• 2 months ago


00:25Very good. Well done.
00:27All right, Sarkey Pounce.
00:30Isn't this supposed to be the happiest day of your life?
00:32Yeah. Sorry, it's just wedding jitters.
00:36I thought you'd be used to that by now with Mandy.
00:38You know, second time around and all that.
00:40Yeah, I suppose.
00:41Oh, listen, you'll be fine.
00:43We've all been there.
00:44I'll catch you later, bridegroom.
00:50Should I be throwing confetti or firing tranquiliser darts?
00:54Won't the zoo realise you've escaped?
00:56Hey, be careful! Might eat you alive!
00:58Save that for Paddy tonight!
00:59Ha! You filthy animal!
01:01Sweetheart, speed up!
01:03We're on a timeline!
01:04Yes, Mother.
01:06Well, she's due back in about half an hour.
01:08It needs to be sorted before then, OK?
01:10Cos Belle deserves this.
01:12All right. Cheers.
01:19Not texting Belle, are you?
01:22Well, it's just Deb said you'd been texting her a lot
01:24while she'd been away.
01:27A few times, maybe.
01:29Well, listen, you don't want to come across as creepy, do you?
01:32So when Belle gets back, leave her be, yeah?
01:39How long's that been there?
01:42I don't know. Since the other day.
01:46So have you seen John, then?
01:49I thought he was with you.
01:50Well, I wouldn't be asking if he was.
01:53All right.
02:04Maybe he's dead.
02:07Do you have a key?
02:23Oh, wow.
02:24Good God, it smells like he did die in there.
02:27Don't be horrible.
02:29And also, if you see John, tell him that I'm looking for him.
02:32Yeah, if I must.
02:34Let that air.
02:37Might as well go and get changed.
02:40Has he come to a decision?
02:42No, not yet, but if it were me, it'd be a big fat I don't.
02:45Yes, yes, you've made your opinion very clear.
02:47How long's he been gone?
02:49Oh, about two hours.
02:51Two hours?!
02:52Two hours?!
02:53Should I go and look for him?
02:54Don't get your knickers in a twist.
02:56Give him another ten minutes.
02:57Well, here he is.
03:00Safe and sound.
03:02Where have you been?
03:06So, have you decided, or what?
03:10Eighteen, tomato sauce.
03:12I said eight!
03:13No, you said eighteen, and you're angry at Angel, not me.
03:16Yeah, I know, I'm sorry.
03:18Why did you have to start the fight, Nico?
03:20Well, if we knew that...
03:21She'll never get released at this rate.
03:23Let's wait and see what the solicitor says when she calls you.
03:29You serve, and I'll finish the stock take.
03:31Rona's six-fifty.
03:32Six-fifty, please, Rona.
03:35Tom didn't mention anything about coming in to work, did he?
03:37Only he's meant to be covering if Mandy and Paddy get married.
03:40If? What do you mean?
03:41Sorry, I meant to say when.
03:43Just a slip of the tongue.
03:45He said he was meeting Bill.
03:46Something about a surprise.
03:47OK, well, if he gets in touch,
03:48could you ask him to respond to his messages, please?
03:50Will do.
03:52What's the surprise Tom got for Bill?
03:54No idea.
03:55It'll be a bunch of flowers or something.
04:02I wasn't expecting a welcome home party.
04:04Yeah, well, it's a party of one.
04:06But, er, here you go.
04:08Fancy a spin?
04:09I'm not insured.
04:11Well, you are in your own car.
04:13Tom's bought it for you.
04:14I wish I had someone to welcome me home like this.
04:17Look, I accept it. It's too much.
04:19No, go on, you tell him. I've done my bit.
04:32You're definitely cancelling it.
04:34Have you properly thought this through with your whole brain?
04:36Of course he has.
04:37He's been awake all night, mulling it over.
04:39Shouldn't you talk to Mandy first?
04:41He doesn't want to talk to that bare-faced lad.
04:43You're making her sound a lot worse than she is.
04:45No, I'm not.
04:46She's been selling her dubious services to sad, lonely men
04:49to pay off her million-pound debts.
04:51She's lied so much that her bum is literally on fire.
04:55Wow, OK.
04:56One, her bum can't literally be on fire.
04:59Two, it's not a million pounds.
05:01And three, at least she's trying to do something to solve her problem.
05:04If he forgives her, he's going to get laughed at by everyone he knows.
