TNI POLISI PNS & Ribuan Warga Tak Berkutik Melihat UAS! Kuliah Subuh Ustadz Abdul Somad di PASAMAN

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TNI POLISI PNS & Ribuan Warga Tak Berkutik Melihat UAS! Kuliah Subuh Ustadz Abdul Somad di PASAMAN


#ceramah #dakwah #hijrah #islam #kajian #muslim #pemudahijrah #ustadzabdulsomad #adihidayat


00:00:00Remember, there are five obligations for men to women.
00:00:07First, give them food.
00:00:11Second, give them clothes.
00:00:14Third, give them education.
00:00:18Fourth, give them education, pilgrimage, place to live.
00:00:24Men, what does Allah say?
00:00:28O ye who believe!
00:00:40You have a responsibility.
00:00:43You are a train.
00:00:45Behind you is a gate.
00:00:48A wife's gate.
00:00:49A child's gate.
00:00:50If you go to hell,
00:00:52your wife's child will go to hell, too.
00:00:56Am I right?
00:00:58Therefore, Allah says, men, men,
00:01:00there are five obligations for men to women.
00:01:03First, give them food.
00:01:07Second, give them clothes.
00:01:10Third, give them a place to live.
00:01:14Fourth, give them education.
00:01:26Welcome, Ustaz Abdul Somad.
00:01:34Your presence is really great.
00:01:38Allahu Akbar!
00:01:44Your presence is really great.
00:01:48We have more than 20,000 people
00:01:52of the Ummah Islam in front of you.
00:01:57Let's give a round of applause to the government of Pasaman Barat.
00:02:02Until now, this event has been held
00:02:06with the cooperation of the government of Pasaman Barat,
00:02:12as well as Mr. Kapolos Pasaman Barat,
00:02:15Mr. Haji Iman Pribadi Santoso Sdika,
00:02:20Ministry of Religious Affairs of Pasaman Barat,
00:02:24and other ministries that I can't mention.
00:02:29Ladies and gentlemen,
00:02:31let's listen to the tausiyah
00:02:35that will be delivered by our teacher,
00:02:40Ustaz Haji Abdul Somad,
00:02:43the teacher of Pasaman Barat.
00:03:14Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
00:03:28Let's pray together.
00:03:33Forgive your mistakes in the past.
00:03:37Cover it with fire.
00:03:41God willing, this event will be a success.
00:03:48If you can see,
00:03:50there are three tribes here, Ustaz.
00:03:55Minangkabai, Mandainik, Jawa.
00:03:59So, all three must be covered with fire.
00:04:03There are also three in Jama'an.
00:04:05One on the right, one on the left.
00:04:09Those who are on the left, don't sleep.
00:04:11I will go there later.
00:04:14I will also go there later.
00:04:16Cover it with fire first.
00:04:20There are a lot of people who ask for forgiveness in the back.
00:04:39Peace and blessings of Allah be upon Muhammad.
00:04:46Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
00:04:53O Prophet,
00:05:00O Messenger of Allah,
00:05:08O My Servant,
00:05:11Peace be upon you.
00:05:14Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you.
00:05:22Take a lot of these photos.
00:05:26Send them all over the world.
00:05:29To know that Palestine will soon be free.
00:05:37if the morning prayer is like the Friday prayer,
00:05:43then Palestine will soon be free from Israel.
00:05:51This is not a Friday prayer.
00:05:53This is the prayer of Idul Fitri mixed with the prayer of Idul Adha.
00:05:57The prayer of Idul Adha,
00:05:59The people are usually crowded.
00:06:01Because there is a distribution of food for the victims.
00:06:05I am sorry.
00:06:06Don't be offended.
00:06:08Is there a distribution of food?
00:06:12There is not.
00:06:13Then why are the people so crowded this morning?
00:06:17I asked earlier, what is the name of this stadium?
00:06:20This is the field of the district office of West Pasaman.
00:06:24This is how the people of West Pasaman
00:06:27maintain unity.
00:06:30Different tribes.
00:06:32Different languages.
00:06:34But we are united in
00:06:36La ilaha illallah
00:06:40Muhammad Rasulullah.
00:06:44Mr. Deputy Governor.
00:06:46Mr. Deputy Chairperson of West Sumatra Province.
00:06:51Mr. Deputy Chairperson of the Regional Leadership Communication Forum.
00:06:56Mr. Progress.
00:06:58Mr. Dandim.
00:06:59Mr. PN.
00:07:00Mr. Kajadi.
00:07:01The big one is not there.
00:07:03The small one is not mentioned.
00:07:13We are all honored.
00:07:14Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
00:07:16Ya Rabbil Alamin.
00:07:26The small ones are not mentioned.
00:07:31All of them will go to heaven.
00:07:35Who is out of the house?
00:07:39He who follows his knowledge.
00:07:41So he is the same as the one who commits jihad.
00:07:46Until he returns to his house.
00:07:51The one who came at one o'clock in the evening.
00:07:56How do you know he came at one o'clock in the evening?
00:07:59I came at one thirty.
00:08:02In front of the office.
00:08:04In front of the residence.
00:08:06In front of the residence.
00:08:07Last night.
00:08:09I was surprised.
00:08:10They were late.
00:08:11Where were they?
00:08:12Why were they full?
00:08:14That is their love, Ustaz.
00:08:18The one who came was not my master.
00:08:20The one who came was not my master.
00:08:22The one who came was not my master.
00:08:24The one who came was just an ordinary Ustaz.
00:08:26The heavy one was less than fifty.
00:08:30But apparently they love each other.
00:08:35Because the West is the country of the leaders.
00:08:39The masters.
00:08:40The masters.
00:08:41The masters.
00:08:42The masters.
00:08:43So until the end of the verse, until the end of time.
00:08:46The people still love the scholars.
00:08:49Thank you.
00:08:52There was a classmate of mine in Egypt before.
00:08:55My brother.
00:08:57His name was Ustaz Jelfatullah.
00:09:00Do you know him?
00:09:02Ustaz Jelfatullah is my classmate in Egypt.
00:09:07Come with us.
00:09:09Even if it is difficult.
00:09:10Even if it is difficult.
00:09:11Even if it is difficult.
00:09:12Still come.
00:09:13My father called me to come with him.
