Kuminga Reportedly Seeking $224M Max Extension

  • last month
00:00It's bothering me! I can't see it!
00:09Now, back to Stiney and Guru on 95.7 The Game.
00:21That's whose song this is.
00:22Oh, yeah.
00:23A... Let me guess.
00:25Of course he spells it with a K.
00:27Of course.
00:29Everybody's got to now try to be cute with letters.
00:33What is your deal?
00:34Oh, man!
00:38I'll tell you what.
00:39We're popping around today.
00:42Let's go to Alex in the city.
00:44He's been waiting patiently.
00:46What's up, Alex?
00:47How you doing?
00:49Doing great, guys.
00:50No problem.
00:50You guys got a great show going this morning.
00:52You're crushing it.
00:53Thanks, man.
00:53Lifelong Niners fan.
00:57Born into it.
00:58Love Jim Harbaugh.
00:59This is just as unrelated to what I wanted to talk about.
01:02But just with that last call, I didn't know what he's talking about.
01:04Jim Harbaugh's great.
01:07T.J. Hushman's on his interview last night.
01:09I listened to the whole thing.
01:10A great example of just because you're really good at something
01:14doesn't mean you know how it works.
01:16I know how to use a cell phone.
01:17I can't build one.
01:19And I think that his comments about,
01:22you know, how
01:23Jed York needs to figure this out.
01:25Jed York has nothing to do with anything.
01:26I mean, yeah, he can make the call, but
01:29I want
01:30I want him bad.
01:31I want him at the original deal.
01:33And I think that may be, and I don't know, but that may be the
01:37the issue here.
01:38He saw the prices going up and he said, I want those prices.
01:41I want to be the number one or wherever he wants to be.
01:44And maybe he's willing to take a discount, but that probably turned
01:47everyone off back in May.
01:49Go back to the original deal.
01:51Put some incentives in there for him to get paid a little bit more.
01:53Let's get this deal done.
01:55He's really important, but I don't think he's 30 million important.
01:58He's 26 million important.
01:59Thanks, Alex.
02:00Man, I completely
02:05I'm never going to let you forget
02:08that Stefan Draymond wanted Avery Bradley.
02:11They're just players.
02:13We heard we heard your boy, the owner say that.
02:15Shout out Laker.
02:16But do you let me ask you this?
02:18I'm going Dr.
02:19Sure, Ruth.
02:20Do you think after tomorrow's game
02:24that jars either IU or the front office to say, you know what?
02:29We're two weeks away.
02:31Now, three weeks away from the seat, the real game.
02:34Like, do you think that's like game do it though?
02:36A game?
02:36He's not going to play.
02:37I don't know.
02:38No, it just represents that the season is that much closer.
02:42No, so no urgency after this one's in the book.
02:45No, wake up Sunday morning.
02:47Like, you know what?
02:47We got, we got two more weeks of this and then we're hosting the jets.
02:51No, in fact, it might go the other way.
02:54I don't know what IU situation is, but I know what Trent Williams situation
02:58I read the whole story yesterday on CBS Sports from a writer named
03:02Joel Corey, who used to be an agent.
03:04Trent Williams ain't in Tennessee tomorrow.
03:06He gets fined a million dollars or I'm sorry, loses a game check for
03:1149 is probably fine.
03:12We'll say 1.1, but you know, they can for dangle.
03:16Apparently not.
03:17You can do that with the IU ones.
03:19Apparently, you can't do it with veterans.
03:23Now, if you are correct, and I believe you are, shout out, Joel
03:27It's not his, that leads me to believe this might be more serious
03:30than, take your time for Trent.
03:32But he's, how much has he make?
03:33What'd you say?
03:34175 mil in the square?
03:3568, 68.
03:37He'll be fine.
03:38Hey, by the way, this has been an off-season where,
03:44is this too strong?
03:46Steph Curry, shots fired with bottom feeders and all that.
03:51Well, he didn't even need to open his grill.
03:53We already knew what time it was.
03:55Well, when he opened it, it became more urgent.
