Peppa Pig English Episodes 2015

  • le mois dernier


00:00:00C'est un merveilleux jour de soleil, et Susie Sheep vient jouer avec Peppa.
00:00:04Bonjour, Susie!
00:00:06Bonjour, Peppa!
00:00:08Peppa et Susie sont des meilleurs amis.
00:00:10Rappelez-vous ce qui s'est passé pour moi hier?
00:00:13Hier, je suis allée à la piscine d'oiseaux et j'ai vu Mme Oiseau.
00:00:17Eh bien, hier, je suis allée au supermarché avec maman.
00:00:21On a acheté du pain, des carottes et...
00:00:23Qu'est-ce qui se passe?
00:00:25Tu m'as manqué!
00:00:28Maman, Susie m'a dit que je parle trop.
00:00:31Eh bien, tu es un peu comme une boîte de chat, Peppa.
00:00:34Une boîte de chat? C'est ça!
00:00:36Une boîte de chat ici, une boîte de chat là-bas.
00:00:39Chat, chat, chat.
00:00:41Tu n'arrêtes jamais de parler!
00:00:43Je peux facilement arrêter de parler si je veux.
00:00:47C'est ce que j'aime le plus.
00:00:49C'est ce que j'aime le plus.
00:00:51C'est ce que j'aime le plus.
00:00:53C'est ce que j'aime le plus.
00:00:55Je peux facilement arrêter de parler si je veux.
00:00:58Non, tu ne peux pas!
00:00:59Oui, je peux!
00:01:01Tu ne peux pas!
00:01:02Je peux!
00:01:03Tu ne peux pas.
00:01:05C'est ça! Je ne parlerai jamais de nouveau!
00:01:10Bonjour, Susie! Bonjour, Peppa!
00:01:13Bonjour, Zoe! Tu as l'air mignonne aujourd'hui!
00:01:16Merci, Susie!
00:01:18C'est mon nouveau vêtement!
00:01:21Pourquoi ne parles-tu pas, Peppa?
00:01:24C'est un joli jeu!
00:01:26Quel jeu es-tu en train de jouer?
00:01:28Susie m'a dit que j'étais une boîte de chat et que je ne peux jamais être silencieuse!
00:01:32Tu n'es pas très silencieuse maintenant, n'est-ce pas?
00:01:36C'est ça! Je ne parlerai jamais de nouveau!
00:01:40En commençant maintenant!
00:01:44Bonjour, tout le monde!
00:01:45Bonjour, Danny! Bonjour, Danny!
00:01:48Qu'est-ce qu'il y a avec Peppa?
00:01:50Elle ne parle pas!
00:01:52Oh! Qui veut un grape?
00:01:55Moi, s'il te plaît!
00:01:56Moi, s'il te plaît!
00:01:58Tu ne peux pas te moquer de la tête!
00:02:00C'est de la chefferie!
00:02:02Et tu ne peux pas blinker!
00:02:06Bonjour, tout le monde!
00:02:07Bonjour, Pedro!
00:02:09Qu'est-ce qu'il y a avec Peppa?
00:02:11Elle ne parlera jamais de nouveau!
00:02:15Parce qu'elle parle!
00:02:17Je ne parle pas trop!
00:02:19En tout cas, tu es toujours comme ça!
00:02:22Oh! Regarde-moi!
00:02:24Je suis Susie Sheep!
00:02:26Tu vois ce que je veux dire?
00:02:28Et tu dis ça!
00:02:30Mickey, Macky, Boo, Baa, Boo!
00:02:32Ce n'est rien comme moi!
00:02:34C'est un peu comme toi, Susie!
00:02:37Tu es juste aussi bruyante que moi!
00:02:40Je peux être silencieuse!
00:02:42Ce n'est pas de la chefferie!
00:02:45Je peux être silencieuse!
00:02:47Ce n'est pas facile!
00:02:49Ce n'est pas si difficile, Peppa!
00:02:51D'accord, fais-le alors!
00:02:53Faisons-le tous ensemble!
00:02:55Nous pouvons montrer à ma maman!
00:03:00Maman, nous allons tous être silencieux!
00:03:03Très silencieux!
00:03:05Si silencieux, tu peux tomber quelque chose sur le sol et l'entendre!
00:03:09Silencieux comme l'eau!
00:03:12Tu n'es pas du tout silencieux!
00:03:14Vous êtes tous très bruyants!
00:03:16Nous pouvons être silencieux quand nous voulons!
00:03:19Commencez à être silencieux sur le count de trois!
00:03:22Un, deux...
00:03:24Je ne suis pas prête!
00:03:25Ok, maintenant!
00:03:27Sur vos marques!
00:03:32Bonjour! Je suis à la maison!
00:03:36Oh! Je pensais que la maison était vide!
00:03:39Peppa et ses amis jouent à être silencieux!
00:03:42Ce n'est pas de jouer, c'est du travail très dur!
00:03:45Oh, Peppa!
00:03:47Peppa ne peut pas s'arrêter de parler!
00:03:50Oh, papa, je pense que je pourrais être une boîte à bruits!
00:03:55Ce n'est pas si mauvais, Peppa!
00:03:57C'est bien de parler!
00:03:59En fait, je pense que tu es un expert à parler!
00:04:02C'est vrai!
00:04:04Je suis un expert à parler!
00:04:08Je suis aussi un expert à parler!
00:04:10Non, tu ne l'es pas!
00:04:11Je suis la boîte à bruits!
00:04:13Je suis plus une boîte à bruits que toi!
00:04:16Oh, vous deux êtes exactement la même chose!
00:04:19Oui, nous sommes!
00:04:20C'est pour ça que nous sommes des meilleurs amis!
00:04:23Peppa aime parler!
00:04:25Suzy aime parler!
00:04:27Tout le monde aime parler!
00:04:32Il fait un beau jour soleil!
00:04:34Peppa et sa famille vont au playground!
00:04:37Est-ce que tout le monde est prêt?
00:04:39Oui, papa Pig!
00:04:41Alors, c'est parti!
00:04:45On va au playground!
00:04:47On va au playground!
00:04:51Peppa et George aiment aller au playground!
00:04:55Oh, pourquoi avons-nous arrêté?
00:04:58C'est un bloc de trafic!
00:05:00Mais nous devons aller au playground!
00:05:04Ne vous inquiétez pas, George, le trafic se déplace encore!
00:05:09Mr Bull a arrêté le trafic!
00:05:11Quel est le problème, Mr Bull?
00:05:13Nous nous étouffons de la route!
00:05:16Il y a de l'eau qui sort du sol!
00:05:20Oui, c'est ce que nous sommes ici pour réparer!
00:05:24Est-ce que ça va prendre longtemps?
00:05:26Ça va prendre autant de temps que ça prend!
00:05:30Digger! Digger!
00:05:32George aime les diggers!
00:05:33De ce côté, Mr Rhino!
00:05:36D'accord, boss!
00:05:37Mr Bull est le boss!
00:05:41Mr Bull, d'où vient toute cette eau?
00:05:44Elle vient d'un bloc de trafic sous le sol!
00:05:50Comment allez-vous le réparer?
00:05:52Nous nous étouffons de la route!
00:05:55Nous éteignons l'eau!
00:06:02George aime les diggers!
