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00:00If you pray, you are considered a radical.
00:04If the prayer room is open, if you work in an office there,
00:10on Friday, you want to pray on Friday, then you are considered a radical.
00:15Therefore, on Friday, the prayer is only filled by the grandfathers,
00:22in the same order.
00:24There are no small children, no young children.
00:27Why? Because of the constitution.
00:31After 18 years of religion, it is allowed.
00:34So, if a mother teaches her child about religion at home,
00:38she is considered a radical.
00:41This is almost the same, isn't it?
00:44This is almost the same, isn't it?
00:47So, we need to understand this.
00:50Thank you, Mr. Dr. Abdul Muti.
00:53Ladies and gentlemen,
00:56we, the delegation of the Islamic delegation of Indonesia
01:01from Muhammadiyah, BBMU and FUI,
01:05a total of 15 people,
01:07each delegation sends 5 people
01:11plus 3 journalists from the printing and electronic media.
01:17We are invited by our Ambassador to Indonesia
01:23to visit the Autonomous Region.
01:29So, the Autonomous Region,
01:32the name that stands for it is SUAR.
01:36When we arrive in Beijing,
01:39we usually visit in person
01:43with the Ambassador.
01:46Then, there is a dinner and dinner.
01:50He gave a little description about SUAR,
01:54the Autonomous Region.
01:58In short, he said
02:0322.8 million people,
02:07the majority of them are Muslims.
02:12The rest are non-Muslims.
02:15There are several tribes.
02:17There are people from Han, Hui,
02:21Kazakh, Kudbek, etc.
02:26We met with the leaders of CIA,
02:30China Islamic Association,
02:33which is a new association,
02:35or the Chinese Muslim Association.
02:38And this CIA is not like Muhammadiyah,
02:43not like Hezbollah,
02:46or not the same as the CCP,
02:48but it is longer than the government.
02:52Because there is no non-government organization in China.
02:56Everything must be under the control of the Chinese government.
03:01In short, we say
03:04that when we arrived in Wurundji,
03:08the capital,
03:11it was almost 8 o'clock in the evening.
03:16Then, it was dinner time.
03:19We asked the representative of the Chinese Muslim Association
03:25to bring us to pray together,
03:29especially in the morning prayer.
03:32But he said
03:35the mosque was a bit far from here.
03:39And it was difficult for us to bring you there
03:42because the temperature was very cold.
03:45Minus 17.
03:47Well, maybe he could do that.
03:51But if that was a request from a guest
03:56to a good wife,
03:58usually anything is respected.
04:01Well, from that moment on, we started to pray.
04:04When we entered the hotel,
04:07there was already the direction of Qibla in each room.
04:12But it looked clear.
04:14The original and the newly made one was different.
04:17As you can find in Indonesia and other Muslim countries,
04:22usually the direction of Qibla is still definitive, clear.
04:26But this one is big and small.
04:29It's different.
04:30We started to pray.
04:33The third one was a reporter who joined us
04:38and wanted to buy a cigarette.
04:40He came out.
04:41He was a reporter with a lot of brains.
04:46I salute him.
04:47Even though the temperature was minus,
04:50he came out and wanted to buy a cigarette.
04:52In front of him, he asked,
04:54where are you going?
04:55Yes, to buy cigarettes.
04:57Yes, give me some cigarettes.
04:59We have it.
05:01What else do I want to buy?
05:02I want to buy a drink.
05:04I want to buy another one to burn the cigarette.
05:08I gave him the water,
05:11the cigarette,
05:13and also the burner.
05:16After that, the reporter returned.
05:20He was out of his mind.
05:22He should have consulted with the two delegates first.
05:26I didn't tell him how to do it.
05:28Well, that's the data.
05:32I think the two evidence tools
05:34can be used as a barometer.
05:38What's next?
05:40The next day,
05:42early in the morning,
05:44after the morning prayer,
05:46it turned out that the reporter was waiting for us at the hotel.
05:52We were brought to the Museum of Violence
05:56carried out by the Uyghurs
06:00against the civilians in Sintia.
06:03So the pictures that were displayed,
06:06I don't know if it was true,
06:09the violence was carried out by
06:12our brothers and sisters from the Uyghur ethnic group,
06:15or others.
06:16But from the name,
06:18it seemed clear that
06:20they were Uyghurs
06:24who had been exposed to radical ideas
06:28and had carried out violence
06:32in cooperation with ISIS.
06:34From the beginning to the end of one hour,
06:37it was clear that we had changed.
06:42visiting several places,
06:46to the Islamic Religious Institute,
06:48it became more and more convincing to us
06:51that there was no freedom of religion.
06:58Freedom of religion is a bit difficult to prove.
07:03Well, why is that?
