Peppa Pig English New Episodes Compilation 4

  • il y a 2 semaines


00:00Teddy Playgroup
00:03It is home time at Peppa's Playgroup
00:06Daddy, Teddy Playgroup is coming to stay
00:11Teddy Playgroup is our school mascot
00:13It's Peppa's turn to take him home
00:15He has pyjamas, a photo album and a toothbrush
00:20It's all in his suitcase
00:22I see
00:25Peppa, Daddy Pig and Teddy Playgroup have arrived home
00:30Mummy Pig, we have a special guest staying with us tonight
00:34Really? Who's that?
00:36Teddy Playgroup
00:38He has pyjamas, a photo album and a toothbrush
00:43What's the photo album for?
00:45We take photos of him doing exciting things
00:50My friends have took Teddy Playgroup all over the world
00:55London, Paris, Egypt
00:59I say, Teddy Playgroup does have an exciting life
01:03I hope he has an exciting time with us
01:08It is Peppa and George's bedtime
01:11Everybody, this is Teddy Playgroup
01:16He is our special guest
01:18We all have to make room
01:23Oh, and that is Mr. Dinosaur
01:26He's not very good at talking
01:32Let's take a photo for Teddy Playgroup's album
01:35Say cheese
01:39Daddy, Teddy Playgroup needs to have an exciting time tomorrow
01:45Can we go to the North Pole?
01:47How about the supermarket?
01:50I don't think Teddy Playgroup has ever been shopping before
01:56It is morning
01:57Peppa is taking Teddy Playgroup to the supermarket
02:01This shop sells everything
02:04Oranges, apples, bananas
02:07Very interesting
02:12This is the checkout where all the food is paid for
02:17George wants to take a picture
02:19OK, George
02:26That's enough pictures, George
02:32Oh, where is Teddy Playgroup?
02:35Teddy Playgroup is missing
02:37Daddy, you've lost Teddy Playgroup
02:40Don't worry, Peppa, I'm sure we'll find him
02:45Hello, how was your day?
02:47Daddy lost Teddy Playgroup
02:50Oh no
02:51But I've got a plan to find him
02:55How are we going to find Teddy Playgroup, Daddy?
02:58First, we print out all the photos we took of him
03:07Mummy Pig is unpacking the shopping
03:10Where are you going?
03:11We're going to stick pictures of Teddy Playgroup on trees
03:17Daddy, wait for me
03:19Why are we sticking photos on trees, Daddy?
03:22When people see the pictures of Teddy Playgroup, they'll know he's lost
03:27And they can help us find him
03:29Oh, this is Teddy in my bed
03:34This is Teddy in the kitchen
03:38And these are George's pictures at the supermarket
03:42Ah, Teddy Playgroup, I know where he is
03:49Oh, hello
03:50Mummy, we know where Teddy Playgroup is
03:54Yes, he's in the shopping bag with the pasta and tomatoes
04:01Peppa is showing her class Teddy Playgroup's photo album
04:05I was worried that Teddy Playgroup wouldn't have an exciting adventure with us
04:11Then luckily, my daddy lost him at the supermarket
04:17But we found him again in the shopping
04:22That was an exciting adventure
04:24Yes, it was
04:30Danny's Pirate Party
04:33Today is Danny Dog's birthday
04:36He is having a party
04:39Everyone has come dressed as pirates
04:43Pedro Pony is dressed as a cowboy
04:49Hi there, me hearties
04:51It is Grandad Dog dressed as a pirate
04:54Hello, Grandad Dog
04:56Call me Dogbeard
04:59Hello, Dogbeard
05:02Which of ye scurvy pirates crave a ration of swashbuckling o'er the brainy seas?
05:08Why is he talking funny?
05:10That's pirates talk
05:12If you want to play my pirate game, say Arrr
05:18Is this a dangerous game?
05:20No, Pedro, Grandad Dog has promised me it will be a very safe game
05:27But it will be exciting
05:29Now, who wants to play?
05:32Here be the plan
05:34Time was, I had a heap of gold that was mine by right
05:37But I was hornswoggled by one Captain Hog
05:42Pirate talk is a bit difficult to understand
05:45Captain Hog took my treasure
05:50Know you, the Captain Hog is a fearsome pirate
05:56And you may already know him as Grandpa Pig
06:01Arrr, Grandpa Pig
06:05The game is to go to Captain Hog's hideout and get back my treasure without being caught
06:12Everyone is excited to be playing the pirate game
06:17Hello, Grandpa Pig, we're on our way
06:20Jolly good
06:21Jolly good
06:23Grandpa Pig and Polly Parrot are guarding the pirate treasure
06:27Be the black galleon fast and the wind at our backs will away
06:32What does that mean?
