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The.Voice.AU.S13E04 >>>


00:00:08Get really excited about discovering new artists. I really want to push hard so that somebody's dream comes true
00:00:17I'm coming on the voice to inspire my kids to follow their dreams and anything's possible
00:00:24Starting singing six months ago and now to be here on the voice. It's
00:00:28I couldn't have planned this in my wildest dreams
00:00:32The stage that I've dreamed of since I was a little boy
00:00:36It's all about just get in there and give it a go. Oh
00:00:40Just give it a go
00:00:46When I started it didn't seem like the dream was possible
00:00:51Audition changed my life changed my whole life
00:01:25Together for Kate
00:01:47Don't ever want to think of life without music especially my life without music for me music is absolutely everything
00:01:53This is my opportunity to make my biggest dream come true. So I'm really excited. I
00:02:01Would say I'm a very bubbly enthusiastic
00:02:05Passionate person. I'm like a big kid
00:02:08Which is really quite strange because I dress like someone who's older boys. I
00:02:15Absolutely love vintage clothing
00:02:18When I'm wearing old clothes, you know vintage pieces and I'm seeing
00:02:23Music, you know that's inspired so heavily by the blues and those older eras of music
00:02:27I feel like that is me to a tee. That is me my element
00:02:32I definitely have to be an old soul because I feel like I come to life in those moments
00:02:37So I've been working as a music journalist since I was 17
00:02:40I spent so many years interviewing other musicians and I realized it's my time now. I want to be the one getting interviewed
00:02:53So I'm seeing one of the biggest songs of all time
00:02:58There's a lot of pressure to sing a song that's as big as this one
00:03:01Usually the people who sing this song have amazing big incredible voices
00:03:06But for me, I'm an untrained singer. I taught myself to sing. There's so much going through my head. Don't stuff up
00:03:13Put on a good show. So I'm just gonna have to do what I can
00:04:01Man made the car
00:04:05Take us over
00:05:23That was good, my name is Chloe K. I'm 26 years old. I'm from Penrith. I'm a music journalist. Yeah
00:05:33You know how to use that thing not when talking apart
00:05:38Chloe you are a powerhouse. That was very exciting. Thank you
00:05:44Thanks everyone
00:05:45and it was so funny because I was like I wanted to hit the button sooner because I wanted to watch you as well as
00:05:51Hear you and I was like waiting. I'm like waiting for the note. And then after I turned you hit the
00:05:56Wicked high note at the end of that song that I was like waiting for and
00:06:01The tone of it the control and the power and I want to hear you sing so many things
00:06:10So you like you kind of like the old school stuff
00:06:12I'm a blues girl. Yes, but I just love blues, you know with that beautiful
00:06:18Guitar heavy stuff and I think for me I really want to help keep the blues alive. Yeah, there's not many young women doing it
00:06:26There's like a little rock and roll in there too you like
00:06:33I feel that. Oh, you're really good. I'm you you gave me the goosebumps
00:06:41Know you wanted to turn around sooner, but let me just say that I did
00:06:45There's been not a voice like you yet on the stage
00:06:49Seriously, I don't I don't turn around like that for many people and like just to hear you and just didn't to see you
00:06:56You look like you're from another era
00:06:58you're so like unassuming like just this soul like from the depths of you and
00:07:04To work with someone like you would be just out of this world
00:07:07I know you have such a love for blues and soul
00:07:09But that could go into so many different places like you don't lose that soul
00:07:14And it's interesting like when I first started out I started out with a song called blue
00:07:18Which was like super super country in a world where it was very kind of country pop at that moment in time
00:07:23and I wasn't afraid to
00:07:25Step out of that and like kind of do a throwback and I think that
00:07:29There's a way to like keep that retro piece about you and still make it current because there's not a lot of people doing
00:07:35That and I think that makes you really unique and I think that's what I love about you
00:07:39Current because there's not a lot of people doing that and I think that makes you really unique you blew me away
00:07:52No, I can tell that you're self-taught Chloe, it's just one of those gifts
00:07:56I think it comes from the soul and and hence why you love soul music because that's exactly where you sing from. It's just
00:08:04So immediate a voice like that like, you know, I could have turned really
00:08:09soon, I
00:08:11think sometimes things stop me in my tracks as a coach and I just
00:08:16Sort of got lost a little bit to be honest
00:08:20But the voice what's the reason for now coming on to this show
00:08:25Um, I just thought you know, I'm used to interviewing people like you guys and it's my turn now
00:08:35Have you ever interviewed by Sebastian? No, not you guys personally
00:08:40All right. I was just gonna cuz I've heard that he can be a bit difficult
00:08:44Massive day. Yeah, hugely. That's that's what I'm known for. Love you. I would love you on my team. I'm sure all of us would
00:09:00Was really surprised when I saw you that that voice
00:09:04Has come out of this vehicle and even your speaking voice is sort of higher and more demure and then
00:09:10When you sing obviously you can access this amazing like ball Z like such big balls. I
00:09:18Think there's amazing scope for us to explore that together. You're just a natural singer. You have a gift
00:09:24I would love to have you on team Kate. Thank you, Kate
00:09:28I'm gonna go in and and
00:09:31I'm gonna get a little a little
00:09:33Cocky here and I see a major rock star in front of me and I feel like that's the fantasy. It's this like
00:09:42Retro Renaissance TV rock star and maybe you need a rock star to see that in you
00:09:49touring with a 70s rock band
00:09:51I'm just saying but I mean the coolest thing is that you know your stuff and I would love to help you just
00:09:58Bring it to life on stage at its maximum capacity and just make sure that you're getting everything you want out of this competition
00:10:05And I know I could do that for you
00:10:08Oh, yeah, this is the big decision. What do you think?
00:10:25I'm definitely gonna go with Adam
00:10:37I have so many ideas. Yeah, and I know you do too
00:10:52Hi everybody, I'm Adam. Hi, who is everybody? Hi mom. How are you?
