FTS 12:30 15-08: Venezuelan pres. Maduro denounces media campaign against the country

  • 2 weeks ago
FTS 12.30
*Argentina: July inflation stood at 4%, 263.4% year-on-year
*Death toll of Israeli genocide in Gaza exceeds 40,000 negotiations underway
00:00:00In Venezuela, President Nicolás Maduro denounced a media campaign being waged by the national
00:00:14and international far-right wing against the country.
00:00:20In Argentina, inflation in July stood at 4%, reaching 263.4% year-on-year.
00:00:31And Israel maintains its total siege on the Gaza Strip, while negotiations for a ceasefire
00:00:36are taking place in Qatar.
00:00:42Hello and welcome to From the South.
00:00:44My name is Belén de los Santos.
00:00:45I'm from the Telescope Studios in Havana, Cuba, where we begin with the news.
00:00:49In Venezuela, President Nicolás Maduro denounced a media campaign being waged by the national
00:00:54and international far-right wing against the country.
00:00:57During the inauguration of the Ludovico Silva Integral Diagnostic Center in Caracas, the
00:01:02Venezuelan head of state denounced that the international media has been in charge of
00:01:07spreading false information about the events of July 29th and 30th after the presidential
00:01:12elections in the country.
00:01:14Likewise, the Venezuelan head of state questioned the double standards of the social networks
00:01:19that have censored their accounts, but on the 29th and 30th allowed the transmission
00:01:25and broadcasting of violent scenarios in the country.
00:01:34And in this context, President Maduro denounced censorship in social networks and pointed
00:01:39out their morality in transmitting the events of July 29th and 30th.
00:01:47And it was broadcast live on TikTok.
00:01:50TikTok banned my account before yesterday because they said that I was broadcasting
00:01:55a scene, a violent scene, through which media they broadcast the violence.
00:02:03It was not through TikTok, it was live.
00:02:05I took my phone and I went into my account, TikTok account, where all the other accounts,
00:02:12you know, when they send their messages, out of 10 accounts, eight were live and direct.
00:02:18And I was looking at it, I was telling, look, you have to go to the street number, street,
00:02:24you know, they're trying to burn down that, please go there, alert the popular powers,
00:02:30the police should go there.
00:02:32TikTok was broadcasting live, all the evidence, all the evidence that we have were provided
00:02:39by TikTok, the criminals, because they were trained, they were told to transmit, to broadcast
00:02:45all the violence actions live and direct, so to generate terror in the country.
00:02:51The people inhibited themselves and to go out to defend theirs.
00:02:57And we stay in Venezuela as the first vice president of the PSUV, Diosdado Cabello, denounced
00:03:03the far-right plans made with foreign organizations that attempt against the lives of sympathizers
00:03:09of chavism.
00:03:13Today I received some information, I am sure that those who are here will understand it,
00:03:17it has to do with Petare, but I received the information that there are people coming from
00:03:21outside who are being paid off, notice that one of the letters says it clearly, that they
00:03:26have contact with people from outside, it talks about Uribe, groups of hitmen, so, see
00:03:32what they are preparing, this information, see what they are preparing.
00:03:37And I denounce it because, ladies and gentlemen, we told you before the elections, take care
00:03:43of your children, do not allow them to be manipulated.
00:03:46They have prepared the murder of young people for Saturday, therefore, they are looking
00:03:51for people to generate violence and kill other people of their own.
00:03:55Furthermore, Diosdado Cabello also recalled that the far-right fugitive from Justice Julio
00:04:02Borges requested further U.S. and EU sanctions against the country in the year 2019, and
00:04:09that he is repeating the formula again this year.
00:04:15Borges calls for skyrocketing international pressure on Maduro's regime in 2019, and in
00:04:19August 2024, Julio Borges stated that the international community needs to further press
00:04:24Maduro to achieve a political transition in Venezuela.
00:04:27Borges stressed the need that the U.S. and Europe put more pressure and forcefulness
00:04:30on Venezuela, so that Latin American countries could force a political transition in Venezuela.
00:04:35Is there a difference?
00:04:36No, it's the same strategy.
00:04:39And we go now to Uruguay, where students and social organizations march through the streets
00:04:44in commemoration of the Day of the Student Martyrs.
00:04:48As every 14th of August, the Union marched through the streets of Montevideo in memory
00:04:53of those who were victims of the police repression in 1968, and also of the students who were
00:05:00disappeared by the last military-civil dictatorship.
00:05:06In the activity, there were also demands for a bigger budget at all levels of education.
00:05:11The day commemorates the assassination of Liver Arce, a student of the Faculty of Dentistry,
00:05:18who was shot by the police during a student demonstration in the year 1968, in a protest
00:05:24for the student's bus ticket.