06:34Run to the boat
06:41Go there, put your life jackets on
06:44On Grandad Dog's boat, all the children must wear life jackets
06:50That scurvy dog beard should be here by now
06:54Here's a nice cup of tea, Grandpa Pig
06:57Oh, thank you, Granny Pig
07:01At last, are we all ready now?
07:04Mr. Dog Beard, I need to go to the toilet
07:08And me
07:13What can be keeping them?
07:17Hello, Grandad Dog
07:19I thought you said you were on your way
07:22Yes, yes, we're almost there
07:24It's taken a while to get my crew together
07:27Anchors away, full sail
07:31Aye, aye, don't be afraid
07:43Land ahoy
07:46The children have arrived at Grandpa Pig's orchard
07:50The game is to get that treasure without being caught
07:56Hooray for the pirates
07:59Shush, Manny
08:02I hope there are no pirates around here trying to take my lovely treasure
08:10Peppa and her friends have got the coins without being caught
08:14Who wants chocolate coins?
08:17Everybody loves chocolate coins
08:19Yum, yum, yum
08:22Aha, got you
08:24Grandad Dog has been caught
08:26Try and take my treasure, would you?
08:29It's mine, I won it fair and square
08:32Oh, no you didn't
08:34Oh, yes I did
08:38Thank you, Captain Hog and Dog Beard for the lovely pirate game
08:43You're very welcome
08:45Oh, yes, it's been lots of fun
08:48Happy birthday, Danny
08:50This be the best pirate party ever
08:57Mr Potato comes to town
09:01Peppa and her family are watching Mr Potato on television
09:06I love watching programmes about keeping fit
09:11Now here are some lovely drawings I've been sent
09:15This is an apple
09:18Remember, eating fruit and vegetables helps you stay fit
09:23I'm good at eating fruit and vegetables
09:26And exercise is important
09:29Today you can see me open a new sports centre in town
09:35Mummy, can we go and see Mr Potato?
09:38It's a long way to go to see a potato, Peppa
09:41He's not any old potato
09:43This is Mr Potato
09:45Can we go and see him, Mummy?
09:49Oh, alright
09:54Everyone has come to see Mr Potato open a new sports centre
10:00Look, it's Mr Potato
10:02Mr Potato
10:05Oh, it's just Peppa
10:08Hello, everyone
10:10Hello, Peppa
10:12Susie thought you were Mr Potato
10:15I don't look like Mr Potato
10:18No, you're much too big
10:20Mr Potato is bigger than me
10:23No, he's not, he's a potato
10:26And potatoes are this big
10:29There's Mr Potato
10:33Mr Potato has come to town
10:37Please welcome your friend and mine, Mr Potato
10:44Wow, that's a big potato
10:47I declare this sports centre open
10:53Fantastic, we must all exercise and eat fruit and vegetables
11:00Which ones should we eat, Mr Potato?
11:03Apples, oranges, carrots, tomatoes
11:09Why aren't you small, like a normal potato?
11:13Because he's not a normal potato, he's got legs
11:18Normal potatoes don't have legs
11:21He's a super potato
11:24We watch your show every morning
11:27Very good, and remember to send me your drawings
11:31We will
11:34Peppa and her friends are at playgroup
11:37Children, today we will do drawings for Mr Potato
11:44I'm drawing a pineapple
11:46I'm drawing a carrot
11:48Very good, what are you drawing, Emily?
11:51A pea
11:53Lovely, and Pedro?
11:55It's a super potato
11:57Lovely, and George has drawn a wonderful tomato
12:02Peppa, what vegetable have you drawn?
12:05My daddy, watching television
12:09Excellent, now we put the drawings in an envelope and post them to Mr Potato
12:18It is morning and time for the Mr Potato show
12:22Please welcome your friend and mine, Mr Potato
12:28We posted some drawings to Mr Potato in an envelope
12:33Did you get the envelope?
12:35He can't hear you daddy, he's on television
12:39Oh yes, of course
12:41I've received an envelope full of drawings
12:46This tomato looks very juicy
12:49That's George's picture
12:52Well done, George
12:54But this picture from Peppa Pig is my favourite
12:59Wow, that's my picture
13:02It shows Daddy Pig watching TV
13:06Looks like Daddy Pig needs some exercise
13:10Eh, what?