00:09:15In Padang, I know that he is not there.
00:09:18In Bukit Tinggi, I know that he is not there.
00:09:21Apparently he wants the one at the end.
00:09:26At the end, he came before.
00:09:28In Kauk Paten.
00:09:29I know that he is the highest.
00:09:31In Cerawan.
00:09:32At the end again.
00:09:33The border with North Sumatra.
00:09:35He came.
00:09:36In another place.
00:09:37Between the Javanese and the Batak people.
00:09:40But in Pasaman, no.
00:09:42That did not happen.
00:09:45Because of the good relationship of the Selaturahim.
00:09:47Hopefully, the gathering of our meeting this morning.
00:09:51Strengthens our Selaturahim.
00:09:53God willing.
00:09:55In the eyes of the Javanese.
00:09:57I don't want to have a daughter-in-law from the Batak people.
00:10:01Our kingdom is far away.
00:10:04Cooked from the meat.
00:10:05Immediately become a bone.
00:10:08Because of bad communication.
00:10:13The same with the Minang people.
00:10:15He was offended to speak with the Batak people.
00:10:18What did the Batak people say?
00:10:20Go to the Minang restaurant.
00:10:21Let it be.
00:10:22Answered by the Minang people.
00:10:24Give it to him.
00:10:25Let it be.
00:10:27Because of what?
00:10:28Because of the language does not understand.
00:10:31So if you want to know.
00:10:33The trinity of these three.
00:10:39All of them together.
00:10:41To protect the West.
00:10:43Until today.
00:10:44And the end of life.
00:10:45God willing.
00:10:49Ustaz Soman was asked to be an imam.
00:10:51I have told you.
00:10:52His voice is low.
00:10:54It's okay, Ustaz.
00:10:55No voice.
00:10:56It's okay.
00:10:58The people really want Ustaz to be an imam.
00:11:00Finally, I went forward.
00:11:01I was confused.
00:11:03The question is.
00:11:04Do you want to use Minang language?
00:11:05Or Mandailing language?
00:11:06Or Javanese?
00:11:08It's impossible for me to say.
00:11:15So the middle way.
00:11:17Do not use Minang language.
00:11:19Do not use Mandailing language.
00:11:21Do not use Javanese.
00:11:22What is used?
00:11:24The language of Prophet Muhammad.
00:11:26Peace be upon him.
00:11:29Allah is great.
00:11:32And there is no one who complains.
00:11:35All of them answer.
00:11:40Good morning, everyone.
00:11:41I ask first.
00:11:43How is the people here?
00:11:45Do they use Kunun or not?
00:11:47The majority use Kunun, Ustaz.
00:11:49So I use Kunun.
00:11:59Those who do not agree to use Kunun.
00:12:01Those behind still believe in Kunun.
00:12:04Those who agree to use Kunun.
00:12:06Still read Kunun.
00:12:08No need to worry about the issue of Kunun.
00:12:19Everyone agrees.
00:12:20That the morning prayer is Watib.
00:12:25Does anyone say Sunnah morning prayer?
00:12:29Everyone agrees to do the morning prayer Watib.
00:12:31What is hidden is just a matter of choice.
00:12:36Therefore, do not laugh because of the mountains.
00:12:40If you laugh because of the mountains, who laughs?
00:12:43Those who do not pray Subuh.
00:12:45This Subuh, Alhamdulillah.
00:12:48The people are many.
00:12:50Everyone comes.
00:12:52And the morning prayer is Jama'at.
00:12:55Who prays Subuh, Jama'at.
00:12:57Therefore, the name of the prayer is Laila Kulah.
00:13:00Get rewards like Tahajjud all night.
00:13:03Hopefully, we get rewards like Tahajjud all night.
00:13:08At 2.30 p.m. last night, I woke up.
00:13:11After sleeping for an hour, I woke up to hear the rain in Lemar.
00:13:15The feeling of pouring water from the sky.
00:13:20Tomorrow, it looks like there are only three groups of people.
00:13:24If the rain is like this,
00:13:27the ground must be wet.
00:13:30The mosque must be covered with a blanket.
00:13:32Everything must be cold.
00:13:34Surely, there is no morning prayer tomorrow.
00:13:36But when I went out, I was silent.
00:13:40Masha'Allah, Allah bless you.
00:13:42This is what the people of Pasaman look like.
00:13:45Their morning prayer.
00:13:46I don't know where Allah is in this morning prayer.
00:13:50But I feel that everything is straight.
00:13:53Until the morning prayer.
00:13:54Tomorrow, it is still Jama'at.
00:13:57This is what we want in life.
00:14:02One straightness.
00:14:04Better than a thousand karams.
00:14:06One straightness.
00:14:08Better than a thousand karams.
00:14:10In front of me, I will give a lecture for half an hour.
00:14:13To the right, I will give a lecture for 15 minutes.
00:14:16To the right, I will give a lecture for 15 minutes.
00:14:20To the left, I will give a lecture for 15 minutes.
00:14:2315 minutes.
00:14:2415 minutes.
00:14:2530 minutes.
00:14:2660 minutes.
00:14:28According to my lecture,
00:14:30600 milliliters.
00:14:34Brothers and sisters,
00:14:35Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
00:14:38Fathers and mothers,
00:14:39Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
00:14:42Different languages.
00:14:44Different tribes.
00:14:46United by the morning prayer.
00:14:48One Qibla.
00:14:52One language.
00:14:55The language of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.
00:14:58One Allah.
00:15:03One Qur'an.
00:15:05One Qibla.
00:15:07One prayer.
00:15:08One direction.
00:15:10Therefore, we keep the unity.
00:15:12Do not be damaged by the differences.
00:15:16Moreover, it is not long,
00:15:18the weather is hot.
00:15:20The political temperature is hot.
00:15:23the 17th of April,
00:15:24everything is over.
00:15:26But our unity
00:15:28remains until the end of life,
00:15:30the end of time.
00:15:32I was asked for various things.
00:15:36please, later if the lecture,
00:15:38I will use my fingers.
00:15:40I have been doing this for a long time.
00:15:45is it one or two fingers?
00:15:46Ten fingers.
00:15:48Jama'at now is smart.
00:15:50Jama'at is smart.
00:15:52Jama'at knows.
