CS 19 August 2024

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CS 19 August 2024
00:00Sorry, when was it again?
00:26The 7th of September.
00:297th of September.
00:327th, um...
00:34If you can't think, maybe turn that off.
00:37It's all right, I'll take it in there.
00:39The log states that you were the duty solicitor.
00:42Yeah, well, if my name's Diana's duty solicitor,
00:45then, yeah, I suppose it will have been me.
00:47One of you guys will have assigned me.
00:49Do it.
00:58Snowden, Snowden,
01:01Bolden, Crowden.
01:18Yeah, and you?
01:20What does Swayne want?
01:22Does some work bits.
01:25Oh, what does she want? Must have been something.
01:28She was just asking me why I didn't mention
01:30that I represented Lauren. What, like, a year ago?
01:33You'd forgotten that too, hadn't you?
01:35Er, yeah.
01:38I said you would have.
01:40It's weird that they're asking you about Lauren
01:42when they've got Nathan banned to write.
01:44I mean, she said she was just tying up loose ends,
01:46but, I mean, it seems like a waste of time to me.
01:51Right, I'll make us some coffee.
01:53Oh, not for me, Tom.
01:55Oh, OK.
01:57I'll do it personally.
01:59I said I'd meet my dad for a brew
02:01and I've got a couple of things, work things to do, so...
02:04Yeah, see you later.
02:07Love you.
02:09You too.
02:12Oh, come on!
02:14I'm not ready yet! Neither's your sister!
02:16I don't want to go.
02:18What, you don't want to go to the pictures?
02:20Pictures? You sound like Nana Evelyn.
02:22I think Nana Evelyn calls them talkies.
02:24Come on!
02:26Oh, we've got ages yet!
02:28She just doesn't want to be here when Alina arrives.
02:30Shut up!
02:31What, you don't want to see Darren? Get to know him?
02:33Well, there's not really any point.
02:35He's going back to Romania when this trial thing's over, isn't he?
02:37Don't they have cinemas in Romania?
02:39Of course they do!
02:40I said she was here.
02:41Shut up!
02:42Oh, my!
02:43Oh, my!
02:47Thank you for this.
02:48Oh, no, not at all.
02:50It'll be good for both of you.
02:51Erm, all of you.
02:53Well, as much as we'd love to stay and chat,
02:55we're going to see a film.
02:57You know, in Bucharest, we have this huge...
03:00We need to go.
03:04Teenagers, eh?
03:07Ruby, are you just stopping here?
03:12See you later.
03:15See you later.
03:16Hope doesn't like you.
03:18And your mum.
03:19But we don't care what they think, do we?
03:26300 pounds...
03:44Oh, Lifer, how early are you?
03:46I'm on my way to work now.
03:47Yeah, you're on a late one.
03:48No, I've got the night off.
03:50I was planning on scouting some gyms out later.
03:52Oh, yeah?
03:53One I use is pretty solid.
03:56It's clean.
03:57Not too expensive.
03:58I'm actually not working tonight.
04:00I could take you if you like.
04:03There's a pretty cool bar around the corner as well
04:05if you fancy something to eat and drink after.
04:07Cool, yeah.
04:08All right, plan.
04:10See you in a bit.
04:16Oh, er...
04:17I'm not working tonight, bro.
04:19I'm not?
04:20Neither am I.
04:22And I thought we might do something.
04:25Yeah, well, we're not planned anything, are we?
04:29No, Ryan.
04:30We hadn't planned anything.
04:33Nothing at all.
04:35Which is fine.
04:38I'll go open up.
04:43Where is everybody?
04:45Mary and Joseph.
04:46Are you on the rob?
04:48Are you planning on making a habit of walking in here
04:50whenever you want?
04:51To my family home?
04:54I thought you were staying in a posh hotel.
04:56Anyway, back to my original question.
04:58Anyway, back to my original question.
05:00If you can cast your drug-addled brain back that far,
05:03where is everybody?
05:05Well, Steve's here somewhere.
05:07Your dad's resting.
05:09And your daughter's at work.
