Crocodile And Monkey Story Moral Stories For Kids Cartoon For Children Best C

  • le mois dernier


00:00A long time ago, in a big and dense forest, there was a river.
00:07In the river lived a crocodile.
00:18On the banks of that river, on a big tree, lived a monkey.
00:30That monkey would eat the roots of the tree and lived there happily.
00:36One day, in spite of lots of trials, the crocodile couldn't catch even a single fish to eat.
00:42He was very hungry and tired.
00:45He came out of the river and then rested under the tree.
00:48On seeing the crocodile, the monkey enquired,
00:51Oh my dear friend, what happened to you? Please tell me.
00:56The croc said,
00:58I am very hungry and tired. I couldn't even catch a single fish to eat today.
01:04The monkey felt bad. He said,
01:06Don't you worry my friend. Take these fruits and eat them.
01:10And if ever you need anything else, don't hesitate to ask me.
01:14The hungry croc ate the delicious fruits and was very happy.
01:19From that day on, the croc and the monkey became very good friends.
01:23Whenever the croc was hungry, the monkey would give her fruits to eat.
01:27And in return, the croc would let the monkey piggyback him and take him on a joyride around the river.
01:41One day, the croc asked a favour of the monkey.
01:44The croc said to the monkey,
01:46My friend, I think that my wife should also taste these delicious fruits.
01:51The monkey immediately gave the fruits to the croc without even thinking about it.
01:55The croc was very happy. He took the fruits right away to his wife.
02:15The croc gave the fruits to his wife and said,
02:18These fruits were given to me by my friend the monkey.
02:21Whenever I am hungry, he gives me fruits to eat.
02:24You two should taste these delicious fruits.
02:27The croc's wife ate the fruits and was very happy.
02:30Then she said,
02:31These fruits are so delicious.
02:33Your friend is so lucky that he gets to eat these fruits every day.
02:37I have an idea now.
02:39If the fruits are so tasty, I was thinking the heart of the monkey would be so much more tasty.
02:44I want to taste the heart of that monkey.
02:46The croc said,
02:47This is so wrong. He is my friend.
02:50He gave me fruits to eat when I was really hungry.
02:53I can't get him killed.
02:55The croc's wife answered angrily,
02:57So now the monkey has become more important.
02:59If you can't get me his heart, don't come back to me.
03:04The croc started to think,
03:06What's the solution to this problem?
03:08Then he had an idea.
03:10He immediately went to the monkey and said,
03:13Monkey my friend,
03:14The fruits you sent with me,
03:16My wife, she liked them very much.
03:19And she has now invited you over to her house for a feast.
03:23Come, let's go immediately.
03:25The monkey was very happy.
03:27Feast you say?
03:28Your wife is such a lovely lady.
03:30She has invited me over for a feast.
03:32Let's go immediately.
03:34As usual, the monkey piggybacked the croc.
03:37And both of them started to go.
03:39After some time, the monkey said,
03:41My friend, I have always heard about feasts.
03:44But I have never attended one.
03:46Just thinking of a feast in my honor,
03:49Is giving me goosebumps all over.
03:51I am so happy to have a friend like you.
03:55The croc felt bad when he heard the monkey say this.
03:58My friend, please forgive me.
04:00Actually my wife had an impression,
04:02That your heart must be tastier than those fruits.
04:05Her intention is to kill you and then eat your heart.
04:08I had no other choice.
04:10She threatened me,
04:12That if I did not bring you to her,
04:14She would leave me and go.
04:18The monkey got really scared.
04:20But immediately he thought of a solution.
04:22He said,
04:23Oh my dear friend,
04:25Why didn't you tell this to me before?
04:27All of us monkeys hide our hearts on the tree.
04:30Come on, let's go back and bring it.
04:32On hearing the monkey say this,
04:34The croc was taken aback.
04:36He said,
04:37Really? Is that how it works?
04:39I didn't know about this.
04:40Come on, let's go back and get your heart.
04:43On saying this,
04:44The crocodile turned around,
04:46And started to swim back to the shore.
04:53As soon as they neared the shore,
04:55The monkey jumped off the croc's back,
04:57And ran up the tree as fast as he could.
05:01Then he said,
05:02You foolish croc,
05:04Who can leave his heart outside the body?
05:06I have been feeding you for so long,
05:08And you intend to get me killed.
05:10You are a traitor.
05:12It was my fault.