00:15:54Jama'at cannot be deceived.
00:15:56Jama'at cannot be lied.
00:15:58Jama'at cannot be deceived
00:16:00by falsehood.
00:16:05I'm sorry for everyone who came
00:16:07to see the reality of facts and data.
00:16:09Make it back, Ustaz Soman.
00:16:11Make it beautiful.
00:16:12Apparently, it's not comfortable.
00:16:16God willing,
00:16:18there is a picture of Mr. Deputy,
00:16:20there is a picture of Mr. Deputy Representative,
00:16:22there is a picture of Mr. Polres,
00:16:24but my picture is the biggest.
00:16:28What does it mean?
00:16:29As soon as the forum of communication
00:16:31of the leaders of the West Pasaman area
00:16:33wants to glorify Ustaz Soman,
00:16:35the person is already small,
00:16:37the picture is also small.
00:16:39What else do you want to be proud of?
00:16:41So let the person be small,
00:16:43the important thing is that the picture is big.
00:16:45So many Jama'at are disappointed.
00:16:47Didn't you think that Ustaz was big?
00:16:49His face is small.
00:16:51The important thing is that his voice is big.
00:16:53His voice is the most important thing.
00:16:56Because it's the voice that the Jama'at wants to be heard.
00:16:58If you go to heaven
00:17:00because of your body,
00:17:02it's been a long time you haven't gone to heaven.
00:17:04If you go to heaven because of your muscles,
00:17:06it's been a long time you haven't gone to heaven.
00:17:08If you go to heaven because of your skin,
00:17:10it's been a long time you haven't gone to heaven.
00:17:12If you go to heaven because of your skin,
00:17:14it's been a long time you haven't gone to heaven.
00:17:16If you go to heaven because of your skin,
00:17:18it's been a long time you haven't gone to heaven.
00:17:20If you go to heaven because of your skin,
00:17:22it's been a long time you haven't gone to heaven.
00:17:24If you go to heaven because of your skin,
00:17:26it's been a long time you haven't gone to heaven.
00:17:28If you go to heaven because of your skin,
00:17:30it's been a long time you haven't gone to heaven.
00:17:32If you go to heaven because of your skin,
00:17:34it's been a long time you haven't gone to heaven.
00:17:36If you go to heaven because of your skin,
00:17:38it's been a long time you haven't gone to heaven.
00:17:40If you go to heaven because of your skin,
00:17:42it's been a long time you haven't gone to heaven.
00:17:44If you go to heaven because of your skin,
00:17:46it's been a long time you haven't gone to heaven.
00:17:48If you go to heaven because of your skin,
00:17:50it's been a long time you haven't gone to heaven.
00:17:52If you go to heaven because of your skin,
00:17:54it's been a long time you haven't gone to heaven.
00:17:56If you go to heaven because of your skin,
00:17:58it's been a long time you haven't gone to heaven.
00:18:28Why is it called Rahman?
00:18:30My husband's name is Rahman.
00:18:38I start with Rahman and Selamat first.
00:18:44All who are here,
00:18:48Selamat anaknya, selamat istrinya, selamat rumahnya,
00:18:50selamat artanya, selamat dunianya,
00:18:52selamat akhiratnya,
00:18:54selamat dari azad kubur, selamat dari neraka jahat.
00:18:58Wa rahmatullah.
00:19:00All who are here,
00:19:02get the mercy of Allah.
00:19:06Wa barakatuh.
00:19:08Bless the west,
00:19:10bless the wealth,
00:19:12bless the knowledge,
00:19:14bless the family,
00:19:16bless the work,
00:19:18bless the community,
00:19:20bless the world,
00:19:22bless the hereafter.
00:19:26Wa rahmatullah.
00:19:28Wa barakatuh.
00:19:30All who are here,
00:19:32get the mercy of Allah.
00:19:36Wa rahmatullah.
00:19:38Wa barakatuh.
00:19:40Bless the west,
00:19:42bless the knowledge,
00:19:44bless the family,
00:19:46bless the work,
00:19:48bless the community,
00:19:50bless the wealth,
00:19:53the second salam cannot be answered.
00:19:55That's my salam when I was an imam of the tribe prayer.
00:20:00Wa rahmatullah.
00:20:02There's no one at the back answering.
00:20:06The third salam, we do not want to hear the answer.
00:20:08Back from the west,
00:20:10we will go to Manggoboh.
00:20:12We will deliver the message
00:20:14in Pariyaman.
00:20:16And when in our journey,
00:20:18we passed at the grave of the Muslim people,
00:25:50Save the orphans so that they can go to school
00:25:55So that the orphans can go to school and finish the Qur'an
00:25:59Our orphans whose father has passed away
00:26:02You should save the orphans
00:26:05I mean, save the orphans by giving charity, not by marrying their mothers
00:26:09If you know, it's okay
00:26:12The head of the Ministry of Religious Affairs is ready with the stamp
00:26:17But your mother doesn't agree, does she?
00:26:21She doesn't, does she?
00:26:23If it's a hadith, she won't agree
00:26:27In the past, if there was a girl who wanted to be married to another man
00:26:31Her father came and asked,
00:26:33O my daughter, do you want to marry the orphan?
00:26:38The girl's father came and said,
00:26:40Shut up!
00:26:41Then the Prophet's hadith said,
00:26:42Shut up!
00:26:45Then the Prophet's hadith said,
00:26:46Shut up!
00:26:47The girl's father said,
00:26:48Shut up!
00:26:49The girl's father said,
00:26:50Do you want to marry him or him?
00:26:55If it's a hadith, it's okay
00:26:58But if it's a hadith, it's not okay
00:26:59Which one is it?
00:27:00That one
00:27:00Shut up!
00:27:03After we pray together this morning
00:27:08What else do we need to pray together?
00:27:10To help the orphan by praying together
00:27:15That's why the boxes have been prepared
00:27:20There are so many people, but only one box has been prepared
00:27:24Oh my God!
00:27:27Where are the boxes?
00:27:29Oh my God!
00:27:30Where are the boxes?
00:27:32Oh, they don't use boxes
00:27:36Where are the boxes?
00:27:39Where are the boxes?
00:27:40Where are the boxes?
00:27:42Where are the boxes?
00:27:43Where are the boxes?