03:58And I'll tell you what, I listened to this yesterday and I didn't
04:02like the, if you're a Warrior fan, yikes.
04:06It's everything I imagined it to be.
04:07Obviously, this is my first go-around in the Olympics.
04:10Knew we were going to get challenged by a great Serbia team and
04:13to have to beat him three times this summer was going to be tough.
04:16I just kind of got lost in the moment of understanding how big
04:19this stage is and what's at stake for this team.
04:21And it was special.
04:22It was the most fun, you know, I've had in a very long time and
04:25to dig deep like we did with this group and get a win, special.
04:29So I'm kind of basking in that right now.
04:31And obviously, you know, we got another tough challenge, France
04:35on their home court.
04:37That sounds like a guy who hasn't been having fun the last couple
04:42Now, I will say to that, are we shocked?
04:44This team did not make the playoffs and depending on who you
04:48are out there, I thought he was talking about his own team in
04:50regard to bottom feeders.
04:51But again, Stony, wow, he said in a very long time and last
04:56year was it was trying.
04:57So no marketing, no PG-13.
05:01We'll see what they got.
05:03Yeah, we will.
05:04We absolutely will.
05:06DeAnthony Melton.
05:08Well, you know, he's the funny thing is, is in, you know, what
05:13the minute I heard that the Warriors had acquired DeAnthony
05:18Melton, I thought, well, that's a guy Guru's going to hate.
05:22No, I've always been fond of his game.
05:23Yeah, he caught some of his body.
05:26Let him down.
05:26He's got a ha-ha.
05:27So you don't like it.
05:28He got a little.
05:29He's got no ha.
05:30Stony, he can get hot.
05:32There's different rules to ha-ha.
05:34Yeah, I ain't saying he's Allen Iverson, but he could put it
05:36on the floor.
05:36He can get hot from three.
05:38He's not a stiff by any stretch and he would have got a bigger
05:41contract had he not, I believe, had he not got hurt.
05:44Yeah, Dr. Nirav Pandya, very worried about his back.
05:48Now, he came on and said three months ago.
05:50Yeah, he's still worried.
05:52Last time we talked to him.
05:53He's still worried.
05:54Spadoni, Kenny and I and Bonte and Pandya and his son.
05:58We all were at the Summer League game together.
06:01Take a little photo.
06:02With all due respect, Dr.
06:04Nirav Pandya.
06:05Yeah, he doesn't deserve a.
06:08That's reserved for stars.
06:10He is the storm.
06:11Wow, dude.
06:13Listen, Dr.
06:14This is how it Rushmore in the Bay.
06:16This is on it.
06:17This is how it works.
06:18Hey, Goo.
06:20I was talking to Curry the other day.
06:23Hey, Goo, you know, I bumped into at the grocery store, Buster
06:29Pandya doesn't get a sniff.
06:32He's like.
06:33You called him for your hip.
06:35I called him for my knee and he returned the call.
06:37I did not call him.
06:39Well, you sent him an email.
06:41You're wrong again.
06:43When's the last time you got something right?
06:45The Giants.
06:47Pandya came in for an appearance.
06:50He was sitting in a chair.
06:53I asked him about hips.
06:56It's not even close.
07:00I love you, Doc.
07:02Jonathan Kaminga, in case you're just joining us.
07:06Jake Fisher, CBS Sports.
07:14Well, that's even more reputable.
07:17Jonathan Kaminga will be asking for the max.
07:19Yeah, man.
07:20Four years, $224 million.
07:25God, it was almost $222 million, but it's $224 million.
07:30That, if you can do the math.
07:32Give it to me, Sonny.
07:33That averages $56 million a year.
07:38What are your options, Sonny?
07:39We talk about leverage.
07:40Tell him to pound Sam.
07:41But they're not, and they're not trading them by all accounts,
07:44Sonny, so he'll be like his counterparts.
07:47Barnes, who's our guy in Orlando.
07:49They're not going to pay him that.
07:50I'm, Sonny, what can you, what are you going to do?
