49ers Trying to Call Aiyuk's Bluff?!

  • last month
00:00And so, yeah, I know you have Trent Williams to worry about, and Brock Purdy next year.
00:07But if Brandon Iyuk is not on the Niners, they're still going to be a very good team.
00:12I don't believe they're in an NFC Championship game.
00:15Get him in the room, Stiney.
00:17That's TJ Huchmanzada, who is Brandon Iyuk's wide receiver coach.
00:22If you're a Niner fan, has anything changed for you regarding this situation?
00:30And you know what?
00:31Huchmanzada said something, and every time you listen to stuff like that, something different
00:34hits you.
00:35And he said, no, and it was a throwaway line, but think about it.
00:39I know they got to pay Trent Williams, and they got to pay Purdy.
00:42Well, guess what?
00:43They're more important than Brandon Iyuk, both of them.
00:46What about that harsh reality?
00:48They're both more important than Brandon Iyuk.
00:51Well, it's been that way for weeks.
00:55And maybe that's why the 49ers are holding firm.
00:58But are they holding firm, Stiney?
01:00Over $2 million, allegedly?
01:02Like, that $6 million over three, like, that's what, like, this is such a big year if it
01:07is Super Bowl or bust, and sometimes it could be that, and the team don't have got to accept
01:12That just is what it is.
01:13But God dog it, 26 to 28, again, in my world is like, if you really want Brandon, you guys
01:21can, you can bridge that.
01:23Well, the other thing that maybe has come into play here is that, I mean, what, what,
01:28let me ask you this.
01:29When do you stop?
01:30I mean, Christian McCaffrey wants more money, you give it to him.
01:34Iyuk wants more money, you give it to him.
01:37Trent Williams wants more money, you give it to him.
01:39I mean, seriously, and I'm not management, but at what point do you say, if you're the
01:4349ers, well, what's going to happen next year?
01:46I mean, God forbid we win the Super Bowl.
01:48We're going to have seven guys doing this next year.
01:51I would look at each one of them and say, how valuable are you?
01:54Are you all pro?
01:55And maybe that's what they're saying to Iyuk.
01:58And they're saying you're not as valuable as you think you are.
02:01I think you're on to something there.
02:03Paul's in San Jose.
02:04What's up, Paul?
02:05888-957-9570 is the number you want to jump into the discussion on Brandon Iyuk.
02:12We have got more information from Ian Rappaport, I'll pass along also, courtesy of the River
02:17Islands Guest Line at noon, Mike Yam, NFL Network.
02:21That's called Perfect Timing.
02:22What's up, Paul?
02:23How you doing, Paul?
02:24Hey, guys.
02:25Can you hear me good?
02:26Yes, sir.
02:27Hey, so in January, Jerry Jones said the Cowboys were all in and winning the Super Bowl.
02:34Now his actions through the offseason have shown that that was not true.
02:39And you know, I find enjoyment in that.
02:41Now how do you imagine I feel when I see the Niners for an offense, this was supposed to
02:45be an all-in year, and they're on the cusp of trading away our best receiver, our ex-receiver.
02:51That will show that we are not all in and winning the Super Bowl, because this team
02:56will be worse than last year's.
02:59How are we as fans supposed to deal with that, you know?
03:02It's a little disappointing.
03:04I don't know.
03:05What do you guys think?
03:06No, I think that's a good question.
03:07And man, nobody's called this station and said the Niners are better without Brandon
03:13No, I can't recall one.
03:15The idea of all-in.
03:16I mean, couldn't you say, were the Niners all in when they did Debo's contract?
03:21Were the Niners all in when they extended Trent Williams after they traded for him?
03:25But when you got a roster like the Niners have had, Stoddard, you're all in even if
03:30You don't even got to say it.
03:31It's just, it's obvious.
03:32When does it stop?
03:34When does it stop?
03:35Some could say it's stopped already.
03:36Like you could say, you know, Jed York saying, OK, I've paid Debo, I've paid Kittle, I've
03:42paid Bosa, I've paid Warner, I extended Trent Williams.
03:47Hell, McCaffrey came in out of nowhere.
03:50We took care of him.
03:52Now Iyuk wants more money.
03:53He's under contract, but he wants to, you know, sign an extension.
03:58Now I got Trent Williams.
04:01Freaking Trent Williams now wants more money.
04:03But you're going to fix it.
04:04I don't know how it's going to play out, but...
04:06And that's my point.
04:07You know, when, when does, when does a decision change?
04:13You know, when does a guy who's an alcoholic have his last drink?
04:18When does Jed York maybe say, I can't keep doing this?
