• last year


00:00I got this.
00:09Conquer it.
00:11To create in you again.
00:14You give my sister back her hope...
00:18and I make sure she gets married.
00:22It's very bad from your side that you want to marry me to your sister,
00:25but it's better that you don't intervene in this.
00:28I don't think Aurora ever wants to marry me.
00:31Don't lose faith.
00:34My sister loves you, but you're not the only one.
00:37Julio Cesar told me he loves her and he'll fight for her.
00:39Yes, I know.
00:41But we'd better keep our distance.
00:45I don't want to hurt her.
00:48Excuse me.
00:54You two are stupid.
00:57You're going to break up.
01:06I'm at the office.
01:10I'll be waiting for you.
01:20I can't even take my family to the beach on vacation.
01:23I can't even take someone to travel the world.
01:26Well, maybe one day.
01:30If you set your mind to it, you can do it.
01:33I did it.
01:34And how did that go?
01:37My mom and I didn't have any money.
01:42We lived in a neighborhood for many years
01:44and my dad was very aggressive with my mom.
01:50He'd hit her often.
01:53Do you know who my mom is?
01:55How would I know?
01:56If my mom had heard you, she'd have fainted.
01:59It's Patricia Gil.
02:03Who's Patricia Gil?
02:07Thank God you don't know her.
02:09She's supposed to be a very famous actress.
02:14I can't believe it.
02:16Good evening.
02:19Good evening.
02:22My mom's not an actress, but she's the best mom in the world.
02:27She has a very handsome son.
02:29And he's very simple.
02:30Yes, my Angel is very handsome.
02:33I'm sorry I can't stay any longer,
02:35but I have to go.
02:37Don't worry.
02:38This is your house whenever you want.
02:41Thank you very much.
02:42Excuse me.
02:43I'll walk you out.
02:46You didn't finish telling me your story.
02:49You told me your mom hit you.
02:51Did I say that?
02:53We'll talk about it later.
02:55Now we have a reason to meet again.
02:59Thank you for dinner.
03:00I'll walk you to your car.
03:15Just the man you saw leave was Detective Esteban Rocha.
03:20He's been working with me for years in an association.
03:24And he's also been looking for my son Gabriel.
03:28And of course they didn't give any sign of his whereabouts.
03:32No, not about Gabriel.
03:35But he found a child in the north of the country.
03:38Identical, identical.
03:40And for a moment we thought he could be Gabriel's son.
03:45And what happened?
03:46We found the child's mother through the association
03:50and we gave him back to her.
03:53Don't be sad.
03:55I'm sure he'll turn up.
03:58What if he doesn't turn up?
04:00What if he's dead and I'm only hurting myself
04:04because I don't accept reality?
04:08You're doing everything humanly possible to find him.
04:12Don't be so hard on yourself.
04:14No, maybe I'm not doing enough.
04:18I'm desperate.
04:21The years go by, nothing happens, everything is useless.
04:26Calm down, calm down, really.
04:29Don't fall into despair and above all,
04:32don't lose faith.
04:35I hate my father, Julio Cesar.
04:39I hate my father, Julio Cesar.
04:43I hate him so much.
04:53Even though my father repented in his last moments,
04:59he couldn't tell me anything.
05:02And this pain is still as if it were yesterday.
05:06I don't want to see this painting again.
05:09I don't know why I have this painting here.
05:11Get rid of it, Carmelita!
05:13Okay, okay.
05:14Get rid of it!
05:15Okay, okay.
05:16I don't want to see it.
05:18Get rid of it so you can feel much calmer.
05:22You know you can count on me, right?
05:33Me too.
05:34He doesn't drink, does he?
05:35No, he does.
05:36He does, but he drinks a lot of medicine.
05:40Look at him.
05:41He looks so good.
05:42He looks so bad.
05:43Calm down.
05:44Wait, wait.
05:45Sit down, sit down.
05:46Where are you coming from?
05:47Where are you coming from?
05:48Where are you coming from?
05:49I'll be right back.
05:50I'm coming, I'm coming.
05:51Look at him.
05:52He's so drunk.
05:53He's so drunk.
05:54He's so drunk.
05:55He's so drunk.
05:56Cassandra, what's going on?
05:59Oh, Mrs. Espe.
06:05We're partners in the same pain.
06:08Jess sent me with Briana to get rid of me
06:11and I can't do it with so much debt.
06:13Well, I have the solution to your problem.
06:15Come, come, come.
06:17Don't you want a cigarette?
06:22What are you doing here?
06:23We're sharing pain with Mrs. Perita.
06:28There you go, suck it, suck it.
06:29There you go.
06:30And who is this Chavito?
06:34You can ask later.
06:35Let's go.
06:36Let's see.
06:37Yes, no.
06:38How do you say it?
06:41Come on.
06:42Come on.
06:43Come on.
06:44I'm sorry, but I've had enough.
06:48Let's see, like this?
06:54Don't touch it, I'll bring the keys.
06:57Where are you coming from?
06:58I was with Briana.
06:59You didn't tell me you were coming.
07:03Don't tell me you have another surprise for me.
07:05Elena, where were you with Briana?
07:07All right, come in.
07:28Oh, Demiancito, Elena, I didn't know you were together.
07:32Come in.
07:33No, we weren't together.
07:34No, we met here outside.
07:37How are you, Patricia?
07:39As if I were reborn.
07:41I'm ready to live and resume my career to the fullest.
07:46Hey, don't you need a famous model
07:49for some campaign for elegant women?
07:52No, no, not at the moment.
07:55I think the company would like to have a face
07:58that is as beautiful and recognized as mine.
