• 2 months ago
Holby City The butterfly Effect part 2- Connie's return (360p)


00:30That place is a lot uglier without you.
00:41I want Vanessa's head on a plate.
00:43We're not going to do it.
00:46Can't do it.
00:47Unfortunately, I've committed myself to doing some extra cover.
00:49And you didn't tell me?
00:50To be honest, I didn't think you'd object.
00:51Not with things the way they are.
00:52What do you want from me?
00:53You don't love me anymore?
00:54Is that what you're saying?
00:56I'm saying that it's not enough!
00:57Shame on you!
00:58What's the matter with you?
00:59And on my birthday?
01:01Intensive care?
01:02What the hell is that?
01:03It's an infusion of blood.
01:04A blood infusion?
01:05That's what I meant.
01:06A blood infusion?
01:07Yeah, I get it.
01:08I get it.
01:09That's why you're so angry with me.
01:10You're mad.
01:11You're mad.
01:12You're mad!
01:13I'm mad.
01:14You're mad.
01:15You're mad.
01:16I'm mad!
01:17I'm mad!
01:18You're mad!
01:19I'm mad!
01:20I'm mad!
01:21I'm mad!
01:22I'm mad!
01:23I'm mad!
01:24Nice chest straight.
01:32You got this one?
01:33Yeah, he's crashing.
01:35That's no good, I need another pair of hands.
01:37Drop it, drop it, drop it.
01:38I'm such a loser.
01:39I can't do this.
01:44We need some help here.
01:45Joseph, I thought you were...
01:48We need to get her into theatre now.
01:50We're trying to hold the bleed, we need to get in there.
01:55I can't.
02:08I'm just on my way to pick her up now.
02:10Yeah, don't worry about it, I've plenty of time for the rush hour traffic.
02:15Honestly mother, stop worrying.
02:16Bea and I will be there, I know how much this guard means to you.
02:25I'm sorry, I should have...
02:31It's fine.
02:43It's actually Randerson.
02:44You look like you could use a drink.
02:46The only thing I could use right now is a drink.
02:48I'm sorry.
02:49I'm sorry.
02:50I'm sorry.
02:51Randerson, you look like you could use a drink.
02:53The only thing I could use right now is a taxi.
02:55Well, rather than waiting out here in the cold, wouldn't you rather...
02:57It's been a really long day.
02:59I just want to go home.
03:00Look, Ayesha, I know I messed up.
03:04But even you can't bear a grudge against me forever.
03:12You know what, I'm done apologising.
03:13If you want to be small-minded and petty about it, see it yourself.
03:22That is what I love about this job.
03:24You never know when things are suddenly going to get fun.
03:27The major coach crash on the M4 is your idea of fun.
03:30Hmm, curveball keeps you on your toes.
03:33In which case, I need a favour.
03:36That reference you were going to write me.
03:38Oh, come on, Jack, I know you're a little sore about not making consultant,
03:42but trust me, your time is going to come.
03:45Well, I'm not going to wait around for a vague possibility.
03:48You know, what is a consultant?
03:50It's just a title.
03:51You are still a valued member of my team.
03:53Well, you see, that's just it.
03:54I'm not sure I want to be part of your team, in your hospital.
03:58I would rather be respected as a surgeon, not some sort of glorified scrub nurse.
04:02Jack, that is not fair.
04:03Well, I agree.
04:04I agree.
04:05No wonder people are losing confidence in their leadership.
04:07People are not losing confidence in their...
04:09You hired Toby Geddes as a senior consultant.
04:13That doesn't inspire much faith in your judgement.
04:16So this is sour grapes?
04:18I'd just rather work somewhere that's run by professionals, that's all.
04:22Because you're such a professional.
04:24We all know what a hands-on mentor you are.
04:26You even got the Polaroids to prove it.
04:32Some empty shell.
04:33I'm an empty shell?
04:34You're the one who pushes everyone away.
04:36There's a husband, you leave him,
04:37and there's a son, you have him shut away in a home.
04:39I can't do this anymore.
04:54Looks like this taxi's never going to show up.
04:56Any chance of a lift home?
04:57I'm not going that way.
04:58You practically go past the turning.
05:00Well, you don't know where I'm going.
05:01Oh, look, Joseph, it's freezing cold.
05:03My taxi's gone AWOL.
05:04The buses are all snarled up in the motorway crash.
05:07I'm two degrees away from hypothermia,
05:08and you're about to get into a warm car.
05:10Half a mile up the road would help.
05:25It's just been one of those days, you know?
05:27First there was this hernia patient
05:29who thought it was okay to rest his hand on my bum.
05:32And then this bone fracture guy
05:34insisted on calling me Nurse Foxy
05:36like it was actually my name.
05:38And then to top it all off, Oliver Valentine.
05:41Why are you men so disappointing?
05:47You okay?
05:49You're not acting like yourself.
05:51How should I be acting?
05:52Not like this.
05:53You're actually being a little bit scary.
05:55Look, you were the one that demanded a lift.
05:58I'd be much happier on my own.
05:59So if you have to sit there,
06:00why don't you just do me a favour and keep your mouth shut?
06:01Excuse me!
06:02The last thing I need is some pathetic diatribe.
06:04I'd like you to stop the car, please.