00:06:04Digger! Digger!
00:06:06Nous prenons l'ancienne pipe!
00:06:12Et nous la mettons en place!
00:06:18Digger! Digger!
00:06:20Digger! Digger!
00:06:23Merci de nous montrer votre travail, Mr Bull!
00:06:26Pas de problème!
00:06:28Au revoir! A plus tard!
00:06:33Oh mon dieu! George ne veut pas qu'il parte, Mr Bull!
00:06:37Nous allons au playground, George!
00:06:41Vous pouvez jouer aux diggers et aux cranes dans la grotte du sol!
00:06:44Et nous verrons Mr Bull de nouveau sur notre voyage à la maison!
00:06:49Peppa et sa famille arrivent au playground!
00:06:54Bonjour à tous!
00:06:55Bonjour, Peppa!
00:06:57Edmund l'éléphant et Richard l'ouragan jouent dans la grotte du sol!
00:07:07Allons jouer dans la grotte du sol!
00:07:13Qu'est-ce que tu fais?
00:07:17Quel est le problème?
00:07:19Nous étudions la route et je suis le boss!
00:07:28Va-t-il prendre longtemps?
00:07:30Ça va prendre autant de temps que ça va prendre!
00:07:34Nous devons faire un trou!
00:07:38Nous le remplissons
00:07:42et la route est étendue!
00:07:48Peppa, George, c'est l'heure de rentrer à la maison!
00:07:52Oh mon dieu! George ne veut pas rentrer à la maison encore!
00:07:55Sur la route à la maison, George, nous pouvons voir Mr Bull dégager la route!
00:08:00Au revoir à tous!
00:08:02Au revoir, Peppa!
00:08:06Peppa et George ont hâte de voir Mr Bull de nouveau!
00:08:11Digger! Crane!
00:08:14Nous y sommes!
00:08:15Oh! Mr Bull n'est pas là!
00:08:18Mr Bull doit avoir terminé et retourné à la maison!
00:08:27Digger! Crane!
00:08:33Oh! Est-ce que le moteur d'eau s'est encore brisé?
00:08:36Non, Peppa! Cette fois, c'est des câbles électriques fausses!
00:08:40Comment ça, des câbles électriques fausses?
00:08:44Nous dégagerons la route!
00:08:48Peppa et George l'aiment quand Mr Bull dégage la route!
00:08:52Tout le monde l'aime quand Mr Bull dégage la route!
00:08:58Le gardien de bateau de Grumpy Rabbit!
00:09:01Peppa, George et Granny Pig vont sortir pour un jour sur le bateau de Grandpa Pig!
00:09:07Bonjour, Peppa et George!
00:09:10Nous sommes prêts à partir sur le bateau!
00:09:12Je vais bouger le bateau un peu plus proche!
00:09:15Faites attention à ne pas toucher à ce gros bâton, Grandpa!
00:09:18C'est un poste de mouille! Je ne le toucherai pas!
00:09:24Grandpa, il y a un gros trou dans votre bateau!
00:09:28C'est juste un déchiquetage!
00:09:31Oh! Le bateau de Grandpa est en train de s'enfoncer!
00:09:35Vite, Grandpa Pig, saute!
00:09:38Un capitaine ne laisse jamais son bateau s'enfoncer!
00:09:44Le bateau de Grandpa Pig s'est enfoncé au fond de la rivière!
00:09:49C'est le grand-père-chien!
00:09:52Bonjour, Grandpa Pig!
00:09:54Un beau jour pour un voyage?
00:09:56Oui, bonjour!
00:09:58Je vais emmener mon bateau au jardin de bateau aujourd'hui!
00:10:01Je vais faire quelques réparations!
00:10:03Pouvez-vous m'emmener mon bateau au jardin de bateau aussi, s'il vous plaît?
00:10:08Bien sûr!
00:10:09Où est votre bateau?
00:10:11Je le pose!
00:10:14Oh! Est-ce qu'il s'est enfoncé?
00:10:16Eh bien, un petit peu!
00:10:18Je suis surpris que votre bateau n'ait pas s'enfoncé il y a longtemps!
00:10:21Quoi? C'est un meilleur bateau que ce bâton de mouille de vous!
00:10:27Le grand-père-chien et Grandpa Pig sont des amis les meilleurs!
00:10:31Prends ça, Capitaine!
00:10:33Aïe, aïe, Skipper!
00:10:38La voiture du grand-père-chien a lancé le bateau de Grandpa Pig hors de l'eau!
00:10:45Maintenant, arrêtez le jardin de bateau!
00:10:48Qu'est-ce que c'est, un jardin de bateau?
00:10:50Un jardin de bateau, Pepper, c'est là que les bateaux cassés se mêlent!
00:10:57C'est le jardin de bateau de Grumpy Rabbit!
00:11:00Ahoy there, me hearties!
00:11:02Ahoy there, Grumpy Rabbit!
00:11:05Who did that to your boat, Grandpa Pig?
00:11:09Someone drove it into a mooring post.
00:11:12It went crash and made a big hole there!
00:11:17You should never let other people steer your boat, Grandpa Pig!
00:11:21Yes, can you mend it?
00:11:24Of course, I just need to size up the damage.
00:11:27Grumpy Rabbit is measuring the hole in Grandpa Pig's boat.
00:11:31Now I need to find something to patch it up.
00:11:35It must be good to know how to mend a boat!
00:11:38It takes years to learn how to mend a boat!
00:11:41How long have you been mending boats?
00:11:46Grumpy Rabbit has collected lots of scrap metal to mend boats with.
00:11:50Now this is a gold mine!
00:11:53It's a pile of rubbish!
00:11:56But you can make things from piles of rubbish!
00:12:00Like what?
00:12:01Like submarines!
00:12:04Grumpy Rabbit has made a submarine out of rubbish!
00:12:07Does it actually work?
00:12:09Watch this!
00:12:11It fills up with water, so it's very good at going down, but not so good at coming back up.
00:12:19Now this is what I've been looking for!
00:12:23It's a washing machine!
00:12:25It's the fix for Grandpa Pig's boat, is what it is!
00:12:30You're going to mend my boat with a bit of washing machine?
00:12:40That's as good as new!
00:12:44Now we test it!
00:12:46Prepare for launch!
00:12:48Aye aye!
00:12:52Amazing! It floats!
00:12:54You sound surprised!
00:12:56Yes, usually they sink on the first go!
00:12:59Now we can go for our day on the river!
00:13:03What a splendid idea!
00:13:05This is the life out on a boat with just the sea and the sky!
00:13:12I know a song about the sea and the sky, do you want to hear it?
00:13:17No thank you!
00:13:18Yes please!
00:13:19I got up this morning, the sea was still there, so was the sky
00:13:29It is playtime at school, Peppa and her friends are running around having fun!
00:13:34Ow! That hurts!
00:13:37Are you alright Peppa?
00:13:39I've hurt my knee!
00:13:41Madam Gazelle, Peppa has fallen over!
00:13:45You've just grazed your knee Peppa!
00:13:49First Madam Gazelle cleans Peppa's knee, then she puts a plaster on it
00:13:54Does that feel any better?
00:13:56Yes, thank you!
00:13:57Now children, you may have noticed that Pedro Pony isn't here today
00:14:02Is he late again?
