Why Ishrat-ul-Ebad needs to form a new political party?

  • last month
#ishratulebad #mqmpakistan #ppp #pmlngovt #pti #imrankhan

Why Ishrat-ul-Ebad needs to form a new political party?


00:00Why a political party, Mr. Shatulbad?
00:02There are no elections yet.
00:04Usually, new parties are formed.
00:06They are formed near the elections.
00:08At this time, when the government is not even a year old,
00:11you have made an announcement to form a party. Why?
00:16Look, this political activity,
00:21and the contacts and thoughts in it,
00:25have nothing to do with elections.
00:29Of course, you are absolutely right.
00:32Elections have just taken place,
00:34and there is still a lot of time technically.
00:37But the problem is now.
00:40And the acute situation is now.
00:44And whatever process I have,
00:47or whatever work I have, or whatever contacts I have,
00:50I want to do something for the resolution of these current crises.
00:58So that I can contribute something in my humble capacity.
01:02So this is the real context.
01:05Elections are not the context.
01:07You have said a very interesting thing, Mr. Shatulbad.
01:10You have said that technically, there is still a lot of time in elections.
01:13But we know that you are very well connected.
01:16You have said that technically there is time.
01:18Is there time practically or not?
01:20No, practically it is questionable.
01:24And I have been telling this thing again and again,
01:27that there are 3-4 factors which are very obvious.
01:30Everyone can see it.
01:33There is instability.
01:35There is a political financial crisis.
01:37There is a law and order situation in different parts of the country.
01:40And there is a loss of governance.
01:43And the visibility of the government is not as it should be.
01:48So all these factors together suggest,
01:51which form an opinion,
01:53that the sustainability of the system is very vulnerable.
01:58Now if this system cannot work,
02:01and the government does not take a proactive approach immediately,
02:04does not work on war footing,
02:06then how will it change?
02:08Anything can happen.
02:11I am sorry I am cutting you short, Mr. Shatulbad.
02:13You have said that the system is not working.
02:15Will the system change or will the government change?
02:17Because there will be a huge difference between the earth and the sky.
02:19The change of the system can go to the technocrats,
02:21to the presidentials, to the nationals.
02:24And if the government changes,
02:26then it can be an in-house change or a new election.
02:28So what are you seeing?
02:30Look, it depends on the political people.
02:35If the political people incense this thing,
02:39and immediately sit down and find a way out,
02:44then the decisions can be taken in a political way.
02:48But if they delay,
02:50and there will be inactivity in that too,
02:52then time,
02:54time does give,
02:56but very little time does give.
02:58So then time decides,
03:01and people are following it.
03:03Then nothing is known what will happen.
03:05Let me connect this with a conspiracy theory.
03:08I am not saying this.
03:09When your old Jamaat used to be in its old form,
03:13at that time it was said that you are very close to the establishment.
03:17You are very close.
03:19Now people can say,
03:21or it can be inferred,
03:23that when the old Jamaat used to be in its old form,
03:25they said this,
03:27and now the government is saying
03:29that the situation is very delicate.
03:31The PTI is saying that something can happen in December.
03:33And now you are making a Jamaat.
03:35So can it be said that you have been given the go-ahead
03:38to make a Jamaat from somewhere,
03:40and things can change?
03:42No, it is not like that.
03:44Look, when we talk about the old Jamaat,
03:46its major theories,
03:54or whatever perception was built up,
03:56it was mostly based on conspiracy theories.
03:58Because of which today
04:00that Jamaat is facing this problem.
04:04As far as PTI is concerned,
04:06it is obvious that it is an opposition political party,
04:09and it will mount pressure,
04:12and it will say this.
04:13I am talking on the basis of the logical factors that are visible,
04:19and if you debate this,
04:23then I think that every person who is a political aspirant,
04:28and understands the matters of governance,
04:31and understands the matters of statecraft,
04:34then he will conclude this.
04:36There is no need to tell anyone about this.
04:38So we can safely say
04:40that you have not received any go-ahead from the establishment
04:43to form a Jamaat?
04:45No, I don't need it.
04:48What is the need for an establishment go-ahead?
04:54On one hand, you are announcing to form a new Jamaat.
04:57On the other hand, there are so many Jamaats that have been formed.
04:59In Steka, the Pakistan Party was formed before the elections.
05:01Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, Parliamentarians, PTIP,
05:04those were formed separately.
05:06And recently, Mr. Mifta Ismail, Mr. Shahid Khan Abbas,
05:10their Awaam Pakistan Party was formed.
05:12So what new will your Jamaat bring, Mr. Irshad Ullahabad,
05:15which these Jamaats are not able to give, or will not be able to give in the future?
05:20Look, the context of the other Jamaats that you mentioned,
05:25their context is completely different,
05:28and there are different reasons for their failures.
05:31And the post-election Jamaats,
05:33the political activities that are taking place,
05:35their context is completely different.
05:37Mr. Shahid Khan, Mr. Ismail,
05:39they are experienced people.
05:41When they met me,
05:43we discussed the same,
05:45what is the situation in the country,
05:47and what needs to be done.
05:49Now they have found a way,
05:51by launching a political party,
05:53they want to do what they want.
05:55I am still in the process.
05:57I am testing the water first.
05:59And I am gathering people.
06:01I have changed the model a little.
06:03I have done reverse engineering.
06:05First, I will look at the ground,
06:09and start delivering something on it.
06:15You met Mr. Mifta,
06:17Mr. Shahid Khan,
06:19in April 2024.
06:21In that meeting,
06:23he must have said,
06:25please join our Jamaat.
06:27What was the reason for not joining Awaam Pakistan, Mr. Irshad Ullahabad?
06:31At that time,
06:33when we discussed,
06:35he was thinking about a party,
06:37but probably,
06:39he was not a firm.
06:41But when we directed each other,
06:43the result was that
06:45we get a lot of ideas.
06:47And in any way,
06:49whether they are making their own Jamaat,
06:51or I am making it,
06:53or not,
06:55we can work together.
06:57So, even today,
06:59didn't it come to your mind
07:01to join Awaam Pakistan,
07:03instead of making a new Jamaat?
07:05Instead of dividing it,
07:07let's unite it.
07:11If you think about it politically,
07:13then of course,
07:15it is a process.
07:17Then the people who have joined me,
07:19I have their advice.
07:21All things have to be kept in mind.
07:23And they are also doing their work.
07:25And I pray
07:27that they do a good job.
07:29Because there is a space.
07:31There is a lot of disappointment
07:33from all political parties.
07:35There is a problem of deliverance.
07:37There is a problem of governance.
07:39There are problems of moral standing.
07:41There are a lot of problems.
07:43So, there is a space.