00:05:31Ideally, what we have been asking for for many years, at least since 2018, is 6% for
00:05:40Today, there is a huge budget for the military, but education is only going down.
00:05:47Scholarships are needed.
00:05:48The University of the Republic needs to continue to develop in the interior.
00:05:52The econ-editions need to be maintained and improved.
00:05:55The hours and salaries of teachers and civil servants need to be increased.
00:05:59And for all of this, we need a budget.
00:06:01Now let's take a short break, but remember you can join us on TikTok at TELUS or English
00:06:05where you will find news in different formats, news updates, and much more.
00:06:11We'll be right back, stay with us.
00:06:22Welcome back to From the South.
00:06:35In Argentina, the National Institute of Statistics, the INDEC, found that inflation in July stood
00:06:41at 4%.
00:06:42Through a press release, the INDEC pointed out that the items with the highest increases
00:06:47were restaurants and hotels with 6.5%, together with alcoholic beverages and tobacco with
00:06:536.1%, caused by the increase in cigarettes.
00:06:57The statistical agency also stated that housing, water, electricity, and fuels registered an
00:07:02increase of 6% as a result of increases in housing, rent, and related expenses.
00:07:13We stay in Argentina as social movements are participating in another rally while
00:07:18banging pots and pans against the food crisis and the serious situation of the most vulnerable
00:07:25Protesters are gathering in front of the Human Capital Ministry to condemn the government's
00:07:29cuts and denial of handing over food to soup kitchens.
00:07:34The Somos Barrios de Pie social movement noted that since Millet took office, 7 out of 10
00:07:39families left a meal out daily.
00:07:43In addition, UNICEF warned that a million of Argentinian children go to bed without
00:07:47having dinner every day.
00:07:49In all, studies revealed that 54.9% of the population is poor and that the homeless rate
00:07:56amounts to 20.3%.
00:08:04Also in Argentina, the Public Prosecutor's Office announced that former President Alberto
00:08:08Fernández has been charged with double aggravated serious injury and coercive threats against
00:08:14his ex-partner Fabiola Yáñez.
00:08:17During a press release, Federal Prosecutor Ramiro González also requested evidence to
00:08:21corroborate the materiality of the facts reported and to attribute to the accused the crimes
00:08:28of physical aggression, threats, and abuse of power.
00:08:32In this sense, the prosecutor assured that Yáñez suffered a relationship marked by harassment,
00:08:38psychological and physical aggressions in a context of gender and domestic violence.
00:08:43González also added that this harassment took place in the context of an asymmetrical
00:08:48and unequal power relationship that was exponentially increased by the election of Fernández as
00:08:55the President of Argentina.
00:09:02We go now to Chile, where the workers at the world's largest open-pit copper mine have
00:09:07been on strike since Tuesday.
00:09:09Through an official statement, the number one union of Minera Escondida, that is hidden
00:09:15mining in English, owned by the multinational BHP Biliton, declared that the demands made
00:09:22by the workers were not accepted by the company.
00:09:25Due to the failure of both parties to reach a mutually beneficial agreement, the strike
00:09:29was voted by 99.8% of the 2,379 union members.
00:09:37The mobilized workers charged that the offer presented by the multinational was based on
00:09:43extension of workers' loss of basic benefits, such as food on site, and increased operational
00:09:49demands, among other points.
00:09:55We continue in Chile, where Hector Yatul, Mapucho leader of the Coordinadora Arauco
00:09:59Mayeco, is in critical condition after 70 days of continuous hunger strike in the Concepcion
00:10:07The information was made public by his son Ernesto, who emphasized that his father had
00:10:12previously participated in several strikes that progressively deteriorated his state
00:10:18of health.
00:10:19On May 7th, Yatul was sentenced to 23 years in prison, 15 years for incitement, 5 years
00:10:27for theft of wood, and 3 years for attacking the authorities.
00:10:32The 56-year-old leader went on strike on June 3rd, demanding the annulment of the trial
00:10:37against him, the release of Mapucho prisoners, and dignified prison conditions for members
00:10:44of the indigenous communities.
00:10:49The representatives of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization affirm
00:10:54that Brazil is close to leaving the hunger map.
00:10:57The results are due to social programs and public policies during Lula da Silva's administration.
00:11:03With more details, our correspondent Ignacio Lemus.
00:11:10Around 733 million people in the world are food insecure and extreme poverty is on the
00:11:16But Brazil, Indiana 2023, was the country with the best result on the planet, and is
00:11:22at the exit door to the unhunger map.
00:11:25Lula da Silva's campaign promise for his third term in office is about to be fulfilled.
00:11:34Brazil, in the period from 2021 to 2023, presents a value of 3.9%, the average for those three
00:11:46We work with a three-year index, so we are very close to 2.5%, which is the value to
00:11:53get out of the hunger map.