05:07Not everyone will know.
05:08It's all over the world wide web.
05:10The clues in the name, the whole wide world will know.
05:13She wore a mask.
05:15I wore a mask for years in wrestling.
05:17And I got recognised in the street on a daily basis.
05:20Even in a full-face mask?
05:21Yes, it were very snug.
05:23But not so great in the sweat, though.
05:25Excuse me.
05:27I think we're getting off topic.
05:30Ah, that's true.
05:32But once more, just for his clarity, son,
05:36do you want to marry Mandy or not?
05:40Right, then.
05:41The decision has been made.
05:45I will sort things.
05:56You'll regret this.
05:59I already do.
06:01And also, where does he even go to the lavvy?
06:03Can we please talk about anything other than John and his flipping van?
06:06Tell him, Gran.
06:08Will you stop boring Sarah?
06:10Can you help me fix her?
06:12I'm not staying after work.
06:14Come on, I'll chuck you a 20.
06:15I don't need it.
06:16Just made 200 quid on a finder's fee.
06:18From what?
06:19Tom needed me to source a car for Belle.
06:22Right, so that's what you've been up to the last couple of days.
06:24Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
06:26Back right up.
06:28Sorry, Tom's bought Belle a car?
06:30You're saying that like it's a bad thing.
06:32Well, they're not exactly in the best place right now, are they?
06:36Yeah, but I mean, a car can fix anything.
06:39Babe, will you watch the bar for a bit?
06:41Charity, leave them to it.
06:43I just want to check that Belle's okay, that's all.
06:45Okay, we'll go round later then.
06:47Belle is a big girl, she'll be fine.
06:49What's the worst that Tom can do?
06:55She's late.
06:57Only a few minutes.
06:59Solicitors are very busy people.
07:01Aren't we all?
07:03Tom must have gone to work.
07:05Yeah, probably.
07:08What if it's not good news?
07:10We'll cope.
07:12So will Angel, we'll make sure of it.
07:22Hey, Pepper, I'm coming.
07:24You ready that hungry?
07:28Sorry, I knocked but there was no answer
07:30and the door was already open, so...
07:33Hey, sweetheart.
07:35You have a good time in Scotland?
07:39Did you?
07:41Yeah, it was good.
07:45I got you these to make you smile.
07:48And I also got you this.
07:51Nothing worse than coming home and not being able to brew up.
07:57did you...
07:59like the car?
08:01I can't accept it.
08:03I knew you were going to say that.
08:05But I can afford it.
08:07You don't have to worry about me.
08:09Oh, and did you get my text this morning?
08:13Oh, that's great.
08:15I thought you were going to tell me.
08:17I thought you were going to tell me.
08:19I thought you were going to tell me.
08:21I thought you were going to tell me.
08:24Huh. Right.
08:26Well, you didn't reply
08:28to a few of my messages, actually.
08:30But, anyway,
08:32I meant what I said.
08:34I couldn't wait to see you.
08:36Because I want to talk to you, too.
08:38About what?
08:40Well, I presume it's the same thing
08:42you wanted to see me for.
08:44To talk about us.
08:46Getting back together.
08:54I'm glad you liked the car.
08:56I didn't say I liked it.
08:58Yeah, but I know you do.
09:00You used to go on and on
09:02about that exact same one.
09:04When I say I can't accept it,
09:06it's because I want.
09:10Please, just...
09:12keep it.
09:14I put a lot of effort
09:16into finding it.
09:18It's not worth it.
09:20It's not worth it.
09:22I put a lot of effort into finding it.
09:24Piper! Come on, you've not finished your food.
09:31The reason I won't accept it
09:35is because I don't want to get back together.
09:37Is this what you wanted to talk about?
09:39I need space, Tom.
09:41I need you to stop contacting me.
09:51This is not how our story ends.
09:55don't do this to me.
10:05They're not happy tears.
10:09You know, Paddy's gonna get the best wife, Mum.
10:11And, well, I've got the best mum.
10:13You big softy.
10:17Have you, um...
10:20You know, Evan.
10:24Don't be sad for me.
10:26I'm Vera Lynch.
10:28She's a gold medal winner at Let Me Down.
10:31But if I expect nothing,
10:33I don't get peed off when I get down.
10:35And I've got everything I need.
10:40Don't worry, she had done a runner.
10:42I can see that.
10:44Uh, we need a quick word.
