CS 7th August 2024

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CS 7th August 2024
00:00["Pomp and Circumstance"]
00:31I thought we said no work phones on your day off.
00:35Fine, I'll put it away.
00:37Do you want to go to a wedding fair with me?
00:41Oh, the words no man wants to hear.
00:44Why don't we go to a proper fair?
00:46Roller coasters and candy floss. It'll probably cost me less.
00:50Either way, we'll both probably feel sick by the end of it.
00:54I'm not sure you're invested in this wedding, Joel.
00:57You know, I'm really starting to see different sides of you.
01:00When we first met, it was all about sweeping me off my feet.
01:03What happened to that fella? I preferred him.
01:06He's still here.
01:08Now, can I have my phone back, please?
01:15No, I'm just messing.
01:20You know, I...
01:22I've been thinking about Lauren again.
01:25I just wonder what Swain wanted with her.
01:28I don't know.
01:31Some people, eh?
01:33Bad things just keep happening to her.
01:36I know.
01:39So, this wedding fair...
01:42I was only joking.
01:44Although we do need to plan our honeymoon.
01:47And before you start having kittens, I'm not talking about two weeks in Mauritius.
01:51I know Emily's putting on the thumbscrews.
01:54Would you let me talk to her?
01:57But I will take a tent in Tallaca as long as we are together.
02:02I don't deserve you.
02:05Tell me something I don't know.
02:08Listen, I know it's my day off, but I am going to have to nip out later to see a client.
02:12What are you going to say?
02:13I promise I'll be as quick as possible.
02:15No rest for the wicked, eh?
02:25Do you think she's just saying it? That she's OK?
02:28Oh, no. I think she's fine.
02:31Yeah. We'll have to keep an eye on her, though.
02:34It's a big deal, innit, breaking up with your first boyfriend?
02:37Something you want to tell me?
02:39It was her who ended it, wasn't it?
02:41Oh, poor Sam.
02:43Wouldn't want to be that age again, would you?
02:45No, bless him.
02:47He'd be all right, though, wouldn't he?
02:49Kids that age, they split up all the time.
02:52Yeah, I suppose so.
02:54Just seems like she's been dead mature lately, though, doesn't it?
02:57Mm, at all.
03:00Oh, speak of the devil.
03:02I'd better get to work. See you later.
03:04See you later.
03:07You look lovely. Very smart.
03:09Where are you off to?
03:11Ava's asked me to go shopping with her.
03:13Oh, Ava in your class? Didn't realise you were friends.
03:15I haven't really had time for me since I've been going out with Sam, have I?
03:18But it's important for a woman to have female friendships.
03:23Are they my boots?
03:25Can I borrow them?
03:27What are you up to?
03:30What, you think just because I'm wearing your shoes I'm up to something?
03:33You should be flattered. I won't wear anything else of yours.
03:36See you.
03:48Well, well, well.
03:50Look who the cat's dragged in.
03:52I've changed my mind.
03:54Um, I need your help.
03:58Look, like I said, there's a bed at our place for the night,
04:02and then I'll get on to the homeless charity,
04:04see if we can sort you out for the rest of the week.
04:06Yeah, I don't need your help. I just need money.
04:09Ah, right.
04:11OK, well, I'll have to have a word with the boss,
04:15but there's a vacancy for a pot washer here, if you're interested.
04:20Oh, I see.
04:22You want something for nothing.
04:24No, 20 quid. That's all, mate.
04:26I promise you I'll pay you back tomorrow.
04:28Come on, kid. It didn't come down in the last shower.
04:31Look, if there's a job, would you take it?
04:34No. I can't work here, can I? How's that?
04:37How can it go down?
04:39Well, like a cup of cool sick, probably.
04:44But you have to face people eventually.
04:46This could be your chance to turn your life round.
04:49Look, Mason, nobody is going to give you a free ride.
04:53If you want money, you have to earn it.
04:56He's the boss. Get yourself tidied up. Go on.
05:03I haven't said anything yet.
05:05I can guess.
05:06Just a pot washer.
05:08We are not taking him on.
05:10He's homeless.
05:13Do what you want. Just forget it. I'll go.
05:15Hang on. Just wait a second.
