Nasa Record Voice Of Angels Nasa Ne Aawazein Record Ki Jo Nabi ﷺ Humein Bataayi Thi. Islamic & informative channel

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Islamic and informative video
00:00In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
00:05Dear viewers of Muslim Matters TV, we welcome you to our channel.
00:10We hope that you are doing well.
00:13Peace be upon you, dear viewers.
00:15I am Jamil Ahmed Jami.
00:17Allah, the Lord of Glory, has given us as much intellect as we have,
00:21and the speed with which we are advancing in science,
00:25understanding this universe,
00:28every discovery of ours,
00:30gives us clear evidence of the authenticity of the religion of Islam.
00:34A similar discovery was recently discovered,
00:37which reveals the truth of another hadith of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
00:45This discovery is so large,
00:47that the experts who discovered it,
00:49could not stop themselves from associating it with the hadith of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
00:55The clear answer to this was that it is the same as it is told in the hadith.
01:01What is this discovery and what has been prophesied in the blessed hadith?
01:06In today's video, we will talk about this in detail.
01:09And we will tell you about the angels who raise the earth of Allah,
01:14and we will also tell you how they do tazbih,
01:17and how NASA recorded this tazbih.
01:20And before knowing about all this,
01:22if you are new to our channel,
01:24then subscribe to our channel Muslim Matters TV.
01:28Allah, the Lord of Glory, called the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
01:33to himself on the night of Ascension through Hazrat Jibreel, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
01:38The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, reached the throne crossing all the heavens.
01:44What happened between the two beloveds there,
01:48we only know as much as the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, told us.
01:54But during the journey, the observations of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
01:59were also narrated by the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, for us.
02:03When the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
02:06returned from the journey of Ascension,
02:08many of the companions were eager to know how the journey was.
02:13Upon this, the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
02:16informed the companions in detail about this journey.
02:19There were also some companions there,
02:21who had great enthusiasm and passion.
02:25They asked the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
02:29that, O Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
02:33when you were crossing the heavens and the space on such a fast journey,
02:38and were going to Allah, the Lord of Glory,
02:40how was the sound of this journey?
02:43This question is a proof of great intelligence in itself.
02:46The companions were eager to know the details of each journey.
02:50And they wanted to know the answer to every question that came to their mind.
02:54They knew that Allah, the Lord of Glory, has removed all the hijab
02:58in front of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
03:02Upon hearing this question, the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, smiled.
03:07And said, when I was going to Ascension,
03:10I did not see any corner in the space or in the heavens
03:14where there is a space of four fingers,
03:17and there is no angel present there.
03:20Allah, the Lord of Glory, has created countless angels for every place.
03:26And the task of all those angels is to glorify Allah, the Lord of Glory.
03:30The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, further said,
03:33when I was going to Ascension,
03:36and I walked through all the heavens,
03:39all the heavens were shaking as if they were about to fall.
03:44Upon hearing this, the companions asked the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
03:48with astonishment,
03:50O Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
03:53how can such strong and big heavens shake?
03:57Upon hearing this, the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said,
04:00that there are so many angels that when they meet and glorify Allah, the Lord of Glory,
04:05and praise the Creator of the Universe,
04:08their voices shake the heavens.
04:11Dear viewers, this was the background of the Hadith of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
04:16in which the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
04:19during this journey,
04:21stated his observations.
04:23A few years ago, scientists used to think that
04:26since there is no material in the universe in which the voice can travel,
04:30then there is no question of hearing anything.
04:33This is still true today.
04:35If we go into the universe,
04:37then we cannot hear any kind of voice there.
04:39The reason for this is that since there is no material in the universe
04:43in which the voice can travel,
04:45then it is impossible to hear any kind of voice there.
04:47If the voice could be heard in the universe,
04:49then what kind of voice would it be?
04:51We know that the planets orbit the stars very fast.
04:56In our own sun, in every second, a huge amount of matter burns,
05:00and due to strong explosions, hydrogen gas turns into helium.
05:04So how loud and scary would its voice be?
05:07Similarly, in our galaxy,
05:11if the voice could be recorded,
05:13in which billions of stars are present,
05:15then what kind of voice would it be?
05:17For this purpose, scientists started researching.
05:20All the stars and planets that we know,
05:23their frequencies were observed.
