警視庁強行犯係・樋口顕《今野敏サスペンス》第3話「円卓」 2024年8月16日

  • 2 weeks ago


00:30Excuse me, can I have a refill?
00:33Sure, go ahead.
00:45You're welcome.
00:49Here, this is a gift from a farmer.
00:52Please share it with everyone.
00:54I won't have it until next week.
00:57Hayashi-san, you can have it too.
00:59Thank you very much.
01:01Here you go.
01:03Shizue-san, this place is supposed to support the poor children's needs, right?
01:10Then shouldn't you select the right people to help?
01:14If you don't, you'll be used by a mother who's too lazy to cook.
01:19Just like someone else.
01:22It's pretty normal, isn't it?
01:24Every time I come here, I eat a lot.
01:26I even bring home souvenirs.
01:28I'm an elite family.
01:31I'm here because I can use anyone.
01:35If you have a condition, you can write it on the sign, right?
01:38Even if I don't write it, you'll understand, right?
01:40Kasumi-san, the purpose of the children's cafeteria is not just to support food, right?
01:46That's right, there's a lot of support.
01:49Then, are you going to support your mother's infertility?
01:53She's pretending to be a part-time manager because her husband is infertile.
01:59What are you talking about?
02:02It's the truth!
02:10Noriko-san, calm down.
02:12The children are watching.
02:16Kasumi-san, you're talking too much in front of the children.
02:20I couldn't stand it anymore.
02:23I thought you were volunteering for that woman.
02:27But you're pretending to be infertile.
02:30It's not a lie.
02:33If you doubt it, come with me next Sunday.
02:51The next day
02:57Welcome back.
02:59I'm going out for an interview, so you can have lunch.
03:03Where's your mother?
03:05She called me and went out.
03:08Where to?
03:09I don't know.
03:10She asked me to prepare lunch for my father.
03:14It's not a neighborhood, is it?
03:16Daikon again?
03:18You've been eating only daikon.
03:20Don't tell me.
03:22My mother made it.
03:24I'll be right back.
03:26See you.
03:30See you.
03:31See you.
03:50Here you are.
04:01The victim is the manager of this store.
04:03His name is Ryo Kitagawa. He's 45 years old.
04:05Is he the owner?
04:06He's hired.
04:08The weapon is that.
04:11The crime scene was closed last night.
04:15We're waiting for an answer.
04:22There's a car of the victim.
04:24There was this on the floor of the passenger seat.
04:30A lipstick?
04:32I'll call the supervisor.
04:36I see.
04:37The supervisor gave me this.
04:42What's this?
04:43I don't know.
04:45It was under the chair.
04:47The customer may have dropped it.
04:49But I want you to check if it's the victim's.
04:55Where's Kikuchi?
04:56He's on duty now.
04:58We found the body of the customer who came to the store.
05:02I think there's something.
05:04Kikuchi is listening.
05:07Kikuchi is listening.
05:14It's the light.
05:37You know, you know, you know
06:07You know, you know, you know
06:38What's your name?
06:41I'm Noriko Hayashi, my name is Hayashi
06:43What are you doing?!
06:44You can't talk to me like that!
06:46Maybe you were contacting Noriko Hayashi
06:50That's not true at all!
06:51I wanted to call my family
06:54I need to see them
06:55Why are you doing this?
06:57You have no auspices
06:59I'm sorry
07:00Don't worry
07:02What is it?
07:09My wife.
07:12Keiko Higuchi?
07:13The secretary's wife?
07:18Who else?
07:20Kasumi Asai.
07:22She's a volunteer at the children's cafeteria.
07:26Why did they go there?
07:29To see what kind of person Kitagawa is.
07:33To see?
07:35Asai claims that one of the children's cafeteria workers
07:38has an affair with Kitagawa.
07:41But his wife seems to be skeptical.
07:44So they entered the cafeteria without knowing about the incident?
08:02I see.
08:03Higuchi's wife is a volunteer at the children's cafeteria?