05:20Come on. He's just a kid.
05:23Everyone deserves a second chance.
05:25I've been inside.
05:27You're not the only one.
05:30So you know what it does to a person
05:32and how hard it is when you come out.
05:36I'm probably going to regret this.
05:39But OK.
05:41You can be the one to tell people.
05:50Oh, I've organised a meeting with the bank manager
05:53about the resource centre, but it's not till this afternoon,
05:56so if you want to grab a shower...
05:58Yeah, I'm busy this afternoon.
06:00Doing what?
06:01Look, can we just do it another day?
06:03Nick, I'm starting to feel like you're fobbing me off.
06:06No, of course not.
06:07We said we'd fund it.
06:08Yeah, yeah. It's a lot of money.
06:10I've got to be sure now's not a good time to invest, so...
06:13Well, can we just go to the meeting?
06:15How about we do it next week, so...
06:17Well, then next week will be the week after and the week after that.
06:20Look, if you're not going to cough up, I'd sooner know now.
06:25How you doing?
06:26Yeah, I'm OK.
06:28Listen, you know I've got this pre-op appointment today.
06:31Well, it should only take a couple of hours, if that,
06:34so if you want me to do a shift this evening...
06:36No, it's all right.
06:38She shouldn't be worrying about work, should she?
06:40Right, well, I'd better go and open up
06:42cos it don't look like you're going to do it.
06:44I'll see you later.
06:50Even good luck. I hope your appointment goes well.
06:53It's fine. It's only a pre-op.
06:58I'm just going to get a shower. Mm-hm.
07:11Hope, you've shot up.
07:13I'm loving those boots.
07:15Are you here alone today?
07:17Sit yourself down.
07:24What can I do for you?
07:26I want to go on the pill.
07:31OK. Why do you want to go on the pill?
07:33Are you in a sexual relationship at the moment?
07:36Are you?
07:37I'm not prying.
07:39It's one of those questions we have to ask.
07:42No, I'm not.
07:43No, I'm not.
07:44I ain't even got a boyfriend.
07:46I like someone.
07:47And I'm not saying that's going to happen,
07:49but I just want to be safe if it does.
07:51Well, that makes sense.
07:52I'm not stupid. I'm not going to get pregnant.
07:54I know all about contraception.
07:56We did it in school.
07:57Good. I'm glad to hear it.
07:59So can I have it? The pill?
08:03Has someone asked you to come here?
08:06So no-one has put you under any pressure?
08:09This boy?
08:10You don't even know I fancy him.
08:12Have you spoken to your parents about this?
08:16I'll take that as a no.
08:18You're not going to tell them, are you?
08:20You're 13.
08:21You have the same right to confidentiality as an adult.
08:25Listen, you're clearly very smart.
08:29But I wouldn't advise going on the pill at the moment.
08:33Because you're not having sex, so there's no real need.
08:36But I realise that things could change,
08:38so I am willing to give you some condoms.
08:43And there's a leaflet about safe sex.
08:47I want you to read that.
08:51And I want you to speak to your parents
08:53before you do anything else.
08:56Will you do that for me?
08:58I will.
09:00Now, do you have any other questions?
09:03Is two going to be enough?
09:05It's fine.
09:10I've, um...
09:11I've brought you a couple of desserts.
09:13I've not ordered anything.
09:14Dylan! Have you been on that app again?
09:16Do you know the other day he ordered two pieces of toast on an app?
09:19Two pieces of toast?
09:20This is the generation that's supposed to save the world.
09:22They can't even make their own toast.
09:23This is a gift.
09:26What's going on?
09:29You're not going to like this.
09:32I'm listening.
09:34I've given Mason a job.
09:36What? Mason?
09:38Yeah, I'm sorry,
09:39but I just didn't want you to find out from anyone else.
09:41Well, I suppose if you'd have tried a little bit harder,
09:43you could have found somebody even more unsuitable.
09:46I know what he did was terrible,
09:48but the lad's sleeping rough.
09:50Yeah, good. He's a ronger.
09:52People can change, mate.
09:53Yeah, well, trust me, not him.
09:54Well, Aaron, that's the last time we ever come to your gaff.
09:57I'm sorry. I am.