00:14:04No Suzy, Pedro is in hospital
00:14:08And today we are going to visit him
00:14:13This is the hospital, Peppa and her friends have come to visit Pedro Pony
00:14:17Remember children, stay close to me, I don't want you getting lost
00:14:22Yes Madam Gazelle!
00:14:24Excuse me Mr Bull, which way is the children's ward?
00:14:29Down the steps, double doors, right, left, right, along the corridor, up the stairs, third on your left
00:14:36Or you could just take the left!
00:14:42Children's ward!
00:14:45Pedro will be asleep, sick people do a lot of sleeping
00:14:50Hello everyone!
00:14:52Hello Pedro!
00:14:54Why aren't you asleep? You don't look sick!
00:14:57I broke my leg and they put it in this plaster cast
00:15:03The plaster cast helps Pedro's leg get better
00:15:06I grazed my knee and I got a plaster too!
00:15:12Do you want to draw on my plaster cast?
00:15:16Yes please!
00:15:17The children are all doing drawings on Pedro's plaster cast
00:15:21I'm drawing a football
00:15:24I've drawn some flowers
00:15:26Mr Potato
00:15:28A parrot
00:15:29And I've drawn a muddy puddle
00:15:33Wow! Thanks everyone!
00:15:36You can draw on my plaster too
00:15:39Ok, I'll draw a little flower
00:15:42Thank you Pedro!
00:15:44Pedro, what's it like being in hospital?
00:15:47It's great!
00:15:48What are the nurses like?
00:15:50They give me stickers!
00:15:53And they come whenever I press this button
00:15:59Who's that I wonder?
00:16:01Could it be Pedro?
00:16:03What do you want Pedro? We are very busy
00:16:07I've got a bit of an itch
00:16:09Even if your leg is itching, we can't take the cast off until your leg is better
00:16:16It's not my leg that's itching, it's my ear
00:16:21Is that better?
00:16:23Yes thank you!
00:16:25Lunch time! What would you like to eat today Pedro?
00:16:29Can I have spaghetti and sponge pudding please?
00:16:33You'll get your dinner in bed?
00:16:38That looks tasty!
00:16:40Dr Brown Bear has come to see how Pedro is doing
00:16:43How are we today Pedro?
00:16:45My ear is a bit itchy, just here
00:16:52I'd say you're almost better
00:16:57Visiting time is over
00:16:59Bye Pedro!
00:17:01Bye everyone!
00:17:02Get well soon Pedro!
00:17:04Yes Madam Gazelle!
00:17:08It is another school day
00:17:10Peppa and her friends are playing in the playground
00:17:13Madam Gazelle, my plaster has fallen off
00:17:17Can I have another one?
00:17:19You don't need a plaster Peppa, your knee is better
00:17:23Oh yes!
00:17:26Hello everyone!
00:17:27Pedro Pony is back!
00:17:29Oh hello Pedro!
00:17:31Where's your plaster cast?
00:17:33They took it off because my leg is better
00:17:37Is your leg strong now?
00:17:39It's stronger than it was before
00:17:42It's a super leg!
00:17:44Can you run on it?
00:17:46Watch this!
00:17:50Pedro likes running around having fun
00:17:53Everybody likes running around
00:17:58Peppa Airplanes
00:18:01Pedro Pig is getting ready to go to work
00:18:04Good, that's all the papers I need
00:18:08Bye bye Daddy!
00:18:13Mummy, can we make something?
00:18:16Yes, what would you like to make?
00:18:19Oh George, you always say dinosaur for everything
00:18:24Let's make an aeroplane
00:18:27George likes aeroplanes
00:18:29Can we make an aeroplane that flies?
00:18:32Yes, all we need is some paper
00:18:35We know where there's paper
00:18:40There is lots of old paper in the workroom
00:18:44Here's some paper
00:18:47Mummy Pig is going to make a paper aeroplane
00:18:50Fold the paper down the middle
00:18:53Now fold the corners in at one end
00:18:56Fold those corners in again to make a point
00:18:59Then fold the sides back like this
00:19:03Paper aeroplanes!
00:19:07Let's see if they can fly
00:19:10Ready, steady, go!
00:19:16Mummy Pig's aeroplane has flown into a tree
00:19:20My turn!
00:19:23Peppa's aeroplane has landed in a flowerpot
00:19:27Your turn George!
00:19:30George's aeroplane is doing a loop the loop
00:19:33And has landed in the duck pond
00:19:38Let's make a big aeroplane
00:19:41We'll need a really big piece of paper
00:19:45Here's a big piece of blue paper
00:19:48Peppa and George have made a big blue aeroplane
00:19:52Daddy Pig!
00:19:54Hello everyone
00:19:55Shouldn't you be at work?
00:19:57Yes, but I've forgotten some important papers
00:20:01Daddy, we're making aeroplanes
00:20:04We made a really big one
00:20:07Wow, fantastic!
00:20:10You need someone big and strong to throw it
00:20:13Ready, steady, go!
00:20:19The big blue aeroplane is flying very high and very far
00:20:24It just keeps on going
00:20:26Bye bye aeroplane!
00:20:28Oh, bye bye!
00:20:30Now I need to find my important work papers
00:20:36Has anyone seen any pieces of paper?
00:20:39Maybe you should follow me
00:20:43Is this one of your important papers?
00:20:46Yes, that's one of them
00:20:49Is this one of your important papers daddy?
00:20:52Yes, thank you Peppa
00:20:56Why are we at the duck pond?
00:21:00Oh, I see, thank you Mrs Duck
00:21:04The only paper I'm missing now is a big blueprint
00:21:09Is it big and blue?
00:21:11Like the aeroplane you flew a long way away daddy
00:21:15Oh, um...
00:21:17The one that we said bye bye to?
00:21:19Yes, maybe I should ring the office
00:21:24This is Daddy Pig's office
00:21:28Hello Daddy Pig, did you find the papers?
00:21:31I found some of them
00:21:33The only one we need is the big blueprint
00:21:37That might be a problem
00:21:39Daddy threw it away
00:21:41Threw it away?
00:21:43It's blue and blue forever
00:21:46Ah, it's here! It just landed on my desk
00:21:51What a great idea to make it into a paper aeroplane and throw it to us
00:21:56Oh yes, well, I am a bit of an expert at throwing things
00:22:02Thank you Daddy Pig
00:22:04Now the blueprint is delivered, Daddy Pig can take the rest of the day off work
00:22:09Ah, that's nice
00:22:11Daddy, we need your newspaper
00:22:14What for?
00:22:15Making paper aeroplanes
00:22:24Santa's Visit
00:22:26It is very early on Christmas morning
00:22:29Peppa and her family are staying at Granny and Grandpa Pig's house
00:22:34George, wake up!
00:22:36Santa's Bean
00:22:39Bubble mix
00:22:43And tangerines
00:22:47Mummy! Daddy! It's Christmas!
00:22:50Eh? What?
00:22:51It's too early, Peppa
00:22:53Go and say Happy Christmas to Granny and Grandpa
00:22:58Granny! Grandpa!
00:23:01Don't panic! All hands on deck!
00:23:04It's Christmas!
00:23:06It's three o'clock in the morning
00:23:08But Santa's Bean, can we see if he's still here?