07:53Tell him, you're going to do, here's what, here's what they might do.
07:59Do to Kaminga exactly what the Niners are doing to IUC.
08:04Come back and play on your fourth or fifth year, whatever it is for him.
08:09Fourth year.
08:09What if you lose him mentally, though, Kaminga?
08:12Well, then you should be glad
08:14you never gave him the money in the first place.
08:17Now, this will be another, man, we can't escape the money.
08:20Five players, five, five players from that class.
08:26Wagner have got, I have the list.
08:29Let's do the complete list.
08:30Relax, baby.
08:32Well, tell me to relax.
08:36Okay, so.
08:37R-E-L-A-X, relax.
08:41Why don't Warrior fans tell me if Jonathan Kaminga belongs in this group or not?
08:47Cade Cunningham, Evan Mobley, Scotty Barnes, Franz Wagner.
08:55Oh, that's only four.
08:57There's four guys.
08:58Still, we get it, we get it.
09:01Yeah, four guys.
09:02Does he belong in that list?
09:03Now, I'm going to say he belongs because what has Cade Cunningham done?
09:08You know, there's still hope.
09:09I like his game, but he's done.
09:11Like, he's better.
09:13Or he's going to be better.
09:14What has Kaminga done?
09:16Had flashes last year, Stony.
09:18Cade Cunningham hasn't?
09:19No, and he has.
09:21Cade Cunningham is better than Jonathan Kaminga.
09:24Right now?
09:28Oh, man.
09:29Now, the other three, yeah, the other three of that four, Stony, I have no,
09:33but it's not about does he belong in that class?
09:36It's about what Kaminga and his upside mean to this Warriors team.
09:41And if you're telling me, hey, we got pods in Moody.
09:44It's been about Kaminga for two to three years.
09:46I just feel like he gets that number, Stony.
09:49I would not give him that much money.
09:53You've got to be kidding me.
09:55Those other four guys.
09:57So you have no problem with the other four getting what they got?
10:00Because we talk about the market, it is what it is.
10:02They're irrelevant to me.
10:05Well, you just mentioned them.
10:06Because they got their bag.
10:08But what I'm saying is when I look at these four players,
10:12they are so much more polished, complete players than he is.
10:18But what about the Warriors?
10:19They can't look at it like, because it's not a choice out of those four
10:24and Kaminga, it's what Kaminga means to your future.
10:27What does he mean to the future?
10:30You got to ask the coaches.
10:32You got to ask Lakup.
10:33And by all accounts, if they didn't want to include Kaminga in one of these
10:36trades, allegedly, you think that would bode well for him trying to get his
10:41I would like to know what Warrior fans think about.
10:43Man, that is a lot of chicken, boy.
10:45Fifty-six million.
10:48I can't do it.
10:50I can't do it.
10:52He wants to come down to $3540.
10:55I guess that's the price of business.
10:57Yeah, that he ain't doing that.
10:58I'm not paying him $224 million.
11:00So let me make this, that's another, that's another thing to me.
11:04That's a recipe for a nightmare scenario.
11:08Three years from that.
11:09Tell me if you call, if you're going to coach Spadoni, chime in.
11:13This just me, man.
11:15So Jordan Love is the highest paid quarterback in the NFL.
11:20He's not the best quarterback in the NFL.
11:23He's, he's entering a set.
11:25This will be the second time as a starter, right?
11:27My point is, he took advantage, Stiney, of the market.
11:31And do I love his potential and talent and what I've seen thus far?
11:36I'm talking about Jordan Love.
11:37So why couldn't Kaminga kind of get paid?
11:41Kind of get paid?
11:42You know, just the same, like Wagner and Scottie Barnes.
11:45Like, I love Scottie Barnes for 230, however much he's, like, is he worth that?
11:50They're better.
11:51I just don't know what alternatives the Warriors have.
11:55The alternative is so simple.
11:57It's staring you right in the face.
11:58Don't extend him.
12:01Tell him to play for $7.7 million this year.
12:06We've seen him get upset, though, for his minutes and...