08:08She's a wonderful wife.
08:10I thought she was different from other wives.
08:13She's as good as ever.
08:16By the way,
08:18the secretary's wife was found dead.
08:21Does that mean she'll be removed from the investigation?
08:24No, it's okay.
08:26Her wife has nothing to do with the incident.
08:29I'll talk to the higher-ups.
08:31I'm sorry.
08:32It's best to keep me and my wife out of the incident.
08:36We don't want to get caught.
08:39Is it true that Asai Kasumi
08:42had a deep relationship with her husband,
08:45Noriko Hayashi?
08:49I think it's credible.
08:52It was past 10 p.m. on Sunday.
08:55Asai Kasumi passed by the cafeteria
08:58on her way home from a drinking party.
09:01She saw Noriko Hayashi and Kitagawa leaving the cafeteria.
09:06Noriko Hayashi's part-time job is from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
09:10It's strange for her to be in the cafeteria at 10 p.m.
09:14She came out of the cafeteria
09:16after the children went to bed.
09:18The lipstick on her car
09:20might be Noriko Hayashi's.
09:22The secretary's wife acknowledges
09:25that she has the same brand of cosmetics.
09:28You can think of me as the first suspect in Noriko Hayashi's case.
09:34This isn't good.
09:36I looked into Kitagawa's house.
09:39But I couldn't find anything that might lead to this.
09:43Is it a current item?
09:46It could be a criminal, a victim, or a customer's item.
09:49This alone is not enough.
09:54According to the police,
09:56the owner of this cafeteria, Ryo Kitagawa,
09:59was hit in the head when he was 45 years old.
10:09What's wrong?
10:11Can't you sleep?
10:13Mom, when is Dad coming home?
10:17I don't know.
10:19I don't think he can come home yet.
10:22He didn't call you?
10:24He's on the other side of the world.
10:26We don't have enough time.
10:29He has a lot of work to do.
10:32Hang in there a little longer.
10:34Dad is working hard, too.
10:38Good night.
10:40Good night.
11:00Koto Ward, Joji.
11:02A robbery.
11:04It happened three years ago.
11:06Don't you remember?
11:07I do.
11:08It was a mother's negligence.
11:10The girl was robbed.
11:14In mid-winter February,
11:16a three-year-old girl was thrown out on the veranda
11:19because she put on make-up.
11:22She was already in extreme malnutrition and had no resistance,
11:26so she held her breath while her mother was sleeping.
11:30What's that?
11:32She's a real mother.
11:34Was she not involved in the automatic consultation center?
11:39I've been involved in the case for several months.
11:42Still, you couldn't help her?
11:46Well, I guess I tried.
11:49I'm not directly involved in the case,
11:51so I don't know how far the automatic consultation center has gone.
11:55Does the case have anything to do with this mountain?
12:00In fact, the cause of the mother's neglect
12:05was working at a restaurant in Tsukishima at the time.
12:09She was a prostitute in Kitagawa.
12:15According to my colleague who handled the case,
12:17Kitagawa is a pretty bad place.
12:21She was originally a womanizer,
12:23but most of the men she was involved with were her husband.
12:27If she didn't want her husband to expose her,
12:29she would ask him to give her money.
12:32I see.
12:34So that's the kind of man she was.
12:36But couldn't she get away with it?
12:38By blackmailing her?
12:39She couldn't do it without a woman to accuse her of it.
12:42For a mother who abandoned her child,
12:44even though she was divorced,
12:47she continued to give money to Kitagawa.
12:51To continue the relationship.
12:54What a terrible man.
12:57I don't know what's going on in Kitagawa right now,
13:00but please listen carefully to what I just said.
13:05The rest is up to you.
13:10100 yen is expensive.
13:12Make it 50 yen.
13:14If it doesn't sell, you're going to throw it away, right?
13:16No, there are customers who want bread.
13:20Did you make a reservation?
13:22No, I didn't.
13:24Then I'll take it. Here's 50 yen.