09:58If you were really sorry,
09:59then you would have thought about it before you gave him a job,
10:01wouldn't you?
10:02But I suppose... Actually, can I ask?
10:04Have you told Maria and Gary about this?
10:06No, and I would appreciate it
10:08if you didn't say anything till I've spoke to them.
10:10You think I want to be anywhere near Maria and Gary
10:12when you tell them that?
10:13Absolutely not, and you can shove your desserts.
10:18I'm sorry.
10:19Go on, off you pop.
10:28Look, before you still are,
10:30Sid's been in touch,
10:32and the job's off.
10:33I wouldn't have gone through with it anyway.
10:36I wouldn't.
10:39I spoke to Kit.
10:41He's still willing to let it slide.
10:47Look, I'm sorry, OK?
10:49I messed up.
10:51I'm going to fix it.
10:53I'm going to ask Cal if I can come back to the factory.
10:58Have you ordered? Can I get you some breakfast?
11:00I don't want anything from you.
11:02Don't be like that.
11:03Well, how do you expect me to be?
11:06Is this us now?
11:08Are you never going to forgive me?
11:10Because Kirky's going to start asking questions.
11:12Maybe you should be asking questions.
11:15And no, I'm not going to tell him.
11:18Not that I'm not tempted.
11:20I just don't want anything to do with you.
11:22But I'm your mum.
11:24But I'm your mum.
11:31Good day.
11:32You'd have them.
11:41Where have you been?
11:43Mum said you weren't shopping with Ava.
11:45Why do you ask, then?
11:46You hate Ava.
11:47You said that she was up herself.
11:49Well, she isn't anymore.
11:50Why are you wearing Mum's shoes?
11:51Got a new boyfriend?
11:53Then why'd you break up with Sam?
11:55You see this?
11:56Do us a favour and run into it,
11:57cos I can't be bothered to hit you right now.
11:59Why have you got my bag?
12:00Give it back!
12:01I told you to make your bed!
12:24I got you some bits from the shop.
12:32How are you?
12:34Ask me in six months.
12:36I might be able to give you an answer.
12:43I'm sorry.
12:44I'm sorry.
12:45I'm sorry.
12:46I'm sorry.
12:47I'm sorry.
12:48I'm sorry.
12:49I'm sorry.
12:50I'm sorry.
12:51I'm sorry.
12:52I'm sorry.
12:56Don't mind me.
12:58Oh, sorry.
13:00I, um...
13:05Thank you for not doing the DNA test on the baby.
13:08Well, if I'd have told him everything,
13:10you'd have been locked up.
13:12And you wouldn't be much use to me in there, would you?
13:15I mean, I need your help.
13:17I've told you I'm going to help you, with Frankie,
13:20as much as I can.
13:21And I'm going to get you set up in Ireland,
13:23but you don't understand how risky this is for me.
13:27Shouldn't have got me up the duff, then, should you?
13:35I don't need to stay at your mate's flat any more, anyway.
13:38They're moving me to this parents' block
13:40as soon as something becomes available
13:42and when Frankie's strong enough.
13:45Well, that's great news.
13:47You don't have to leave him.
13:50What was Swain asking you yesterday?
13:56Wouldn't you like to know?
13:59Cheers for the stuff.
14:01I'll call you when I need you.
14:11You can go. We're done.
14:16Unless you want to watch me pump milk.
14:19I mean, I wouldn't put it past you.
14:22You are twisted enough.
14:38You're very mouthy today.
14:42Are you trying to aggravate me?
14:46Is that really what you want to be doing?
14:49Right now?
15:07I thought not.
15:30I knew it was going to be one of those days.
15:32Look, I'm not going to beat around the bush.
15:35I'm just going to come out and say it.
15:38Can I have my job back, please?
15:42Would you like a raise as well, or perhaps a company car?
15:45You're being sarcastic.
15:47Well spotted.
15:48How did you do it, Beth?
15:50Did you get Kirk on board?
15:51I don't know what you're talking about.
15:53It was you, Kirk, Izzy and Betsy.
15:55Cos you couldn't have thought up this on your own, I mean.
15:58Why couldn't I?
15:59Not that I'm saying I was involved, anyway.
