xian wang de richang shenghuo dub episode 5

  • last month
00:00The Assassination attempt failed.
00:25Soon Rong is still alive, safe and happy.
00:29My client, however, is quite unhappy.
00:33Our men were blasted into space by mercy of the God.
00:37And you don't even know who the hell did it.
00:41According to her intel, she may have been accompanied by a very powerful ally.
00:46That's why our men failed, Boss!
00:54For hundreds of years,
00:56the Shadow Faction has reigned supreme because of its perfect track record.
01:00And it does not tolerate any transgressions.
01:03The fact she's still alive is a huge stain on our reputation!
01:08Issue a Shadow Kill Order!
01:10But Boss, a Shadow Kill Order on a primary phase is unheard of!
01:15You just don't get it, do you?
01:17Yes! Sorry Boss, we're on it!
01:56The Shadow Faction
02:01The Shadow Faction
02:06The Shadow Faction
02:11The Shadow Faction
02:16The Shadow Faction
02:21The Shadow Faction
02:26The Shadow Faction
02:31The Shadow Faction
02:36The Shadow Faction
02:41The Shadow Faction
02:46She's just standing there like she wasn't almost murdered.
03:14We might as well mow her down with the machine gun where she stands.
03:17If I may, I'm afraid that would have very negative social ramifications.
03:24Wasn't he puttering around with her yesterday?
03:31Judging by her behavior, it appears the trick of promise may have had some
03:35unintended side effects.
03:38Hey my man, you went on a date with Sun Rong yesterday? You were one lucky guy!
03:44Oh, did this hand touch her?
03:49Good morning, Long Ling!
03:53We didn't do anything wrong, did we?
03:56Uh, that's silly. What gave you that idea?
03:59I don't know, probably all these bodyguards!
04:02Madam Sun Rong, the assassins who attacked you in Heavenly Paradise are still at large.
04:08To combat any further attempts on your life, we're putting you under special protection.
04:12Assassins? Long Ling and I had a great time yesterday. Definitely wasn't any kind of attack.
04:19Relief washed over him. Thankfully, the trick of promise was quite effective.
04:24You wouldn't remember because I found them first.
04:27Master Zhuo!
04:36Madam, are you all right?
04:38Hostage is now safe. Prepare for escort.
04:41Well, time for me to go.
04:50She's safe for now.
04:52Okay, I saw what you did. I have to admit, your mercy of the god was quite impressive.
04:58Zhuo Yi?
04:59Yes, my master?
05:04Remember, it's you who got rid of the assassins.
05:11Yesterday, I launched a secret initiative to intercept the perpetrators.
05:18You are the master!
05:20Fortunately for Long Ling, the reduced power trick of forgetting was also quite effective.
05:25And by defeating them, it seems we've kicked the hornet's nest.
05:31That's a genuine shadow kill order!
05:34If the rumors are true, when you get one of these, you won't live to see the next day!
05:38Huh? Is that real? Somebody's trying to kill me?
05:44So, Zhuo Yi was the saboteur?
05:47For your safety, I've greatly increased the school security.
06:01Come on! I'm one minute late! This seems a little excessive!
06:05I'll explain. These are armored cruiser troops under the command of the Cultivation Council.
06:11This way, please.
06:13Within the confines of the property, we have the school's own security force.
06:18They're retirees from the Cultivation Army.
06:20Some even have experience fighting monsters and demons.
06:24Who knew they were so powerful?
06:27Beyond those protections, we've also got some powerful helpers inside the school.
06:35Good morning, ma'am!
06:37Wait, the bodyguards from downstairs?
06:40Yes, ma'am. I got in touch with your father.
06:43He sent his most experienced bodyguards.
06:45Each of them is golden pill phase or higher.
06:47They'll be patrolling the corridors.
06:51For the safety of your fellow students,
06:53I suggest that you spend the remainder of your school day in Professor Wang's office.