13:27I'm in trouble, Hayashi-san.
13:29Wait a minute.
13:31I don't want to say this,
13:34but your husband is a great businessman, right?
13:37Isn't it embarrassing to pay for a little money, Hayashi-san?
13:43I think it's more embarrassing to put a price on a discarded item.
13:49Then forget it.
13:50I'll do it.
13:51Take it.
13:56You're Noriko Hayashi, right?
13:59Who are you?
14:00I'm from the police.
14:08You heard from Asai-san, didn't you?
14:11That I'm having an affair with Kitagawa-san.
14:15But there is no such fact.
14:17But you're having an affair with Kitagawa-san even during office hours, right?
14:21After the closing on Sunday last week,
14:23there was someone who saw you and Kitagawa-san leaving the store in a friendly manner.
14:28At that time, I was called out because I had something to say.
14:32I was asked if I could have a full-time part-time job.
14:37Excuse me, but don't you usually wear makeup?
14:43You have lipstick, don't you?
14:46I have lipstick.
14:48Can I see it?
14:59It's the same as the one that fell into Kitagawa-san's car.
15:04I see.
15:05What a coincidence.
15:08Your husband is abroad now.
15:11Where is he?
15:12He's in New York.
15:13Since when?
15:14Since half a year ago.
15:17I'm just working part-time to change my mood.
15:21I have nothing to do with the affair.
15:23In that case, I think it's a good thing.
15:27I don't mean to be rude to you,
15:30but he was a very dangerous person.
15:35He was a man who was involved with many wives and made a lot of money.
15:39No way.
15:42Between 10 p.m. and 12 p.m. the day before yesterday, where were you?
15:45I was at home.
15:49Are you doubting me?
15:52I'm not kidding.
15:54I have three children.
15:57No matter what happens,
15:59I won't let them do anything that will make them unhappy.
16:04You can check it out.
16:06It doesn't matter if it's a fingerprint or anything.
16:08If it's something, I'll do a DNA test.
16:16I'd appreciate it if you'd let me use it.
16:20This is the inventory.
16:23This is fine, too.
16:25Thank you very much.
16:34Because you told the police,
16:38I was suspected of murder.
16:41It's your fault for doing something suspicious.
16:44I just answered the police's questions honestly.
16:47Don't you know how much you've hurt the children?
16:52You're the one who's hurting the children.
16:54Not me.
17:01I was chased by my parents for a long time.
17:07I missed my chance to get married.
17:10From my point of view,
17:12I'm so jealous of you.
17:17A husband who works at a top company.
17:20Three cute children.
17:23A life without any freedom.
17:27That's how lucky you are.
17:30Why don't you work as a volunteer instead of taking care of the children's cafeteria?
17:37If I can do that,
17:40I'll do it.
17:44Noriko-san, the bread ears?
17:48She had a bag of 100 yen bread ears for 50 yen.
17:53Her house is an economical house, isn't it?
17:57It should be.
17:59Isn't it her hobby to save money?
18:01There are people like that.
18:05why did she come to the children's cafeteria?
18:10Because her husband is single.
18:14Without her father's help,
18:16it's hard for her to raise three small children by herself.
18:21The children's cafeteria used to be full once a week.
18:27But she's not in trouble with her life.
18:30She's taking care of the children's cafeteria because her husband is single.
18:35I don't feel comfortable with that.
18:39That's an old way of thinking.
18:42The children's cafeteria is becoming more diverse.
18:46It's natural to support the poor and the children,
18:51but that's not all.
18:56Is he a volunteer?
18:58It's fun to take care of him.
19:00You're great, Sara-chan!
19:02Why did you find out that Noriko-san was the manager?
19:05It seems that her mother didn't want her daughter to have a baby.
19:09I couldn't tell her the truth.
19:12Were you waiting for your husband to come back?
19:20Did he quit his job?
19:22That's right.
19:23Noriko Hayashi's husband quit his job more than half a year ago.
19:27Was it a restaurant?
19:29No, it was a self-employed job.
