• last year
00:00:00Plane right now
00:00:03No, no, I meant to call you last night, but I finished that insane Christmas fair and crashed out
00:00:10Do you remember that rich tech woman I told you about Liz Ross think so. Yes inventor, right?
00:00:19She wants me to organize a Christmas event at the Pine Lodge for some fancy business meeting
00:00:26It's the opportunity of a lifetime. I
00:00:29Understand I'll hate it because I wish you were here, but I'm happy for you
00:00:36But I won't get to see you at Christmas
00:00:38We always spend Christmas together at the house. I know
00:00:42But I also know what this means to you
00:00:52Would you want to come as my assistant
00:00:55Sarah I don't know anything about organizing big fancy events
00:01:01You and I were always the ones decorating and preparing Christmas for dad for as long as I can remember
00:01:07The homies stuff we used to do
00:01:12Okay, still do is
00:01:15Totally different than a corporate thing. I know but at least this way we could spend Christmas together
00:01:22And you could help make sure that the meal is top-notch, too. I
00:01:27Don't know
00:01:30You already took time off from the restaurant only the venue has changed
00:01:40I'm in awesome. All right, I'm gonna send you all the details and I'll meet you in Denver tomorrow, Denver
00:01:47Okay, is there any pack warm it's not quite San Diego weather got it
00:02:03God you're off the plane. I'm on my way to the lodge
00:02:08Adventure yesterday and I broke my leg
00:02:12You broke your leg
00:02:15Yeah, but that's not what's important now, it's not I
00:02:20Can't miss this opportunity if I cancel on Liz Ross
00:02:24He'll destroy everything. I've worked so hard for
00:02:28What are you saying? I
00:02:32Need you to take my place and organize the Christmas event at the Pine Lodge
00:02:40You're hilarious
00:02:42Nice one. I'm not joking. I
00:02:45Need you to go and be me. Yeah, I don't know how to do event planning. I'm a chef
00:02:52I'll guide you every step of the way and we can do video calls as much as you need. I
00:03:00Will never ask for anything else ever again, I'm begging you
00:03:08What if I fail
00:03:10You won't you can do this
00:03:17I must be insane, but
00:03:22Okay, I'll do it oh you're the best thank you
00:03:43Won't have to get to that. Mr. Stern. I'm meeting with Liz Ross
00:03:48The move watch inventor Liz Ross
00:03:53Once she sees what my app can do for her watch she'll jump at the opportunity
00:03:57How did you ever secure a meeting with her?
00:04:02Don't worry about that just know that I'm at her Pine Lodge and I'm going to pitch her impressive
00:04:11Okay, you bought yourself another week but after that
00:04:15She says yes, you pull out financially from everything. I've been working for over the last five years you
00:04:21Made that very clear
00:04:27Not then
00:04:30I'm here
00:04:31Great. I sent you an email with all the details already, but here's an overview Liz Ross is the move watch inventor
00:04:39Her business partner is high-tech millionaire Steve Kane her ideas his business savvy they were killing it in Silicon Valley
00:04:47Though some say there's tension in paradise
00:04:54The Christmas event must be some kind of important announcement and the event is at Pine Lodge because miss Ross just purchased it
00:05:02New owner of the lodge to no pressure
00:05:06You'll be great
00:05:08Okay, here goes
00:05:10Sarah wait, I'm
00:05:13I'm Sarah
00:05:15I am Sarah white
00:05:26Absolutely, not. I spoke to you about this. Miss Ross is not available
00:05:30Thank you
00:05:33Can I help you? Hi, I'm Jeff. I'm
00:05:37Sarah white. Oh
00:05:39I am so excited to see you. You are. Yes. Miss Ross is so grateful that you were able to come on such short notice
00:05:51Between you and I if you're able to pull this off this way your entire future is set
00:05:57Definitely got to pull it off
00:06:00You don't want to see what happens to people who disappoint her I
00:06:05Really don't
00:06:07I'm Colette by the way, mr. Ross's personal assistant. I am at your service this entire weekend
00:06:16I'll give you a quick tour. Follow me
00:06:26And this is the banquet hall
00:06:30Incredible, isn't it?