10:46Of course. Sweetheart, I've left my bouquet upstairs.
10:48Can you fetch it, please?
10:50Is everything okay between you?
10:52Yeah, he's just doing the scary father-in-law routine.
10:54Well, the lad can stay if he wants to.
10:57Now, did he do what I asked you to do yesterday?
11:02I promise.
11:04Promise what?
11:06And you swear on Vinnie's life.
11:08I don't need to do that to prove that I did it.
11:10Prove what?
11:12Well, at least you've got some decency left.
11:14Shame he couldn't do the same thing for Paddy.
11:16What's he talking about, Mum?
11:22Yeah, thanks again back to me, Charles.
11:24Yeah, now, I'm really very sorry,
11:27but I'm afraid the wedding's been cancelled.
11:31No, no, everything's fine.
11:33Look, Paddy's really very sorry for messing you about.
11:37Well, you've been very understanding.
11:43You said you wouldn't say anything!
11:46Bet I did what you said!
11:48You liar!
11:50Remember that punter yesterday?
11:52The one who couldn't turn his camera on?
11:55That was you.
11:57Aye, and Paddy saw it and all.
12:00I need to see him.
12:02Bet, please, please, I just need some time alone with him.
12:05Look, just give me this one thing.
12:08Whatever he's going to tell you, right?
12:11Please don't judge me.
12:13I'll explain later on.
12:15I'm sorry.
12:17I'm sorry.
12:22You still love her?
12:24Course I love her.
12:25All the flipping bones of her.
12:27Well, then!
12:28Well, then what?
12:30Because love...
12:37..love should conquer all.
12:39No, it shouldn't!
12:41Do I love her? Yes!
12:43Do I love what she's done? Absolutely not!
12:45And if anybody should understand that, you should!
12:47Considering what happened with you and Rona.
12:49Yes, I do, and you're right, we went to hell and back,
12:51but we're still together because we talked it through.
12:53Because talking is good.
12:55Talking solves things.
12:57I wish you'd stop talking.
12:59Well, tough, because I'm saying it like it is.
13:01And seeing as you're having doubts,
13:04stop faffing around and being all woe is me
13:06and give her a chance to explain.
13:08Otherwise you could be throwing away the most amazing,
13:10perfect, beautiful future, Paddy.
13:12You're being very blunt and I don't like it.
13:14Oh, it's only because I care.
13:18I know.
13:22Let's marry you.
13:24I'm rubbish in bed.
13:26That's not what Rodney said.
13:28He has just told me that you've cancelled the wedding.
13:32Please don't.
13:34Look, Bell, before you decide,
13:36can I please just explain?
13:40Bell, you know your brain can't cope with things like this.
13:44You overthink things, blow things out of proportion.
13:49I tell you what, I'll give you a week.
13:53No, if we're going to get through this,
13:56I need zero contact.
13:58I need you to not text me, not speak to me, nothing.
14:00Sarah, come on.
14:02Who's put all this in your head? Was it Debbie?
14:06Debbie knows we've split up, that's it.
14:08I have decided I need clear boundaries.
14:10Me, no-one else, OK?
14:12But I promise you, Tom, it's going to do you good too.
14:15So now you decide to care about me?
14:17Please, please, just go.
14:19You'd like that, wouldn't you?
14:21If I went away forever.
14:24Are you saying what I think you're saying?
14:30I miss you.
14:34I'm sad all the time.
14:36All the time, Bell, and you know what happens when I get sad?
14:41Life, it's just not worth living without you.
14:46I care about you, Tom.
14:48And obviously...
14:51..I don't want you to hurt yourself again.
14:55But I can't see you or speak to you.
14:58I have to put myself first.
15:08Is that your final decision?
15:27It's fine.
15:50You look...
15:56I mean, I should have worn a coat,
15:58as it's bad luck to see the dress before the wedding, but, erm...
16:01Hey, maybe it doesn't matter now.
16:05My dad told me about your debts.
16:07How much of a mess you're in.
16:09Nine grand's worth, but I have paid some of it off.
16:12Why don't you just come to me? I've got some money.
16:15Vinnie's got money.
16:16I don't want to come to my husband to be on my son to get me out of this mess.
16:20It's my problem. I fix it.
16:22By doing stuff on the internet?
16:24Yeah, but it's not that bad.
16:26I'm the one that's in control.
16:28It's not like I'm a prostitute.
16:30No, I didn't think you were.