16:05Where are you going?
16:06To ask Kirk to step in here for a sec.
16:08Oh, please don't.
16:10All right, it was me. Yes, I did it.
16:13You and who else?
16:15Just me.
16:16You don't expect me to believe you made all those T-shirts on your tod.
16:19I worked through the night.
16:21I'm a good grafter, me. You know I am.
16:24Look, I will make it up to you if you just give me another chance.
16:29Beth, you used my premises to do something illegal.
16:33And I can't trust you any more.
16:36Don't be asking me for a reference, either.
16:53I knew she was up to something, I knew it.
16:55Are you both having sex?
16:57Answer him.
16:59Did somebody make you buy these things?
17:02Was it Sam? Is that why you broke up with him?
17:05She fancies Jack now.
17:06Shut up.
17:07What? I thought that was something and nothing.
17:09She really fancies him.
17:10I mean it.
17:11They've got to start fires together and live happily ever after.
17:14Or you're dead.
17:15No, no, no. Pack it in, both of you.
17:17Right, so was it Jack, then, who made you buy him?
17:20I didn't buy him. Dr Gadas gave me him.
17:23Gadas gave him to you?
17:25You're 13 years old.
17:2614 in December.
17:29Well, if I was you, I would get to your room
17:31before your mum gets off that phone.
17:33Both of you.
17:35What have I done?
17:36It's all your fault.
17:37Get off me!
17:38Any more fighting, you're going to know about it.
17:42No, I don't want a repeat prescription.
17:45I want to talk to Dr Gadas now.
17:50It looks like the tumour's contained in one ovary
17:54and we're really hopeful we'll only have to remove that ovary
17:57in one of your fallopian tubes.
18:00But there is a chance that when we operate,
18:03we find that it's spread outside that ovary.
18:06If that is the case,
18:08we may need to do more extensive surgery,
18:11which, depending on what we find,
18:13may involve a hysterectomy to remove your womb
18:16and we may need to remove the other ovary as well.
18:20Yeah, but apart from that, what...?
18:22If we do have to remove both ovaries,
18:25I'm afraid you'll go straight into menopause.
18:27There is a menopause clinic at the hospital.
18:30You'll be supported straight away.
18:32Well, this just keeps getting better.
18:34Just to reassure you,
18:36we are hopeful that you won't need more extensive surgery,
18:39but I do need to talk you through the possibilities.
18:41Yeah, it's fine. I mean, my ovaries aren't much cop anyway.
18:46It's OK, yeah. I'm OK.
19:00What's it going to be?
19:02What are you bluffing?
19:04All right, well, let's see. Put your money where your mouth is.
19:11All right, mate, I'm just about to take you into the cleaners.
19:14You're not going to believe this.
19:16Mason's got a job at Speeddale.
19:26You OK?
19:28No. I need a word.
19:32About your Jack?
19:43So, you do a couple of months inside
19:45and you think that all's forgiven, do you?
19:48You listening to me?
19:53Get off!
19:55Now you're listening to me.
19:57What's going on here? I'll see you round here again.
19:59I'll shove those earbuds so far down your throat
20:01you'll play music out your...
20:03Hey! Leave him alone.
20:12I thought we were both having the day off.
20:14Oh, I got bored of waiting for you.
20:16I'm sorry. It took longer than I thought it would.
20:19Why do you keep ignoring me?
20:21Apparently not long enough.
20:23Hiya! You are the client he was supposed to meet, aren't you?
20:26Look, it's my fault. I told him not to answer his phone.
20:29Well, I'll leave you to it. See you at home.
20:31See you at home.
20:36Do you think she'd still want to get married
20:38if she knew you like picking young girls up outside of police stations?
20:43Do you know what?
20:45I'm getting really sick and tired of you.
20:47Why's that?
20:49Is it cos I know what you are?
20:51Dirty little perv.
20:56Keep my mouth shut.
21:02But let's not do it here, eh?
21:20Hi. Sorry, I didn't see you.
21:22What are you doing here?
21:24Have you moved back to Weatherfield?
21:26Oh, no, no.
21:28I've been called to be a persecution witness in the trial.
21:31I'll be going home to Romania tomorrow.
