A Flower on the Neverland Ep 9 English Sub

  • last month
00:45Should show you
00:49Sure, yeah, you may, sir
00:51What no, you're so sure those
00:53You so they want to shoot a number so he's not trying to kind of neat on the truth. I'll just enjoy don't move
00:58You put your dog so I think it's a she-tong-tong that's a boy. I don't know
01:09Don't play a lot of gents time to get rid of you you take it with your show me
01:16River nigga y'all shot us a whole way
01:18You're jumping me
01:20Boy, you should be young boy. We'll go go just like you say I'm a sir. You put home. You can't really be sad
01:28We have a number so how about
01:30You it was a show you do it. She's a dog. It's highly high
01:34Take a drama. Oh
01:37She'll go down she'll eat John. She'll bump on him. How are you? That's all gonna go by
01:43Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
01:46Come on
01:47Hey, Jenny, she's gonna tell you John
01:51You tell me if I was in bed. So it's my book. Yeah, don't say you should
01:56Couldn't turn leave you cool
02:01And you don't show me you have done with you so hot
02:04Come here. The show's out. Why?
02:08You're not gonna do it. We'll go down there. We'll go. You're too high. So sure. What's the dog? What's your dog?
02:17He says
02:22Hey, what's all your father? It's a movie that
02:27Cheng Tianyu by Nanjiang
02:31Um, what do the Zodiac which one fan what you don't it's not a
02:36You know, it's not a fun one
02:48You know, it's not a fun one. It's not a fun one. It's not a fun one
02:55What are you doing? You need you and I'll talk to her. Yeah, but what you know, what you know, what you know
03:02And that's what I'm sure
03:06Come on, sir
03:09Because we should
03:11Don't have a photo. I'll see you. I'll hold him. She'll see you
03:15See how she would eat the waffle
03:17And I'll shut up
03:19What's wrong? What's happening?
03:21See you there. Don't you see some of the stuff but I think you're
03:24Cheney just
03:27Just you don't see children. Can you watch it? It's just about a shot
03:31She bought me
03:33No, I'm sure
03:34She bought me
03:36But he's still in the new year. I'll go catch up to you. She
03:40Thought it's the home. Yeah, go make it. I'll tell them
03:44So you're going for you. No, you didn't you just have fun
03:50When he's
03:52Yeah, we'll go back I said
03:54Yeah, I'm going to kill
03:56the city
03:59You're awesome. Yeah
04:01She tell me what I'm going to move all juice
04:04No, I see you. I'm sure
04:07That's tough. See you see you
04:13Hey, baby, I'm tired. Why don't you have a boy? I'll tell that
04:30Who will y'all don't say how to go down? Why don't you know? She'll go down. How's our boss in action?
04:37I don't know
04:39Tell me who you are
04:41You're beating you to the wall
04:43Come to town
04:45Who are you?
04:47You're my son
04:49You're my son
04:51You're my son
04:53You're my son
04:55You're my son
04:57You're my son
04:59You're my son
05:01You're my son
05:03You're my son
05:05Hey you
05:33吃饱了? Are you full?
05:45萧萱,你送我的簪子挺贵的吧? Xiao Xuan, the hairpin you gave me is quite expensive, isn't it?
05:50嗯,无价之宝。 Yes, it's priceless.
05:54我没花钱买,所以无价。 I didn't pay for it, so it's priceless.
05:57这是从前父皇考究王子们学问的时候我得了头名。 This is the title I got when my father studied the princes.
06:01那是母妃高兴赏赐我的。你比我更合适。放到你手里,不知报无蒙尘。 My mother was happy to give it to me. It's more suitable for you than I am. I'll put it in your hand, and you won't know until you see it.
06:08你就不担心我弄坏了? You're not worried that I'll break it?
06:11你答应我会好好珍藏,我相信你。 You promised me you'd treasure it. I trust you.
06:15那是,说到做到。 Of course.
06:19贵妃亲赐,她来盐谷做质子都随身带着,可见很在乎这簪子。 The Noble Consort gave it to me. She even brought it with her when she came to Yan State as a hostage. It shows that she cares a lot about this hairpin.
06:26我去哪儿找一颗红零食? Where can I find a red snack?
06:33又去哪儿? Where are you going?
06:35找吃的。 To find something to eat.
06:36你不是刚吃过吗? Didn't you just eat?
06:38又饿了。 I'm hungry again.
06:44肯定有在搞怪,真不让人省心。 She must be up to something. She's so annoying.
06:55回家何必瞒着我? Why didn't you tell me you were going home?
07:18昨天蒙着眼都没看清楚,原来长这样啊。 I didn't see it clearly last night. I didn't know it looked like this.
07:23他让我抬脚来着,那他应该是把我从那边带过来,顺着这暗道出去,也许就能知道他的去向。 He told me to lift my feet, then he must have brought me from that way. If I follow this dark path, maybe I can know where he is going.
07:35你找我,别动过来。 You're looking for me? Don't move.
07:38不用吧,都这么熟了。 No need, we're so close.
07:41大侠,不,大哥,兄弟今天来呢,首先是要感谢昨日大哥不杀之恩。 Hero, no, brother, I came here today to thank you for not killing me yesterday.
