am not bringing in my expert. Forget what I said.
01:00:00But you said that...
01:00:01No, no, buts. I want nothing more to do with any of this.
01:00:05I am not involved. Do you understand me?
01:00:08I do. I do. Are you all right? What happened?
01:00:12That was strange.
01:00:14Yes. I think something put the fear of leprechauns into him.
01:00:36Hello? Sarah?
01:00:39Sorry, we're closed.
01:00:41What do you mean you're closed?
01:00:43An account.
01:00:44An account what?
01:00:45Did you not hear?
01:00:47No. Hear what?
01:00:49It's Seamus.
01:00:52He passed away last night.
01:00:56I think it was his heart.
01:00:59Sarah took it really bad.
01:01:12You're here today to remember a good man and a good friend, Seamus O'Connell.
01:01:43And if any one of you feel like saying a few words in celebration of his life,
01:01:49now's the time to do it.
01:01:51You're right. He was a good man.
01:01:55And a good friend to everybody he met.
01:01:58He was a decent skin.
01:02:01He was a dinger at Domino's.
01:02:04And if you met him in a public house, you wouldn't have to put your hand in your pocket.
01:02:08We'll miss him.
01:02:10He was a lovely man and he brightened up my day.
01:02:13And I'm going to miss him.
01:02:18Seamus was my father's best friend.
01:02:22And when my dad passed away, I didn't think I was going to be able to run the pub on my own.
01:02:28But Seamus convinced me that I could do it.
01:02:32And he said he was going to be there for me every day.
01:02:36And he was.
01:02:40And I don't know what I'm going to do without him.
01:02:47He extended a helping hand to me.
01:02:50And he didn't judge.
01:02:53Seamus, you were a kind and wonderful gentleman.
01:02:59We've lost someone very special today.
01:03:04Because there are not enough men in the world like Seamus O'Connor.
01:03:08Hear, hear.
01:03:26Something on your mind this morning?
01:03:30Hm? No.
01:03:34Something like Sarah?
01:03:40Are there no secrets in this town?
01:03:42It's hardly a secret, Mr. Garrett.
01:03:47What's the problem?
01:03:51The problem is, any relationship with Sarah is going to have a...
01:03:56A built-in expiration date, isn't it?
01:03:59Nothing's impossible, Mr. Garrett.
01:04:02What would you have said before this trip if someone told you that you'd end up believing in leprechauns?
01:04:07I'm still wavering on that one.
01:04:09Let the future take care of itself.
01:04:11And whether it's with Sarah or with someone else, take my advice and fall in love while you're young.
01:04:17Don't put off the most important thing you'll ever do in your life.
01:04:22Now eat your pudding.
01:04:24Yes, ma'am.
01:04:41So what do you do for excitement?
01:04:46I mean, there's not a lot. I wish there was more for the families.
01:04:50I mean, we have a cadie, but that's just once a month.
01:04:54What about golf? Isn't everybody in Ireland?
01:04:58Swing the pudding, nibble it.
01:05:00Well, there's a chorus nearby. You might need to chase the sheep off the green, so...
01:05:08You ever been in New York?
01:05:12You should come.
01:05:14We have a pretty good St. Patrick's Day parade.
01:05:17Loads of pubs.
01:05:19Could always use another one.
01:05:21Well, now, I don't know anyone in New York.
01:05:25Ah, but you know me.
01:05:28Yes, but you are never there.
01:05:33I'll be heading back soon.
01:05:36That's for sure.
01:05:40Now, Sarah, I wish...
01:05:46I wish I didn't have to go back.
01:05:49Well, then we should make the most of the time that we have.
01:06:11You want to go get fish and chips?
01:06:16Yeah, I thought you'd never ask.
01:06:26We've got to get the bike back to Tommy.
01:06:28He's got a date with Molly.
01:06:32I didn't see that coming.
01:06:35Sarah, Tommy owns an X5000.
01:06:37What more could a woman want?
01:06:44I know you are now.
01:06:49You took your sweet time.
01:06:51Sorry, we stopped for chips.
01:06:53Oh, yeah, leaving us out in the car like that.
01:07:00Thanks again.
01:07:03Behave yourselves.
01:07:05I won't do anything you wouldn't do.
01:07:08See you later, sir.
01:07:09All right.
01:07:11Take care of yourselves, all right?
01:07:13Oh, we'll be fine.
01:07:24What's wrong?
01:07:26Well, thanks to the Tommy situation, looks like I might have to hire some more help.
01:07:30Well, that's the problem with romance, isn't it?
01:07:33It complicates everything.
01:07:37Turn the radio on, will you?
01:07:41Come here. Come here.
01:07:44What are you doing?
01:07:45Something I should have done a long time ago.
01:07:53I'm sorry.
01:08:26How do you feel about him?
01:08:28How do you think?
01:08:30I think he loves you, too.
01:08:33Even if that were true, I mean, what am I supposed to do?
01:08:36He's leaving soon.
01:08:38Convince him to stay.
01:08:40I can't ask him to throw away his career, move to Ireland and help me run a little pub.
01:08:44Why not?
01:08:46That's not on me.