19:31Then why did he go to New York?
19:33That's a lie, Noriko Hayashi.
19:35Why did he quit his job?
19:41Half a year ago, my husband said he was going to New York for a week,
19:45so he left the house.
19:48But he didn't come back even when he was supposed to.
19:53So I called the company.
19:56Did you know about his resignation for the first time?
20:00I didn't know what was going on, so I was confused.
20:05Then I saw this letter.
20:08What did the letter say?
20:11I met the man of my dreams.
20:15I want to spend the rest of my life with him.
20:21I want you to find a good man and start a new life.
20:26You'll be angry if you're selfish.
20:29But I can't lie to my heart anymore.
20:32I'll leave my apartment and savings for you.
20:36I want you to forgive me.
20:39What apartment and savings?
20:42Don't be silly.
20:49Were you waiting for your husband to come back?
20:53He may be having fun with a woman now because he got a severance pay.
21:00But he must be abandoned by money.
21:04Then he'll come back.
21:06So I was hiding the truth from my children and people around me.
21:13What about your living expenses?
21:15I barely made it.
21:17I have to pay the rent and save money.
21:23So you went to the children's cafeteria.
21:27I was told a lot of things.
21:29But I couldn't tell the truth because I was hiding it from my children.
21:36What about Mr. Kitagawa?
21:40It's true that he applied for a severance pay.
21:44To be honest, I was happy.
21:47Did Mr. Kitagawa tell you about your husband?
21:53It was an incident before I told him.
21:58Mr. Detective.
22:00Can you not tell anyone about this?
22:06The children still believe in their father.
22:11But I can't believe that my father abandoned us.
22:25He's an old man.
22:28He's not your husband.
22:31What's wrong?
22:32He's the owner of the lipstick.
22:36I heard it from a clerk.
22:38She's the wife of Mr. Kitagawa.
22:43She's the wife of Mr. Kugikai.
22:46Mr. Kugikai?
22:47That's right.
22:48So I think we should be careful.
22:51We have to be careful.
22:54Otherwise, we'll be in trouble.
22:56But we don't have time.
22:58I heard that he's going to his friend's house.
23:03When is it?
23:05It's the 10th.
23:07The clerk said that he had a deep relationship with Mr. Kitagawa.
23:11He can't leave Japan on the 10th.
23:13Go to his house right away.
23:15I'll tell Mr. Kugikai.
23:24Excuse me.
23:26Can I talk to you for a moment?
23:48She's an old woman.
23:50She lives alone.
23:59This is my grandfather.
24:01Hello, Haruto.
24:03Where's your mother?
24:04She's swimming.
24:06I see.
24:07Let's have dinner with your grandfather.
24:10It's your favorite curry today.
24:15Come here.
24:17Is he a volunteer?
24:20It seems that he was not blessed by his children.
24:23He said that it's fun to take care of his children.
24:27Mr. Asai, have you ever been to Mr. Kitagawa's shop as a customer?
24:33It's far from my house and my workplace.
24:36Then, why did you know that the man who came out of the shop with Noriko on Sunday night was the manager?
24:42If he was in a car that looked expensive with the key of the shop, he would think he was the manager.
24:48Do you have any idea?
24:57I used to live in Fukagawa.
25:01But my wife dumped me.
25:03I recognized the bad relationship with Mr. Kitagawa.
25:05It's the only proof that Noriko was alive.
25:08Why did you do that?
25:10She asked me to take care of my children.
25:16Let's eat.
25:27It's good.
25:32Is this your first time to come here?
25:35Soup and rice are free.
25:38Please feel free to eat.
25:43Uncle, where did you come from?
25:46I came from the station.
25:48I'll give you this.
25:50No, you have to give it to me.
25:52But I don't like it.
25:54Young lady, you can't grow up if you don't eat anything.
26:20You're great, Sara.
26:22I'll give you a reward.
26:24I'll show you my magic.
26:37This is a cute flower.
26:39I'll cast a spell on it.
