El Amor Vuelve a Casa Capitulo 3 Español Audio Latino
00:00:32Go Ahead!
00:00:36Bumper Caraces
00:00:46Scooby Doo
00:00:52Stronger than you have in front of you
00:00:54UNO, DOS!
00:00:55UNO, DOS!
00:00:57Stronger than you have in front of you
00:00:59Uno, dos.
00:01:00Uno, dos.
00:01:01Uno, dos.
00:01:02Uno, dos.
00:01:03Uno, dos.
00:01:04Uno, dos.
00:01:05Uno, dos.
00:01:06Eso es.
00:01:07Maestro, enseñanos la patada voladora.
00:01:09Sí, sería genial.
00:01:10Enséñanos, maestro.
00:01:11La patada voladora.
00:01:12Enséñanos, maestro.
00:01:16Les mostraré una vez.
00:01:19Maestro, ¿la patada voladora sirve para derrotar villanos?
00:01:38Dime la razón.
00:01:39¿Por qué lo compraste, desgraciado?
00:01:42Te dije que...
00:01:43¡No la toques!
00:01:45¡Muy bien!
00:01:47¿Hay algún evento especial?
00:02:08¿Hay algún evento especial?
00:02:15Mira allá.
00:02:21Muchas gracias.
00:02:23La próxima podría usar uno de los cables.
00:02:25Sí, lo haré.
00:02:29¿Puedes pasármelo?
00:02:30Oí que enseña tecondo todas las noches.
00:02:33Tiene 28.
00:02:35¿Cómo lo sabes?
00:02:38Las chicas de la compañía lo llaman el Señor Sexy.
00:02:41Y todo gracias a ti.
00:02:44¿Por qué?
00:02:45¿No recuerdas?
00:02:46Por el día que te desmayaste.
00:02:50¡Señorita Bjorn!
00:02:51¿Qué hacemos?
00:02:53¿Podrías ayudarnos?
00:02:57En la espalda.
00:02:58Cuidense, por favor.
00:03:04¿Estás bien?
00:03:10Gracias a él, ya la gente se ha olvidado de tu exnovio, el super perdedor.
00:03:16Voy a ver qué compro para esta noche.
00:03:35¿Crees que podemos hablar?
00:03:40Ese día, con tus padres...
00:03:50Nante Bjorn, te pediré un favor.
00:03:56¿Qué cosa?
00:03:58No le digas a nadie aquí lo que viste ese día.
00:04:02Si llego a oír a alguien hablar de ese día, especialmente de mi mamá,
00:04:08entonces asumiré que fuiste tú, Ivana.
00:04:15A despedirte de tu empleo.
00:04:17¡Yo te despediré!
00:04:26¿Tú me despedirás?
00:04:43No quise hacerte perder el tiempo.
00:04:47Quería disculparme por haber pateado a tu papá ese día.
00:04:53Lo lamento.
00:04:56No te disculpes por eso.
00:04:59Igual se lo merecía.
00:05:03¿Lo merecía?
00:05:11La renta.
00:05:16No te cobraré.
00:05:22No servirá.
00:05:23Espere un momento.
00:05:25¡Oh, buenas noches!
00:05:26Vinimos a ver el lugar.
00:05:28Sí, entré muy temprano.
00:05:34Lo siento, pero ya no se la mostraremos.
00:05:40¿De qué hablas?
00:05:42Ya no vamos a mudarnos.
00:05:51¿Harás esto porque dijo que no cobraría?
00:05:54Pagamos setecientos mil.
00:05:56Son casi diez mil dólares.
00:05:58Así ya no gastarás el dinero que ganas para pagar la renta.
00:06:01No malgasto mi dinero.
00:06:03Es una de las razones por las que trabajo tanto.
00:06:06Podrás ahorrar dinero para tener un depósito para algo mejor.
00:06:11Dije que podemos pedir otro préstamo.
00:06:13Que yo me encargaría de eso.
00:06:14Ya acotamos nuestros préstamos para pagar el depósito.
00:06:17No podemos pedir otro préstamo.
00:06:20Siendo realistas, no podemos mudarnos ahora.
00:06:23Mamá, enloqueciste.
00:06:25Mamá, enloqueciste.
00:06:27Me volví loca.
00:06:29¿Quieres vivir en el mismo edificio que él?
00:06:32Fue él quien apareció, compró el edificio y regresó.
00:06:35¿Por qué debemos sufrir nosotros?
00:06:37Solo vamos a ignorarlo.
00:06:40Yo puedo hacerlo.
00:06:42Así que tú también.
00:06:44¿Siquiera sabes lo que dicen los vecinos de nosotros?
00:06:47No es como si nunca hubieran hablado sobre nosotros.
00:06:50Esas cosas no me molestan para nada.
00:06:53No me arruinaré.
00:06:55¿Estás dudando?
00:06:56¿Por qué?
00:06:57Porque papá se hizo rico y quiere volver contigo.
00:07:04Bien, mire.
00:07:10Repite eso.
00:07:12¿Sobre qué estoy dudando?
