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#ceramah #dakwah #hijrah #islam #kajian #muslim #pemudahijrah #ustadzabdulsomad #adihidayat


00:00They used to not go to sleep at night, and they used to ask for forgiveness in the morning.
00:12What is the reality of happiness?
00:16There is a rich man, he has a lot of wealth.
00:20He rides a big car, magnificent and luxurious.
00:24On the way, he sees on the right, there is a green paddy field.
00:31Then he sees there are small children bringing food with their mother,
00:38towards the hill in the middle of the field.
00:41The husband is already waiting for the food to arrive.
00:44What does the rich man say in the car?
00:47Oh, the happiness of the farmer.
00:50In the middle of his hunger, his wife and children come.
00:54The food arrives on time.
00:56Drinking water can reduce the thirst.
00:59The hunger is gone, the longing is satisfied.
01:02Because the wife and children are around him.
01:06The happiness of being a farmer, says the rich man in the car.
01:11When the rich man thinks that he is not happy,
01:15the farmer with his children in the old hill,
01:19also looks at the rich man on the train.
01:22What does he say?
01:24How happy the rich man rides the train,
01:27while I only sit in the old hill.
01:31So in fact, both of these people are not happy.
01:36So where is the real happiness?
01:41There is a child who is studying in a university college.
01:45So he said,
01:47How happy would I be if I got a BA.
01:51After he got the BA license, he said,
01:54I am not happy.
01:56How beautiful would it be if I got a master's degree.
02:00While he got a master's degree, he said,
02:02Oh, how happy would I be if I got a PhD.
02:08After he got a PhD, he said,
02:10How difficult it is to get a PhD, I haven't even got a job yet.
02:14After he got a job, he said,
02:16How happy would I be if I got married.
02:19After he got married, he said,
02:21I am not happy, because people always ask,
02:24Do you have a child yet?
02:26After he had a child,
02:28he thought about getting married again.
02:32So in fact, who has the happiness?
02:36Therefore, when we read the scriptures,
02:39the meaning of happiness,
02:43people who are happy,
02:45happiness is,
02:47insyirahus sadr.
02:49When the heart feels empty,
02:51whatever comes.
02:53If the student who gets the BA has an empty heart,
02:58of course he is happy.
03:00If the farmer who lives in an old house has an empty heart,
03:05of course he is happy.
03:06If a rich man with a big car has an empty heart,
03:11of course he is happy.
03:13That is why Musa Alayhis Salaam,
03:16in the midst of his heart's difficulties,
03:18will fight against his father,
03:20named Fir'aun.
03:22He asked for an empty heart.
03:24We all read that prayer,
03:26Rabbish Rahli,
03:28empty my chest.
03:30That is why his legs are bleeding,
03:33his teeth are broken,
03:35his lips are broken,
03:36he is bleeding,
03:37but he is smiling happily,
03:39because his heart is empty.
03:41Allah has made his heart empty.
03:44What did Allah say for him?
03:46Alam nashrah lakasadran.
03:49That is the difference between Muhammad and Musa.
03:52Musa asked,
03:54Rabbish Rahli sadri,
03:56wa yassir li amri,
03:58wahlul uqdatan min lisani,
04:00yafqahu qawli.
04:02Muhammad did not ask.
04:04He did not ask,
04:05Allah has given it to him.
04:07What did Allah say?
04:08Alam nashrah lakasadran,
04:11wa waza'na ankawizrak,
04:13allazi ankada zahrak,
04:16wa rafa'na laka zikrak.
04:19When you are in a difficult situation,
04:21Allah repeats twice,
04:22fa inna ma'al usri yusra,
04:25inna ma'al usri yusra.
04:28That empty heart,
04:30which made Haji Abdul Malik Karim Amrullah Buya Hamka,
04:36smile in prison.
04:38His pen was slowly moving,
04:40but surely,
04:42the Tafsir Al-Azhar came out.
04:46That empty heart,
04:47also made Said Qutub smile,
04:50facing the hanging pole.
04:52Although he was imprisoned by Gamal Abdul Nasir,
04:56but before his death,
04:58he wrote a Tafsir,
05:00in the shade of the Al-Quran,
05:02under the shadow of the Al-Quran.
05:05What did Said Qutub say in his introduction?
05:08The life in the shade of the Al-Quran,
05:11is a blessing.