05:13I extended a hand of friendship towards you.
05:15Get lost from here,
05:17And never show me your ugly face again.
05:19Understood, you fool?
05:21On hearing the monkey's words,
05:23The poor crocodile had to walk away.
05:29So children,
05:30The moral of this story is,
05:32When you are in danger,
05:33You have to think carefully,
05:35Just like the monkey,
05:37And never ever try to cheat anybody.
05:40If you do so,
05:41You lose all your good friends,
05:43Just like the croc did.
05:49The Flying Shark,
05:50In a big city,
05:51In a big house,
05:52Lived a scientist.
05:54Every day,
05:55He would conduct some new experiment or the other.
05:58With his inventions,
06:00He could change the color of animals as well.
06:02The scientist would never allow anybody into his house.
06:06His neighbor,
06:07A boy called Ramu,
06:08Was always very curious
06:10As to what he did in his house.
06:12He would always peek
06:14Into the window of the scientist's slab.
06:16One day,
06:17The scientist was walking towards his aquarium.
06:19In his palm,
06:20He held a shark fish,
06:21Which he then placed in the bowl.
06:23Then he poured some liquid onto the fish.
06:25And lo and behold,
06:26The fish grew wings,
06:27And started to fly around.
06:30On seeing this,
06:31The scientist shouted,
06:33Grand success!
06:35My experiment has been successful today!
06:37Then he put down the glass bowl on the floor
06:39And walked off to the adjoining room.
06:41Ramu was watching all this through the window.
06:43And he tiptoed into the scientist's house.
06:46Ramu started to look around
06:48And accidentally pressed a button.
06:51Then a bright light from above fell on the shark.
06:54It grew in size
06:56And flew away from there.
06:58On seeing this,
06:59Ramu got frightened
07:00And he shouted,
07:01Sir! Sir!
07:02Please come here!
07:03The shark fish has flown away!
07:05The scientist came running.
07:06No! No!
07:07What have you done?
07:08How did you manage to get inside?
07:09He said angrily,
07:10Please forgive me, sir.
07:11I am very interested in all your experiments.
07:13That's why I came inside.
07:15Unknowingly I pressed something
07:17And then this happened.
07:18I am really sorry.
07:20In the city,
07:21When people saw the flying shark,
07:23They were really frightened.
07:25The shark fish came down,
07:27Ate away all the watermelons
07:29And flew away.
07:31Then it flew over the city limits
07:33And went on to the sea.
07:35As it was flying over the sea,
07:37People standing on ships
07:39Started to get very frightened.
07:41Then it dived into the sea
07:43And it started to eat away all the fish there.
07:46It came out of the sea
07:48And flew away.
07:50Then it came back.
07:52It ate away all the fish there.
07:54It came out of the sea
07:56And came and crashed into the bikes.
07:58The bikes were destroyed.
08:04Then it started to fly higher
08:06Than the helicopters and the aeroplanes.
08:08Then it swooped down
08:10And started to chase the policemen away.
08:12Ram and the scientist were standing on the porch
08:14And watching all this.
08:16Sir, we have to do something
08:18Or else he'll destroy the whole town.
08:20You have the technology to make it huge.
08:22Can't you make it small again, sir?
08:24The scientist said,
08:26You have a point, Ram.
08:28But to make it small, I need to put it through the time machine.
08:30By hook or crook, we need to get it
08:32Under the time machine.
08:34Only then I can make it smaller.
08:36I know how to bring it under the machine, sir.
08:38I have a nice plan, sir.
08:40But Ram,
08:42Be very careful.
08:44One small mistake and the shark can swallow you.
08:46It's a very dangerous animal.
08:48Then Ram took a small aircraft and flew away.
08:50He could see the flying shark
08:52Right in front of him.
08:54He increased speed, overtook the shark
08:56And then took a U-turn.
08:58Then the shark started to follow his aircraft.
09:02Ram was flying very fast.
09:04But the shark was also
09:06Really fast as well.
09:08As they were flying over the city,
09:10Everybody who saw them got frightened.
09:12Ram flew hard,
09:14Took a U-turn,
09:16Into the scientist's house.
09:18The shark followed him.
09:20As soon as the shark came under the time machine,
09:22The scientist pressed the button.
09:24A bright light hit the shark
09:26And it immediately became a small fish.
09:28The scientist caught the shark
09:30And put it back into the aquarium again.
09:32Then Ram said,
09:34Sir, I'm really sorry.