00:07:19¡Mira qué lindas hojas!
00:07:22¿No hay mucho viento?
00:07:23Da igual.
00:07:26No nos mudaremos.
00:07:55Los valores alternativos deben ser reemplazados.
00:08:11¡Qué bueno!
00:08:13La última.
00:08:23¿Quién es?
00:08:29¿Puedo entrar un segundo?
00:08:45¿Tu mamá decidió aceptar mi oferta?
00:08:53Si lo haces para controlarnos, mejor dame el dinero.
00:08:59Mamá no recibió una pensión cuando se divorciaron.
00:09:02Todo lo que recibió de ti fue un anillo de bodas.
00:09:06Dame el dinero.
00:09:07No quiero.
00:09:11¿Y qué demonios quieres?
00:09:13Tu mamá.
00:09:15La recuperaré.
00:09:18¿Te volviste a casar después del divorcio?
00:09:21¿Las otras tampoco te soportaron?
00:09:26¿Debo comprobarlo?
00:09:27¿Tienes una enfermedad?
00:09:28Conseguiré un certificado médico.
00:09:30¿Qué pasa? ¿Cometiste algún delito grave?
00:09:37Necesito una razón para querer vivir con mi mujer.
00:09:40Es mi mamá. Yo viviré con ella.
00:09:42Bien, mire.
00:09:43¿Te preocupa?
00:09:48¿Que puede robartela?
00:09:53¿Crees que estás en un drama?
00:09:57¿Qué cosa?
00:10:07¿Quieres un poco?
00:10:09¿Qué estás haciendo?
00:10:10¿Qué estás haciendo?
00:10:15Que yo...
00:10:17Bion Mujin...
00:10:19Seduciré a Ejon.
00:10:22¿Seducir suena mal?
00:10:25Eso sí.
00:10:27Si no logro volver con ella...
00:10:29Prometo que le pagaré...
00:10:32La pensión que no recibió en el pasado.
00:10:36¿Cuánto quieres?
00:10:41¿Cuánto quieres?
00:10:54Considerando la inflación y el interés atrasado de estos once años...
00:11:03Deberías darnos el edificio.
00:11:09Como beneficio...
00:11:11Le daré a Gume Jon...
00:11:13La posesión de la Villa Familia.
00:11:17¿Cuánto tiempo?
00:11:18Cuatro semanas. Ese es el periodo de consideración cuando te divorcies.
00:11:27Ven, fírmalo.
00:11:33¿Sabes que esto es un acuerdo jurídico?
00:11:37Claro que lo sé.
00:11:41Si tu mamá y yo volvemos...
00:11:46Tanto Hyonje y tú...
00:11:48Tendrán que mudarse con nosotros.
00:11:53¿Sabes que tendrás...
00:11:55Que empacar tus cosas y mudarte cuando nos des el edificio?
00:12:07¡Tú puedes!
00:12:10¡Vamos, tú puedes, Hyon!
00:12:14¡Solo piensa en la renta!
00:12:17¡Maldito dinero!
00:12:20¿A quién le importa viol, Mujin?
00:12:29¡Cielos! ¡Qué bueno verlos, señor!
00:12:31¡Vamos, vamos!
00:12:33¡Cielos! ¡Qué bueno verlos, señor!
00:12:35¡Pase y tome asiento!
00:12:37¿Qué hace aquí?
00:12:39Quiero cambiar la cerradura.
00:12:41¿Cómo la quiere?
00:12:43Resistente. Que no puedan forzarla.
00:12:46Señor Choi, ¿acaso no ha estado durmiendo bien? Se ve un poco...
00:12:51¿Puedes cambiarla hoy?
00:12:53Sí, claro, pero...
00:12:58¡Ah! ¡Es el señor Byon!
00:13:02Justo a tiempo.
00:13:03El casero debe encargarse de estas cosas.
00:13:05Le diré que se encargue.
00:13:06¡Vuelvo pronto!
00:13:10¡Hola, señor Byon!
00:13:12¡Señor Hyon!
00:13:14¿También hace vallas?
00:13:15Oye, sabes que hago de todo.
00:13:17¿Quieres una nueva para la villa?
00:13:20La que tiene ahora me recuerda al incendio.
00:13:22Sí, hay que cambiarla, ¿no?
00:13:24Así el valor aumentará y ganarás más dinero.
00:13:29Por cierto...
00:13:31¿Dónde invertiste tu dinero?
00:13:35Vamos, dímelo. No le diré a nadie.
00:13:41que ella no hacía apuestas.
00:13:48Así es.
00:13:50¿Y qué tipo de valla vas a querer?
00:13:53Mientras tanto hay que cambiar...
00:13:55la cerradura de la unidad del semisótano.
00:14:00¡Señor Choi!
00:14:03¿Dónde está el señor Choi?
00:14:31Ya está notariado. No hay vuelta atrás.
00:14:42Es la renta.
00:14:50¿Usaste tu efectivo?
00:14:52No tengo tu información.
00:14:56¿Quieres agregar más?
00:15:00¿Quieres algo más de mí?
