• 2 months ago
Emmerdale 14th August 2024


00:30Oh, how are you getting on with him?
00:32I'm not sure.
00:34I think he used to be in the army,
00:35down the box with a dog tag.
00:39Why did he leave?
00:40Don't know.
00:41And when I mentioned it, he climbed up.
00:44Hey, like father, like son, eh?
00:48You, uh, working for Myra.
00:51That's running the blood.
00:53I should get back.
00:54Oh, well, that's a shame.
00:56I'm putting some flowers on Dad's grave
00:57if you want to join me.
01:01Victoria mentioned that you were in the military.
01:04That's not something I talk about.
01:07I was in myself.
01:08Back in the day, engineers.
01:11Took me a while to adjust to civilian life.
01:15Put my roots down.
01:17But a bit of perseverance.
01:20I really do need to get off.
01:27I see what you mean.
01:38Not the easiest person to get to know.
01:40I've tried to encourage him to stay,
01:42but he's clearly decided he's not sticking around.
01:49Fancy a fry-up?
01:50Not in a million years.
01:53Whiskey was a total mistake.
01:55Well, perhaps if you and Marlon hadn't
01:56downed the old bottle.
01:58You disappeared off to bed early.
02:00I weren't exactly in a partying mood.
02:02Why not?
02:03Good morning.
02:07Future husband of mine.
02:08Not so loud.
02:09Oh, coffee, yes, please.
02:12Help yourself, why don't you?
02:14I will.
02:16Take it you had a good night, then.
02:18Well, me and Marlon did.
02:21How was your hen day?
02:22I got absolutely bladdered.
02:24I beat our charity and our child's arm wrestle,
02:26and then I out-karaoked Kerry.
02:29Champion, eh?
02:30Wish I could hold my drink like you.
02:32Listen, I'd best get off.
02:33I've got a well-busy day.
02:35I just wanted to make sure everything's sorted you're in.
02:37Yeah, absolutely.
02:38I've got my suit pressed, my speech is finished,
02:41and I've shined my shoes.
02:43I've just got to get my dad to help work out
02:45where I've left the rings.
02:46You've lost him?
02:47He's joking.
02:51You've done your checklist?
02:53Just one tiny little task that needs my attention.
02:56What task?
02:57Oh, I'm not at liberty to say, you know,
02:59but prepare to be amazed by something completely amazing
03:02that will amaze you like you've never been amazed before.
03:05I'm intrigued.
03:06Only the best for my Prince Charming.
03:08Do you want to make tea?
03:09Paddy, come on.
03:11You know I'm a traditionalist.
03:12Next time you see me, I'm going to be walking up the aisle.
03:16You'll have to be out of freedom.
03:20She's full of herself today.
03:22She's married a prince, isn't she?
03:24I wonder what the big surprise is.
03:26So do I.
03:27Well, she's big on surprises, isn't she?
03:29That's why I love her.
03:31In my book, I think they're overrated.
03:34I think it's best to tread carefully.
03:40Are you sure this is what you want?
03:42What are you saying that for?
03:43Well, you know, due diligence as father of the groom.
03:49Life hasn't been an easy ride since Chas,
03:52and I don't want you to relapse.
03:55No, I won't.
03:57Me and Mandy are a match made in heaven.
04:02Remarrying Mandy, it's like going back to where I belong.
04:08Well, in that case, I'm very happy for you.
04:1550 pounds?
04:16Don't insult my intelligence.
04:18I want 100 quid in my bank account by lunchtime,
04:21you snivelling little creep.
04:22No ifs, no buts.
04:25So, Trace, how are you?
04:27I thought I'd lock the door.
04:28Excuse the mess.
04:32Well, it's a good job it was me who walked in
04:34and not Brenda or Claudette.
04:37I can't believe he's still doing this.
04:39Trace, I'm a natural, that's it.
04:42I mean, who knew there were that many rich men out there
04:44eager for a verbal spanking?