01:08:48I can't ask him to throw away his career, move to Ireland and help me run a little pub.
01:08:51Why not?
01:08:53That's not enough of a challenge for a man like him.
01:08:57Maybe it'll work out.
01:08:59What does your second sight tell you?
01:09:01Well, when it comes to matters of the heart, I'm as clueless as anybody else.
01:09:08Molly, will you tell Sarah that she needs some time off at the Yank?
01:09:12I'd be happy to lend a hand around the pub.
01:09:15I practically ran one a few years back.
01:09:17I could help out, too. I've drunk in enough pubs to know my way around a tap.
01:09:21For once, he's telling the truth.
01:09:23That's very sweet of you. I'll let her know.
01:09:30I never knew you were a romantic, Angus.
01:09:33Ah, sometimes young people need a little help.
01:09:36A good shove it, we all like it.
01:09:43Come in.
01:09:47Excuse me, Mr. Garrett. You have a visitor.
01:09:51Mr. Garrett, I'm Emily. I've come here from Dublin.
01:09:54You're here about the car?
01:09:56No, I'm here about the little people on your property.
01:10:00Would you give us a second?
01:10:06I'm sorry, I don't understand.
01:10:08I'm something of an investigator.
01:10:10Like a paranormal investigator?
01:10:13I investigate a lot of things.
01:10:16What you should do is go see the Leprechaun Museum in Valley Glen.
01:10:20Ask for Miss Nolan. Take the tour.
01:10:23But is it true?
01:10:25Is what true?
01:10:26That there are leprechauns on your property.
01:10:33That's really a matter of opinion.
01:10:35But it's creating problems for your company.
01:10:38No. Well, yes, but no. I mean, we're handling it, yeah.
01:10:42It's no big deal.
01:10:44Thank you, Mr. Garrett.
01:10:46I'm sorry.
01:10:48What did you say your last name was?
01:10:50Have a nice night, Mr. Garrett.
01:11:10Mr. Garrett?
01:11:12Mr. Garrett, is everything all right?
01:11:19It's nine o'clock.
01:11:22I slept through the night.
01:11:30I slept through the night.
01:11:31Guess who slept in his own bed all night long?
01:11:33I slept in my bed all night.
01:11:35Okay, well, before all the sleeping,
01:11:38you didn't happen to speak to a reporter, did you?
01:11:43Um, you should see this.
01:11:47No. No, no, no.
01:11:53Oh, no. Thorpe sees this, we're...
01:11:55Look, it's already been picked up by the International News Services.
01:11:58And it's all over the Internet.
01:12:01Can I use your phone?
01:12:02Yeah, go ahead.
01:12:06Yeah, is Mr. Thorpe there, please?
01:12:11What do you mean he's out of the country?
01:12:16Mr. Mayor, we have a bit of a situation.
01:12:20Indeed, we do.
01:12:22Mr. Thorpe.
01:12:24Read any good newspaper headlines lately?
01:12:26How did you get here so fast?
01:12:28I was already on my way.
01:12:29I can explain that.
01:12:30You got a lot of explaining to do,
01:12:32like how a few days turned into two weeks.
01:12:34You were supposed to keep me posted.
01:12:36I've had some communication glitches.
01:12:39I don't want any more excuses.
01:12:42I sent you here to fix a problem.
01:12:44Have you fixed it?
01:12:48Not exactly.
01:12:50Are you close to fixing it?
01:12:53I don't understand, Michael.
01:12:55This isn't like you.
01:12:56What happened to my fixer?
01:13:00Mr. Thorpe.
01:13:04We have a unique situation here.
01:13:06Yeah, a situation that's costing me a fortune in delays.
01:13:11Um, look, on the plus side,
01:13:13I've made some really good allegiances.
01:13:15That's true, Mr. Thorpe.
01:13:17Everyone likes Michael.
01:13:20And that helps me how, exactly?
01:13:24I think you've lost sight of why you're here.
01:13:26I've been very patient, but I'm tired of losing money.
01:13:28I'm getting a construction crew in here
01:13:30that isn't worried about stepping on a few leprechauns.
01:13:49Your time's nearly up.
01:13:52If Thorpe's here and he's gonna bulldoze through this plan,
01:13:55no matter what...
01:13:57I know.
01:13:59People aren't gonna like it, but...
01:14:01I'll do my best to come, won't I?
01:14:03I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
01:14:07It's not your fault.
01:14:08I wish there was something I could do.
01:14:15I guess you've been moving back to New York since.
01:14:21Well, yeah, I'm supposed to fly out tomorrow.
01:14:24I was supposed to fly out a long time ago, but...
01:14:30Well, Mr. Garrett...
01:14:34Make sure you swing by before you leave.
01:15:03Come on.
01:15:22If there are any leprechauns around, don't do anything rash, okay?
01:15:30I'm not here to cause any trouble.
01:15:34I'm talking to leprechauns.
01:15:39I'm here to try and help.
01:15:42Because we've got a bit of a situation here.
01:15:47And it's about to get a lot worse.
01:15:54Seamus said I'd need the wisdom of Solomon to figure this out.
01:16:03You want the land.