00:15:09que ya te dije lo que quería.
00:15:17¡Aléjate de mi familia!
00:15:19¡Para siempre!
00:15:26Seguro olvidaste todo...
00:15:28por cómo regresaste.
00:15:36Para nosotros...
00:15:38nada importaba más que esa promesa.
00:15:41Pero él rompió la promesa y regresó.
00:15:44Así que debe pagar su falta.
00:15:47Y con intereses, claro.
00:15:52Quiero un chocolate.
00:15:53Hola. Un americano con expreso.
00:15:55Y que sea extra grande.
00:16:05Yo te invito.
00:16:07¿Te sientes mal?
00:16:11¿Y para que me calle?
00:16:16También debo pagarte por el hospital, así que te invitaré varias veces.
00:16:23Aquí está su americano helado.
00:16:28¿No morirás por beber eso?
00:16:31Es una transfusión...
00:16:33de café.
00:16:36Qué arrogante de su parte comprar el edificio...
00:16:39solo para intentar recuperar a mi mamá.
00:16:47Me activaré.
00:16:48Buen día.
00:16:52Voy a demostrárselo.
00:16:54Haré que se rinda y ganaré...
00:16:56para poder...
00:16:57recuperar la paz.
00:17:08Oye, Mujin.
00:17:11De hecho, siento que me sonsacaron.
00:17:17No es tarde para cancelarlo.
00:17:19Veré qué se puede hacer legalmente.
00:17:21Vamos, no lo cancelaré.
00:17:23No me avergonzaré.
00:17:25Dios, Mujin.
00:17:26¿Podrías evaluar la situación?
00:17:29Ni el amor más grande de todos ganaría contra el dinero.
00:17:32¿Y tú podrás?
00:17:35¿Crees que esto va a servir?
00:17:40Me encargaré por ti y no hagas nada.
00:17:49Que me lo des.
00:17:56No tengo más opción.
00:17:59Llegué muy lejos.
00:18:03No voy a rendirme.
00:18:08Lo llevaré hasta el final.
00:18:43¿Señor está aquí?
00:18:46¿Señor Jan?
00:18:48¿Qué sucede?
00:18:49Vine a cambiar la cerradura.
00:18:52¡Había olvidado eso!
00:18:54¿Cuánto es?
00:18:55Ya lo pagaron por usted.
00:18:57¿Quién fue?
00:18:58El señor Bion.
00:18:59¿Cómo que el señor?
00:19:04¡Hola, señor!
00:19:08Olvidé mis herramientas.
00:19:09Iré a buscarlo.
00:19:14Olvidé mis herramientas.
00:19:15Iré a buscarlas ahora.
00:19:30Le resulté familiar, ¿cierto?
00:19:38Debo decirle algo.
00:19:54Sí, ya está bien.
00:19:57¿Pero qué lo habrá sorprendido tanto?
00:20:00Yo creo que él ya está senil.
00:20:03No te preocupes por eso.
00:20:07Señor Choe, solo dígame algo.
00:20:11¿A qué se refería con algo peligroso?
00:20:15Yo prometo mantenerlo a salvo.
00:20:18Solo quiero que me lo diga.
00:20:20¿Le parece bien?
00:20:24El nuevo casero.
00:20:26Dijeron que había algo extraño con él.
00:20:33Yo creo que todos tenían razón sobre él.
00:20:38Yo lo vi.
00:20:40El nuevo casero.
00:20:51Lo vi antes del incendio.
00:20:59Ay, por favor.
00:21:00Hace mucho que lo conozco.
00:21:02Y nunca haría algo así, cielos.
00:21:04¿No viste la reacción del señor Choe?
00:21:06Seguro reaccionó así porque de verdad vio algo.
00:21:09Oye, ¿por qué el antiguo casero iría a beber con el nuevo casero?
00:21:13Si se conocían porque...
00:21:16No nos dijeron antes.
00:21:18¿Ya pueden verlo?
00:21:19Me ignoraron cuando se los dije.
00:21:25¿Ni ninguno de ustedes vio algo ese día?
00:21:30Nada sospechoso.
00:21:32Quizás desde la unidad 301.
00:21:34Está al frente.
00:21:35Le preguntaré.
00:21:40Hola, Jungin.
00:21:44¿Algo sospechoso?
00:21:45¿Yo? No sé.
00:21:49Aunque una noche me desperté porque alguien azotó la puerta.
00:21:54¿Oíste la voz de alguien?
00:21:57Oh, sí. Recuerdo escuchar la voz de un hombre joven.
00:22:01¿Cuándo fue todo esto?
00:22:03¿La noche antes del incendio?
00:22:07¿Lo fue?
00:22:09Eso creo.
00:22:11¡Por Dios!
00:22:12Muy bien, gracias.
00:22:15Oh, santo cielo.
00:22:19Bueno, en realidad...
00:22:22Hace poco también vi algo.
00:23:03¿El señor Vion?
00:23:04Esos tatuajes así los vi en películas de mafiosos.
00:23:08Eso es verdad.