00:10:57Nice to meet you. What's your name? Nice to meet you Janine. Hi
00:11:00So I'm sure you've heard her sing a zillion things so, you know what she can do obviously
00:11:04This wasn't a surprise that she killed it
00:11:09Yes, you are I promise Wow, I don't think I've recovered from that yet
00:11:14Gutted. Yeah, I'm very disappointed in that loss because she was absolutely incredible. I'm so excited. I'll see you soon
00:11:22Yeah, I mean I was selling it not enough obviously
00:11:34Shut up locked Adam
00:11:36People love out of and he's very button happy like girl power on my team. It's gonna be so great. It's okay. It's okay
00:11:43I think Adam's gonna you know, get a little payback a little later for sure
00:11:53Coming up it is probably the first time I've really done something that's a passion for myself
00:11:58Can a singer from a famous family? You've got a famous brother
00:12:04Hit the right call with the coaches. What I mean, that's insane
00:12:10Which artist Wow has Kate seen red
00:12:17Thank you for continuing to interrupt Adam, but you didn't actually turn your chair so I did yeah you did
00:12:23I'm pitching to over here. Don't just fight me
00:12:44Get rid of the shakes, you know, I'm Priscilla Stanley. I'm 25 and I'm from Melbourne. I
00:12:53Am currently a sales consultant and I put my little headset on to pass the time
00:12:57I do sing to customers and I'd use social media to showcase my music. I
00:13:02Have to sing, you know how people brush their teeth I gotta sing soon as I wake up I
00:13:08grew up in Malaysia
00:13:11But I wanted to study music my parents moved to Australia so I can pursue music full-time
00:13:20Auditioning for the voice makes me feel like I'm doing my parents proud
00:13:24You know, we've moved all the way here to do music and I get to be on the voice. There's only one lifetime
00:13:30So make the most of it I'm very very lucky to have really really supportive parents
00:13:38The song I'm doing is battle scars by guy Sebastian. Yeah, I really look up to him. I
00:13:45Am taking a big risk by singing a coach a song
00:13:48Well, I hope that he's gonna like it
00:13:51It's important for me to turn the chair for my parents
00:14:00I feel like I'm giving something back to them and I just want to make them proud
00:14:16Never let a wound ruin me
00:14:23Every hose that never closed from Cupid on a shooting spree feeling stupid because I know there ain't no you and me
00:14:31When you're trying to beat the odds up you're trying to keep your nods up and you know that you should know
00:14:38Trying to write yourself a rifle. Yeah, sharpen up the tanks to fight the drone. So you being alone wish you were the best
00:14:54I'm so you tell me it's over these bad
00:15:10They never gonna change
00:15:21Don't look like they're ever gonna wait they ain't never gonna change
00:15:30These bad
00:16:06Okay, my name is Priscilla I'm 25 and I'm from Melbourne
00:16:13That was really stunning and I think when you started out
00:16:16I don't know
00:16:17Maybe you're a little bit nervous or just took a little bit of time to find your way into this song
00:16:22But then all of a sudden it just opened up and I was just lifted up by that
00:16:27It was you've got a beautiful distinct time. Thank you so much. I appreciate you. Yeah, I mean, I don't know
00:16:34I'm not sure what that song is. I've never heard it before
00:16:39Whatever it was, you know, you've made it your own
00:16:43I can't imagine the original being any better
00:16:47You're amazing
00:16:52Firstly hi. Hi, I follow you
00:16:56I do Priscilla Stanley Priscilla Stanley. I heard you sing something and I might have even messaged you to say Wow
00:17:07It's one song I just never get tired of singing the progression and everything about it just always moves me still
00:17:12yeah, and
00:17:16To hear it see
00:17:22Yeah, so it's done would that help my chances if I if we were to sing it together
00:17:38Can I harmonize with you of course, I'll be your backup singer because it's about you today
00:18:00Change these bad
00:18:20Now are we swapping I really don't think you should just go with the obvious
00:18:24I mean, he's like, oh I'll sing backgrounds with you darling. I mean
00:18:30Come on guy. That's not fair. I come on. I think it did come across a bit desperate
00:18:35I admit I just want to say there's so much more in the tank with you
00:18:40You were doing the most ridiculous runs. Well, that's that's what got me. I would I wasn't totally sold the very
00:18:48Like it gave me all the feels
00:18:53Beautiful I would love you on team guy
00:18:57You've got such a cool vibe I'm actually really sad I didn't turn around I think for me it was a bit of a
00:19:04Lack of confidence that I could hear and I wasn't quite sure if you were ever going to really get there with that confidence
00:19:10You know and that's maybe maybe that's what like what your journey is here is is getting it so that you're clicked in on the first
00:19:17Verse right away, you know what I mean?
00:19:19It's hard. It's it's a it's a skill that takes a while to master especially in a TV studio, you know in front of all these
00:19:24People it's not an easy skill because your voice is crazy. Good. I
00:19:28Would love to work with you. Well, thank you for continuing to interrupt Adam, but you didn't actually turn your chair
00:19:34So I did yeah, you did
00:19:37Yeah, right at the end and don't just fight me you gotta fight
00:19:42I'm pitching to over here. I just want to say that I don't think you're gonna choose Adam. I think it would be weird
00:19:47I think I
00:19:51Think guy would be the obvious safe choice. And I think you're ready now to take a risk and
00:20:00Go to the next level, you know guys been here for six years. He's almost a little bit institutionalized
00:20:06Some people say that I don't but um, so you've heard yeah
00:20:12It's over to you
00:20:23You so much for turning I
00:20:26have to go with my heart and
00:20:30My heart says guy Sebastian
00:20:37I think I was ready for that
00:21:10She killed it she absolutely smashed it
00:21:16Said did you turn at the very last minute? I was like crazy. I was like what?
00:21:21Yeah, it got me. I was like what?
00:21:24There she is. Yeah, beautiful
00:21:28We I tried my best. I tried to leave no stone unturned
00:21:35But it's really hard to go up against guy particularly, you know like a super fan
00:21:39But that doesn't mean I'm gonna give up and I think guy better watch his back
00:21:45We'll see
00:21:46We'll see she might see another side to me as well
00:21:52Watch me do it. I do like to win. It's not always a great character trait
00:22:02You always want to win no question about it when you see an artist that you really love the gloves start to come off
00:22:07Sometimes name-dropping help guys really good at name-dropping Ed Sheeran John Farnham thirsty Merck John Mayer. Do you know who Delta Buddha me?
00:22:15Oh, yeah, we need a broom to like wipe up all of those names that he drops on stage. Watch me do it
00:22:20Biggest competition probably Leanne watch me do it. She's got clout, you know
00:22:26She's got big iconic songs under her belt that we all know and just bring it to the table
00:22:31She's got a lot of talent. She's got a lot of talent
00:22:33She's got big iconic songs under her belt that we all know and just walk walk never talk to talk, you know
00:22:40When she wants someone she goes in hot she can give back as good as she gets
00:22:55Kate brings the claws to a pitch watch me do it. She's not afraid of anybody up on that panel
00:23:01She'll run you over if you're not careful
00:23:03Do it
00:23:05Adam is incredibly persuasive
00:23:08I think he really is a rock guy. And of course, he's got the flex of being the front man of Queen
00:23:14That makes him tough competition. It's been a while since an Aussie one
00:23:19It needs to either go to me or Kate preferably me
00:23:25Don't look handsome
00:23:28Thank you
00:23:30I'm Don Rogers. I'm a crane operator from the Gold Coast
00:23:36It was six months ago that I started to sing for the boys on a construction site one day and now here I am on
00:23:42The voice and it's yeah, it's mind-blowing
00:23:47Always had music as an interest and a passion and a love but coming from the family. I come from
00:23:53Rugby League has been a really big part of our upbringing
00:23:56Our father Steve was a rugby league player and my brother Matt and dad are probably considered amongst the greatest Sharks players of all time
00:24:05Hello. Hey, oh my goodness. I see a familiar face
00:24:09Matty Rogers, how you doing? Just here to support my brother. Oh my goodness, so I can see the family resemblance
00:24:15Yeah, now obviously we all know him Eddie Rogers. Yeah, one of the greatest footballers of all time. Yeah, that's all right
00:24:21You played too. Yeah, I did. Yeah, we played together at the Sharks in 94
00:24:26Yeah, Matt obviously went on with it. No, I got a little bit distracted if you like
00:24:31And I'm sorry, I haven't met the rest of the family, what's your name Jesse Jesse. Hi Jesse. What's your name?