04:46And gradually now, yeah, I'm clearing off all my debts.
04:50Well, that's impressive.
04:52Yeah, and with these last few clients,
04:54I can pay for that tree for Paddy.
04:56Dinner in a five-star restaurant.
04:58That won't be cheap.
05:00Well, it's worth it.
05:02Okay, fine, but you need to be more careful
05:04with locking that door.
05:05Last thing you want is Bear or Paddy waltzing in.
05:08No, you're right.
05:09Honestly, Trace, that has been a lifesaver.
05:13Here's to gullible men, eh?
05:20Well, Dad, you're a dark horse, aren't you?
05:23I've lived...
05:25Oh, sorry.
05:29Valerie always gets a bit gobby when I tidy her up.
05:32I'm amazed that thing still works.
05:35I change the batteries every now and then.
05:38Do you really think Dad didn't know about John?
05:41Who knows?
05:43He and Barbara were only together for a short while
05:46until she realised that farming life was not for her
05:49and went back to her ex.
05:52Well, John reckons his mum sent Dad a letter.
05:55Well, if she did, I doubt that he got it.
05:59Yeah, me too.
06:01Either way, it doesn't matter,
06:02since John obviously wants nothing to do with it.
06:06He's still around?
06:09Only because Mac wrecked his van.
06:12And he could get work wherever,
06:14Hotton, Leeds even, until the van was repaired.
06:19But he decided to stay and graft for Moira's,
06:21doesn't that tell you something?
06:23You've seen what he's like.
06:25I mean nothing to him.
06:27Maybe he's struggling with his feelings.
06:30I don't know.
06:32Maybe he's struggling with his feelings.
06:35Maybe he needs a gentle nudge.
06:38Don't give up on him yet.
06:52Still no word from the unit.
06:54We'll call them.
06:56I've tried. They said they'd phone back later.
06:58Well, there you go. It's not even lunchtime yet.
07:00We need answers. This could hold up Angel's release.
07:03You don't know that for sure.
07:04Well, that's the point. We don't know anything.
07:06It was bound to happen sooner or later.
07:08You can't lock up a little girl like our Angel
07:11and not expect her to be attacked.
07:13Was that what they said?
07:14Why else would she get involved in a fight?
07:16She could be seriously injured.
07:18They would have told us if she was.
07:19So we just sit here twiddling our thumbs
07:21until they decide to tell us what happened?
07:23What else can we do?
07:25We can go down there and we can demand some answers.
07:28Good idea.
07:30I mean, Bristol's a long way away.
07:32I don't care. She's our daughter.
07:34They can't stop us seeing her.
07:35So going in all guns blazing?
07:37Is that really going to help Angelica?
07:38We need to do something.
07:40I can go.
07:42Without me?
07:43Well, I mean, he is less likely to kick off.
07:46I can be calm and rational.
07:48Not when you're in tiger mum mode.
07:50He's got a point.
07:52I can just ask them kindly and politely what's been going on.
07:57OK, but don't come back without answers.
07:59I won't.
08:03I'm sure it'll be fine.
08:05Just try not to worry about it, yeah?
08:07How can I not?
08:18Okey-dokey, Musker.
08:25We're closed!
08:27I'm not here for an haircut.
08:32Ah, there!
08:34A lovely surprise.
08:38I want to know what you're up to.
08:40How do you mean?
08:41You told Paddy that you were rushed off your feet.
08:46I don't see any customers.
08:48I'm in between appointments.
08:51Not that that's any of your business.
08:53Well, you're marrying my boy tomorrow,
08:55so it very much is my business.
08:57He's had his heart broken enough for one lifetime.
09:00I will never hurt my Paddy.
09:02Then why are you selling your services,
09:05Madame Diamante-Dales?
09:07Sorry, I haven't got a clue what you're on about.
09:10I heard you with my own ears yesterday.
09:13On this.
09:15Demanding money off some bloke.
