Neighbours 9097 20th August 2024

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Neighbours 9097 20th August 2024
00:00Previously on Knibbers.
00:02Borough East Station.
00:03You're flying to Mount Harper.
00:04Now is not the time to hesitate, Paul.
00:06I know you've been sneaking around with Holly.
00:08Back off or you're gonna find out what it's like to get hurt.
00:10He drove off probably to where he's staying.
00:12Someone's gotta sort him out.
00:14There's nine million bucks in this bank account.
00:16It was a problem, but I took care of it.
00:19I haven't seen him all afternoon.
00:21Melanie didn't come home last night.
00:23Come away with me.
00:24Yeah, I'm just off with a friend for a couple days.
00:26Is it Tess?
00:27She can wait.
00:28Turn yours off too.
00:45This is heaven.
00:47Your heaven.
00:51You sure I can't come to the station with you when you go?
00:54No, it's better for you to stay here and to keep coming up with ideas like this.
01:20You turned your phone back on?
01:21Only to check the way to the station.
01:27No more distractions.
01:38I should probably message Dad and Susan.
01:42Mackenzie too.
01:46Why her?
01:48Well, she's wrong about you.
01:50So wrong.
01:53She's still my friend.
01:55She's only your friend when it suits her.
02:00Why do you say that?
02:01I'm saying he's the same.
02:04You'll always come second best to their boyfriends.
02:10You know, it has felt a lot like that lately.
02:19Let's go for a walk.
02:21Yeah, there's a river nearby.
02:23Can't I relax a little longer?
02:26I am an American in the outback.
02:30I gotta see some rooms.
02:33This would be calm, isn't it?
02:35Come here, you.
02:36Leap away.
02:42Why aren't you picking up?
02:44I don't know what you're playing at, but you need to call me straight away.
02:49There's been a development.
02:52Then pick one.
02:56So they were last seen at 4pm at Harold's.
03:00Surely there's something you can do.
03:03Technically, Toadie and Melanie haven't been gone long enough to be considered missing persons.
03:08But they are missing.
03:10They couldn't have just fallen off the face of the earth.
03:13Look, I have to ask this, considering what happened at Rhonda's office.
03:18But is there a chance that they're lying low on purpose?
03:21No, no.
03:23Are you sure?
03:27Um, did Toadie say something to you?
03:31No, no, no, it's nothing like that.
03:33I'm just simply approaching this like I would any other case.
03:36I need to consider all options.
03:38Whatever you're hinting, he wouldn't, he wouldn't do that to me again.
03:43I agree. He's not in that headspace.
03:47Listen, I know Toadie and Melanie are the priority, but we're worried about Holly too.
03:53She said she'd get in touch and she hasn't.
03:55Well, Sadie did tell me about that Heath guy.
03:57She said she was going away with someone from housekeeping, but Susan, I suspect she's with him.
04:03Do you find anything?
04:14Oh, thanks.
04:15But I was inspired to make some calls.
04:17The hotel that you lost the experiences to or to was the Quill Group.
04:21Let's just say I have a history with them.
04:23Anyway, I rang a contact there and they were cagey at first, but they did seem to know Tess.
04:28What? How?
04:31I don't know, you don't suppose she might have tipped them off at all?
04:34You mean, so they'd sweep in and steal the contract?
04:38Well, she did give you a bum steer with that mystery shop, a company.
04:42At a huge cost, alas, it is.
04:44Yeah. It's like she's creating little expensive fires everywhere, isn't it?
04:49Yeah, but to what end?
04:52I don't know. Me thinks it's time I had another discussion with Miss Carmichael.
04:58Good luck.
05:01You know, there is one way to get to the bottom of all this.
05:05Call Rhys.
05:10I'm scared of what she's going to say.
05:13But you need to know if she's across this sale.
05:16Yeah, but if she is, then I mean she doesn't care about me at all.
05:22Then don't take it lying down. You're a Sinclair too.
05:26Yeah, the one that brought shame to her family.
05:29Call her. I'll be right here.
05:34According to Katrina Marshall, no one in the housekeeping has even talked about doing a trip.
05:38It sounds like Holly fed you a story.
05:40Susan and I honestly believe she was in a better place.
05:43We all wanted to think that.
05:45She's just done a post just now to her stories.
05:51Wait, that, that guy.
05:53Is that his?
05:54Could be.
05:55Do you know where she is?
05:56There's no caption and based on this she could be literally anywhere.
05:59Okay, well she does seem to be in good spirits, that's something.
06:02Keep trying to call her.
06:03Yeah, I better get back across the road.
06:08It's so strange that Toadie and Melanie have gone missing and now Holly's gone on this random trip.
06:16What are you doing?
06:18I'm going into the metadata on Holly's post. It might tell us where she is.