00:24:37We see Moisey. That's so cute. And you're here to support dad who's going to be singing today
00:24:47You've got to have a day off if your dad is singing on the voice, right
00:24:52It wasn't until I guess I stopped playing football that I started to develop my music
00:25:00The first time I sang in front of anybody else was
00:25:06It does seem a little extreme to be starting singing six months ago and now to be here on the voice
00:25:15So new to be in front of people and I do get nervous yeah nerves definitely can't affect my performance
00:25:26You got this brother
00:25:47Think this opportunity does represent me finding my own identity as it done the singer instead of you know
00:25:53Don from the football and family
00:25:58It is probably the first time I've really done something that's a passion for myself, so let's roll the dice
00:26:11Let's go don't go
00:26:35Got the horses in the back
00:26:43Ain't on a horse. You can't rip your Porsche. I've been in the valley. You ain't been up on that porch
00:26:50Can't nobody tell me nothing
00:26:57Hey nobody tell me nothing
00:27:19Damn cross town living like a rock star spend a lot of money on brand new
00:27:50Very good man. What's your name? My name is Don Rogers. I'm a
00:27:54Yeah, 50 year old crane operator from the Gold Coast and yeah here we are
00:28:00John thank God that you look the way you do because
00:28:04We've had such interesting voices on the show every time I turn around thinking I
00:28:09Think I know what this person is gonna look like I'm wrong
00:28:12But you kind of look like what I thought you would thanks God, and I mean that as a compliment
00:28:17You've got such an interesting voice. No. Thanks. I'll tell you the reason personally
00:28:21I didn't turn well
00:28:22I've got to go on is your voice and few moments sounded a little out of breath and things like that so our
00:28:28You've got a famous brother
00:28:38He's the one that encouraged me to you know pull the trigger on my singing and we only started singing six months ago
00:28:43So to be standing on the stage
00:28:49That's amazing
00:28:50What made you start six months ago?
00:28:52I just sang for the boys on a job site that I was working on one day and
00:28:55Encouraged me they're like man. What what are you doing driving a crane? You know do get into your singing and I've started performing now
00:29:01But obviously not stages as big as the race, but yeah, I think yeah nerves definitely played a little part tonight
00:29:06But yeah, yeah, I feel like there's so much for you to expand on which is not a bad thing
00:29:11It's just that kept me from turning around was it intimidating a little bit a little bit nerve-racking backstage
00:29:17But yeah, I'm just excited to be you know yeah, and be able to play for you. It's a real privilege
00:29:22It's like there's not just talent on on one side of the Brotherhood here
00:29:26There's there's a whole other lot of talent over here, and I'm so glad you got to share a good on your map for encouraging him
00:29:34And nice choice with the song that was a very interesting choice the old town road
00:29:37It wouldn't be the normal probably fit for what maybe the kind of artists that you necessarily listen to but that's a nice surprise
00:29:43Yeah, well I sort of figured in that song comes straight out of my head
00:29:47Yeah, I was a little disappointed when the chairs didn't spin nerves maybe got a little bit of a better of me up there tonight hey
00:29:55Hey buddy
00:29:57Many errors got me
00:30:13Nailed it.
00:30:15How many hours got me on it?
00:30:17I'm so proud of you.
00:30:19Thanks David.
00:30:21It's the start, man.
00:30:23Just stand up there and do what you did, mate.
00:30:25Five hours, mate.
00:30:27Who knows, you know, I don't have a crystal ball
00:30:29but I'll keep singing as best I can
00:30:31and that's what it's all about, you know,
00:30:33creating some memories.
00:30:37It was a near-death experience working
00:30:39in the mines in central Queensland.
00:30:41Yeah, it was probably one of the scarier moments
00:30:43of my life, yeah.
00:30:45A miner digs deep.
00:30:47Thankfully it offered
00:30:49me a second chance at life.
00:30:51But will his song turn a chair?
00:30:53Oh my God.
00:30:55Music to me is everything.
00:31:11It's a part of everything.
00:31:13It's become my life.
00:31:15Hi, my name's Brad Butcher.
00:31:17I'm 41 years old and I'm from central Queensland.
00:31:19Music to me is everything.
00:31:25I used to work in the mines.
00:31:27It can be a very dangerous place to work.
00:31:29I was once involved in a pretty
00:31:31unreal accident.
00:31:33I was working on a
00:31:35200-tonne crane.
00:31:37It toppled over and I was underneath it.
00:31:39Um, yeah.
00:31:41I was metres away from
00:31:43death and it was just,
00:31:45you know, it wasn't my time.
00:31:47And thankfully it offered me a second chance
00:31:49at life and to pursue the things that I wanted
00:31:51to do and music was that.
00:31:57When I sing, I think it's the one
00:31:59time you really let everything else go, you know.
00:32:01It's a really nice, happy place.
00:32:03The song I'm singing for my blind
00:32:05audition is I'm On Fire by Bruce Springsteen.
00:32:07There's a bit of pressure around
00:32:09singing a Bruce Springsteen song because
00:32:11most people know it.
00:32:13So I really hope the nerves don't get the better of me.
00:32:17Here we go.
00:32:33Hey little girl
00:32:35Is your daddy home?
00:32:41What a great song.
00:32:49Tell me now, baby, is he good to you?
00:32:51Can he do to you
00:32:53the things that I do?
00:32:57I can take you high
00:33:03I'm on fire
00:33:05Sometimes it's like
00:33:07someone took a knife, baby, edgy
00:33:09and cut a six-inch
00:33:11valley through the middle of my
00:33:17At night I wake up
00:33:19with the sheets soaking wet
00:33:21and a freight train running
00:33:23in the middle of my head
00:33:25Only you
00:33:27are my desire
00:33:33I'm on fire
00:33:39I'm on fire
00:33:45I'm on fire
00:33:57Oh, what a song!
00:34:03What a choice!
00:34:07That was beautiful, wow.
00:34:09Oh, you can take a
00:34:11deep breath now. What's your name?
00:34:13Hello, my name is Brad
00:34:15Butcher and I'm 41. I'm from
00:34:17Rockhampton. Hi, Brad.