26:52There is a cup with pink water in it.
26:57I'll put a handkerchief on it.
27:02I'll cast a spell on it.
27:06The pink water will be transparent.
27:30I saw through it.
27:32What are you doing?
27:41How long have you run this restaurant?
27:44It's been half a year.
27:48I used to live in Fukagawa.
27:51But my wife left me.
27:54So I moved here.
27:58I see.
28:00I live here.
28:03I need to talk to Noriko.
28:07I see.
28:09Good night.
28:12See you.
28:14See you.
28:20Keiko gave you this?
28:22It's your birthday soon.
28:25She gave you a cake.
28:29It looks delicious.
28:31I did it.
28:32It looks delicious.
28:33It looks delicious.
28:36Why did you give it to Keiko?
28:40She asked me to give it to her.
28:44Because there are other families in the restaurant.
28:48I see.
28:52Keiko gave you this cake, right?
28:58Is that the reason?
29:07Let's go home.
29:09Let's go.
29:18How was it, Fujimoto?
29:24I admit that I had an affair with Kitagawa.
29:27But he left that lipstick on Kitagawa's car on purpose.
29:32On purpose?
29:34Recently, I felt like another woman was in Kitagawa's car.
29:41So I pretended to be a witness.
29:46But I have nothing to do with the case.
29:49I was at my husband's house on the night of the incident.
29:53My mother was sentenced to four years in prison for the George Toshi case three years ago.
29:58I haven't heard from her yet.
30:01So she's still in prison?
30:04If she was in prison, she might have found out about Kitagawa.
30:11She even found out about my daughter's custody.
30:17Custody from your divorced husband?
30:20That's a terrible story.
30:23My mother didn't give up her daughter's custody because she wanted custody from her father.
30:31Did you bring the report?
30:36This is Miyu.
30:42She was a cute girl.
30:47This is the only photo of Miyu.
30:54What's wrong?
30:56Can I borrow this photo?
31:03Don't lose it.
31:05This is the only proof that Miyu was alive.
31:37Go to Tochigi with me tomorrow.
31:43It's a women's prison.
31:46Kitagawa was killed?
31:49I'll make you pay.
31:52Aren't you a member of the red team?
31:54The case will never end.
31:58But I'm a detective.
32:03Kitagawa was killed?
32:11But I have nothing to do with this case.
32:17Did you take this photo?
32:24It was taken by an autopsy.
32:29An autopsy?
32:31Someone in the neighborhood told me that I was abandoning my child.
32:36I was often asked about it.
32:42I've always hated the person in charge.
32:47He said he wanted to protect Miyu.
32:50If that happens, I'll be in trouble.
32:57But one day, Miyu opened the lock of my room.
33:04When I got home, he was playing with Miyu.
33:16Don't do anything selfish.
33:18You're a member of the red team.
33:21Let's go.
33:23He gave me the photo later.
33:30He said I shouldn't ruin his smile.
33:34But I didn't know what he was thinking.
33:43But now I know.
33:47I know what he was thinking when he tried to protect Miyu.
33:53Now I know.
34:07I went to your former workplace yesterday.
34:12You were at the Koto Autopsy Center.
34:17There were a lot of people who respected you.
34:23I'm not respected.
34:34Do you know why I left Fukagawa?
34:46I wanted to get away from my former workplace.
34:51My life as an autopsy doctor is full of regret and helplessness.
35:00There are a lot of cases that ended in pain.
35:07On the night when Kitagawa was killed,
35:10you went back to your apartment around midnight.
35:15Where and what were you doing?
35:22You already know, don't you?
35:26Why me?
35:30This happened at the scene.
35:35This is a part of the photo you took.
35:42I see.
35:44It was at the scene after all.
36:05Wow, it's beautiful.
36:09Why didn't you go back to the scene to find the missing part?
36:13You had time, didn't you?
36:16The next day, I realized that there was one missing part.
36:21I was going to do the autopsy anyway.
36:26Then why did you do it until now?