06:06Joseph, stop the car!
06:09What's going on?
06:14All this because you've lost your ring?
06:16I didn't lose it.
06:20Joseph, where are you going?
06:33I think that's the answer, getting drunk.
06:36I think that's the answer, getting drunk.
06:38Why didn't you leave me alone?
06:39Joseph, I don't care what's happened.
06:41This isn't who you are.
06:43Who am I?
06:44I'm nothing, I'm nobody.
06:45I'm an empty shell.
06:46That's not true.
06:47You're a good person.
06:49I try to be.
06:50Look what I got me.
06:54Come on, Sam.
06:55You know I don't get my pension till Friday.
06:58And you're going to deny an old man his biryani?
07:00If I let you have a quid off every time you came in,
07:02I'd lose a fortune.
07:05Or do you deal?
07:07There's a million quid on this scrap card.
07:11You've got no heart.
07:13Are you serious?
07:14Oh my God, Kel, I can't believe you.
07:16Remind me why I pay you.
07:18And what did he say?
07:20I'm telling you, you are unbelievable.
07:23Hang on, Kel.
07:26Three bottles of red wine, please.
07:28Yeah, and the thing is,
07:29we're not really supposed to sell alcohol without food.
07:31I don't want any food.
07:32I just want three bottles of red wine.
07:35I'll just go and get the bus.
07:37Yeah, Nathan was supposed to come round
07:38and help me with my sociology.
07:39This is crazy. Come on, let's just go.
07:41Go where?
07:42I don't know, anywhere.
07:43Excuse me.
07:45We've been waiting here for half an hour.
07:47If our food's not here in five minutes, we're leaving.
07:49I'll just check with the chef.
07:51Why'd you always have to do that?
07:52Do what?
07:53There was no need to be that rude.
07:55It's a bad idea to come here in the first place.
07:57You said you wanted curry.
07:59OK, well, since we're here, why don't we sit down,
08:01get something to eat and talk?
08:02No, there's nothing to talk about.
08:06I'm afraid, sir, as Mindy told you,
08:08our licence means we can't serve alcohol without food.
08:11I don't want any food. I just want three bottles of red wine.
08:13Look, sunshine, you heard the man.
08:15This ain't an office.
08:17Either go somewhere else
08:18or at least buy a bloody poppadom or something.
08:21Very well, three bottles of red wine and a poppadom, please.
08:23Sir, as Sid says, we're not an off-licence.
08:26Well, I can see you're in no position
08:27to be turning down business.
08:29You know the word please doesn't cost anything.
08:33Empty the till.
08:35Do it!
08:38Come on, man, hurry up.
08:40What sort of person holds up an Indian restaurant?
08:42Shut up, man.
08:43I mean, look at this place.
08:44How much money do you think there is in the till?
08:46Shut the hell up, man.
08:4850, 60, 75.
08:51Put it in the bank.
08:52If it was a bank or a post office,
08:53I might have some respect for you.
08:55There'll be some degree of bravery in this, but...
08:57This is pathetic.
08:59This ain't no toy, you know.
09:04Do it!
09:16Vanessa, don't often see you up here.
09:18I've got something to run past you.
09:19I have to be quick.
09:20I've got to deal with this punctured bowel.
09:22We've just had a call from ambulance control.
09:24Old news.
09:25Bus crash about 30 minutes ago.
09:26In fact, that's one of the casualties.
09:28Something else.
09:29A shooting.
09:31How many?
09:32They've got no idea of numbers just yet,
09:34but they want to put us on standby for a Category 1.
09:36No, we can't take it.
09:37Why not?
09:38We're still dealing with the RTA.
09:39We're the first listed hospital, Michael.
09:41I know, but...
09:42We want to be known as a receiving hospital, don't we?
09:44Not a supporting hospital.
09:46I think we'll let St. James take this one.
09:49If it's a Category 1, especially a shooting,
09:52everyone's going to be watching us.
09:54Trust me, Vanessa, one major incident is more than enough.
09:57Michael Spencer, all the years we've been friends,
10:00I've never known you to duck a challenge.
10:03You've already accepted it, haven't you?
10:05I had to make an executive decision.
10:08Look, this is our chance to really prove what we can do here,
10:13silence our critics, get everyone on side.
10:16Excuse me.
10:18Move your head, move your head.
10:20My baby.
10:21Don't think about the baby.
10:23She's got a sucking chest wound.
10:25Hold this here.
10:26Just do this.
10:27Is she going to be OK?
10:29Is she going to be OK?
10:32Oh, I've got to get her out of here.
10:35Hold it.
10:38I can't stop the bleeding.
10:39I think it's come through to the chest.
10:41Oh, no.
10:42Oh, no.
10:43Oh, no.
10:44Oh, no.
10:45I can't stop the bleeding.
10:46I think it's come through to the chest.
10:47Oh, no.
10:48I'm surrounded.
10:54The shutters.
10:55How do I close the shutters?
10:58Tell me.
11:00The button left at the door.
11:02We need to get these people to a hospital now.
11:09Which one of you called him?
11:13How could I have called him?
11:14You must have called him.
11:15You called him, didn't you?
11:17It was me.
11:25Just the person.
11:26Can I have a word?
11:27Yeah, it's going to have to be quick.