06:58I have personally deployed a protective force field in this room
07:01to ensure that it's secure against potential threats.
07:03His force fields are unparalleled.
07:06If it weren't for his masterful evil binding barrier,
07:09we couldn't seal the giant frog.
07:13With these four layers of security,
07:15no one will be able to get you in here.
07:17Not even a fly.
07:18Uh, master?
07:27Fly down.
07:29No way! Is that the Seven Star Squad?
07:31That's right.
07:32We wanted to limit our vulnerability to aerial attacks.
07:35Can't be too careful.
07:37They're also providing sky-level surveillance.
07:39You're safe.
07:41All thanks to Zhuo Yi.
07:42This is the tightest protection the school has ever had,
07:45probably since its founding.
07:48You call this tight?
07:50I've been watching every step of the way.
07:52Delay all intel to the front lines!
08:02The armored cruisers around the perimeter are a total joke.
08:05One measly trick of Earth Tunnel and boom, I'm in.
08:10Here we go.
08:32What was that sound?
08:48Shufei, third in command of the Hammer Team.
08:51He's a late-phase golden pill red-ribbon assassin from the Shadow Faction.
08:55Brother Two, I've cleared the yard for safe entry.
08:59It's your turn.
09:00Solid copy.
09:01Watcher Six, you've been spotted.
09:12We need to ship some of the armored cruiser battalion.
09:14We have nothing to fear.
09:16Nobody can hurt you in this office.
09:18At least not while you're under our combined protection.
09:27Apparently, during their date at Heavenly Paradise,
09:29Wang Ling and Sun Rong were followed by assassins.
09:33I heard Master Zhuo was there, too.
09:35If it wasn't for him, I don't think they'd be alive.
09:41I'm in Professor Wang's office right now,
09:43sitting, oh, I don't know,
09:45five feet away from both Master Zhuo and the happy couple.
09:49Assassins are involved, can confirm.
09:51I watched a bunch of guards get knocked out on a security feed.
09:54It was fast.
09:55Holy crap, that's terrifying.
09:57Did you really see the assassin?
09:59Aren't you worried they'll kill everyone?
10:02Nah, I'll protect them.
10:06I'm shocked that Valley Five guy is still alive.
10:10Don't worry, Wang Ling.
10:11The chief is right, and I'll protect you, too.
10:19I don't mind the affectionate banter,
10:21but please keep this arrangement a secret.
10:24Yes, Professor.
10:26All security personnel in the courtyard are compromised.
10:29Sending the armored cruisers in to back you up.
10:33We're not some base-phase security force.
10:35Sir, you're talking to some golden pill phase elites here.
10:42Crap, toxic gas!
10:47Meteor hammer!
10:48Xiuying, second-in-command of the Hammer Team.
10:55Another red-ribbon assassin with an expertise in toxins.
10:59Brother Zhu?
11:00I thought this was supposed to be a classic stealth mission.
11:02If we just kill them all, there will be no one to tattle on us.
11:07What about the army of cruisers you just summoned?
11:10It's nothing you can't handle.
11:13Come on!
11:18Who's there?
11:25Show yourself, coward!
11:28Faction 60 Cultivation School.
11:30First-phase chair.
11:32Wang Zhukang.
11:38Would you look at that?
11:39Only four students and Zhuo Yi all alone in that little office.
11:44We'll finish this soon, won't we, Xiujian?
11:48I'm on it, boss.
11:49I've been charging my force in plain sight.
11:51Even the Seven Star Squad didn't notice.
11:55Xiujian, also known as Xiu Hammer, is the leading member and namesake of the Hammer Team.
12:01He is the Red Ribbon King.
12:03With trick of invisibility, he is able to expertly blend into his surroundings.
12:07His magic weapon?
12:09A mighty hammer with tremendous force capabilities.
12:12The attacks orchestrated by Rank 2 and 3 were merely distractions.
12:16When I've accumulated enough force,
12:18no magic barrier will be able to endure the deadly impact of my hammer.