00:23:13No, Santa's not here
00:23:16Look, the carrot drink and mince pie have gone
00:23:20He's only left crumbs
00:23:22Yes, Santa likes a good mince pie
00:23:26And there are big presents under the tree
00:23:29I asked Santa for a doll, can we open them now?
00:23:34We will open the big presents after Christmas lunch
00:23:38Oh, goody!
00:23:41Peppa and her family are having Christmas lunch
00:23:44Let's pull the crackers
00:23:48There are paper hats inside
00:23:51And party trumpets
00:23:54And jokes! What wobbles in the sky?
00:23:58I don't know
00:23:59A gelicopter!
00:24:02Hmm, this Christmas pudding is delicious
00:24:05Peppa and George helped me make it
00:24:08We did the stirring
00:24:10Did you make a wish, Peppa?
00:24:12Yes, I wished for...
00:24:14Don't tell us!
00:24:16Let's open the presents
00:24:19This one is for George
00:24:24It is a racing car set
00:24:26This looks a bit complicated
00:24:29Let me see
00:24:31This goes here and that goes there
00:24:34And this goes there
00:24:36Let's race!
00:24:38Ready, steady, go!
00:24:41Daddy and Grandpa are enjoying playing racing cars
00:24:45Isn't that George's present?
00:24:47I think George is quite happy playing with the box
00:24:53This is your present, Daddy Pig
00:24:56Ah, socks!
00:24:58And I've got socks
00:25:04So, the last present must be for...
00:25:07Me! I asked Santa for a doll that walks and talks and closes its eyes when it goes to sleep
00:25:14Oh, birdseed!
00:25:18That present is for Polly Parrot
00:25:20But it was the last one
00:25:22Santa has forgotten me
00:25:29Can I talk to Peppa, please?
00:25:32Peppa, it's Suzy Sheep
00:25:34Hello, Suzy
00:25:35Did you get your doll?
00:25:38I got mine
00:25:39It cries and laughs and closes its eyes and everything
00:25:44Santa's giving you my doll
00:25:47The label says, for Suzy Sheep
00:25:50Then Santa has forgotten me
00:25:57Santa is on his way home
00:25:59That's the last of this year's toys delivered
00:26:04Oh, what's this at the bottom of my sack?
00:26:08Santa can't have forgotten you
00:26:10I have been a good piggy, haven't I?
00:26:19Ah, hello!
00:26:20He came down our chimney!
00:26:23Of course he did, Granny
00:26:25Here's your present, Peppa
00:26:28Sorry it's a bit late
00:26:31My doll!
00:26:33Thank you, Santa
00:26:35Would you like some Christmas pudding?
00:26:37George and I stirred it and made wishes
00:26:43And I wished that Santa would visit us on Christmas Day
00:26:48And you did!
00:26:49Ho, ho, ho!
00:26:51Ho, ho, ho!
00:26:52Ho, ho, ho!
00:27:22Muddy Puddles!
00:27:26Oh, hello Mrs Duck
00:27:28What are you doing here?
00:27:32The rain has made a flood
00:27:35Our house is a desert island
00:27:39Muddy Puddles, here I come!
00:27:47Who put all this water here?
00:27:51How will we get our food?
00:27:53Daddy will have to swim to the shops
00:27:59Grandpa Pig has arrived on his boat
00:28:02Ahoy there!
00:28:04Wonderful boating weather!
00:28:07Um, yes
00:28:09We're sailing to the shops
00:28:11Do you need anything?
00:28:13Yes, please
00:28:14Can you get us some tomatoes and spaghetti?
00:28:17Tomatoes and spaghetti?
00:28:19Polly Parrot copies everything that is said
00:28:22Polly can be our shopping list
00:28:24Who's a clever parrot?
00:28:26Oh? Who's a clever parrot?
00:28:28Can we some too, please?
00:28:31Hop aboard!
00:28:40Look, there's Susie's sheep's house
00:28:44We're going to the shops
00:28:46Do you need anything?
00:28:48Mummy, do we need anything from the shops?
00:28:52Yes, we need food for dinner
00:28:54Chocolate, please
00:29:02Hello, Danny
00:29:04Hello, Peppa
00:29:06I'm helping my granddad
00:29:08We're rescuing people
00:29:11Great weather for it
00:29:13Do you need anything from the shops?
00:29:16Maybe a newspaper
00:29:19And a comic
00:29:20Newspaper, comic
00:29:25Grandpa, what's that stick thing in the water?
00:29:30Ah, submarine
00:29:32Action stations!
00:29:37Ahoy there, me hearties!
00:29:40It's Grampy Rabbit in his submarine
00:29:43Lovely day to go sailing
00:29:45With just the sea and the sky
00:29:48The stories I could tell
00:29:50Do you need any shopping?
00:29:52Oh, yes! Cheese, please
00:29:56Grandpa Pig's boat has arrived at the supermarket
00:30:01Hello, it's very quiet today
00:30:04You're my first customers
00:30:06Maybe it's because of the flood
00:30:08Silly, isn't it?
00:30:10A little bit of rain and everyone stays at home
00:30:14What can I get you?
00:30:16Polly has a list
00:30:18Who's a clever parrot?
00:30:20Who's a clever parrot?
00:30:22Oh dear, Polly has forgotten the list
00:30:26Luckily, I remember what everyone wants
00:30:33Thank you, Peppa
00:30:35You're a good'un
00:30:37Newspaper and comic
00:30:39Thanks, Peppa
00:30:42It was lucky Peppa was going to the shops
00:30:45Or we'd have nothing for dinner
00:30:47Here's your chocolates
00:30:49Now we can have our dinner, Mummy
00:30:54Peppa and George have arrived back home
00:30:57It is their bedtime
00:31:02It is morning
00:31:07The water has gone but left a big muddy puddle
00:31:11Muddy puddle!
00:31:15This is the biggest muddy puddle in the world ever
00:31:21It's morning
00:31:23The secret club
00:31:26Peppa has come to play with Suzy Sheep
00:31:29Hello, Suzy
00:31:31Hello, Peppa
00:31:32Why have you got that mask on your face?
00:31:35So people don't know it's me
00:31:37I'm in a secret club
00:31:40Can I be in your secret club?
00:31:44It's not easy to get into
00:31:46You have to say the secret word
00:31:49What word?
00:31:54Right, you're in
00:31:58Danny Dog has come to play
00:32:01Hello, Peppa
00:32:02Hello, Suzy
00:32:06I'm in a secret club
00:32:08I'm in it too
00:32:11Pedro Pony, Candy Cat and Rebecca Rabbit have come to play
00:32:18Suzy and Peppa are in a secret club
00:32:21Can we join your secret club?
00:32:24It's very hard to get into
00:32:27You have to say the secret word
00:32:34That's not the word I said
00:32:36It changes all the time
00:32:38To keep it secret
00:32:40Are we in the secret club now?
00:32:43You're in
00:32:44What do we do?
00:32:46We do secret things in secret
00:32:49And secretly go on secret missions
00:32:54I don't know what you're talking about
00:32:56Show us how you do a secret mission
00:32:59Yes, show us
00:33:01Er, Peppa can do it
00:33:03You've got the mask on, Suzy
00:33:06Okay, my secret mission is to get biscuits
00:33:10Watch this
00:33:13Suzy Sheep is trying not to be seen
00:33:20Mummy, can I have some biscuits for my friends please?