00:27:44Where are the boxes?
00:27:45Where are the boxes?
00:27:47Where are the boxes?
00:27:48Where are the boxes?
00:27:49Where are the boxes?
00:27:50Where are the boxes?
00:27:52Where are the boxes?
00:27:53Where are the boxes?
00:27:54Where are the boxes?
00:27:56Where are the boxes?
00:27:57Where are the boxes?
00:27:58Where are the boxes?
00:27:59Where are the boxes?
00:28:01Where are the boxes?
00:28:02Where are the boxes?
00:28:03Where are the boxes?
00:28:05There are no boxes upstairs, so I'll put them upstairs
00:28:16I'll put the biggest one up there
00:28:18I'll put the biggest one up there
00:28:20It's a release fish
00:28:22It's a release fish
00:28:24It's not a pause fish
00:28:26It's a release fish
00:28:28It's just like this
00:28:30Before they start lying
00:28:34May Allah Almighty bless you
00:28:42Is there anyone among you who is sick?
00:28:44The Prophet said
00:28:46Is there anyone among you who is sick?
00:28:48There is Rasulullah
00:28:50Have you taken medicine? Yes
00:28:52Have you taken therapy? Yes
00:28:54Not healthy? No
00:28:56There is a medicine, what is it?
00:28:58Take the medicine, what is it?
00:29:00Take the medicine, what is it?
00:29:02Take the medicine, what is it?
00:29:04There is a mother
00:29:06Who has been diagnosed with cystitis
00:29:08A cyst in her womb
00:29:10As big as a piece of metal
00:29:12The doctor said, her womb must be cut
00:29:14To be thrown away
00:29:16Mother, her womb is cyst
00:29:18As big as a piece of metal
00:29:20So her womb must be thrown away
00:29:22The mother cried
00:29:24Why is she crying?
00:29:26The woman was crying because her womb was about to be thrown away
00:29:29A woman who does not have a womb cannot conceive
00:29:32Listening to her wife's cry, her husband smiled
00:29:41This is the biggest frustration in the world
00:29:43Being in the womb, it must be cut and thrown away
00:29:46So if that's the case, I can't conceive anymore, I can't take it anymore
00:29:51Finally, the mother was smart, she wanted to go to Nabi S.A.W.
00:29:57Da'u mardakum bi sadaqah
00:30:00A lot of sadaqah, sadaqah, sadaqah
00:30:02Finally, she was invited to an orphanage, sadaqah
00:30:05She went to Pati Joko, sadaqah
00:30:08Wada fakir miskin dia, sadaqah
00:30:11Suddenly, her cyst was crumbling, crumbling, crumbling, crumbling, crumbling, crumbling
00:30:17When she was checked again at the hospital, she was scanned
00:30:21What did she eat? How could it be lost?
00:30:24There was no therapy, only sadaqah
00:30:27Because Nabi S.A.W. da'u mardakum bi sadaqah
00:30:30The medicine that is sick with sadaqah
00:30:32Finally, it was lost
00:30:33The mother was not operated on, and now she can conceive again
00:30:38Now her husband is in the dynasty
00:30:40They say, if there is a woman who has cyst, do sadaqah
00:30:48Ah, I don't believe that husband
00:30:50I have cyst, if I go back, the cyst will not be lost
00:30:54How many cysts do you want? Two thousand?
00:30:56How can the cyst be lost in two thousand?
00:30:59You don't remember, you don't remember
00:31:02Finally, she saw Allah S.W.T
00:31:07Da'u mardakum bi sadaqah
00:31:09There are people who don't want to do sadaqah
00:31:12What did the angels say to the mother who put the money in the bag?
00:31:17What did the angels say?
00:31:18Allahumma'atimum fiqan khalafah
00:31:25O Allah, the mother who gave charity, give her in return
00:31:30O Allah
00:31:31Don't pretend, because the angels must pray
00:31:35What did the angels say?
00:31:37Give in return to the mother who did sadaqah
00:31:40Allah Ameen
00:31:41What did the angels say?
00:31:43The person who didn't do sadaqah was not sent by Allah?
00:31:47Hadith Sahih Bukhari
00:31:48Allah Maha Anil
00:31:49Sent by Allah
00:31:51What did the angels say?
00:31:52Allahumma'atimum fiqan khalafah
00:31:56The person who was late, pretended to be asleep, pretended to be asleep and not lost
00:32:01Give him his reward
00:32:05I don't want to scare you, I just want to tell you
00:32:09There is a person named Pelin Bin Bahil
00:32:13Pelin Bin Bahil Bin Kedekut Bin Kikir Bin Sempilin
00:32:19That's his secret
00:32:23Every test for you
00:32:25Don't ask for forgiveness
00:32:27His money is 100 million
00:32:29If 100 million, his salary is 2.5%
00:32:32How much is that?
00:32:34If you love money, there are many people who pretend to forget
00:32:38100 million
00:32:40His salary is 2.5%
00:32:42If 100 million, his salary is 2.5 million
00:32:47I hope each of you have 100 million
00:32:52Why does it sound like I'm not sure?
00:32:54I hope each of you have 100 million
00:33:02His salary is 100 million
00:33:04His salary is 2.5 million
00:33:06But he is Pelin Bin Bahil Kedekut
00:33:08His money is kept
00:33:10His money is in the wallet
00:33:13His wallet is locked
00:33:15His wallet is in the locker
00:33:17His locker is locked
00:33:19His locker is locked
00:33:21His locker is locked
00:33:23His room is locked
00:33:25His room is locked
00:33:27His house is locked
00:33:29His house is locked
00:33:30His house is locked
00:33:31His house is locked
00:33:32His house is locked
00:33:33His house is locked
00:33:36His house is locked
00:33:38Do you think the lock can save you?
00:33:41Allah Ta'ala is the most powerful
00:33:43Allah never sleeps
00:33:45Allah never sleeps
00:33:52The night in his palace is so big
00:33:56The night in his palace is so big
00:33:59Finally, what happened?