00:06:34These are the decorations that we have at our disposal Nick our GM brought them up from storage you'll meet him later
00:06:45Unfortunately, I took a look through them earlier and this is all we have to work with
00:06:55We're gonna turn this place into a Christmas Wonderland
00:07:00Miss Ross would like everything ready before Steve Kane her partner and between you and I soon to be ex-partner gets here
00:07:10Ex partner, yes, don't tell anyone but this meeting is her way out. It's very important
00:07:21You must be Sarah white
00:07:23Yes, I'm Sarah white. That's me. Well, I'm excited to see this magical touch. I've heard so much about oh, I don't know
00:07:33Don't be modest. We women need to stand strong in our gifts
00:07:37Yes, we do
00:07:39Now has Colette told you everything that's expected
00:07:42She has excellent because I want to show my partner and our board members who's really boss
00:07:48Now I need to make a phone call. Yes. Yes. Okay. I'm going to relax knowing that I'm in good hands Sarah
00:07:55Can count on me
00:08:04She's amazing, isn't she? Hmm. Now, let's get you settled in your room. Miss Ross put you in one of two suites still available
00:08:16Have caterers yes, and they have a menu up I have
00:08:24Excuse me, sir. Can I help you? Oh
00:08:28Unfortunately, the lodge is closed to the public at this time
00:08:31I'm actually here to request a meeting with Liz Ross. And what is it regarding? I
00:08:36Just need five minutes of her time so that I can show her how I can revolutionize her
00:08:40Schedule an appointment with miss Ross. You can do so on her website. No, you don't understand. I need to speak to her in person
00:08:46This is exactly what she's been looking for
00:08:56It can't be
00:08:59Yeah, I go by my first name now business this stuff, you know, but but you can can always call me Mac, of course
00:09:07You two know each other
00:09:13Jennifer and I used to be
00:09:15High school sweethearts about a million years ago. I I can't believe you're here
00:09:20Wait, I'm confused
00:09:24Jennifer is my twin sister and
00:09:28She and Mac well Peter used to be an item
00:09:38Sarah I used to be able to tell you two apart. I guess it's it's been so long
00:09:47What's going on here?
00:09:49This gentleman was requesting an appointment with you. I was just having him leave but
00:09:54Hi, Peter McCarthy. It's an honor. Miss Ross. I would love the opportunity to show you my app
00:10:00Yeah, it's a big weekend for me I really don't have time for Collette Christmas Ross
00:10:07Wait, do do you two know each other?
00:10:12Please tell me you didn't bring him. Oh, no. No, she didn't we haven't seen each other in years. This is just a coincidence, honey
00:10:20I'm home
00:10:23Are you doing here the event is in two days? Yeah, I thought it would be a good idea to see you at work
00:10:29This is a new low even for you Steve. Hey everybody
00:10:34Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but there's been an avalanche about a mile up
00:10:40The road shut down. No, who are you exactly? Oh
00:10:45I'm Nick. I'm Nick Jones. I'm the general manager here at the lodge. How long will it take to clear an avalanche?
00:10:54Don't know
00:10:56But it looks like we're all gonna be stuck here for a while
00:11:00That might have been I don't know that's the way it happened but
00:11:05You can't argue with nature
00:11:08Well, that's unfortunate. I'll take a sweet
00:11:16Unfortunately, mr. McCarthy here already booked the last available suite
00:11:24Sorry about that, mr. Kane, it's a good thing I did with this avalanche thing is come
00:11:32Fine Colette to see if you can find a very small room for Steve just make sure it's as far from me as possible
00:11:39Got it
00:11:40Where's that darn Bellman?
00:11:42Home is white. I see now why your reputation precedes you
00:11:55Even though you're not your sister, I mean
00:11:59I'm really glad you're here
00:12:04As you know, miss Ross just bought Pine Lodge and it's actually beautiful ah
00:12:11This is you Sarah
00:12:15This is you. Mr. McCarthy
00:12:18Please call me Peter
00:12:21I'm supposed to have an office to
00:12:26About that I
00:12:28Don't have an office. We did have the Lodge office prepared for you
00:12:32But Steve Kane will definitely take it over now that he's here and it's not worth the fight. Trust me
00:12:39I'm so sorry Sarah. No worries Colette. I'll be fine. Then. Let's regroup in an hour. Okay, perfect
00:12:51Hey, I wanted to apologize I didn't mean to put you in the hot water with mr. Ross, okay, you couldn't have known I
00:13:00What are the chances, right?
00:13:02Do you have time to grab a coffee I'd love to explain and maybe hear about how you and Jennifer are doing I
00:13:13Just got here so no pressure. I understand you got a lot of work to do
00:13:23Maybe later on today or when I'm done for the night
00:13:28It's a date
00:13:29Well, not a date date just a coffee
00:14:03How's it going
00:14:05What did you get me into you have no idea?
00:14:09Steve Kane showed up early and he and Liz don't seem to be getting along at all and an avalanche just blocked the roads
00:14:20Please don't joke about this. I wish I were joking. I
00:14:25Didn't even tell you the best part. What is it?
00:14:28At the worst
00:14:30possible moment ever
00:14:32Guess who just showed up here unannounced?
00:14:35Trying to pitch something to your client who?
00:14:41What do you mean Mac your Mac, yep Peter McCarthy in the flesh
00:14:48That's gotta be destiny
00:14:51I'm pretending to be you. Oh, right
00:14:58I don't know
00:15:05You know, you're the best sister in the whole world, right
00:15:10I'm so out of my element Sarah
00:15:14Put me in an industrial kitchen. I shine but at a board member
00:15:19corporate announcement event
00:15:23I've already sent you my pre-event checklist to use that should help
00:15:28You are going to see Mac again later, right
00:15:32I'm going to grab a coffee with him later. Oh the plot thickens
00:15:42Good luck with that
00:15:48Good good
00:15:52Come on Sarah, you know what I'm trying to ask
00:15:58Is she
00:16:00Dating anyone? No
00:16:04And she's way too busy to date anyone
00:16:12How about you no
00:16:15No, I'm too busy
00:16:18I've been a workaholic the last five years developing this app. I guess nothing's really changed
00:16:28I know
00:16:32No, I guess not
00:16:42I haven't stopped thinking about her though
00:16:47Well, she'd kill me for saying this but she still talks about you too
00:18:06You beat me to it Nick said he's pretty much ours for the rest of the day
00:18:10So once we get him on very light duty tree duty is after we'll have this place while on its way in no time
00:18:18Fantastic what's with the holly berries? Oh, these were on my room service menu, and I thought maybe we could use them for decoration
00:18:26Love it seeing these have seen
00:18:29better days
00:18:31Ain't that truth?