12:09Well, okay, so then, so you're going to, knowing that, you're going to reward a guy
12:14because he might get upset.
12:15No, you know what?
12:16You might mess up his whole season.
12:18Then move his ass.
12:19He's not that important.
12:20But I'm throwing out there, you could, you could lose him upstairs and he had the worst season ever
12:24because he's thinking, the young player's thinking about his brand.
12:27Well, good.
12:27Then you saved a lot of money.
12:29You saved a lot of money and you made a big-time, smart decision.
12:35Like, and the thing is, he's got even less leverage than Aiyuk.
12:40What's he going to do?
12:41Sit out?
12:42No chance.
12:44And, like, here's the thing.
12:45Oh, the message and what about...
12:47Listen, it's, they have the, they essentially have a franchise tag on him, too,
12:53because the only thing that, if you get Kaminga to come back for seven, play your fourth year.
13:01Then we'll talk about it.
13:03And you know what?
13:04Play your fourth year and then, you know what?
13:07Go out and get your deal.
13:09And if we like the deal, we'll match it.
13:12They have...
13:13So you think there's any fan, Warrior fan right now that would call this station and tell us
13:17they're pro-paying, pro-paying Kaminga now?
13:22I'd be shocked.
13:23The way you just put it, who would pay him right now that money?
13:30I don't know.
13:31Because he ain't doing what you just alluded to earlier.
13:33We'll take 35 or four, please.
13:37This is another conundrum they're in.
13:39Five years.
13:39My bad.
13:40All right.
13:41My bad.
13:41So that would be what?
13:42So let's do, redo the math.
13:44All right.
13:44Oh yeah, now you got to give it to him.
13:46So what's that?
13:49Thank you, 415.
13:52Yeah, that would see 684 as hiding for...
13:55Oh, I...
13:55I made a mistake.
13:56I misread it.
13:57But what is that here?
13:58So that would be 44.
14:02Oh, 40.
14:03Wait, 40.
14:04No, 40.
14:06Oh boy.
14:09It's the lot.
14:11Spino, what's 224 divided by 5?
14:22So that means, at the end of that, that means in year five,
14:25he'd be making 50, essentially, because it would go like 38,
14:2942, 40.
14:30Now, do you feel different now that that number...
14:33No, I don't.
14:35I can't pay a guy what the maximum salary is, who is not
14:41even close to being a complete player.
14:45I can't.
14:46I'm not saying he stinks.
14:47No, I hear you.
14:47I'm not saying I want to get rid of him.
14:49I'm not paying him 45 million on average.
14:54And Uncle Looney backing you up like,
14:56goo, if he's that mentally fragile, then why you don't need
14:59But I do understand.
15:01I'm not saying this is why I do it, but if he doesn't get
15:04paid and you make him go play in this last year of his
15:07contract, are we going to get the best of him upstairs?
15:11See, that's...
15:13You put way too much on that.
15:16Because the way these guys look at it, talking about Lakob
15:20and Myers and Dunleavy, is if he doesn't get his extension,
15:27it's a perfect time to evaluate him.
15:31Is he going to play hard?
15:33Is he going to mope?
15:35Is he going to grow as a player?
15:37Like, if he quits on you or he mopes on you, which by the
15:44way, he's already done on a rookie deal, then he's making
15:50the decision for you.
15:53I don't know.
15:53That's a good question at 888-957-9570.
15:58How many Warrior fans would pay Jonathan Kuminga the max?
16:03Do you think Joe Lakob and company know?
16:06Know what?
16:07Just how good he's going to be or if he's going to be around
16:09for 10 years?
16:11No, or nobody knows how good he's going to be.
16:14Yeah, but I know they got different evaluations and evaluators.
16:18I wonder if they, like Stonnie, if he were to text you now,
16:21if he's listening to us on this Friday.
16:23Like Lakob?
16:24Yeah, like Jonathan's going to get that money.
16:26We're betting on him.
16:28And the Warriors have made decisions that I disagreed with
16:31in the past and I've been right.
16:34I wouldn't have given Draymond Green his money.