00:34:23is this your family?
00:34:25Hi, family. These are my
00:34:27stepkids. This is Katie, Isla and Hudson.
00:34:29Are you so proud of your dad?
00:34:31Yep. Oh my god, you're gonna make
00:34:33me cry. I literally wouldn't be on the stage
00:34:35without them. Oh my god.
00:34:37Love that. That's so sweet.
00:34:39Have you been on stage like this for
00:34:41Is this something you do often?
00:34:43Yeah, I've been a performer for close to 20 years
00:34:45now, whether it be covers or originals
00:34:47It's been a long road to get here though. In my
00:34:49early 20s, I guess, there was a near-death
00:34:51experience working in the mines in central
00:34:53Queensland and it sort of
00:34:55made me question what I wanted to do
00:34:57whether I was happy with the things I was doing at that
00:34:59time. So it set me on this path to be
00:35:01a musician and a songwriter and
00:35:03yeah, here we are.
00:35:07Your voice is so soothing.
00:35:09I really, really enjoyed
00:35:11like, just, it seems so
00:35:13heartfelt when you settled in, you just
00:35:15feel like right at home.
00:35:17And you have that kind of classic
00:35:19country rock and roll
00:35:21like, earthy voice
00:35:23and I would love to bring that out
00:35:25more and you can tell that you just
00:35:27have a big heart and I really, really
00:35:29enjoyed you.
00:35:33So you're Hudson, are you? Hudson,
00:35:35I've got a Hudson.
00:35:37She was named after your Hudson. No way!
00:35:39Absolutely. They're the same name.
00:35:41Yep. Their dad is a big fan
00:35:43of yours. Aww, there you go.
00:35:45And me.
00:35:49That was her motivation for filling out
00:35:51the application to get Brad on.
00:35:53She's like, I want to meet Guy Sebastian.
00:35:55Aww, there you go. She was desperate
00:35:57for a hug. Well,
00:36:01it's great to meet you.
00:36:05We'll do our best.
00:36:07You guys can go back if you like.
00:36:09She's adorable. Nice to meet you, Hudson.
00:36:15She's so excited.
00:36:17So cute.
00:36:19Very sweet. Now, back to you
00:36:21Brad, let's get back to you.
00:36:23I very rarely turn
00:36:25that quickly, you know, I think it's
00:36:27a credit to you
00:36:29to make coaches turn when it was
00:36:31just the verse, you know, you didn't even get
00:36:33to the chorus or anything. I only
00:36:35needed, to be honest, to hear like two
00:36:37lines to know I was listening to
00:36:39someone who had lived.
00:36:41It's weird, you can just tell that in your voice.
00:36:43It's a storytelling voice
00:36:45and it seems like you're somebody who
00:36:47has come through something and
00:36:49realised that life is for living
00:36:51and I'm excited about you.
00:36:53I would love you on Team Guy.
00:36:57So you've been a touring musician
00:36:59for 20 years or so.
00:37:01I was about 23, 24 when I started playing
00:37:03or performing gigs. I actually think there's something
00:37:05about your
00:37:07presence, your essence
00:37:09that is, and
00:37:11don't take this the wrong way, but your age
00:37:13gives you this gravitas, actually.
00:37:15It's that lived in, it's that beautiful
00:37:17comfortable, worn leather
00:37:19shoe, you know, and
00:37:21I feel safe inside
00:37:23your shoe.
00:37:25That's a first.
00:37:27I think there's something really special
00:37:29about what you do and I'd love to
00:37:31explore it more if you would care to join my team.
00:37:35Your voice sounds so clear.
00:37:37It's so, I loved listening
00:37:39to you sing because it was like
00:37:41I could get every word.
00:37:43It was so simple.
00:37:45Storytelling, yeah.
00:37:47Crispy is the best
00:37:49word I can put. Sometimes in the studio
00:37:51they crank up certain knobs
00:37:53and stuff to give singers that sound, but you
00:37:55actually just have it naturally. It's such
00:37:57a lovely intimacy
00:37:59that you create for the listener.
00:38:01Thank you very much. Really, really nice.
00:38:03I would love to work with you. Thank you.
00:38:05Everyone pitched?
00:38:07Everyone happy? I would love you on my team.
00:38:11Four chair turn.
00:38:13I'm also from Queensland, I should just
00:38:15point out, originally.
00:38:25Lianne is mine.
00:38:27The girls are gonna kill
00:38:29me, guy, but I'm gonna have to go with Lianne.
00:38:39I'm so excited.
00:38:41It's so nice to meet you.
00:38:43Oh, yes.
00:38:47Good to meet you.
00:38:53I think that was kind of a done deal
00:38:55from the start, right? It felt great.
00:38:57I didn't pitch that hard because I was like...
00:38:59Then he said the girls were fans, I thought I was a shoe-in.
00:39:01Yeah, that's true. And they named one of
00:39:03their kids after your kid. I know.
00:39:05I got a bit kind of relaxed
00:39:07with that. Never relax.
00:39:09Hi, family!
00:39:13Yeah, the girls are gonna kick me for that one, for not choosing
00:39:15guy, but I had to go with my gut
00:39:17and I think my genre
00:39:19being that singer-songwriter, alternate country
00:39:21world, I think Lianne's
00:39:23the pick for me. So, really excited to see
00:39:25what we can do. You're so sweet.
00:39:27You're so proud of him. Tears in your eyes.
00:39:29You did good. And you got your hope.
00:39:31I even held back on a joke.
00:39:33I was gonna say, Brad Butcher, you carved that up.
00:39:35But I was like, no need.
00:39:37The kids are fans. That would have clinched it.
00:39:39Definitely. Keep those puns
00:39:41coming. Yeah.
00:39:43I'm excited to explore the
00:39:45stories that we want to tell together because I think
00:39:47he's really got that kind of rich
00:39:49storytelling soul.
00:39:51I'm all about telling a great story. I have been my
00:39:53whole career and so to have people on my team
00:39:55that are
00:39:57able to kind of dig into a great story
00:39:59I think is what is
00:40:01gonna be really fun for me.
00:40:05A divorced dance mom
00:40:07shocks everyone.
00:40:11Are you prepared?
00:40:13Just strap yourself in. And later.
00:40:15I'm so used to singing on camera.
00:40:17I have never sung on a stage.
00:40:19It's terrifying.
00:40:21Time is up. I feel like those
00:40:23red chairs are starting to haunt me.
00:40:25For a TikTok
00:40:29What was that? I don't know. I'm not really sure.
00:40:31I'm a nervous wreck.
00:40:33You have to
00:40:45remember your motto.
00:40:47Don't fall up the stairs.
00:40:49Living the hell
00:40:51out of luck. There we go.
00:40:53Okay. My name is Chantel
00:40:55Fleming but everybody knows me as Shani.