21:34Oh, that's my taxi.
21:36Well, it's nice to see you.
21:38Yeah. You too.
21:45He's my nephew.
21:49Cherry Hill Square Hotel, please.
22:13Just put your hand in your wallet, will you?
22:17That's not going to happen.
22:19It's that kind of attitude that's going to land you with a price increase.
22:23Mm. I don't think so.
22:25Well, then I guess Orcs combo with Deedee I've got to have.
22:29Do you want to know what's actually Orcs?
22:34I know who your mum is.
22:41What have you told her about me?
22:46In that case, I'm sure she'll be delighted
22:49to be handing her own daughter a restraining order
22:52on account of a pathetic attempt
22:54at extortion.
22:55Oh, shut up.
22:59Whoa, whoa, whoa!
23:02Get off me. Yeah?
23:06Get off me!
23:15Oh, come on, mate, this'll be a lot easier if you just get Jack.
23:18And I've told you, if you tell me what it's about, I will do it.
23:21Oh, this is ridiculous. Jack!
23:23Oi! Jack!
23:27What's this? I need a word with you.
23:30About? About a box of condoms in Hope's bag.
23:33What's that got to do with Jack?
23:35Oh, come on, it doesn't take a genius, does it?
23:37Five seconds after she starts hanging about with him
23:39and she's got them things in her bag.
23:41You need to watch your mouth. I'm trying to protect my daughter.
23:44She doesn't need protecting from my son.
23:46Did you give Hope condoms? No.
23:48Did you ask Hope to get them from Dr Gadas?
23:51Er, no way.
23:53And we done.
23:57Gary, please.
23:59I will not tolerate threats or violence toward my staff.
24:03You know you're making a massive mistake, right?
24:05I mean, how can you have him as staff?
24:07With all due respect, it's not your decision.
24:09Well, with all due respect, you haven't got a clue.
24:11Look, we all know what happened to Liam and Dylan,
24:14and it was awful, yes, awful.
24:16But how is this lad supposed to turn his life around
24:18if no-one gives him a chance?
24:20Exactly. Just shut it.
24:22Some people don't deserve chances, do you?
24:24Right, OK. So what's your suggestion, then?
24:26That he goes back on the street, begging, robbing?
24:28I really don't care, to be honest with you.
24:31What about Kelly? What about her?
24:34We both did a similar thing for her.
24:36We helped her when she needed it.
24:38No, she was innocent. I'm going to have to ask you to leave.
24:41That right, yeah?
24:43You lose the argument, so you kick me out.
24:45We have lost nothing. All we are trying to do is help.
24:51You've got no idea how dangerous he is.
24:57You go with an initial, Liam.
24:59Enough! Come on, get out.
25:05Are you OK?
25:10Get out of my way.
25:11No, not until you put that thing down and you talk to me.
25:13Jack's message is so embarrassing, I don't want to speak to you again.
25:16I'm sorry, I'm sorry if I embarrassed you.
25:18You've embarrassed me my whole life.
25:20Oh, come on. I was trying to protect you.
25:22You're too young to be thinking about sex, right?
25:24I just want to talk to you properly.
25:26I never want to speak to you again.
25:28Right, maybe when your mum gets home.
25:30I said never.
25:32Listen, I'll go round to Kev's and I'll apologise to Jack if that's what you...
25:35Are you actually thick?
25:37Don't you talk to me like that!
25:39Don't you dare go near Jack again.
25:41Right, I don't know who you've built him up to be in your mind,
25:43but Jack is not in a good place right now.
25:46Jack isn't interested in me.
25:55So did you end up hitting him, then?
25:57No, it's just you stepped in, didn't you?
26:01Right, Fiz, have you forgot something?
26:03No, no.
26:08OK, I'm... I'm going to get back to the shop.
26:11And don't worry, OK? Everything will be fine.
26:14Thanks, babe.
26:17It's all right, what's happened?
26:19Erm, just bumped into someone.
26:25Excuse me one minute.
26:36You OK?
26:38Yeah. Yeah, I am, actually.
26:40I felt... I felt reassured today.
26:43You know, like, there's a plan in place, so...
26:45I mean, obviously, the prospect of an early menopause
26:48is not exactly ideal, but...