00:33:24Of course, here you are
00:33:26Thank you, Mummy
00:33:30Suzy Sheep has returned with the biscuits
00:33:38Did anyone see you?
00:33:41Well, only a grown-up
00:33:43Look out!
00:33:45Would you like some juice to go with your biscuits?
00:33:48What biscuits?
00:33:49The biscuits I just gave you for your friends
00:33:52Oh, Suzy
00:33:54What's the matter?
00:33:55We're in a secret club doing secret things
00:33:58And Suzy's told everyone
00:34:01Oh, can I be in your secret club please?
00:34:04Please? I've always wanted to be in a secret club
00:34:08It's very hard to get into
00:34:10You must say the secret word
00:34:14Which is?
00:34:15Pick a needle noodle
00:34:17Pick a needle noodle?
00:34:19That's it, you're in
00:34:21What happens now?
00:34:23Look out!
00:34:25It's Daddy Pig
00:34:27You talk to my Daddy
00:34:29But don't say anything about our secret club
00:34:33Hello! Ah, there you are, Mummy Sheep
00:34:37What's new?
00:34:38Uh, um, uh, uh, secret club
00:34:41Oh, no!
00:34:43Oh, I always wanted to be in a secret club
00:34:46Can I join please?
00:34:48You can't join, Daddy, because you are grown-up
00:34:52Uh, my Mummy is grown-up
00:34:54Well, you have to know the magic word
00:34:58Which is?
00:34:59Papadiddle doodle dum
00:35:02Papadiddle doodle dum?
00:35:04You're in
00:35:06What do I do now?
00:35:07Look out!
00:35:08It's Mummy Pig
00:35:10Follow Mummy in secret
00:35:17Daddy Pig
00:35:18Ah, hello Mummy Pig
00:35:20What are you doing in that bush?
00:35:22Um, uh, secret club
00:35:25Oh, I've always wanted to be in a secret club
00:35:29We can't have everyone in the secret club
00:35:32It wouldn't be a secret
00:35:36I suppose it doesn't have to be a secret secret club
00:35:40It can be the everybody secret club
00:35:44And everybody can be in it
00:35:47Oh, goody
00:35:53Baby Alexander
00:35:55Peppa and George's cousins are coming to visit today
00:35:59Mummy, how long before Cousin Chloe is here?
00:36:03Not long now, Peppa
00:36:04Baby Alexander is coming too, remember?
00:36:07Oh, babies cry all the time
00:36:10They're so noisy
00:36:12I'm sure Baby Alexander won't be that noisy
00:36:18What's that sound?
00:36:19Is it a car alarm?
00:36:21Is it a fire engine?
00:36:23No, it's Baby Alexander
00:36:28Hello, Peppa
00:36:29Hello, George
00:36:30Hello, Cousin Chloe
00:36:32Hello, everyone
00:36:34Hello, Uncle Pig
00:36:37Hello, Aunty Pig
00:36:38You remember Baby Alexander, don't you, Peppa?
00:36:47Are you staying for a few days?
00:36:49No, this is what Alexander needs for just one day
00:36:53Can't go anywhere without all these baby things
00:36:58Hello, Baby Alexander
00:37:00He can't talk, Peppa
00:37:02If he can't talk, then how do you know what he wants?
00:37:06We guess
00:37:09I'm guessing he's hungry
00:37:11Peppa, would you like to help feed Alexander?
00:37:15Yes, please
00:37:16It is lunch time for Baby Alexander
00:37:19Cousin Peppa is going to feed you today, Alexander
00:37:23Here you are, Baby
00:37:26Oh, here it is
00:37:30He keeps turning his head
00:37:32Feeding Baby Alexander is quite hard
00:37:36Watch this
00:37:37Here comes the aeroplane
00:37:40Here comes the aeroplane
00:37:46Alexander likes it if you pretend the spoon is an aeroplane
00:37:50You have a go, Peppa
00:37:52Here comes the aeroplane
00:37:56Open your mouth and in through the doors
00:38:02That was an aeroplane
00:38:04Can you say aeroplane?
00:38:07I told you, he can't talk
00:38:10He hasn't even said his first word yet
00:38:13Peppa, do you remember what your first word was?
00:38:17It was mummy
00:38:19I thought Peppa's first word was daddy
00:38:22No, mummy
00:38:24What was George's first word?
00:38:29George's first word was dinosaur
00:38:32Somebody looks like they had a good lunch
00:38:35Yes, bath time, I think
00:38:39Baby Alexander is having a bath
00:38:44This is Mr. Dinosaur
00:38:46Can you say dinosaur?
00:38:49Go, go
00:38:50He can't talk, Peppa
00:38:53But he will talk one day
00:38:56Then you'll know what he wants
00:38:58What do you want to do now, Alexander?
00:39:01Go, go
00:39:03I think he wants to go for a walk
00:39:06He can't walk yet, but he can go out in his buggy
00:39:13That's a clever little buggy
00:39:16Yes, five gears, mudguards and ABS as standard
00:39:20Blah, blah, blah
00:39:22That's how daddies talk
00:39:25Alexander likes it when you talk, Peppa
00:39:28That's because I am very interesting
00:39:33The sky, can you say sky?
00:39:36Go, go
00:39:38The sky is where rain comes from
00:39:41Can you say rain?
00:39:44Rain is good for ducks and plants
00:39:47And making muddy puddles
00:39:50Peppa has found a big muddy puddle
00:39:53Look, Alexander
00:39:55I'm jumping up and down in a puddle
00:40:00I love jumping up and down in puddles
00:40:06Alexander has said his first word, puddles
00:40:10Hurray, puddles
00:40:13And I taught him to say it
00:40:26Daddy Pig is making vegetable soup for lunch
00:40:30Daddy, can I help?
00:40:33Thank you, Peppa
00:40:35Can you clear away all these vegetable peelings?
00:40:39Stop, Peppa
00:40:41Vegetable peelings don't go in the normal bin
00:40:44They go in this brown bin
00:40:48That's right, George
00:40:50It's a banana skin
00:40:52There are onions and carrots and all sorts of fruit and vegetable leftovers in here
00:40:57Granny and Grandpa will like these
00:41:00Do Granny and Grandpa Pig eat potato peelings?
00:41:05No, Peppa
00:41:07They're for Grandpa's garden, they help his plants grow
00:41:11We can take these round there after lunch
00:41:14Oh, goody
00:41:16Mummy Pig, Peppa and George are taking the vegetable peelings over to Granny and Grandpa Pig's house
00:41:22We're here
00:41:26Grandpa Pig, Baba Egg, we've got a special present for you
00:41:32Ah, vegetable peelings
00:41:37My garden will like these
00:41:39Does your garden eat vegetables?
00:41:42Oh, no, Peppa
00:41:44These peelings are for my compost heap
00:41:48What's that?
00:41:50I'll show you
00:41:52Here it is
00:41:54It's a wooden box
00:41:56Yes, Peppa, but it's a very clever wooden box
00:42:00I put these peelings in the top and then out of the bottom comes lovely rich earth called compost
00:42:10How does it do that?
00:42:12Is it a magic box?