08:02Well, I came to see my father.
08:05That's why I didn't tell you anything.
08:08Your father?
08:11Yes, my father.
08:14I know he lives here with you, Patricia.
08:22No, I went to see that lady I told you about.
08:25They almost caught us.
08:26So, are you with a hot lady or not?
08:29Well, I already told you no.
08:32No, it couldn't have been because I went to the bathroom.
08:39Your sister's son is alive and I know where he is.
08:48Don't you think you'll be able to see my face?
08:51No, you don't believe me,
08:53but hold on to my legs because I'm going to throw my son.
09:08Isabel, what are you doing here?
09:16That woman, in addition to being beautiful,
09:19is very intelligent.
09:22I think that one day we're going to get together.
09:27Who is she?
09:29Isabel Campedro.
09:32And we're going to be the owners of her quinceañeras.
09:43But your father doesn't come here.
09:48Don't tell me that Aldo is your father.
09:51No, my father's name is Fabricio, Fabricio Morga.
09:54He's not Aldo.
09:58How is it possible that you lied to me?
10:01There is no Aldo.
10:03Actually, that man you've been protecting
10:06because he just eats and locks himself up again,
10:08is Fabricio Morga. He's Isabel's ex.
10:11Patricia, please, don't get involved in this.
10:14Don't get involved.
10:16No, I'm getting involved because this is my house
10:18and these are my rules.
10:20I'm sorry, I just want to talk to my father.
10:33Hey, we need music to dance, right?
10:36Yes, I'll put it on.
10:38Put it on, put it on.
10:40But it's pretty, huh?
10:42You're a dancer, right?
10:44Like a Cuban.
10:46That's it, that's it.
10:49Hey, hey, hey.
10:50Honestly, I have a great gossip.
10:53Put it on, put it on.
10:55Let it go, let it go.
10:57Come to me, Jose.
10:59Come to me, Jose.
11:01I think Demian's father is back.
11:05And Mr. Fabricio?
11:07Do you know him, ma'am?
11:09Of course.
11:10Yes, Mrs. Perita, as you can see,
11:12met Porfirio Diaz when he was a baby.
11:15I can tell you now,
11:17but I did get to know Mr. Demian's father very well.
11:21We're on gossip, right?
11:23Gossip, gossip, we want gossip.
11:29Can I see my doll?
11:32Who do you think it's from, son?
11:34From Julio...
11:42Yes, yes.
11:44Let's go, let's go.
11:46Let's go, let's go.
11:48Let's go, let's go.
11:50I know a better secret.
11:52Let's see.
11:53It seems that Carlos, may he rest in peace,
11:57was in a relationship with Jess.
12:01He was in a relationship with Jess.
12:13Son, how is it that Briana's mom is an actress?
12:18What? What actress?
12:21Well, it turns out that Briana's mom
12:24is an actress named Patricia Gil,
12:26and it also turns out that she is Elena's stepmother.
12:29What? No, no, no, Angel.
12:31I don't want you to hang out with those girls.
12:33You have to stay away from them.
12:45I think he's asleep.
12:47It doesn't matter.
12:54I don't know, maybe he'll come back later.
13:05Demian, wait.
13:06Dad, what are you doing?
13:08What are you doing?
13:10Let me go!
13:11Let me go, let me go.
13:17Let me go.
13:25Here it is.
13:27Carmenita, I'm going to ask you a favor.
13:29Yes, ma'am.
13:30Take this painting. I want to see my father.
13:32Excuse me.
13:44I know these have been very hard days for you.
13:48I know what you're feeling.
13:50Julio, my father came back that night very early.
13:54And if he gave my son to someone from out there?
13:57What do you mean?
13:59Maybe he didn't leave him in a coma,
14:02in a special place.
14:04Julio, it's just that...
14:06I remember...
14:08My son!
14:09What did you do to him? Give him back to me!
14:11What you should have done from the beginning.
14:13Give him to the first one to pass.
14:16No! No!
14:18Let me go!
14:20No! Let me go!
14:24My father told me he gave him to the first person
14:27he found on the street.
14:35What's wrong with you? Are you crazy?
14:38Who are you? Don't come near me.
14:40I'm your son, Dad. I'm Demian.
14:42Son! Son!
14:44Do you think I'm crazy?
14:46Do you think I'm crazy?
14:47Let us help you, let us help you.
14:49Let us help you.
14:51I'm going to get the first aid kit.
14:53Come here. Don't worry.
14:55Don't worry, don't worry.
14:57Don't worry, don't worry.
14:59Don't worry.
15:03Don't worry, don't worry.
15:10Are you okay?
15:11Son, don't reject me, please.
15:14Don't reject me.
15:15No, no, no. That's not going to happen.
15:17Don't worry.
15:19Don't move. Let me heal you.
15:22Don't worry.
15:35Everything's going to be okay.
15:37I'm sure of it.
15:39You can be right about what you're saying.
15:44But there's no way to prove it.
15:47In my life, I've lost everything.
15:50And what do I have left?
15:52Nothing but claims to the ghosts of my past.
15:56Claims to my father for what he did to me.
15:59Claims to Yesabel for hiding things from me.
16:06And for Antonio, I only have tears.
16:10You don't know how many times, how many times
16:13I've asked God why they took my son away from me.
16:19I was a young woman, full of hopes.
16:26Every year, I visit my father's grave
16:28with a desire for his soul to hear.
16:31That's the only thing I can do.
16:34Claim, claim, claim.
16:37Nothing more.
16:43My father ruined my life.
16:46But not my faith.
16:48My faith didn't take it away from me.
16:50From thinking, from imagining, from knowing.