06:22If that's all you can tell me then that's fine. Thanks Rhonda.
06:29She can't betray a client confidentiality.
06:31So she couldn't tell you anything?
06:33She did say that she doesn't think that Toadie would stray with Mel.
06:37Well, at least we all agree on that.
06:39Oh yes, absolutely.
06:40Yeah, I'm not doubting him. I'm not.
06:43It's just, there was something he kept repeating in Rhonda's office.
06:49I'm not ready. I'm not ready. I'm not ready for what? What?
06:55I don't know.
06:57Well, whatever it was, it sounds like he was prepared to tell Mel.
07:01Why not me?
07:05It's funny, isn't it? The minute that you leave home all your problems melt away.
07:09What problems do you have? I mean besides annoying friends.
07:13Well, there's a slight issue of my life lacking any direction.
07:18Alright, well what do you want to do? Dream as big as you want.
07:27Well, once upon a time it was medicine.
07:34I don't know, being out here makes me realise how much I miss travelling.
07:37Yeah, well, I mean there's a big wide world out there.
07:45Which brings me to my next problem.
07:48All my savings are supposed to be for buying a car.
07:51Well, I mean you could come travelling with me.
07:56Which brings me to my next problem.
07:59The guy that I like is still seeing another woman.
08:02Yeah, well, I'm going to leave Tess when we get back from here.
08:11Yeah, I'm going to get what I'm owed and go my own way.
08:15Work entitlements, that is.
08:20Tess, wait.
08:21I go my own way, work and entitlements, that is.
08:27Something like that.
08:49Jess, wait!
08:57Come away with me.
09:04You're not talking about dinner in Singapore again?
09:09No, I'm talking open ticket.
09:11That's huge.
09:14I mean, we've come this far, right?
09:16Well, I'd have to go home and talk about it with everyone first.
09:20They're only going to talk you out of it.
09:22Well, I can't leave without talking to Dad and Susan.
09:25I'm sure that goody-goody Mackenzie, I bet she's already been in there a year.
09:30Are you serious?
09:32Cross my heart. I mean, you packed your passport, right?
09:48Did you see that? I think it was a roo.
09:50Come on, come on.
10:06Wait for me.
10:17Yeah, it was really good to talk to you too, Rhys.
10:22I will.
10:24Okay, bye.
10:28She had no idea about the sale?
10:32Apparently she hasn't spoken to Tess in weeks.
10:35How is that possible?
10:36Tess manages one of the key territories.
10:39Apparently they weren't getting along.
10:41So Rhys sent her to the Asia Pacific to get her out of her hair.
10:45Okay, well I should let Dad know.
11:12Dad, Dad, are you with Tess?
11:14No, no, she took off.
11:17Well, did she see you?
11:19I'm not sure, but anyway, I'm in the house now.
11:21I can tell you, it looks like she's gone for good.
11:23Well, there could be a good reason for that.
11:26Look, Rhys had no idea about the sale.
11:28It sounds like Tess has gone completely rogue.
11:35Yeah, hold on mate.
11:51I've tried everything.
11:52The metadata must be corrupted.
11:55Do you think the police would have more luck?
11:57Well, at this stage they probably wouldn't devote resources to it.
12:06There is something I could do.
12:08I can't believe I'm saying this.
12:10What is it?
12:12I've been wanting to put my past behind me and try to have a legitimate career.
12:19I could hack Holly's phone.
12:24I know that this is a big deal for you.
12:26Yeah, well he threatened you.
12:27He's clearly a loose cannon.
12:29Yeah, and I didn't want to say this to Carl, but I feel like Holly could be in some serious danger.
12:35Then I know what I have to do.
12:47Don't ask how, but we know where Holly is.
12:51About two hours south of Mount Harper.
12:53That's Queensland, isn't it?
12:54Yeah, it's inland, it's a small town, less than a hundred people.
12:57Why would she be so far from a town like that?
12:59No idea.
13:00We have coordinates, but there is a margin for error.
13:03There are only two connecting flights to Mount Harper per week, and can you believe there's one leaving in a couple of hours?
13:10Hang on, was there one yesterday as well?
13:12Heath must have arranged the travel privately.
13:14We think that we should be on that flight, just in case.
13:17You're that worried?
13:19Look, we don't know if it's going to be a wild goose chase or not.
13:23Yeah, well, I should come too.
13:26No, you should stay. I'm guessing you haven't heard from Tony and Melanie yet?
13:32Okay, well, you're needed here, and when we find Holly, we'll let you know.
13:36It's incredible of you to do this.
13:38Thank you. Thank you, both of you.
13:40Of course.
13:43Take care.
13:54Did you see Melanie or Tony at all yesterday?
13:57No, I'm sorry. I've already mentioned that to Andrew as well.
14:00Couldn't you just ask around, see if anyone knows anything?