05:11Now, work is the thing that I am doing right now.
05:14I'm making this for your father
05:16and then I'm taking him out for the day.
05:18It's called my job.
05:21Now, jobs and work are things that people do
05:24when they're not shacked up with some rich ex-footballer.
05:27A football coach for a top team.
05:29Youth team.
05:31In a fabulous town in Spain.
05:34Well, if it's that fabulous,
05:36what are you doing over here where you're not wanted?
05:39Is it because you're not wanted over there as well?
05:43You're really vile, do you know that?
05:49I'm going to go and see my dad.
05:57Shona said Roy would be back by now.
05:59What are you waiting for him for, anyway?
06:01It's about Joel.
06:03He's not still going on about that ticket to Ireland?
06:06No, because you said everything would be fine.
06:09Because you said you trust him. You do, don't you?
06:16Oh, right.
06:17I've got a disaster at the hotel.
06:19Hang on, I've got to take this number.
06:21It's fine.
06:22Yes, Debbie, what's the matter?
06:26Swain Rooney.
06:27Let me guess.
06:28Black coffee, two sugars.
06:30Hang on.
06:31OK, that's £1.60, please.
06:45Sorry about calling earlier on.
06:47No, that's fine.
06:49You must think we're harassing Joel.
06:51What with talking to him yesterday,
06:54Do you remember that necklace?
06:57Yeah, Lauren's necklace.
07:00But we all forget things, don't we?
07:02A bit like Joel forgetting he'd represented Lauren.
07:05It was pretty innocuous at the time.
07:08What did he tell you about our chat at the station?
07:11Just that he was seeing a client.
07:14That's interesting.
07:15Here you go.
07:18See you.
07:22Detective Sergeant.
07:24Oh, welcome home, Roy.
07:26How was it?
07:27Very good, very good.
07:28Sorry, Roy, can I talk to you for a minute?
07:30Er, give him a second to walk through the door, please.
07:33How's Kathy?
07:34It's just...
07:35You know that necklace?
07:36Yeah, Lauren's necklace, yeah.
07:39It's exactly like you drew from memory, right?
07:42Yeah, you gave it to the police.
07:44I gave it to Joel to pass to the police.
07:46Fortunately, it proved something of a dead end.
07:52At least that's what he told me.
07:56I swear there used to be an ice-cream van up on Kirstle Mall.
07:59Now, he's probably retired.
08:01He was 100 years old back in the day.
08:03Yeah, he'd give you your 99 and he'd go,
08:05do you want monkey blood on that?
08:07As we saw.
08:09Although now I think about it, maybe that's why I turned veggie.
08:12Yeah, no more 99 for me.
08:14Got to watch your own weight, son.
08:16Oh, give over.
08:17You're in great shape.
08:19I didn't mean...
08:20I wasn't...
08:22No, no, of course.
08:25Well, thank you for spending a bit of time with me today.
08:33It's flown by.
08:36Oh, now you have to be somewhere else?
08:38No, no, no, no, no.
08:40Right away, Lily wants to show me some tricks.
08:43Football, not magic.
08:44And I think I should be the supportive uncle, you know?
08:47Well, I've not got anything on for the rest of the day.
08:50I could join you.
08:52Really? Well...
08:54I mean, if you've got nothing on.
08:56Free as a bird.
08:58Well, that'd be great.
09:08Since when did my dad want a day out with a crackhead
09:11riding mobility scooters around the Trafford Centre?
09:14I enjoy the company.
09:15Well, I don't.
09:16Really? Cos I thought you were both best buddies.
09:20Tracy, what's the matter?
09:21And I don't mean here with Cassie.
09:23You and Tommy all right?
09:24Yeah, yeah, we're fine.
09:26Have you left him?
09:28Has he left you?
09:30Steve, tact and diplomacy were never your strong points, were they?
09:39It's dead cute.
09:42So tiny and beautiful, just like him.
09:45Yeah, that's what I thought.
09:47How do you like it?
09:48Yeah, I love it.
09:53So, how have you been?
09:56Yeah, you know.