00:11:56In 2014, during Dilma Rousseff's administration, Brazil had left the hunger map.
00:12:02However, austerity policies, post-parliamentary coup and Bolsonaro's administration, aggravated
00:12:08by the COVID-19 pandemic, caused the country to return to that category.
00:12:14At the time, more than half of the Brazilian population was food insecure.
00:12:22We have an 85% reduction in severe food insecurity, which threatens life as it was in the case
00:12:30of the Yanomami natives.
00:12:34We also had 17.4 million people living moderate and severe food insecurity.
00:12:41This data showed that Brazil has all the conditions, even during this term of office of President
00:12:48Lula, to leave the map of hunger behind.
00:12:52Currently, the production of commodities for export by agribusiness receives far more government
00:12:58resources than the budget for small farmers, despite the fact that the latter is responsible
00:13:05for most of the food produced in Brazil.
00:13:08In a context of climate crisis and global food price inflation, government procurement
00:13:14of family farming products could be the solution that feeds back into agrarian economies.
00:13:20Today we market 70 tons per month in our cooperative, a little for local business and some for institutional
00:13:33projects, such as the food acquisition program.
00:13:39It is profitable for the producer, who has a small property, to produce vegetables.
00:13:47It is a good project that also allows us to produce food that we consume every day.
00:13:58At the same time, as pro-temporary president of the G20, Brazil is leading a task force
00:14:04to launch a global alliance against hunger and poverty that seeks to reduce inequalities
00:14:09between regions and countries.
00:14:11The articulation can count on the adhesion of countries outside the G20 group.
00:14:20In other news, in Bolivia, government and entrepreneurs held a national dialogue for
00:14:25the economy and production of food chain proposals for the state of the country.
00:14:30President Luis Arcel led the meeting that lasted more than three hours at the Casa Grande
00:14:35del Pueblo in the city of La Paz.
00:14:37The authorities gave a detailed explanation of the central problem of the shortage of
00:14:41foreign currency in the context of the external framework, as well as the national reality
00:14:47and the exchange rate issue.
00:14:50Meanwhile, the business sector made proposals for solutions that will be completed until Thursday.
00:14:58The parties agreed to meet again on Friday in order to continue with a detailed analysis
00:15:03of the initiatives.
00:15:09Also in Bolivia, the government approved a package of new productive and social measures
00:15:14in accordance with the commitment assumed under the National Emergency Economic Policy
00:15:18Measures Plan.
00:15:20During a press conference, the Bolivian government informed about the approval of a supreme decree
00:15:26for the import of equipment for the implementation of biodiesel plants with zero tariffs.
00:15:32In this sense, this new decree is intended to encourage biofuel production in the national
00:15:39In turn, this incentive aims to increase the production of new crops such as soybean, cusito
00:15:45tahí, among others, to be marketed exclusively to Bolivian fiscal oilfields for the production
00:15:51of biodiesel.
00:15:57We have a second short break coming up, but before we invite you to join our YouTube channel
00:16:03at Eleazar English.
00:16:05There you will be able to re-watch our interviews, top stories, special broadcastings and more.
00:16:10Hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell to stay up to date on the
00:16:15world's most recent events.
00:16:17Final short break, don't go away.
00:16:26We go live to Venezuela at this moment as the Attorney General Tarek William Saab is
00:16:46giving statements at the moment.
00:16:51So, the Prosecutor's Office has been developing some investigations after the July 28th election
00:17:03that according to all official reports claimed, well said, that President Nicolás Maduro
00:17:17is the official president.
00:17:20And as we have been telling during this whole year and also in 2023, particularly from what
00:17:34we have known about the fraudulent primaries, they were saying that there was coming a kind
00:17:45of some violent actions planned by the far-right wing.
00:17:57We at the Council of State and the Council of Defense on Monday, presided by President
00:18:09Nicolás Maduro, we could, well it's good to remember that description we made related
00:18:16to a long briefing, a long 40-page briefing which revealed how in time and place after
00:18:29the report of the National Electoral Council, the only power based on constitutional law
00:18:38which is required to issue the results, the electoral results between 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.
