Was Stephen Curry's Golden Moment, His Greatest Moment?

  • last month
00:00But if you wanted to, which way would you go?
00:02You still don't want Steph Curry playing in the Olympics?
00:04No, I got a lot of that on Twitter.
00:06How do people that don't want Curry playing in the Olympics feel?
00:09No, I still feel the same way.
00:10No, you don't.
00:11Then you would really rob yourself of seeing that kind of greatness.
00:19I watched it eight times, man.
00:20It was incredible.
00:21So you watched all 32 of the shows?
00:22No, the second half started from the second half.
00:24Oh, I got you.
00:25It was incredible, and I'm happy for him.
00:28But real quick here, Stani.
00:30It makes me feel better about the Warriors this season.
00:34Go figure, just about.
00:35We have that guy.
00:37And the world saw.
00:40France saw.
00:41Everybody saw.
00:42Steph makes shots that were so critical and just, I mean, majestic.
00:47So I'm fired up, and I know they still need help.
00:50But damn, Stani, what a moment, man.
00:52Yeah, I'm wondering what Warrior fans are kind of thinking after you watch that,
00:58because I had a lot of thoughts.
01:01And I know a lot of people didn't want him to play, and he wasn't great the first few
01:07games, but the last two, he was incredible.
01:09And yeah, I mean, my guy Evan, or no, it was you.
01:15It was you who texted.
01:18And you said, after that game, I feel a lot better about the Warriors going into the season
01:26that I did a month ago.
01:28Yes, and I know everybody will be in the back, the peanut gallery.
01:32Well, he's not going to have this player or that player.
01:34It doesn't matter.
01:35It was like what you just said.
01:37Steph didn't have the first few games.
01:39He was kind of a null and void, Stani.
01:41But on that stage, with that pressure and everything that went with the Team USA loss,
01:46those threes as France was trying to come back, even Serbia, to watch Steph Curry and
01:51know he belongs to us and the Bay.
01:54And now we talk about Wiggins.
01:56We talk about Kaminga, Pott, everybody in a Warrior uniform.
02:00We got that guy.
02:02So that means something.
02:03So no Draymond suspension.
02:06I think, Stani, you're saying there's a chance.
02:09That was an incredible exhibition of shooting and clutchness.
02:13That's all.
02:14My question to Warrior fans is, like, what now?
02:18I mean, how does that impact your thinking, what he did yesterday?
02:24Or Saturday, rather.
02:25Hell, what he did Thursday and Saturday.
02:28Because I'm talking to the boss, and he's watching Curry, and his thought is, man,
02:38they should have gotten something done this offseason.
02:41They should have gotten a number two in here.
02:44This offseason.
02:45If we had a number two, we'd be in a lot better shape.
02:49And I just want to know, if you're a Warrior fan and you saw that, what goes through your
02:55Because I'm watching that game Saturday, and I'm seeing Curry, and I'm seeing Durant,
03:03and I'm seeing LeBron, and I actually thought, is there any chance LeBron and Curry could
03:10play together?
03:12They'd love to.
03:13There's no doubt about it, right?
03:14I mean, they would absolutely love to.
03:17And we know Joe Lacob called the Lakers February about acquiring LeBron James, and I don't
03:26I was just thinking, I feel like two things.
03:29One, it's within the realm of possibility.
03:32I don't know how.
03:33I don't know if I want to get into how it could possibly happen, but it does feel like
03:38it's kind of within the realm of possibility that they could, I don't know,
03:43figure out a way to play with each other.
03:45The other thing I was thinking was maybe it's not, maybe it doesn't have to happen in the
03:50next three months.
03:51Maybe they're not on a really tight timetable.
03:55And then, obviously, you know, lastly, one of the things I thought is, what does this
04:02mean, if anything, to the Warriors season upcoming, and how you feel about Steph Curry?
04:10Funny thing is, I look at LeBron and Curry like I look at Magic and Bird.
04:18And Magic and Bird would have never played together.
04:21But that was 30 years ago.
04:24If Curry and LeBron James ended up on the same team, I wouldn't be mad at that.
04:31It's not like they're both 30 and they're going to take the league by storm.
04:36I think it would be kind of cool if they played together for a year or two at the end of their
04:41careers, because we had Lucas come in here and you said, well, what?
04:47OK, they have LeBron and Curry, then what?
04:49And Lucas said, then they try to win a championship because they're back in contention to win
04:53a title.
04:54Are they?
04:57Yes, I would have to say yes.
05:00And I'll also say this to what you said earlier.
05:03What scares me about Curry, what I deem as comments or a warning shot to the franchise
05:08is what if they do play and it's not LeBron coming?
05:12Are we so sure LeBron's coming to Golden State?