00:23:09No en la vida real.
00:23:11Pero él es el ex esposo de Jungin.
00:23:15Así que lo dejé pasar.
00:23:18Eso hace que lo que vi parezca extremadamente sospechoso.
00:23:31Eso hace que lo que vi parezca extremadamente sospechoso.
00:23:33¿Tú también viste algo?
00:23:39Oh, es el señor Moog.
00:24:02Yo lo vi salir de la estación de policía.
00:24:05Y luego entró a un restaurante de tofu.
00:24:08Debió tener alguna razón para comer tofu ahí.
00:24:11Ah, ese lugar.
00:24:18Es muy bueno.
00:24:20Es un lugar famoso.
00:24:21Sí, eso ya lo sé.
00:24:23Pero considerando todo, es un poco sospechoso.
00:24:26¿O me equivoco?
00:24:27Y eso no es nada.
00:24:28Yo, de hecho, hoy fui testigo de una prueba crucial que vi en nuestra azotea.
00:24:59Oh, eras tú.
00:25:03Vine a colgarlas.
00:25:06¿Qué está quemando ahí?
00:25:13La prueba.
00:25:20Además de ir a la escena del crimen, él se atrevió a destruir pruebas ahí mismo.
00:25:25Ese hombre sí que tiene agallas.
00:25:28¿Eso qué? ¿Llenaste de hollín las sábanas limpias por esto?
00:25:32¿Sólo por esto, ah?
00:25:33No. Esto no es una prueba de hoy.
00:25:39Encontré esto justo después de que sucediera el incendio.
00:25:48Algunos de los inquilinos, sus sacerdillas,
00:25:51¿Algunos de los inquilinos, sus sacerdillas?
00:25:53¿Saben de alguien que todavía las use?
00:25:56¡Ese hombre es el único!
00:26:00¡Me asustaste!
00:26:01¿Y antes de morir?
00:26:04¡El antiguo casero dijo que nunca vendería el edificio!
00:26:08Es verdad. Dijo que necesitaba conservar el edificio o sus hijos lo abandonarían.
00:26:13Cielos, es por eso.
00:26:15¡Provocó el incendio para matarlo!
00:26:24¡Veo que están bebiendo!
00:26:27¡Vamos a beber, beber, beber!
00:26:31¡Hola, ellos!
00:26:32¡Bien, bien, ahora juntos!
00:26:36¿Ahora son pareja?
00:26:39¡Santo cielo!
00:26:41Oye, Uno, tu abuela bebió mucho hoy, ¿cierto?
00:26:43¡Todos saben que mi abuela bebe más que cualquiera!
00:26:49¡Es cierto!
00:26:51Creo que el pollo asado ya se terminó.
00:26:53¡Ah, sí!
00:26:55Bueno, que sigan disfrutando.
00:27:03¡Se fue, se fue, se fue, se fue!
00:27:06Sé que están divorciados, pero siguen teniendo hijos juntos.
00:27:09¡Quizás está involucrada!
00:27:13¿Mi Uno debe vivir en el mismo edificio que ese criminal?
00:27:18Estoy más decepcionada de John.
00:27:20¡Las dos hemos sido vecinas durante años!
00:27:23Todo lo que tenemos hasta ahora son pruebas circunstanciales.
00:27:26Debemos vigilar lo que decimos y ser muy cuidadosos hasta que encontremos pruebas.
00:27:31Debes tener cuidado.
00:27:32Deja de preguntarle cómo ganó tanto dinero.
00:27:34Podría salir herido y mucho.
00:27:37Para nada.
00:27:44Mi papá ordenó esto para todos.
00:27:46Son pasteles de arroz.
00:27:49Oh, dale las gracias por mí.
00:27:51Nunca un vecino me había regalado algo así.
00:27:54Abuela, ¿nos moriremos si comemos esto?
00:28:04Cierre la puerta.
00:28:13Compré esto, para ti.
00:28:21Para todos.
00:28:23Sé que te gustan los de ese lugar.
00:28:30Gume, John.
00:28:33¿De verdad no has cambiado nada?
00:28:38Eres preciosa.
00:28:48¿Y tú?
00:28:50Nunca vas a madurar, ¿cierto?
00:28:54Pronto cumplirás cincuenta y sigues siendo el mismo inmaduro.
00:28:57Muchas gracias por no mudarte y quedarte aquí.
00:29:00John Mugen, no te equivoques.
00:29:03No eres la razón por la que quise quedarme.
00:29:05Fue el dinero.
00:29:08No lo olvides.
00:29:21Muchas gracias.
00:29:22Bien hecho.
00:29:24Tenemos otra reunión a las tres.
00:29:26Espera, debo ir al baño.
00:29:28Para el elevador.
00:29:41¡Idiota, estás loco!
00:29:51¿No es el señor Nam?
00:30:34Claro, que tengo un buen día.
00:30:37Buenas tardes.
00:31:00Oye, ¿qué te dije?
00:31:01Te dije que no te postularas para ser guardia de seguridad.
00:31:04Sí, ya lo sé.