00:18:33Well, let's cut some holly off the bush and put it in vases around the room and I'll add a little needed color in here
00:18:40Love it
00:18:42Okay, uh Nick if you can organize these twinkle lights and then show me where to get the berries that would be fantastic
00:18:49And then I can take photos of everything and send them just as
00:18:53to miss Ross
00:18:55Do you want me to get rid of the box of Christmas past? Oh
00:19:00Well, wait a minute yesterday
00:19:02You said there were some art supplies in the storage room, right? Yeah, it's just a bunch of paint and whatnot
00:19:09Well, if there's any gold or silver, I mean these could be made to look like new again
00:19:14See, this is why you're the expert
00:19:18Oh, no, our music guy is snowed in in Chicago. Mm-hmm
00:19:24You can't fix that with berries. I
00:19:27Is there nothing usable here at all? I mean maybe from before miss Ross took over. Well
00:19:34this section of the lodge used to be a
00:19:37Nightclub sort of deal. I might find something in storage, but it's probably so old. It won't work
00:19:43But we should still check. Yeah, sure. I'll be back faster than you can say a little faint Nick
00:19:51Will you excuse me for just one moment sure
00:20:01Haven't heard from you what's happening?
00:20:04Well, we went through your list and the decorations
00:20:08Colette miss Ross's assistant and Nick the general manager of the lodge. We make a good team
00:20:14You already have a team go girl
00:20:17Well, technically it's your team, but they're very helpful. I think you'd be pleased now. Let me do this
00:20:26Listen to you. That's a change
00:20:29Could it have anything to do with a certain old boyfriend?
00:20:34there I
00:20:36Is everything okay in there, uh
00:20:40I'm coming. I'm just
00:20:42Inventorying supplies while I take my call
00:20:45I'm a multitasker
00:20:59Oh, hey
00:21:04I'm sorry for a moment there. I thought you were sister
00:21:09I've got to admit my heart fluttered there for a second
00:21:16You two broke it off years ago. Yeah, I
00:21:22Am an idiot
00:21:25She's the one you got away
00:21:30So, let me guess
00:21:34You went pinecone-picking Oh
00:21:39Close Christmas tree transport
00:21:43Luckily Nick handled all the cutting thank goodness I
00:21:47Could help if you'd asked I'm still waiting for Liz Ross to give me five minutes. Anyway, no luck
00:21:55Not yet
00:22:00Anyways, I should get going
00:22:04I hate Mac
00:22:10Do you want to come in for a minute?
00:22:16Sure, I don't think I even asked you what you do now Mac
00:22:21You mean besides crashing high-tech events where I'm not wanted. Yeah. Are you still developing that video game?
00:22:31Jenny told you about that, huh?
00:22:33That was supposed to be a secret
00:22:38Twins don't have secrets. Mm-hmm
00:22:44Well, I sold that video game for a nice price and I've been developing different software ever since
00:22:50But the real reason I'm here
00:22:53Is I believe my new invention?
00:22:55It's gonna change the world
00:22:58Really? Yeah
00:23:00Liz Ross developed the move watch
00:23:03And I invented an app that uses that
00:23:06Technology to tell if two people are meant to be together or not with an almost infallible probability
00:23:16Send and voila. You should now have the app
00:23:21Yeah, let me show you put our watches together
00:23:3724% what's that?
00:23:40That's the love match app and it's telling us that we're not compatible romantically
00:23:45We're not
00:23:49No, Sarah we are not
00:23:53Of course we're not
00:24:00The problem is that a source of mine told me that Steve Kane is planning a true
00:24:05Liz Ross can lose her position and will shut down production of the watch
00:24:10We have to tell her
00:24:13My source told me in the strictest
00:24:17Besides we have no proof. It'll actually happen
00:24:25The move once died my app dies
00:24:27My app can only do what it does because of the technology in the watch I
00:24:31have to show her before this goes down if
00:24:34It goes down. I just get five minutes with her
00:24:41Let me work on that really
00:24:52Just make sure that if you get your five minutes
00:24:57She doesn't say now
00:25:00I promise
00:25:14Sorry, you had a pine needle Oh probably hundreds
00:25:23Well, I should probably let you shower or whatever
00:25:33Hey Mac
00:25:574% just don't understand it
00:26:07Sorry, this has become so challenging Jenny it was already challenging when there were no problems
00:26:17What about Mac?