16:54This faith that moves me to look even under the rocks.
16:58And to believe that it does.
17:00That it's true.
17:02That it's true.
17:04That it's true.
17:07That my father did give my son to someone who was passing by.
17:14Believe in your faith.
17:17He gave it to you.
17:20And listen to me, no matter what happens,
17:23I'll be with you.
17:33Oh, pick up.
17:36Who are you calling?
17:38Isabel, who else?
17:40She needs to know that Demian is with her father.
17:42That guy is crazy.
17:44Don't do it, please.
17:46Why won't I do it?
17:48Who else do you care about?
17:49He's Demian's father.
17:50That's why I care.
17:52Why don't you go see Loquito and leave me with my business?
17:55Don't complicate things, Patricia.
17:57It's their business.
17:59It's not your problem.
18:01What problem?
18:03Don't you dare lay a hand on Patricia.
18:05Let her go.
18:07What's wrong with you?
18:08Let go of me.
18:11Leave my mom alone.
18:13Why are you defending her?
18:15After what she did to you, Adriana?
18:19Don't call Isabel.
18:21Do you think I'm going to listen to a stupid
18:24and good-for-nothing like you?
18:27Are you okay?
18:33I told you that because it's obvious
18:35that those two sisters are in love with you.
18:37That could get you into a lot of trouble.
18:39You should have some tea.
18:41It'll be good for both of you.
18:46Careful, it's hot.
18:49Pay attention to your partner's advice.
18:51I don't want you to get hurt.
18:53I don't want you to get hurt.
18:55Pay attention to your father's advice.
18:57Because when it comes to women,
18:59he knows how to get you hooked.
19:02Come on, ma'am.
19:04I'm not in the mood to have sex with you at the same time.
19:08Those times are in the past.
19:10Tell that to someone who doesn't know you.
19:13Come on, ma'am.
19:15Where is she?
19:17I haven't seen her in a while.
19:19The problem isn't that you're dating.
19:21The problem is that you're distracting them.
19:23Be careful, son.
19:24Don't cause a tragedy between them.
19:27You guys are so weird.
19:29Since when are you so worried about my love life?
19:32Not even when I was a teenager,
19:34when I could've gotten involved.
19:36I said I could've gotten involved,
19:39but I didn't.
19:42And just so you know, I'm interested in one of them.
19:45Helena and no one else.
19:48But since she's with that rich kid
19:50who's heavier than a ton of cement,
19:52it's best if she stays with him.
19:54I'm going to bed. It's late.
20:00Take your tea, son.
20:05Helena, Helena.
20:17What are you going to do, Damian?
20:19I don't know.
20:21Thanks to my dad.
20:23He was very strong.
20:25The only thing I know is that I'm not going to leave him.
20:29Do you know how he was?
20:33Helena, I never thought he'd be so sad.
20:39What had to happen in his life
20:41for him to get hurt like that?
20:45He's a very good man.
20:48It's very noble of you to support your dad, Damian.
20:57I don't know how my mom is going to react.
21:00Did it take long?
21:02I have news for her.
21:04It turns out her sister wants to resume her son's search.
21:08I was just with her.
21:10Oh, my little brother.
21:12What am I going to do with her, Detective Rocha?
21:15She's dead.
21:17She asked me for a portrait of her son's face
21:20based on a picture of him when he was five months old.
21:23Didn't she ask for that before?
21:26No, but there's a history of her son's search
21:29on the social network of the lady's civil association.
21:32There are also files on the delegations
21:34of all the states of the Republic and Mexico City.
21:38Well, do what she asks.
21:41We're going to support her
21:43She couldn't be hospitalized. She'd be badly seen.
21:47Yes, modify that picture and distort her face.
21:50So that Aurora doesn't get sick again
21:52and wants to run to the streets looking for him.
21:55I beg you.
22:00Keep me informed, as you've done all these years,
22:03and I'll keep paying you for your services.
22:06Of course.
22:13Wake up.
22:17With the analysis of the information
22:19and the stories that matter to you.
22:22Also, everything about sports, entertainment, and crime.
22:26Wake up, a newscast from NMASC.
22:28Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 in the morning,
22:30with the stars.
22:32In the saying, we remind you that each experience
22:35is an opportunity to grow and gain experience.
22:38I won't forget it.
22:40Forgetting is allowing them to keep treating us that way.
22:43I know you're not having a good time.
22:45Me neither. I'm very worried.
22:47Count on me for whatever you need.
22:49I accept very gratefully.
22:51As the saying goes, stories that connect with you.
22:53Auditions, compadre. Action.
22:55What are you doing kissing the damn cripple?
22:58He tried everything to get back on TV.
23:00Oh, this...
23:02Emilio, what did we agree on?
23:04Are you really your representative?
23:06Comadre, give me your phone.
23:08And he did it.
23:10New season, Sunday, September 1st, 7.30 at night.
23:13Laboratorio Supersecreto de Comedia.
23:23La risa es una ciencia exacta.
23:25Afortunadamente, aunque nuestros científicos
23:27no son los más exactos,
23:29sí son los más divertidos.
23:31Televisa. Sabemos hacerte reír.
23:42La vida. Querida. Apoyada.
23:44Tiene una magia muy especial.
23:46Jamás pensé que iba a volver a ilusionarme.
23:48Sigue a las Fugitivas.
23:50Lunes a viernes, 8.30 de la noche.
23:52A Eva le tocará doble regalo.
23:54A ver, un deseo.
23:56Aquí pidieron una chamba.
24:00Estamos pensando en hacerle una fiesta sorpresa
24:02hoy en tu casa.
24:04O tal vez hasta triple.