00:31:05¿Qué harás?
00:31:06¿Con esa chica de antes?
00:31:08Sí, señor, me encargaré.
00:31:10Si hubieras escuchado lo que te estaba diciendo...
00:31:12Está aquí.
00:31:22¡Me llevará una eternidad terminar todo esto, cielos!
00:31:25¿Pueden darme un descuento en los gastos?
00:31:27Oye, ¿cuándo saldrá tu papá?
00:31:29Todavía no lo he visto.
00:31:31Saldrá muy pronto.
00:31:37¿Terminaste? Bien, vámonos.
00:31:40Papá, ella es la tía Jong-In.
00:31:43Es como familia para nosotros.
00:31:47Sí, compré para todos.
00:31:51Sí, gracias.
00:31:54Iremos a comer algo.
00:31:58Vamos, papá.
00:32:17Ese lugar está bendecido.
00:32:19A los negocios ahí les va bien.
00:32:21¿Estabas en primaria en ese entonces?
00:32:26Recuerdo muy poco porque era pequeño.
00:32:30¿Tu mamá trabaja para la empresa de Miré?
00:32:35Trabaja como vendedora de alimentos.
00:32:37En realidad, Miré no quería que mamá trabajara.
00:32:40Pero ella insistió y dijo que no quería perder el tiempo sin hacer nada.
00:32:45¿Qué hay de Miré?
00:32:48¿Le gusta su trabajo?
00:32:50¿Sabe si tiene novio?
00:32:52No tiene.
00:32:54Dice que si tuviera tiempo para novios, aún preferiría el dinero.
00:32:58Nunca ha tenido.
00:33:03¿Qué es eso?
00:33:04¿Qué es eso?
00:33:05¿Qué es eso?
00:33:06¿Qué es eso?
00:33:07¿Qué es eso?
00:33:08¿Qué es eso?
00:33:09¿Qué es eso?
00:33:10¿Qué es eso?
00:33:11¿Qué es eso?
00:33:12¿Qué es eso?
00:33:14Por cierto, ¿por qué se quedaron en este vecindario?
00:33:20¿Por qué no empezaron de nuevo?
00:33:22Porque ellas querían demostrar que saldríamos adelante.
00:33:26Y que cambiaríamos todo.
00:33:29Mamá y Miré siempre quieren ganar.
00:33:32Son muy raras.
00:33:33I don't know what you're talking about,
00:33:35but I don't know what you're talking about.
00:33:37I don't know what you're talking about.
00:33:39I don't know what you're talking about.
00:33:41I don't know what you're talking about.
00:33:43I don't know what you're talking about.
00:33:45I don't know what you're talking about.
00:33:47I don't know what you're talking about.
00:33:49I don't know what you're talking about.
00:33:51I don't know what you're talking about.
00:33:53I don't know what you're talking about.
00:33:55I don't know what you're talking about.
00:33:57I don't know what you're talking about.
00:33:59I don't know what you're talking about.
00:34:01Dad, you're like Gatsby.
00:34:03No, the great Beyoncé.
00:34:05No, the great Beyoncé.
00:34:07No, the great Beyoncé.
00:34:13Dad, that was awesome!
00:34:15Dad, that was awesome!
00:34:19What's up?
00:34:27Wow, it's been a while.
00:34:29You're getting bigger.
00:34:37Whenever you want, come eat.
00:34:45That idiot still has that restaurant here?
00:34:49Who is he?
00:34:51We found a basement when we moved out of the restaurant.
00:34:53We found a basement when we moved out of the restaurant.
00:34:55And that idiot was our butler.
00:34:59Did he do anything wrong?
00:35:01He flirted with Mom.
00:35:03He flirted with Mom.
00:35:07He called Mom behind her wife's back.
00:35:09He called Mom behind her wife's back.
00:35:11He called Mom behind her wife's back.
00:35:13He really wanted to kill him.
00:35:15He really wanted to kill him.
00:35:25Did you realize how much you spent today?
00:35:27Who do you think you are? A philanthropist?
00:35:29Who do you think you are? A philanthropist?
00:35:31It was necessary.
00:35:33Besides, I know you'll make him have more money.
00:35:35Besides, I know you'll make him have more money.
00:35:41I have to go.
00:35:49I won't say anything.
00:35:51Especially to Aiyon.
00:35:57We don't know each other.
00:35:59We don't know each other.
00:36:09How are you?
00:36:27Hey, who was it?
00:36:29Is it from the company?
00:36:31Is it someone we know?
00:36:33Shut up.
00:36:35Oh, God.
00:36:37You left me hanging and went up to the elevator alone.
00:36:39You should have told me who you saw.
00:36:41I'm leaving, guys. Bye.
00:36:44Calm down.
00:36:51What did you see that you've been after her all day?
00:36:53What did you see that you've been after her all day?
00:36:57It looks like...
00:36:59It looks like...
00:37:01The boss' son works here.
00:37:05But she's the only one who saw him.
00:37:07But she's the only one who saw him.
00:37:09It really hurt.
00:37:11It really hurt.