11:29Toby Guedes?
11:30You told me he was just an interim measure.
11:32Yeah, I was going to talk to you about that.
11:36All right, look.
11:37I know that Toby isn't exactly Magda Yakub,
11:39but he is a good surgeon.
11:41And tonight, I need everyone to pull together.
11:43Just give him a chance.
11:44Trust me on this one.
11:45Pull together.
11:46You're about to get a phone call.
11:47They'll explain everything.
11:49From who?
11:53He's hypervolumic due to the blood loss in theatre,
11:55so he's going to need plenty of fluids.
11:57Once you've done that, you need to start
11:59creating beds for him as fast as you can, OK?
12:01So what can I do?
12:02You should go home, Holl.
12:03Well, I thought maybe I could help.
12:04It's probably best if you just go home, OK?
12:06Aren't we already dealing with an RTA?
12:09And ED can't take it because?
12:10They're at capacity.
12:11So surely they should be sending him to St. James's.
12:14So who accepted it?
12:18Oh, go figure.
12:21Uh, I thought they were dragging in all the on-calls.
12:23They are.
12:24So where's Joseph?
12:25He had family commitments.
12:29Jack attack!
12:30You pumped for this?
12:32Carvey, my funny Valentine approaches.
12:35Excuse me.
12:36Now, don't be coy.
12:37That email's gone around the world
12:38more times than Michael Palin.
12:40All the nice boys love a nailer.
12:43Can I make a suggestion?
12:46Why don't you and your size two brogues just?
12:48Jack, Toby, treatment room.
12:50Everything all right?
12:51Oh, yeah.
12:52He's a prince of a man.
12:53His Armageddon.
12:54The only way we can be able to handle this
12:56is if we clear all high dependency,
12:57all intensive care units, and we
12:59freeze all elective procedures.
13:00I'm on it.
13:01Oh, my god.
13:10Nobody answer me.
13:12Do you think it might be someone just wanting a call?
13:16No, it's them.
13:17It's them.
13:18I know it's.
13:22Listen, if anything happens to me.
13:27You're going to be fine.
13:28Tell Daddy G.
13:30I'm sorry.
13:31Tell him.
13:34I never meant to disappoint you.
13:37Uncle Sania.
13:40Help him.
13:44Joseph, this is not good.
13:48These people will die unless you let me take them outside.
13:51You want a conviction for murder?
13:53Is that what you want?
13:55Right, everyone get in the back.
13:58Now, come on.
13:59No, I'm not leaving her.
14:00I don't have a choice.
14:02Get in the back.
14:08Come on, son.
14:09We'll see you soon.
14:13Right, you take them out.
14:15And that's it.
14:16Don't try nothing clever.
14:17There's been a shooting in the new town.
14:19A restaurant.
14:20We don't yet have the full details,
14:21but it sounds like it's a hostage situation.
14:23So we're going to need to be prepared
14:24for multiple casualties.
14:26AAU is the receiving ward, and Mr. Cullen
14:28is the emergency officer.
14:30Now, I've allocated the two Darwin theaters
14:32for any patients that we can't handle here.
14:34And all surgical staff are on standby
14:36to move between the two theaters as needed.
14:38Hematology and pathology are on standby for blood.
14:40And tonight's consultants are Mr. Weathers,
14:42Miss Harwood, myself, Mr. Cullen,
14:44and Mr. Cullen.
14:45Now, if you'll excuse me.
14:47Mr. Weathers, Miss Harwood, myself, Mr. Cullen,
14:50Mr. Hope, and Mr. Geddes.
14:52What happened to her?
14:54She'll need surgery.
14:56You've got nothing to worry about.
14:58I've been married 42 years.
15:00My Annie, she's got a strength I've never seen in a bloke.
15:04It'll take more than one little bullet to flaw your missus.
15:07I'm telling you.
15:09We've got to do something.
15:12Come on.
15:14One of these is for in here.
15:16We can lock ourselves in.
15:19Here, and then he can't touch it.
15:21Hey, wait.
15:22What about my friend?
15:23What about Joseph?
15:24Your boyfriend's not coming back, love.
15:26Once he's out that door, Lord Snooty's going to scarper.
15:29No, look.
15:30He'll get us out of here.
15:31I know he will.
15:32The only thing he's going to do is get us all shot.
15:34All right.
15:35All right.
15:37What are you doing?
15:38What happened?
15:39They've gone.
15:47In a moment, Mr. Cullen's going to hand out the major incident cards.
15:50So I would be grateful if you would just accept any task he gives you
15:53and get to work on them immediately.
15:58OK, Jack.
16:04Reporting to a duty, Mr. Cullen.
16:05We'll do whatever you want, whatever we can.
16:07And you call me a friend.
16:10Patient liaison.
16:11Wouldn't we be more used to you in the theaters?
16:12It's no problem.
16:13We're right on it.
16:15We're on our way in.
16:16OK, everyone.
16:17Stand by, please.
16:18See, Michael, I told you we could handle it.
16:20There's only two of them.
16:21So far.
16:23I don't know how many people are still in there.
16:33Well, I think we should hold a press conference,
16:35let them know exactly what we're dealing with.
16:37Let's wait until we're stood down before we start crowing
16:40about what a great job we've done.
16:42Oh, damn.