10:01Yeah, yeah, good.
10:04And, well, the police wanted to talk to Joel, like, every five minutes.
10:09Why? What minute?
10:11Well, the latest is.
10:12Do you remember when you vandalised the salon?
10:15What about it?
10:16What about it?
10:17Well, Joel represented you, didn't he?
10:21Yeah, he did.
10:22I think he was, like, the duty solicitor or something.
10:25That's right.
10:27Well, what's that got to do with anything?
10:29He never mentioned it to the police.
10:33Should he have?
10:34I don't know.
10:40And then I was wondering if he'd mentioned your necklace as well.
10:43Doctor was round here earlier.
10:45Said he's put on another ounce.
10:48Best get out of here soon.
10:51Won't be in my house anymore.
10:57Then we'll be out of here.
10:59We're going to Northern Ireland.
11:02That's the plan, anyway.
11:03Always was.
11:05It was meant to happen before now, but someone had other ideas.
11:08Isn't that right, little mouse?
11:11Belfast, here we come.
11:30Here you go.
11:37You should get your dad to have a look at that door downstairs.
11:39It was wide open again.
11:41Any undesirable could just come waltzing in here.
11:45Although, I guess that being said,
11:47ne'er-do-wells are out of bread and butter, really, aren't they?
11:51So, do you fancy a bit of lunch?
11:53Yeah, if you're free.
11:55Well, great minds think alike.
11:57I actually popped round before your message,
11:58but there was no answer.
11:59I've called you as well.
12:00Sorry, I've been busy.
12:01Ah, work.
12:02Yeah, well,
12:04I did see a client,
12:05but then I was going through town
12:06and I saw this little toy in this shop.
12:09I had to get it for Frankie.
12:11Popped into the hospital to see him and Lauren.
12:13Oh, did you?
12:15How are they doing?
12:16Yeah, they're all right.
12:18He's putting on weight, which is good.
12:20That's great.
12:22And she's actually talking about moving away,
12:25you know, when he's doing better.
12:27Oh, OK.
12:29Northern Ireland, well,
12:31Belfast, to be exact.
12:34Well, Belfast's a great city.
12:39Weren't you supposed to go to Belfast?
12:42Yeah, yeah, on a work trip,
12:43but it all fell through in the end.
12:46If I'd have known Lauren was going,
12:47I could have given her the ticket.
12:49Oh, yeah.
12:53Hey, come on.
12:54Let me drag you away from me.
12:56Hey, come on.
12:58Let me drag you away from your work
13:00and we'll go and get a hot pot.
13:04You're twisting my arm.
13:17Tea and biscuits.
13:20And an ear to listen.
13:22If you want, you know.
13:24I mean, you don't have to talk about it
13:25if you don't want to,
13:26but if you do...
13:28Is it Tommy?
13:33We're together.
13:35We're just not too together.
13:37What do you mean?
13:38He's obsessed with this new job.
13:41He's at the club all day,
13:42all night.
13:48So you're on your own.
13:50In a villa.
13:51A nice villa.
13:52In the middle of nowhere.
13:53Is he lonely?
13:54Oh, don't feel sorry for me.
13:56I'm not.
13:57Well, you know I am,
13:58but I'm not.
13:59Everybody I know is round here.
14:02I don't like most of them,
14:03but they're still here.
14:06Well, what does Tommy say about it?
14:08Well, I haven't told him.
14:10I just said that I need to come back for a bit
14:11to see my dad and Amy.
14:14Well, what are you going to do?
14:17that's what I'm going to figure out
14:18over the next couple of weeks.
14:19Remembering how customers
14:21have their coffee
14:22is not a skill.
14:24It's a super skill.
14:25A super skill.
14:27I know everything about my regulars.
14:29What they do for a living,
14:30where they're off on holiday,
14:31who the kids are,
14:33love life,
14:35Yeah, well you didn't have
14:36a life-altering brain injury,
14:37did you?
14:39Fair enough.
14:41you spend way longer
14:42with your customers.
14:43They're like friends.
14:44They're not like friends,
14:45they're like family.
