Peppa Pig English Episodes Compilation 3

  • il y a 2 semaines


00:00C'est quoi ce t-shirt?
00:02C'est mon t-shirt de football
00:04Papa joue au football ce matin
00:08Mais d'abord, je dois aller au travail
00:11A plus tard, au revoir
00:13Au revoir
00:16Pauvre papa
00:18Bonne nuit
00:20Au revoir
00:22Au revoir
00:24Au revoir
00:26Au revoir
00:28Pauvre papa
00:30Il doit aller au travail
00:32Pauvre papa
00:35Allons-y, jouons
00:37Oui, jouons
00:43Peppa aime sauter dans les poudres
00:47George aime sauter dans les poudres
00:50Maman Pig aime sauter dans les poudres
00:58Oh, mon amour
01:00Maman, on a sauté papa's t-shirt de football
01:04Avec de la poussière
01:06Ne t'inquiète pas, on va le nettoyer
01:10Il ne sera pas nettoyé dans le temps
01:12Et papa ne saura jamais que c'était poussière
01:16Allons trouver plus de choses à mettre dans la machine
01:20Oh, mon veste est un peu poussière
01:24Maman Pig et George ont trouvé plus de choses à nettoyer
01:28Très bien, George
01:30On met les vêtements ici
01:33Et ensuite, on les change
01:36La machine nettoyante remplit avec de l'eau chaude
01:41Splosh, splosh, splosh
01:44Splosh, splosh, splosh
01:50La machine nettoyante rend la pièce entière en forme
01:55Oh, Peppa, où est ta veste ?
01:58Je la nettoie
02:00Quoi ?
02:01Oh, non
02:06Regarde, maman
02:08Regarde, maman
02:10Ma veste rouge est toute propre
02:13Oui, Peppa
02:15Mais regarde ce qu'elle a fait à tout le reste
02:18Oh, mon dieu, la veste rouge de Peppa a rendu toutes les vêtements blancs rouges
02:23Le rouge n'est pas une bonne couleur pour un t-shirt de football
02:29Daddy Pig est à la maison
02:31Bonjour, tout le monde
02:33Bonjour, papa
02:35Daddy Pig, nous avons un peu de problème et...
02:39Dis-moi plus tard, Maman Pig
02:41Je dois me préparer au football
02:44Où est ma veste de football ?
02:47Ne sois pas fou, Peppa
02:49C'est l'un des vêtements de maman
02:51C'est rouge
02:52Non, papa
02:54C'est ta veste de football
02:56Elle est un peu rouge
02:59Donc on l'a nettoyée
03:01Et tout s'est passé un peu mal
03:04Je suis désolée, papa
03:06Mais je ne peux pas porter une veste de football rouge
03:09Pourquoi pas, papa ?
03:11Le rouge est une belle couleur
03:14Que penses-tu, George ?
03:17George n'aime pas le rouge
03:21Voici les amis de Daddy Pig
03:23Mr Bull, Mr Rabbit, Mr Pony et Mr Zebra
03:27Oh, est-ce Daddy Pig qui vient jouer ?
03:30Il sera juste un instant
03:32Mon équipe est en blanc
03:34J'ai besoin d'une veste blanche
03:36Mais papa, tu as une veste blanche
03:39Prends juste ta veste
03:42Tu vois ?
03:44Fantastique !
03:46Merci, Peppa
03:48Bonjour à tous
03:50Bonjour, Daddy Pig
03:51J'aime ta veste
03:53Très intelligent
03:55Allons, jouons au football
03:58Oui !
04:03Oui !
04:04Hurray !
04:06Hurray !
04:07Papa, tu as fait ta veste toute mouillée
04:11Bien sûr, Peppa
04:13Les vests de football sont censés être mouillés
04:21Daddy Pig aime jouer au football
04:23Tout le monde aime jouer au football
04:25Surtout quand c'est mouillé
04:29Le voyage d'avion de Polly
04:32Grand-père Pig prend Peppa et George sur un voyage d'avion
04:36Polly Parrot y va aussi
04:39Grand-père Pig, as-tu ton téléphone mobile ?