26:50You have a smart set in stone.
26:52No. And, hey, do you know what?
26:54If it keeps me alive, then...
26:56Yeah, I just need to focus on the op,
26:58get in over that and then get him back to normal as soon as possible.
27:02Three-step plan.
27:08Hiya. Hey.
27:10I've got a splitting headache. I'm gonna go for a lie down.
27:23I mean, I always knew there was a possibility that, you know,
27:26she might pop up again.
27:29Office, I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. It just fell out of my mouth.
27:32No, don't worry about it.
27:34Yeah, obviously, with the article,
27:37it did cross my mind she might be in the area.
27:40Yeah, but still...
27:42It was a bit of a shock to come face-to-face with her in Fresh Girls' Garden Park.
27:45I bet it was. I only went in for wine.
27:47Oh, love.
27:50Yeah, there, erm...
27:53I mean, there was something else.
27:57I saw this photo of a little boy on her phone.
28:01You what? Her nephew.
28:07And how old did he look, his nephew?
28:10Well, erm...
28:15Well, about two.
28:19Have you spoke to Ta yet?
28:21No, I mean...
28:23It won't... It won't be his.
28:25It couldn't be his, could it?
28:27Did you ask her?
28:33Do you know where she's staying? Mm-hm.
28:37Chariot Square Hotel.
28:49Oh, hiya. Hey.
28:51Made you a sandwich.
28:52Must have, it's probably gone hard, given the length of time it's been sat there.
28:55Ah, Ta.
28:57How did you get on with your client?
29:01That young girl.
29:11not my client.
29:13Who is she, then?
29:15Oh, no, it's not anything.
29:19The truth is, I've been trying to protect her.
29:21She's actually Swain's daughter.
29:23Right. And what's that got to do with you?
29:26Well, I bumped into her and a mate a few weeks ago outside the police station
29:30and she was really upset.
29:33This is the girl from earlier?
29:35Yeah, yeah, she'd gotten into some trouble
29:37and she was dead embarrassed, desperate for her mum not to find out.
29:40I couldn't just walk away.
29:42I had to stop and just check she was all right.
29:45And was she?
29:46In the end, yeah, after I'd calmed her down a bit.
29:50A little solicitor in shining armour, aren't we?
29:54Well, I wouldn't go that far.
29:57Why did you lie to me?
30:02Well, you told me she was a client.
30:05Well, yeah, she was mortified.
30:08I was just trying to do right by her.
30:11Well, don't do it again.
30:13What, help some girl out?
30:22And so how did she know where to find you?
30:27Well, I gave them my card, just in case anything came of it.
30:30Wasn't she at our engagement meal as well?
30:36She must have followed me in there.
30:38If I'm honest, I'm struggling to shake her.
30:43Do you know what you've walked yourself into, right?
30:46You've got teenage crush.
30:49Oh, no.
30:51Handsome older man rescues me while I'm crying my little heart out.
30:54Bet your name's all over her exercise books.
30:57Yeah, yeah, noted loud and clear.
31:00So, what are you going to do now?
31:05Not answer her texts any more.
31:10You know, there was actually something I wanted to talk to you about
31:12before we were interrupted.
31:15So, I've been moving some finances around
31:18and guess whose fiancé is taking her to Mauritius?
31:24No way.
31:26Are you joking?
31:27I'm not joking.
31:28Oh, my God!
31:30Thank you!
31:32Thank you!
31:34Should I go and get us a bottle of fizz to celebrate?
31:36Oh, day drinking?
31:37I won't tell if you don't.
31:40Babe, you are going to delete that girl's number, right?
31:43And block her?
31:44Oh, why are you trying to ruin the moment?
31:46I'm serious.
31:48Yeah, so am I.
31:49She's gone.
31:56Here we are.
31:57This one's for you.
31:59Cheers, guys. Enjoy.
32:01How are you like?
32:03You all right?
32:04How's it going?
32:05Good time.
32:06You know, I was literally just about to take my break.
32:10Yeah, yeah, I'm working here now.
32:12When I said rinsed shoe,
32:13I didn't mean getting a job wiping his monkey tables.
32:16All right.