14:46They're like friends.
14:47They're not like friends,
14:48they're like customers.
14:50Same as yours.
14:51No, mine are passing acquaintances,
14:52yours are lifelong besties.
14:53Honey, me!
14:55Oh, here he is.
14:56And me.
14:57Oh, Toya!
14:58Decaf latte with soya milk.
15:00Soya for Toya, see?
15:01Oh, yes, please.
15:02Oh, no, no,
15:03we don't have any of that here,
15:04but I'll make you a brew in a minute
15:05if you want.
15:06Yep, lovely.
15:07Um, how are you doing?
15:08Yeah, I'm getting a bit better
15:09every day, thank you.
15:10Oh, good.
15:11Good, right,
15:12I'll get these pegged out
15:13and I'll get Lily for you as well.
15:16Well, thanks for popping by.
15:19Yeah, well,
15:20we just bumped into each other.
15:23It's becoming a regular thing,
15:24that, isn't it?
15:25You two,
15:27bumping into each other.
15:29Excuse me?
15:33How's she go?
15:34No, no, come on,
15:35I can explain.
15:36I don't want to hear it.
15:37Uncle Nick!
15:38Just wait till you see this,
15:39come on!
15:41Thanks a bunch.
15:44I can't believe you're jealous.
15:46I'm not jealous.
15:47Well, you clearly don't want me
15:48going out with him.
15:49No, Ryan, I don't.
15:51Not when we've both
15:52got the night off
15:53and we could be doing
15:54something together.
15:55That's fine,
15:56you go out with Kit,
15:57have a great time
15:58and I will just stay in
15:59and pumice my feet
16:00or something.
16:02Might get drunk,
16:03call up some exes.
16:05I thought you said
16:06all your exes were wise.
16:08but they would not
16:09be daft enough
16:10to pass up the opportunity
16:11of a hot date with me
16:12to hang out with them
16:13to hang out
16:14with that giant Kit.
16:16so this is high-ending.
16:18What was that?
16:20He is too tall, though.
16:21Nobody can be too tall.
16:23Gives me a crick in my neck.
16:24Poor little bitch.
16:25Me too.
16:35I saw Dea Swain earlier.
16:37She wasn't harassing you,
16:38was she?
16:41I can just about
16:42deal with her
16:43peck in my head.
16:45But if she starts on you?
16:47She actually apologised
16:48for calling this morning.
16:52Did she tell you
16:53it was just tying up loose ends?
16:55but I don't care.
16:57She did ask me
16:58if you'd told me
16:59about your questioning
17:00yesterday, though.
17:05I mean,
17:06like I said to you last night,
17:07it was just
17:08about a client of mine,
17:09that's all.
17:12And then she moved on
17:13to me representing Lauren,
17:14and honestly,
17:15I have no idea
17:16what's going on
17:17for her at the minute.
17:18Loose ends.
17:22You know with loose ends,
17:23did she, um,
17:24did she ever mention
17:25that necklace?
17:31You know,
17:32why I drew a picture
17:33and you took it
17:34to the station.
17:40She never mentioned it.
17:41She never mentioned it?
17:43Do you know if she got it?
17:46I didn't
17:47put it in her hands,
17:48but I left it
17:49with the front desk officer
17:50for her attention.
17:51I mean,
17:52it could have gotten lost.
17:53It could have fallen
17:54out of Diaz Blondie's head.
17:56But, I mean,
17:57none of that matters,
17:58does it?
17:59It's all over and done with now.
18:02Just loose ends.
18:07I'd best be making tracks.
18:11a couple of meetings.
18:12Oh, work.
18:14No rest for the wicked.
18:15The wicked?
18:16Oh, yeah.
18:23I'll see you later.
18:32It's a real shame
18:33Toyo had to get off.
18:35no, no, no.
18:36Lily, no.
18:37Not in the house, please.
18:39I'll see you later.
18:42Could have looked miles better earlier.
18:44you've got to keep practising,
18:45haven't you?
18:46Why don't you go outside,
18:47give it another try,
18:48and get home in a minute?