16:33It's in what you do.
16:36I heard.
16:37Does, erm...
16:39Does anybody else know?
16:41No. Oh, yeah, Marlon and Chas.
16:43Chas Grey!
16:45Have you told anyone?
16:49She tried to talk me out of it, but...
16:51Oh, and, er, yeah, Vinnie knows now.
16:53Thanks to your dad.
16:55I mean...
16:59How did you get the idea?
17:06Is she one of them as well?
17:08Good God, no, no.
17:09She gave me the idea, I Googled it,
17:11and I just thought it was an easy way to make some fast cash.
17:14You didn't think of trying anything else?
17:17I thought about robbing a bank,
17:18but Vinnie didn't want to be the getaway driver.
17:20At least he had some sense.
17:23Do you have an issue
17:25with how I've been getting this money?
17:27Not with the actual thing, no.
17:29If people want to be forced to give you money for kicks,
17:31then good luck to them.
17:33You just have an issue with me doing it.
17:39You could be a lap dancer for all I care.
17:42As long as you were honest.
17:45It's the lies.
17:47I have an issue with you lying to me.
17:52Have a look at your shortbread. Enjoy.
17:58So, how's the new car?
18:01Sarah mentioned it.
18:03It's not my car.
18:05It's Tom's.
18:07He bought it to try and win me back,
18:09but I've told him we're doing zero contact.
18:12Was he OK about it?
18:14He was himself about it.
18:17What does that mean?
18:19No-one likes to be rejected, do they?
18:25They even planned to move away together with Eve.
18:28I had no idea. Not a clue.
18:30I know.
18:32I know you know.
18:34Because you understand how much lies can hurt.
18:36I'm no stranger to a lie pad.
18:38I mean, yeah, of course I get it,
18:40because, you know, I never cheated on you.
18:43Well, not this time.
18:45Did you tell the truth about kissing our chairs?
18:49I'm sorry.
18:53You just promised never to lie to me ever again.
18:59Because everyone lies, Brad.
19:01No, they don't.
19:04Last Tuesday.
19:05Do you like that beef stew I made?
19:08So why didn't you ask for seconds?
19:10Because I was full.
19:12Yeah, all right.
19:14Everyone lies, including me.
19:16It's just the stew tasted a bit like putty,
19:18which was a bit weird.
19:20I didn't want to hurt your feelings.
19:24Why did you lie?
19:27Cos I didn't want to hurt your feelings.
19:29And I didn't want you to see me as this, like...
19:32A what?
19:34A failure.
19:36Why would I think that?
19:37Cos you're really clever.
19:39You're successful, you're talented.
19:42Why would you want a wife like me?
19:44I mean, she's away from losing her business.
19:46I'm a liability. I'm a loser.
19:47Stop it!
19:48You're none of them things.
19:50I'm the only one thing that I've succeeded at.
19:52Oh, my...
19:55You've succeeded in being a generous,
19:57kind-hearted, independent woman.
20:00I wish you could see what I can see,
20:02what everyone can see.
20:03You're amazing!
20:05I don't deserve you.
20:10We deserve each other.
20:11We're a team, and your problems are our problems.
20:15Are we still a team?
20:21Nine grand.
20:23But I paid off nearly two grand,
20:25so it's like, what, £7,150?
20:28I'll give you the money.
20:31You'll lend me the money,
20:33and I'll pay you back every penny.
20:35Yeah, that's right, every penny.
20:37Not many money, you know.
20:38Oh, I could try a financial dominatrix.
20:47Fancy getting married?
20:51Only if you're 100% sure.
20:55Mandy Dingle.
20:57You're absolutely crackers.
21:00You make some insane decisions,
21:03but every day is so exciting.
21:09I'm 7,150% sure.
21:14I love you.
21:18My dad's cancelled everything.
21:22My dad's cancelled everything.
21:23We're gonna have to go...
21:24No, no, no.
21:25We're not beaten just yet.
21:41Right, OK.
21:42You, church.
21:44Me, house.
21:48Love you!
21:50Love you too!
22:00Get out of here!
22:08Where's the fire?
22:09Please, will you marry us?
22:10Look, you said it was cancelled.
22:12Oh, it wasn't.
22:13Well, it was, sort of.
22:16You've got till half two,
22:17then I've got another service to get done.
22:21Clean people!
22:22Shortbread's my new favourite.
22:24We can take them with you if you like.
22:28Greedy gods!