00:18:51on July 29th and also during the July 30th, there was unleashed a wave of violence sponsored
00:19:06and what I am going to recall today is extremely important, it has to do with what we said
00:19:13on Monday before the Council of State and the Council of Defense of the nation that
00:19:23unleashed a violent wave which was applied by the so-called comanditos who were made
00:19:36up by criminals, drug addicts who were used to burn down educated centers, health centers,
00:19:51comprehensive test centers, headquarters of the National Electoral Council of Mayors office
00:20:00and our investigations points out that such criminals wanted to make a bloodbath in the country
00:20:11and to brought about a civil war and they couldn't do it thanks to the police corps
00:20:21to the prosecutor's office, we could dismantle this action and we could dismantle and stop those actions
00:20:30in less than 48 hours but I have to recall that all the 25 deaths are in charge of these comanditos
00:20:42and there is no single allegation past three weeks have passed by from these regrettable actions
00:20:54and so any single claim from a victim, all victims have regrettably murdered by this far-right factor
00:21:16and even among the 25 people who were killed they murdered two officials of the Bolivarian National Guard
00:21:28I want to highlight that everything that I am telling now is grounded on 31 expertise audits
00:21:41including the technical examination of several technical aspects of right as biological tech expertise
00:21:58so up to see protocols among others and these all determined the legitimate use of criminal factors
00:22:15attached to plans and criminals who didn't care as we could see on the video
00:22:25and in all we possessed 170 videos and 150 photos of all these perpetrators that incriminated
00:22:41that evidenced the actions by the far-right factor
00:22:48and I want that it is regrettable that media outlets, international media outlets said that these 25 deaths
00:23:01were from peaceful protests and they weren't peaceful protests but they were violent acts
00:23:10and these comanditos killed innocent people and they wanted to bring about, to burst out a civil war
00:23:20as they want to take over the country whatever it takes
00:23:28and I said that the education system was really affected, 34 colleges were destroyed
00:23:39headquarters of the National Electoral Council, headquarters of several political institutions
00:23:4838 substations were burned down, 12 patrol cars were destroyed, 15 motorbikes, police motorbikes
00:24:00and 192 people were injured and 97 people injured belong to the security corps
00:24:1132 to the National Guard, so tell me how can we describe these acts as peaceful protests
00:24:26and these are criminal and terrorist acts led by criminal groups attached to these neo-Nazi far-right wing
00:24:39as the Train del Llano gang among others
00:24:43and the important thing is that the prosecutor's office has been detained
00:24:50a lot of criminals convicted and confessed
00:24:55and so we are charging these criminals with terrorism crimes
00:25:04and this preamble was necessary because the disguises must be taken off
00:25:14and there must not be lies about these criminal actions that our homeland has been suffering
00:25:26byproducts of the insanity of the neo-Nazi far-right daughter of the neo-Nazis
00:25:41and so they wanted to install all this hate
00:25:46and they already said before elections that elections weren't important but these violent actions were the target
00:25:56and so let's see the actors who were just disgusting the actions that these people have committed crimes
00:26:12and so the prosecutor's office have determined that subjects attached to criminal gangs
00:26:23in which we presented some evidence, some videos of the Train del Llano gang
00:26:32they were involved to, we are going to show three confessions of three
00:26:45three subjects were processed for crimes
00:26:55and they have been processed for murder, kidnapping, rapes
00:27:02and what do you think would be the link?
00:27:07well it was a murderer and right hand of Leopoldo Lopez
00:27:17known as alias Gilbert Caro
00:27:23because that name seems like an alias too
00:27:28they were linked to the subject these gangsters to commit some crimes after July 28th elections
00:27:46and we are going to talk about the detention of another subject
00:27:53whose weapons were seized
00:28:00and these weapons were about to be used on Saturday's plan
00:28:11and so first, the first one has to do with Martinez
00:28:24and this subject is detained, charged with kidnapping and murder
00:28:32and he confessed how he talked with murderer Gilbert Caro
00:28:38and we have some conversations, telephone conversations
00:28:44in which they mentioned how they planned to commit some crimes
00:28:53let's see it
00:28:55my name is Luis Alberto Llanos Martinez
00:28:59my ID 13 million
00:29:03and I am detained in Rodeo prison for kidnapping and rape
00:29:12I am at prison since 2017
00:29:23and in this call he told me
00:29:27well I talked to Leopoldo Lopez
00:29:32and I recognized him as a leader
00:29:39and in those days we faced a hunger strike
00:29:49and we asked him to tell us some words
00:29:55and Leopoldo said that he supported us
00:30:04and he told me that everything I need he will provide it for me