04:43Oui, Granny Pig
04:45Ne le met pas dans l'eau
04:47Non, Granny Pig
04:49Est-ce qu'il s'est allumé ?
04:51Oui, Granny Pig
04:53Au revoir !
04:54Au revoir !
04:57Voici Grand-père Pig
04:59Au revoir !
05:01Au revoir !
05:03Un beau jour pour aller naviguer
05:05J'irais aussi, mais mon bateau doit être nettoyé
05:08Je ne sais pas pourquoi tu t'inquiètes de nettoyer ce bateau mouillé
05:12Je suis surpris qu'il soit toujours mouillé
05:15Ce bateau mouillé sera toujours mouillé
05:19longtemps après que ton ancien bateau mouillé soit tombé sous la rivière
05:24Grand-père Dog est le meilleur ami de Grand-père Pig
05:27Au revoir !
05:31Je suis le capitaine de ce bateau
05:34et quand le capitaine te dit de faire quelque chose, tu dois le faire
05:39Au revoir, Capitaine
05:41Au revoir, Capitaine
05:43Polly Parrot copie tout ce qui est dit
05:46George, éleve la flèche
05:49George, éleve la flèche
05:53Pepper, éleve la flèche
05:55Pepper, éleve la flèche
05:59Grand-père, je peux être le capitaine, s'il te plaît ?
06:03D'accord, mais en tant que capitaine, tu dois porter ce masque
06:08Maintenant, Pepper est le capitaine et tout le monde doit faire ce qu'elle dit
06:12Éleve la flèche
06:14Tourne la roue
06:16Au revoir, Capitaine Pepper
06:19Jouez haut et bas
06:22Capitaine Pepper est un peu bossé
06:25Peut-être que je devrais être le capitaine de nouveau
06:28On n'a pas envie de tomber dans quelque chose
06:31Tourner le bateau peut être compliqué
06:35Heureusement, je suis bon à tourner
06:39Oh mon dieu ! Le bateau de Grand-père Pig a tombé dans une petite île
06:46Grand-père, on est coincé !
06:49Je vais appeler Grand-mère Pig, elle pourra m'aider
06:58Grand-père Pig a tombé dans l'eau
07:04C'est Grand-mère Pig, bonjour
07:10On doit trouver une message pour Grand-mère
07:14Message pour Grand-mère ?
07:16Polly peut voler pour Grand-mère
07:18Bonne idée Pepper, et je peux apprendre à Polly ce qu'elle doit dire
07:23Grand-père Pig dit...
07:26Grand-père Pig dit...
07:28Aide, aide
07:30Aide, aide
07:32Voici, facile, facile
07:35Grand-père Pig dit facile, facile
07:38Tu es un vieux chat
07:40Tu es un vieux chat
07:43Bonjour Polly, qu'est-ce que tu fais ici ?
07:46Grand-père Pig dit...
07:49Qu'est-ce que Grand-père Pig dit ?
07:51Tu es un vieux chat
07:53Aide, aide
07:55Oh mon dieu, Grand-père doit avoir de l'aide
08:00Grand-père Pig
08:02Bonjour, Grand-mère Pig
08:04Grand-père Pig a besoin d'aide, s'il vous plaît, pouvez-vous l'aider ?
08:10Madame, je serais ravi
08:16Bonjour, vous avez besoin d'aide, Capitaine ?
08:22Est-ce que vous aimeriez que mon vieux bateau vous aide ?
08:26Oui, s'il vous plaît, Grand-père Pig
08:29Prends ça, Capitaine
08:31Aïe, aïe, skip
08:33Grand-père Pig est le meilleur ami de Grand-père Pig
08:37Grand-mère, a-t-il dit à Polly qu'on avait besoin d'aide ?