13:12Come on Daddy Pig, let's do some jumping up and down
13:16Oh, alright
13:18Up, down, up, down, Daddy Pig likes jumping up and down
13:22Everyone likes jumping up and down
13:27The train ride
13:29Today, Peppa and her friends are going on a train ride
13:35Mr Rabbit is the station master
13:37How many tickets?
13:391, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
13:4310 child tickets and 1 teacher ticket please
13:49Now children, do not lose these tickets
13:53Can I see your tickets please?
13:56Er, I've lost my ticket
14:00Oh dear Pedro, you must be more careful
14:03There's your ticket
14:06Ho ho, try not to lose it again
14:09Here comes the train
14:12Choo choo
14:15Miss Rabbit is the train driver
14:17All aboard!
14:33Here are your activity sheets
14:36The children have to spot everything that is on the activity sheet
14:40A boat
14:41A signal box
14:43And a tunnel
14:45I can see trees
14:47Are trees on the list?
14:49Er, no
14:51I can see clouds
14:53Are clouds on the list?
14:57I can see Grandad Dog
14:59Ahoy there!
15:01Hello Grandad Dog
15:06Is Grandad Dog on the list?
15:08Silly Peppa, my Grandad won't be on the list
15:12But he is sailing a boat
15:14And a boat is on the list
15:18The children tick the boat on their activity sheet
15:22Tickets please!
15:24Mr Rabbit has come to check everyone's ticket
15:29Er, I think I've lost my ticket
15:32Oh dear, oh dear
15:34There's your ticket Pedro
15:37You were sitting on it
15:39Now you try not to lose it again Pedro
15:43The train is going slowly uphill
15:50The train is going quickly downhill
15:53Madam Gazelle, I feel a bit sick
15:57Can I go to the front please?
16:00Ok Pedro, you can go to the front of the train
16:08Hello Pedro, not feeling very well
16:12Would you like to drive the train for a bit?
16:14Yes please
16:18Beep! Beep!
16:20Flippity-clap, flippity-clap
16:22The train is on the track
16:24Hark the puff, hark the puff
16:26The train is on the track
16:28Beep! Beep!
16:34A signal box!
16:36That's on our list
16:39The children tick the signal box on their activity sheets
16:43The signal has stopped the train so that someone important can cross
16:51It's Mrs Duck and her friends
17:01Oh! We still haven't seen a tunnel
17:05Oh! It's gotten dark
17:08We're in a tunnel
17:11The tunnel is the last thing on the activity sheet
17:19Last stop!
17:21Wall change! Everybody off now!
17:25But Madam Gazelle, how are we going to get home?
17:29Peppa, we're back where we started
17:32The train has gone in a big circle
17:35Tickets please!
17:38Hum...Pedro's lost his ticket again
17:42Hum...Pedro, can I have my hat back please?
17:46There's Pedro's ticket!
17:49Oh! That's where I put it
17:55Granny Pig's chickens
17:58Peppa and George are having a sleepover at Granny and Grandpa's house
18:02Granny Pig!
18:04Gangie Ig!
18:06Hello my little ones!
18:08Bye-bye! See you later!
18:10Bye-bye Mummy!
18:13Come and see where you're going to sleep tonight
18:19This was Mummy Pig's room when she was a little piggy
18:22In olden times
18:24And this is the bed Mummy slept on
18:27Oh! Bouncy bed!
18:31You're just like your Mummy when she was little
18:35Did Mummy bounce on the bed?
18:38Of course!
18:39But Mummy tells us not to bounce on the bed
18:42When Mummy was a little piggy she was cheeky, just like you
18:46Was she?
18:49Now, let's go and see Grandpa Pig in the garden
18:56Grandpa Pig!
19:00Hello Peppa, hello George
19:03Come and see my carrots
19:05Grandpa Pig is very proud of his vegetables
19:09And here are my peas
19:13But best of all are my lettuces
19:17Oh no! My lettuces!
19:21I think the birds have eaten them Grandpa
19:25Yes, birds
19:27But Mr. Scarecrow scared them away
19:30Because the birds that ate my lettuces are very stupid
19:35What's the matter Grandpa Pig?
19:37Your friends have been eating my vegetables again
19:41Which friends?
19:42Tom, Dick and Harry
19:45Those aren't their names
19:47Granny Pig has chickens
19:51Say hello to Jemima, Sarah and Vanessa
19:56And here is Neville
20:00Is Neville a boy chicken?
20:02Yes Peppa, he's a cockerel
20:05He's the worst, scratching up my vegetables
20:09Neville wouldn't hurt a fly
20:11I've seen him eat flies
20:14And he ate my lettuce
20:17You don't want to eat Grandpa's lettuce, do you?