05:14Another player on that Team USA seven footer named Anthony Davis.
05:18How did he do?
05:19Why would LeBron want to leave that?
05:21So it just got me to thinking, could the Lakers get Curry?
05:24So I know today is not the day for that, but I do think it is.
05:29I think it's the day.
05:30So you understand, you kind of see, like, are we so sure it'd be Bron coming up north?
05:35It could be Curry going to A.D. and LeBron.
05:38Then when you talk about that trifecta of players, it's like, good God.
05:42What Steph Curry did for himself to me, Stani, is told the basketball world, it's not me.
05:49I still got this in my tank on reserve.
05:52It's about getting me help.
05:54And you kind of said this earlier when all this PG-13 noise was going down in the rumors,
06:00the Warriors did well for themselves because Ramona Shelborn's.
06:04All the greats were talking about the Warriors were in with marketing.
06:07So it looks like the Warriors went all in.
06:10Now, if reports are true, they didn't want to give up pods or Kaminga to get marketing.
06:15Then you kind of scratch your head.
06:17But all in all, partner, they went all in on my report card on trying to get something
06:22done and get that bonafide number two in here.
06:25Yeah, 888-957-9570 is the number.
06:30Guru sent me a text on Saturday after watching Curry play in the gold medal game and after
06:38he played against Serbia, it was fantastic.
06:41And he said, you know what?
06:42I feel a lot better about the Golden State Warriors after seeing Steph Curry play like
06:47And I'm wondering if Warrior fans kind of agree with Guru on that.
06:54I mean, I view it in more of a vacuum.
06:58Give it to me.
06:59And that is, I'm looking at those two games against Serbia and France, and I'm trying
07:05to put it into context of where it fits on his resume, how big it is.
07:11Is it the crowning achievement?
07:13Is it as big as some of the titles?
07:16Was that game as good as game four?
07:18All those kind of things.
07:20But I haven't yet looked at, OK, Steph will be coming back to the Warriors this upcoming
07:27How are they going to do?
07:29They're going to do better because he still has it.
07:33I mean, I think he still has it to some degree.
07:37I'm like, I'm not willing to put two great Olympic games into the category of, well,
07:45now I think they're going to win 54 games as opposed to 47 because he's a player that
07:51I didn't think he is.
07:52I mean, it's a long NBA season.
07:56He's going to come to training camp in a month or so, and then we'll see.
08:00But if you're a Warrior fan, where does that fit in terms of Steph Curry's resume?
08:07And you think about a resume, and if it's not in chronological order, then it's greatest
08:15Where does that one?
08:16Where does that one fit in terms of his greatest moment?
08:24Stani, he wanted the gold, and guys like me were in the background saying, don't play,
08:29worry about the season.
08:30But the fact that there are some American people that wanted Team USA to lose just for
08:35the drama element and all those shots that went up, even against Serbia down 15, he was
08:41making some miraculous shots.
08:43I gotta believe.
08:45I can't put it up there past Boston and what he did in the clincher against the Celtics.
08:50So it's right there, or it's a separate column that more people were watching that Olympic
08:57game against France, that championship, than they were the NBA finals.
09:01So, I mean, it's something I won't forget about his career.
09:04And then when you talk about just the Warriors as currently constructed, so many things are
09:09out of his control.
09:11Like, you know, we'll be watching him.
09:12He didn't have the best second half, but now it's about pods.
09:15Now it's about mountains of the world.
09:19But the fact he can still reach in that bag, partner, and do that on that stage, I feel
09:27better about what mountains they could possibly climb this season.
09:32All right, let me play devil's advocate.
09:34He's on a team with eight Hall of Famers, and he's playing against a team that's got,
09:42what, two or three NBA players.
09:45Are we making a mistake, or are we getting ahead of ourselves thinking that that's the
09:50kind of performance that'll translate into the NBA over the course of a season?
09:57I mean, he's got to, like, to me, he's got to have more games like this this upcoming
10:03The question is, how consistent can he be over 82 games, and how often can he do that?
10:10And will he run out of gas carrying what we deem a large load?
10:14But I mean, we're talking about a four-time champ, Stani.
10:18So to me, it's not about are we shocked, because we've seen this throughout his career.
10:24He's a two-time MVP, four-time champ.
10:28Right now, I think it's just about gas.
10:31It's about will he tire, and will other guys help him on his team to where he doesn't get
10:37to that juncture?
10:38But I don't want to sit here and say that's the first time I saw him go berserk.
10:43You know what I mean?
10:44So I don't care who was on his team.
10:47The shots were the shots.
10:48I mean, the majestic one, shooting it on two dudes in his face and just getting hot.
10:54So what did we already know before the Olympics, Stani?
10:57He's probably one of the best shooters probably ever to do it, to pick up a basketball.