09:36I'll never go to anybody's house
09:38Without their permission.
09:40I've understood now.
09:42This can create trouble, not just for me,
09:44But for others.
09:46Saying this, Ram walked slowly back home.
09:50Previously, in a small village called Rajendrapur,
09:52There lived a person called Simbu.
09:54He was married to a girl called Sumathi
09:56And had two children.
10:00Simbu would go to the forest every day
10:02And cut trees.
10:04And with that money,
10:06He would take care of his family.
10:10Simbu loved his wife a lot.
10:12One day, his wife said to him,
10:14I have committed a mistake marrying you.
10:16Do you want to live like a woodcutter all your life?
10:18Shame on you.
10:20Simbu said to his wife,
10:22Please do not talk like that, Sumathi.
10:24God has blessed us with a nice house to live in
10:26And enough food to eat.
10:28We should be happy with what we have.
10:30Sumathi answered,
10:32It is my fate. I married you.
10:34I eat such food. I live in such a house.
10:36I hate it.
10:38Saying this, she went away angrily.
10:40Simbu was left with a heavy heart.
10:42He picked out a tree and was about to cut it
10:46The tree spoke.
10:48Stop my dear man.
10:50Please do not cut me.
10:52Simbu was surprised when he saw the tree talking.
10:54Then the tree spoke again.
10:56I have magical powers.
10:58If you do not cut me,
11:00I can be of help to you.
11:02So leave me alone.
11:04Then Simbu said,
11:06Ok tree, I will not cut you down.
11:08After that, Simbu bowed to the tree with folded hands
11:10And went away.
11:12Back home his wife said,
11:14What? The tree was talking?
11:16It has magic? Magical powers you say?
11:18Now then, why don't you go back to the tree
11:20And ask it to give us a big bungalow?
11:22Will it make you happy
11:24If you have a big bungalow?
11:26Simbu asked.
11:28Who would not be happy to live in a big house, tell me?
11:30Simbu went back to the tree.
11:38Oh tree, my wife is very unhappy.
11:40She wants to live in a big bungalow.
11:42The tree said,
11:44Your wish is granted.
11:46Go back home.
11:48You will find your wife in a big bungalow.
11:50Simbu ran home to his wife.
11:52And to his surprise,
11:54He saw a big bungalow
11:56Where his hut once stood.
11:58His wife was standing outside.
12:00She said,
12:02You see now, how our house is changed?
12:04How big and beautiful it is?
12:06Simbu asked her,
12:08It means now you are happy my dear, aren't you?
12:10She answered,
12:12Maybe, but I don't know yet.
12:14We'll discuss it later.
12:16Come now, let's go have dinner.
12:18Next day she said,
12:20Listen, this house is not so spacious.
12:22I want a bigger house with lots of servants in it.
12:24You understand?
12:26I want a big palace.
12:28Simbu went back to the tree once again.
12:30Oh tree, my wife isn't happy yet.
12:32She wants to live in a big palace.
12:34The tree said,
12:36Your wish is granted.
12:38Go home, your wife is in a palace.
12:40Simbu ran back.
12:42And to his astonishment,
12:44Found a huge palace where his house once was.
12:48Servants were attending to his wife.
12:50Simbu thought,
12:52Thank God, my wife is now happy.
12:54I am so relieved.
12:56One day Sumati was standing on the balcony
12:58When she saw a king passing by.
13:04Seeing him, the village folk were frightened
13:06And bowed down to salute him.
13:12On seeing that,
13:14Sumati had an idea.
13:16She immediately went to see Simbu.
13:18We have such a big palace with so many servants in it.
13:20But when the king was passing by,
13:22Everybody was bowing out of fear.
13:24When people see me, they should be frightened.
13:26Only then I will be very happy.
13:28Simbu went back to the tree.
13:30Oh tree, even though my wife lives in a palace,
13:32She is still not happy.
13:34She says she will be happy only if people get frightened on seeing her.
13:36Please grant her this one wish.
13:38The tree spoke,
13:40Ok Simbu, go home.
13:42Everyone are frightened on seeing your wife.
13:44Even you will be frightened.
13:46Sumati woke up from sleep
13:48And was transformed into an ugly elf.
13:50All the servants were frightened
13:52And were fleeing on seeing her coming.
13:54Even the villagers were running away from her out of fear.
14:02Then she looked into a mirror
14:04And was surprised.