00:30:14and he said that that money was sent by Leopoldo
00:30:19and the other criminals were with us
00:30:24and 15 days after the strike
00:30:30his phone was seized
00:30:36and after that time in 2019
00:30:40when he was released
00:30:43I contacted him by Instagram
00:30:49and we were talking
00:30:52and Gilbert Caro told me about political stuff
00:30:58and the everyday of what was happening before elections
00:31:03and just two days earlier elections
00:31:05he told me that everything is fine
00:31:08and that when he was the first minister of justice he would help me
00:31:17after elections on July 31st
00:31:22he told me that I had a mission
00:31:26that he needed people, youngsters
00:31:31to go to Alpon
00:31:35at the headquarters of the National Electoral Council
00:31:39to burn that down
00:31:42and that I have to order those people to burn down this venue
00:31:52and so he wanted to collect people from prisons
00:31:59to go on strike
00:32:04and not to recognize the results of the National Electoral Council on elections
00:32:11and so he wanted to collect people
00:32:17to go to the streets with weapons
00:32:22with everything to confront the National Guard
00:32:29and all were financed by them
00:32:32with Leopoldo at the top
00:32:36and that I have to get people from whatever place
00:32:53and so I told him that they are paying us off for getting people
00:33:02for getting to riots
00:33:05and in the penitentiary I just said I was looking for people there
00:33:13and on behalf of Gilbert, well count on that
00:33:21I will go on that mission
00:33:24and I just got contact with Petare's people
00:33:34and just I received money from November up to today
00:33:43I just got around $20,000
00:33:55and Raton and other people got money too
00:34:02so all of this was managed by Leopoldo Lopez
00:34:16and I received $5,000 by Gilbert for doing all these crimes
00:34:28for committing all these crimes
00:34:33it is really disgusting all this
00:34:35a gift that he received
00:34:38thousands of dollars he received
00:34:43and nothing more surprised us
00:34:47because he just tell us exactly what happened
00:34:53so let's do the math that this far-right political group
00:35:01that stemming from a gang
00:35:08and I have told that in several press briefings
00:35:15so from which comes the 20 Venezuela
00:35:21from an evil movement
00:35:26who were the intellectual authors of the media entrepreneur coup
00:35:34against commander and president Hugo Chavez
00:35:40they read the communique earlier Carmona
00:35:44on April 10 went to life by the media
00:35:52when Jorge with alongside Capriles and Leopoldo Lopez
00:36:01launched that proclamation earlier the Carmona
00:36:09and so all that people were training
00:36:13because the imperialism didn't feel comfortable
00:36:21with other criminals
00:36:24and so they trained all those babies
00:36:29sons of Pinochet and Mussolini
00:36:33who feel a lot of hate for popular masses
00:36:42and so let's recall those Guarimbas of 2003
00:36:51of what we could see in 2013
00:36:58when they didn't want to recognize the victory of president Nicolás Maduro
00:37:03and those Guarimbas of 2017
00:37:06all those people came from that
00:37:09and their terrible evil way of seeing the Venezuelan people
00:37:19who is the main counselor of this neo-Nazi group
00:37:26for this escalation
00:37:28he is a murderer as a Gilbert
00:37:31he is a crime chain
00:37:33he even was posted as a parliamentarian
00:37:38he was really involved in all the violent actions of 2017
00:37:45and if this prosecutor's office wasn't here
00:37:51if we came back to that corrupted prosecutor's office of the past
00:38:05the Guarimbas would have occurred again
00:38:15and so the murders from these comanditos would reach a huge figure
00:38:26and it is there the confession of these monsters known as Alias Valles
00:38:35who is in prison for kidnapping, rape
00:38:40and he has been prosecuted by multiple crimes
00:38:46as extortion, forgery
00:38:55and so these are the political operators of this criminal phase
00:38:59which unfortunately we have defeated
00:39:03and he mentioned another subject
00:39:07known as Rolando Fernando Mendoza Castillo
00:39:11he is Alias Santa Rosa
00:39:16he was also invited to participate in violent and terrorist actions
00:39:23and he reviewed that he was contacted and linked by this Alias Valles
00:39:31by direct instructions of G. Belcar
00:39:35and I want to recall that this subject you are about to see
00:39:41Alias Santa Rosa was prosecuted in 2016
00:39:48charged with murder
00:39:52all these are murders
00:39:56and let's see the video now
00:39:58let's see the confession of Alias Santa Rosa
00:40:02My name is Ronald Mendoza
00:40:06and I am Alias Santa Rosa
00:40:10I am recruited in the Penitentiary Center in Martinez
00:40:15on July 31st
00:40:18after elections we were in the house
00:40:22and me and some partners were hanging out
00:40:27they offered me to help them
00:40:32to go to the streets to commit some vandalism
00:40:40and to this regard the National Electoral Council resolved
00:40:45to help him collect people
00:40:49and so they were giving me money
00:40:54again it appears the name of this criminal G. Belcaro
00:41:01and so we have opened a new file to him
00:41:07because of all these elements
00:41:10and so we are doing justice
00:41:15an immediate justice in real time