22:35Wedding's back on.
22:36Get yourselves down there now, in capitals.
22:38Better get going.
22:40Oh, baby, you're not coming?
22:41No, marriage isn't really my thing at the minute.
22:44And I'm really tired,
22:45so if I'm not asleep later,
22:46I'll come to the pub for one.
22:48All right, well, I'd better get down to the church,
22:49see what the hell's been going on.
22:51By the way,
22:52I'm really pleased you're feeling better about things.
22:54Me too.
22:55It's about time you started concentrating on yourself.
22:58Right, I'll see you later, babe.
22:59Yeah, throw some confetti for me.
23:01I will.
23:11We're not waiting for all the guests to turn up, are we?
23:13I guess folk will have gone back to work.
23:15Right, whoever gets here in time is in, yeah?
23:18Yeah, but we only need two people here, don't we?
23:20For the witnesses.
23:22But we can't do it without Vinnie.
23:23No, I gave him hell.
23:24When he got married, that mean old paddy,
23:25he would never forgive me.
23:26All right, I'll ask Chas to have a look in the salon.
23:28They might have missed the message.
23:29Sorry, I will have to start soon, though.
23:31I can't keep the bakers waiting.
23:33What, you're not desperate for a cream on?
23:37Archie Baker's passed away,
23:38and I'm conducting his funeral.
23:40Sorry, I didn't realise.
23:42Oh, we just got the message.
23:44Have I got time to get changed?
23:45No, no, pack your bums there, quick.
23:52Hey, have I got time to get changed?
23:55Did you see Vinnie and me dad on the way?
23:57No, sorry.
24:00He'll be here, he'll be here, he'll be here.
24:09Are you in there?
24:11Stay there, babe.
24:17No room at the inn.
24:19Yes, I'm a very busy bee, me.
24:21Making lots of honey and lots of money.
24:23Buzz buzz.
24:25Maybe you could do with a bit of help, then?
24:27I'm sorry, love, no, we're fully covered at the moment.
24:29I do know that Chas needs someone, though,
24:32now that Samson is, er, otherwise engaged.
24:35Hmm, I think I might have burnt me bridges there.
24:37I am pretty sure that Kerry Wyatt can rise from the ashes again.
24:44What are you looking for?
24:46I mean, if you see a dingle running down the street,
24:48I'm pretty sure there's going to be a police car following.
24:51See you later, Bob.
24:52See you, love.
24:59Any sign?
25:00Sorry, love, it was all locked up.
25:02Right, Eve, sweetheart, have this nana.
25:04Keep you going.
25:05Honestly, I'm starving, just about to have my lunch.
25:07Oh, no.
25:08Stuffed on shortbread.
25:09Belle's back.
25:10Oh, is she not coming?
25:12Well, she said she might see us at the pub later.
25:14Oh, is she all right?
25:15Yeah, she's good.
25:16Actually, she's really good.
25:18And when this is finished,
25:19you can spill the beans on these two, can't you?
25:22No idea.
25:23Oh, come on, yeah, you do.
25:27Do you know?
25:28Know what?
25:32Have I missed it?
25:33We've not started yet.
25:34We're going to have to leave now.
25:35Please, just let me try one more thing.
25:54You deafen me, why don't you?
25:55Where are you?
25:57I'm at the cafe, where are you?
26:00I'm at the church!
26:01I'm getting married!
26:05Er, what time is it?
26:0725 to 2.
26:08I was trying to point out you're late.
26:10Well, you need to work on your sarcasm.
26:12Have you done the vat?
26:14Oh, you said you were doing it.
26:15Did I?
26:17Well, I do everything else, I suppose.
26:23Right, now you.
26:24I, Amanda Rose Dingle,
26:25take you, Patrick Cedric Dingle,
26:26to be my husband.
26:27I, Amanda Rose Dingle,
26:28take you, Patrick Cedric Dingle,
26:29to be my husband.
26:30To heaven to hold from this day forward,
26:31for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer.
26:32Oh, good God, I can't remember all that.
26:34To heaven to hold from this day forward,
26:35for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer,
26:36in sickness and health,
26:37to love and to cherish,
26:38till death do us part,
26:39God is God's holy law,
26:40in the presence of God,
26:41I make this vow.
26:42God damn!
26:45Chop, chop.
26:46I'll do you both at the same time.
26:47Patrick and Amanda,
26:48repeat after me, quickly.