04:23It's I can't keep paying guys every time they ask.
04:28But 26 to 28, it doesn't fall under that though, Stoddard.
04:31Not to you.
04:33Not to you.
04:34But maybe it does to them.
04:36And maybe they don't even want to be up at 26 for Brandon Iyuk.
04:39And maybe they're asking themselves, why would we pay Iyuk?
04:42Why would we spend $50 million on Debo Samuel and Brandon Iyuk?
04:47Because we don't even pass the ball.
04:49Well, you do.
04:50And when you do it, you pass the ball to him less than anybody else.
04:53There's touchdowns and touchdowns.
04:55Not enough room under the cap.
04:58That's what they're saying.
04:59I love this report.
05:00Like, you feel like closure is right down the streets, Donny, or next door to you.
05:06I just feel like both of these entities have not figured out a way to stay together.
05:11Al Green, let's stay together.
05:13But I just, they don't want to part.
05:15And I just feel that until we find out a trade is done.
05:18It's kind of pathetic, really.
05:20It is.
05:21What's the word?
05:22Not toxic.
05:23When a relationship is not healthy.
05:26Oh, toxic.
05:27It's called, yeah.
05:29You know, when you're trying, you know, yeah, toxic is the word, Donny, right now.
05:33I think they both want each other.
05:35You know, you turned down 32 million from New England, allegedly.
05:41That's telling you he don't want to leave.
05:43It's not all about the money.
05:45California loves, Donny.
05:47I don't understand.
05:48And I'm not saying this is the case, but kind of like last week, this is, why?
05:55I'm not a management guy, trust me, but you got to look at it from both sides.
06:00And you know what?
06:01This is something that would get me upset if I'm Jed York.
06:04When these guys are doing this, and yeah, I'm saying them all, McCaffrey, Williams,
06:09It's like, win a Super Bowl and then do it.
06:15Like you're doing this when we didn't even win a Super Bowl.
06:18Well, the owner could look at the coach and say he has some responsibility for that, too.
06:22But the players, well, that doesn't matter.
06:24He's under contract until 2029.
06:26They can't do anything with guys who are under contract at this point.
06:29You got to pay talents, Donny.
06:30I hear you.
06:31They have.
06:32They've paid talent the entire tenure of Shanahan.
06:35But now you got two dudes you're missing because of the money.
06:38These are just the two latest guys.
06:41Like it's not like they haven't done this for the last five years of paying everybody.
06:47They pay their own.
06:48They pay the guys they want.
06:49Yeah, they pay the guys they want.
06:51They don't pay the guys who are asking for more than they want to give.
06:55So do you think with this report, have you changed on the Stiney meter?
06:59If I ask you right now, Stiney, do you think Aiyuk's traded?
07:02Has anything changed up or down?
07:05Either for me, either.
07:06I don't know.
07:07I feel like he's going to be a niner.
07:08I feel like I have no idea.
07:10I have no idea.
07:11I wouldn't even hazard a guess.
07:13The signs are pointing to these two entities do not want to part.
07:18And it's very...
07:19That's how I feel.
07:20Well, it's very easy to look at Rapoport's tweet and say, boy, it looks like they do
07:25want to part.
07:26Well, Friday, there was a deal in place.
07:29That's what we knew then, too.
07:32There was a deal in place with New England.
07:34There was a deal in place with Cleveland, allegedly, and nothing happened.
07:40Question is why?
07:41Let's go to Jamie in Pittsburgh.
07:43Hey, Jamie, what's going on, man?
07:45What's up, man?
07:46How y'all doing today?
07:47Hey, doing well.
07:48Hey, man, I just want you to know, I hear Guru in there sounded like his girlfriend's
07:55going to leave him and stuff.
07:56Hey, just...
07:57What did I do?
07:59I'm a Raider fan.
08:00I'm going to tell you just like this.
08:01My boy called me at 4 in the morning when Groening came back.
08:02And I'm like, Khalil Mack ain't going nowhere.
08:03My boy called me at 4 a.m. in the morning and told me, bro, they traded Khalil.
08:04So, you know what?
08:05It broke my heart.
08:06It broke my heart.
08:07But you know what?
08:08I see the same thing with...
08:09I see the same thing with IU.
08:10Hey, Guru, just...
08:11Hey, man, suck it up, bruh.
08:12You know what I'm saying?
08:13You know what I'm saying?
08:14You know what I'm saying?
08:15You know what I'm saying?
08:16You know what I'm saying?
08:18You know what I'm saying?
08:19You know what I'm saying?
08:20You know what I'm saying?
08:21You know what I'm saying?