16:43What is it?
16:44You need me in theater.
16:46I've got to freeze all the elective ops.
16:47I've got to clear ITU and HTU for the cat one patients.
16:50Why don't you leave all that with me?
16:52I'm sure I can handle it.
16:54Trust me.
17:03So this is your master plan, is it?
17:04Shut up.
17:05Hold five people captive in a room full of rice.
17:07I mean, what exactly do you think this is going to achieve?
17:09Just shut up.
17:10You really think you can win this thing?
17:13You know you ain't helping.
17:14Somebody stop him.
17:16Stop it.
17:17He needs water.
17:18If you don't stop coughing, I swear to God...
17:20Let me get him some water and he will stop.
17:23You stay right here.
17:32Joseph, please, you're just making it worse.
17:34What do you want me to do?
17:36I need you.
17:37We all need you.
17:44I'm sorry.
17:46Just tell me we're going to be okay.
17:51Of course we will.
17:52Tell me I'm going to see Jojo again.
17:55I promise.
18:09Sorry to keep you guys waiting.
18:11No problem.
18:12You're about to start without you.
18:13Yeah, you've got a lot of experience dealing with bullet holes, Miss Naylor.
18:16Well, the last time I checked, Charing Cross was in south-central L.A.
18:19Yeah, but I did do a year in Miami,
18:21so this will be just like doing a tonsillectomy.
18:24All right.
18:28All right.
18:30Put pressure there.
18:31More suction.
18:32Come on.
18:33I can't see a damn thing.
18:34Yeah, BP's falling.
18:35All right.
18:36We're going to have to tie up the brachial artery.
18:37It's completely torn.
18:39Perhaps I should have mentioned that this guy can bleed like a power hose.
18:42Sorry, you were saying something about a tonsillectomy.
18:56How old are you then, Sonny?
18:58Don't talk to me.
18:59I know a scared kid when I see one.
19:01I bet I've got socks older than you are.
19:04I told you.
19:05Shut up.
19:06Your mum know you're here.
19:08Shut up about my mum.
19:09Do you think she'd be proud of you if she knew what you was up to?
19:11Don't you talk about my mum.
19:12Don't you ever talk about my mum.
19:17Oh, my God.
19:20Sean Jackson.
19:23He goes to my college.
19:30See, Jack, why would we want to work anywhere else other than Holby
19:33when we get to do exciting surgeries like this?
19:36Holby hardly has the monopoly on saphenous grafts.
19:39No, but how many hospitals do you know that can handle a major RTA
19:42and a shooting simultaneously?
19:44None, come to think of it.
19:46Nice, Jack.
19:47Remind me to put great attitude on your reference.
19:51I don't know why you're sulking.
19:53You know fine well if you've been overlooked in favour of some cack-handed homunculus.
19:57Hey, there are other ways of rewarding talent.
19:59Don't get hung up on a title.
20:00Five-0 pro-lean?
20:01Really? Such as?
20:02Say, a 5% pay increase?
20:07OK, is that clamp on?
20:09Yeah, clamp is on.
20:11Oh, I wouldn't call that a reward. I'd call that an insult.
20:14Besides, you've got to have as much influence over the pay scale as Barry the Porter.
20:20You know, for the record, Jack,
20:22cack-handed homunculus is a little harsh for someone you barely know.
20:27And Toby Geddes is a capable surgeon.
20:30And unlike others, he is a team player.
20:37Um, can you take over for a minute?
20:42Sorry to leave you like this.
20:44Missing you already.
20:54What's going on?
20:55Pope's finally lost it.
20:57Threw me out the bloody op.
20:59Oh, he didn't give a reason. Just decided he didn't like the way I was operating.
21:01Guy's an absolute fruitcake.
21:03First he walks out halfway through an op and now this.
21:05I can't work like this, Michael. I'm sorry.
21:09What the hell are you thinking?
21:13Tell me you didn't just throw Toby Geddes out of theatre.
21:16That is exactly what just happened.
21:19Jesus, Elliot, I know you two have your differences,
21:21but we are in the middle of a category one.
21:23He was putting the patient's life in danger.
21:26Not to mention making highly offensive comments.
21:29I really don't know what possessed you to give that man a job.
21:32I don't care if he called your mama a fat cow.
21:34Right now the only thing that matters is that we pull together so we can get through this.
21:39We have to work as a team.
21:41Now you find Geddes. You apologize. Is that clear?
21:46Not cool, Elliot.
21:48Not cool.
22:03Tension haemothorax.
22:05You've got to let him go.
22:08This whole place is surrounded.
22:11What am I supposed to do?
22:13Why, Sean?
22:15Your brother, maybe. But you...
22:17You don't know nothing about my brother.
22:18I always thought you were all right.
22:19Don't act like you know me.
22:21You don't know who I am.
22:22He's not breathing.
22:23What do you mean?
22:24It means he'll be dead in five minutes.
22:26No. No, man, no. You've got to do something.
22:29You've got to help him.
22:30I'm going to need something sharp, some sort of tube. Quickly.
22:46It's perfect.
23:31Has he killed him?
23:33Scalpel to the carotid.
23:35Focus, Jack.
23:36I'm trying to get on top of this bleed, and nothing is working.
23:47I want to talk to the doctor.