00:42:14Oh, no, Peppa
00:42:17I've got some little friends that give it some help
00:42:23In here, look
00:42:26Ah, wriggly worms
00:42:29Wiggle, wiggle
00:42:31The worms turn all the fruit and vegetables into compost
00:42:35Grandpa, can we find some more wriggly worms for your compost heap?
00:42:41What a good idea
00:42:43Come on, George, let's find some more wriggly worms
00:42:51A wriggly worm
00:42:53Wiggle, wiggle
00:42:55You're a wriggly worm, you're a wriggly worm
00:42:58How do you do? I love you, you're a wriggly worm
00:43:04Well done
00:43:07You take a good wriggly worm and turn it all into compost
00:43:15Then I can use the compost to...
00:43:18I know, I know, you put a seed in the ground, cover it in compost and it grows into a tree
00:43:25Yes, Peppa, and talking of trees, we'd better go and help Granny Pig
00:43:32She's collecting fruit in the orchard
00:43:37It's where you find fruit trees
00:43:39We've had this orchard since I was a little piggy
00:43:42Hello, Granny Pig
00:43:44I'm the egg
00:43:46Are you going to help me collect some apples?
00:43:48Yes, Granny
00:43:50Oh, the apples are too high up
00:43:53Don't worry, Peppa, Granny and Grandpa have a little trick to collect the apples
00:43:58Everybody hold on to the tree
00:44:01On the count of three, shake the tree as much as you can
00:44:05One, two, three
00:44:11It's raining apples
00:44:17Granny, can we have an apple, please?
00:44:20Of course, Peppa
00:44:23Mmm, delicious
00:44:26And can you guess what we do with the apple cores?
00:44:32Wiggle, wiggle!
00:44:34That's right, the apple cores go into the compost for the worms
00:44:38Clever George
00:44:41And clever Wiggly Worm too
00:44:48Freddy Fox
00:44:50Peppa and her friends are playing at Rebecca Rabbit's house
00:44:55Let's play hide and seek
00:44:59We'll all hide and Peppa can find us
00:45:05Everyone must find a hiding place before Peppa counts to ten
00:45:09Danny and Candy are hiding in the branches of a little tree
00:45:13Zoe, Pedro and Rebecca are hiding behind a fence
00:45:17Suzy and Emily are hiding behind a bush
00:45:21Nine, ten
00:45:23Where do you not? Here I come
00:45:26I know where you are
00:45:32Peppa cannot find anyone
00:45:35This is impossible
00:45:38Freddy Fox has come to play
00:45:40Hello, Freddy
00:45:42Hello, Peppa
00:45:43What are you doing?
00:45:45We're playing hide and seek
00:45:47But I can't find anyone
00:45:49Shall I find them for you?
00:45:51You can try, but it's impossible
00:45:55Watch this
00:45:59Found you!
00:46:01Hello, Freddy
00:46:04There you are
00:46:08Freddy Fox has found everyone
00:46:10How did you do that?
00:46:12I'm good at smelling
00:46:15What's smelling got to do with it?
00:46:17I can find you by sniffing your smell
00:46:22I'm not smelly, I had a bath last night
00:46:26I know, you smell nice
00:46:31I could even find you with my eyes closed
00:46:35Go on then, find Suzy with your eyes closed
00:46:41Hide Suzy
00:46:43One, two, three
00:46:46Suzy is looking for somewhere to hide
00:46:49Six, seven, eight, nine, ten
00:46:54Ready or not, here I come
00:46:57Freddy is looking for Suzy with his eyes closed
00:47:01He is sniffing where Suzy Sheep has walked
00:47:04Round the tree, behind the little bush
00:47:07And back up the hill
00:47:10Found you!
00:47:12All thanks to my nose
00:47:16It's a super nose
00:47:18Yes it is
00:47:20Has everything got a smell?
00:47:23Oh yes, everything has a different smell
00:47:27What do I smell of?
00:47:30You smell of flowers and Wellington boots
00:47:35What do I smell of?
00:47:38You smell of wet grass and biscuits
00:47:44What do I smell of?
00:47:46You smell of bananas and jam
00:47:50What do I smell of?
00:47:52Milk and fish fingers
00:47:56What do I smell of?
00:47:58Pedro, you smell of toothpaste
00:48:03What's your favourite smell?
00:48:06What is the worst thing you've ever smelled?
00:48:09Blue cheese
00:48:14It's nearly dinner time
00:48:16How do you know?
00:48:18I can smell carrot soup
00:48:22I can smell carrot soup too
00:48:25And me
00:48:26Dinner's ready
00:48:28Come and get your carrot soup
00:48:32Everyone is enjoying Mummy Rabbit's carrot soup
00:48:36This soup is yummy
00:48:39Who can that be?
00:48:41Mr Fox has come to take Freddy home
00:48:44Mmm, I can smell dinner
00:48:47Oh, Mr Fox, hello
00:48:49Hello Mummy Rabbit
00:48:51Hello Dad, I've just had my dinner down a rabbit hole
00:48:56Good lad
00:48:57And can you guess what's for pudding?
00:48:59Smells nice
00:49:01I'd say strawberry jelly
00:49:04That's right
00:49:06Mr Fox loves smelling things
00:49:11Everyone loves smelling things
00:49:19Granny Pig's chickens
00:49:22Peppa and George are having a sleepover at Granny and Grandpa's house
00:49:26Granny Pig
00:49:28Gangie Ig
00:49:29Hello my little ones
00:49:31Bye bye, see you later
00:49:33Bye bye Mummy
00:49:36Come and see where you're going to sleep tonight
00:49:41This was Mummy Pig's room when she was a little piggy
00:49:44In olden times
00:49:46And this is the bed Mummy slept on
00:49:49Ooh, bouncy bed
00:49:55You're just like your Mummy when she was little
00:49:58Did Mummy bounce on the bed?
00:50:00Of course
00:50:01But Mummy tells us not to bounce on the bed
00:50:05When Mummy was a little piggy she was cheeky, just like you
00:50:09Was she?
00:50:12Now, let's go and see Grandpa Pig in the garden
00:50:19Grandpa Pig
00:50:22Hello Peppa, hello George
00:50:25Come and see my carrots
00:50:28Grandpa Pig is very proud of his vegetables
00:50:32And here are my peas
00:50:35But best of all are my lettuces
00:50:39Oh no, my lettuces
00:50:43I think the birds have eaten them Grandpa
00:50:47Yes, birds
00:50:49Why didn't Mr Scarecrow scare them away?
00:50:52Because the birds that ate my lettuces are very stupid
00:50:58What's the matter Grandpa Pig?
00:51:00Your friends have been eating my vegetables again
00:51:03Which friends?
00:51:04Tom, Dick and Harry
00:51:07Those aren't their names
00:51:09Granny Pig has chickens
00:51:13Say hello to Jemima, Sarah and Vanessa
00:51:18And here is Neville
00:51:22Is Neville a boy chicken?
00:51:25Yes Peppa, he's a cockerel
00:51:27He's the worst, scratching up my vegetables
00:51:31Neville wouldn't hurt a fly
00:51:33I've seen him eat flies
00:51:36And he ate my lettuce
00:51:39You don't want to eat Grandpa's lettuce, do you?