32:17It's just a couple of shifts.
32:19Please tell me you at least get three lasses.
32:22Oh, you know how to make them already?
32:25Got this place down.
32:27Bit of mango, bit of yoghurt, bit of, um...
32:32What's it?
32:36You know what?
32:38I think you could get a job here.
32:40Nah, I'm OK, Tar.
32:42Aw, is it too good for you?
32:43You're too good for this, are you?
32:45Pretty much.
32:47Aw, funny.
32:48Excuse me.
32:49There's no way to talk to a customer.
32:51You're not a customer.
32:53I'm not a customer.
32:55Then what am I?
32:58Never mind.
33:03Seem like you actually like it here.
33:05Yeah, yeah, no, it's all right.
33:08Although Liam's stepdad came in here earlier,
33:11having a go at us.
33:12Don't want me working here, does he?
33:14Reckons wrongings like me can't turn a life around.
33:17Once a bad boy, always a bad boy.
33:20Bad boy.
33:57He's not your nephew, is he?
34:00Can you not...
34:01Just tell me the truth.
34:03Did you follow us here?
34:05He's your son, isn't he?
34:07What does it matter to you?
34:08Of course it matters to me.
34:10And it matters to my husband.
34:13Leave me alone.
34:14Please, I'm going back to Romania tomorrow.
34:18You never saw us and we never saw you.
34:40There you go, Martha.
34:41Well, it just begs to be believed, doesn't it?
34:43Tell me about it.
34:44Well, it just begs to be believed, doesn't it?
34:45Tell me about it.
34:46Liam, what is Yasmeen playing at?
34:48She literally ended up in prison because of an evil bully.
34:52Now she's got another one under her roof.
34:54Well, under her restaurant roof, but all the same.
34:56What else can we do?
34:57Well, keep our lads well away.
34:59Mm, come hell or high water.
35:01Yeah, cheers, son.
35:02Anyway, yeah, thanks, kids.
35:04Oh, look who it is.
35:06Weatherfield's new Lady Alesia.
35:09What can I get you?
35:10A pint, please.
35:11Coming up.
35:12What about you?
35:14Er, whatever's the cheapest.
35:18Well, that's a bag of cheese and onion.
35:20They're not cheap.
35:21You can buy a multi-pack in fresco for the price of charging for one packet in here.
35:25Well, I'll just have tap water then, please.
35:28What's the matter?
35:30What's really the matter?
35:33I've been trying out this new thing,
35:35scratching beneath the surface of what people say,
35:37because did you know that people might say one thing but actually mean another?
35:41I wouldn't worry your little head about it, Kirky.
35:43No, seriously.
35:44Ask me if I'm all right.
35:45Go on.
35:47You all right?
35:51You see, that's where you're wrong.
35:52Because I'm not actually all right.
35:53Well, what's the matter?
35:54No, I am.
35:55But for the purpose of the exercise, I'm not.
35:58Right, so what am I meant to do with that information?
36:00The fact that you're all right, but you're not all right?
36:02I don't know, really.
36:06You're not OK, are you?
36:09I didn't get that job that I went for.
36:12Oh, it doesn't matter.
36:13It does matter.
36:16I'm sorry.
36:17You have nothing to apologise for.
36:19They're the ones that should be sorry for overlooking you.
36:28You, you little grass.
36:29You what?
36:30You got my mate sent down, didn't you?
36:31I don't know what you're on about.
36:32You want to watch yourself?
36:33Shut up.
36:34I'm serious.
36:35Look, I'm not scared of you, I'm not scared of Mason, all right?
36:37You sure about that?
36:49Hey, make you a stir fry if you want some.
36:52Er, no, I'm all right, Tyre.
36:56Going out?
37:01How was she today, Tyre?
37:15Yeah, of course.
37:19You will be with her, won't you, when she goes for her operation?
37:23Er, we haven't talked about it.
37:28Leanne, come on, don't you think you should offer?
37:33Keeping my distance is the best decision all around.
37:38You sure about that?
37:44Yeah, don't worry.
37:47I'll ask her.
37:58..I know things haven't been great between us lately...
38:03..but I am really grateful for you being around for Tyre when I can't be.
38:13Oh, no!