05:25Through a specific computer program,
05:27these frequencies were arranged in such a way
05:30that we could see the frequencies
05:33in which the stars were converting their matter into energy and light.
05:37This is how the scientists recorded the voice of the universe.
05:40This voice was very loud,
05:42and it was echoing in a rhythm,
05:45as if countless people were doing some kind of meditation together.
05:48When this group of scientists,
05:50who had laid the foundation for this research,
05:52heard this voice,
05:54one of the scientists said,
05:56it feels as if it is written in religious books
05:58that angels together
06:00describe the image of Allah, the Lord of Glory, and us.
06:03This statement was unambiguous,
06:05and this statement is also true.
06:07In this regard, the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
06:10has told us in detail in his story of the journey of the Ascension.
06:14Let me tell you a few more things about the angels and their description.
06:18As you know, angels are luminous creatures,
06:21and it is not possible for anyone
06:23to see them in their original form
06:25except the Prophets and the Messenger of Allah.
06:28And this is the reason why
06:30countless angels around us are busy in their work,
06:33but we do not see them.
06:35If they appear in the human form,
06:38then it is possible to see them.
06:40Angels are great creatures compared to humans,
06:43and some of them are small and some are large.
06:46Some angels have two wings,
06:48and some have up to six wings.
06:50The Qur'an says in Surah Al-Fatir
06:52that Allah is the One for whom all praises are due,
06:55who is the Creator of the heavens and the earth,
06:58and who has made two, three, four wings angels
07:01as His chosen messengers.
07:04The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
07:07says about the angels who have ascended,
07:11that I have been given permission to describe
07:13the height of one of the angels,
07:15and how big his existence is.
07:17This can be estimated by the fact that
07:19the middle part of his ear to the shoulder
07:22is as long as the distance of 700 years.
07:26In another hadith,
07:28Sayyidina Anas, may Allah be pleased with him,
07:30narrates that the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
07:35I have been given permission to tell about an angel
07:39whose feet are in the lowest part of the seventh heaven,
07:43and his shoulders are on the throne,
07:45and his ears and shoulders are so far apart
07:48that every bird needs a flight of 700 years to reach them.
07:53The angel said,
07:55O Allah, you are pure,
07:57wherever you are and wherever you are.
08:00Masnad Abiya Allah.
08:02The angels who have ascended,
08:04who have special proximity and glory in the court of Allah,
08:06the angels around the throne,
08:08who are circumambulating the throne,
08:10praise their Lord, the Exalted,
08:12and declare His purity.
08:14And they say,
08:16Glory to Allah and praise to Him.
08:18And these angels believe in Allah
08:20and confirm His oneness.
08:23And they ask for forgiveness for the Muslims.
08:26And in the court of Allah,
08:28they say,
08:29O our Lord, the Exalted,
08:31Your mercy and knowledge is greater than all things.
08:34Forgive those who repent of their sins
08:37and follow the path of your religion, Islam,
08:40and save them from the torment of Hell.
08:42O our Lord, the Exalted,
08:44allow them to live forever in the gardens
08:47which You have promised them,
08:50and allow the pious among their forefathers,
08:52their wives, and their children
08:54to enter these gardens.
08:57No doubt You are the Most High,
08:59the Wise,
09:00and save them from the punishment of sin,
09:03and save them from the punishment of sin.
09:06And the one whom You saved on the Day of Judgment
09:08from the punishment of sin,
09:10no doubt You have mercy on him.
09:12And it is a great success to be saved from this punishment.
09:15It is said that the number of angels
09:17who will ascend to the throne is four,
09:19and on the Day of Judgment Allah will increase
09:21their number and make them eight,
09:23as Allah says.
09:25And on that day eight angels
09:27will ascend to the throne of your Lord.
09:30Hazrat Shahid bin Hosham
09:32says that there are eight angels
09:34who will ascend to the throne.
09:36Four of them are as follows.
09:38Subhanakallahumma wabihamdika lakal hamd
09:41ala hilmika ba'da ilmika
09:44i.e. O Allah, You are pure,
09:47and it is Your praise.
09:49After Your knowledge,
09:50You deserve praise for Your knowledge.
09:53And four of them are as follows.
09:55Subhanakallahumma wabihamdika lakal hamd
09:58ala ufwika ba'da qudratika
10:01i.e. O Allah, You are pure,
10:04and it is Your praise.