24:06Está bien, está bien. Me voy a llevar unos mariachis
24:08de cumpleaños.
24:10Y nos vemos este martes al terminar el Noti.
24:41Además, todo sobre el deporte,
24:43el entretenimiento y el clima.
24:45Despierta, un noticiero de NMAS.
24:47Lunes a viernes, 7.00 a 9.00 de la mañana.
24:49Con las estrellas.
24:51Aquí encontrarás las últimas noticias deportivas.
24:53Momentos que marcan jornada tras jornada.
24:55Servicio para Diego. Golazo.
24:57Y los reportajes que te darán de qué hablan.
24:59Necesita 20 como él para hacerme algo.
25:01Contacto deportivo.
25:03Martes, jueves y viernes
25:05a las 11.30 de la noche.
25:08Martes, jueves y viernes
25:10a las 11.30 de la noche.
25:12Con las estrellas.
25:14La ambición puede más que el amor.
25:16Así es que Nancy abandona a Luis Ángel
25:18para irse con Armando.
25:20Julián será quien pague las consecuencias
25:22de crecer sin su padre
25:24y tomará el mal camino.
25:26Luis Ángel intentará rescatar a su hijo
25:28sin renuncia.
25:30Capítulo de estreno.
25:32Martes con las estrellas.
25:34Estas son las noticias en punto.
25:36Es una celebración de identidad.
25:38Han reportado un aumento en el número de rescates
25:40de personas en peligro de ahogarse en el mar.
25:42Las autoridades siguen buscando
25:44la fuente de esta contaminación.
25:46Cada noche tu punto de encuentro con la información.
25:48En punto.
25:5010.30 por las estrellas.
25:52Júrame que vas a ser honesto.
25:54Existe tornativo.
25:56Yo no sé qué me pasa.
25:58Pienso algo y lo digo.
26:01Licenciado. No soy licenciado. Plagié mi tesis.
26:03Ya la neta como me veo.
26:05No me ves panza normal.
26:07Será honesto me está destruyendo la vida.
26:09El candidato honesto.
26:118 de agosto, solo en cines.
26:13Audiciones, compayito. Acción.
26:15¿Qué haces besando a la maldita liciada?
26:17Robó de todo para volver a la tele.
26:19Oh, es...
26:21Emilio, ¿en qué quedamos?
26:23¿Neta, eso eres tú, representante?
26:25Comaye, pásame el teléfono del tuyo.
26:27Y lo logró. Chócalas, compayito.
26:29Nueva temporada. Domingo, primero de septiembre.
26:317.30 de la noche.
26:33El estudio super secreto de comedia.
26:42La risa es una ciencia exacta.
26:44Afortunadamente, aunque nuestros científicos
26:46no son los más exactos,
26:48sí son los más divertidos.
26:50Televisa. Sabemos hacerte reír.
27:03Si entre nosotros va a haber algún conflicto,
27:05no va a ser por ello.
27:07No quiero que él me haga perder a mis hijos.
27:09Voy a hablar de nuevo con Sebastián.
27:11Lunes a viernes, 6.30 de la tarde.
27:13A la fortuna de encontrar el amor más puro.
27:15Así vamos a estar juntos por siempre.
27:17Le siguió la desgracia de la traición.
27:19Ahora, al buscar la verdad,
27:21voy a volver a la fortuna.
27:23Yo sé que Diego está vivo.
27:25La vida los volverá a unir.
27:27El precio de amarte.
27:29Inicia lunes 2 de septiembre, 9.30 de la noche,
27:31por las estrellas.
27:33A Eva le tocará doble regalo.
27:35A ver, un deseo.
27:37Aquí pidieron una chamba urgente.
27:39Estamos pensando en hacerle una fiesta sorpresa
27:41hoy en tu casa.
27:43O tal vez hasta trifle.
27:45Está bien, está bien.
27:47Le voy a llevar unos mariachis de cumpleaños.
27:49Este da Eva este martes al terminar el noti.
27:51Aquí encontrarás las últimas noticias deportivas.
27:53Momentos que marcan jornada tras jornada.
27:55Un servicio para Diego.
27:59Y los reportajes que te darán de qué hablan.
28:01Necesita 20 como él para hacerme algo.
28:03Contacto Deportivo.
28:05Martes, jueves y viernes,
28:07a las 11.30 de la noche,
28:09con las estrellas.
28:29Martes con las estrellas.
28:31En el dicho,
28:33te recordamos que cada vivencia es una oportunidad
28:35de crecer y adquirir experiencia.
28:37No lo voy a olvidar.
28:39Olvidar es permitir que nos sigan tratando de esa manera.
28:41Yo sé que no le estás pasando bien.
28:43Yo tampoco, estoy muy preocupada.
28:45Cuenta conmigo para lo que necesite.
28:47Acepto muy agradecido.
28:50Como dice el dicho, historias que conectan contigo.
28:52Audiciones, compañito, acción.
28:54¿Qué haces besando a la maldita lisiada?
28:56¡Trobó de todo para volver a la tele!
29:00Emilio, ¿en qué quedamos?
29:02¿Neta, eso eres tú, representante?
29:04Comadre, pásame el teléfono del tuyo.
29:06¡Y lo logró! ¡Chócalas, compañito!
29:08Nueva temporada, domingo, primero de septiembre,
29:107.30 de la noche.
29:12¿Qué está pasando? ¿De qué amor de tu vida estaban hablando, mamá?
29:14Todavía tengo muchas cosas que hacer en este mundo.
29:16Siempre odié la mujer
29:18que impidió que mis padres fueran felices.
29:20Cuánto lamento que esa mujer sea usted.