08:41Oui, Polly est un chat très intelligent
08:45Dis, je suis un chat intelligent
08:50Je suis un chat intelligent
08:58Delphine Donkey
09:01Bonjour, c'est Grand-père Pig
09:05Monsieur Pig, comment allez-vous ?
09:07Oh, quelque chose n'est pas bien avec le téléphone
09:10Quel temps fait-il en Grande-Bretagne ? Il y a de la pluie, du soleil ?
09:13Vous voyez, le téléphone parle de bêtise
09:15Allô, comment allez-vous ?
09:17Allô, monsieur ?
09:18Est-ce que Delphine peut rester pour un jour ?
09:21Elle vient juste de prendre le train
09:22Au revoir
09:23C'était Monsieur Donkey, il parlait français
09:26Ah, j'ai pensé autant
09:29Maman, qu'a-t-il dit Monsieur Donkey ?
09:32Il a demandé si Delphine Donkey pouvait nous visiter
09:35Oh, d'accord
09:36Delphine Donkey est un ami très spécial de Grand-père Pig, de France
09:41Delphine vient de s'entraîner en parlant anglais avec nous
09:44Hurray !
09:45Il vaut mieux courir, le train de Delphine arrive à tout moment
09:51La-star, tout change
09:54C'est le train de Delphine
09:59Delphine !
10:01Bonjour means hello in French
10:08Bonjour, Mr. Donkey
10:10My goodness, is that huge case for Delphine ?
10:14Yes, Delphine has brought a few little things for her visit
10:18Things you do not have over here
10:20Cheese, bread, tomatoes, water
10:25Au revoir, Delphine
10:26I will be back to pick you up tomorrow night
10:32Where shall I put Delphine's luggage ?
10:34In my room, at the very top of the house
10:41And this luggage is for one night stay ?
10:44Oh yes, that is why I only pack a little bag
10:51Now, Delphine is here to practice talking English
10:54So we must all help her
10:56Yes, mummy
10:58First, I must say sorry, I do not speak English very well
11:03You don't speak too badly
11:05You are very kind, Mr. Pig, but may I ask you a question about talking English ?
11:12Of course, I am an expert at talking, ask away
11:16Are English split infinitives a form of irregular verb or past pronoun ?
11:24Actually, it's quite late, shall we set up Delphine's bed ?
11:28Mummy, mummy, can Delphine sleep in my bed with a pillow at each end ?
11:34Good idea, Peppa
11:36Peppa and Delphine are sleeping at each end of the same bed
11:41Now children, try to go to sleep
11:44You've got a busy day tomorrow, Delphine is visiting your playgroup
11:49Dormez bien
11:51Dormez bien is French for sleep well
11:54I'm not sleepy at all
11:57Let's sing a little song to make her sleepy
12:12Delphine's pretty French song has sent everyone to sleep
12:21Delphine has come to visit Peppa's playgroup
12:26Madame Gazelle, this is my French friend Delphine Donkey
12:33Ah, bonjour Delphine
12:35Delphine sang a pretty French song last night, can we teach her an English song ?
12:42How about the bing bong song ?
12:46Yes, sing me this bing bong song, it would be good for my English
13:16Good, I have learnt lots of new English words
13:20Bing, bong, bingly, bangly, boo
13:28Princess Peppa
13:32It is bedtime for Peppa and George
13:34Good night my little piggies
13:37Granny and Grandpa Pig have come for dinner
13:44Where are Peppa and George ?
13:46They're asleep
13:47Oh but I so wanted to see them, can I take a peek ?
13:50Ok Granny Pig, but be very quiet
13:58Granny Pig
13:59Gangie Ig
14:00Hello my little darlings, you should be asleep
14:04Tell us a story
14:06Ok, but only if you promise to go straight back to sleep
14:10We'll go to sleep after the story
14:13Alright, once upon a time there was...
14:16A little boy called Pedro Pony and he found a magic bean
14:22Oh yes, now Pedro planted that bean and it grew into an enormous beanstalk that went high into the sky
14:31That's right
14:32Pedro climbed to the top of that beanstalk and found a...