12:27You've collected each of our special edition crispy noodles.
12:30As a thank you,
12:30Godong Customer Service will deliver a gift pack by drone within 15 minutes.
12:40It looks like Professor Wang is getting attacked.
12:43Wait, the old man himself?
12:45Can a fat guy like that even fight?
12:55You've got to be kidding me.
12:56Do they think I'm weak?
12:58Is that why they sent the golden-faced grandpa to the rescue?
13:02Young punk, you better mind your manners.
13:07You gonna lecture me now, Professor?
13:10My turn!
13:15Heh, growl!
13:25What have we learned, hmm?
13:26That in the face of my thunder hammer, there's no way to escape.
13:38You Shadow Faction thugs are pathetic.
13:41You call these things weapons?
13:43They crumble like weak toys, boy.
13:46Oh, he's so awesome.
13:49That's no history lesson!
13:51Greetings from Godong Express.
13:52Your order is being delivered.
13:55Young man, it's time to surrender now.
14:05Only a coward would sink low enough to cast Toxic Burst.
14:11Later, Grandpa!
14:12Good luck beating the shoe hammer!
14:16Sorry, gotta run.
14:22Let him go.
14:23He has to pick up his package.
14:25Don't worry about him.
14:27It's you thereafter.
14:31What? Who the heck was that?
14:33Young man, class isn't over.
14:36We are just getting started.
14:40Brother 2's towel!
14:42You copy?
14:44Solid copy.
14:45He was useless anyway.
14:47Armored cruisers in the courtyard have been eliminated.
14:58Good boy!
15:01Who's a soft puppy?
15:02You are, yes sir!
15:05So sweet!
15:07Well, looks like he's a very naughty dog.
15:17My spiritual force is gone.
15:19That mongrel leeched it all away.
15:22He drained my life essence as well.
15:24What has he done?
15:34Spiritual force from the golden pill phase is so nutritious.
15:37Wait, I gotta get out of here!
15:41Oh no!
15:46Damn it. I'm the only one left.
15:49Not to worry.
15:51I've almost got enough force.
15:53With my trick of invisibility,
15:55there's not a soul on this campus that can find me.
16:00There you are.
16:03He's one of the students, sir.
16:06Sorry. I'm here to pick up my package.
16:12It's clear, sir.
16:13Looks like a box of crispy noodles.
16:17My apologies.
16:19Your package has been delivered in under eight minutes.
16:22Please wait.
16:23I'll get it for you.
16:25Thank you, sir.
16:26You're welcome.
16:26I'll be right back.
16:27Thank you, sir.
16:28Thank you, sir.
16:29Thank you, sir.
16:31In under eight minutes.
16:35I was worried for nothing.
16:37Of course, he must have meant the package.
16:40No, I meant you.
16:44Also, I accidentally knocked your partner down earlier.
16:49As for the assassination, sorry to say,
16:52your plan failed.
16:53It's happening.
17:01A high-energy reaction.
17:03To hell with the assassination.
17:06Screw the arbitrary faction rules.
17:09This little freak can see through my invisibility
17:12and must be vanquished!
17:24He's only a primary phase.
17:35How can he have so much power?
17:42All assassins eliminated.
17:46Put the chair down!
17:47You're gonna hurt yourself.
17:53Master, I knew it was you all along.
17:56You beat an assassin that used a magic weapon.
17:59No, you defeated him.
18:06Young man, try to reform yourself in there.
18:12Help, anybody!
18:14Master, you beat an assassin that used a magic weapon.
18:19How cool is that?
18:21Sadly, I was too late.
18:30Today, Songhai Faction 60 was attacked by assassins
18:33commissioned by the Shadow Faction.
18:35Fortunately, Joint Honorary Master Immortal Zhuo Yi
18:38of the Cultivation School League was visiting the campus.
18:41In a stunning display of courage,
18:43Master Zhuo himself eliminated every assassin.
18:46Stay tuned.
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