07:48其次? Second?
07:49其次,是给大哥送钱。我十八年宰的莲花都在这儿。 Second, it's to give you money. The 18-year-old lotus flowers are all here.
07:57我不要你的钱。 I don't want your money.
08:00我就知道,大哥是侠盗,不能白拿我的。 So I know, you're a thief, you can't take my money for free.
08:04所以呢,想要这些,请大哥帮我去宁国王宫偷颗红灵石。 So, if you want these, please help me to go to the Ningguo Palace and steal a red spirit stone.
08:10你让我去宁国王宫偷东西? You want me to go to the Ningguo Palace and steal things?
08:13大哥义高人胆大,区区宁国王宫不在话下。 Brother, you're a man of great courage, the Ningguo Palace is nothing to you.
08:18怕倒是不怕,不过你要这红灵石干什么? You're not afraid, but what do you want this red spirit stone for?
08:23想补这个。 I want to make up for this.
08:27大哥答应了? Brother, you agreed?
08:29钱你拿回去。 Take the money back.
08:30大哥! Brother!
08:31你我一见如故,这招买卖我免费。红灵石包在我身上。 You and I are like old friends, I'll give you this deal for free. The red spirit stone is on me.
08:36一见如故这么值钱,多谢大哥。你什么时候去?我有点急。 It's so valuable, thank you. When are you going? I'm in a hurry.
08:43不用去,身上正好有一个。 No need to go, I happen to have one.
08:48不过你要回答我一个问题。 But you have to answer me a question.
08:50你问。 You ask.
08:52送你簪子的这个人,你喜欢他吗? The man who gave you the hairpin, do you like him?
08:56你怎么知道这簪子是别人送我的? How do you know this hairpin was given to me by someone else?
08:59是你回答我还是我回答你?不回答算了。 Is it you who answer me or I answer you? If you don't answer, then forget it.
09:03喜欢。 I like him.
09:05真的? Really?
09:07真的。别人送你这么贵重的簪子,你能不喜欢? Really. How can you not like someone who gives you such a valuable hairpin?
09:13如果他不送你东西呢? What if he doesn't give you anything?
09:16那也喜欢。 I still like him.
09:18真的? Really?
09:20当然。我花西域可不是那种看礼物交朋友的人。 Of course. I'm not the kind of person who makes friends by looking at gifts.
09:24只要是我的兄弟,哪怕送我一颗石头,那我就喜欢。 As long as it's my brother, even if he gives me a stone, I'll like it.
09:29所以你对他的喜欢是对兄弟的那种喜欢? So you like him because you like your brother?
09:34也不全是。有时候又像...又像姐妹,特别亲切。 Not all of us. Sometimes we're like...we're like...we're like sisters. We're very close.
09:42大哥心情不好。 My brother is in a bad mood.
09:46大哥,你我都一见如故,这么值钱的交情。大哥,你我都一见如故,这么值钱的交情。 Brother, you and I have such a valuable friendship.
09:51有句话我还是得直说。有句话我还是得直说。 There's something I still have to say.
09:54你功夫好,干啥都行,何必做贼,不如改行。 You're good at martial arts, you can do anything. Why do you have to be a thief? Why don't you change your career?
09:58是啊,自从遇到你,做贼都不好做。 Yeah, since I met you, it's hard to be a thief.
10:04大哥弃暗投明,可喜可贺。必须做件事情纪念一下。 Brother, you're so wise. I have to do something to commemorate it.
10:10大哥,带我走。 Brother, take me away.
10:14抬脚。 Lift your feet.
10:23抬脚。 Lift your feet.
10:27我打听过了。那晚二叔就清空了丁香园,还派了很多人把守。 I asked around. That night, Uncle was clear of Dingxiang Garden and sent a lot of people to guard it.
10:33他一定把宝库里的东西都临时挪到这里头。 He must have moved all the things in the treasure trove here.
10:38所谓的做好事,就是帮你来偷传家宝。 The so-called good deed is to help you steal the family treasure.
10:43我自幼丧父,我听说见血山壶如见父亲。 I lost my father when I was a child. I heard that meeting a blood mountain fox is like meeting my father.
10:48你帮我偷出来,我就可以天天见着父亲,是行善积德。 If you help me steal it, I can see my father every day. It's a good deed.
10:53是谁劝我不要做贼的? Who told you not to be a thief?
10:55金盆洗手,也得洗最后一次不是吗?来吧。 It's the last time to wash your hands. Come on.
11:01先不能摘。 Don't pick it up yet.
11:03大哥,我看不见,怎么跟你配合? Brother, I can't see it. How can I cooperate with you?
11:07你看不见不也把我领过来了。 You can't see it, but you brought me here.
11:09这是我家,我从小在这儿种泥草,可是偷东西…… This is my home. I grew up here, but stealing...
11:12偷东西有我,走。 Stealing is me, go.
11:37只偷东西,别伤人啊。 Only stealing, don't hurt anyone.
11:39放心吧,不用迷恋。 Don't worry, I won't get lost.
11:41嗯。 Yes.