23:49Mr Singh.
23:50It's important, doctor.
23:52You have to keep quiet, or I will lose my job.
23:57He's asystolic.
23:58I want to talk to the doctor.
24:00It's bad blood.
24:02It's bad blood, my son.
24:07What happened to him?
24:12I should give him maybe 15, 20 minutes.
24:16Then what?
24:18No one's supposed to get hurt.
24:21What was that?
24:23Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
24:25No, they're here.
24:26They're in the restaurant.
24:29What was that?
24:31Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
24:33No, they're here.
24:34They're in the restaurant.
24:49I want to talk to the doctor.
24:52It's bad blood.
24:55It's bad blood, my son.
24:58Hit that intercom.
25:00Just do it.
25:21He's bleeding out.
25:22All right.
25:23Let's give him an FFP transfusion.
25:25Comes with a tan.
25:26Let's go.
25:28Yeah, sounds like Factor 11,
25:30inherited from Pops over here.
25:32You should have worked it out.
25:33Well, now we know,
25:34so let's just save his life.
25:39What am I going to do?
25:41There's no way out, is there?
25:43You need to put the gun down.
25:44No, no, no.
25:45You stay away from me.
25:46Stay back.
25:54You really didn't mean to hurt anyone, did you, Sean?
25:56I'm not going to get locked up.
25:58Why don't you give me the gun?
25:59No, no, no.
26:00No, see, I can't do that.
26:02I promised my big brother I'd look after it till he gets out.
26:08You didn't know it was loaded, did you?
26:14Why did you pick this place?
26:16I didn't.
26:19You were going for the off-licence next door.
26:24It was shut.
26:27Why didn't you just go home?
26:29I made a promise.
26:31What promise?
26:32My mum couldn't hack it any more.
26:34I had to make it stop.
26:35Couldn't hack what, Sean?
26:36Make what stop?
26:37I didn't even think I'd have the guts.
26:38She'll tell you.
26:40Everyone else thinks I'm a loser.
26:42You were just trying to help your mum.
26:45Well, I couldn't.
26:50Pressure stabiliser 110 over 70.
26:53Get the intercom for me, please.
26:55All right, let's get him cleaned up,
26:56and I'll need a 30 micro.
26:59All right, Dr. Valentine,
27:00now that Mr. Singh has saved his son's life,
27:02maybe you can take him back down to the relatives' room?
27:12Oh, and Valentine,
27:14you made a good call this time.
27:16But that is one in a million.
27:18For future reference, you never, ever
27:20bring a relative into theatre again.
27:22You got it?
27:23You got it?
27:24I'm sorry, Mrs. Linton,
27:25told me to...
27:26You know what?
27:27I don't even want to hear it.
27:30Everything seems to be going swimmingly, doesn't it?
27:32Yep, it's going fine, Naylor.
27:34Let's just close him up and move him down to ITU.
27:37I'll call through and check their space.
27:39There's no need.
27:40It's all been cleared for the Category 1.
27:42What the hell?
27:44Oh, come on.
27:45Are you kidding me?
27:46That's Mrs. Bunch
27:47who is scheduled for an aortic valve replacement tonight.
27:49All elective ops have been cancelled.
27:52How did you not get that?
27:54Come on, man.
27:55What's going on out there?
28:00Just before 7 o'clock tonight,
28:02a 40-year-old male and a 29-year-old female
28:05were admitted to our acute admissions unit
28:07with severe bullet wounds.
28:09I'm happy to say
28:10that we were able to successfully treat both patients
28:13and their condition is currently stable,
28:15although they'll both be in intensive care
28:17for the foreseeable future.
28:20Oh, yes.
28:29OK, that's all for now.
28:30Thank you very much.
28:32And thank you, Toby, for all your hard work tonight.
28:35I think it's been something of a triumph for us.
28:38A testament to the strength of your leadership.
28:40Well, a hospital's only as good as its doctors.
28:42One doctor's much like any other.
28:44And a good CEO's rarer than hen's teeth.
28:46I'm at the tail end of a 14-hour shift,
28:48so I'm sure Elliot Hope can handle things from here on in.
28:52You don't mind if I push off?
28:53Absolutely not, no.
28:55You've done quite enough already.
29:17Sean, are you going to give me the gun?
29:29I'm sorry.
29:30What are you doing?
29:34Unlock the door.
29:39I'm coming out! Stay back!
29:41All right, you lot stay here.
29:43Open the door.
29:44You'd better stay back!
29:46Stay back! You're going to let me go, all right?
29:50I'm just going to walk right out of here.
29:52Nobody's going to stop me.
29:54And then I'll let her go.
29:57I promise you I'm OK.
29:59I promise you.
30:00OK, don't shoot.
30:01Please don't shoot, just get back!
30:03Sean, please, put the gun down.
30:05They can't let you walk out of here.
30:07No, I'm not going to prison.
30:09I can't do this.
30:11I'm not going to prison.
30:13I can't do that to my mum.
30:14All right, Sean, you point your gun at them,
30:16you'll leave them with no choice.
30:19Tell my mum.
30:22Tell her I'm sorry.
30:24I'm so sorry.
30:38Nope, there was no room at the end.
30:41Mr Spence said there'd be beds available.
30:43What's going on here?
30:44This is your vision for Holby, is it?