00:37:25Can we talk?
00:37:31Do you want dinner?
00:37:35Here's your food.
00:37:37Enjoy it.
00:37:41Thank you for the food.
00:37:47About what you saw...
00:37:49Kind indifference.
00:37:51Be kind to all customers,
00:37:53but when you've served your coffee,
00:37:55leave them alone.
00:37:57Only then will they be able to relax
00:37:59and enjoy their order.
00:38:03It's the secret to the success of a successful chain.
00:38:05It's also the motto of my workplace.
00:38:07It's also the motto of my workplace.
00:38:11So you don't need to explain anything to me.
00:38:13So you don't need to explain anything to me.
00:38:15I have no interest in knowing anything
00:38:17about the director's family.
00:38:19I just want to work and that's it.
00:38:25Good way to sum it up.
00:38:27Good way to sum it up.
00:38:29Well, I feel like we're both on the same page now.
00:38:31Well, I feel like we're both on the same page now.
00:38:37Were you really worried
00:38:39that I would tell the people at work?
00:38:41Of course not.
00:38:43And I want you to know
00:38:45that you have nothing to worry about.
00:38:47that you have nothing to worry about.
00:39:09By the way...
00:39:31I would lie
00:39:33if I said I wasn't curious.
00:39:35if I said I wasn't curious.
00:39:37But I'm going to think that maybe your life isn't easy and I'm going to forget it all and they're going to fire you from your job. I'm going to fire you.
00:40:06Oh, what a shame.
00:40:20Hey, what's this?
00:40:22A table. I was missing a new one.
00:40:24Really? How much did it cost you?
00:40:27Don't worry, it was cheap. Let's go.
00:40:32Be careful.
00:40:35Let's go.
00:40:40What's this?
00:40:43A purifier, a massager, a coffee maker, and a vacuum cleaner?
00:40:50Don't worry, we're going to return it.
00:40:53Byeonghyunje, if you have anything left, I'm going to kill you.
00:40:58Yes, also for the refrigerator. Yes, four doors.
00:41:06Everything except the tablet and the watch.
00:41:13Why did Beonghyunje give him this card?
00:41:31It doesn't fit.
00:41:35Gulmedal, get away.
00:41:54We really don't need four.
00:41:57Yes, three is enough.
00:42:05It's nice and comfortable.
00:42:14You know something? They always bring four chairs. Is that normal?
00:42:24Who cares?
00:42:25When I get promoted, I'll buy you one.
00:42:31What if we both buy the four-door one?
00:42:34I can finally make money.
00:42:38From the savings account?
00:42:40I won't say much.
00:42:47What's this?
00:42:49I don't know.
00:42:56My back hurts.
00:42:59For a long day.
00:43:01I want a massage.
00:43:03Mom, can I give you a massage?
00:43:09Look, she's going to give me a massage.
00:43:12She's going to give me a massage.
00:43:21I heard he gave gifts to almost everyone in the neighborhood.
00:43:25He obviously wants to clean up his image.
00:43:27Don't touch the rice cake or the fruits, just in case.
00:43:30I already threw it all away. Who knows if they were poisoned.
00:43:35I ate it.
00:43:40It's nothing. I'm fine.
00:43:44Hey, maybe we're exaggerating.
00:43:47He doesn't look like the kind of person who would do something like that.
00:43:50Don't you think he's really a good housekeeper?
00:43:53You've never seen pictures of convicted criminals.
00:43:56None of them have the kind of face that says,
00:43:58I'm a criminal!
00:44:00Yes, that's true.
00:44:02But how much longer do we have to be careful around him?
00:44:05I mean, we probably won't find any more evidence.
00:44:10About the housekeeper.
00:44:12Yesterday, he fought with a guy in the neighborhood.
00:44:17Apparently, he beat him up.
00:44:21The new housekeeper could be a criminal.
00:44:23Maybe that's why Ejon divorced him.
00:44:26Because he hit him and all that.
00:44:29I guess he was really wrong about Mr. Bion.
00:44:33I feel bad for Ejon and his children.
00:44:36He's always been a part of his family.
00:44:38Hey, I feel more sorry for us because he's our housekeeper.
00:44:41Our lives are in danger.
00:44:43Oh no, what do we do?
00:44:45Come and try!
00:44:47Try the toboki!
00:44:51I understand.
00:45:00Did you come to buy?
00:45:02Ejon, is it true that Mr. Bion set the house on fire?
00:45:06What? What is she saying?
00:45:08I can't believe it.
00:45:12Is it true that he started the fire?
00:45:15I bet you always knew everything!
00:45:18But, what are you talking about?
00:45:21The toboki...
00:45:23Where is it?
00:45:30It's you.
00:45:32Good morning.
00:45:36You also work here with my wife and daughter Mire?
00:45:41About that day, I'm really sorry.
00:45:42It was a misunderstanding.
00:45:44Of course.
00:45:46You know that.
00:45:48Wait, I'm aware that an apology is not enough, but...
00:45:51I apologize.
00:45:53I heard you. Apology accepted.