09:17Oh, and I've seen your web page.
09:21Don't you dare try to deny it.
09:23Bear, honestly,
09:25he's completely innocent.
09:27Just please, will you let me explain?
09:30Go on, then.
09:38What happened to you?
09:39Stroppy cow.
09:42What did you just call me?
09:45You're just in time for lunch.
09:47We're having fish fingers.
09:50Obviously, I can do something more grown-up.
09:52It's a nice offer, but I'm only here for a change of clothes.
09:56Well, you're entitled to a lunch break,
09:58and it'll only be ten minutes.
10:00Go on, then.
10:02And in the meantime, Harry was wondering...
10:05Don't be shy, you can ask him.
10:08That he wants to play football, and I volunteered,
10:10but apparently I'm rubbish.
10:12Obviously, feel free to say no.
10:14Well, I suppose I've got time for a quick kickabout
10:17before I get changed.
10:19Who do you want to be, England or Brazil?
10:22League United.
10:23You'd better show me what you're made of, yeah?
10:27Oi! That's my best jumper!
10:30Thank you for this.
10:32It's no big deal.
10:35I've had a lot of overheads recently.
10:37Well, not so recent, you know.
10:39Business has been slow.
10:40I maxed out my credit cards.
10:42The tax office won my back.
10:43And now, now I've got this honeymoon to pay for
10:45that I've just been struggling to make ends meet.
10:48So you decided to sell yourself.
10:50No, it's not like that, I told you.
10:52My business is on its knees, Bear.
10:54I just want to clear my debt.
10:56And is that how Paddy's going to see it?
10:57He doesn't need to know.
10:58This is my problem, not his.
11:00You need to be honest with him.
11:01Oh, you don't get it.
11:03No, this is me wiping the slate clean
11:05before I make my pledge to Paddy.
11:07I want to be debt-free before I start my new life with him.
11:10Well, why haven't you told Paddy about your financial problems?
11:13Because dingle women don't go groveling to anybody.
11:16No, instead they cavort with strangers behind their back.
11:18What? It's not cavorting.
11:20Why are you listening to me?
11:22This is just a business arrangement.
11:24And you've seen my page, Bear.
11:26It's just a bit of light-hearted fun.
11:29Nothing more.
11:30If you think this isn't a sex thing, you're deluding yourself.
11:33Do you know nothing about men?
11:34It's not like I'm going to take it any further.
11:36It's morally wrong as far as I'm concerned.
11:38You've got to come clean to Paddy.
11:39But that won't achieve anything.
11:41You can't start your married life
11:42with a secret like this hanging over you.
11:44I'm doing this for Paddy.
11:46Me paying for this honeymoon,
11:48it's to show him how much I love him.
11:51If you won't own up, I'll have to do it for you.
12:10You can't tell Paddy, Rai.
12:12It's going to break his heart.
12:14Padri knows now than later.
12:16He can't handle another betrayal.
12:18These last few years have been a struggle for him.
12:21Chas's affair nearly led him into taking his own life,
12:24but you were supposed to be his beacon of light,
12:27the happy ever-after he so richly deserves.
12:29But I am.
12:30I love Paddy, always have, always will.
12:33Then prove it. Be honest with him.
12:35Tell him about the mess you've gotten yourself into
12:37and the so-called business arrangements you've set up
12:39to get yourself out of it.
12:40But what if he doesn't understand?
12:43All right, yes, yes, you're right.
12:45I should have been straight with him right from the start,
12:48but what if he's too late?
12:51It's the eve of our wedding.
12:53It might ruin our big days.
12:57Is that what you want?
12:59Don't you dare paint me as the villain.
13:01OK, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
13:02OK, what if I stop?
13:04I've nearly cleared off all my debts.
13:06I can close down the page, put all this behind me.
13:08Paddy doesn't need to know.
13:09Yeah, but I'll know.
13:10And how am I supposed to keep that to myself?