16:36That was a mistake.
16:38We agree with that.
16:40All right, I wouldn't give Kuminga 45.
16:42Would you include it?
16:43Would you have included pods in a deal that could have land
16:46you marketing?
16:47I would have.
16:47No, because it's still, no, because it costs you future
16:52I'm out.
16:53If I'm running the Warriors, unfortunately, actually, we
16:58might be on the same page.
16:59A lot of people saying they wouldn't pay him.
17:00Because I continue to see that the Warriors are really
17:05protective of Kuminga and Pajewski.
17:07So that tells me they don't want to include him in a trade
17:11because they are concerned with life after Curry.
17:14And I say, thank goodness, because I want my team that I
17:19root for to be good, not just this year, but for the next
17:23six or seven years.
17:24And they feel that's the best way that they can do that.
17:29Yeah, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't.
17:32So can this go into the season?
17:34Can this happen?
17:35When, when is there a drop dead date?
17:37They have before this, like they can re-sign, they can extend
17:41him up until the start of the season.
17:44Then once the season starts, he's got to come play.
17:48He's got to come play.
17:50Or he doesn't have to come play.
17:52But I've never heard of a guy sitting out.
17:55And they're going to need him to make that jump as big as
17:58he possibly can, Stoney.
17:59Like, man, like no other.
18:03If Curry, you know, he wants to win, they're going to need
18:07Jonathan Kaminga to take that next step or steps.
18:10And I'm not saying he can't, but man, you kind of want, you
18:13kind of want him feeling good about everything before he tries
18:18He should feel good that his game's improving and he's got
18:21a big opportunity with a good year to make a lot of money.
18:25Well, have another good year.
18:27Take another step.
18:28Maybe you make more than 45 if you think you're that good.
18:33Let's go to Robin.
18:34Robin's in San Francisco.
18:35On a Friday.
18:36Hey Robin.
18:38Hey guys.
18:39Thanks for having me.
18:41Hey, listen, I think this is all kind of speculation.
18:44I usually like to talk with some insight, but it's just
18:48So I just think that this fan base, I probably in the
18:51minority, they're overhyped Kaminga.
18:54I'm serious.
18:55You know, if you want that guy to do, you can go get it
18:57somewhere else.
18:58Go get it out your granddaddy's pocket.
19:00He ain't getting it out of mind.
19:01I think he's got a little bit more to prove.
19:03I've always felt that coming.
19:05He has improved.
19:06That's that's great.
19:07He has but I've always felt and this is just a judgment
19:11on my part.
19:12I always felt he had an attitude problem that he wants to
19:16be a superstar.
19:18Okay, and I don't think he'll ever be a superstar.
19:22I do like the way he fought for himself to get more minutes
19:26because that's how you do grow.
19:28But I just don't think he's all that like you guys think
19:31he is and especially for that money.
19:33I wouldn't give him that money to me him asking for that
19:36type of money at this point in his career just proves to
19:40me how much how selfish he is and how he's a really good
19:43ego if he ever ever became a superstar.
19:46I think he would be a ho.
19:48Peace out you guys.
19:50Well, I'm going to stick up.
19:51Y'all go ahead.
19:52I'm going to jump in.
19:53Love you Robin, but man, this is part of his contract.
19:56This is an option for him to do just like the other four
19:59You mentioned that Jonathan Kaminga is looking for a max
20:03That's fair, but I ain't giving it to him.
20:07I get it.
20:08I understand why he's looking for one.
20:10He's seen these guys get broken off.
20:12I'm not giving him that.
20:14And the other thing is that I'm I'm never the guy like
20:18well, let's let they gave it to Wagner.
20:22So what it that's their organization.
20:25That's their determination of that player.
20:28Like that's the one thing where I like I get there's going
20:32to be a going rate for Purdy next year and there's a going
20:36rate for a top five receiver this year.
20:39But if the assessment in the building is not that the player
20:44is that then don't pay him as a top five quarterback of those
20:49four players.
20:50You mentioned would you take Cunningham all four of them
20:52over Kaminga?