26:51I give you this ring.
26:52I give you this ring.
26:53I give you this ring.
26:54With my body,
26:55I own you,
26:56all that I am,
26:57I share with you,
26:58all that I have,
26:59I give to you.
27:00With my body,
27:01I own you,
27:02all that I have,
27:03I give to you,
27:04all that I have,
27:05I share with you.
27:07In the presence of God,
27:08and before the congregation,
27:09Patrick and Amanda have given their consent
27:10and made their marriage vows to each other.
27:12They have declared their marriage by joining their hands
27:13and giving and receiving the rings.
27:15I therefore proclaim
27:16you are husband and wife.
27:20Now you may kiss the bride.
27:31Right, right.
27:32Everyone out.
27:38Stupid, stupid thing.
27:42Do you want me to have a look?
27:44It's not going to beat me.
27:48Dame Julie Dent,
27:49she's covered in rose petals.
27:50Champagne is chilling.
27:52Have you done the towels?
27:56Look at those beauties.
27:58Oh, Paddy and Mandy
27:59will be so impressed.
28:00What do you do when I'm not here?
28:02Well, I try, yeah,
28:03but people think they're just sausages.
28:04You need to practise more, then.
28:05We can't let standards slip.
28:10what's wrong?
28:11I hate this calculator
28:12and I hate BAT.
28:15And I hate that my daughter
28:16has to stay locked up longer than I thought.
28:21Well, it's a big U-turn from this morning.
28:24Yeah, I know.
28:25But we've talked and
28:27we understand.
28:28Well, forget the fluff.
28:30I only need to ask you one thing, son.
28:32Have you made
28:33the right decision?
28:38And have you
28:39made the right decision?
28:42Properly this time.
28:43I promise.
28:44It's finito.
28:45Well, then.
28:46I'm very happy for you both.
28:50I knew you would tip, son.
28:52I needed summat
28:53to get me through today.
28:56Did they tell you anything?
28:58I've still got some questions.
28:59Well, I'll explain everything.
29:00I'll explain everything.
29:06Can I ask everyone to leave, please?
29:07I've got a funeral to sort.
29:09Come on, everybody.
29:10To the wall, eh?
29:11First round's on me.
29:13Have we missed it?
29:14Oh, sorry, guys.
29:16Oh, you fat egg.
29:17I told you we shouldn't have got changed.
29:25First round's free
29:26if you want to join us.
29:28I've actually got some work to do
29:29and I've just bought this.
29:31Oh, well,
29:32enjoy your evening with Laurel.
29:35She's actually taking the kids out,
29:36so I'm on my own.
29:39That wasn't
29:40an invite,
29:41just to be clear.
29:42I didn't think it was.
29:44OK, good.
29:46Right, I best
29:47go, yeah?
29:48Yeah, whatever.
30:00Yeah, you just sit and watch me, Lazy Bones.
30:13Do you vet not get sick
30:14of watching videos of cats on skateboards?
30:17Can't get enough of them.
30:18Do you vet not get sick
30:19of watching videos of cats on skateboards?
30:22Can't get enough of them.
30:49Do you think we should put some decks back up?
30:51Cos it's not looking very well in here.
30:52Just tell me.
30:55Did you hear what I just said?
30:57Don't care about the decorations.
30:58Tell me.
30:59I don't know what's gone on.
31:01Please, will you just tell me?
31:04Oi, lady.
31:05Put that down now.
31:07Medication and more than one glass of Prosecco.
31:08Do not mix.
31:12Oh, no bother.
31:13You know,
31:14the ladies needs a bog roll,
31:15so I'll just...
31:16You know,
31:17the ladies needs a bog roll,
31:18so you fetch it and I'll sort it.
31:21She's up to something.
31:23I'm so sorry he made us miss your wedding.
31:25Don't worry.
31:26We'll get to her next one.
31:28This is forever.
31:30Why did it get cancelled?
31:34just last minute nerves.
31:36Nothing unusual.
31:38Have your attention, please.
31:40How did he get drunk so quickly?
31:42I've got absolutely no idea.
31:45Distinguished friends
31:47and tolerated acquaintances.
31:50As father of the groom,
31:52I thought I should make a short speech
31:54to congratulate the newlyweds.
31:57My wonderful son
31:59and his second-hand bride, Mandy.