00:40:57What's on your shirt? Yes.
00:40:59Dreams don't have deadlines.
00:41:01Dreams don't have deadlines because I'm
00:41:03living the hell out of life.
00:41:05I started ballet at 45.
00:41:07Like seriously, why not?
00:41:09I've done tap and I've done hip hop
00:41:11and I've done jazz. It's all about
00:41:13just get in there and give it a go.
00:41:15This is what I want to do. I'm gonna do it.
00:41:19has that
00:41:21moment when
00:41:23you wake up one morning and you think, well, that's
00:41:25not what I had planned.
00:41:29marriage was no longer.
00:41:33I was not living
00:41:35behind somebody anymore
00:41:37and helping them achieve
00:41:39their goals.
00:41:41I woke up one day
00:41:43and I mattered.
00:41:45I had
00:41:47purpose and I had resolve
00:41:49and it was like, okay,
00:41:51alright, well, let's do this.
00:41:53The song I'm singing
00:41:55today is Born This Way, Lady Gaga.
00:41:59I thought it would showcase
00:42:01my personality.
00:42:03I'm a self-taught
00:42:05karaoke bred
00:42:09singing performer.
00:42:11I'm not a
00:42:13singing kettle. I don't do all of the runs
00:42:15and everything else. It's very raw.
00:42:17I like to think I'm very real.
00:42:23Are you prepared?
00:42:25Like, just strap yourself in. Buckle up.
00:42:41I'm beautiful
00:42:43in my way.
00:42:45So God makes no
00:42:49I'm on the right
00:42:51track, baby.
00:42:53I was born
00:42:55this way.
00:42:59To me, when I was young
00:43:01we're all born
00:43:05Draw my hair
00:43:07and put my lipstick on.
00:43:09In the glass of
00:43:11bourbon twine.
00:43:13There's nothing wrong
00:43:15with loving who you are
00:43:17cause he makes you perfect,
00:43:21Hold your head up, girl,
00:43:23and you'll go far.
00:43:25Listen to me when I say
00:43:27I'm beautiful
00:43:29in my way. So God makes
00:43:31no mistakes. I'm on the right
00:43:33track, baby. I was born
00:43:35this way. Don't hide yourself
00:43:37in regret. Love yourself
00:43:39and your set. I'm on the right
00:43:41track, baby. I was born
00:43:43this way.
00:43:49Baby, I was born this way.
00:43:51Born this way.
00:43:53I'm on the right track, baby.
00:43:55I was born this way.
00:43:57Born this way.
00:44:09Hello, welcome!
00:44:11What's your name? My name is Shoni.
00:44:13I'm 51 and I'm from the
00:44:15affirmative capital of the world.
00:44:19I love it. Look, that was so fun to listen to.
00:44:24What's... Is anything written on your shirt?
00:44:26What is that?
00:44:28Oh, yes. I love that.
00:44:30I'm living the hell out of life right now, so yes, this is me.
00:44:36That's wonderful.
00:44:38So what do you get up to when you're not singing?
00:44:40I'm a wearer of many hats.
00:44:42I'm the very proud dance mum of my baby girl over there.
00:44:46Oh, wow.
00:44:48I do some MC work, I do some hosting work.
00:44:52Yeah, I'm a menace of life.
00:44:55That's brilliant. I love your energy.
00:44:58I think it's fantastic.
00:44:59We could tell you had a lot of exuberance,
00:45:02but with the song, the beginning is so exposed
00:45:06and you need to really come out swinging at the very, very top
00:45:10and I felt that you just weren't quite sitting in the middle of the note.
00:45:13That's why I didn't turn, but I really enjoyed it.
00:45:16Thank you. Thank you so much.
00:45:20Good song choice. Really good.
00:45:22I mean, I was, like, floating over my button
00:45:24because I live for this song, you know?
00:45:26It's got such a great message, it's got great positivity
00:45:29and I could tell you love it.
00:45:32I could feel that.
00:45:34So it was hard to resist.
00:45:35It was very hard to resist,
00:45:36but I have something very specific in mind that I'm looking for
00:45:39and this didn't quite fit my fantasy today,
00:45:41but you really took me back to, like...
00:45:43I can be your fantasy another day.
00:45:50You're going to be my fantasy every day.
00:45:52Dance mama.
00:45:53But thank you for coming out here
00:45:55and, like, filling our hearts with song.
00:45:57You're welcome.
00:46:01What a ray of sunshine you are.
00:46:03You've obviously got a bit of a crew of support over there.
00:46:06Oh, yeah.
00:46:07That's the Menace Pack.
00:46:09They are living the hell out of life.
00:46:11Well, that's how it should be lived.
00:46:13It's infectious.
00:46:14I've caught it in this very short time,
00:46:16so thank you for that.
00:46:17You're very welcome.
00:46:19But dance mum, I heard.
00:46:21So talk me through that.
00:46:22You've come all dressed up as a dancer.
00:46:25What's your name?
00:46:28Is she a good dance mum?
00:46:29She's really good.
00:46:30She's good.
00:46:31Do you dance too?
00:46:33Should we see some moves from mom and daughter,
00:46:35like, just to get it going?
00:46:37Oh, yes.
00:46:42Should we give them a beat?
00:46:44Give them a beat.
00:46:46Come on.
00:46:56That's shorty.
00:47:06Can I just say, I am so grateful.
00:47:08Man, nothing but gratitude.
00:47:09So, yeah.
00:47:10Have fun, babes.
00:47:13Nice to meet you.
00:47:14Thank you so much.
00:47:16Thanks, guys.
00:47:18Oh, God.
00:47:19Oh, my gosh.
00:47:20Oh, my God.
00:47:25My God.
00:47:28That's how it's done.
00:47:31Good catch.
00:47:32Good catch.
00:47:41You did it.
00:47:42You did it.
00:47:45That was almost a crutches moment.
00:47:47I just, I was like, oh, my God,
00:47:49I'm about to watch someone break their leg.
00:47:51I mean, that was going to go hairshake.
00:47:53She recovered.
00:47:54She recovered.
00:47:55Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:47:56What a great attitude.
00:47:57Oh, my God.
00:48:00This is a game-changer for me, absolutely.
00:48:02..a devoted youth worker wows Adam with his sense of style.
00:48:07You're wearing Crocs!
00:48:08Oh, yeah, yeah, the Crocs.
00:48:10Got to croc and roll, guys.
00:48:11Croc and roll!
00:48:12Got to croc and roll.
00:48:13Before bringing out the fighter in Kate.
00:48:16I would try and find that world for you.
00:48:18I feel like I would not want to make you a clone of Post Malone.
00:48:22I think...
00:48:24Spicing up. should be your own self.
00:48:40Oh, they're like this.
00:48:44Are you blushing, I'm showing my ankle?
00:48:48I think my heels might be bigger.
00:48:50Than those?