10:06After Your knowledge,
10:07You deserve praise for Your knowledge.
10:10Hazrat Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him,
10:12narrates that the bearers of the throne have horns
10:14whose height is like the height of a spear.
10:18Each of them has a distance of five hundred years
10:21from the top of the foot to the heel,
10:25and a distance of five hundred years
10:28from the top of the nose to the bone of the donkey,
10:31and a distance of five hundred years
10:34from the bone of the donkey to the piston.
10:36The example of five hundred years in this hadith
10:39is not the world itself,
10:41but the five hundred years of the hereafter.
10:44As indicated in the following hadith,
10:47one of the feet of an angel is lower than the seventh floor,
10:50and the throne is on his shoulder.
10:52Similarly, in another place,
10:53Hazrat Abu Huraira, may Allah be pleased with him,
10:55narrates that the Messenger of Allah,
10:56peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
10:59I have been permitted to speak of such an angel
11:02whose feet are lower than the seventh floor,
11:05and the throne is on his shoulder.
11:08He is saying,
11:10O Allah, You are pure,
11:12You were and are and will be.
11:16Hazrat Jabir, may Allah be pleased with him,
11:18narrates that the Prophet,
11:19peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
11:21I have been permitted to speak of such an angel
11:25whose feet are lower than the seventh floor,
11:28and the throne is on his shoulder.
11:32He is saying,
11:33O Allah, You are pure,
11:35You were and are and will be.
11:38He is saying,
11:39O Allah, You are pure,
11:40You were and are and will be.
11:43Just like these,
11:44angels are also the creation of Allah,
11:46as Allah has commanded.
11:48These people say that
11:49Allah the Almighty has children in the form of angels.
11:52Glory be to Allah!
11:53In fact, angels are the servants of Allah,
11:56who have been granted honor.
11:58They do not go beyond this and say anything.
12:00They act on His command.
12:02In the Quran,
12:03it has been repeatedly mentioned
12:05that Allah the Almighty has created man from dust,
12:07the jinn from fire,
12:09and the angels from light.
12:11Allah the Almighty has created the angels in such a way
12:14that they do not disobey Allah.
12:17And the work that has been assigned to them,
12:19they remain engaged in it,
12:21as Allah the Almighty has instructed in the Quran.
12:34In the hadiths,
12:35it is known from the description of the angels
12:37that the angels who raise the throne of God
12:39do not even know
12:40where the blessed being of Allah is.
12:42Because no one can realize
12:44where the blessed being of Allah is.
12:46He is beyond understanding.
12:48And according to His glory,
12:49He is exalted on the throne.
12:51This was the description of the angels
12:53and their worship,
12:54about which I have tried to convey some facts
12:56from the Quran and hadith to you.
12:58Now let's talk about this river of science.
13:01This river is so amazing
13:03that scientists are forced to think
13:05that the last universe,
13:07which Allah the Almighty has deprived of sound,
13:09is such a great blessing.
13:11When scientists observed the sun,
13:13and converted the frequencies
13:15observed by the sun
13:17into sound through that software,
13:19it was such a terrifying and loud sound
13:21that scientists unknowingly
13:23thanked the Creator of this universe
13:25who did not give this river
13:27a way to pass the sound.
13:29Scientists say that if the sound
13:31could pass through the river,
13:33then the sound of the sun is so terrifying
13:35that because of its sound,
13:37no kind of life on earth
13:39could exist.
13:41Scientists also say that
13:43if ever there was such an incident
13:45that a substance came into existence
13:47in the universe
13:49that could transmit sound,
13:51then because of the terrifying
13:53and loud sound of the sun,
13:55all living things on earth
13:57would immediately die.
13:59Ladies and gentlemen,
14:01this was the observation of the scientists.
14:03Now we tell you what our religion
14:05says about this.
14:07We know that when the time of Qiyamah
14:09comes, Prophet Israfil will
14:11blow the Sun in our hands
14:13and for its sound,
14:15Allah Almighty will make the
14:17entire universe capable
14:19of transmitting its sound
14:21to the entire universe.
14:23We know that the sound of the Sun
14:25will cause the earth to explode,
14:27the oceans to catch fire,
14:29and the mountains to explode
14:31and turn into the cheeks of a cow.