00:34:02To the person who is Pelin
00:34:04Bin Asad is gone
00:34:06I don't believe in the story of Ustaz Omar
00:34:09There are people who don't give alms
00:34:12Ustaz Omar said, if you don't give alms, Bin Asad will be destroyed
00:34:15He doesn't give alms
00:34:17He never gives alms
00:34:18He never gives alms
00:34:19His house is big
00:34:21His car is big
00:34:22His wife is big
00:34:24The meaning of Bin Asad is not that his house is destroyed
00:34:29The meaning of Bin Asad is not that his car is destroyed
00:34:32The meaning of Bin Asad is that there is no alms
00:34:39There is no alms
00:34:41The money of the devil is eaten by the devil
00:34:45Sometimes there is no wind, there is no rain
00:34:47Suddenly it rains and it hurts
00:34:50The more I am bitten, the more it hurts
00:34:52I am stabbed with a needle and I am in pain
00:34:55I don't have a needle, I am in pain
00:34:58He was taken to a hospital in Malaysia
00:35:03The Chinese doctor came and brought a small dead body
00:35:06The dead body was buried
00:35:07The dead body was buried
00:35:14So what should we do?
00:35:16Calm down
00:35:17Don't be afraid, we have imported Bluetooth from China
00:35:22Apparently there is a coconut bird from China
00:35:26It has been imported
00:35:30Then when it is installed
00:35:31How much is it?
00:35:3240 million on the right and 40 million on the left
00:35:34Cost to install 20
00:35:41Who doesn't want to give alms, how?
00:35:43Have you felt the pain?
00:35:47I don't want to give alms, I just want to tell a story
00:35:51Be careful
00:35:53You think you can deceive Allah
00:36:01We know what's in your heart
00:36:04We know the money you keep in your pocket
00:36:08We know what's in your mind
00:36:13You think that's your money
00:36:15You go to work in the morning, go home in the evening
00:36:16You think that's your money
00:36:19But in the end, you are the one who is looking for a man's life
00:36:23You are the one who is looking for a man's money
00:36:26The money you are looking for is actually kept by your wife
00:36:30After a lot of money is collected, you die
00:36:33They enjoy that money with a new man
00:36:39Look, they're starting to know
00:36:46The money you're looking for
00:36:48You don't have time to pray, you don't have time to fast
00:36:51You don't have time to do zikir, you're still looking for money
00:36:54They get that money, right?
00:36:56In the end, you just enjoy the death of the grave in the hole of the earth
00:37:07They are on time
00:37:107-15 he immediately
00:37:16God is great
00:37:23God is great
00:37:24I'm sorry, Mr. Mayor
00:37:26Mr. Deputy Governor
00:37:28Mr. Deputy DPRD
00:37:31We have to be fair
00:37:35Imagine if I'm just preaching there
00:37:40Suddenly so many people, I don't preach
00:37:44In the end, they follow me in the grave
00:37:50While in the long view, we can't find
00:37:54Especially in the grave
00:37:56There are so many
00:37:58All women
00:38:00God is great
00:38:02Is there another man?
00:38:04God is great
00:38:06These are the women of heaven
00:38:11The veil is long
00:38:14The cloth is long
00:38:20Heaven is under the feet of men
00:38:26The men above are all afraid
00:38:30The men who wear the veil
00:38:33Why do they come to pray together?
00:38:36Because they are born from the wombs of righteous women
00:38:42I hope you wear the veil and get a righteous wife
00:38:48Those who say amen are not married
00:38:51The children have arranged the shoes
00:38:53The children have arranged the shoes
00:38:55The children have arranged the shoes
00:38:57Relatives left by Allah SWT
00:38:59Mothers are very positive
00:39:03That's what the Prophet SAW said
00:39:05Because the most women go to hell
00:39:10The most in hell are women
00:39:13But the most in heaven are women
00:39:18The most in the land of the west is women
00:39:22So later if there is a preacher
00:39:25The most in hell are women
00:39:28What's wrong?
00:39:32Because the most of Allah's creatures are women
00:39:36That's why a man can have a wife
00:39:48Relatives left by Allah SWT
00:39:51A mother can get money to buy a ring
00:39:54Can get money to buy a ring
00:39:56Can get money to buy a ring
00:39:58Can get money to buy a necklace
00:40:00Can get money to buy a necklace
00:40:02Can get money to buy a footwear
00:40:08Who took it?
00:40:10A mother's husband for marriage capital
00:40:16Yes sir
00:40:18Admit it
00:40:20That's why
00:40:22Where is the gold?
00:40:24Where is the ring?
00:40:25Where is the gold?
00:40:26Where is the ring?
00:40:27Which lasts forever
00:40:29Which you donate to orphans
00:40:31That's what lasts forever
00:40:35Ustaz Sohman is a preacher
00:40:37He said the ring can't be much
00:40:39He himself has two rings
00:40:41My ring is one
00:40:44Given to another governor
00:40:48Why is that sir?
00:40:50To make it beautiful
00:40:52That's why
00:40:54This is all I can say
00:40:58A man can have a wife
00:41:00Because Allah SWT
00:41:02That's why the one that lasts forever is
00:41:07Not Sohman
00:41:11That's what will last forever
00:41:15I want to eat land worms
00:41:17When I die
00:41:19Land worms are not too happy
00:41:21You see
00:41:25If you walk on land
00:41:27There are already many worms
00:41:29Want to eat
00:41:31What does the worm say?
00:41:33Bronies above us
00:41:37He said
00:41:39I've been wanting to eat land worms for a long time
00:41:41Why don't you eat land worms?
00:41:43Because the mother's blood is still flowing
00:41:45Why is the blood still flowing?
00:41:47Because the heart is still beating
00:41:49Why is the heart still beating?
00:41:55Why is the blood flowing?
00:41:57Because the heart is still beating
00:41:59The beating heart supports the blood flow
00:42:01The question is
00:42:03Why is the heart still beating?
00:42:07Because Allah wants us to live
00:42:11Ask the heart specialist
00:42:13Ask the coroner
00:42:15Hey doctor
00:42:17Why is the heart beating?
00:42:19He can't answer
00:42:21Because that's not the knowledge of medicine
00:42:23That's the knowledge of Allah
00:42:25That's why we finished the prayer
00:42:27We turn left
00:42:29La ilaha illallah
00:42:31La ilaha illallah
00:42:33La ilaha illallah
00:42:35La ilaha illallah
00:42:37Because the heart beats
00:42:39Not because
00:42:41Allah feels
00:42:43Turn left
00:42:45Are you still nervous?