00:48:52I don't know how you do that.
00:48:53I think my heels are taller than yours.
00:48:55Yeah, I think so.
00:48:56I'm not joking.
00:48:57This is genuinely the first year ever that I've worn heels.
00:49:01Like, I don't know how you do that.
00:49:03I think my heels are taller than yours.
00:49:05Yeah, I think so.
00:49:06I'm not joking.
00:49:07That I've worn heels.
00:49:08Like, I thought that was a big deal, right?
00:49:12And then I come and I see Leigh-Anne and Adam's shoes.
00:49:15I'm like...
00:49:16This isn't even that high.
00:49:17This is just like a hiking boot, really.
00:49:19That's a hiking boot for you, yes.
00:49:20I think they're also work-safe boots.
00:49:23Yeah, yeah.
00:49:24They're like fancy blundstones.
00:49:29Finally being here at The Voice is literally a dream come true.
00:49:34I remember watching this show when I was a kid
00:49:36and just thinking that it's not the sort of thing
00:49:38I could ever actually get onto or experience.
00:49:47Growing up, I was a bit of a loose sort of feral child, really.
00:49:50As a teen, I didn't really know any better.
00:49:52I started going down a pretty bad path.
00:49:56I didn't always have the best role models.
00:49:58I had some not-so-great father figures in my life.
00:50:06One of the really major things that happened was
00:50:08I was part of a music workshop that came through my high school
00:50:11and it was the first time I was able to discover
00:50:15that I had an ability for singing
00:50:17and it enabled me to sort of build my confidence over those years
00:50:20and I became a mentor in the same music program that saved me.
00:50:29Meeting Jenna definitely gave me a safe space
00:50:32and I think she's just always loved me for me.
00:50:37She's my biggest number one fan. I love her so much.
00:50:41And somehow she wrangled herself, classic Jenna,
00:50:44into a position where she's now on the show as well.
00:50:47So you're both auditioning today?
00:50:51It's always been my dream to audition. I love singing.
00:50:53Jenna's an incredible singer as well
00:50:55and I've just always supported, you know, everything that she wants to do.
00:50:58So I've just always wanted to encourage her to come along
00:51:00and be part of it as well. And now we're here.
00:51:02So, OK.
00:51:04So here's the weird thing, right.
00:51:06So if you go first, you're off. Yeah.
00:51:08Jenna, you're not going to know what happens
00:51:10because you'll still be backstage.
00:51:13Well, because I'm his supporter.
00:51:15I'm one of his biggest supporters. Biggest fan.
00:51:17No offence, you guys. Biggest fan.
00:51:19And I want to see the actual performance
00:51:21but I've duped myself because I'm performing too
00:51:23so I have to stay backstage. Yeah.
00:51:25Searching out for something
00:51:27Finding my way
00:51:31This is a game changer for me, absolutely.
00:51:33Hoping that tomorrow's better than today
00:51:37If I can come out here and make an impact
00:51:40that would just be such an inspiration.
00:51:42Three, two, one, go on.
00:51:55Woo! Go Yorkie!
00:51:57Go Yorkie!
00:51:59Yeah, Yorkie! Woohoo!
00:52:01Yeah, yeah.
00:52:13Step one, you say we need to talk
00:52:17She walks, you say sit down
00:52:20It's just a talk
00:52:22She smiles politely back at you
00:52:26You stare politely right on through
00:52:30I'm sort of in love too
00:52:33You're right, ego is left
00:52:36And you stay right between the lines
00:52:40Of fear and blame
00:52:42You begin to wonder
00:52:44Why you came when did I go wrong?
00:52:48I lost a friend somewhere
00:52:51Alone in the bitterness
00:52:53And I would've stayed on with you all night
00:52:58And I'd learn how to save a life
00:53:01When did I go wrong?
00:53:04I lost a friend somewhere
00:53:07Alone in the bitterness
00:53:09And I would've stayed on with you all night
00:53:14And I'd learn how to save a life
00:53:20Yes, York!
00:53:24How to save a life
00:53:30Yes, Yorkie!
00:53:32Yes, York!
00:53:34Oh my God!
00:53:38Hey man, how are you?
00:53:40I'm good, hey, how you going?
00:53:42My name's York, I'm 29
00:53:44And I'm from Port Pirie, South Australia
00:53:47Living here in Sydney right now
00:53:49I love your haircut, that's wild
00:53:51I love yours too, thank you
00:53:52And you're wearing Crocs!
00:53:54Oh yeah, yeah, Crocs
00:53:56We've got a Croc and roll, guys
00:53:57Croc and roll!
00:53:58We've got a Croc and roll
00:53:59I mean, I know, there's a thunderstorm outside
00:54:01So, you know, it's appropriate
00:54:02You didn't want to get your shoes wet
00:54:03Crocs are back in as well
00:54:04Exactly, exactly
00:54:06Croc and roll!
00:54:08Oh no, I can't believe you said that
00:54:10I know I didn't turn my chair
00:54:11It was so hard, I was so close so many times
00:54:13Because I loved the tone of your voice
00:54:15But it started feeling like it was an effort to get there
00:54:20But getting to meet you right now
00:54:22You are such a nice guy
00:54:23Thank you
00:54:24I really like this personality
00:54:26I think you are charming and warm
00:54:28Thank you, man
00:54:29And colourful, energy
00:54:30Thank you
00:54:31I'm rooting for you
00:54:32Thanks, man
00:54:35I love the rasp in your voice
00:54:37It's great, the tone of your voice is really cool
00:54:40There were some pitchy moments for me
00:54:42That I think kept me from turning around
00:54:44But there's definitely great talent
00:54:46And do you get on stage very often?
00:54:48I mean, I sort of busk around
00:54:50And I move with my partner up to New South Wales
00:54:53To keep pursuing and take it to the next level
00:54:55Well, this is the next level
00:54:56So, I'm so happy
00:54:57Definitely the next level
00:54:58This is, whoa, going on right now
00:55:00I'm so happy you're here, yeah
00:55:02Thank you so much
00:55:03York, do you know what I love about that?