00:45:55Stop doing it.
00:45:57But why do you ask me that?
00:45:59You said you were going to move, but you decided to stay.
00:46:01That makes you look suspicious.
00:46:03I'm not being irrational.
00:46:05A dangerous man lives in the same building as my dear grandson.
00:46:08Who knows when and how he will hurt us.
00:46:09Right now, I'm scared for your family!
00:46:13What are you saying?
00:46:16Let's go.
00:46:20Come with me, let's talk.
00:46:22Where are you taking me?
00:46:24What are you planning to do to me?
00:46:26I'm sorry! Call the police!
00:46:28Let's go! Let's talk!
00:46:30Call them!
00:46:32Call them now!
00:46:34Please, call them now!
00:46:35Call them now!
00:46:37He fell.
00:46:40Oh my God, poor man.
00:46:44What are you doing?
00:46:46Why are you asking him about a stranger?
00:46:49A stranger? He's your father!
00:46:51He's a stranger!
00:46:54This is illegal.
00:46:56Do you want to get kicked out of here and live in shame?
00:46:59Get out of here!
00:47:06Ah, I guess in the end, Mujin is completely ruined.
00:47:11What does Eyon say?
00:47:13Actually, he called me, but I didn't answer.
00:47:16He was going to ask for money.
00:47:18Honey, you also stay away from Mr. Bion.
00:47:23I have no reason to see him again.
00:47:25Isn't it true?
00:47:27Yes, he told us that his husband was taking money from him.
00:47:30Yes, it's true.
00:47:32Yes, it's true.
00:47:33I can't believe it.
00:47:35What about his children now?
00:47:37It can't be, it's unfair.
00:47:39Now what will his children eat?
00:47:41Poor woman.
00:47:43I'm so sorry for her.
00:47:45Poor woman.
00:47:48What's going on?
00:47:55I don't know what to do.
00:47:57I don't know what to do.
00:47:59I don't know what to do.
00:48:01I don't know what to do.
00:48:03I don't know what to do.
00:48:05What's going on?
00:48:08What's going on?
00:48:10I can't believe it.
00:48:12What's going on?
00:48:15Miss, I know your mother also works here, but leave the problems out.
00:48:22I'm sorry.
00:48:24I promise it won't happen again.
00:48:33I'm sorry.
00:48:43Did your boss really not scold you?
00:48:46He just gave me a warning.
00:48:48Don't worry, let's go.
00:48:57Can you tell us the truth?
00:49:00As tenants, we have the right to know.
00:49:05I see you're all questioning me because you're afraid to talk to the landlord in person.
00:49:11Did you cause the fire to buy the building?
00:49:15If I had the guts to do that, I wouldn't have divorced him.
00:49:22Let's go.
00:49:30Why did you start a conversation with her?
00:49:49Is this why you came back?
00:49:52Forget the agreement, I don't need any of that.
00:49:57Get out.
00:49:59Get out.
00:50:00Get out.
00:50:27Why are you asking about a stranger?
00:50:30He's your father.
00:50:32He's a stranger.
00:50:34You're not my father anymore.
00:50:36From now on, my father is dead.
00:50:38Get away from my family.
00:50:42Get out.
00:50:44Get out!
00:51:01Who is it?
00:51:03It's me, Hyunjae.
00:51:13Why are you drunk?
00:51:15It's early.
00:51:23Come here, dad.
00:51:27Sit here.
00:51:30Sit here.
00:51:37I brought...
00:51:39something very important.
00:51:42This will prove your innocence.
00:51:57You must be honest.
00:51:58And you only have to tell the truth.
00:52:03They say that last night, while you were drinking, you went crazy.
00:52:08And you beat up a guy.
00:52:11Is that true?
00:52:18They also say that you have a...
00:52:21a big tattoo on one of your arms.
00:52:24Is that true?
00:52:31Wait, but dad...
00:52:33Is it also true that you use matches?
00:52:37Is it also true that you were with the previous landlord of the building?
00:52:41Before the fire?
00:52:43Someone saw you leave the police station.
00:52:45Was it because of the fire?
00:52:52Oh, damn.
00:52:54Are you hurt?
00:53:01What are you doing?
00:53:42Hey, John.
00:53:45I'm sorry.
00:53:51You don't have to keep suffering because of me.
00:54:16I came to talk about the fire...
00:54:19on the third floor of John Dundon.
00:54:22What did you just say?
00:54:24The fire at Villa Familia in John Dundon.
00:54:26I came here of my own free will.
00:54:39It's been two hours and nothing's happened.
00:54:41I haven't seen anything strange.
00:54:42Go in and find out what happened.
00:54:45That's dangerous!
00:54:49I'll keep waiting.
00:54:50Oh, he's out.
00:54:51Let's talk, please.
00:54:52I don't have time to talk right now.
00:54:53But that's your job!
00:54:54To see...
00:54:55He challenged a cop.
00:54:56I'm busy.
00:54:57He's resisting arrest.
00:54:58I'll repeat.
00:54:59Let's go, let's go, okay?