00:26:19Do you want to rekindle things? I don't know
00:26:25maybe I
00:26:28Would definitely prefer seeing him under other circumstances
00:26:33What do you mean when I'm not you
00:27:07Hey, come on in morning
00:27:12I have I remembered how Jennifer loved fresh coffee in the morning. I
00:27:17Figured twins is exactly what I needed
00:27:27I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go to breakfast before you go to work. I
00:27:35I would love to but I have to go see Nick about an old sound system
00:27:43I'm pretty handy with electronics
00:27:46Happy to take a look
00:27:48All right
00:27:49I'll meet you up front in 15 minutes
00:27:54You got it Oh
00:28:01Thanks for the coffee my pleasure
00:28:30What are you doing here call ads you're lucky left her post for a minute get out Steve
00:28:39You're nothing without me
00:28:45Untrue I created the move watch
00:28:50Nobody likes your watch
00:28:53That's the problem
00:28:55If you had only listened to me
00:28:59Don't want to change you don't want change
00:29:03nuance the watch is revolutionary
00:29:07Revolutionary people don't know what to make of it less you need something to make them want it. I know that
00:29:16You don't have a solution yet. Do you not yet?
00:29:22But you should know by now that I never give up I'm not gonna let you or the board of directors shut this watch down
00:29:30How you gonna stop it oh
00:29:35Come on Liz you think I'm that low that I'd sabotage you. Yeah, I do
00:29:45Didn't you used to say that we made such a great team a
00:29:50Great team that I do all the work and you take all the credit. I wish I would realize that earlier
00:30:07Your watch is a Douglas and everybody knows it, but you I disagree. I think the board will see it my way
00:30:18But don't come crawling back when your plan fails
00:30:21Trust me. I won't
00:30:46Hey, thank you
00:30:53Where'd you get these muffins? They're incredible. I made them. I mean I made the chef at the lodge make them
00:31:16That's amazing
00:31:19Nick you are a true artist
00:31:22Thank you
00:31:23When I get a little bit of time off, I like to sculpt paint
00:31:28The detail is just incredible
00:31:32Why swans well
00:31:36live longer than most birds about
00:31:3920 years and they remember they remember who's been kind to them who hasn't and
00:31:46They made for life
00:31:48one little bird sees another amongst all the birds and
00:31:52Then they just know they know that they want to spend the rest of their days together
00:31:58Just always thought swans had a little bit of magic in them
00:32:04That's really beautiful Nick
00:32:07Hey, could we use this for the party? I mean it would make an incredible display piece. I agree
00:32:16It'd be my honor
00:32:19Thank you. Oh
00:32:21Can we show Mac that antiquated sound system? He's pretty good with tech. Sure. It's uh, it's right this way
00:32:52Lots of lists, huh seems like thousands you like your job
00:33:04So is Jenny still catering and baking
00:33:08Actually, she's a chef at a high-end restaurant now
00:33:15I'm not surprised never met anyone cook quite like your sister. I
00:33:25Thought about her often over the years
00:33:28Have you?
00:33:32And I was actually gonna call her once but I
00:33:37Never got up the courage
00:33:42Honestly, I thought she would have been married by now anyway, no
00:33:47It's complicated
00:33:50Dating life is not what it's cracked up to be for me. Yeah, but a woman like Jenny I
00:33:58Would have thought she could pick any guy she wants
00:34:02Hardly oh, come on. How so she's smart kind
00:34:16She's something special I
00:34:19Don't think she knows you feel this way. Oh
00:34:24You know, it's too young and immature to tell her how I felt back then
00:34:33Okay, let's see what we got
00:34:46You are amazing I'm glad to help
00:35:00Can I ask you something
00:35:02Of course
00:35:04If you feel this way about Jenny
00:35:08Why did you break things off and was it just the busy schedules a lack of time while you worked on your careers
00:35:29She was really hard being third wheel
00:35:32You were always with us and
00:35:36You didn't seem too open to letting me have some private time with Jenny as little as it was I
00:35:43Didn't know I was just being a protective sister. I know I
00:35:51Should have said something
00:35:53You should have I
00:35:56Never realized
00:35:59Come on you didn't like me very much. It was obvious
00:36:04That was years ago
00:36:06All's forgiven
00:36:08Come on
00:36:19Perfect worth all the pine needles
00:36:24It's quite a showpiece. Wow
00:36:27Miss Ross is gonna be so pleased
00:36:32Pleased enough to give Mac five minutes
00:36:40She likes you Sarah, so if you ask maybe
00:36:46Good to know
00:36:52Come in
00:37:00Thanks for your help this morning
00:37:02My pleasure
00:37:05Um, I'm heading back to the storage room to see if there might be anything else useful
00:37:09Maybe some more electronics and I might want to tag along
00:37:17You're busy, sorry, no, no problem. I was just
00:37:22No problem, I was just
00:37:26Well, could I check out the compatibility again
00:37:30At 24% is a strange thing unusual
00:37:33Especially where people have known each other for years
00:37:41It's higher but still not compatible
00:37:47Thank you helps with my research should we get going? Yeah, let's go
00:37:56I heard they got the huge rocks and dirt debris removed. So part of the road is open
00:38:01Yeah, I heard they got the huge rocks and dirt debris removed. So part of the road is open
00:38:06I heard they got the huge rocks and dirt debris removed. So part of the road is open now
00:38:11But still no large trucks can get through
00:38:15So no deliveries, right?
