• 2 months ago

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#ceramah #dakwah #hijrah #islam #kajian #muslim #pemudahijrah #ustadzabdulsomad #adihidayat


00:00They used to stay up late at night
00:07And they used to ask for forgiveness in the morning
00:12I stayed in Kuala Lumpur
00:15I had another house in another place
00:19I had another house in another place, 165 kilometers
00:23Usually, we went back there every weekend, on Saturdays and Sundays
00:27When I came back, there was another house
00:30I mean, it was just a house, not a house full of people
00:36Can I perform prayer in an empty mosque?
00:41Yes, you can
00:42But both of these are my houses
00:45The reason why it is illegal to perform prayer in an empty mosque
00:48is not because it is your house, but because it is Safar
00:52So, don't blame yourself
00:55Some people say, we can't perform prayer in an empty mosque
00:59Because we fly a plane
01:02We can perform prayer in an empty mosque
01:05The reason why it is illegal to perform prayer in an empty mosque
01:09is not because it is your house, but because it is Safar
01:16During Safar, how many kilometers?
01:21Al-Fiqh Al-Islami Wa'adillah is 90 kilometers
01:26Some people say it is 4.85 kilometers
01:28Maybe they read a different book
01:30Al-Fiqh Al-Islami Wa'adillah is 85, 90, 90 kilometers
01:39This is more than that, 165 kilometers
01:41Even though we fly a plane
01:45But of course, we don't have time
01:48In Indonesia, there is Borob Airlines
01:53So, it is clear
01:54It is not because it is your house
01:57It is not because you fly a plane
01:59It is not because you travel by highway
02:02But as long as there is Safar
02:06When there is Safar, there is Jammat Qasar
02:117. When I was a passenger, I stopped for Zuhr and Asar prayer in Jammat Qasar
02:19It means Jammat Taqdim
02:21It is Jammat Zuhr and Asar
02:23He pulls Asar to Zuhr and Jammat Qasar
02:252 Zuhr and 2 Asar
02:27After that, I continued my journey back
02:30And I arrived at home before Asar time
02:34Do I still need to perform Asar again?
02:39Because Asar has already been performed
02:41But there is still time
02:43Asar has already been performed
02:45No problem
02:46The problem is
02:48You go to Jammat without Qasar
02:52Because it hasn't started yet
02:54You can't perform Qasar
02:55Qasar can only be performed after Sur Al-Balad
03:00Sur Al-Balad is the border of the country
03:03Because he is worried
03:05At the airport
03:06Before leaving Sur Al-Balad
03:08When the airport is in the city
03:10When in Kuala Lumpur
03:12The airport is already out
03:13When in several countries
03:15The airport is in the city
03:16At the airport, he performs
03:18Jammat only without Qasar
03:21He performs Zuhr 4 times
03:24Asar 4 times
03:26After that, he calls from home
03:29Sorry, my son is sick
03:31I can't go
03:33After that, he doesn't perform Asar
03:35You don't perform Asar
03:36At the airport, it's already Jammat
03:39There is no Safar
03:41So, Asar is performed again
03:43Even though there is Safar
03:45Even though there is still time
03:47So, Asar is not performed
03:50Because it has been performed in Safar
03:53The difference is
03:55Is there Safar or not
03:57The difference is
03:59Is there Safar
04:01Safar is canceled
04:02Jammat Qasar is canceled
04:04We are in the end of times
04:06Where the slander is widespread
04:08And very confusing
04:10To save our faith and Islam
04:12Can or not I hold
04:14The Quran and Hadith
04:16Which is in the chain
04:18Can I hold
04:20The Quran and Hadith
04:22Which is in the chain
04:24In the Quran only
04:28Read the Quran
04:29Read the Hadith
04:31Take your own conclusion
04:33Think by yourself
04:35Take your own conclusion
04:37Make a mistake by yourself
04:41Even though
04:43Lumpur is a rich country
04:45With the world
04:47Rich with the hereafter
04:49The scholars
04:55Islamic University
04:57Do you want to ask the scholars
04:59Or do you want to ask the scholars
05:01Or do you want to ask all the scholars
05:03Who are here
05:05Ask the scholars
05:09I only believe in this hadith
05:11I don't believe in other hadith
05:13We can be a person who denies the hadith
05:17I believe in the hadith about prayer
05:19I believe in the hadith about fasting
05:21I don't believe in the hadith about this
05:23As long as the hadith is correct
05:25Enough conditions
05:27We accept the scholars' hadith
05:29What are the conditions for the hadith to be correct?
05:33First, the hadith is in the chain
05:35What is the chain?