20:54Oh my gosh, not even close.
20:57I shouldn't say not.
20:58I probably take probably take Mobley first out of that group,
21:03but Kate Cunningham.
21:05I think it's got a shot to be really good and Barnes is, you
21:10know, I love his game.
21:11Yeah, today's game.
21:14He's perfect man.
21:15I mean coming is not in that class.
21:17One of the reasons he's not in that class is because why Cunningham
21:22gets to play for the Pistons Mobley got to play for the Cavs
21:26early in his career, Barnes and Wagner.
21:28They got to play more and that but and that's a frustration
21:31that I'm sure Jonathan Kaminga has big time, but he got drafted
21:36by a contender.
21:38Let's go to Moose.
21:39Moose is in San Jose Warrior fans.
21:41You paying Kaminga the max five years 224 45 million per the
21:49max for Kaminga.
21:51Come on.
21:52What's up Moose?
21:53So I'm with you.
21:54I'm with you signing on the fact that you got maybe you
21:56have to ask for it at least but it's agent but you got to
21:59there's no way Jonathan Kaminga looks in the mirror and says
22:01I'm worth 250 million dollars or whatever that is.
22:03I mean he we're going off of like summer league tape here
22:06and the and the the open gym runs that they had those great
22:09He has any stick talk videos.
22:11He look he's a good player.
22:12He has improved every year.
22:13But what do we say when Jordan pool made that jump in that
22:15third year?
22:16We said, hey, he's made a significant enough jump to be
22:19able to be worth some sort of massive extension.
22:22I can't sit here.
22:22I can't look coming in that he's made some incredible
22:25jump to where he deserves the extension and then and then
22:28you made a point about the mental stuff.
22:30I mean if he's going to be moping around the way he is
22:32before he even got to a point where he's allowed to ask for
22:35that deal.
22:35I just it's tough for I may sound like a regular guy out
22:41here on the on the 280 driving and being a hater but it's
22:44hard for it's hard for me to pay somebody over what they're
22:47worth just because he's the next guy up that that right
22:49that mentality in sport hurting teams more than it's gotten
22:52teams the benefit of the doubt and and one quick comment on
22:55what Robin said.
22:56She said that hey, if he does become an actual superstar,
22:58she thinks he would be an a-hole.
22:59I actually think the opposite.
23:00I think he has a great mentality for a superstar, but I don't
23:03know that he actually will become that superstar that he
23:05thinks he is.
23:06That's just my take.
23:06No, I actually agree with you.
23:08I don't think I that was a little strong for for me too
23:11because I I think coming is a good guy.
23:13Yeah, I think he's a real good guy.
23:15He's not pulling a Trent Williams being greedy Robin like
23:18he's coming out of nowhere with a guy, you know, I'm saying
23:21this is an opportunity and we saw all the other guys exercise
23:24it will he get his money?
23:28No, and I just think he's more frustrated than anything
23:32408 Stein.
23:33He stopped saying those other players are better than
23:35You don't know that those players got unlimited playing
23:39time on losing teams.
23:41Come on.
23:42Come on.
23:43Let me ask you all this question right now.
23:45If if the Warriors somebody came to the Warriors right now
23:48and said we'll give you Cunningham for Kaminga.
23:51You think the Warriors are doing it?
23:53What about if they said we'll give you Mobley for Kaminga?
23:56What about Scotty Barnes?
23:57No doubt and Wagner to 888-957-9570 is the number Jonathan
24:05Kaminga looking for a max extension from the Golden State
24:09Warriors Team USA a barn burner yesterday over Serbia Brandon
24:14Ayuk who knows what's going on with Brandon Ayuk, but the
24:19big story.
24:20Wow, those Giants.
24:21They've won 10 of 14.
24:25Or something like that.
24:26It is this.
24:27Hey, you know what?
24:28You got to Google it.
24:29Give them their flowers.
24:31Give them their flowers.
24:32They put together.
24:33Nobody said flowers.
24:35Yeah, put together a two-week stretch of non-horse bleep
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