18:54What was all that about with Toyo?
18:58I could ask you the same thing.
18:59What are you doing
19:00bringing her round here?
19:01Well, she can go where she likes.
19:03What happened to keeping your distance?
19:04She's family.
19:06I know she's family.
19:07She's practically your sister-in-law,
19:08isn't she?
19:10I'm not going to turn my back on her,
19:11am I?
19:12I mean,
19:13she needs me more than ever now.
19:14She's had cancer.
19:16I know she had cancer.
19:17That's still no excuse.
19:19Come on!
19:20Uncle Nick,
19:21I need it,
19:25I'm coming.
19:56It's just half a sugar, yeah?
20:01There's no point in having half a sugar.
20:02You either have one or none.
20:04Nobody has half.
20:06Is that supposed to be me?
20:09It does sound like him,
20:10to be fair.
20:12thank you very much.
20:13He went to the park
20:14and he's not scared of anything.
20:16should have seen him on the swings.
20:17And the climbing frame.
20:18It's fearless,
20:19isn't it?
20:20There you go.
20:21Which one's got those ones?
20:23That's the white one.
20:25that's the white one.
20:28This isn't funny,
20:29stop calling me.
20:31Who is that?
20:34I don't know,
20:35but this is the third time
20:36I've called today.
20:38They don't say anything,
20:39but I know it's them,
20:40I know it's the gang.
20:41They're trying to frighten me off.
20:44you need to tell the police.
20:47that may make things worse.
20:52can I use your bathroom?
20:53I don't want them seeing me like this.
21:00Might not be the gang.
21:02Who else is gonna
21:03want to frighten the poor girl, eh?
21:36No, no, this is his fault, you know.
22:26It was not for a rape.
22:28It's from early December.
22:29It was for cuff links.
22:31It was a bit extravagant, granted,
22:32but I just had to have them.
22:36You bought jewellery
22:37for a one-year-old,
22:38come on, Joe.
22:39No, it's true,
22:40it was a charm bracelet.
22:43that was Lauren's wearing.
22:44It was bought for her
22:46by her boyfriend.
22:48I drew it from memory.
22:55If we could trace
22:56where it came from
22:57and who bought it,
22:58then that would lead
22:59to the boyfriend.
23:00Anyone could act for Nathan.
23:02Why does it have to be you?
23:03There's just so much to do,
23:05and work,
23:06and Lauren.
23:07Look, you worry too much.
23:08Hey, let the police do the job.
23:10You never know,
23:11they might have found her already.
23:13I suddenly thought
23:14I should put Lauren
23:15in touch with that women's charity.
23:17Oh, the one you worked for at Pro Bono?
23:19they, um,
23:20they support mothers
23:21with premature babies.
23:22The one who came to me
23:23half an hour ago
23:24is anyone's guess.
23:28Let me drag you
23:29away from your work.
23:31I'm going to transfer
23:32the five grand.
23:36You guys crack on without me.
23:38I know you.
23:41Sorry to interject.
23:43All the things
23:44Emily has taken from you.
23:46You know,
23:47when I first met you,
23:48I didn't know
23:49what I was doing.
23:50I didn't know
23:51what I was doing.
23:52I didn't know
23:53what I was doing.
23:54You know,
23:55when I was married
23:56four years ago.
24:00You can figure it out,
24:01don't you?
24:07What are you doing here?
24:12Dee Dee?
24:14Are you okay?
24:17I, um,
24:19I just,
24:20I just felt a bit,
24:22I don't know,
24:23what are you doing here?
24:26I was just passing
24:27and a client called me.
24:28He said they were running late,
24:30I had a bit of time to kill.
24:31I thought I'd pop in.
24:32You gave me the idea
24:33of chatting about her earlier.
24:35So what about you?
24:36Why are you here?
24:39I, uh,
24:40I forgot something
24:41when I popped in.
24:44What are you like?
24:48I'll be on your way.
24:49Don't want to be late
24:50for your client.
24:53I'll see you later.
24:59Go on.
25:19do you mind
25:20giving us a few minutes?