14:06By the time Simbu came back,
14:08She was crying.
14:10Oh my god, have you seen how I have changed?
14:12Please help me, please help me.
14:14Then Simbu took his wife over to the tree.
14:16His wife pleaded,
14:18Oh tree, what has happened to me?
14:20You must save me, please.
14:22The tree said,
14:24You wanted everybody to be frightened of you.
14:26Now that has happened.
14:28Aren't you happy now?
14:30Sumati started to cry.
14:38The tree spoke,
14:40Look, if you don't have control over your desires,
14:42You will be in trouble.
14:44Money and fame never makes anybody happy.
14:46At least now,
14:48Learn to be happy with what you have.
14:50Only then you will find real happiness.
14:52From then on,
14:54Sumati and Simbu lived very happily
14:56With whatever they had.
15:00Cell Phone Ghost
15:02In a big city,
15:04There was a big shopping mall.
15:06Next to that,
15:08Was a cemetery.
15:10In the cemetery, there were ghosts.
15:12And once in a while,
15:14They would enter the shopping mall
15:16And play pranks on the customers.
15:18One day, a ghost entered the shopping mall.
15:26He then went into a cell phone.
15:28A person named Robert
15:30Came to the shopping mall and purchased the cell phone.
15:32When Robert came home,
15:34His son Daniel said,
15:36Wow dad, you got a new phone?
15:38What model is it?
15:40I want to see it. Let me have it.
15:42Then Robert said,
15:44It's because of you that my other phone is broken.
15:46You have been playing a lot of games on the phone lately.
15:48You are not concentrating on your studies.
15:50I will not let you have this phone.
15:52He walked away.
15:54This made Daniel angry.
15:56That night,
15:58Robert worked on his phone,
16:00Put the phone down on the table,
16:02And went to sleep.
16:04The phone then converted into a ghost
16:06And started to dance.
16:08Daniel couldn't sleep and was restless.
16:10Dad didn't let me have his phone.
16:12I am so bored.
16:14He must be asleep.
16:16I'll get his phone and play some games.
16:18Daniel went towards his dad's room.
16:20He hid behind the sofa and peeped.
16:22He saw the dancing ghost there.
16:24He was frightened.
16:26He saw the phone fly out of his dad's room.
16:28He hid behind a sofa.
16:30The phone flew to the fridge,
16:32Opened the door,
16:34And drank away all the soda in there.
16:36It also ate away all the chocolates.
16:38It flew to the dining table
16:40And ate away all the fruits there.
16:42Tiger saw the ghost and started to bark.
16:44This irritated the ghost.
16:46It chased Tiger,
16:48And Tiger ran away.
16:50The ghost went back into Robert's room
16:52And continued to dance.
16:54Then Daniel had an idea.
16:56He tiptoed up to the landline,
16:58Picked it up,
17:00And called his dad's number.
17:02As soon as the phone rang,
17:04The ghost stopped dancing.
17:06And before Robert woke up,
17:08It transformed into a phone again.
17:10Next day morning, Robert questioned Daniel.
17:12Daniel, you have finished off all the soda in the fridge.
17:14All the chocolates are done too.
17:16You have eaten up all the fruits as well.
17:18Daniel said,
17:20No dad, it was not me.
17:22There's a ghost in your phone.
17:24It's all that ghost's handiwork.
17:26Robert said,
17:28Stop this nonsense.
17:30Ever heard of a ghost in a phone?
17:32Stop lying just to eat some chocolates.
17:34You do this once again young man,
17:36And you're gonna get some good thrashing.
17:38Fine dad.
17:40If you don't wanna believe me,
17:42Let me sleep on your bed tonight.
17:44And I'll prove beyond doubt there's a ghost in your phone.
17:46Oh stop blabbering.
17:48I would love to meet that ghost of yours.
17:50Robert walked away.
17:52That night, sleeping on his dad's bed,
17:54With his face half covered,
17:56Daniel had an eye on the phone.
17:58The phone slowly converted into a ghost,
18:00And danced away into the living room.
18:02Daniel woke up his dad and showed this to him.
18:04Daniel said,
18:06Now do you believe me dad?
18:08You know what, if I call him now,
18:10He will turn into a phone.
18:12And then we can take him somewhere far away,
18:14And get rid of him.
18:16Daniel called the ghost phone,
18:18And it immediately turned into a normal phone again.
18:20Then Robert and Daniel
18:22Took the phone up a big hill,
18:24And threw it away into the valley.