00:55:05It was so interesting that it took me a second
00:55:07To absorb the beauty in it
00:55:09But I turned because I want to take a risk
00:55:11On something that I think is unique
00:55:13And for me, you've got this real humility
00:55:16And groundedness about you
00:55:18And you remind me a little bit
00:55:19About what makes Post Malone special
00:55:21Beyond just being kind of the nicest guy in the world
00:55:23So good
00:55:24He's also just so raw and honest
00:55:27But it's teamed with really kind of
00:55:30Universally understandable songs
00:55:33That are hooky as hell
00:55:35I would try and find that world for you
00:55:37To make it something that doesn't get lost
00:55:39In a mix of something
00:55:41I feel like I would not want to make you a clone
00:55:43Of Post Malone
00:55:45I think you should be your own
00:55:47Ooh, I like it
00:55:51Kate's really competitive, by the way
00:55:53So, you know, you have a
00:55:55Spice it up
00:55:57I think as a storyteller in you
00:56:00Your vocal tone is really special
00:56:03And it's really emotive
00:56:05And you can convey a whole range of emotions with it
00:56:07So what I will do with you
00:56:09When we work together
00:56:13I think
00:56:15Something that I think would be really exciting
00:56:17Is to take songs that you love
00:56:19Strip things back
00:56:21And reinvent songs through the lens
00:56:23Of you and your persona
00:56:25I just want to hear more
00:56:27I just want to hear you sing something else
00:56:29Thank you so much
00:56:31Thank you, Kate
00:56:33You're fantastic, York
00:56:35And it's decision time
00:56:37Thank you
00:56:39This is a super incredible opportunity
00:56:41Obviously, so good to meet you guys
00:56:47This is
00:56:51Who should I go with?
00:56:55Who should it be?
00:57:03Guy, thank you so much
00:57:05I think I have to go with Kate, though
00:57:09Well done
00:57:11You guys have been great
00:57:13Thank you so much
00:57:15Totally nailed it
00:57:17Awesome, awesome job
00:57:19Great stuff
00:57:25He seems like a lot of fun
00:57:27Yeah, I think so
00:57:29Sorry about that guy, but, you know
00:57:31It's gotta be done
00:57:33Oh, yeah
00:57:37Good luck, baby
00:57:39I love you
00:57:41Let's get to friends and family
00:57:43So you can support Jenna from side to side
00:57:49You did it
00:57:53She's got no idea
00:57:55Fingers crossed for Jenna
00:58:01Honestly, I'm so used to singing on camera
00:58:03But I have never sung on a stage
00:58:05It's terrifying
00:58:09I'm Jenna
00:58:11And I'm known as Jenna with the pink on TikTok
00:58:19When I first started TikTok
00:58:21I would have young girls message me
00:58:23Almost on a daily basis
00:58:25Asking me questions about friendships
00:58:27And body image issues
00:58:29I just felt this calling inside of me
00:58:31To help them in some way
00:58:33And I really just started making videos
00:58:35Talking about periods on the internet
00:58:37And honestly went crazy viral
00:58:39And have not looked back since
00:58:47I can't say I've ever sung professionally
00:58:49And this is a big song I'm singing
00:58:51It just gives me butterflies
00:58:53To even think about it
00:58:55I feel like those red chairs
00:58:57Are starting to haunt me
00:59:01The fact that they're going to be right there
00:59:03I'm not going to be able to see them
00:59:05They're not going to be able to see me
00:59:11And I have to prove it with my voice
00:59:13To get them to turn
00:59:19What was that?
00:59:21I don't know, I'm not really sure
00:59:23I'm a nervous wreck
00:59:27I'm a nervous wreck
00:59:39If I don't turn a chair
00:59:41It would really suck
00:59:43This is a big deal
00:59:45And I have to prove
00:59:47I'm not just a TikToker
00:59:49I can sing
00:59:51I'm a nervous wreck
00:59:57I'm a nervous wreck
00:59:59What was that?
01:00:01I'm not really sure
01:00:03Look at her, she's got you
01:00:17Oh I love this song
01:00:19So much
01:00:27I like you
01:00:29The way you are
01:00:31When we're driving
01:00:33In your car
01:00:35And you're talking
01:00:37To me
01:00:39One on one
01:00:41But you've become
01:00:43Somebody else
01:00:45Around everyone else
01:00:47You're watching your back
01:00:49Like you can't relax
01:00:51You're trying to be cool
01:00:53You look like a fool
01:00:55Look at me
01:00:57And tell me
01:01:01Go and make things
01:01:03So complicated
01:01:07I see the way
01:01:09You're acting like somebody else
01:01:11Getting me frustrated
01:01:15And life's like this
01:01:17You and your phone
01:01:19And your crew and your brain
01:01:21And you take what you get
01:01:23And you turn it into
01:01:27And promise me
01:01:29I'm never gonna find you
01:01:33Oh no
01:01:37Yes, yes, yes, yes
01:01:47That was great
01:01:49Oh my goodness
01:01:57I believe you guys maybe just met my boyfriend
01:01:59Don't tell me you're from Porphyria as well
01:02:01Don't talk about me
01:02:03What's the relationship here?
01:02:05Okay, so I'm Jenna, I'm 26
01:02:07And this is my boyfriend
01:02:09No way
01:02:13That's incredible
01:02:15And yeah, I can't believe I'm here right now
01:02:17Thank you guys so much for tuning
01:02:21Thank you
01:02:23So did you guys meet through music?
01:02:25Jörg used to be like a salesman
01:02:27And he was like, in shopping centres
01:02:29I don't know if you guys know, but like in shopping centres
01:02:31Sometimes people that bug you to like
01:02:33Buy charity from them
01:02:35That was Jörg, he was actually really good at it
01:02:37I could see him being great at that
01:02:39So I was walking past and he says
01:02:41Can I ask you a question?
01:02:43And I sing back to him
01:02:45No you can't
01:02:49Our first meeting ever was
01:02:51We sung to each other, which
01:02:53Is a little bit cute
01:02:55Amazing story
01:02:57How long have you been together?