00:41:18and they mentioned another subject Alias Raton
00:41:23this criminal was contacted by the gangster Valles
00:41:31by the instructions of G. Belcaro
00:41:36and this Alias Raton
00:41:39has a creepy record
00:41:46in 2016 he was detained for drug trafficking
00:41:54for voluntary manslaughter
00:42:03and this Alias Raton known as the Uribana
00:42:12known by the Uribana gangster
00:42:17so let's see the confession of Alias Raton
00:42:24and he was linked by G. Belcaro
00:42:30my name is Nelson Alejandro Barreto Reyes
00:42:33my ID 2720
00:42:37I am Alias Raton
00:42:40I am at the Penitentiary Center
00:42:45and I knew him at the Carabobo prison
00:42:55on July 31st
00:42:58which Yanis called me and told me
00:43:01that he needed me to get people
00:43:04to cause some disturbances in the streets
00:43:08and he offered me some money
00:43:12so it is very clear the names
00:43:17that appeared constantly
00:43:21and who were the masterminds
00:43:26and they told that they were going to the end
00:43:30and there it is the names
00:43:33we have the names
00:43:36people attached to criminals, terrorists, delinquents
00:43:42so no one must be surprised
00:43:45that because Gonzales Urrutia
00:43:48is attached alongside Leopoldo Castillo
00:43:53when they were both diplomats in El Salvador
00:43:56they were involved with the deaths
00:43:59of seven religious people
00:44:03and it is publicly said
00:44:07no one must be surprised
00:44:10so this subject Alias Raton
00:44:13named Nelson Barreto
00:44:18and they were talking with Gilbert Caro
00:44:23for you to have an idea
00:44:26we have recorded telephone conversations
00:44:36and we are going to show a video call
00:44:41by Gilbert Caro and Nelson
00:44:44in which they talked about the meeting
00:44:47with Maria Machado
00:44:50and this team was involved
00:44:58in the actions, in the crimes
00:45:01in the acts of July 31st
00:45:04and so they asked for support
00:45:09for Gilbert Caro
00:45:13to provide them some logistics
00:45:18and to Alias Valle
00:45:21he is on a WhatsApp group
00:45:24to support the presidential candidate
00:45:29of neo-Nazi Mundo Gonzales
00:45:33and Maria Corina team
00:45:36we will about to see this
00:45:39telephone conversations
00:45:42let's go, let's see
00:45:48there you can see
00:45:51the chats, the conversations
00:45:54between Gilbert Caro
00:45:57and the gangster Alias Valle
00:46:00in which they are
00:46:03chatting broadly
00:46:06about how the actions
00:46:09were on July 31st
00:46:14they were estimated on
00:46:17July 30th
00:46:20a bloodbath in the country
00:46:23and fortunately they were stopped
00:46:26on real time, the plan was dismantled
00:46:29and we can see the second screenshot
00:46:33in which
00:46:36as I said
00:46:39these criminals talked about
00:46:42catching, about getting
00:46:45some people to
00:46:48for committing criminal acts
00:46:51and as we can see here
00:46:54the WhatsApp group that they created
00:46:57for this
00:47:01Luis Umberto Yanez
00:47:04Alias Valle
00:47:07linked with
00:47:10the whole mob
00:47:13to support the candidacy
00:47:16with criminal records
00:47:19violating human rights
00:47:22and Mundo Gonzales
00:47:25so I think it is crystal clear
00:47:28with the due audits
00:47:33technical examinations
00:47:36and telephone calls
00:47:39besides the confessions
00:47:42of these criminals who have been detained
00:47:45and they continue talking
00:47:48and confessing of what was about to happen
00:47:51but it is not enough
00:47:54of what I mentioned
00:47:57that Gilbert Caro
00:48:00he highlighted
00:48:03he was an outstanding terrorist
00:48:06first he was detained in 2017
00:48:09for bearing weapons on his car
00:48:12in 2019 he participated
00:48:15in vandalizing actions
00:48:18to alter the public order
00:48:21in 2021 he was involved
00:48:24in criminal actions in Caracas
00:48:27and he fulfilled
00:48:30he was sentenced for
00:48:33murdering an innocent person
00:48:36so let's see
00:48:39his political leaders
00:48:42his political heads
00:48:45it is unbelievable
00:48:48how someone could
00:48:51go side by side
00:48:54to a murderer
00:48:57and introduce him
00:49:00as almost a prophet
00:49:03because he said that
00:49:06he was introduced
00:49:09as a successor of all saints
00:49:12imagine how much
00:49:15insanity is that
00:49:18the case of Katagon
00:49:24attached to all this
00:49:27I have mentioned
00:49:30it is something despicable right now
00:49:33the president of the republic
00:49:36Nicolás Maduro and other justice organs
00:49:39have disseminated
00:49:42the distribution of Katagon
00:49:45to make mad
00:49:51you have seen the videos
00:49:54we have disseminated
00:49:57lots of videos
00:50:00they just broadcast
00:50:06how they murdered
00:50:09and burned down buildings
00:50:12murdered people
00:50:15but the president of the republic
00:50:18the day of the council of state
00:50:21on Monday
00:50:24when we were transmitting
00:50:27on social media
00:50:30the video that the prosecutor's office
00:50:36we were censured
00:50:39we were banned from tiktok
00:50:42it is something disgusting
00:50:45but these people, these criminals
00:50:48when they video recorded
00:50:51how they burned
00:50:54and how they launched hate speeches
00:50:57and urging for killing
00:51:00and murdering people
00:51:03the owners of these platforms
00:51:06what are we talking about?