30:45Why is he in the corridor?
30:46Because there was nowhere else to put him,
30:48and you told me there'd be space.
30:49Yeah, space has been made.
30:51Apparently not.
30:53Damn it.
30:54I was promised.
30:56All right, let's move him to Keller HDU.
30:58No, no, that's full team.
31:00No, that has definitely been cleared and prepped.
31:02I gave the orders.
31:03Those orders didn't get through.
31:04It is chocker with elective patients.
31:06No, all elective ops have been postponed.
31:08Well, they haven't.
31:10Both agree?
31:14All right, um, well, we're going to have to do something
31:17because we have two more priority ones coming in.
31:19No, we can't take them.
31:20No, we don't have a choice.
31:21They're almost here.
31:23All right, look, I know you're both tired,
31:25and I know this evening hasn't been easy,
31:26but we are through the worst of it.
31:28Now, we can do this.
31:29We're a team.
31:32You can't really still believe that, can you?
31:36Elliot to Julia, all done.
31:53We'll be right behind you, all right?
32:14Why do you and I always end up trapped in confined spaces?
32:18People will talk.
32:20I'm so sorry.
32:22This is all my fault.
32:23You didn't know what was going to happen.
32:25I dragged you in there.
32:27It made matters worse.
32:29You came through for us in the end.
32:31I knew you would.
32:33I should have done more.
32:37For the record, you're not an empty shell.
32:42You've got the biggest heart of anyone I know.
32:46That's who you are.
32:48You know, I still think of your dream from time to time.
32:54My dream?
32:55My picket fence.
32:57Cricket on the lawn.
33:00If anything had happened to you, I would never have forgiven myself.
33:09Everything's out with Faye.
33:13Nothing's perfect.
33:16We all have to do the best we can with the lives we're given.
33:30Oh, shit.
33:33OK, we have output.
33:34Let's get her into theatre.
33:36Where we at, Elliot?
33:37She's ruptured her phrenic artery.
33:39Must have missed the hole in the diaphragm.
33:41We're going to need to take her back into theatre.
33:43I'll need another consultant.
33:45All right, I'll page Geddes.
33:46He's gone home.
33:47No, he hasn't.
33:48Yes, he has.
33:49All right, then I will call him.
33:50No point.
33:51He's turned his phone off.
33:52He reckoned he'd done enough already.
33:54Elliot, I think you've misunderstood.
33:56Yes, Michael.
33:57I must have misunderstood.
33:59Because it couldn't possibly be Geddes who's at fault, could it?
34:01Just as none of this could possibly be any of your fault.
34:04Wait a minute.
34:05How is this my fault?
34:06You are director of surgery.
34:08Somebody has to take responsibility for this chaos.
34:10So if it isn't you to blame, who is?
34:14I couldn't tell you.
34:15Well, that just about says it all.
34:17You know what, Michael?
34:18I can't work like this.
34:20Enough is enough.
34:21I can't work like this.
34:23I can't work like this.
34:25Enough is enough.
34:26You can expect my resignation in the morning.
34:28And yes, you can take that as a vote of no confidence.
34:31That's really professional.
34:33Resigning in the middle of a major incident?
34:35Well, just about as professional as your appointment
34:38walking out in the middle of a major incident.
34:40Wait, you know what, Elliot?
34:41You are the one who threw Geddes out of theatre.
34:43So if you're on your own, you've got no one to blame but yourself.
34:53I'm sorry.
35:04Help me, I need a trolley!
35:19They spotted Het.
35:23Oh, good, she's bleeding out.
35:26BP's 67 over 44 and falling.
35:29Ties, please, quickly.
35:31No, it's no good. I need another pair of hands.
35:34OK, we'll get Dr Boyle over here.
35:36We're going to lose her. I can't do this.
35:38We're going to lose them both.
35:40Don't be so pessimistic, Elliot.
35:54We're going to need some help here.
35:56Oh, thank God. I thought you were...
35:58Daisha, we need to get her into theatre now.
36:02I've been trying to halt the bleed, but we need to get in there.
36:10Move. Where?
36:12I don't care. Darwin cares. Just get him out of here.
36:14Let's get him out to Darwin One, quick as you can.
36:16Someone please Mr Spence.
36:18She's had a new quick-fix surgery.
36:20What are you waiting for? Come on.
36:22Help me with the head. OK, on three.
36:24One, two, three.
36:28Do you have any idea how incompetent this makes me look?
36:31You were supposed to clear the ITUs and the HDUs and close the ED,
36:34but no, you're off chatting to the press.
36:36If we'd held off speaking to the press one minute longer,
36:39it would have looked like we had something to hide.
36:41And why was Geddes there?
36:43Oh, please don't take your aggression out on me, Michael.
36:45Do you have any idea of what kind of trouble we're in?
36:48I've got intensive care patients lying in the corridor
36:51and now I'm a surgeon down because Geddes decided to go home.
36:54I know. I said he could.
36:56He said Elliot Hope had everything under control.
36:59Yeah, so under control, he's just handed in his notice.
37:02Says we can take it as a vote of no confidence.
37:04If he's not with us, then we don't need him, do we?
37:07Look, as far as the press and the board are concerned,
37:11this evening has been a complete success for you and me.
