Will Stephen Curry Hold Golden State's Feet to the Fire?!

  • last month
00:00uh... by the way we we we can jump into uh... into that
00:03and first of all
00:05our guy anthony slater
00:06i think is top-notch
00:08he doesn't put the headline on the stories
00:11and in fact the story wasn't ok hold on partner
00:14is that how it goes
00:16i thought a rapper writes his song and then he
00:19names the song or any songstress
00:21they they write it
00:24and they title it
00:25did you say rap
00:26yeah anthony slater is not in the rap game uh... whitney houston
00:29right he doesn't rap anthony slater he's a journalist
00:34so you're telling me somebody the writer writes the article but somebody titles
00:39that's correct oh i never
00:41they have an editor
00:44i don't know why that bothers me but go ahead i'm sorry
00:48yeah like all of steini's amazing pieces that he won awards for yeah he didn't name any of them
00:53except my blog
00:55so did you ever have a problem with
00:58of course
00:59like that's what you got out of that why would you title it that
01:03yeah i've had that occasionally
01:04wow dude
01:06i learn something new everyday wow dude
01:09anyway the uh...
01:11and see and this is important i don't i don't wanna
01:14like i'll just give you my answer
01:17it's not a shot at slater because he didn't write this headline
01:20but we've heard this before
01:22is the warriors front office failing stef curry
01:28is the warriors front office we've talked about it
01:34right so
01:36i mean some stein that's a real question
01:39and i think
01:40let's be honest here stef has not exercised that what sixty one sixty two
01:45uh... extension he can get
01:47is quite on the set right now but we've talked about this ad nauseum about
01:51is curry looking around like has the front office done enough
01:55you just talked about it if he believes they were all in on p g
01:59and they were all in on utah
02:01and those two teams were willing to participate i think lake up in dunlevy
02:04look good to step as far as you tried
02:08i think that's a fair headline because i think that's the title of the jam
02:13in regard to step in his future here
02:15are they doing enough to make him happy
02:20as far as the question goes
02:22to me the answers are resounding no
02:26is a warriors front office failing stef curry no
02:30they're not failing stef curry
02:32they never have failed stef curry
02:36but to me the more interesting aspect of it is what
02:40slater got into and that is
02:43stef curry right now and i want to know what warriors because this is this is
02:47what it's all about
02:49stef curry right now
02:52isn't is eligible
02:54for a one-year contract extension
02:57we could turn on the internet tomorrow and say
03:01stef curry is now under contract for twenty twenty six twenty twenty seven
03:07sixty three million dollars
03:10mike dunlevy was asked about the extension
03:12and he essentially said
03:14you know whatever staff wants
03:15he'll probably get or something like that whatever staff wants
03:22slater said
03:24is that
03:28woo boy
03:30shout out to dave levin
03:40that was so good
03:42that's great
03:44live radio
03:49point is
03:50slater believes
03:52that will be the first window
03:55into what stef curry is thinking
03:59he's got between now and october twenty first
04:04to sign a one-year extension in twenty twenty six twenty twenty seven
04:08to my way of thinking
04:10feel free to disagree at eight eight eight nine five seven nine five seven
04:15if i'm stef curry
04:18i want that money
04:19i want it yesterday
04:21we said the seventh you and i months ago
04:25he's been at the olympics
04:27he's now taking some time off
04:29from basketball altogether
04:31according to sort people
04:33and so
04:35what's there to think about study have a phone my point is
04:40if he doesn't sign an extension by october twenty first
04:45slater suggesting and i would agree
04:48that that would that would be the first sign
04:53that staff is
04:54holding the organization's feet to the fire
04:58if he doesn't sign a one-year extension
05:03in the next two months
05:06wouldn't that be a gamble and i love the chef and you know i'm different in a
05:10lot of people still think he has a lot left we just saw it
05:13but study
05:15i'm asking you and i mean how attractive is a thirty eight-year-old stef curry
05:19is the if they do you know i mean now we're getting later and later in his
05:23and it's all chef online all day every day
05:26but why wouldn't staff take that
05:28like you said yesterday
05:32because you won't be attracted to other team leaders only one reason why he
05:37and that is because
05:39he could leave earlier if he doesn't do a under a certain scenario
05:45in other words
05:47the reason he wouldn't take that extension
05:50is because
05:52if at the trading deadline man warriors
05:55are twenty five and thirty five twenty and thirty
05:59he knows
06:01that the organization knows he could walk at the end of the next year
06:07it makes perfect sense to me it would be one way
06:12now i happen to believe that if steph curry signed that contract
06:17three weeks from now he could say yeah you know what i still want out
06:21have to deal with that
06:24uh... i i agree
06:26i can't think of and
06:28warrior fans i don't know how you feel about it
06:31why would a why would steph curry
06:36sign a contract
06:38for more money than he's ever made in his career
06:42when he's thirty eight years old
06:46it's it would to me it feels illogical
06:49why he wouldn't do that i'm totally with you only
06:53reason i can conceive of
06:56and maybe that's twofold
06:57one is
06:59because he can hold the warriors feet to the to the fire a little bit
07:03and maybe the other way or the other reason would be
07:06and he's also
07:08maybe given the warriors
07:10a slim of uh... more of a sliver of flexibility
07:14because he's only got two years left rather than three
07:17though again i'm not convinced that three would be a negative if you're
07:21another team
07:23but he's betting on himself that at thirty eight study he'll still be that
07:26attractive as he is now
07:29yes wow
07:31and i'm not saying he's not but boy
07:33we see what lebron is at forty so i don't know why i i don't my gosh man
07:38and sixty plus million
07:40study i would have did that thing yesterday
07:42is that i would have did it before the plane touched back from paris
07:46yeah so
07:49uh... i wonder
07:50you know i'll explain it again because it's not the easiest thing to
07:53understand but
07:56i wonder what warrior fans think of that
07:59again why wouldn't
08:03i'm not reading anything into it let's just put it out there but slater
08:07that if steph curry
08:09that depending on what he does whether he signs
08:13the one-year extension or not
08:15that it will be s it could be a signal
08:18as to
08:20what may be coming down the pike
08:23and i kind of think he's right
08:26i think if if
08:28the offseason comes and goes in steph curry
08:31did not sign
08:33that one-year extension
08:35he's got your notice why
08:38maybe because
08:40he views it
08:41as a little piece of leverage
08:43where he can tell the team
08:45let's say at the trading deadline this year you-know-what
08:49we're ten under five hundred
08:51it's probably not going to get much better
08:53next year
08:54why don't you go ahead and move me see if you can get this thing
08:57up and running after i leave
08:59and the team that trades for me
09:01will have the thirty games after the deadline and then all of the following
09:06year so if you're
09:07if you're a team that acquire steph curry
09:09you're you're gonna get him
09:11for a year and thirty games
09:13i don't know