11:02I think he reminded myself that, Guru, I still can do it if we actually get in that position.
11:11When I was talking to Evan, Gu, and I said, well, you were talking about the greatest
11:17moments of Curry's career.
11:19And I said, does it compare to Game 4 against the Celtics?
11:23I mean, obviously, that was in the NBA Finals.
11:25Evan said, did he have a signature shot in that Game 4?
11:31And I said, not really.
11:33I mean, he was great.
11:35I think there's a chance the shot he made against France, the last one with two guys
11:41hanging on him.
11:42Is that going to be the shot that's remembered most of all?
11:50What's it called when they say in memoriam, time in memoriam?
11:54Is that the one we're going to remember more than any other shot in the history of Steph
11:59Curry's career?
12:00It's possible.
12:01Yeah, but it's possible.
12:02But Night-Night wasn't born on that shot, which was a crazy shot that you talk about.
12:07Night-Night was born right here in this studio.
12:12No doubt about it.
12:13But period.
12:14On the court, it was Game 4 when he did that to Boston and did that to the Boston fans.
12:19So I can't remember what shot came before that, but he was doing so much going out.
12:24Michael J. Fox and Team Wolf.
12:27So if you want it to be that stunning, it can.
12:30That's how great this thing is.
12:32There is no bad answer.
12:34But I do know when he was closing out the Celtics and did that Night-Night to the side,
12:40that's where that origin from.
12:44He started doing it in the first round series against the Nuggets.
12:49Well, I'm not here to fight you.
12:50I'm just saying he did it in the finals when he closed out Boston.
12:53No, no, no, he did.
12:55That is his move.
12:56But I'm saying as far as a moment, that Game 4 will live forever.
12:59It's his greatest game I think he's ever played.
13:01I agree.
13:02But as far as a moment, a singular shot, that's up there with Jordan over Russell.
13:07That's up there with whatever other big shot you want to throw up there.
13:10And I'm not mad at anything he's saying.
13:13That's how he sees it.
13:15That's valid.
13:16I'm not here to argue that.
13:19That was the finals, and this is the Olympics.
13:22They said, you know, to me, they're kind of separate.
13:26I mean, they are separate, but I kind of agree with Evan.
13:30And that shot is going to go down as one of the most iconic shots in basketball.
13:36It was ridiculous.
13:37So I was thinking, what other shots belong up there?
13:39If you're going to say Jordan over Byron Russell, what are the most iconic plays and shots?
13:45The bang against OKC.
13:47Now, again, the stage was not the Olympics or the finals.
13:51But bang, it was like, what are you?
13:54And it went in.
13:55That was a regular season game.
13:56Or was that?
13:57Yeah, see, I don't want to take away from it.
14:00But the stakes of the game are very, very important, I think.
14:05I tell you, a couple that I came up with was like Magic, the junior skyhook in the finals
14:13in game four against the Celtics.
14:15No doubt I would.
14:16I'll tell you what else I would put up there, even though it was an all-star game.
14:21So the stakes weren't nearly as high.
14:23But when Magic Johnson in Orlando started making threes late in the NBA all-star game
14:30after he played with the HIV diagnosis and sat out and then he played in the all-star
14:35game and he was just took it over at the end with like three three pointers from deep that
14:41that's something that kind of stuck out to me.
14:43But warrior fans, you've watched this guy play since oh, nine, ten.
14:48Where does that rank?
14:50If you're a warrior fan, what he did, not just Saturday, but in the last two games of
14:55the of the Olympics.
14:57And let me just say this, like Kevin Durant is all time, I believe, leading point scorer
15:03and I think he passed Carmelo.
15:06So it's funny what icons do we remember or have memories not in their own home uniform?
15:13You know what I'm saying?
15:14So this would be if you're a warrior fan and it is your moment.
15:18He's not wearing a warrior jersey, but he's wearing the jersey for the country.
15:22But I just, as far as Olympics, I think of Vince Carter dunking over the seven footer.
15:26That's good.
15:27Like, I'll never forget that he wasn't in his Raptor jersey or whatever.
15:31But that's one of the most like, oh, my gosh.
15:34But Steph, like Evan had pointed out, that shot with the two dudes on him.
15:38The announcers were great.
15:40They caught they captured the moment.
15:42But I guess, Donnie, don't call me an American.
15:46It's almost like that can't supersede what the said player did in his own uniform.
15:52Is that crazy?
15:53Like he's in Team USA and it's my country.
15:56No, but I mean, I do think there's a warrior uniform.
16:01I almost think that in a way there's a different kind of pressure for Curry in what he did
16:07Thursday and what he did Saturday, as opposed to what he's done in his NBA career.