36:29In the end, I wanted to go around this house again.
36:37Here is what I was looking for.
36:41Warm food, children who eat happily,
36:46an adult who watches over such children with a smile.
36:51It was a gathering of strangers,
36:54but for me, that time was a family time.
36:59Maybe Mr. Matsunaga came to Kitagawa for Noriko's family.
37:06No, I don't think so.
37:10I was just worried about Noriko's affair from Mr. Asai's story.
37:17I went to that restaurant to see what kind of man he was.
37:40I didn't expect it.
37:43I didn't expect to see that man there.
37:48I was so surprised that I left the restaurant without being able to do anything at that time.
37:54However, the more time passed, the more anxiety came up.
38:00Miyu's mother and Noriko's figure overlapped.
38:06The figure of the family that Kitagawa destroyed.
38:11So I waited for the closing time and met Kitagawa.
38:18You said to dead Miyu that you were not responsible.
38:26But that's not true.
38:29You are the cause in the first place.
38:34You manipulated people's hearts for money.
38:38You are the most sinful.
38:43Imagine Miyu, who died alone on a cold winter night.
38:57This is Miyu.
39:00If you feel sorry for this girl, I will never...
39:05Shut up!
39:07I was bothered by that mother.
39:13You're a dead kid.
39:19Do you want to die?
39:29You say I'm a criminal.
39:34But you are the most sinful.
39:38At that time, you were beaten by the media.
39:45Do you hate me?
39:49I'll make you pay.
39:55I'm sure I'm responsible for Miyu.
40:02That's why I lowered my head.
40:05Please don't get involved with Noriko.
40:09Her children...
40:11You don't understand.
40:14That woman is already my woman.
40:18Don't get involved with her.
40:24That woman is crying.
40:27If I say something nice to her, she'll be a good woman.
40:34Please leave Noriko.
40:36Shut up!
40:38Get out of here!
40:49I don't know why.
40:53I didn't mean to kill her.
40:56But my body moved on its own.
41:01It took me a long time to realize that I killed her.
41:11But I didn't kill her because I wanted to protect Noriko's family.
41:21I was frustrated with my powerlessness.
41:29I feel the same way.
41:35I'm trying to make the world a better place.
41:41But I can't solve the case.
41:46But I'm a detective.
41:51You're proud of that.
42:05I got this from Mr. Matsunaga.
42:17Mr. Matsunaga was trying to protect us.
42:24I was going to accept Mr. Kitagawa.
42:31But now I've made up my mind.
42:36I'm going to tell the kids everything about my father.
42:41I know it's sad.
42:44But I'm going to love him twice as much.
42:50I'm going to love you for the rest of my life.
42:59I made this for you.
43:03If you want, you can take this home.
43:08Please give the bag back later.
43:11You can take this home.
43:14I'm sorry.
43:17I'm sorry I lied to you.
43:22From now on, let's not rely on men anymore.
43:27Let's help each other.
43:32I'll be in charge of the children's cafeteria for a long time.
43:39Me too.
43:43Oh, Noriko Hayashi has a new job.
43:47She was introduced to the members of the children's cafeteria.
43:51That's great.
43:53But there's one more reason.
43:55What is it?
43:57Noriko's husband is back.
44:00Did he get dumped by a woman?
44:03It's a perfect match.
44:06What happened? Did Noriko accept him?
44:09She hit him and chased him away.
44:14What? Did you have the same experience?
44:17No, I didn't.
44:19Did you have a fight in the past?
44:21No, I didn't.
44:23You said you liked me.
44:27What are you looking at?
44:29I thought you were pretty good.
44:32What did you do?
44:35I didn't have a fight.
44:38I wanted to have a fight, too.
44:41I can still do it.
44:43Let's go.
45:08Let me go! I didn't kill anyone!
45:11Then how do you explain this?
45:13Are you trying to revoke your honor?
45:16I'm not interested in that.
45:18We're human beings, too.
45:20We can't be fair to our family.
45:22But I'm a detective.