14:36A horrible big giant
14:38But I don't want that, I want a princess
14:42A princess ?
14:43Oh yes, there he found a beautiful princess Peppa
14:48And Sir George, the brave knight
14:52And a cook who makes the most delicious food ever
14:58Mummy Pig, Daddy Pig and Grandpa Pig are waiting to eat dinner
15:02I'll go and see what's keeping Granny Pig
15:05What's next in the story ?
15:07Naughty Granny Pig, you woke the little ones
15:11We promise to sleep when the story ends Grandpa
15:16I'm good at ending stories Granny Pig, you go downstairs, I won't be long
15:23There's a boy, a beanstalk, a beautiful princess, a brave knight and a cook who makes a lovely dinner
15:33Well, after they ate the lovely dinner, everyone fell asleep, the end
15:40We all woke up and along came a wizard
15:43A wizard ?
15:44Yes, a wizard, we're going to do a big magic show
15:49Ah, but...
15:50Then, along came a scary dragon
15:56Granny Pig, Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig are still waiting to eat dinner
16:00That bedtime story doesn't seem to be working
16:03I'm the expert at telling bedtime stories, I'll have them asleep in no time
16:10Ah, a scary dragon
16:13Emma, George, back to bed
16:16But Grandpa hasn't finished the story yet Daddy
16:20I'll finish the story, I'll be down in a minute
16:25Ok, there's a boy, a beanstalk, a castle, a beautiful princess, a brave knight, a cook, a wizard and a scary dragon
16:37And a very hungry king
16:40So they all had a big dinner and lived happily ever after, the end
16:46Then, they had a party
16:50And all their friends came
17:01Right, I think I'd better sort this out
17:04Daddy Pig
17:05They're almost asleep
17:08Thank you, I'll take over now
17:11You have to finish the story Mummy
17:14Alright, quickly now, tell me what's happened
17:16Once upon a time, in olden days, a long time ago
17:22Mummy Pig's been up there for a long time
17:26I can hear snoring
17:28I can hear snoring
17:30At last, Peppa and George are asleep
17:34And then they all lived happily ever after, the end
17:40Peppa? George?
17:43Mummy is asleep
17:46It looks like Princess Peppa is the best at telling bedtime stories
17:51That's right, I am
17:54Richard Rabbit comes to play
17:58Peppa and George are playing in their bedroom
18:01This will be the best house ever
18:06George, Richard Rabbit is here
18:18Bye bye Richard, I'll be back to pick you
18:21I'll be back to pick you up later
18:25George and Richard are best friends
18:32George, Richard
18:34You've knocked my house down
18:37Please play something not bouncy
18:44George has made the toy basket into a volcano
18:49Richard is using toy trees to make a jungle
18:53George has used the building blocks to make a river
18:59George and Richard have turned the bedroom into dinosaur land
19:03I'm leaving, it's too noisy
19:07I say potato
19:09And I say potato
19:13The good thing about rainy days is we get to watch important TV programmes
19:22Mummy, George and Richard have made the bedroom into dinosaur land
19:28And dinosaur land is very noisy
19:31George has his best friend here, but I've got no one to play with
19:37You could ask Susie Sheep to come over
19:40Susie Sheep is Peppa's best friend
19:42Can Susie really come over now?
19:45Let's ring her
19:53Hello, Susie Sheep speaking
19:56Susie, it's me
19:58Can you come to my house now?
20:01Yes Peppa
20:02Can I wear my nurse's costume?