37:15Are you for real?
37:17You have a vision for this hospital, Michael, a brilliant vision.
37:20And I want to make that happen for you.
37:22You know I do.
37:25We have to work together.
37:32And we've paged the on-call obstetrician
37:34who's going to check the condition of the baby.
37:36Just save her.
37:39Doctor, what about Sid?
37:42The old guy. Have you found his wife?
37:44Um, Annie, he said her name was.
37:46I'm not sure, but I will find out for you, all right?
37:49As soon as we get any news, we'll let you know.
37:52What happened? They said it was gunshot wounds.
37:54I can't tell you anything at the moment. I'll try and find out for you.
37:57When can I see him?
37:58Like I say.
38:00Why him? Why did it have to be him?
38:03What has my Sean ever done to anyone?
38:11OK, we have clear bullet damage to the liver.
38:14Also suspected colonic injury at the hepatic flexure.
38:17You need to stop bleeding.
38:18Josie, if you need to leave, you make sure she's OK.
38:22I promise.
38:23Come on, Sid. Come on.
38:25Wait, Faye. Not yet. I need to.
38:27Just until the scrub nurse gets here.
38:37Is this Sid?
38:39Do you know if anyone's contacted his wife yet?
38:41I don't think anyone's tried.
38:45Sid, I'm going to try and contact Annie for you, OK?
38:50I suggest she gets here as soon as she can.
38:53Any idea?
38:54If that's his jacket, there might be something in one of the pockets.
38:57Got it.
38:59He's arrhythmic.
39:04So, Mrs B.
39:06I was having to be in the neighbourhood.
39:08Cortex patch, please.
39:09I assume Mr Hope had sent out a maiden.
39:12Sent out a maiden, Cor?
39:15It's a call of women's intuition.
39:17I think to do with an extra pair of hands.
39:19Understatement of the century.
39:21We wouldn't have if somebody hadn't thrown their toys out of the frame.
39:26Baby's dropping through the floor.
39:28Looks like another bleed.
39:29Yeah. Can't see a thing.
39:30What's going on?
39:31Right, she's going into hypervolemic shock.
39:33We need to find this bleed.
39:35Darwin Theatre One?
39:36About time.
39:37Baby's heart rate is going up.
39:39Bleeds causing it distress.
39:41Emergency C-section, please.
39:42Yes, I've got Mr Hope and, believe it or not, Connie Beecham.
39:47It's AAU. They need a CT consultant.
39:49It's Dacia Anderson.
39:55Right, you can take it from here, can't you?
39:58Connie Beecham.
40:00You don't even work here.
40:01Oh, Keith, I really haven't missed you.
40:12Time of death, 9.45pm.
40:18Have you found his wife yet?
40:21Yeah, I spoke to somebody at his sheltered accommodation.
40:24Apparently Annie died in 1989.
40:27No kids.
40:32No one should have to die alone.
40:35You were there, weren't you?
40:36I just want to know what happened.
40:41My boy got shot.
40:44I just want to know why.
40:48Was it them?
40:53My eldest, Lee.
40:56He owes people money.
40:59The wrong sort of people.
41:02I'm sorry.
41:04The wrong sort of people.
41:08We've been getting these threats, day and night.
41:12Making our life unbearable.
41:26Mr. Spence.
41:28I don't know what you're doing right now, Naylor, but I sure could use a hand.
41:32I'll be right there.
41:35Can I leave you to...
41:41Matt Gardner in the relatives room. I should...
41:44go and tell him about Sid.
41:46I can do that.
41:48Ollie, are you okay?
42:21It's Sid.
42:32They're doing everything they can.
42:35You and I both know what that means.
42:38The damage to the right colon is much more extensive than Linden expected.
42:42It's all my fault.
42:46If it wasn't for me, she wouldn't be in there right now.
42:49What if she...
42:56BP's falling. Fill him with blood.
43:03I can't see a thing.
43:04We need to get on top of the bleed from the liver.
43:09This is Beecham.
43:12Let's pack it.
43:13Keep suction.
43:14Keep pushing the fluids.
43:15We need platelets and FFP.
43:17We've lost output.
43:18She's going into PEA.
43:19All right.
43:20Can't shock her.
43:21Heart won't pump anything.
43:23Keep up in the ionotopes and blood.
43:32I didn't know if you'd want sugar.
43:38Go on.
43:39It's your darling.
43:40I'm sure you'd feel better if...
43:44Well, I've made it now.
43:46I'll just go to waste otherwise.
43:50Why couldn't you just take the bloody tea?
43:52How dare you?
43:53You're all sitting here as though you're looking at me like this is my fault.
43:56It's my fault.
43:57It's my fault.
43:58It's my fault.
43:59It's my fault.
44:01Shut the hell up.
44:05Don't you get it?
44:07You're all in the same position.
44:08All of you.
44:10You're all feeling scared.
44:11You're all feeling guilty.
44:14For God's sake, don't be angry with each other.
44:15What's that going to do?
44:16How's that going to help?
44:20Thank you very much.
44:22Thank you very much.
44:25I'm sorry.
44:27It's okay.
44:28Forgive me.
44:30Forgive me.
44:33He said...
44:34your son...
44:36that he had to make it stop.
44:39He said...
44:40he didn't know what else to do.