07:06Because of the Chinese Constitution,
07:08Article 2, Article 38 states,
07:12the Chinese Constitution states clearly that
07:16the Chinese government gives freedom to its citizens
07:20to be religious and non-religious.
07:24Well, this is the language.
07:25The language of the constitution is
07:27the word of God, the word of God, the word of God.
07:30Those who want to believe, go ahead.
07:31Those who don't, no problem.
07:33That's in China.
07:35Well, it's different from the Indonesian constitution.
07:39because we have to be united
07:41in God and understanding.
07:44And indeed,
07:46after we visited the re-education centers,
07:51the re-education centers are the founders,
07:54the founders of the re-education centers are
07:58who practice their religion openly.
08:05So, in the constitution,
08:07religion can only be practiced in a closed space,
08:11not in an open space.
08:14So, if you use the word of God,
08:17out of the way,
08:18you are considered radical.
08:20If you are radical,
08:21then you have the right to be sent
08:23to every re-education center
08:26in the country for a year
08:28so that you understand the constitution in China
08:31and you understand Mandarin.
08:34Because in general, Uyghurs do not understand,
08:37cannot communicate
08:39with Mandarin.
08:41So, as long as the re-education center
08:44cannot pray,
08:46cannot read the Qur'an,
08:49cannot fast,
08:50then what is provided by the government?
08:54And that is under heavy surveillance.
08:58That is CCTV every corner.
09:01So, if China now develops
09:04artificial intelligence,
09:06then I think maybe they will read from there
09:08so that everything can be controlled.
09:10You drink, you eat, you read anything.
09:13And you are not allowed
09:15to bring your gadget there.
09:18So, cut off.
09:20You are cut off from the outside world
09:22because you are being trained there.
09:25Now, this is the difference.
09:27So, if you pray,
09:29you are considered radical.
09:31If you pray openly,
09:33if you work in an office there,
09:37on Friday, you want to pray on Friday,
09:40then that is considered radical.
09:43Therefore, Friday prayers
09:46are only fulfilled by grandfathers
09:49with the same tradition.
09:51There are no small children,
09:53there are no young children.
09:55Why? Because of the constitution.
09:58Religion after 18 years is allowed.
10:01So, if a mother teaches her child
10:03about religion at home,
10:05she is considered radical.
10:07This is almost the same
10:09in my area.
10:11So, we need to understand this.
10:13So, at least,
10:15Muhammad did not understand,
10:17did not believe, did not legalize
10:19against others, etc.
10:21Now, we have a discussion
10:23with a representative of the CIA.
10:26What is your name?
10:28Yes, Abdul Rahim.
10:30Abdul Rahim said,
10:32so we pray 8 months,
10:341 month, 1 week.
10:36This is the first time.
10:38So, if someone from the education center
10:41is asked to pray for 1 year,
10:43can you imagine?
10:451 year multiplied by 5, how much is that?
10:47Well, that is their version,
10:49it is allowed.
10:51So, after we came back,
10:53we will add a lot later,
10:55after we came back,
10:57it turned out,
10:59we reached out
11:01to the foreign minister,
11:03Ben Guritno.
11:05There are several points,
11:07among others,
11:09he is in the 3rd, 4th, 5th point,
11:11we ask our government
11:13to give freedom
11:15to Muslims
11:17to perform their worship
11:21Yes, that is guaranteed
11:23by the UN Security Council.
11:25Yes, we handed it over to Ben Guritno,
11:27there are many points,
11:295, but
11:31Ben Guritno, I don't know
11:33whether he has called
11:35the Chinese ambassador or not,
11:37or whether it has been handed over or not.
11:39Why don't we want to hold a press conference?
11:41Yes, we
11:43will discuss with Ben Guritno first,
11:45how to initiate pro and contra.
11:47We are
11:49positive thinking,
11:51hopefully Ben Guritno has already
11:53conveyed that to the Chinese officials
11:55who are in charge in Indonesia.
11:57Then, the Chinese ambassador
11:59also invited us to dinner,
12:01but we
12:03haven't been able to fulfill that invitation.
12:07Alhamdulillah, we haven't been able to fulfill it.
12:09If we had fulfilled the
12:11dinner invitation,
12:13Wall Street Journal would have written something weird.
12:15Yes, lastly,
12:17we didn't receive anything.
12:19Yes, even the money
12:21given to drink coffee,
12:25we spent more money
12:27than the money
12:29given to drink coffee at the airport.
12:31Yes, that's all.
12:33Hopefully, this is useful.
12:35Once again, we affirm
12:37no money,
12:39no corruption, nothing.
12:43we are still
12:45optimistic. We will not
12:47sell the value of religion
12:49at a very
12:51low price.