11:52走。 Let's go.
11:55小心脚下,慢点。 Be careful of your feet, slow down.
12:00你怀里的红灵石能祛百毒,还怕迷恋。 You can get rid of a hundred poisons with the Red Spirit Stone in your arms, but you're afraid of getting lost.
12:04是哦。 Yes.
12:06不过话说回来,大哥,你为什么随身带那么多红灵石啊? But then again, brother, why did you bring so many Red Spirit Stones with you?
12:09反正家里多。 Anyway, I have a lot of them at home.
12:10多?多什么? How many?
12:12多贼。 A lot of thieves.
12:14我家习惯把偷来的贵重物品随身携带,随时变本。 My family is used to carrying and changing the valuables we steal.
12:18哦,原来是家学渊源。 Oh, so it's a family tradition.
12:22大哥,我们可说好了,这,这里面其他的东西你随便挑,但是血珊瑚得归我。 Brother, can we make a deal? You can pick whatever you want from here, but I'll take the blood coral.
12:30放心吧。 Don't worry.
12:40啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊。 Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah.
12:43啊啊啊啊啊啊啊。 Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah.
13:09你真的要血珊瑚? You really want the blood coral?
13:11对啊,咱们说好的你帮我偷。大哥,你可不能反悔啊。 Yeah, we said you'd steal it for me. Brother, you can't go back on your word.
13:16偷到了,你可自己搬啊。 You can steal it yourself.
13:19嗯。 Yeah.
13:25大哥,你放心,我不会看你的。 Brother, don't worry, I won't look at you.
13:40啊啊啊啊啊啊啊。 Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah.
13:49这么大? So big?
13:51你是花家人,连你都没见过。 You're a member of the Hua family, but you've never seen it.
13:53我没见过啊。只有家主才有资格看血珊瑚,好像多看两眼就会坏掉一样。 I've never seen it. Only the master has the right to look at the blood coral. It seems that the more you look at it, the worse it gets.
14:00这么大,我肯定搬不走。 It's so big, I can't move it.
14:11你找什么呢? What are you looking for?
14:13我在找... I'm looking for...
14:17不说也无妨。 It doesn't matter if you don't say it.
14:20我出去帮你放风。 I'll go out and let you go.
14:22大哥,大哥,我错了。 Brother, brother, I was wrong.
14:25我保证以后守规矩,再也不偷看你了。 I promise to follow the rules and never peek at you again.
14:28其实我也不知道我要找什么。 Actually, I don't know what I'm looking for either.
14:31我只知道这血珊瑚藏着一个秘密。 I just know that there's a secret in this blood coral.
14:34秘密? Secret?
14:36什么秘密? What's the secret?
14:37这血珊瑚藏着一个秘密。 There's a secret in this blood coral.
14:39秘密? Secret?
14:41如果没有你,我也找不到这血珊瑚。 If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have found this blood coral.
14:44索性都跟你说了吧,我爹临死之前说的最后三个字,就是血珊瑚。 I've told you everything. The last thing my father said before he died was the blood coral.
14:51我娘觉得这跟我爹被杀有关,所以我一定要找到这个秘密。 My mother thought it was related to my father's death, so I had to find this secret.
14:57这,没有机关,没有暗格,也没藏任何东西。 This, there's no mechanism, there's no dark room, and there's nothing hidden.
15:10秘密呢?秘密呢? Where's the secret? Where's the secret?
15:13西域,这不过就是一株货真价实的血珊瑚,只是因为颜色艳丽,尺寸罕见而被珍藏。 Xiyu, this is just a valuable blood coral. It's only rare because of its bright color.
15:21不,爹死前那么辛苦也要说出来,他一定藏着秘密。 No, my father worked so hard to say it, he must have hidden a secret.
15:26爹为什么被杀,一定跟他有关系。 Why did my father get killed? It must have something to do with him.
15:33你受伤了? Are you hurt?
15:35没有。 No.
15:39你放心,我遵守诺言,没睁开眼睛,没偷看你。 Don't worry, I kept my promise, I didn't open my eyes, and I didn't peep at you.
15:44你要真想看,就看吧。 If you really want to see it, then see it.
15:47我,我还不想死。 I, I don't want to die yet.
15:50怎么都躺在这儿了?人烟,有谁? Why is everyone lying here? Smoke? Who's there?
15:53快走! Let's go!
15:54别上人,锁窗户。 Don't hurt people, lock the window.
16:24你的温柔语言,只要有你就无悔,爱恨皆甜,红尘笑意与你的笑颜。 Your gentle words, as long as I have you, there is no regret, love and hate are sweet, the red dust smiles and your smile.
16:43风舞纷飞的世界,繁华灿烂,既然你的情深刻残忍,岁月轮转纵盛开这如影相伴,化作我的爱如星璀璨。 The world that has never been scattered, is brilliant and brilliant, since your love is deep and bright.
16:58岁月轮转纵盛开这如影相伴,化作我的爱如星璀璨。化作我的爱如星璀璨。 The world that has never been scattered, is brilliant and brilliant, since your love is deep and bright.
17:28Translated by Hua Chenyu English Subs