18:26Daniel said to his dad,
18:28Dad, it's fine that children should listen to elders,
18:30But sometimes,
18:32Elders too must listen to their children.
18:34Flying Horses Story
18:36A long time ago,
18:38Miles away from this earth,
18:40Beyond the clouds in the sky,
18:42There was a frightening world.
18:44It was called the magical world.
18:46The king of this world was
18:50And he was dreadful.
18:52One day, using his magical staff,
18:54He created five flying horses,
18:56And told his assistant,
18:58Do you know why I created these Fred?
19:00I'll send them to the planet earth.
19:02On reaching there,
19:04They'll convert into statues.
19:06Unknowingly, if somebody sits on them,
19:08They'll fly and bring them back here.
19:10I'll captivate them,
19:12By converting them into animals.
19:18He waved his magical wand,
19:20And all the horses flew away.
19:22The flying horses reached a village,
19:24And landed there.
19:26A few children playing there,
19:28Saw the horses.
19:30They went to check out the horses,
19:32And sat on them.
19:34Immediately the horses took flight,
19:36And flew away with the children.
19:38Then flying beyond the clouds,
19:40Using his magical wand,
19:42Converted them into animals.
19:48Every day a few kids were going missing from the village.
19:50The villagers were getting worried.
19:52One day,
19:54Ravi and Chitti were playing hopscotch.
19:56Chitti said,
19:58Ravi, look at that horse there.
20:00It's so beautiful.
20:02On seeing the horse there,
20:04Ravi felt a little doubtful.
20:06I haven't seen this statue here before.
20:08How did it come now?
20:10Could there be a connection between this statue,
20:12And the children missing from the village?
20:14Hang on Chitti, do not go near the horse.
20:16Chitti answered,
20:18Come on Ravi, don't be such a snob.
20:20This is just a statue.
20:22What harm can it do to us?
20:24Let's get on it.
20:26As soon as they sat on the horse,
20:28The horse flew away.
20:30Chitti started to cry.
20:32Oh my god, the horse is flying.
20:34All of this is because of me.
20:36Chitti saw the clouds,
20:38And reached magical world.
20:40Dread converted Chitti into a cat,
20:42And Ravi into a monkey,
20:44And imprisoned them in a jail.
20:46Then one among the crying animals said,
20:48Unknowingly we sat on that horse,
20:50And he converted us into animals.
20:52Since we came here,
20:54He didn't even give us some water to drink.
20:56I want to meet my mom and dad.
20:58What should I do?
21:00Then Ravi said,
21:02Don't worry my friends,
21:04As the lenders say,
21:06Before you do anything,
21:08We should think it over a hundred times.
21:10It is under such conditions,
21:12We should stay mentally strong.
21:14Only then we will be able to think properly.
21:16That night, Dread went to sleep,
21:18Leaving his magical wand aside.
21:20On seeing this,
21:22Ravi had a great idea.
21:24He had a remote car with him.
21:26He brought it out quickly.
21:28Then he operated the remote car quietly,
21:30And was able to get the magical wand,
21:32Into his hands.
21:34Then using the magical wand,
21:36Ravi converted everybody back to humans.
21:38And all of them came out of the jail.
21:40On hearing their footsteps,
21:42Dread woke up.
21:44But Ravi captivated them using his wand.
21:46Then magically he created a carpet.
21:48Everybody sat on the carpet,
21:50And flew back to planet earth.
21:52After that, Dread was arrested by the police,
21:54And sent to jail.
21:56All the children were happy,
21:58And they clapped.
22:02A long time ago, there was a beautiful village,
22:04Called as Rajinderpur.
22:06One day,
22:08A Sheikh from Arabia,
22:10Along with his camel came to this village,
22:12To do business.
22:14He set up his tent on the outskirts of the village.
22:16After that he came into the village,
22:18Stood in front of a house,
22:20And started to shout,
22:22Come my little sheikhs, dollies my dollies,
22:24Cutie cutie dollies,
22:26Magically beautiful dollies,
22:28Come my little sheikh, take them.
22:30A small kid from a house came out running,
22:32Come my little sheikh, take a dolly.
22:34That kid purchased a doll from the sheikh.
22:38Oh take this little sheikh,
22:40Beautiful dolly.
22:42In this way,
22:44This sheikh sold a lot of dolls,
22:46To some kids in the village.