16:12Like when they played the Boston Celtics, they weren't overwhelming favorites.
16:16So and they were down twice in that series.
16:19But what I'm what I'm getting at is, you know, let's say the Warriors would have lost that
16:23Yeah, it'd be heartbreaking.
16:25And, you know, Curry will only have three.
16:29But what I'm getting at is when you were as big a favorite as the U.S. team, I think you
16:37could make a case that there's more there was more pressure on those last two games
16:41for Curry and those teams than in an NBA game.
16:44Times five.
16:45And it was like LeBron was like, thank you, Curry.
16:48That's his signature moment.
16:50That's his signature moment.
16:51And I'm not here to say it's not.
16:52I'm just not.
16:53To me, that was there was more pressure in those games.
16:57There was.
16:58Kerr needed it, Stiney.
17:00Needed it, I think is a little strong.
17:01But you know, there was going to be all kind of fallout of Choke City had that cast of
17:07NBA talent lost those games.
17:09Let's go out to Vince.
17:10Vince is in San Francisco.
17:12What's up, Vince?
17:13How you doing, man?
17:14Hey, what's up, guys?
17:18I first want to start this call with I don't ever want to hear until I die.
17:23I don't ever want to hear any more Curry slander because the semifinals game against
17:28Serbia where he goes off 36 and then the crazy closeout for the fourth quarter.
17:34That's that's crazy.
17:35I mean, we've seen him do it, but to do it.
17:37And I agree with Stiney, like if you if you look at the setting, the Olympics is only
17:43once every four years.
17:44It's a sudden death game.
17:46Set off finals, gold medal match, you know, and you guys are down 17 against Serbia with
17:51arguably one of the fiercest opponents of of American basketball players in Jokic.
17:57I mean, you got a French team that.
18:00Let's be honest, they're probably going to win the next one.
18:03But, you know, you take that setting.
18:07Sudden death, you know, winner take all.
18:09He came through in the most Steph Curry way and he was just he was just in his bag.
18:14He was in the zone.
18:15And I think I think that call that golden dagger call and like you guys said, it might
18:22not have only it might have only been a regular season game.
18:24But for the longest, I thought the Mike Green double bang was the biggest call I've ever
18:28heard him make for Steph.
18:30That golden dagger over the double team, I mean, you know, step back, fade away over
18:36a double team against two guys that got pretty good length, you know, to really feel it out
18:41in a gold medal game, his only Olympics, you know, his probably his only chance to win
18:45a gold medal.
18:47That's the most clutch shot I think I've ever seen anyone make, you know, when it's
18:52all on the line.
18:53I appreciate it, Vince.
18:55I mean, I do make a differentiation between a dagger and something that's the most
19:00clutch shot because France had momentum.
19:02They were at home.
19:03The crowd, they were coming.
19:04They were putting the pressure.
19:05So one miss is all it could have took, Stani.
19:08And he just kept bang.
19:09He was just he kept swooshing, man.
19:11Let's let's take a listen to it.
19:16Back to Curry.
19:17Dancing on Batum over the double team.
19:23It's a golden dagger.
19:25Night, night, night.
19:29Unconscious in the fourth.
19:32Davis with a rebound.
19:34Up ahead for Booker.
19:35Exclamation point.
19:37He's a bad boy.
19:40Night, night.
19:43Eight threes for Curry.
19:47He has set the French crowd into a frenzy they will never forget.
19:52I'm wondering if if warrior fans look at that game.
19:57And I got you got to throw the Serbia game in there, too.
19:59Oh, my gosh.
20:00As did.
20:02How do you compare that the clutchness of that shot with the clutchness of anything he's done
20:09with the Warriors?
20:10Is it something you can compare?
20:12Is it totally different?
20:14Is there more pressure in the Olympics than there is in an NBA playoff game?
20:20I don't know if there's more pressure, but it's pretty darn big when you are expected to win
20:26and you're in a little bit of trouble and the guy comes through and gets it done for you.
20:31And, Stani, I'll say this to to your question and what the what Vince just alluded to.
20:36The fact that most likely Curry's not going to be on the next Olympic team.
20:40There is no next season.
20:41This is a four year wait.
20:43You know what I mean?
20:44So Steph even talked about it after this was his shot.
20:47So had he missed one of those shots or the team loses, he probably that's his best chance,
20:53you know, from getting the gold and to bring him back against Serbia and then to follow
20:58this up on Saturday morning with the world watching was just incredible.
21:02And, Stani, if you're one of those Steph fans and warrior fans to say this supersedes anything
21:07he did in the NBA, I'm not mad at you.
21:10It was incredible.
21:11888-957-9570 is the number.
21:15The bottom line is this.
21:17I'm I want to know from warrior fans the things that went through your mind after that game
21:23was over.