25:21I need to discuss
25:22a confidential matter
25:23with Lauren.
25:24Is that okay?
25:25Won't take long.
25:28Yeah, it's fine.
25:29Give me a buzz
25:30if you need me.
25:40What's on your mind?
25:44You and Joel.
25:48What do you mean?
25:49Don't do that.
25:50Don't do what?
25:54You just popped by.
25:55I don't know what...
25:59There's an outgoing
26:00if that's what you mean.
26:03There was.
26:04Wasn't there?
26:07There was something
26:08going on
26:09once upon a time.
26:13There wasn't.
26:20Joel forgot to tell the police
26:21he was your duty solicitor
26:23when you were arrested
26:24for trashing the salon.
26:26He bought a one-way ticket
26:28to Belfast,
26:29the place you were planning
26:30on giving birth
26:34before God had another plan.
26:41Let's see then.
26:43There's this.
26:44Now this
26:46is the necklace
26:47Roy remembered you wearing.
26:50The same one he heard
26:51Max saying
26:52was given to you
26:53by your boyfriend
26:54early December last year.
26:59Joel went and spent
27:01at Jewellers in town.
27:04December 1st,
27:05to be exact.
27:08They said it was
27:09for cufflinks
27:10but that was a lie.
27:11Said it was a gift
27:12for his daughter
27:14a lie.
27:17December 1st,
27:18last year,
27:19Joel spent
27:22on a necklace
27:23that he gave
27:24to you.
27:25Didn't he?
27:28Tell me the truth,
27:34Go on.
27:41I mean, there was.
27:44We had it.
27:47It was a long time ago.
27:49Before you and
27:51that's it.
27:52That was it. It was nothing.
27:54You mean everything to me.
27:55Why are you protecting him?
27:59Are you in love with him?
28:02But he's Frankie's father.
28:09You know,
28:11I followed him here
28:12and I thought
28:13he was coming to warn you
28:14that I was on the tail
28:15but then I saw
28:17I saw the way he looked at him.
28:19I saw the way you both
28:21looked at him.
28:23So please do not lie to me.
28:28Is he
28:29Frankie's father?
28:35I'm so sorry.
28:52You don't love him?
28:53Not one bit.
28:54How does he feel about you?
28:55He hates me.
28:57He just wants me gone.
28:58That's why he's paying me off.
29:00Sending me away.
29:02You don't want anything to do with Frankie?
29:04And I don't want him to have anything to do with Frankie either.
29:09I don't want my baby growing up around that.
29:13That what?
29:15That what, Lauren?
29:18He was nice to me at first.
29:22Lent me money.
29:23Helped me out.
29:24I needed it.
29:27Then he said I could
29:28keep it.
29:32And I thought he were kind.
29:35I thought he were kind but
29:39then we started.
29:43You know
29:47the first time we did it he was a mistake.
29:52He was so angry with himself but
29:56he kept coming back.
30:01And then he
30:05and then he started to hurt me.
30:08I was so scared of him.
30:12I'm still
30:13so scared of him.
30:16Hang on.
30:18Was Joel the man who attacked you?
30:20He's why I ran away.
30:23Why didn't you call the police?
30:25I've been brought up not to talk to the police.
30:29It only brings on more trouble.
30:34I told the nurse at the walking centre who glued my head back together
30:37that I was drunk and I'd fallen over.
30:40If you'd have told them they would have reported it for you.
30:43Yeah, exactly.
30:45And then Joel would have convinced everyone that it had nothing to do with him.
30:50Because he always said that no one would believe me over him.
30:55But you know what, Dee Dee, you were right.
31:00You were right.
31:01Oh my God.
31:05I told myself that
31:06that I'd lick it away and I'd never come back but then
31:11Roy was hurt.
31:15He had his heart attack and
31:18I had to come back.
31:20So I sneaked into the hospital to see him.
31:26And he were there.
31:29Joel were there.
31:30They tried to talk me round but I wouldn't have it.
31:34So I ran away again.
31:40but when I couldn't run any more
31:45he convinced me.
31:48He put me up in this flat.