00:42:47Who is not nervous, tell me
00:42:49When are you ready?
00:42:55Why is Abdul Samad still alive this morning?
00:42:59Even though there are many others
00:43:01How many more men
00:43:03Who are knocked at the door at night?
00:43:17Already dead
00:43:19Why are you still alive this morning?
00:43:21Because Allah wants you to pray
00:43:33If we die
00:43:35I will buy cement
00:43:37For the orphans
00:43:39They are reciting
00:43:41At night
00:43:45They are reciting
00:43:55And the Qur'an
00:43:59Flows to the grave of the mother
00:44:01Flows to the grave of the mother
00:44:03Ustaz, why are there mothers here?
00:44:05There are mothers here
00:44:07The little men
00:44:09We just consider them mothers
00:44:13Now there are many men
00:44:15Who want to be mothers
00:44:17There are men and women
00:44:19Actually, they are men
00:44:23Actually, they are women
00:44:25But they are trapped in three men
00:44:29Which one is more?
00:44:31A woman wants to be a man
00:44:33Or a man wants to be a woman?
00:44:37A man wants to be a woman
00:44:41Because the most glorious woman
00:44:43Is your mother
00:44:45Is your mother
00:44:47Is your mother
00:44:49Three times
00:44:51Three times
00:44:53After that, what did the Prophet say?
00:44:55I am your father
00:44:57Why do you get three times?
00:44:59Mothers who give birth
00:45:01Mothers who breastfeed
00:45:03Mothers who give birth
00:45:05If you want these three
00:45:07Try these three
00:45:09You come back from here, you buy a coconut
00:45:11You eat it in your stomach
00:45:13Nine months, ten months
00:45:15You come back from here, you swallow the mango for months
00:45:17Ten months, ten months
00:45:19That's how difficult it is to be a woman
00:45:21Is it true?
00:45:23Give birth to a child first
00:45:25Look at the back
00:45:27Look at the back
00:45:29A man
00:45:35It's not that easy
00:45:37That's why it's important to have a woman
00:45:39Who is the highest, the most glorious
00:45:41As soon as Muhammad entered heaven
00:45:43Until he was made in heaven
00:45:45The Prophet looked back
00:45:47The Prophet looked back
00:45:49It is true that he entered heaven
00:45:51After Muhammad was born
00:45:55Who is the most glorious?
00:45:57Who is the most glorious?
00:45:59After Muhammad was born
00:46:01After Muhammad was born
00:46:03The Prophet looked back
00:46:05The Prophet looked back
00:46:07The Prophet asked, Who are you?
00:46:09The Prophet said, I am the one who unites the children of Adam
00:46:13The Prophet said, I am the one who unites the children of Adam
00:46:15And I will leave the world
00:46:17And I will be on the other side
00:46:19Women now
00:46:21Dead all day
00:46:23Three colors
00:46:29The child is born
00:46:31The child is born
00:46:33But there is no one
00:46:35In the West
00:46:37Try to understand
00:46:39Try to understand
00:46:41I don't know how to speak
00:46:43I don't know how to speak
00:46:45In the West
00:46:47They are like this
00:46:49They are like this
00:46:51The same
00:46:53The same
00:46:55But today
00:46:57But today
00:46:59Why is the leaf
00:47:01Why is the leaf
00:47:03Like a lake
00:47:05Like a lake
00:47:09The Prophet said
00:47:11The Prophet said
00:47:13The Prophet said
00:47:15The Prophet said
00:47:17The Prophet said
00:47:19So, if you see a child who is addicted to drugs, a child who likes to date, a child who likes to rape, a child who plays with cow dung, a child who makes a riot,
00:47:35that naughty child is the father or the mother?
00:47:39The father.
00:47:42The father who goes to the market, the father who is addicted to alcohol, the father who is addicted to drugs, is the father or the mother?
00:47:56The one who takes care of children, is the father or the mother?
00:48:01Why did it come out?
00:48:03That's why these people want to enter heaven first.
00:48:07Women are made in heaven, not by women.
00:48:11because of the answer of the woman
00:48:14is extraordinary
00:48:16the TV never stopped talking
00:48:18where is your wife?
00:48:19why did you go to the hospital?
00:48:20where did you go to the hospital?
00:48:21to the hospital?
00:48:22to the hospital?
00:48:23to the hospital?
00:48:24later if you come
00:48:25you want to take a motorcycle
00:48:29I brought the kids
00:48:30I brought the kids
00:48:33later I told you
00:48:34at 12 o'clock
00:48:35until the morning
00:48:36there is no money
00:48:38don't be angry
00:48:39don't be angry
00:48:41you have to collaborate
00:48:43just for a while
00:48:46I'm just going for a walk
00:48:48just for a while
00:48:49just for a while
00:48:52later you buy me
00:48:53what is it?
00:48:56your kids are cheap
00:48:59your kids
00:49:06why is our penthouse
00:49:08strong, beautiful and beautiful?
00:49:10because the pole is strong
00:49:13the pole is strong
00:49:14but who knows that
00:49:16behind this beautiful calligraphy
00:49:18there is a pole
00:49:19who knows this
00:49:20only the people behind
00:49:22who are in front there don't know
00:49:24try to look in front
00:49:25oh beautiful
00:49:28he doesn't know
00:49:29the pole is shaking
00:49:31that's how it is
00:49:32who appears in front
00:49:34who appears in front
00:49:35his father
00:49:36who appears in front
00:49:37his father is strong
00:49:39but behind him
00:49:40there is a woman
00:49:41who is extraordinary
00:49:45Mr. Mayor
00:49:46Mr. Mayor
00:49:47Mr. Mayor
00:49:48Mr. Mayor
00:49:49Mr. Mayor
00:49:50that's important
00:49:51Mr. Mayor
00:49:52Mr. Mayor
00:49:54but behind him
00:49:55there is an extraordinary woman
00:49:57try to call her for a while
00:50:02all of us
00:50:03that's why
00:50:04this woman
00:50:05must be taken care of
00:50:08a righteous woman
00:50:10giving birth to a righteous child
00:50:12all the great people above here
00:50:15Mr. Mayor
00:50:16Mr. Mayor
00:50:17Mr. Mayor
00:50:18Mr. Mayor
00:50:19Mr. Governor
00:50:20all the great men above here
00:50:23all of them
00:50:24give birth to a woman
00:50:28is there anyone who gives birth to a 9-kilogram baby?