01:16:06The company claims the land.
01:16:15Which one of these?
01:16:23We divide the baby.
01:16:28Divide the baby.
01:16:30Divide the baby.
01:16:38You wise old Irishman.
01:16:42It's simple.
01:16:44We divide the land.
01:16:46Sarah says the greater part here is clear, but we keep the forest for the leprechauns.
01:16:51We turn it into a...
01:16:53a recreational area.
01:16:54We put in some picnic tables, maybe some hiking trails.
01:16:57Yeah, Bally Glen could really use that.
01:16:59I mean, the little people have never been selfish about sharing the land.
01:17:02So long as it's respected and cared for.
01:17:04The little people.
01:17:06Oh, I'd listen to her.
01:17:09I don't know.
01:17:11This will call for a redesign.
01:17:12I've looked into it. It's not going to be that expensive.
01:17:14Plus, I think throwing a few extra dollars at the town to keep the piece would probably be a good idea.
01:17:22And I'll stay on as a construction supervisor.
01:17:25Maybe even a plant manager.
01:17:29I'm... I'm done.
01:17:30I'm done living on airplanes and living in airports.
01:17:33I think it's time to settle down.
01:17:37Bally Glen's as good a place as any to do that for me.
01:17:42Are you sure?
01:17:45I've never been more sure of anything in my life.
01:17:50Well, all right, Michael. If that's what it takes, we'll make it happen.
01:17:53Yes, sir.
01:17:55It's a deal?
01:17:56It's a deal.
01:17:57Put it there.
01:17:58Come on, I'll buy you a drink.
01:18:00It's the middle of the afternoon.
01:18:01I know. We're getting a late start.
01:18:09So, you're going to be sticking around for a while longer?
01:18:15Looks that way.
01:18:18I'm not sure.
01:18:20Looks that way.
01:18:27I think I'm going to need some more Irish lessons.
01:18:30Oh, I can help you with that one.
01:18:32Yeah, lesson number one.
01:18:34Irish women are always right.
01:18:36Yeah. Even when we're not.
01:18:40Would this be a good place and time to tell you how lucky I am?
01:18:45Right here in the mayor's office, Mr. Carrot.
01:18:48Well, that makes it official, doesn't it?
01:19:07Looks like you're stuck with me.
01:19:09Until I can make more permanent arrangements, I'm going to be here.
01:19:12I know. I heard the news.
01:19:15Of course you did.
01:19:16Of course you did.
01:19:18I'll put you in the same room.
01:19:19That'd be great.
01:19:24One more thing.
01:19:26Have you got a passport?
01:19:27What would I need with one of those?
01:19:30To go to New York, you need a passport.
01:19:32I don't understand.
01:19:34I cashed in some frequent flyer miles.
01:19:36I'm not going to be needing them, and I didn't want them to go to waste, so...
01:19:40You're going to New York City.
01:19:44As part of a tour.
01:19:46You're going to see Broadway plays, all the sites,
01:19:49and I think the first thing you're going to do is go to the top of the Empire State Building.
01:19:52You might even run into Tom Hanks.
01:19:58I don't know what to say.
01:20:02Just have a slice of pizza for me, okay?
01:20:17There you go, Mr. Garris.
01:20:19Do me a favor, Molly.
01:20:21Will you place this in front of Seamus's stool?
01:20:26I don't understand.
01:20:28Just put it out by his picture, please.
01:20:30All right.
01:20:41Seamus, this one's for you.
01:20:47Mr. Garris.
01:20:49Mr. Bicycle Dude.
01:20:51How are you?
01:20:53Sounds like you'll be staying.
01:20:55Well, the way news travels around here, you probably heard about it before I knew.
01:20:59I guess you finally found your way, huh?
01:21:02You could say that.
01:21:09Well, congratulations, Mr. Garris.
01:21:13I wonder, does anyone think you're telling Muffy?
01:21:15It's Murphy.
01:21:16You might call him a facilitator of wagering.
01:21:22A bookie?
01:21:24Facilitator of wagering.
01:21:26Why would a bookie be interested in me?
01:21:28Well, a lot of money changed hands about you, you know.
01:21:31Not all hands, no.
01:21:33We prefer to back the ponies.
01:21:35And then only when they're a sure thing.
01:21:37What were you betting on?
01:21:39If you leave,
01:21:41if you leave,
01:21:43if you get off at Salem,
01:21:45or if you kill yourself on the scooter.
01:21:48Fifty-fifty odds on that one.
01:21:50Well, I'm glad it could be of some entertainment value around here to you boys.
01:21:53Oh, you're the most exciting thing that's ever happened in Ballyglen, you know.
01:21:57Are you going to drink that or not?
01:21:59Oh, I'm trying.
01:22:09Good to see you.
01:22:12Look, the rental car company have been trying to get a hold of you.
01:22:14They have your new car.
01:22:15Oh, they come now, huh?
01:22:16Yeah, they said they'd bring it here to you.
01:22:17All right, yeah. Tell them I'll be out in a minute.
01:22:31All right, who's the wise guy?
01:22:35This isn't funny.
01:22:37Tell me.
01:22:39Uh, what?