00:38:26Jenny yeah
00:38:31Sorry Sarah
00:38:34No worries twins it happens all the time
00:38:48There's a full DJ kit in here, um, I
00:38:52Don't know if you know this about me, but I had my moment as DJ Mac
00:38:58You did not yes I did
00:39:04Oh, sorry
00:39:09No, you you yeah
00:39:13I'm sorry. I didn't I didn't mean to interrupt you lovebirds. Oh, no. No, we're old friends
00:39:21Right. I used to be in a relationship with Sarah's sister
00:39:25Jennifer oh
00:39:28Why I thought I saw some sparks flying there usually pretty good at that kind of thing
00:39:35Must be losing my touch
00:39:45What if I use the inside of these old cushions to make fake snow under the tree brilliant I
00:39:55Should get back
00:39:57Yeah, you go I I got this I'll see you at the banquet hall in a few minutes, okay
00:40:18Ready ready
00:40:28You're really good at this
00:40:36I'm gonna take these to the back. See you tomorrow
00:40:53Finished for the night. Yeah, it's been a long day. How's your pitch?
00:41:03I'm incredibly stressed
00:41:05The stakes are just so high. I've literally put
00:41:08everything into this
00:41:11For what it's worth. I would definitely use your app and so would my sister
00:41:18And our love lives have been a series of disasters
00:41:22Come on that could not be you two are amazing
00:41:28Well, I
00:41:30Had someone special once but I guess I never really told him how I felt
00:41:51Wow, this is really something
00:41:55Stunning work Sarah. Thank you
00:42:00Mac Peter McCarthy here actually fixed up the old DJ setup
00:42:04So we will have some music and we could not have done any of this without him
00:42:09and so
00:42:17How about we set up a time for him to do his presentation for you, I promise you won't regret it
00:42:26You're vouching for him this way I am
00:42:33All right
00:42:35Tomorrow, I'll give you your five minutes. Mr. McCarthy. Thank you
00:42:39You better not disappoint
00:43:01Oh, I'm I'm so sorry, I I should not have done that
00:43:22Have to tell him you can't you can't tell him until it's over I
00:43:28hate lying to him and
00:43:32If he finds out it'll ruin any chance I have getting back together with him now
00:43:38You don't have a choice you came this far you have to finish it
00:43:47You don't care if he finds out and he's angry that I lied to him. Do you what do you mean?
00:43:54Matt told me we broke up because of you
00:43:58Maybe you'd be happy if we didn't get back together. That's ridiculous. Jennifer
00:44:03Felt like a third wheel
00:44:05That was ages ago, I didn't realize what you guys had I was just a kid
00:44:13And I was afraid of losing my sister
00:44:21Please don't ruin this gig for me
00:44:24It's too important
00:44:26More important than my relationship with Matt. I didn't say that
00:44:34Gotta go. Don't worry. I'm not gonna ruin your party
00:45:08Come in Colette
00:45:13We have another big problem Sarah
00:45:16Just when you think things can't get worse
00:45:19The catering company just called me and their delivery truck is stuck just off of route 9 stuck. I
00:45:26Thought they said that the roads were finally fully open. They did
00:45:31But with the heavy rain last night there was another avalanche
00:45:36bigger and
00:45:37Much worse than the first. Oh
00:45:40No, now the main route into the valley is completely impossible
00:45:51They're gonna plow it again, right once the rain stops whenever that is and they need the wind to ease off first
00:46:02Just give me a few minutes to finish up in here and then we'll go see what the chef can drum up
00:46:09You got it
00:46:23Thank goodness you called I feel terrible about how we ended things last night
00:46:29It's okay Sarah, I've slept on it all is forgiven I
00:46:36Really want you to be happy Jenny and if Mac is your way to find that I'm all for it. I
00:46:44Appreciate that
00:46:46But I'm actually calling because I have bad news
00:46:53What happened remember the avalanche
00:46:59The road they did but now it's big sister has come down the mountain, too
00:47:11How are you so calm I'm usually in crazy busy kitchens with impatient diners nearby
00:47:20You're amazing, you know that I'm doing what I can and I'll get back to you soon
00:47:42Where's the chef
00:47:45Sarah I don't know how to tell you this
00:47:48But since the truck with all the food supplies can't get here the chef just quit
00:48:16What are you thinking
00:48:19Leave it to me. I've learned a few things from my sister who's a chef over the years
00:48:29You have no idea thank goodness, can I help
00:48:35Not sure yet, uh, maybe once I figure out what I'm doing
00:48:40Okay. Well if I'm not needed at the moment, I'm going to recheck the banquet hall for the 15th time
00:48:47Geez, I think some of miss Ross's nerves are rubbing off on me. Okay, no worries. I've got this you go
00:49:18Steered the bad news from Colette
00:49:22Put me to work
00:49:24You should be practicing your pitch
00:49:29This is just as important
00:49:37Come on
00:49:40Many you need help is half the battle
00:49:45That sounds familiar
00:49:48Your sister said that to me she offered to tutor me in Spanish
00:49:55I can't believe you remember things like that
00:50:04Okay, well
00:50:11There's not a lot to work with so we have to ramp up the creativity and
00:50:18Figure out how to stretch this food for the number of guests
00:50:24Yeah, got it I've started on dried sugared orange slices for a dessert tray
00:50:32Dried sugared orange slices, huh?