38:17I know, don't say it, I know, you can smell burning.
38:20How do you burn spag bol?
38:22Apparently, I can.
38:24It doesn't matter.
38:25I think we're going to have to cut our losses and just order pizza tonight.
38:29Although you might have to speak to Hope, find out what toppings she wants,
38:32because she's not talking to me.
38:34She's going to tell you that I'm the worst dad in the world,
38:36but I'm going to gag him first and tell you that I was just trying to stop her
38:39doing something A, she's far too young to do,
38:41and B, that Jack wasn't putting her under pressure.
38:45You all right?
38:48Are you OK?
39:02Shall I take away that empty tap water glass?
39:06How did you find it?
39:07Mm, very refreshing.
39:09Excellent. Would you like another one?
39:11If you're offering.
39:13Well, why not? Let's push the boat out.
39:15And pour, you sarky little cretin.
39:18Hey, don't lose any of your charm.
39:21Maybe you'll get an even better job.
39:23Mm, maybe.
39:25And we'll be rich.
39:26I think you're jumping the gun a little bit there, Kirky.
39:36You couldn't get me a proper drink, could you?
39:39Am I buying?
39:40Well, yeah.
40:02Please don't turn your back on your own mum.
40:05Look, I know I did wrong,
40:07but if you'll just give me the time of day,
40:09I will set things straight.
40:11Have you come clean to Kirk yet?
40:13Look, I just came here for a quiet pint,
40:15so please leave me alone.
40:18No, no, no, don't you dare be Craigie at me.
40:20You need to be honest with him.
40:24Are you going to come and join us, Craig?
40:26Oh, maybe. Maybe later, mate.
40:29Maybe later, mate.
40:49No, no, you must have it wrong.
40:51Look, I'm sorry, but you must have...
40:52I know it's a huge thing.
40:53Look, it was a shock for me and all.
40:54Well, it's not mine, is it?
40:55Because she said to me when she left, she thought she was,
40:57but then she had all her dates mixed up and everything,
40:59so she wasn't, so she wasn't.
41:00So it must be somebody else's.
41:04I don't...
41:05This little boy just looked about the right age.
41:08I don't know.
41:09Well, that's the other thing with age.
41:10It doesn't matter if it's somebody else's.
41:11And that's what it'll be. It'll be somebody...
41:14You don't think so, do you?
41:15I don't know.
41:18Well, did he look like me?
41:20I don't know.
41:22Did you ask her?
41:24Well, just ask her out.
41:25No, I didn't.
41:26It was a lot.
41:29Yeah, of course, I'm... I'm sorry.
41:32Just forget you saw her.
41:33Forget you ever saw her and we'll just order pizza.
41:37You have to see her.
41:39Yeah, you've got to ask her for yourself.
41:40No, I don't want to. I don't need to.
41:41You have to.
41:48I love you.
41:51I love you.
41:53Where was she?
41:56Chariot Square Hotel.
42:00And, erm...
42:03She's going back to Romania tomorrow.
42:07Go on.
42:19All right?
42:21All right?
42:23Will there ever be a day when I get home from work
42:25and you've cupped me my tea?
42:29Well, that mean I won't owe my breath.
42:31Actually, tonight I fancied a speed dial,
42:34but you know what?
42:35I am not having a chicken tikka masala
42:37served by the hands of a huddling thug bully.
42:43You OK? You're not worried, are you?
42:45About what?
42:47I don't know.
42:48Mason being back out?
42:49No, I'm fine.
42:50Oh, good, cos you shouldn't be.
42:52I wouldn't let him come anywhere near you.
42:57Bangers and mash, is it?
42:59Yeah, time.
43:00Coming up.
43:05Erm, I need to know what room Alina pops in, please.
43:08Are you a guest here, sir?
43:09No, I'm not.
43:10Sorry, I can't give out information.
43:11It's an emergency.
43:12I understand that, but...
43:13Oh, please don't start with all that privacy rubbish.
43:15It's all right, Shirley. I'll deal with this.
43:17Right, how can I help you?
43:18I need to see Alina.
43:20Listen, I'll knock on every single door in this hotel if you have to.
43:25She's not here.
43:27She checked out over an hour ago.