29:22Si entre nosotros va a haber algún conflicto,
29:24no va a ser por ella.
29:26No quiero que él me haga perder a mis hijos.
29:28Voy a hablar de nuevo con Sebastián.
29:30Vienes a viernes, 6.30 de la tarde.
29:32¡Prepárate para un regreso a luchas legendario!
29:34Yo te voy a subir al cuadrilátero.
29:36¡La leyenda de Boricua y el alcalde asesino!
29:38¿Sabes por qué me dicen en ruedas mágicas?
29:40Yo soy luchador.
29:42Me debo a mi público.
29:44Tú lo que me debes es el taxi.
29:46Está libre este jueves al terminar el lote.
29:54Y mientras ellos viven entre estrategias,
29:56risas y romances,
29:58afuera sabemos que esto es un juego
30:00donde nos divertimos todos.
30:02Nos vemos diario en
30:04La Casa de los Famosos México.
30:06Lunes a viernes, 10 de la noche, por el 5.
30:08Domingo, 8.30, por las estrellas.
30:10Y 24.7, por VIX.
30:27el suspiro
30:29que entró
30:31revolcó al corazón
30:33y seguiste
30:37por todo
30:39mi cuerpo
30:41y no dejas de irme
30:43y aquí
30:49no sé
30:51si voy
30:53a acostumbrarme
30:57tú y yo
30:59somos de almas
31:01tan iguales
31:03que lograron
31:12un nuevo verso
31:14y es que
31:16somos auroras
31:18en el cielo
31:22los momentos
31:24en un mundo
31:28sé que existe
31:30ese lugar
31:32donde podamos
31:36de nuevo
31:52¿Qué te pasa, papito? ¿Por qué tienes esa cara?
32:12Ya no quiero ir a la escuela, mamá.
32:14Y mucho menos jugar fútbol.
32:16¿Por qué, hijo?
32:18Me preguntas algo que ya sabes.
32:20Si no fuera porque
32:22Anita siempre sale al kit y me defiende
32:24todos me traerían una vejada.
32:26¿Estás bien o no ves?
32:28Estoy bien cegatón y ya ni los lentes
32:30me hacen paro.
32:32Cada día me cuesta más ver.
32:34Va a llegar un día que ni las sombras
32:36voy a poder distinguir.
32:38Ay, hijo.
32:40Ya déjame el pelo, mamá.
32:42Estoy ciego,
32:44pero ya no me peines.
32:46A ver.
32:48¿Qué te parece si en la tarde
32:50pido permiso para...
32:52Ay, no.
32:55Hoy no me van a dar chance.
32:57Me cubrieron con lo de doña Espe.
33:01Te prometo que mañana
33:03vamos con el oftalmólogo
33:05para que te cambie los lentes.
33:07Ya no quiero que se volen de mí, mamá.
33:19Vayan montando el screen y las luces.
33:21Todos los cambios de vestuario tienen que estar
33:23acomodados en orden
33:25de acuerdo a las tomas.
33:27Tengan listo al modelo.
33:29Yo llego en un rato.
33:31Sí, paso a la oficina
33:33para los lentes para el fotógrafo
33:35y reviso un archivo que...
33:37que quiero hacer un cambio.
33:39Nos vemos.
33:41¿Te pasa algo, Cassandra?
33:43Sí, señorita Elena.
33:45Me pongo a la oficina.
33:48Me pasa un camión por encima.
33:57Ya, no te preocupes, papito.
33:59Voy a hablar con mis jefes
34:01para pedirles un préstamo
34:03y te voy a llevar con un doctor bien bueno.
34:05¿Verdad, mamita?
34:07Sí, mi amor.
34:09Es el mejor hijo que puede haber.
34:11Mamita, ¿por qué no tengo un papá?
34:15Sí tienes papá, Rolas.
34:18Pero no los quiso.
34:20Ni a ti ni a mí.
34:22¿Y sabes dónde vive?
34:24¿Para qué quieres saber, papito?
34:28Te voy a decir una cosa, ¿sí?
34:30Más vale solos
34:32que mal acompañados.
34:37Nunca me preguntas por él.
34:39¿Por qué la curiosidad ahorita?
34:41Yo siempre te pregunto por él.
34:43Tú eres la que me contesta los días.
34:45Tú eres la que me contesta lo mismo y lo mismo.
34:47¿Qué más vale solos
34:49que la manga del muerto?
34:51Pues es que es lo único que te puedo decir.
34:55¿Por qué no los quiso?
35:00Tu papá en cuanto supo que yo estaba pansona
35:02hizo mutis. Se fue.
35:06Él andaba en cosas malas
35:08y no quiso asumir su responsabilidad.
35:12A ver, hijo, los bebés se hacen entre dos.
35:15Ya lo sabes, ¿verdad?
35:17Claro que ya lo sé. Ni que estuviera en kinder.
35:21tu papá ni siquiera me escuchaba.
35:23¿Por qué?
35:25¿Por qué, mamá?
35:31Ya se está haciendo bien tarde para la escuela.
35:33Me tengo que terminar de arreglar para ir a trabajar.
35:36¿Te parece si la noche
35:38seguimos platicando de esto?
35:40Te quiero mucho, mamá.
35:42Ay, yo a ti, mi vida.
36:02alcanzaron a llegar a los sillones.
36:06Gracias por ir por nosotros, pa.
36:08De verdad.
36:10Por un momento, pensé que nos íbamos
36:12a tener que quedar a dormir ahí.
36:14They went all the way back, for love's sake.
36:18I told them to come here and have dinner.
36:21I'm going to have to talk to them, because it's not good that they took you to drink.