01:02:59We've been together 6 years
01:03:01Oh wow, that's a long time
01:03:03And I don't know, but I'm getting a little bit impatient
01:03:07So enough about him
01:03:09Look, that was really sweet
01:03:11I think your voice
01:03:13Has a really interesting
01:03:15Mysterial, pure quality
01:03:17To it, which I love
01:03:19But the thing I loved the most was
01:03:21How you totally reinvented that song
01:03:23I thought I was sick of that song
01:03:25Till I heard your version
01:03:27Oh my gosh, Kate, thank you
01:03:29Honestly, you took the melody
01:03:31Some really interesting places as well
01:03:33You really made that song
01:03:35That was him, honestly
01:03:37He worked on that song with me
01:03:39You should have seen us in the kitchen
01:03:41Him and me, every single day, singing our songs
01:03:43And yeah, he was my surrogate coach
01:03:45Before being here
01:03:47Thanks baby
01:03:51I think that the three of us
01:03:53We could make a dream team
01:03:55I mean
01:03:57Your boyfriend's already on my team
01:03:59So it's just
01:04:01It'll just be more convenient
01:04:03Like you
01:04:05Can just come in together, you know
01:04:07York, do you think maybe you helped her a bit too much
01:04:09Now that you guys are competing
01:04:11Way too much, I'm regretting it big time
01:04:13You stitched yourself up, York
01:04:15Would you say you're a bit of a
01:04:17A bit of a rock chick
01:04:19A little bit of a rebel
01:04:21I feel like I've got a little bit of that within me
01:04:23But I'm like
01:04:25I make TikTok videos, right
01:04:27And my fans are young girls
01:04:29And I try and be a good role model
01:04:31Thank you
01:04:33But guy, I feel like
01:04:35The music might bring out a little bit of the sass in me
01:04:37So I think I've got a little rock chick
01:04:39That's ready to come out
01:04:41That makes total sense
01:04:43Your voice is really beautiful
01:04:45Thank you
01:04:47And the added
01:04:49Beautiful layer is that
01:04:51You've got such a great message
01:04:53To your followers and your fans
01:04:55You know, like it's such a positive message
01:04:57And that's a gift, that's really cool
01:04:59I would love you on team, guy
01:05:01I think you're fantastic
01:05:03I love that, thanks guy, thank you
01:05:07Very cool
01:05:09I think the element of surprise is really important
01:05:11On a show like this, you know
01:05:13Because we hear a lot of covers
01:05:15And it's really common for people to start imitating
01:05:17The original singer
01:05:19But what was so brilliant, obviously, is that you did that in your own way
01:05:21And it made me lean in
01:05:23And listen to the words
01:05:25And your voice has such an immediacy to it
01:05:27It made me feel like I was listening
01:05:29To something recorded
01:05:31Which is a great compliment
01:05:33You know, it felt like you were in my earbuds
01:05:35And that's not an easy thing to do
01:05:37Especially in a live setting
01:05:39So I would love to work with you
01:05:41I loved it
01:05:43That's amazing feedback, thank you so much
01:05:45Thank you
01:05:47I loved listening to you
01:05:49And what made me turn around was
01:05:51Some of the runs at the end
01:05:53Like you could really start to hear you come out
01:05:55And there were some really interesting melody choices
01:05:57And when that song started and it wasn't up-tempo
01:05:59I was like, oh that's rad
01:06:01Like that's super cool
01:06:03I'm kind of one of those people, I've covered a lot of material
01:06:05In my 30 years of being in this business
01:06:07And you're always looking for the angle to make it your own
01:06:09You seem to have a really good idea
01:06:11Of who you are
01:06:13And what you want to say
01:06:15And I do see those positive messages
01:06:17Like blending over into
01:06:19The music you want to create
01:06:21And I would love to have you on Team Leanne
01:06:23Thank you, amazing feedback, thank you
01:06:25Thank you
01:06:27This is
01:06:29This is intense guys, honestly
01:06:31I wasn't even sure
01:06:33That I'd turn one chance
01:06:35You guys, what do you think?
01:06:37I don't know
01:06:39Team Kate
01:06:41Just saying
01:06:47Yeah, thanks
01:06:51This, oh
01:07:01This is the point
01:07:07This is the point
01:07:17This is intense guys, honestly
01:07:19You guys, what do you think?
01:07:21I don't know, they're all so good
01:07:25I would love to work with you
01:07:27I would love to have you on Team Leanne
01:07:29Kate, just saying
01:07:31Let me help, you don't need much
01:07:39Okay, there's a few really important things here
01:07:41I love the idea of family
01:07:43Like my family is my everything to me
01:07:45And I just want to say
01:07:51Kate, let's make a family happen
01:07:53Let's do it Kate
01:07:55I want to be with you all
01:07:59Thank you so much
01:08:01Oh, I love you
01:08:03Thank you
01:08:05Oh, look at her
01:08:07Oh my god, I just love them so much
01:08:09So sweet
01:08:11Oh, so good, both of you
01:08:19That was a good one
01:08:21Yeah, she's great
01:08:23She's good, she's polished
01:08:25I love their love, they're so sweet together
01:08:27And they so fit with each other
01:08:29You just see two people who totally fit together
01:08:35Can you believe that?
01:08:37Can you believe it?
01:08:39How many did you send?
01:08:4350% of that
01:08:45You literally did it
01:08:47You're going to ruin my eyeliner
01:08:49This has been so fun
01:08:51You were amazing
01:08:53Was I?
01:08:55You were
01:08:57And he watched you
01:08:59I chose Kate
01:09:01I didn't know who to pick
01:09:03I felt too overwhelmed
01:09:05I think we're both on Kate
01:09:07I love Kate though, her voice is incredible
01:09:11Look, I'm stoked with Jenna and Fjork
01:09:13I'm totally thrilled about it
01:09:15I just couldn't stand
01:09:17losing to Guy again
01:09:19or to Adam
01:09:21I just couldn't
01:09:23I couldn't hack it
01:09:25Girlfriend, boyfriend, they both sing
01:09:27They're both absolutely lovely
01:09:29I think that's amazing
01:09:31What are the chances?
01:09:33The only issue being that you can only have one
01:09:35in the grand final
01:09:39I might have to do some relationship
01:09:43As week one
01:09:45of the Blind Auditions wraps up
01:09:47Jenna becomes the fourth artist
01:09:49to join Kate's team
01:09:51Which means Kate has eight places
01:09:53left to fill
01:09:55Guy's team has five members
01:09:57Adam has four artists on his team
01:09:59While Leanne has three
01:10:01Leaving her with nine spots still available
01:10:03And there's much more to come
01:10:05as the blinds continue
01:10:07It's a battle royale
01:10:09as the artists fight
01:10:11to impress
01:10:13I'm a professional wrestler
01:10:15I'm a karate world champion
01:10:17The gloves and the shoes
01:10:19Come off
01:10:21I threw my shoe at you
01:10:23My shoe is in the ring too
01:10:25What is happening?
01:10:27You have to decide whether you'd like a coach that's a follower
01:10:29or a leader
01:10:31More amazing artists
01:10:35That was insane
01:10:37I felt like I was listening to an angel
01:10:39What you did was even more powerful than you realised
01:10:41Your voice gave me goosebumps
01:10:45I have never heard a vocal tone like that
01:10:47in my life
01:10:49I just completely lost my shit over here
01:10:51Have the coaches clamouring
01:10:53and pitching their hearts out
01:10:55You're the voice that I've been looking for
01:10:57on my team
01:10:59I need you
01:11:01Come on it's a no brainer like you belong on my team
01:11:03I'm viciously hungry to have you on my team
01:11:07Let's have fun
01:11:09Using every weapon at their disposal
01:11:11I'm so badly wanting to hit this Leanne
01:11:13Don't you dare do it
01:11:15Oh damn
01:11:17I'm just joking I have no respect
01:11:19Guy Sebastian
01:11:21And then I got to sing with Queen
01:11:25You got to sing with Queen I never heard that before
01:11:31Leanne's just blocked Guy
01:11:33Oh shit
01:11:35To build the teams of their dreams
01:11:37You had me in the palm of your hand
01:11:39That is like a perfect voice
01:11:41You have everything
01:11:45I think this is the best talent
01:11:47we've ever had on The Voice
01:11:49The stakes are getting higher
01:11:51with every turn
01:11:53I think you could win
01:11:55this whole competition