00:51:44Not when there's lovely corn to eat
00:51:47Come on, this way home
00:51:51Peppa, George, would you like to feed corn to the chickens?
00:51:55Yes please Granny
00:51:58Here you are chickens, eat up
00:52:04Oh, you've got a windy house
00:52:07That's the chicken coop, it's where the chickens lay their eggs
00:52:11Eggs? I can't see any eggs
00:52:14Not now, but there will be eggs soon
00:52:20It is bedtime for Peppa and George at Granny and Grandpa's house
00:52:26Have the chickens laid their eggs yet Granny?
00:52:30Maybe in the morning Peppa
00:52:32I don't know when it's morning
00:52:34Neville will tell us
00:52:36Now go to sleep
00:52:37Night night
00:52:45It is morning
00:52:49It's Neville
00:52:55Thank you for waking us up Neville
00:53:02Good morning Jemima, Sarah and Vanessa
00:53:05Do you have any eggs for us?
00:53:07One, two, three, four
00:53:10Four eggs Granny
00:53:12Now we'll have eggs for breakfast
00:53:14Thank you Jemima, Sarah and Vanessa
00:53:23Boiled eggs for everyone
00:53:28Mmm, delicious
00:53:31Granny, your chickens make yummy eggs
00:53:35Yes, it's all that lovely corn they eat
00:53:39And my lettuces
00:53:45Mr Potato comes to town
00:53:49Peppa and her family are watching Mr Potato on television
00:53:54I love watching programmes about keeping fit
00:53:57Up, down
00:53:59Now here are some lovely drawings I've been sent
00:54:03This is an apple
00:54:06Remember, eating fruit and vegetables helps you stay fit
00:54:11I'm good at eating fruit and vegetables
00:54:14And exercise is important
00:54:17Today you can see me open a new sports centre in town
00:54:23Mummy, can we go and see Mr Potato?
00:54:26It's a long way to go to see a potato Peppa
00:54:29He's not any old potato
00:54:31This is Mr Potato
00:54:33Can we go and see him Mummy, please?
00:54:37Oh alright
00:54:42Everyone has come to see Mr Potato open a new sports centre
00:54:48Look, it's Mr Potato
00:54:50Mr Potato
00:54:53Oh, it's just Peppa
00:54:56Hello everyone
00:54:58Hello Peppa
00:54:59Suzy thought you were Mr Potato
00:55:02I don't look like Mr Potato
00:55:05No, you're much too big
00:55:08Mr Potato is bigger than me
00:55:11No he's not, he's a potato
00:55:14And potatoes are this big
00:55:17There's Mr Potato
00:55:21Mr Potato has come to town
00:55:24Please welcome your friend and mine, Mr Potato
00:55:32Wow, that's a big potato
00:55:35I declare this sports centre open
00:55:41Fantastic, we must all exercise and eat fruit and vegetables
00:55:47Which ones should we eat Mr Potato?
00:55:50Apples, oranges, carrots, tomatoes
00:55:56Why aren't you small like a normal potato?
00:56:00Because he's not a normal potato
00:56:04He's got legs
00:56:06Normal potatoes don't have legs
00:56:09He's a super potato
00:56:11We watch your show every morning
00:56:14Very good
00:56:16And remember to send me your drawings
00:56:18We will
00:56:24Children, today we will do drawings for Mr Potato
00:56:31I'm drawing a pineapple
00:56:33I'm drawing a carrot
00:56:35Very good
00:56:37What are you drawing Emily?
00:56:39A pea
00:56:40Lovely, and Pedro?
00:56:42It's a super potato
00:56:44Oh I see, and George has drawn a wonderful tomato
00:56:50Peppa, what vegetable have you drawn?
00:56:53My daddy, watching television
00:56:56Oh excellent, now we put the drawings in an envelope and post them to Mr Potato
00:57:06It is morning and time for the Mr Potato show
00:57:11Welcome your friend and mine, Mr Potato
00:57:16We posted some drawings to Mr Potato in an envelope
00:57:21Did you get the envelope?
00:57:23He can't hear you daddy, he's on television
00:57:27Oh yes of course
00:57:29I've received an envelope full of drawings
00:57:34This tomato looks very juicy
00:57:37That's George's picture
00:57:40Well done George
00:57:42But this picture from Peppa Pig is my favourite
00:57:47Wow, that's my picture
00:57:50It shows Daddy Pig watching TV
00:57:54Looks like Daddy Pig needs some exercise
00:58:00Come on Daddy Pig, let's do some jumping up and down
00:58:04Oh alright
00:58:07Daddy Pig likes jumping up and down
00:58:10Everyone likes jumping up and down
00:58:14Princess Peppa
00:58:17It is bedtime for Peppa and George
00:58:20Good night my little piggies
00:58:23Granny and Grandpa Pig have come for dinner
00:58:27Hello, hello
00:58:30Where are Peppa and George?
00:58:32They're asleep
00:58:33Oh but I so wanted to see them
00:58:35Can I take a peek?
00:58:36Ok Granny Pig, but be very quiet
00:58:44Granny Pig
00:58:45Gangie Ig
00:58:46Hello my little darlings
00:58:48You should be asleep
00:58:50Tell us a story
00:58:52Ok, but only if you promise to go straight back to sleep
00:58:56We'll go to sleep after the story
00:59:00Once upon a time there was
00:59:02A little boy called Pedro Pony
00:59:05And he found a magic bean
00:59:08Oh yes, now Pedro planted that bean
00:59:12And it grew into an enormous beanstalk
00:59:15That went high into the sky
00:59:17That's right
00:59:18Pedro climbed to the top of that beanstalk
00:59:21And found a
00:59:22A horrible big giant
00:59:24But I don't want that
00:59:26I want a princess
00:59:29Oh yes, there he found a beautiful princess Peppa
00:59:34And Sir George, the brave knight
00:59:37And a cook who makes the most delicious food ever
00:59:44Mummy Pig, Daddy Pig and Grandpa Pig are waiting to eat dinner
00:59:48I'll go and see what's keeping Granny Pig
00:59:51What's next in the story?
00:59:53Naughty Granny Pig, you woke the little ones
00:59:57Promise to sleep when the story ends Grandpa
01:00:01I'm good at ending stories Granny Pig
01:00:05You go downstairs, I won't be long
01:00:08There's a boy, a beanstalk
01:00:11A beautiful princess
01:00:14A brave knight
01:00:16And a cook who makes a lovely dinner
01:00:19Well, after they ate the lovely dinner
01:00:22Everyone fell asleep
01:00:24The end
01:00:26Then they all woke up
01:00:28And along came a wizard
01:00:30A wizard?
01:00:31Yes, a wizard
01:00:32We're going to do a big magic show
01:00:36Ah, but...
01:00:37Then, along came a scary dragon
01:00:43Granny Pig, Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig are still waiting to eat dinner
01:00:47That bedtime story doesn't seem to be working
01:00:50I'm the expert at telling bedtime stories
01:00:53I'll have them asleep in no time
01:00:56Ah, a scary dragon!