31:51Looked after me.
31:53Bought me food and stuff and he kept saying that I was drunk.
31:56Looked after me.
31:58Bought me food and stuff and he kept saying that he was getting the cash together
32:01to give to me and send me on my way.
32:03But then like you said,
32:05God had his own.
32:08God had his different ideas so
32:11I went into labour and
32:18I don't know what I'd have done if I'd loved him.
32:20If I'd loved him.
32:31is now to do with Joel, you know.
32:37Frankie's my baby.
32:42Not his.
32:45He is though, isn't he?
32:48I mean he's proof of you.
32:55He's proof of what Joel did.
33:00What happened the day you gave birth prematurely?
33:08What do you mean?
33:09Was Joel with you when you went into labour?
33:13I was on my own. I couldn't get out.
33:18He locked me in by mistake.
33:20My keys had been lit that day on my phone.
33:23So you couldn't get out and you couldn't call for help?
33:31Knowing the power you would have over him for the rest of his life,
33:35at least the rest of Frankie's.
33:41Lauren, could Joel have given you something to make you go into labour?
33:48What could he have given you something?
33:50I don't know.
33:54I mean, yeah, he could have, but...
34:00Would he have?
34:02Sounds like he's more than capable.
34:08Hang on a minute.
34:10He made me something to eat that day.
34:12He watched me eat it.
34:13Eat it?
34:17Not long after he left,
34:19I looked at him
34:21and I looked.
34:44What did they say?
34:46Someone will be out to see you soon.
34:49But I need to get back to Frankie.
34:52I know.
34:54Hopefully it won't take too long.
34:56Someone will take you into an interview room
34:59and they will take your statement.
35:05Well, you're coming with me, aren't you?
35:10Well, you're coming with me.
35:13You can't be a legal representative, Lauren.
35:17I can't go in on my own.
35:26Aye, aye.
35:28Should have seen him zipping round on that scooter.
35:31Like a demon he was.
35:33I'll see if he wants anything.
35:34So, you two have been here all afternoon?
35:37Pretty much.
35:39Well, is she going back to Spain or what?
35:41I don't know.
35:43You didn't find out anything?
35:52Oh, look at this.
35:54Four missed calls off Tommy and seven unread texts.
35:57That's private.
36:00I'm sorry.
36:01That's private.
36:04He wants a brew. Do you want one, Steve?
36:07Oh, thanks, yeah.
36:09I'd offer you one, but you can go now.
36:19I can only imagine how tough this is for you.
36:23Taking a statement.
36:25Hearing your words.
36:28It's a lot to take in.
36:32I know.
36:34And I...
36:36I can't stop blaming myself for getting involved with her.
36:39But Lauren was...
36:41Look, I was weak and I should have said no,
36:44but she put herself on a plate for me.
36:48And I stupidly couldn't resist.
36:51I called it off as soon as I could
36:54and I don't know if that put her nose out of joy
36:57and if she wanted something more from me, but...
36:58Yeah, that...
37:00That's when she disappeared.
37:03And you didn't tell us about this sexual relationship before because...?
37:07Mate, I didn't want my fiancée finding out.
37:11And it'd also put you in frame as the person of interest
37:14in regards to her disappearance.
37:19Well, I suppose it's that as well, yeah.
37:26I'm sorry.
37:29It's happened. It's...
37:32It shouldn't have.
37:36He's your fiancée.
37:38Not anymore.
37:40I shouldn't have got involved with him.
37:42No, he...
37:44He preyed on you.
37:46He took advantage of you when you were at your most vulnerable.
37:52She's right.
37:54He groomed you, Lauren.
37:58I agree.
38:02I mean...
38:04I mean, getting money,
38:06taking care of you and then sleeping with you...
38:09And the physical attacks.
38:12The brutality of that assault.
38:15I am so sorry, Lauren.
38:21It's great there's a taxi outside.
38:24Oh, hello again.
38:26It's for Alina.
38:29Thank you, Darren.
38:31And you, Fiz.
38:33Right, I'll ring you later, yeah?