13:11Oh, come on, it was a mistake.
13:13I'm done with that now.
13:14How can I trust anything you say?
13:20Because Paddy's my everything.
13:22Bear, I've only found true love twice in my life.
13:26And both them times have been with your son.
13:30He's my world.
13:32I can't lose him.
13:35If you ever break his heart...
13:38That's the last thing I would do.
13:42I'll keep your sword a little secret.
13:46But I'm doing it for Paddy's sake, not for you.
13:49Close down that page, right now.
13:52Consider it done.
13:53And I'll be watching you.
13:55And if you go back on your word...
13:57I won't.
13:58I promise.
13:59And thank you.
14:11Best ever!
14:13He'd have fish fingers every day if I let him.
14:15So would I, if I'm honest.
14:25Well, you're Harry's new best friend.
14:27Only because I let him win.
14:29I'm more a rugby man, myself.
14:31My dad played rugby when he was younger.
14:35I don't think he was very good, though.
14:38Why, you don't have to do any of that.
14:40I don't mind pulling my weight.
14:49You burnt this.
14:50No, it's hot.
14:51Maura's expecting me back.
14:53Oh, well, tonight, then.
14:54Yeah, we could have a few drinks, watch a film,
14:56have some quality family time.
14:59But we're not family.
15:01Well, you're just kicking a ball around with Harry.
15:03What does that prove?
15:05Look me in the eye and tell me you didn't enjoy yourself.
15:08There you go again, acting like you know me.
15:10Stopping here was a mistake.
15:12I don't need this.
15:13I'm not Harry's uncle or your brother.
15:15I'm just someone who's passing through.
15:17Why aren't you getting that?
15:21Heard from Uncle Jimmy yet?
15:23No, and he's not answering my calls.
15:25Do you think that's a bad sign?
15:27Well, I mean, it's a long drive.
15:29I'm sure he'll call when he gets here.
15:31On a happier note, I finally heard from Belle.
15:33She's coming home tomorrow.
15:35Have you two settled your differences?
15:37I don't know, but we're talking again.
15:39Well, texting, so that's a good sign.
15:42Is it?
15:43Well, I can't get her back until she stops ignoring me.
15:46Yeah, but she's ignoring you for a reason, isn't she?
15:49OK, so I shouldn't have lost my temper.
15:51But I only did because she lied about the miscarriage.
15:53Maybe you and Jimmy could put in a good word for me.
15:56Yeah, you and Belle are way down our list of priorities.
15:59Of course.
16:00On the other hand, Angelica's going to be home soon
16:02and you're going to need her room.
16:04So if me and Belle can patch things up, we'll win.
16:11Why are you back so early?
16:13The unit phoned me when I was halfway to Bristol.
16:16And you didn't call me?
16:18I wanted to tell you in person.
16:20Tell me what?
16:22We're not allowed to visit Angel at the moment.
16:25That's not fair.
16:27She's been attacked by some bully.
16:29She hasn't, though.
16:31Well, how do you mean?
16:33Angel started the fight.
16:36She was the bully.
16:41So do you think Bear will keep his trap shut?
16:43Yeah, as long as I promise to stop it.
16:48And are you going to?
16:50As from tomorrow morning, page closed.
16:54Why not do it right now?
16:58I was just about to delete the page
17:01and then this bloke messaged me asking to book a session.
17:04And you said yes?
17:05Trace, he's offering me 300 quid for a 30-minute video call.
17:08Mandy, you're getting married tomorrow.
17:11Yeah, but this last client will pay for Paddy's treat.
17:14Mandy, honestly, you cannot take this risk now that Bear's found out.
17:18A five-star restaurant in Venice?
17:20It's not worth jeopardising your marriage for.
17:23Tonight should be about you and your mates
17:25necking some drinks
17:27and getting giddy about your wedding tomorrow.
17:29Yeah, you're right.
17:30Quit while I'm ahead.
17:32Great. Right.