00:55:00Come on.
00:55:01Heavens, go away.
00:55:08Did he come in alone?
00:55:25I just...
00:55:28I'm sorry.
00:55:31Gather everyone.
00:55:36I was on my way to the bar, but I wonder...
00:55:38What is Dad going to say?
00:55:41Is it...
00:55:43impossible, right?
00:55:52Dad! Dad!
00:55:58Hey, where's John Kiyoka?
00:56:00I don't know.
00:56:01The call was cut off when he said that.
00:56:05And if that man got mad and...
00:56:08decided to hit you...
00:56:09Kyle, please!
00:56:10I'll make him pay for this!
00:56:13It's okay.
00:56:15There he is.
00:56:21Are you okay?
00:56:22Yes, I'm fine.
00:56:23I'm sure you were worried.
00:56:24I wanted to get help from the police.
00:56:27But they said they were busy protecting and serving.
00:56:31Not sabotage them?
00:56:32We must end...
00:56:36this once and for all.
00:56:55Mr. Bjorn, please stop!
00:56:56Don't do anything!
00:57:00I'm a big fan of Chojun Fat.
00:57:03I wanted to look great.
00:57:09They say that...
00:57:12they found this in front of the building
00:57:14after the fire.
00:57:15And before I moved here.
00:57:18Isn't it strange...
00:57:20that they bought the building after
00:57:22the old landlord died,
00:57:24even though...
00:57:26it wasn't for sale?
00:57:31Yes, it's true...
00:57:32that I saw your old landlord one day...
00:57:36before the fire.
00:57:39Oh my God!
00:57:40And it's true that I went to the police station for that.
00:57:43They wanted to interview me
00:57:44and test my loyalty.
00:57:49What the hell...
00:57:50did you do to Mr. Kim?
00:57:53What did you talk about?
00:57:57We met...
00:57:59to convince him to sell me the building.
00:58:05And the...
00:58:09I wanted to buy Villa Familia...
00:58:12Everyone knows the reason,
00:58:13so I'm not going to tell you.
00:58:16If you were so curious to know,
00:58:18why didn't you ask me?
00:58:19Why harass someone who had nothing to do with it?
00:58:23Why did you decide it was for the best?
00:58:31Bring me some liquor.
00:58:33No, I don't drink.
00:58:34I don't drink.
00:58:36I don't drink.
00:58:37I don't drink.
00:58:38I don't drink.
00:58:39I don't drink.
00:58:40I don't drink.
00:58:42Oh, yeah...
00:58:47Oh my God...
00:58:49Mr. Bion!
00:58:52I'm sorry.
00:58:53I'm really sorry.
00:58:54I'm the one who should have trusted you more.
00:58:59I'm sorry, everyone!
00:59:01Yes, we're sorry.
00:59:02Yes, we're sorry.
00:59:03Here, take this.
00:59:07What is this?
00:59:08A joke?
00:59:14Mr. Bion...
00:59:16I just...
00:59:17I just...
00:59:18You wanted liquor.
00:59:20You want soju?
00:59:22Is that it?
00:59:23I asked you to bring liquor for everyone.
00:59:29If one of you
00:59:30leaves sober today,
00:59:33I'll teach you a lesson.
00:59:41I'm going to invite you today.
01:00:04Could you lower the price?
01:00:06What do we do?
01:00:08I don't know.
01:00:13One second.
01:00:24What is this?
01:00:26I'm sorry.
01:00:29I'm invincible.
01:00:36We got him!
01:00:37We got him!
01:00:38We got him!
01:00:39We got him!
01:00:40We got him!
01:01:02That idiot still has that restaurant here?
01:01:04Did he mistreat you?
01:01:06He flirted with Mom.
01:01:10He called Mom behind her wife's back.
01:01:12And many times he wanted to enter our house at night.
01:01:21You're very tense.
01:01:22Just relax.
01:01:30What's going on?
01:01:31What's going on?
01:01:33I see that old habits never die.
01:01:35What are you doing?
01:01:40You know what?
01:01:41I hate idiots like you,
01:01:42who only take advantage of young girls
01:01:45and single mothers who are defenseless!
01:01:55But I'm strong and I'm also a millionaire.
01:02:01I see your face again in this neighborhood.
01:02:04I'll kill you.
01:02:31I saw it again.
01:02:34The world again.
01:02:36It's here.
01:02:38I saw them clearly.
01:02:41They're running.
01:02:45Oh, dear, tell me why this monster is gone.
01:02:50You look a lot like your father!
01:02:52That's why I'm going to change my last name to Gunmire.
01:02:55Then let's talk about this.
01:02:57When did everything between them fall apart?
01:02:59Someone you couldn't stand losing.
01:03:01Do you know who the director's son is?
01:03:06What do you mean why?
01:03:07To seduce him, of course!
01:03:09I saw him in Nujin.
01:03:10I still have to do it to get a very good payment.
01:03:13You won't tell me?
01:03:14I guess I'll ask him directly.
01:03:19His mother disappeared.
01:03:21What did you say?
01:03:27To be continued.