08:22You know what I'm saying?
08:23You know what I'm saying?
08:24You know what I'm saying?
08:25You know what I'm saying?
08:26You know what I'm saying?
08:27You know what I'm saying?
08:28You know what I'm saying?
08:29You know what I'm saying?
08:30You know what I'm saying?
08:31You know what I'm saying?
08:32You know what I'm saying?
08:33You know what I'm saying?
08:34You know what I'm saying?
08:35You know what I'm saying?
08:36You know what I'm saying?
08:37You know what I'm saying?
08:38You know what I'm saying?
08:39You know what I'm saying?
08:40You know what I'm saying?
08:41You know what I'm saying?
08:43That's what I want you to do.
08:48For what team?
08:50The Niners.
08:52They're gonna need it.
08:55Agenda City?
08:56No, you gotta say what you said a couple years ago.
08:59It's Agenda City.
09:00If we don't do another show together, I'll always...
09:02The disease of me.
09:04Well, no, you know what?
09:05I'm not using that phrase.
09:06That's reserved for champions.
09:09This is Agenda City.
09:10Agenda City.
09:11Steinie out here throwing heat rocks.
09:14Trent Williams.
09:15If I take the pig around back and come back to take it.
09:18Trent Williams.
09:19What happened to the pig?
09:20He's got a bad taste in...
09:22He's gonna get paid.
09:23What part of American culture don't you understand?
09:26When you're at the top of your craft, you can pull these shenanigans.
09:30Keep saying that.
09:31Keep saying that.
09:32Keep saying he's at the top of his craft without being able to prove it.
09:36Keep saying it.
09:37Steinie, there's nobody...
09:39Trent Williams is still a beast.
09:42Keep saying it.
09:43We know.
09:44We know it.
09:45Keep saying it.
09:46Keep saying it because you know exactly the way Kyle Shanahan measures Trent Williams.
09:52No, I'm not saying that.
09:54No matter how Kyle measures him, we all can say what we've seen on the gridiron.
09:58What if Kyle looks at him and says, you know what?
10:00We've measured Trent Williams and he's worth $22 million, which is what we're paying him.
10:06Right now you're right because nothing's...
10:08And I do wonder if you had...
10:10Okay, I keep telling you to bet.
10:12So there's no doubt in your mind that IU will get taken care of before...
10:16I didn't say it.
10:17I didn't mind because I'm starting to wonder.
10:19I think they need to do Williams and then double back to IU.
10:22I'm not making any predictions.
10:24All right.
10:25I just know this.
10:26One of my phrases is, just because you can do something doesn't mean you do it.
10:31And you know what?
10:32Trent Williams is doing something just because he can do it.
10:37And that leaves a real bad taste in my mouth.
10:40Real bad.
10:41But you're making it seem like he's the only athlete to ever do that.
10:44No, he's the one who's doing it now.
10:47Oh, and you know what?
10:49Miss me with these guys are team players.
10:52Not just these two.
10:54All of them.
10:55Well, when it comes to money, it's solo dolos, Donnie.
10:57Well, then don't...
10:58Then quit saying, well, they should just...
11:01Just take 26 then if you're a player.
11:04It's like, miss me with, oh, it's all about the team.
11:08It's all about the team.
11:10No, it's not.
11:11We're all about the team.
11:13Trent Williams would be practicing.
11:16End of story.
11:17He's made $168 million.
11:18I'm not begrudging him the right to hold out.
11:20I'm begrudging him the idea of doing it this year because he knows he can do it.
11:28Well, on his scale, Donnie, in his life, he's probably got about two good years left.
11:33He may only want to play for two more.
11:36Which makes all the sense in the world to me.
11:38He's at the end.
11:39Right, and that's why I don't pay him guaranteed money.
11:42But you need him.
11:45Allegedly, you do need him.
11:47I'm not going to say you don't need him.
11:52Where is he?
11:53Uncle Looney saying, Donnie, the example was set by Bosa last year.
11:57No doubt.
11:58It was set by Debo.
11:59I thought you were going to scoff at that, but you said no doubt.
12:01First of all, Bosa is in the same spot that Aiyuk's in this year.
12:05They're doing the exact same thing.
12:07Bosa got paid.
12:09Aiyuk's trying to get paid.
12:11And some could say, as much as I love Aiyuk, you ain't Bosa.
12:14If the 49ers would have told Bosa, hey, you know what?
12:19We need you to come in under that fifth-year rookie deal.
12:24Maybe Bosa wouldn't have come back.
12:26We know he wouldn't have.
12:28Well, he ain't Bosa.
12:29And that's what we're learning.