05:12Living under the shadow of the Al-Quran,
05:15is a blessing.
05:16No one knows it,
05:17except the one who has tasted it.
05:19No one can know it,
05:21except the one who has tasted it.
05:25So, happiness is,
05:27when the heart feels empty.
05:29When we see the face of a person,
05:32who is calm and bright,
05:33then the calmness is not on his face.
05:36When we see a person,
05:37who steps on his feet,
05:38with a calmness,
05:39full of his feet,
05:40then the calmness,
05:41is not on his feet.
05:43When the touch of his hand,
05:45is not rough,
05:47then happiness,
05:48is not on his hand.
05:50Where is the happiness?
05:53In the body,
05:56there is a lump,
05:57there is a lump,
05:58there is a lump.
06:02If a lump is good,
06:04then the other will also be good.
06:09If a lump is damaged,
06:11then it will also be damaged.
06:14A lump is what controls,
06:16the eyes,
06:20A lump is a place of longing,
06:29There is a place of longing,
06:30longing and hatred.
06:31So, do not hate too much.
06:36If you love,
06:37love just enough.
06:40Because it can be,
06:41today you love,
06:42tomorrow it will turn into hatred.
06:45If you hate,
06:46hate just enough.
06:48It can be,
06:49tomorrow morning,
06:50he becomes a beloved person.
06:52How many ladies say,
06:55who is that?
06:56That was the person I hated the most.
06:59But today,
07:01there is still hatred,
07:02but not much.
07:08Not yet.
07:13Is the Prophet happy?
07:16Because he is guaranteed by Allah.
07:17What does Allah say?
07:22Whatever you want, O Muhammad.
07:24While we are only weak servants of Allah.
07:27We need to pray for others.
07:29Therefore, tonight,
07:31pray for us.
07:34Make us,
07:35our ustad,
07:36our teacher,
07:37people who are happy
07:39when they receive a test.
07:41O Allah,
07:42don't make it only to the level
07:44of moving the tongue.
07:47The prayer is accepted by Allah.
07:50Allah sent the angels.
07:51What did the angels say?
07:54Accept the prayer of this person.
07:57You get the same
07:58with the prayer that you have prayed.
08:01Therefore, you can't pray the bad one.
08:03Ask Allah for the good one.
08:06Accept the prayer of this person
08:07for his brother.
08:10You get the same
08:11as you prayed for your brother.
08:13That's what Imam Al-Hakim said,
08:15in the book of Al-Mustadrak.
08:18Muslims who are honoured by Allah.
08:21Praise doesn't make you
08:25Insult doesn't make you
08:32Because praise and insult
08:34are nothing for people
08:36who have reached the level
08:38of knowing Allah.
08:41How is praise for Prophet Muhammad?
08:44How is insult for Isa?
08:47It never makes them sad.
08:49Because it comes
08:51alternately in life.
08:53Whatever his name is,
08:54whoever he is,
08:56wherever he lives,
08:58whatever country he is in,
09:00it's easy for it to come alternately.
09:02A couple of happiness
09:04is a difficulty.
09:05A couple of poverty
09:07is a constraint.
09:08A couple of happiness
09:10is a suffering.
09:12Does Muhammad suffer
09:15when his teeth are broken,
09:17his lips are bleeding,
09:19his legs are broken,
09:20the angel of Jibal comes,
09:22O Muhammad,
09:23show me which hill
09:25is the biggest,
09:26I will remove it,
09:28I will throw it to the people of Ta'if,
09:30I will flatten them to the ground.
09:32What did the Prophet say?
09:34Asallah an yukrij min asla bihim
09:38man ya'budullah
09:39wa la yushrika bihi shai'a.
09:41May Allah remove
09:43from their bones,
09:45their grandchildren,
09:46people who will not
09:48join Allah,
09:50but monotheism Allah.
09:52What does it mean?
09:53When his teeth are broken,
09:54his lips are bleeding,
09:56his legs are broken,
09:58but still his heart is filled with prayer.
10:00It means he is happy
10:02to receive Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
10:05But after I
10:07delivered this topic of happiness,
10:10I was the most anxious
10:12and afraid,
10:13because usually
10:14what is delivered,
10:16that test will come soon.
10:19Is the Ustaz Ujian anxious
10:21that the test will come?
10:22No. Why?