01:00:59Emma, George, back to bed
01:01:02But Grandpa hasn't finished the story yet, Daddy
01:01:06I'll finish the story
01:01:08I'll be down in a minute
01:01:12There's a boy, a beanstalk, a castle
01:01:15A beautiful princess
01:01:17A brave knight, a cook, a wizard and a scary dragon
01:01:22And a very hungry king
01:01:25So they all had a big dinner and lived happily ever after
01:01:30The end
01:01:32Then they had a party
01:01:35And all their friends came
01:01:46Right, I think I'd better sort this out
01:01:50Daddy Pig!
01:01:52They're almost asleep
01:01:55Thank you, I'll take over now
01:01:58You have to finish the story, Mummy
01:02:01All right, quickly now
01:02:02Tell me what's happened
01:02:04Once upon a time, in olden days
01:02:07A long time ago
01:02:09Mummy Pig's been up there for a long time
01:02:14I can hear snoring
01:02:16At last! Peppa and George are asleep
01:02:20And then they all lived happily ever after
01:02:24The end
01:02:26Peppa? George?
01:02:28Shush! Mummy is asleep
01:02:31It looks like Princess Peppa is the best at telling bedtime stories
01:02:36That's right, I am
01:02:43Talent Day
01:02:45It is the end of another day at Peppa's Playgroup
01:02:48Children, tomorrow is Talent Day
01:02:52What is a talent?
01:02:54A talent is something you like doing and you're good at
01:02:58I like to watch television and I'm good at it
01:03:02Think of something we might like to see you do
01:03:06My talent is playing the guitar
01:03:16The parents have arrived to pick up the children
01:03:19Don't forget to think of something to do for Talent Day tomorrow
01:03:25It is bedtime for Peppa and George
01:03:28I can't go to bed yet
01:03:30I haven't got a talent to show tomorrow
01:03:33But you have lots of talents, Peppa
01:03:36Yes, I can skip
01:03:39I can sing
01:03:41Twinkle, twinkle, little star
01:03:44I can dance
01:03:50It's hard to choose one talent
01:03:52I am good at lots of things
01:03:55Don't worry, you can decide tomorrow
01:04:01It is Talent Day
01:04:03My talents are skipping, singing and dancing
01:04:07I practised them all last night
01:04:10I was practising watching television last night
01:04:14That's not a talent
01:04:16Madame Gazelle said so
01:04:18What can I do then?
01:04:20Who would like to show us their talent first?
01:04:24Danny Dog?
01:04:25I can bang a drum
01:04:30I can bang it louder
01:04:32No, that was lovely, Danny
01:04:36Pedro Pony
01:04:38What is your talent?
01:04:40Magic tricks
01:04:43Here is a glass of water
01:04:46It is wet and see-through
01:04:50Now I will make the water disappear
01:04:56Please close your eyes
01:05:02Open your eyes
01:05:05The water has gone
01:05:08Thank you
01:05:10Emily Elephant
01:05:11I am going to play the recorder
01:05:20And what is your talent, Rebecca?
01:05:22I can make a special noise
01:05:27It only works if I go up on my tiptoes
01:05:34That was very good
01:05:36But what can I do?
01:05:38Candy, what is your talent?
01:05:45I was going to do skipping
01:05:48But I can still do dancing and singing
01:05:51My talent is singing
01:06:00I can still do dancing
01:06:03Suzy Sheep, what is your talent?
01:06:07No, you can't dance
01:06:10Oh dear, dancing was Peppa's last talent
01:06:23It is so nice that everyone has chosen a different talent to perform
01:06:29Now, who do we have left?
01:06:32I was going to skip or sing or dance
01:06:36But they've all been done
01:06:38A talent can be anything, Peppa
01:06:40But not watching television
01:06:43Think of something you really like to do
01:06:47I know! I've got a talent that I'm really good at
01:06:52I wonder what Peppa's talent can be
01:06:55My special talent that I'm the best at in the whole world
01:07:00Is jumping up and down in muddy puddles
01:07:05Peppa loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles
01:07:09Everyone loves jumping up and...
01:07:11The library
01:07:13It is bedtime
01:07:15Goodnight, Peppa
01:07:16Goodnight, George
01:07:18Can I have a story, please?
01:07:21Okay, I'll read you The Red Monkey Book
01:07:24But we always have that one
01:07:27The Red Monkey has a bath, cleans his teeth and goes to sleep
01:07:32Er, yes, that is what happens
01:07:35Can we choose another story?
01:07:38The Blue Tiger, The Green Spider, The Orange Penguin
01:07:43Oh, what's this one?
01:07:45The Wonderful World of Concrete
01:07:48I've been looking for that
01:07:50Is it your book, Daddy?
01:07:52It's a book I borrowed from the library
01:07:55What's a library?
01:07:57It's a place you borrow books from
01:08:00And when you've finished reading them, you take them back
01:08:03But Daddy Pig has forgotten to take this book back
01:08:07I have had it for rather a long time
01:08:10Never mind, you can take it back tomorrow
01:08:13But now it's bedtime
01:08:15After Daddy reads this story
01:08:18It's not much of a story, Peppa
01:08:20Please read it, Daddy
01:08:40Peppa, George and Mummy Pig have fallen asleep
01:08:46It is morning
01:08:48Peppa and her family have come to the library
01:08:52Wow! What a lot of books!
01:08:55Shh! Peppa, you must be quiet in the library
01:09:01Because people come here to read and to be quiet
01:09:05Next, please
01:09:07Miss Rabbit is the librarian
01:09:09Hello, Mummy Pig, are you returning these books?
01:09:12Yes, Miss Rabbit
01:09:14Right you are
01:09:17Why is the computer beeping?
01:09:20It's checking to see that you haven't been naughty and borrowed the book for too long
01:09:24Erm, I may have borrowed this book for a bit too long
01:09:28Don't worry, Daddy Pig, it can't be that bad
01:09:34Gosh! Daddy Pig, you've had this book out for ten years!
01:09:39Naughty Daddy!
01:09:41Sorry, Miss Rabbit
01:09:43That's alright, now you can borrow another book
01:09:46Miss Rabbit, can George and I borrow a book, please?
01:09:51Yes, the children's section is over here
01:09:56Oh, look! Berries, flowers, pretty dresses
01:10:02Hello, Peppa
01:10:04Oh, hello, Danny
01:10:06I'm borrowing a book about football
01:10:09Hello, Peppa
01:10:11Hello, Susie
01:10:13I've got a book about nurses
01:10:16George has chosen a book about dinosaurs
01:10:22Look what I've found!
01:10:24Further adventures in the world of concrete
01:10:28Here's a red monkey book
01:10:30Not the red monkey book, it's boring
01:10:34But this is a different story, it might be more fun
01:10:38I bet it's not
01:10:41Once upon a time, there was a red monkey
01:10:45He had a bath, cleaned his teeth and went to bed
01:10:49No, he jumped in a space rocket and went to the moon
01:10:54He had a picnic with a dinosaur, swam under the sea and climbed the highest mountain
01:11:01That was a busy day
01:11:03The end
01:11:04Wow! Read it again
01:11:06We can borrow it and read it at home, Peppa
01:11:09But I was going to choose this book or this one
01:11:15You can take three books home if you want, Peppa
01:11:19But you must remember to bring them back on time
01:11:22Yes, Miss Rabbit
01:11:24And you must remember to bring your book back too, Daddy Pig
01:11:30I'll make sure Daddy remembers
01:11:33Yes, Peppa, I'm sure you will