00:50:37Sounds suspiciously like something Jennifer would she taught me
00:50:44Did she
00:50:54Maybe we should make a killer bean dip as one of the appetizers. Sure
00:51:02You know what the special ingredient is make an amazing bean dip recipe chocolate
00:51:13That's right
00:51:24How long have you known
00:51:28I've suspected for a while
00:51:31And I wasn't 100% sure until we kissed
00:51:38Why why but
00:51:43Especially with me
00:51:47It wasn't about you Mac
00:51:50Sarah was laid up and she got this job and I just oh you just
00:51:58Didn't think you could tell me the truth I
00:52:05Honestly didn't mean to didn't mean to what Jennifer
00:52:13By to me
00:52:16To my face for days
00:52:31Need to get some there
00:52:51Was the food situation and if it's bad, please lie
00:52:54The board members just made it through the past behind the clouds and I'm hoping that that cost them pretty penny
00:53:03Sarah are you all right? It's happening. I'm okay
00:53:10Don't look okay. Is it Peter?
00:53:19Why would you say that
00:53:21Well, he offered to help
00:53:23You two sort of have this
00:53:28The air in the room kind of changes when you're both there
00:53:32I'm sorry. I
00:53:35Can't talk about it
00:53:38All right, I understand
00:53:43How are we doing on drinks I should buy us some grace
00:53:46Nick brought up the bottles of red wine and
00:53:50Brandy that were left, but it's not much. Okay. Well, please have them brought here to the kitchen and we'll stretch it
00:53:57I'm making it into
00:53:59holiday mulled wine
00:54:01What's in that?
00:54:02Well little wine little brandy lots of oranges cinnamon cloves maple syrup
00:54:08It's perfect holiday fair
00:54:12You're lucky your sister's a chef
00:54:14Yeah lucky
00:54:19I'll see you in the lobby
00:54:31Always around if you ever need a friend
00:54:35I appreciate that Colette
00:54:56Welcome welcome so happy you could join us here at Pine Lodge. Hey, there's everybody
00:55:02I can't believe you all got through that nasty avalanche
00:55:07Miss Ross is expecting you all but miss Ross isn't here right now
00:55:12Is she she asked me to personally welcome everyone? Did she not think that the board members are important enough to greet in person?
00:55:21Of course not. Mr. Kane. Miss Ross has Colette her personal assistant taking you all to your rooms
00:55:28To relax after the difficult journey through the pass
00:55:32I'm Sarah the events coordinator. And if there is anything at all that you need during your stay, please just ask either one of us
00:55:40Please follow me. I'll come with you. It's not necessary. Oh, I assure you is
00:55:51Found him
00:55:55Wow, the Sun goes down fast out here
00:55:58It's a good thing. We have all these lights. Yeah, it was definitely worth all the work to put him up
00:56:07Was probably just the wind
00:56:12There's no cell service, oh
00:56:14There's no Wi-Fi either
00:56:16Okay, let's just check the main generator. See if we can get that to kick back in before we start to panic. Okay?
00:56:22Okay. Yeah, okay
00:56:24What's going on, why hasn't it kicked back on yet should be working I don't know why it's not
00:56:33What do we do I honestly don't know
00:56:38Can I take a look
00:56:44As soon as the power went out I figured you might need some help
00:56:47Is there anything you're not good at
00:56:51Well, I haven't fixed it yet, so
00:56:53Let's see. I
00:56:55Should probably grab some candles
00:56:58Stock some firewood for the fireplaces. You mind if I leave you to hear
00:57:07Okay, I'm gonna go get some firewood
00:57:09Okay, I'm gonna go get some firewood
00:57:11Okay, I'm gonna go get some firewood
00:57:13Okay, I'm gonna go get some firewood
00:57:15Alright, I'll get this place toasty in no time
00:57:36It's a good thing the board members didn't show, huh? Oh
00:57:41No, they did
00:57:43And they're expecting dinner and a big presentation, too
00:58:00I'm so sorry. I
00:58:06Was only supposed to help Sarah here
00:58:09And when she suddenly couldn't make it she begged me to take her place
00:58:17You know how important a job for Liz Ross's
00:58:23I do
00:58:32I never meant to hurt you
00:58:39Even know you'd be here
00:58:42When you suddenly showed up it
00:58:48Complicated things
00:58:55Yes, it did
00:59:09So, what's the verdict
00:59:13Well, honestly
00:59:16Looks like someone tampered with it
00:59:19There's a piece missing here
00:59:23Tampered? What?