36:24You're still taking medication.
36:26No, but I didn't drink any alcohol. Besides, they didn't offer me either.
36:30And I had a great time at Mrs. Espe's house.
36:36Mrs. Espe? Do you call her that too?
36:39She's very nice.
36:42Well, maybe it wasn't all bad.
36:46But don't do it again.
36:50Tell me something, son. Does it bother you that I'm going to the office?
36:55No. No, not really.
36:58It's just that it's not easy for me to give up right now.
37:02There are complicated situations that I want to solve.
37:06Don't worry. Good luck, okay?
37:09But you're coming later to eat so we can go to therapy, right?
37:12Yes, yes, of course.
37:14I'll leave you there.
37:19In love and misbehaved!
37:21In love and misbehaved!
37:37Julio, Susan called me. She said she won't be long.
37:39She's going to be present at the meeting.
37:46I arrived very late last night. We didn't talk about what happened at the house.
37:51Why did you take my dad's picture?
37:54Because I don't want to see it there anymore.
37:57You just forget that it's also my house.
38:00No, you know.
38:02I don't want to talk about my father right now.
38:04I have to focus on the presentation.
38:08What happened to the folders? They should be in their place.
38:12I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
38:18What's wrong with you?
38:22I'm just sad because today is my last day here.
38:27What are you talking about?
38:30Well, yesterday you fired me, Jess.
38:33And I went with Miss Brianna, but she doesn't know anything about my dismissal.
38:36I fired you? Are you crazy or what?
38:39I didn't fire you.
38:41Look at the face you have.
38:43So I keep working here?
38:46I keep working here?
38:48Why do you have your hand in your mouth?
38:51Excuse me.
38:55What happened?
38:57Good morning.
38:58Good morning.
38:59Good morning.
39:00Good morning.
39:01Good morning.
39:04We have to hurry Anita, because we have to go to school.
39:06Today there is a teacher meeting, so they told us to arrive an hour later.
39:11I got a job with a neighbor.
39:13Oh, that's good, boss.
39:14I'm going to paint a facade.
39:16Oh, that's good.
39:18Hey, son.
39:20You're not mad anymore, are you?
39:22Boss, I can't get mad at my dad,
39:25but I can't tell him not to take me with Elena or Brianna either.
39:30Hey, son, if you look for another job,
39:32maybe you'll find something better.
39:35I think they're looking for an accountant
39:38here in the office, which is around the corner.
39:41I don't think they pay as much as the camper company.
39:44But it would give you a chance to come and eat at home.
39:47What happens, boss, is that you want to have me here,
39:50under your wing.
39:51Well, yes.
39:52Hey, mom.
39:53Mom, why did you take off the bandage?
39:55Oh, because I'm tired.
39:57It leaves me marked, it gives me a cramp.
39:59I can't move my arm well.
40:01Good morning.
40:03Good morning.
40:04Good morning.
40:07What's up?
40:09What's up?
40:10Today we are going to eat a chicken.
40:19Fabrizio, hey.
40:21Let me see.
40:26Why did you do it?
40:29I'm very sorry, Antonio.
40:32I am
40:35very ashamed.
40:37I think I should get out of here.
40:38No, no, no, no, no.
40:40No, you have to go.
40:41Hey, hey, hey, hey, calm down.
40:44You don't have to go.
40:46But your son saw everything.
40:50I'm not crazy.
40:51I'm not crazy, but I feel very bad.
40:54Well, not what you were doing.
40:56Anyone makes us think the opposite.
41:00And it can cause me to move away from you forever.
41:05That your son has come this far
41:07just to see you.
41:10It's a big step.
41:12But after what comes,
41:14it won't be so easy to win it.
41:16I'm sorry.
41:19I'm sorry, friend.
41:23I'm sorry.
41:26I'm sorry.
41:34I'm going over there.
41:35We're waiting for you.
41:37Thank you, Ignacio.
42:11I didn't know anything.
42:12The heart will show the way.
42:14You've made me feel protected.
42:18You have a magic, a special one.
42:20I never thought I would get my hopes up again.
42:22Follow Las Fugitivas.
42:24Monday to Friday, 8.30pm.
42:26There will be a double gift.
42:28To see a wish.
42:30What did you ask for?
42:31An urgent job.
42:33We're thinking of having a surprise party
42:35today at your house.
42:37Or maybe even a triple.
42:38Okay, okay.
42:40I'm going to take some birthday mariachis.
42:42Is this for real, Eva?
42:44This Tuesday after the notice.
42:46At El Dicho, we remind you that every experience
42:48is an opportunity to grow
42:50and gain experience.
42:52I'm not going to forget it.
42:54Forgetting is allowing them to keep treating us like that.
42:56I know you're not having a good time.
42:58I'm not either. I'm very worried.
43:00Count on me for whatever you need.
43:02I accept very gratefully.
43:04As El Dicho says, stories that connect with you.
43:05A fortune to find the purest love.
43:07This way we'll be together forever.
43:09He was followed by the misfortune of betrayal.
43:11Now, in search of the truth,
43:13I'm going back to fortune.
43:15I know God is alive.
43:17Life will bring them together again.
43:19The Price of Loving You
43:21premieres Monday, September 2, 9.30pm on Las Estrellas.
43:35And we'll see you daily on...
43:37La Casa de los Famosos, Mexico.
43:39Monday to Friday, 10pm on El Cinco.
43:41Sunday, 8.30pm on Las Estrellas.
43:43And 24.7pm on VIX.
43:45Auditions, compadre. Action.
43:47What are you doing kissing the damn cripple?
43:51He stole everything to get back on TV.
43:53Oh, s**t.