32:04I wouldn't hear the first time you were hitched,
32:06but soulmates are soulmates
32:09and soulmates should be
32:11and are destined to be
32:13and are destined to be together forever
32:15and ever.
32:20So there's not one single solitary person in this room
32:24who is surprised that you have reunited.
32:28Maybe Chaz is,
32:30but she can't complain
32:31because she screwed up her chance
32:32by being a mucky little mare with that scoundrel Al.
32:35Dad. Dad.
32:36And Mandy,
32:37you nearly messed up at all today, didn't you?
32:40Well, it's a good job you packed in all that...
32:42To Paddy and to Mum.
32:45Paddy and Mandy.
32:46I don't think he'd finish his speech.
32:48I think he has finished.
32:49It's my turn now anyway, so...
32:53You'll be pleased to know I'm going to keep this short
32:54so you can carry on getting hammered.
32:58Firstly, from me
33:00and my new wife,
33:01thank you for coming.
33:03We didn't.
33:05Well, yeah, it's been a mad old day,
33:06but we got there in the end.
33:09Today is the start
33:10of an amazing,
33:12perfect future
33:14with you.
33:16Thank you for being my wife,
33:18my soul mate
33:19and my Cinderella.
33:21No one should miss a second chance at happiness.
33:24So I'm grabbing mine with both hands
33:27and I'm never letting go.
33:38you want to talk about it?
33:39No, I don't want to upset you.
33:41I'm OK, honest.
33:43I'd like to help.
33:45You're too nice sometimes, Bob.
33:47It has been said.
33:53Angel was due to be released.
33:58Right, well, yeah.
33:59I mean, I've been expecting that, yeah.
34:01I was going to tell you once it was confirmed,
34:04well, it's...
34:06it's not even happening now.
34:10She was in a fight.
34:12Well, she heard.
34:13Not really.
34:15Well, I don't really understand why she can't be released
34:18if it wasn't her fault.
34:20Oh, all right, it was her fault.
34:24please don't be mad at her, Bob.
34:26Jimmy's angry enough for everyone.
34:30We don't know why she started it.
34:32She's been struggling.
34:34Not that that's an excuse.
34:38So she's going to do the whole eight months?
34:42I'm so desperate to have her back, Bob.
34:45At least you get your child back.
34:49I'm sorry, that was...
34:50that was uncalled for.
34:51No, no, it's OK.
34:57Do you remember when I was attacked?
35:01I hated those girls so much.
35:04What if my angel has become like one of them?
35:08You know, some violent, horrible little thug.
35:13And you say I'll get my child back, but what if I won't?
35:17What if she's changed?
35:20What if I don't even recognise her when she comes out?
35:26I'm sorry.
35:27It's all right, it's all right.
35:28I'm sorry.
35:29It's all right, it's all right.
35:33I'm not paying you for this, by the way.
35:35Well, this time's free.
35:37But next time...
35:38Oh, I knew it. I knew you were after something.
35:41It's your job, isn't it? You want it back.
35:43Yes, child, I do. I'm skinned.
35:45Right, well, you should have thought about that
35:47before you gave Charity an ultimatum.
35:49I was just trying to protect my family.
35:51You would have done the same.
35:52Yeah, you're right, I would have.
35:54But the problem is family loyalty don't pay the bills.
35:57I know.
35:58I was so stupid.
35:59I mean, this was literally the best job ever.
36:02You and Charity are the best bosses ever.
36:05Look, I'll take all the rubbish shifts,
36:08I will fish weird stuff out of the urinals and...
36:12And you won't touch a drop of alcohol behind this bar.
36:16And I won't touch a single drop of alcohol behind this bar.
36:21Go on, then, I'll talk to Charity.
36:23Oh, I love you, you're amazing.
36:24Don't listen to what the others say about you, they're wrong.
36:29Well, the party can't have finished yet.
36:32No chance. No, I am...
36:36I just wanted to say a big sorry.
36:38What for?
36:40Well, for backing off and pushing you away last time.
36:43I was a bit mean.
36:45Yeah, a bit.
36:47So what's brought this on?
36:49Just something Paddy said.
36:54I just thought you should know why I did what I did.
36:57And, you know, it was all me, you've done nothing wrong, I just...
37:00Well, I got the fear.
37:02Somebody mentioned Liv and then it freaked me out
37:04and then you came on a bit strong and then I panicked.
37:06OK, all right, just take a breath.
37:10You know, if Liv is still a thing for you, then that's fine,
37:13you should have just said.