00:51:09what community regulations are we talking about?
00:51:12if these terrible things
00:51:15are happening
00:51:18if these criminals
00:51:21are talking about exterminating and killing
00:51:24and they are not banned
00:51:27and they are against the honor of the Venezuelan family
00:51:30I want to highlight what Katagon
00:51:36damages to the body
00:51:39the drug is
00:51:42alongside methamphetamine
00:51:45and they really stimulate
00:51:48the nervous system
00:51:51it increases
00:51:54and prolongs
00:51:57the alert capacity
00:52:00it suppresses hunger
00:52:03among others
00:52:06so on the Petares Parish
00:52:09Jose Luis Miranda Consuera
00:52:12was arrested
00:52:15and he was a Colombian citizen
00:52:18and he had
00:52:2140,000 units
00:52:24of Katagon drug
00:52:27and that person was
00:52:30presented before the court
00:52:33and the prosecutor's office
00:52:36charged him with
00:52:39drug trafficking
00:52:42so let's see him
00:52:45on the photo
00:52:48to see who is the subject
00:52:51and he is known as
00:52:54Jose Luis Miranda Consuera
00:52:57there you see him
00:53:00he is a Colombian citizen
00:53:03he was arrested in Petares
00:53:06with 4,000 units of Katagon
00:53:12I have to mention that
00:53:15this subject according to
00:53:18ongoing investigations
00:53:21he belonged to
00:53:24the Chido and they intended
00:53:27to use this drug
00:53:30to perpetrate terrorist acts
00:53:33in an opposition action
00:53:36on Saturday
00:53:39August 17
00:53:42he doesn't care about
00:53:45drugging some people
00:53:48and then blamed
00:53:51the Venezuelan state for it
00:53:54and so this subject was arrested
00:53:57this subject as the three
00:54:00gangsters before
00:54:03they were detained
00:54:06and again they were processed
00:54:09for the crimes that I have mentioned
00:54:12and we are continuing
00:54:15the photo of the seized drug
00:54:18the 4,000 units
00:54:21there you can see the drug
00:54:24it is unbelievable
00:54:27these people don't mind
00:54:33everything with the purpose
00:54:36of damaging the Venezuelan people
00:54:39I want to highlight that the
00:54:42police has this subject
00:54:45as you can see he is detained
00:54:48there you can see him
00:54:51the drug
00:54:54has been seized
00:54:57in a
00:55:03everything that I am showing you
00:55:06doesn't end here
00:55:09everything I am showing
00:55:12is part of an ongoing investigation
00:55:15which in the upcoming days
00:55:18we are going to reveal the advances
00:55:21these are the two cases that I wanted to show you
00:55:24with the important preamble
00:55:27decisive preamble
00:55:30of the actions of these terrorist groups
00:55:33I reiterated here
00:55:36that the 25 murders
00:55:42the responsibility of these so called
00:55:48attached to the far right sector
00:55:51who didn't care
00:55:54killing these 25 innocents
00:55:57and there is a question
00:56:00good afternoon
00:56:03my name is Guillermo Garcia
00:56:06from TELESUR
00:56:09thank you very much
00:56:12I am Venezuelan but I represent
00:56:15an international channel TELESUR
00:56:18I appreciate
00:56:21well there are about
00:56:24three questions I want to ask
00:56:27because I have been chatting with
00:56:30a lot of people
00:56:33and I have been collecting
00:56:36some questions from people
00:56:39and there are three fundamental questions
00:56:42on the media
00:56:45you presented recently
00:56:48a thorough report
00:56:51before the council of state
00:56:54and the council of defense
00:56:57what reactions
00:57:00do state authorities
00:57:03have regarding this
00:57:06and do you plan
00:57:09to present
00:57:12this report
00:57:15to the United Nations
00:57:18concerning the cases that you have mentioned
00:57:21of the 25 deaths
00:57:24and an important figure of injured
00:57:27and the majority
00:57:30are victims
00:57:33officials or militants
00:57:36of the Bolivarian process
00:57:39and none of these victims
00:57:42belong to the far right opposition
00:57:45so this calls the attention
00:57:48so who are behind all these crimes
00:57:51I have mentioned some
00:57:54but it seems like
00:57:57a mixed action
00:58:00and so in that sense
00:58:03are the material
00:58:06and intellectual authors
00:58:09be sentenced
00:58:12and so it would be very useful
00:58:15if these fatal crimes
00:58:18are not responsible
00:58:21of the cyber attack
00:58:24and I don't know
00:58:27if the prosecutor's office
00:58:30has been victim of the attack