20:05Yes, but come quickly
20:13Bye bye Susie, I'll be back to pick you up later
20:22George, Richard, Nurse Susie is here
20:27And Nurse Susie says this is not dinosaur land, it's a hospital
20:34And a hospital must be clean and tidy
20:38The bedroom is not dinosaur land anymore
20:41It is a hospital
20:43I'm the important doctor
20:45This dinosaur looks sick
20:49I agree doctor, he's a very greeny ill colour, he must go to bed
20:56And this dinosaur looks a very purpley ill colour
21:01Yes doctor, he must go into bed too
21:07Shush, quiet in the hospital
21:11Choo choo
21:14The bedroom is not a hospital anymore, now it is a railway station
21:19No no, there aren't any trains in fairy land
21:25Oh, now the bedroom is fairy land
21:28Only pretty things are allowed in fairy land
21:34What's all this crying about?
21:37George and Richard want to play dinosaurs and trains
21:41And we want to play hospitals and ferries
21:46I see the rain has stopped outside
21:51So, maybe you could all play outside
21:55But they like little boys games
21:58And we like grown up girls games
22:02After it's been raining in the garden, what do you normally find?
22:07Muddy puddles
22:10And what are muddy puddles for?
22:13Jumping up and down
22:16Everyone loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles
22:20Whether they are big girls or little boys
22:25Fun run
22:27It has been very stormy weather and the school roof is leaking
22:31How can we raise the money to fix the school roof?
22:35We could have a fun run
22:38What's a funny run?
22:40It's a day for picnics and giving money to see people run
22:44And the more money you give, the further they run
22:47Good idea, Daddy Pig
22:49How far can you run?
22:53Well, I can run as far as you like
22:55But Daddy, you can hardly run at all
23:00I'm an expert at running
23:03Does anyone else want to run?
23:05No, thank you
23:07But I'll give money to see Daddy Pig run
23:10Me too
23:11And me
23:13Thank you, Daddy Pig
23:16Peppa and her family are eating spaghetti
23:21Is there any more spaghetti?
23:23Daddy Pig, you've already had three helpings
23:27Eating gives me energy
23:29And I need energy for my fun run
23:32You also need to practice running
23:35What if I practice eating today, then practice running tomorrow?
23:39No, Daddy, you need to practice running now
23:44Come on, Daddy, race you!
23:48This is easy
23:50It is easy to run downhill
23:53It is hard to run uphill
23:56I don't think I should have eaten so much spaghetti
24:01It is the day of the fun run
24:04Madame Gazelle has a chart to show how far Daddy Pig must run
24:08If Daddy Pig can run to here
24:11The supermarket
24:13Then to here
24:14My grandma's garage
24:17And all the way to here
24:19Windy Castle
24:21Then we'll have enough money to fix the school roof
24:25I'll do it now
24:27Ready, steady, go
24:30I did it
24:32Now we can have the picnic
24:34Silly Daddy
24:36That's just a drawing
24:39Now you must run to the real Windy Castle
24:43Ready, steady, go
24:49Pouf, pouf, pouf
24:52Come on, Daddy Pig
24:54You can make it
25:00Come on, Puff
25:02You can make it
25:04The school bus has made it to Windy Castle
25:08Now everyone can enjoy the picnic
25:11Water, water
25:15What a lovely hot day
25:17What a relaxing way to raise money too
25:21Water, water
25:24Daddy Pig has reached the supermarket
25:27All the running has made him very thirsty
25:34Let's look through the telescope
25:37I can see Daddy
25:39The telescope makes everything look closer
25:42Oh, he's not going very fast
25:45Daddy has arrived at Grandad Dog's garage
25:48That's it, I can't go on
25:51Daddy has stopped
25:54You look rather hot
25:56You need something to cool you down and give you energy
26:00Have an ice lolly
26:02Thank you, Grandad Dog
26:06That's nice
26:08A wasp
26:09Shoo, shoo
26:11Get away, you little pest
26:13Share Daddy Pig's ice lolly
26:15No, this is my lolly
26:18Daddy started running again, really fast
26:25Get off, get off
26:28You can stop now, Daddy Pig
26:30We have enough money to fix the school roof
26:36Daddy Pig has lost the wasp
26:38Well done, Daddy Pig
26:41That extra running means we've got enough money for a new school bus too
26:46Thank you, Daddy Pig
26:49You're most welcome