37:15She's not. I mean, she'll always be there.
37:18I always want her to be there, but, you know, I've got to move on.
37:21I've got to move on. I have moved on.
37:23Sorry, I'm babbling again.
37:25It's OK, I get it.
37:29Look, I, erm...
37:31I lied about wanting to stay friends.
37:35Did you?
37:37I want more.
37:39So do I.
37:43So, erm...
37:45So what do we do now?
37:51I know you know how to kiss.
37:59That was nice.
38:02And if you can do that,
38:04then you'll be fine with all the other stuff, once you're ready.
38:09I am ready.
38:11As long as, you know, you are ready too.
38:15Yeah, I'm ready.
38:29I thought you'd be working non-stop on my van.
38:31I am.
38:33The longer you take, the longer I stick around.
38:35You do get that, don't you?
38:37I'm going to get right bag-headed tomorrow.
38:39So stop wearing your ugly little mug.
38:41Calm down, kids.
38:43We don't want a fight at a wedding.
38:45Even if it is a dingo wedding.
38:47Can you sort him out, please?
38:50Come on, just leave it. It's not worth it.
38:56I thought you'd gone forever.
38:58Yeah, well, you thought wrong.
39:00You said stopping here was a mistake.
39:02Yeah, in the house.
39:05What did you think?
39:07I thought you meant the village.
39:08And around me.
39:10Look, I'd tell you if I was leaving.
39:12I'm not that cruel.
39:14But I will be kipping in the van.
39:16Your place does my head in.
39:18It's just endless noise.
39:20Well, Kerry is just noise.
39:22I promise I'll stop forcing family time on you.
39:26I can kick a ball around with Harry
39:28for as long as it takes that idiot to fix my van.
39:30Oh, we would love that.
39:32And in the meantime, if you need to brush him up,
39:35you know where to come.
39:37Is that your way of saying I smell a bit damp?
39:43What do you want? I'll get him in.
39:48For letting me use your hot water.
39:50A white wine, please.
40:00So I heard it's going to take a few weeks to fix his van.
40:04Well, it would be done a lot quicker if he wasn't living in it.
40:07Oh, take as long as you want.
40:09The longer the better for me.
40:11Well, the shorter the better for me.
40:13What about you?
40:22I could introduce you to my family, if you like.
40:24No, thanks.
40:26I've met enough.
40:28And that includes me, yeah?
40:30Not you, no.
40:32But I might have gone a bit too far the other day, so...
40:38I'll accept that apology if you buy me a drink.
40:45You find out why the wedding was cancelled yet?
40:48Well, everyone's saying it's definite last-minute nerves.
40:51Oh, yeah. Believe that, you believe anything.
40:54Get back out there, find out from Mand.
40:56Oh, no. Well, I would,
40:58but she's had her tongue down Paddy's throat for the last hour,
41:03Well, it is their wedding day, I suppose.
41:07It won't last anyway, will it?
41:10We're going to be having hot sex long into our 90s.
41:13False teeth, hip replacement dependent, yeah?
41:16Oh, stop it, Charity. You'll get me going.
41:21Right, you coming back in? Yeah, I will.
41:23I just want to text Belle, see if she wants to come for this drink.
41:27Charity, leave the poor girl alone.
41:30You're like her stalker. She's fine.
41:34Besides, you said Tom had backed off.
41:36Yeah, I suppose.
41:39What do you make of Tom?
41:43He saves kittens, so I guess he's all right.
41:46That's what I thought.
41:48And the way he's cared for Belle and stuff, but...
41:51But what?
41:53I don't know.
41:55It's almost like he's too good to be true.
41:58Really? Mm.
42:00My spidey senses are tingling.
42:03I'm going to be keeping my beadlit eye on him.
42:09Love is lovelier
42:14The second time around
42:21Frank definitely knows what he's talking about.
42:25He does.
42:27You happy?
42:32Yeah. Very.
42:35No regrets?
42:43I can feel your heartbeat.
42:45Yeah, it's cos it's full of love.
42:47Ooh, you daft figure.
42:49Oh, love.
42:52But today...
42:55..it's been the best day ever.
42:59I'm absolutely knackered.
43:01I've got to get you on your toes, you know?
43:04And it was a little bit like last time.
43:08I wanted to run away from the police, you know?
43:12But it's like history repeating itself.
43:15No, it's not.
43:19Cos this time it's forever.