43:55Emilio, what did we agree on?
43:57Is that really your representative?
43:59Come on, give me your phone.
44:01And he did it.
44:02The Price of Loving You
44:04premieres Sunday, September 1, 7.30pm on Las Estrellas.
44:06Ambition can be more than love.
44:08That's why Nancy abandons Luis Angel
44:10to go with Armando.
44:12Julián will be the one to pay the consequences
44:14of growing up without his father
44:16and will take the wrong path.
44:18Luis Angel will try to rescue his son
44:20without giving up.
44:22Premiere episode.
44:24Tuesday on Las Estrellas.
44:26Promise me you'll be honest.
44:29You did it, Tonatiuh.
44:30I don't know what's wrong with me.
44:32I think of something and say it.
44:36I'm not a sir. I did my thesis.
44:38Honestly, how do I look?
44:40Do you have colitis or is it normal belly?
44:42I don't know where this is destroying my life.
44:44The Honest Candidate, August 8, only on CINES.
45:00What you owe me is the taxi.
45:02It's free this Thursday at the end of the lot.
45:30I'm going to have Paulina Martinez.
45:32For Paola too.
45:34Will love be able to win?
45:36I need you, Paulina.
45:38The problems that come up.
45:40I made the police know that the usurper is here.
45:42Monday to Friday, 2.30 pm.
45:44On Las Estrellas.
45:46What's going on?
45:48What love of your life were you talking about, Mom?
45:50I still have a lot to do in this world.
45:52I always hated the woman who prevented
45:54my parents from being happy.
45:56How much I regret that woman is you.
45:58If there is going to be a conflict between us,
46:00I don't want him to make me lose my children.
46:02I'm going to talk to Sebastian again.
46:04Monday to Friday, 6.30 pm.
46:30What are you doing with this woman?
46:32She's your sister.
46:34But also the one of love.
46:36Do you remember someone from my past?
46:38One day I'll tell you the truth.
46:40Let go of my wife, idiot!
46:42The price of loving you starts Monday, September 2,
46:449.30 pm on Las Estrellas.
47:00Every night your meeting point with the information.
47:02On point.
47:0410.30 pm on Las Estrellas.
47:06Auditions, compadre. Action.
47:08What are you doing kissing the damn girl?
47:11He stole everything to go back to TV.
47:14Emilio, what did we agree on?
47:17Is that really your representative?
47:19Comadre, give me your phone.
47:21And he did it.
47:23New season, Sunday, September 1, 7.30 pm.
47:31Throw me!
47:33Laughter is an exact science.
47:35Fortunately, although our scientists
47:37are not the most exact,
47:39they are the funniest.
47:41Televisa, we know how to make you laugh.
47:43Ambition can be more than love.
47:45So Nancy abandons Luis Angel
47:47to go with Armando.
47:49Julian will be the one to pay
47:51the consequences of growing up without his father
47:53and will take the wrong path.
47:55Luis Angel will try to rescue his son
47:57from the hands of his father.
47:58Without giving up.
48:00Premiere episode.
48:02Tuesday with the stars.
48:04In El Dicho,
48:06we remind you that every experience
48:08is an opportunity to grow
48:10and acquire experience.
48:12I will not forget it.
48:14Forgetting is allowing us to be treated that way.
48:16I know you're not having a good time.
48:18Me neither. I'm very worried.
48:20Count on me for whatever you need.
48:22I accept very gratefully.
48:24As El Dicho says, stories that connect with you.
48:26Here you will find the latest sports news
48:28moments that mark
48:30day after day.
48:32Service for Diego.
48:34And the reports that will give you
48:36what they talk about.
48:38I need 20 like him to do something for me.
48:40Contacto Deportivo.
48:42Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
48:44at 11.30 at night
48:46with the stars.
48:48The first hours of the day
48:50also bring the first stories
48:52that must be known.
48:54Agile, precise and punctual.
48:56So you will know all the information
48:58in the news, your news of Nemás.
49:00Tuesday, Friday at 5.50 in the morning
49:02with the stars.
49:28No manches, Ángel.
49:30Yo ya le pedí disculpas a Elena
49:32y ahí quedó.
49:34Pues que no se repita, Maggie, por favor.
49:36Yo a ti te quiero harto
49:38y a mi Rolas ni se diga.
49:40Ya sabes que tú y yo somos
49:42los mejores amantes del mundo.
49:44Y yo te quiero mucho.
49:46Y yo te quiero mucho.
49:48Y yo te quiero mucho.
49:50Y yo te quiero mucho.
49:52Y yo te quiero mucho.
49:54Y yo te quiero mucho.
49:56Y yo te quiero mucho.
49:58Te quiero mucho y yo no te quiero
50:00solamente de cuentes.
50:02Pues ¿qué pasó, hijo?
50:04Hubo un no entendido con Maggie y Elena,
50:06pero ahí mueren, no.
50:08¡Uy! ¿Otra vez Elena?
50:13Fue un decir, mucha Elena por aquí,
50:15mucha Elena por acá.
50:17A mí sí me hubiera gustado
50:19que tú fueras mi papá, Ángel.
50:21Eres bien chido.
50:23Ay, mi Rolas, a mí también
50:25me hubiera encantado ser tu jefe.
50:26It's not that bad on the way.
50:28I do want to have breakfast.
50:29Come on.
50:30I'll take care of it.
50:33Have a nice day.
50:34You too.
50:36My mom told her mom to lend her money for my surgery.
50:40How do you like it?
50:41It's so cool.
50:42Of course.
50:43I'll finally be able to see and no one will make fun of me.
50:46That's it.
50:47Well, eat.