38:35I'll help you.
38:37See you. Bye, kid.
38:45Taxis, eh?
38:47I know. But she's terrified that someone's out to get her.
38:50She keeps getting these silent calls.
38:52She thinks it's from the trafficking gang.
38:56Although I'm not so sure it is.
38:58Why, who else would be out to scare her?
39:02Is it?
39:04Look, if it's you, just tell me and we can sort it out.
39:07I haven't called her.
39:08She's been with me all day.
39:09The whole time?
39:12Doreen is so cute.
39:14Look, and you'll see I haven't called anybody, you psychopath!
39:21What's happened now?
39:29Joel Dearing, I'm arresting you on suspicion of grievous bodily harm.
39:33No, you're wrong.
39:35You can't believe a word she says.
39:37We need to interview Miss Bolton.
39:39Anything you do say may be given in evidence.
39:41She's the one you should be speaking to.
39:43Why do you need to talk to Lauren?
39:45Mr Dearing alleges that Miss Bolton procured and took abortion pills.
39:48You what?
39:51Wrong is the word you're looking for.
39:53She has been trying to take me down.
39:55The way I've heard...
39:56She's seducing me.
39:57It has to be stopped.
39:58Stop being a liar.
39:59I didn't do anything.
40:00I would never hurt my baby.
40:02Right, shall we take this into the interview room?
40:04No, he did it to me.
40:06Just take him to the tellers, will you?
40:07Tell him, please.
40:09You're a liar!
40:10You're a liar!
40:12You're a liar.
40:14I'm really sorry to have to do this to you.
40:17But I'm going to have to ask you a few more questions.
40:19Under caution.
40:22So, I'm sorry, okay?
40:24I shouldn't have accused you.
40:25No, you shouldn't have.
40:27I just thought it might have been something you'd do, you know, and...
40:30I thought you were apologising.
40:32No, I am. I am. I'm sorry.
40:35So, did you look through it, then, or did you just believe me?
40:41You looked through it, then.
40:43Great parenting.
40:46Good job, Ty. Really, really good job.
40:49Well, what if we'd have called the police and it wasn't?
40:52It wasn't, though, was it?
40:53I know that now.
40:54I just wish you'd have talked to me before you opened your gob.
40:57Right, I'll sort it, all right?
41:00I'm going to have to speak to Alina. She'll be going out of her mind.
41:02She's going to have to report all this to the police.
41:04Yeah, yeah, you do that. You look after Alina.
41:07I think she could be in danger.
41:15Same again?
41:16Yeah, please, love.
41:18All I'm saying is that Lily should be practising on the red rack.
41:21Oh, yeah, great. Well, I'm not taking her. I've got work.
41:23And I haven't.
41:25Oh, no, hang on.
41:27Everything all right?
41:30It's Deedee. I need to give her a ring. Sorry.
41:38I told David cos I'm going out of my mind and I just needed to tell someone how I'm feeling.
41:44I can't stop thinking about you.
41:47When I'm with you, everything makes sense.
41:50And when I'm not with you, nothing does.
41:53And then I wonder where you are and what you're doing, even though I know where you are and I know what you're doing.
41:59I'm still thinking about you.
42:08You can't stop thinking about me.
42:12Yeah, it's just all the time.
42:16I had a really nice time today.
42:19And it's just, I...
42:28I'm sorry.
42:33It's OK.
42:41Are you OK?
42:44Yeah, yeah, it's been a bit of a day, hasn't it?
42:46It's a bit of a long statement.
42:48Anna, are you sure you'll be OK?
42:50My dad asked me to come over, but honestly, I'm fine, Lisa.
42:55Look, thanks for calling, yeah?
42:57You take care of yourself, yeah?
42:59OK, bye.
43:12You said you were fine, but I knew you weren't.
43:14You said you were fine, but I knew you weren't.
43:25Hey, I'll stop over tonight, all right? And I'll leave my baby on her own.
43:34I've been such an idiot, Dad.
43:36He lied to you. He lied to all of us.
43:41I'm sorry, darling.
43:43I am so, so sorry.