00:50:31no one
00:50:32so who is extraordinary?
00:50:34a woman or a baby?
00:50:38admit it
00:50:40a woman
00:50:41all of us
00:50:42that's why
00:50:43we must protect
00:50:44a righteous woman
00:50:45a woman
00:50:46a righteous woman
00:50:47a righteous woman
00:50:48that means a seat
00:50:49not a table
00:50:51a table is a food
00:50:52take care of your daughter
00:50:54take care of your daughter
00:50:58do not accept
00:51:00if sale is broken
00:51:02don't accept a bottle
00:51:04if the seal is broken
00:51:06a bottle
00:51:07has no value
00:51:08if the seal is broken
00:51:11if our children are broken
00:51:13do you understand?
00:51:15do you understand what I'm saying?
00:51:18to the state of SMA
00:51:20Negeri Satu Pasama
00:51:24what is this event actually?
00:51:27besides the state
00:51:29there is also the red flag of Indonesia
00:51:32what does it mean?
00:51:33women can educate their children
00:51:37but in SMA
00:51:38there is only physics
00:51:43there is only one religion
00:51:47don't be surprised
00:51:48they are in SMA
00:51:51but don't understand religion
00:51:55it's PAI
00:51:58there is no religion in his head
00:52:00who included the education of religion?
00:52:05that's why the mother while cooking breakfast
00:52:11Say it, Allah is One
00:52:14Allah is the patient
00:52:17mama, mama, mama
00:52:19why from the beginning of the verse is only that?
00:52:21so that everyone remembers
00:52:32have you ever men remember Allah?
00:52:36have you ever men remember Al-Fatihah?
00:52:39have you ever men remember Qur'an Bin Nas?
00:52:43why can you remember Al-Fatihah
00:52:46Al-Nasrah and Al-Duha?
00:52:48because the mother always recites short verses
00:52:52when at home
00:52:53the children while cutting onions
00:52:56cutting chilies
00:52:57cutting carrots
00:52:59but the mother recites
00:53:01that's why the children are righteous
00:53:04because the woman is righteous
00:53:10it's finished, 19 minutes
00:53:13when we were late there
00:53:16he was shouting
00:53:18when we were here, he was silent
00:53:20that's human nature
00:53:2430 minutes
00:53:2515 minutes
00:53:2645 minutes
00:53:28now we see
00:53:30this is even worse
00:53:32if I'm late here
00:53:34I came late yesterday
00:53:36they just shouted
00:53:38but if you're late there
00:53:40I'm ready to throw you
00:53:44I'm sorry
00:53:48religious scholars
00:53:49our officials
00:53:51Ustaz Sohbon, Nita Sohbon
00:53:53step in front of them
00:53:55this is what it looks like now
00:53:57we used to preach only one direction
00:53:59it looks like in West Pasaman
00:54:01must be three directions
00:54:03there is one more that is not
00:54:05under the fence
00:54:08under the fence
00:54:10not many
00:54:12many of them
00:54:14in front of me
00:54:15this is a violent man
00:54:21a violent man
00:54:22there are five obligations
00:54:24to women
00:54:25the first
00:54:26give them food
00:54:28the second
00:54:30give them clothes
00:54:32the third
00:54:33give them education
00:54:35the fourth
00:54:37give them education
00:54:41the fifth
00:54:45what did Allah say?
00:54:53hey men
00:54:55hey men
00:54:59you have responsibility
00:55:01you are train
00:55:03behind you there is a gate
00:55:05wife's gate
00:55:07children's gate
00:55:08if you go to hell
00:55:10then your wife's children
00:55:12also go to hell
00:55:15so Allah said
00:55:17a violent man is
00:55:19there are five obligations
00:55:21the first
00:55:22give the wife's children food
00:55:24the second
00:55:26give them clothes
00:55:28the third
00:55:29give them a decent place to live
00:55:32the fourth
00:55:33give them education
00:55:36the fifth
00:55:37give them attention
00:55:40have you given them food?
00:55:44have you given them clothes?
00:55:47have you given them a place to live?
00:55:51have you given them attention?
00:55:54the difficult thing is education
00:55:59you educate your children
00:56:00Quran hadith
00:56:02Arabic language
00:56:03Islamic history
00:56:12we are weak
00:56:13you try to help
00:56:15how to make your children
00:56:18get education
00:56:20there is no other way
00:56:23put your children
00:56:25to boarding school
00:56:28those who have put their children to boarding school
00:56:32those who have not put their children to boarding school
00:56:37those who do not want to put their children to boarding school
00:56:39just die
00:56:44it is difficult
00:56:46the price is expensive
00:56:48but God willing
00:56:50that's what saves us
00:56:52it's better if it's hard now
00:56:55it's better if it's hard now
00:56:57it's better if it's hard now
00:56:58where 20 years later
00:57:00it's hard for you to cry
00:57:03because the children are ignorant
00:57:05they do not understand religion
00:57:06your children who are put to boarding school
00:57:08will come secular
00:57:10will come liberal
00:57:12will come communist
00:57:14will come atheist
00:57:21a lineage that believes there is no God
00:57:22what is God?
00:57:23there is no God
00:57:24that can only happen to our children's brains
00:57:27come again drugs
00:57:29come again soap
00:57:31come again HIV
00:57:33come again LGBT
00:57:35so dear father
00:57:37you are
00:57:39religious school
00:57:43Ustaz, religious school is expensive
00:57:45put them to boarding school
00:57:47in boarding school there is no religious education
00:57:49in boarding school we can include 5 religious studies
00:57:54Quran, Hadith, Aqidah, Ethics, Arabic, Islamic history
00:58:00Quran, Hadith, Aqidah, Ethics, Arabic, Islamic history
00:58:05include 5 religious studies
00:58:08to boarding school
00:58:12where is the teacher from?
00:58:15the teacher is from IAIN Imam Boncol
00:58:23who is the teacher?