05:37Imam Bukhari
05:39Received a hadith from Abdullah bin Maslamah
05:41Received a hadith from Malik bin Anas
05:43Received a hadith from Abu Zinad
05:45Received a hadith from Al Ahraj
05:47Received a hadith from Abu Hurairah
05:49Received a hadith from Nabi Muhammad S.A.W
05:51Received a hadith from Abu Hurairah
05:53When the chain is in the chain
05:55When the chain is in the chain
05:57Then the hadith is correct
05:59Second, the hadith is just
06:01Just means to avoid a big sin
06:03Avoid a small sin
06:05Third, the hadith is strong
06:07Strong means to be mindful
06:09Strong means to be mindful
06:11Don't let the hadith go back and forth
06:13Read a sanad and lose your eyes
06:15Read a sanad and lose your eyes
06:17Read a sanad and lose your eyes
06:21There is no shahz
06:23There is no shahz
06:25There is no shahz
06:27The hadith which he narrated
06:29It is contrary
06:31To the hadith narrated by the other prophet
06:33To the hadith narrated by the other prophet
06:37There is no reason
06:39There is no reason
06:43That causes the hadith to fall
06:45From true to false
06:47When the hadith is true
06:49We catch it
06:51Hassan, Hassan pun kita pegang, di bawah Hassan, Do'ib
06:55Nah, hadith Do'ib ini kita kena cermat sikit
06:58Sebab hadith Do'ib untuk fadail amal boleh
07:01Hadith Do'ib untuk menetapkan hukum halal haram, tak boleh
07:05Awak tadi sembahyang mata kaki tertutup
07:08Sebab kain panjang, jumbah panjang, seluar panjang
07:11Maka bila sepanjang Nabi pernah suruh
07:14Eh sahabat, aku tengok tadi mata kaki kau tertutup
07:18Kena seluar, kena kain, kena jumbah, kena seluar
07:21Maka ulang balik sembahyang
07:24Ini hadith tak boleh pakai
07:27Sebab hadith ini ada dalam Sunan Abu Dawud
07:29Hadith ini Do'ib
07:31Hadith Do'ib tak boleh jadi dalil hukum
07:34Hadith Do'ib untuk masalah anqidah, tak boleh
07:37Tapi hadith Do'ib untuk fadail amal, boleh
07:42Oleh sebab itu maka ajma'al ulamak, kata Imam Nawawi
07:46Sepakat ulamak ala jawazil amal bil hadith Do'ib
07:51Untuk beramal dengan hadith Do'ib
07:53Yang tak boleh sama sekali hadith maudhuk
07:56Hadith palsu tahu
07:58Al-fazinjan shifa'un min kullidak
08:01Terung obat dari segala macam penyakit
08:04Itu hadith palsu
08:05Siapa yang membuat, tukang jual terung
08:09Dia nak lakuan, dia buat
08:12Bacalah kitab-kitab mauso'ah encyklopedia hadith palsu
08:17Dalam Al-Quran ada disebutkan peristiwa besar
08:20Munculnya yakjuj wa ma'juj
08:22Binatang bernama Dabbatul Ob
08:25Sebelum hari kiamat
08:26Tapi kisah besar berkaitan Dajjal, Imam Mahdi dan tulunnya Isa
08:30Tak ada pula dalam Quran
08:32Oh, jadi awak tak percaya kalau tak ada dalam Quran
08:36Kalau begitu tak usah sembahyang subuh
08:39Sebab sembahyang subuh dua raka'at pakai kurnut tak ada dalam Quran
08:44Dah dapat dalil untuk tak sembahyang subuh kan
08:48Besok, awak tak sembahyang subuh
08:50Tak ada dalam Quran
08:52Saya berpegang pada Quran
08:55Ini namanya kalimatul haq uridabil batil
08:59Kalimahnya haq, tapi yang diinginkan batil
09:05Quran itu kan lengkap ustaz
09:12Segala sesuatu sudah kami sebutkan dalam Quran
09:15Secara global
09:18Secara amm
09:20Tapi kemudian perkara yang kecik-kecik
09:23Itu dijelaskan oleh Nabi
09:26Al-Quran bercerita tentang amm, hari akan kiamat
09:30Apa tanda-tandanya?
09:31Dijelaskan Nabi
09:33Kami turunkan kepada engkau itu Al-Quran
09:40Supaya engkau jelaskan kepada manusia
09:47Pertanyaan terakhir
09:48Baik, pertanyaan terakhir
09:50Tentang masalah ayat Jud wa Ma'jud ada dalam Quran
09:53Buka surat Al-Kahfi
09:54Dabbatul Ardh ada
09:56Dabbatul Ardh
09:57Dabbatul Ardh
09:58Dabbatul Ardh
10:00Imam Mahdi yang tak ada
10:01Tentang Nabi Isa ada dalam Quran
10:06Masih ada beberapa lagi
10:08Nanti saya bawa
10:10Bila ada waktu saya jawab
10:12Mudah-mudahan yang kita kaji subuh ini
10:14Mendatangkan amal solid
11:02Engkau satukan hati para Nabi-Nabi
11:04Ya Allah
11:08Jadikan pertemuan kami subuh ini
11:10Pertemuan yang mendatangkan rahmat
11:15Perpisahan kami selepas ini
11:17Perpisahan yang dijauhkan dari segala
11:19Perbuatan maksiat
11:23Candongkan hati kami
11:25Supaya sentiasa beramal dengan amal yang engkau cintai
11:28Dan engkau berdoa
11:29Ya Allah
11:32Jadikan negeri ini negeri yang aman
11:36Terbuka pintu rezeki dari segala penjuru
11:40Berikan kami pemimpin-pemimpin yang adil
11:42Dan amanah
11:47Jangan kau berikan kuasa kepada orang
11:49Yang tak takut pada engkau
11:51Dan tak sayang pada kami
11:55Allahumma khatim lana li husnil khatimah
11:57Wa takhtim alaina li su'il khatimah
11:59Allahumma ja'al akhira kalamina
12:01Inda antihai ajalina
12:03Jadikan akhira kalam kami
12:04Manakala ajal kami sampai
12:06Yang keluar dari mulut kami kalimah
12:08La ilaha illallah
12:10Muhammadur Rasulullah
12:12Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
12:14Rabbana ajina fid dunya hasana
12:16Wafil ajurati hasana
12:18Tawakina ala berna
12:19Wa sallallahu ala sayyidina wa maulana Muhammad
12:22Wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam
12:24walhamdulillahi rabbil alameen