22:48Ravi asked his mama,
22:50Mama, mama, give me some money,
22:52I want to buy a doll,
22:54He will go away, give me some money,
22:56Mama, please mama,
22:58His mama said,
23:00Don't shout so much, always in a hurry,
23:02Take this money, go buy your doll.
23:04Then Ravi too went up to the sheikh,
23:06And purchased a doll from him.
23:10That night,
23:12The sheikh came out of his tent,
23:14Then he pulled out his magical wand,
23:16Dollies my dollies,
23:18My magically beautiful dollies,
23:20Steal all the jewellery,
23:22Gold and cash and come and meet me.
23:24Meet me,
23:26Yala, Oola,
23:30He chanted his mantra,
23:32In a house everyone was sleeping,
23:34A doll near the cot came to life,
23:36He stole the money purse of the house,
23:38From another house,
23:40Another doll stole the jewellery box,
23:42From a third house,
23:44Another doll stole away all the gold
23:46That was there in the house,
23:48Then all the dolls
23:50Walked up to the tent of the sheikh,
23:52And laid their loot in front of him,
23:54The sheikh again said to them,
23:56Dollies my dollies,
23:58My magically beautiful dollies,
24:00Thanks for coming,
24:02With your help I have robbed so many villages,
24:04Before anybody doubts on us,
24:06We have to leave this village,
24:08Now go, go back to your houses,
24:10Yala, Oola,
24:14He again chanted his mantra,
24:16And all the dolls went back to their respective homes,
24:18Next day in a house,
24:20A woman started to cry,
24:22Oh my god, my jewels are missing,
24:24Somebody stole away all my jewels,
24:26From another house a man shouted,
24:28Oh my god,
24:30All my cash has been stolen,
24:32What will I do now,
24:34At Ravi's house his mother started to shout,
24:36Oh my god, all our money and gold
24:38Have been stolen,
24:40Many other houses in the village have also been robbed,
24:42People are so frightened,
24:44Ravi overheard this conversation,
24:46In one night how come so many
24:48Robberies can happen,
24:50There seems to be some hanky-panky,
24:52I have to find out,
24:54After some time,
24:56Ravi was playing with his doll,
24:58He noticed mud under the feet of his doll,
25:00Hey, how come there is mud
25:02Stuck to the soles of his feet,
25:04I didn't bring him outside to play before,
25:06He thought,
25:08That night Ravi and his friend
25:10Hid behind the tent of the Sheikh,
25:12And kept watch on him,
25:14They saw the Sheikh pull out his magical wand,
25:18Dollies, my dollies,
25:20My magically beautiful dollies,
25:22Come on, come on,
25:24Bring all the gold and money to me,
25:26Yalla, oola, fat,
25:28Then after a short while,
25:30All the dolls came to his tent,
25:32With the stolen gold, jewellery and money,
25:34And laid them out in front of him,
25:36The Sheikh said,
25:38Dollies, my dollies,
25:40My magically beautiful dollies,
25:42Now you go back home running,
25:44My magical dolls,
25:46Tomorrow we'll leave town,
25:48Yalla, oola, fat,
25:50The dolls went back to their respective houses,
25:52Ravi and his friend noticed all of this,
25:56The Sheikh went to sleep,
25:58Ravi tiptoed up to him,
26:00And stole his magical wand,
26:02Then Ravi and his friend came back into the village,
26:04And informed the elders about this,
26:06Then the villagers tied the Sheikh to a tree,
26:10The Sheikh pleaded,
26:12Oh my dear friends,
26:14I am completely innocent,
26:16I am just a trader of dolls,
26:18I am not a thief,
26:20I have nothing to do with those robberies,
26:22Then Ravi countered,
26:24Don't lie, you are not a trader,
26:26You are a magician thief,
26:28You travel from village to village,
26:30And with the help of those dolls you steal,
26:32I'll prove this in front of everybody,
26:34Everyone was waiting to see what Ravi would do next,
26:38Then Ravi pulled out the magical wand,
26:40Dollies, my dollies,
26:42My magically beautiful dollies,
26:44Come, come right now,
26:46Bring with you everything that you have stolen from the houses,
26:48Oola, oola, fat,
26:50Then the dolls,
26:52Holding all the stolen goods in their hands,
26:54Came walking up to them,
27:00Then the police came,
27:02They arrested the Sheikh on charges of robbery,
27:04And took him away,
27:06Everybody in the village were happy,
27:08It was the end of the story.