50:48Here, a piece.
51:21I'm sure Isabel knows everything by now.
51:24Don't be surprised when she finds out you're back.
51:28Isabel is very bad.
51:31Why don't you talk to her?
51:33Maybe she'll help you get closer to Demian.
51:36I'll never get close to Isabel.
51:39If she knows I'm looking for my son,
51:41she'll do everything she can to poison him against me.
51:45I always knew Isabel was in love with you
51:50and that she hated Aurora for that.
51:52But I loved her so much
51:56that I ignored what I saw.
51:59I was convinced that Isabel would love me sooner or later.
52:04I'm sorry.
52:06I didn't understand that.
52:08Did Isabel hate Aurora?
52:10I'm so surprised by your naivety.
52:13Did Isabel hate her so much
52:16that sometimes she thought she would kill her?
52:18No, no, that's impossible.
52:19I admit she did things that are not justified.
52:21Perverse to want to kill her own sister.
52:23Isabel is perverse, Antonio.
52:25She's always been.
52:26She was happy about everything that happened to Aurora.
52:29Isabel is a narcissist, I agree.
52:32But one thing is that and another very different thing
52:35is to believe that she is capable of killing her own sister.
52:48What's wrong?
52:50We didn't talk last night.
52:54Nothing happened.
52:59Good morning, good morning.
53:01Good morning.
53:31As you all know,
53:32a provider without a contact
53:34does not obtain the payment that is made
53:36with a frequencyasure.
53:38Our mission is to break paradigms
53:41to give technological solutions
53:43to our clients and to our suppliers.
53:46The implementation of this software makes it easier for banks to have a direct connection,
53:52beyond transfers or online transactions.
53:57It is a reality that in the world of current financial investment,
54:01it is backed by great possibilities that are solid and effective for investors and traders.
54:07All this is nothing new. In fact, we have been implementing it since the pandemic.
54:11We did not do well. On the contrary, this generated a crack in the system.
54:16And there was a risk in data and hardware.
54:19The innovation of these financial services has already been implemented in other sister companies.
54:25In addition, artificial intelligence is being used.
54:29The plan presented by Ms. Aurora Campero can be worked in specialized areas.
54:36The authorization to three providers was requested.
54:40And with them, a test was done with a latest generation hardware.
54:45The use of these tools has generated advances in the sector for fraud prevention.
54:51This not only protects us, but by reducing losses,
54:55a profit has been reported with the pilot providers, who were the ones who took the risk.
55:02What do you mean? I don't understand anything.
55:05The profit seems to be the VAT.
55:07And this is a beginner's mistake.
55:09I can't believe that the president of this company wants to see our face that way.
55:13Why don't we have time? Or how? Is there something we don't know?
55:17Do you pretend that our company evades taxes?
55:33I don't think Yesabel liked what happened to Aurora.
55:36I lived with Yesabel for many years.
55:39And although she never said it, whenever she talked about the tragedy of her sister,
55:43there was a strange glow in her eyes.
55:46Have you ever thought that maybe it was not Don Miguel Elmaro in everything that happened to Aurora,
55:51but Yesabel?
55:54I couldn't have made a mistake like that.
55:56This is not a coincidence, it's an accident.
55:59I didn't know how to do it.
56:03No, I can't believe you.
56:09And you don't think it's your fault?
56:11No, thank you.
56:15What are you saying, Mariana?
56:17You're not going to hear this sentence.
56:19No, I couldn't have made a mistake like that.
56:22These are not the numbers I had.
56:24And of course taxes are not considered a profit.
56:27So where are the profits according to your numbers?
56:30Because we are losing time and I can't believe you haven't prepared your material correctly.
56:35Maybe those aren't the last charts?
56:38Phone Vibrates
56:48Amiga, I'm calling you, I'm outside your office.
56:51Your ex-husband is living in my house.
56:53He went to see him last night, but that man is crazy.
56:57This is an insult.
56:59It's exactly the same as what the president presented in the chart.
57:04This is a disaster, Mrs. President.
57:08Phone Vibrates
57:13I don't believe you about Isabel.
57:15Look, she showed me the DNA test and told me she loved me.
57:18But there's a lot of difference between being guilty of her sister's abuse.
57:22What DNA test?
57:24I'll tell you later.
57:25The point is that what she says doesn't make sense to me.
57:28Antonio, you and I know that Isabel is capable of doing anything to get what she wants.
57:33Well, yes.
57:34But you're talking about committing crimes against her family.
57:37She has limits.
57:38No, no, no, no, no.
57:39Isabel is a snake.
57:41A snake.
57:42Calm down.
57:44Calm down.
57:47What are the next charts?
57:55It's exactly the same as what you presented.
57:57The error is the same.
57:59The IVA is not calculated.
58:02This is an error that can be solved with a simple rule of three.
58:06But it can actually cause a serious tax problem.
58:11Didn't you review your project?
58:14Here I have the correct calculation.
58:16I'm very sorry.
58:18Aurora asked me to help her review the financial project.
58:22And I was the one who made a mistake in the calculation.
58:24It's my fault.
58:26These are the correct numbers.
58:32And how did you do at school?
58:34Hi, Anita!
58:35We had a math test.
58:37Oh, wow.
58:38Now we're going to have some food after school.
58:45Come on, girls, on the motorcycle!
58:52Angel, are you okay?
59:11Have you been able to live with what you did to your father?
59:16You have to go to my canton because my brother is getting drunk.
59:21What do you mean he's getting drunk?
59:23Where's Elena?
59:24She just went to see Angel.
59:27I accept that you are a partner of the company.
59:30I accept that you are a partner of the company.