44:45Matt, I came down to tell you...
44:47She's okay, right?
44:48She's still in theatre, but...
44:50they managed to deliver the baby by C-section about ten minutes ago.
44:53I thought you might want to meet him.
44:57Come on, Matt. It's your child.
45:00No, it isn't.
45:07It's been 15 minutes.
45:13We have output.
45:15BP's rising, only just.
45:16We have a pulse. Let's focus on that.
45:18We've still got to stop the bleed.
45:20Well, we've done all we can.
45:22It's over to her now.
45:23You mean we just leave her packed and hope the bleed stops itself?
45:25Well, we have no choice.
45:27She's shown us she's a fighter.
45:28Right, let's get her up to ITU.
45:30We can't.
45:31What do you mean, we can't?
45:33Daisha, right?
45:35That's who you were talking about back there, wasn't it?
45:37I don't know, maybe.
45:39You two...
45:40It's complicated.
45:42It always is.
45:44Because you start to wonder what else might be out there.
45:48The other lives you could be living.
45:51That's how the male brain is programmed.
45:53God's sick joke.
45:58And then you start to realise that...
46:01life makes no sense without her.
46:06Only two weeks after we got back together...
46:10you discover she's pregnant.
46:13Three months pregnant.
46:15Does the other guy know?
46:17It was just a one-night stand.
46:21How am I supposed to love this baby?
46:26I'd always be just some stranger's kid.
46:31And I only have myself to blame.
46:35Charger 360.
46:40Again, 360.
46:44Again, 360.
46:48We've done everything you can.
46:56It's just been getting worse.
47:00At first...
47:03it was just phone calls.
47:06OK, time of death.
47:08But lately there's been stuff through the letterbox.
47:12Things sprayed on our front door.
47:17I ain't got that kind of money, have I?
47:22The last thing Sean said to me...
47:27he said he was going to make it stop.
47:32My angel.
47:37He did it for me.
47:42He did it for me.
47:59It can't be.
48:03He's my baby!
48:22Elliot needed me.
48:27It's a concept you wouldn't understand.
48:39Look, I know everything didn't go according to plan...
48:41Look at what you say, Michael.
48:43Daisha's lying in there like some sort of animal.
48:47She should be in intensive care right now,
48:49but as you know, there's nowhere to put her.
48:57Vanessa and I have done everything we could.
49:01It's not what she said.
49:10It's all right, mate.
49:12Don't you worry.
49:15I'm going to be right here for you.
49:23I found this in your car.
49:25I found this in your girlfriend's wallet earlier.
49:27I don't know if you want it.
49:39I didn't know she still had this.
49:42It's an engagement ring.
49:45Double met. Summer term.
50:07You told me earlier we should wait till we'd been stood down
50:10before we started crying to the press.
50:12Well, we've been stood down, so...
50:15enjoy your moment.
50:18Oh, I will.
50:24Do you want to take a break?
50:54Looks like God kept his part of the deal.
50:57I just wanted him to be alive.
51:00And he is.
51:02What I said before,
51:04I meant every word.
51:07So did I.
51:09So what do we do?
51:15God has joined together, let no man put us under.
51:19You made a promise.
51:21You can't break it.
51:24What about us?
51:26And another life, maybe.
51:33Thank you for waiting, everyone.
51:35It's been a long night for all of us,
51:37and I really appreciate your patience.
51:39I'm now going to hand over to the Director of Surgery,
51:42Michael Spence.
51:47Well, I guess you were expecting me to come out here
51:49and tell you how brilliantly we handled everything tonight.
51:52How well prepared we were.
51:56But to be honest,
51:58you're never really prepared for things like this.
52:01They come out of nowhere, and they catch you off guard.
52:04It's amazing.
52:07There are things we could have done better tonight,
52:09but we did the best we could.
52:19To those who have lost loved ones,
52:20I would like to say that I am truly sorry.
52:28I cannot imagine your pain,
52:30and I hope that you believe me when I tell you
52:32that we did everything we could.
52:42Finally, I would like to thank my colleagues
52:44here at Holby City.
52:46They're an outstanding surgical team,
52:47and it's a privilege to work alongside them.
52:59In particular, I would like to mention Mr. Lyndon Cullen,
53:08Mr. Joseph Byrne,
53:12Ms. Jack Naylor,
53:14Ms. Connie Beecham,
53:15and Mr. Elliot Hope.
53:17We are lucky to have each and every one of you here.
53:21You've forgotten Toby Geddes.
53:23No, I haven't.
53:26That's it.
53:28Thank you very much.
53:40Thank you for the acknowledgement.
53:46If I let you walk out of here,
53:48it will be the worst mistake I ever make.
53:51Well, I'm afraid there's only one thing
53:52that will convince me to change my mind.
53:59What'll it take?
54:03I think you know.
54:08Well, I couldn't get you his head on a plate,
54:12but it's the best I can do.
54:16What about her?
54:31It'll take time.
54:33Gotta play the long game.
54:37But she will go.
54:39Believe me.
54:41What about you, Naylor?
54:42We can talk terms.
54:56No change.
55:12No change.
55:42Celebrities of life on the dole in Britain.
55:45Four celebrities find out what it's like
55:47to be famous, rich and jobless,
55:49next on BBC One.