00:59:27Well, what do we do
00:59:30We're gonna have to wait for the service folks to get here, but it won't be soon enough
00:59:35I'm sorry
00:59:39Nothing has gone right since I got here
00:59:54One thing went right
01:00:12Mac, why don't we use this time to our advantage and really make yours a pitch that Miss Ross will remember
01:00:18We have decorations, candles, food, plenty of mulled wine. You can just do your presentation the old-fashioned way
01:00:26Jenny, the watches won't work without a connection
01:00:29I'm standing there pleading for them to trust me that it works won't cut it
01:00:32I understand, but you know at the end of the day a good pitch is about passion. It's not about Internet
01:00:40I know my presentations are all about food and that's different
01:00:44But you built this app from the ground up. No one can sell it better than you
01:00:49I know your pitch is gonna be amazing
01:00:54You have always believed in me
01:00:57Why didn't I see it before
01:01:00Why didn't I see it before
01:01:04Oh my gosh, I almost forgot. I have a surprise for you. Surprise?
01:01:15Complimentary light system by DJ Mac
01:01:18Awesome, but
01:01:21There's no electricity. I use these for outdoor parties at my cabin. They're all battery-powered. They should last about three or four hours
01:01:30Finally some good news
01:01:34Who is it?
01:01:37It's miss white come in sir, I
01:01:42Have some updates for you. Mm-hmm
01:01:46I'm sure you've heard that
01:01:48The road is closed again, but the board members are here. They paid for a private plow to get them through the pass
01:01:54Oh, believe me. I know
01:01:56My partner took great pleasure to let me know and the fact that they're still expecting an amazing party and they'll get one
01:02:03How Colette already told me the caterer can't make it through the pass. Neither can the food delivery truck. So the chef quit. I
01:02:10Have prepared some food and drink with what was available that my chef sister shared with me. All right. Well, that's something
01:02:19And what else?
01:02:22Obviously the generator is not working
01:02:26Peter McCarthy had some battery-operated DJ lights in his car. So we won't be completely in the dark
01:02:35Won't be completely in the dark
01:02:42This is a disaster my partnership is done my career is over
01:02:51From what I've heard
01:02:54your partnership being over is
01:02:56surely a good thing and
01:03:00Your career is definitely not over I
01:03:04Won't let anything bad happen on my watch
01:03:07on your watch
01:03:10Thank You miss my
01:03:14Regarding the watch I wanted to ask you about my friend Peter's pitch. Oh, I forgot about that
01:03:22Okay, uh, please apologize for me but with the board being here and Steve being Steve I I
01:03:31Just can't deal with this
01:03:34There's no way I can listen to a pitch at the moment, but I'm very sorry
01:03:38But I I have to focus on my presentation Sarah
01:03:42Everything is on the line. Please understand
01:03:46Of course
01:03:49You are incredible
01:03:54We may not have any internet, but we can still get some use out of the move watch
01:04:03Jenny I
01:04:05Have something I want to tell you I
01:04:09Need to tell you something too, but you go first
01:04:15Okay, um
01:04:17I came here to sell my app
01:04:20Keep my investors save my company
01:04:24It's all I could ever think about
01:04:29But after spending time with you here
01:04:37Well, I think I finally realized what truly matters
01:04:48You know what back I have to
01:04:57And there's something I need to do
01:05:05Right now wait
01:05:15Come in it's me. Oh, hi Sarah
01:05:27Actually, I'm Jennifer
01:05:33My sister Sarah had an accident the night before coming here and
01:05:39Instead of letting you down she begged me to come in her place
01:05:45So you've been pretending this whole time
01:05:48That's extremely unprofessional. My sister didn't want to leave you hanging since she knew how important this event was to you and
01:05:56I came through for you
01:06:01That's true, I suppose
01:06:04You said that we women have to stand strong in our gifts
01:06:11And I have
01:06:15And now I have one favor to ask and I won't take no for an answer
01:06:28I'm listening
01:06:37You did it Sarah this night is a huge success we all did it together
01:06:43It was fun
01:06:45We need to discuss your idea of fun
01:06:50And that was my time I suppose
01:06:53Thank you for doing it. It's not really my car
01:06:57No problem. I've actually gotten pretty good at speaking up since I got here
01:07:07Ladies and gentlemen, can I have your attention, please?
01:07:10Thank you all for coming to tonight's wonderful Pine Lodge Christmas celebration, please give a warm welcome
01:07:19the creator of the move watch and your host
01:07:23Liz Ross
01:07:26Thank you, Sarah
01:07:28ladies and gentlemen
01:07:30This is an important chapter for our company and it's become obvious that Steve Kane and I can no longer be partners
01:07:37Let's not sugarcoat it here darling
01:07:40The failure of your pet project the move watch has cost the company dearly
01:07:47Sorry, you see it that way Steve
01:07:50The main reason I brought you here is that I'd like to resign as co-chairperson of the company
01:07:57With no severance package in exchange for all the rights to the move watch
01:08:02You realize the numbers are the worst it's a terrible idea
01:08:07My watch goes down I go down with it. I'm out. You can take over run things the way you like
01:08:17We can do this right now
01:08:32It's your funeral
01:09:05Now that that's taken care of we should quickly get caught up on other items of the company agenda Steve
01:09:16All right now for the good stuff, my name is Steve Kane I'd like to thank you all for coming today
01:09:24About something and I need your help anything, but where are we going second floor stairs?