17:34Now let's go crack open that Crosecca.
17:36The girls are bringing the nibs.
17:38Oh, great, listen, you carry on.
17:40I'm just going to finish up tidying here.
17:42All right.
17:49Maybe there's been some mistake.
17:52She admitted it to her supervisor.
17:54Apparently she wasn't even remorseful.
17:56Well, if there's anything I can do...
17:58Well, not right now. I'm on call, but in principle.
18:01No, you get off.
18:03Right. I'll keep you posted.
18:05About what?
18:06Oh, he reckons Imabel might be sorting things out.
18:09I'm not taking anything for granted.
18:18Have the boys got back from football camp?
18:20Not yet.
18:23I don't want them hearing that their sister's turned into a thug.
18:26Don't call her that.
18:27She beat somebody up.
18:29There has to be a good reason why she did it.
18:32Hitting people, that's not the angel we know and love.
18:35I feared this would happen.
18:37Being locked up, it hardens people.
18:40I'm sure she'll be OK once we get her home.
18:44Or maybe we've lost her for good.
18:48There you go, Padster.
18:50Get your laughing gear in, haven't I?
18:52What is it?
18:53That is a peanut-banana Cosmo explosion.
18:56But what's in it?
18:58What isn't?
18:59It's one of Gail's cocktail mash-ups.
19:01Dreamt it up at Mandy's hen party last night.
19:04Proper delish.
19:05Getting him bladdered again the night before his wedding, is that wise?
19:08No, it's purely medicinal. Hair of the dog.
19:10Put it like that.
19:12You all right, Dad?
19:14I'm fine.
19:17I just want what's best for my lad.
19:19Yeah, and so do I. And tomorrow I'm going to get it.
19:22Mandy Dingle's the love of my life.
19:25No offence.
19:26Don't take him. Everything turns out good in the end, doesn't it?
19:29Hopefully. Four divorces.
19:33Remarrying Mandy's like coming home.
19:35We just know each other inside out.
19:37I think I trust her with my life.
19:39Knowing someone and trusting them ain't always the same thing.
19:42You do realise this is supposed to be a joyous occasion?
19:45All right, I'm sorry.
19:47Maybe I'm being overprotective.
19:49You think?
19:52Hang on.
19:54Maybe I'm not.
19:55What do you mean?
19:58Not here.
20:03Hey, how did you get on?
20:06Great! I owe you a big time.
20:08No, no, no, no, no, no. Don't tell Belle.
20:11I want it to be a surprise.
20:14Yeah, OK.
20:26I can't...
20:28What are we supposed to be looking at?
20:30And what's the point? Why have you booked a session with some random woman?
20:33Are you turning into a pervert?
20:35She's not online.
20:37I made a mistake.
20:38You there?
20:41Turn your camera on, you idiot!
20:43Look, you are lucky I've even taken this session.
20:46I've got a million things I should be doing.
20:50You're going to have to pay me, whether you speak to me or not.
20:55Is she playing at?
20:57Charging men hundreds of pounds to be shouted at.
21:01When did you find out?
21:03Is that who you were talking about yesterday?
21:05And you didn't think to tell Paddy?
21:07Well, she promised me that she'd take the page down.
21:10Well, I could tell she were lying.
21:12I mean, there might be an innocent explanation.
21:14Well, apparently she's got debts.
21:16She never mentioned any debts.
21:18Yeah, there's clearly lots of stuff she didn't mention.
21:20I'm sorry, son, but you needed to know the full facts before you walked down the aisle.
21:28Say something, Pad.
21:34Why would she do that?
21:35On the eve of your wedding.
21:38If there still is a wedding.
21:42Is there?
21:45Don't know.
21:53Following the jockeys in line for a shot at jump racing glory
21:56in the world's most dramatic horse race, the Grand National.
21:59Champions' full gallop is new on Friday night at nine.
22:03Next on ITV1, it's Coronation Street.