10:23Because there is a prayer
10:25of the righteous people
10:26that will strengthen us,
10:28One mouth raises the prayer,
10:30one mouth raises
10:32asking for forgiveness
10:34to Allah.
10:35At that time,
10:36what did Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal say?
10:38Imam Hanbali,
10:42I have been praying Shafi'i in my prayer
10:44for 40 years.
10:47That is the friendship
10:49between Ahmad bin Hanbal
10:50died in 241
10:53in Baghdad, Iraq
10:54with Shafi'i
10:55died in 204
10:57in Cairo, Egypt.
10:59Their distance is far,
11:00Asia, Africa.
11:01But the prayer never ends.
11:03For 40 years,
11:04I have been praying Shafi'i.
11:06I do not ask you, Lord,
11:08to pray for me for 40 years.
11:10Four times is enough.
11:12Tomorrow morning,
11:14at the beginning of Isha,
11:15Zuhur and Asar.
11:17If it is better.
11:18Our prayers are many, Ustaz.
11:20We will pray for our children,
11:22our husbands,
11:23our wives,
11:24our country,
11:25our efforts.
11:26We pray a lot.
11:27Just recite a prayer,
11:29kill our Ustaz,
11:31Ustaz Somad
11:32in Khusnul Khatimah.
11:35But not now.
11:37A little more time
11:39will do.
11:40Oh, Ustaz,
11:41are you afraid of death?
11:43We are not afraid of death.
11:45But death cannot be sought.
11:47If it comes,
11:48we are ready
11:49just in time.
11:52Because the believers are ready.
11:54Do not die,
11:57unless you are a Muslim,
12:00other than in a Muslim condition.
12:02One day,
12:03how many times do we admit,
12:05I am a Muslim,
12:07I am a Muslim.
12:10attached to the truth.
12:13I am a Muslim.
12:14I am not from the polytheists.
12:16I do not include people
12:17who associate you,
12:19O Allah.
12:20The pinnacle of Tawheed
12:23la mahbuba bi haqqin illa Allah.
12:26There is no one who is truly,
12:28truly loved,
12:29other than Allah.
12:31Subhanahu wa ta'ala.
12:33If you feel happy because of wealth,
12:36lama lama harta binasa,
12:39happiness is gone.
12:41If you are happy because of children,
12:43children die,
12:45children turn into killers,
12:47we are no longer happy.
12:49I am happy because of my wife,
12:51my wife passed away,
12:53we are in hell.
12:54Be happy because of Allah.
12:56Whatever comes,
12:58we are still happy.
12:59If it comes easily, we are happy.
13:01If it comes hard, we are patient.
13:04If it is easy, we get rewards.
13:06la in syakartum,
13:07if you are grateful for what is easy,
13:09la azih dan nakum,
13:10I will multiply it.
13:12What if what comes,
13:14does not make your heart happy,
13:15you are patient with it,
13:17the reward is even greater.
13:19innama yuffas sabirun,
13:21Allah gives the reward of a patient person,
13:24bighayri hisab,
13:27it cannot be counted,
13:29it cannot be calculated,
13:30no one can count it,
13:33because Allah gives him a surprise,
13:36a surprise.
13:37a'datul ibadiyassaliheen,
13:39I have prepared for my righteous servant,
13:43mala a'yunun ra'at,
13:45never looked at,
13:47wala uzunun sami'at,
13:49never heard,
13:51wala khatara ala kalbi basar,
13:53never crossed the heart of man,
13:56tonight's topic,
13:57who is the happiest person,
14:00the happiest person is,
14:02the one who is always with Allah,
14:05subhanahu wa ta'ala,
14:07the conditions are,
14:09know Allah well,
14:12believe in the heart,
14:14cultivate the faith,
14:15by doing a lot of worship,
14:18pray for each other,
14:20at that time,
14:22the peace will come down,
14:25down to the heart of man,
14:27it can only be felt,
14:29when the test comes,
14:31when it comes later,
14:33feel it well,
14:34when the peace comes,
14:36then indeed,
14:38our study tonight,
14:39is fruitful,
14:40if not,
14:41if not,
14:42still be watered,
14:43still be fertilized,
14:44until it is fruitful,
14:45our desire to die,
14:47in a state of surrender,
14:49to Allah,
14:50subhanahu wa ta'ala,