01:09:30Let's take the elevator
01:09:33You have access to all the rooms, right? Yeah, of course
01:09:38Just so you know, this might get us in trouble whose room Steve came
01:09:52This is it I have to admit I gave him the smallest room I could find
01:10:10Don't know exactly some kind of oily mechanical device. I think we'll know what if we see it
01:10:27Collette yeah, I have to tell you something
01:10:32Sure anything
01:10:37I'm not Sarah. I know what?
01:10:44By the third mess-up of your name I looked you up online and
01:10:50It turns out you're not one of two twins, but one of two identical twins
01:10:57So sorry that I didn't tell you sooner
01:11:00Sarah broke her leg. Don't worry. I think it's a wonderful thing that you're willing to help your sister to the point of taking her place
01:11:09I wish I had someone who cared about me so much
01:11:13Well, you can consider yourself as having two very good new friends. I hope that'll do for now
01:11:20It'll more than do
01:11:26Okay, yeah
01:11:36Found this
01:11:46You can do it
01:11:52Give me a few minutes and the power should come back on
01:11:56Can't wait to see mr. Cain's face. What does I can't wait to see what else this night has in store for us
01:12:03And I know the next year will bring many more new and exciting opportunities
01:12:25Well, that was unexpected but very welcome and
01:12:30Perfect timing
01:12:32Because now that I'm no longer in business with Steve Cain
01:12:35I'd like to invite my board members to join me if they like on a very special venture
01:12:42Involving my move watch. I'd like to start by introducing. Mr. Peter McCarthy inventor extraordinaire
01:12:54Who's this guy now that we have power internet back, here's what I promised, okay
01:13:03Love match is a new app specifically designed for the move watch that's going to revolutionize the dating world
01:13:10Coded with state-of-the-art technology our algorithm can calculate the probability of compatibility with a zero point zero zero four percent
01:13:2078% of American adults including myself said they lost faith in dating apps and
01:13:2680% of us are skeptical that we'll ever find our soulmate
01:13:30This is why love match or love watch is the solution. We've all been waiting for
01:13:35Why leave love to chance?
01:13:41Miss white
01:13:45You join me, please
01:13:56Don't do it. We're only 28% I know that's why I was determined to fix it because
01:14:05Because I'm in love with you
01:14:08Yeah, you're in love
01:14:13That's what I was trying to tell you earlier
01:14:16That doesn't think we're compatible so I thought it didn't work then I realized something
01:14:24The watch was programmed for your sister not you
01:14:43Just happened. Oh, you just witnessed the invention that's gonna make everyone a lot of money
01:14:51Now every watch in the room has the app installed so you can see who you're compatible with or not
01:14:58Okay, whatever Liz is offering you. We're prepared to double
01:15:03Well, thank you. Mr. Cain, but I'm really happy with my new partner
01:15:09Besides mr. Cain is probably not someone you want to get into business with
01:15:15Considering he's the one who's sabotaged the generator. I
01:15:20Have no idea what you're talking about Colette and I found the missing part in your room
01:15:26You went in my my room well, that's breaking and entering isn't it technically Steve
01:15:32I own the whole place so that doesn't really apply here and because I do I
01:15:38Think it's well past time you leave
01:15:44I've just confirmed that the main road has been completely cleared by the pile. Miss Ross. Oh
01:15:49Here's everything from your room. Mr. Cain carefully packed and ready to go
01:16:04You're gonna regret this list I promise you
01:16:09Actually, it's the first thing I haven't regretted in a long time. Goodbye Steve
01:16:29Miss Ross
01:16:33She carried a dance
01:16:39Um, please call me Liz and yes, I'd love to
01:17:21Love you, too
01:17:24All right, she's gotta go Sarah, but I'll update you on everything tomorrow I promise
01:17:42Come on
01:17:44Let's get away from all this. Hey, all this is my blood sweat and tears
01:17:50You know, it's amazing I
01:17:54Like to have our own
01:18:00When you put it like that
01:18:13My success tonight is because of you, you know, it's your app
01:18:19I just got you the intro, but you sold the product. I
01:18:23Know I know
01:18:25But you push Liz for me
01:18:28You didn't have to do that
01:18:30Of course I did. I love you
01:18:39Say that again
01:18:42I love you
01:18:45I love you, too. Get it away
01:18:52And I have never
01:19:06Just one question, how do you make it stop I'll have to work on that
01:19:30Are you thinking about Jenny what dad said when we asked what mom was like
01:19:43Hope someday I'll have someone special to share Christmas with you will I'll make sure of it
01:20:07See ya, come on, come on, I'm into my watch. I'm cool guy. Oh my