00:58:33well thank you very much
00:58:36for all your questions
00:58:39for your questionnaire
00:58:42that collects the
00:58:45data alongside the
00:58:48proof forces
00:58:51this briefing
00:58:54and we are documenting
00:58:57and updating
00:59:00the prosecutor's office
00:59:03is updating this data
00:59:06and we added the text
00:59:09and the annexes that have to do
00:59:12with each of the incidents
00:59:15and the photos
00:59:18and the third file of photos
00:59:21obviously to the international
00:59:27we are going to present
00:59:30and I confirm you
00:59:33that we are going to present
00:59:36a summary of all this
00:59:39including these incidents
00:59:42with all evidence that we have
00:59:45I could mention the United Nations
00:59:48the penal
00:59:51court of the Hague
00:59:54with all the evidence
00:59:57that we have
01:00:00and we are going to do it
01:00:03because as I said
01:00:06the expertise
01:00:09of this are
01:00:12just irreversible
01:00:15regarding the report
01:00:18presented this Monday
01:00:21before the council of state
01:00:24of the nation
01:00:27obviously has to do with the second question
01:00:30you were pointing out about the responsible
01:00:33of course they are attached to political
01:00:36actors of the right wing
01:00:39they were the authors
01:00:42who sponsored
01:00:45before July 28
01:00:48I would say that
01:00:51since October 2023
01:00:54when they committed the fraudulent
01:01:00and I had evidence
01:01:03that they placed
01:01:09a fake figure of attendees
01:01:15and after the July 28
01:01:18they bought a website
01:01:21they purchased a website on internet
01:01:24in which they posted fake
01:01:27in which dead people
01:01:33and they thought they could repeat that
01:01:36criminal actions
01:01:39of last year
01:01:42and obviously
01:01:45all these crimes were uncovered
01:01:48and today the electoral chamber
01:01:51and the prosecutor's office
01:01:54and the attorney
01:01:57we are just all doing
01:02:00the due
01:02:06and to validate
01:02:09all those investigations
01:02:12that validate the victory
01:02:15of president Nicolas Maduro
01:02:18and all these criminal actions
01:02:21are related to these
01:02:24far right actors
01:02:27and the names are
01:02:30and we have evidence
01:02:33and I communicate that
01:02:36we have more evidence about the linking
01:02:39between Victoria Lopez
01:02:42and Gilbert Carlos
01:02:45and they were searching to
01:02:48put into practice
01:02:51more criminal actions
01:03:03the majority of the opposition
01:03:06sector who participated
01:03:09on elections
01:03:12who weren't relating to violent actions
01:03:15are completely disappointed
01:03:18about each
01:03:21of these actions
01:03:24they have to be psychopaths
01:03:27to continue with this
01:03:30and I would conclude that we
01:03:33opened the due files
01:03:36and we have
01:03:39elements that prove the time and place
01:03:42in which it occurred
01:03:45after I just
01:03:48I just
01:03:51gave a press conference
01:03:54detailing everything
01:03:57and they placed
01:04:00their plan to attack
01:04:03to attack this
01:04:06well fortunately we have been resilient
01:04:09previously there were cyber attacks
01:04:12against the prosecutor's office
01:04:15and we have been recovering
01:04:18numerous accounts
01:04:21and the country is completely in calm
01:04:24everything is going normal
01:04:27and it is a big point
01:04:30in favor of our guard
01:04:33and in favor of our Venezuelan state
01:04:36regarding defending the human rights
01:04:39thank you very much
01:04:42we were listening to the general attorney of Venezuela
01:04:45who gave an update
01:04:48on the investigations regarding the violent events
01:04:51that took place after the elections of July 28th
01:04:54in this context SAB discussed the evidence
01:04:57against the so called comanditos and their participation
01:05:00in a series of criminal acts including first hand testimonies
01:05:03he highlighted that according to the prosecutor's office
01:05:06these actions were organized
01:05:09by the extreme far right groups
01:05:12that sought to destabilize the nation
01:05:15and like this we have come to the end of this news brief
01:05:18you can find this and many other stories on our website
01:05:21and also join us on social media
01:05:24we are on Facebook, Instagram, Telegram and also on Tik Tok
01:05:27this was English, my name is Belen De Los Santos
01:05:30thank you for watching