14:33On the other hand,
14:35science calls all this
14:39On this basis,
14:41our planet earth will be
14:43completely destroyed.
14:45A large part of the matter
14:47present in all stars,
14:49including the sun,
14:51is composed of hydrogen.
14:53The continuous self-producing
14:55hydrogen atoms
14:57emit light and heat
15:01which makes the sun shine.
15:03This action of atomic explosions
15:05will cause the sun to shine
15:07for billions of years.
15:09When 10% of the hydrogen
15:11present in the center of the sun
15:13is converted into helium
15:15through the action of nuclear fusion,
15:17the center of the sun will
15:19shrink further under its
15:21unbridled pressure,
15:23and its degree of heat
15:25will increase to an unbridled
15:29In this process,
15:31helium will also start burning,
15:33which will explode
15:35the outer surface of the sun.
15:37After this, the temperature
15:39of the exploded surface will also
15:41drop relatively.
15:43The explosion of any star
15:45and its actual body
15:47is called astronomical science.
15:49When our sun turns
15:51into a red giant,
15:53it will explode
15:55not only to the
15:57surface of the sun,
15:59but also to the surface
16:01of the earth.
16:03In this process,
16:05the two nearest planets
16:07will fall into the sun
16:09and become a part
16:11of its quantity.
16:13The earth will be saved
16:15from falling into the sun
16:17due to its greater distance,
16:19but the sun's explosion
16:21will increase the degree
16:23of heat of the earth
16:25to an unbridled degree,
16:27which will destroy
16:29the entire universe.
16:31Many hadiths
16:33have been narrated
16:35from the creator of the universe,
16:37peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
16:39The Prophet of the end of times,
16:41peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
16:45that on the Day of Judgment,
16:47the sun will reach
16:49very close to the creation.
16:51Islam and science both
16:53lead us to the conclusion
16:55that the entire universe
16:57will be destroyed.
16:59According to the statement of the Prophet of the end of times,
17:01just as the creation of the universe
17:03took place,
17:05after the destruction of the universe,
17:07a new natural world
17:09will be created,
17:11which in the hereafter
17:13will be a new life.
17:15It is a world of eternity
17:17which will give comfort,
17:19will be better and will always be there.
17:21It is the permanent home of the human race,
17:23from where the Prophet of the end of times,
17:25peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
17:27came to this world
17:29with the gift of Khilafat-e-Arzi.
17:31From the Lord of the heavens and the earth,
17:33there is a gift of prosperity
17:35for the good people of the human race.
17:37With this,
17:39the Qur'an has informed humanity.
17:41While science,
17:43which is dependent on human ability,
17:45cannot be bypassed from the limits
17:47of the medical universe.
17:49And it is difficult to tell us
17:51that the permanent and better life of the hereafter
17:53is a logical and permanent place
17:55for the human race.
17:59the Qur'an confirms
18:01that which has been decided
18:03for the human race.
18:05Now it is the duty of man
18:07to follow the Qur'anic commandments
18:09and its teachings,
18:11so that not only his world
18:13is prosperous,
18:15but also his destiny
18:17in the real life of the hereafter is good.
18:19Just think,
18:21all the universe and its matter
18:23will reach the same place
18:2565 billion years later,
18:27from where the very first creation
18:29of this universe came into being.
18:31The Qur'an states that
18:33the attraction of the universe
18:35will take place in the seventh hour of the Day of Judgment.
18:37But in the blink of an eye
18:39or in a shorter period of time,
18:41Allah will wrap the universe
18:43like a tape recorder
18:45wraps the cassette tape.
18:47Then Allah will repeat
18:49the same way
18:51He created the whole universe for the first time.
18:53Allah, the Lord of Glory,
18:55has Himself promised
18:57with the attributes of
18:59the Creator and the Best of Creators,
19:01and He will surely fulfill it.
19:03All of this is written in
19:05the Holy Qur'an.
19:07Viewers, this proves
19:09that this universe did not
19:11become by itself,
19:13but the Creator and Master
19:15who created it is present
19:17Indeed, all praises are for Allah
19:19who created this universe
19:21by His command
19:23and He is the Master of this universe.
19:25Viewers, this was our
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19:59May Allah keep you in His protection.