14:02Of course.
14:03Hey, any updates?
14:05Um, so this is what Paul found in Tess Carmichael's apartment.
14:09Yeah, we don't know who it belongs to. I mean, do you recognise it at all?
14:12That's Melanie. She was wearing that yesterday.
14:15You sure?
14:16Yeah, no, she even made a point of showing me. She was comparing it to this figurine she just bought.
14:42Alright, I'm heading off.
14:44Okay, um, before you go, do you have any idea where my phone went?
14:49When did you remember last seeing it?
14:51I thought I had it with me on our walk.
14:53I don't think you did.
14:55Well, then it must be here somewhere, but I've looked everywhere.
14:57I really want to message Dad.
15:01It may not be my phone.
15:05Well, what's the number?
15:09Zero four.
15:10Zero four.
15:11Nine nine.
15:12Nine nine.
15:18Tess Carmichael is calling.
15:21Alright, I want half of you inside, half of you searching the grounds with me.
15:24Yes, Sarge.
15:25Hey, you need to leave. This is a potential crime scene.
15:28I am not going anywhere.
15:29Therese, I will call you if we find anything.
15:31Isn't it worth it being here, though?
15:33If you find something that potentially belongs to Toadie, she can identify it.
15:37There's nothing to suggest that Toadie was even here.
15:40Yeah, but it looks like Melanie was, and he was last seen with her.
15:43Oh, come on, Andrew, she needs to be here.
15:45Alright, just don't move from this spot, okay?
15:48Okay, okay, thank you. Thank you.
15:50Hey, hey, hey, try not to worry too much.
15:52I don't understand any of this.
15:53Hey, Sarge?
15:54What was Melanie doing here? And if Toadie was here too, then why? Why?
15:58Over here.
16:01Get forensics here now.
16:04Don't leave, Therese.
16:56Good afternoon.
16:58Where the hell have you been?
17:00You know, I don't really like your tone.
17:02In fact, if you keep talking to me that way, I'm going to end the call.
17:06Heath, just listen to me.
17:08Something serious has happened, and I need you to take care of it.
17:11I mean to test, when you say jump, I no longer say how high.
17:27Oh, why would Justin do that?
17:30He felt he had no other choice.
17:32I'm not happy about it, but what's done is done.
17:35This is make or break time.
17:37Expect a call from Justin.
17:39He'll let you know what the next steps are.
18:05You sure it's alright me being here?
18:09Listen, I put in a call to John Wong.
18:11Well, I figured if the police can't find Melanie and Toadie, perhaps a PI can.
18:19Any news from the police?
18:21Forensics is still testing the blood.
18:23Okay, well, we shouldn't assume the worst.
18:26How can we not?
18:28It's been almost 24 hours.
18:29Oh, Therese.
18:30No, they are both missing.
18:33Something terrible has happened, I know it.
18:35I do.
18:40Are you okay?
18:42Yeah, fine.
18:44I know it was a big deal for you, hacking into Holly's phone.
18:50She's not going to be happy with me.
18:52Or me.
18:55But it'd be worse if something happens to her and we didn't take the chance to act.
19:03I'm sorry.
19:05I'm sorry.
19:06We have to act.
19:40You're back.
19:41Let's dance.
19:42Maybe later.
19:43What about some wine?
19:44Do you want some wine?
19:46Yeah, wine.
19:47Oh, um, did my dad message back yet?
19:50Oh, sweet, I thought for sure he'd respond.
19:52Can I call him?
19:53I still can't find my phone.
19:55I'll call him.
19:56I'll call him.
19:57I'll call him.
19:58I'll call him.
19:59I'll call him.
20:00I'll call him.
20:01I'll call him.
20:02I'll call him.
20:03I'll call him.
20:04I still can't find my phone.
20:06Hey, you're being weird.
20:07No, I'm not.
20:08Did something happen at the station?
20:10What is your problem?
20:11Your attitude.
20:12You're being ungrateful.
20:14Because I asked you to use your phone.
20:15Because I bring you out to this amazing place for you to forget about home for a bit,
20:18and all you have done is talk about everyone back at Ahrensboro.
20:23Do you want to be here or not?
20:42We've been racking our brains trying to figure out why Toadie and Milt would go to Tessa's house.
20:47Mackenzie said she told them about Heath's threats.
20:51Toadie's very protective of her.
21:00So we've got a positive ID on the blood test.
21:03And I'm sorry, it's Toadie's.
21:10I can't believe this is happening.
21:12Where is he?
21:15Where's Melanie?
21:16Where are they?
21:44Coming up on Neighbours.
21:45I keep going over our last conversation.
21:48What if something terrible happens to her?
21:51What if I never get the chance to make things right?
21:53What about going to the kids?
21:55He's the only parent they've got left.
21:57I can't lose him.