20:22Not when there's lovely corn to eat
20:25Come on, this way home
20:29Peppa, George, would you like to feed corn to the chickens?
20:33Yes please Granny
20:36Here you are chickens, eat up
20:41Oh, you've got a Wendy house
20:44That's the chicken coop
20:46It's where the chickens lay their eggs
20:48Eggs? I can't see any eggs
20:52Not now, but there will be eggs soon
20:58It is bedtime for Peppa and George
21:00At Granny and Grandpa's house
21:04Have the chickens laid their eggs yet, Granny?
21:07Maybe in the morning, Peppa
21:09How will we know when it's morning?
21:11Neville will tell us
21:13Now, go to sleep
21:15Night, night
21:17Night, night
21:22It is morning
21:26It's Neville
21:32Thank you for waking us up, Neville
21:40Good morning, Jemima, Sarah and Vanessa
21:43Do you have any eggs for us?
21:45One, two, three, four
21:47Four eggs, Granny
21:49Now we'll have eggs for breakfast
21:51Thank you, Jemima, Sarah and Vanessa
22:01Boiled eggs for everyone
22:08Granny, your chickens make yummy eggs
22:13Yes, it's all that lovely corn they eat
22:17And my lettuces
22:24A trip to the moon
22:26It is a lovely sunny day
22:28Peppa is playing with her bouncy ball
22:31George and his friend, Edmund Elephant, are playing with their space toys
22:39George is pretending that the bouncy ball is the moon
22:42I was playing with that ball
22:46Edmund's space toy has landed on Peppa's head
22:49This looks fun
22:51Are you going to the moon?
22:53It's just boring space stuff for babies, Daddy
22:57It's not real
22:59But space is real, Peppa
23:01And there are real rockets that go to the moon
23:04The museum has a show all about the moon
23:07Should we go and see it?
23:10Will we really have to go to the moon?
23:12No, Peppa, we're not going to the moon
23:15We're going to the museum
23:19Here is the museum
23:22Hello, everyone
23:24Have you come to see the moon show?
23:26Yes, Miss Rabbit
23:27Five tickets, please
23:29There you are
23:31Enjoy your trip to the moon
23:34Oh, we really are going to the moon
23:37No, Peppa, it's just pretend
23:40This way for our trip to the moon
23:43Mr Rabbit is the tour guide
23:47Prepare for take off
23:49It's just pretend, isn't it?
23:52That's right, Peppa, it's just pretend
23:54Five, four, three, two, one
24:00Blast off
24:04We live on a planet
24:06Does anyone know what it is called?
24:08The Earth
24:09That's right
24:11I'm a bit of an expert at space things
24:14There are seven other planets that go around our sun
24:18Does anyone know what they are called?
24:23Well done, Edmund
24:25Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus
24:30Edmund knows all about space
24:33I'm a clever clogs
24:37Does anyone know what these planets are made of?
24:40They're made of cardboard
24:42These models are made of cardboard
24:45But the real planets are made of rock and ice and gas
24:49But of course the moon is made of cheese
24:53No, the moon is made of rock
24:56And this is a serious tour, so no jokes and no giggling
25:01Here we are on the moon
25:04It's a pretend moon really, isn't it?
25:07Yes, if this was the real moon, you could jump over my head
25:13Does anyone know why we can jump so high on the moon?
25:18Oh, that's right, Edmund
25:20Gravity is what keeps us on the ground
25:23It is weaker on the moon, so you can jump higher
25:28We can make you feel like you're jumping on the moon
25:32That sounds impressive
25:34How do you do that?
25:35With big rubber bands
25:38Everyone is strapped into Mr Rabbit's anti-gravity rubber bands
25:47Bouncing on the pretend moon is fun
25:50Say moon cheese
25:52Moon cheese
25:56And that is the end of the tour
25:59And that is the end of the tour
26:01Please walk this way
26:03Are there trees on the moon?
26:06Are there any cars on the moon?
26:09Are there any moon shops?
26:11No, that would be silly
26:13Welcome to the moon shop
26:15We've got moon maps, moon books
26:18We've even got a picture of piggies on the moon with an elephant
26:21Look, there we are, jumping on the moon
26:25We've got moon rock too
26:27We've got a picture of the moon all the way through the middle
26:31How about some real moon cheese?
26:34How much is it, Miss Rabbit?
26:36Five pounds, please
26:38Five pounds?
26:40It's all for a good cause
26:42I like the moon now because it's very interesting
26:47And very tasty