00:58:25the district representative
00:58:31the teachers are from the district
00:58:34include high school, high school, high school
00:58:36physics teacher
00:58:38chemistry teacher
00:58:40math teacher
00:58:42religious teacher
00:58:48but if you don't care
00:58:51put them to boarding school
00:58:53through what route?
00:58:54through Honda
00:58:57what is Honda?
00:58:58Honda district
00:59:00include 5 religious studies in high school
00:59:05Islamic history
00:59:08Quran, Hadith
00:59:10in January, February, March, April
00:59:16in May, the district was arrested by the KPK
00:59:22because of allocating funds to the APBD
00:59:28because of Ustaz Sohan's drama
00:59:30in May, they were arrested
00:59:32in June, I was arrested
00:59:36so who can protect the district?
00:59:40the one who can protect the district is
00:59:44District Regulation
00:59:47who made PERDA?
00:59:52who made DPR?
00:59:58my story is connected
01:00:01so who can understand my story?
01:00:04ok, I repeat it 3 times
01:00:06it's ok
01:00:07why our children are stupid?
01:00:11don't understand religion
01:00:13because in high school, there is only one study
01:00:18how to add it?
01:00:20add 5 religious studies
01:00:22Quran, Hadith
01:00:23Aqidah, Islamic
01:00:25Islamic history
01:00:27where does the salary come from?
01:00:31who raises it?
01:00:33the district
01:00:34where does it come from?
01:00:36IAIN, Imam Bojol
01:00:38IAIN, Bukit Tinggi
01:00:40IAIN in North Sumatra
01:00:44wherever it is
01:00:45religious school
01:00:46so that religious people
01:00:48religious school
01:00:49religion protects us
01:00:53how to add it?
01:00:55what's the detail?
01:00:59what's the detail?
01:01:02what's the detail?
01:01:06how to add it?
01:01:08I don't know
01:01:12how to raise the salary?
01:01:14raise the religious teachers
01:01:16but the district does not dare
01:01:20there are 3 who will challenge the district
01:01:24Inspector General
01:01:26but if there is a law
01:01:28then the district and the city will be safe
01:01:31what is the law?
01:01:36who makes PRD?
01:01:39who raises DPR?
01:01:43who chooses DPR?
01:01:4917 April 2020
01:01:53what is my story?
01:01:57Ustaz Soman turns out to be a liar
01:02:01the material is not my choice
01:02:05oh, so I'm a trickster
01:02:07trickster, not a liar
01:02:10I'm not a trickster
01:02:12I'm a liar
01:02:14my picture is not a fake
01:02:16my picture is real
01:02:191, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
01:02:25I just want
01:02:27the voice of this many Islamic women
01:02:31don't let them
01:02:36many people talk about wasting food
01:02:39talking about wasting drinks
01:02:41there are people who say
01:02:43it's better than wasting food and drinks
01:02:45it's better than wasting politics
01:02:49do you understand?
01:02:51Abdul Soman is not a trickster
01:02:53Abdul Soman is not a trickster
01:02:55Abdul Soman is not a party member
01:02:57Abdul Soman is not a religious person
01:02:59he is a Muslim
01:03:01he is a policeman
01:03:02he is a soldier
01:03:03don't worry about Abdul Soman
01:03:05Abdul Soman only invites people
01:03:09so that
01:03:11don't let them
01:03:13don't let them
01:03:15talk about hatred
01:03:17don't let them
01:03:19don't let them
01:03:21accept money
01:03:25do you agree?
01:03:27take the money
01:03:29don't waste it
01:03:31do you agree?
01:03:33take the money
01:03:35and give it to Abdul
01:03:39do you agree?
01:03:41don't waste it
01:03:43take the money
01:03:45don't waste it
01:03:47do you agree?
01:03:49take the money and give it to Abdul
01:03:51do you agree?
01:04:01because there is a challenge
01:04:0330 minutes
01:04:0515 minutes
01:04:07when you want to go up
01:04:0910 minutes
01:04:1110 minutes
01:04:13we are down there
01:04:15but he is still young
01:04:17don't let them
01:04:19be a child
01:04:21that's why
01:04:23this is like catching a fish
01:04:25we want to catch a fish
01:04:27when we were little
01:04:29how do we catch a fish?
01:04:31catch a fish
01:04:33where is the fish?
01:04:35over there
01:04:37this is how I am
01:04:39don't let our children
01:04:41be drugged
01:04:43don't let our children
01:04:45be raped
01:04:47where do you want to put your children?
01:04:49put them
01:04:51in the train
01:04:53don't let them be drugged
01:04:55don't let them be raped
01:04:57don't let them be raped
01:04:59don't let them be a victim
01:05:01and our children
01:05:03don't let them be a victim
01:05:05don't let them be a victim
01:05:07don't let them be a victim
01:05:09don't let them be a victim
01:05:11don't let them be a victim
01:05:13don't let them be a victim
01:05:15don't let them be a victim
01:05:17don't let them be a victim
01:05:19don't let them be a victim
01:05:21don't let them be a victim
01:05:23don't let them be a victim
01:05:25don't let them be a victim
01:05:27don't let them be a victim
01:05:29don't let them be a victim
01:05:31don't let them be a victim
01:05:33this is how you make a local
01:05:35this is how you make a local
01:05:37a class for the train
01:05:39a class for the train
01:05:41what can I do?
01:05:43come to Pesantren
01:05:47what can I do?
01:05:49how many classes? how many bathrooms?
01:05:51how many toilets?
01:05:55do you want to help?
01:05:57no, just ask
01:05:59where do you want to put your children?
01:06:03when our children are in Pesantren
01:06:05it's up to them
01:06:07where do they want to go?
01:06:09I don't want them to be a victim
01:06:11so what do you want them to be?
01:06:13I want them to be a soldier
01:06:15do you think that Pesantren's children
01:06:17who want to join the army are already like this?
01:06:19Pesantren's children are more qualified
01:06:21the students are different
01:06:23their brains have been destroyed
01:06:25by Kim Kong Len
01:06:31their brains have been destroyed
01:06:33by Kim Kong Len
01:06:35by smoking
01:06:37in Pesantren,
01:06:39there are no smokers
01:06:41in Pesantren,
01:06:43there are no Len
01:06:45if there is a Len, it's for smoking
01:06:47that's why Pesantren's children
01:06:49I went to Ceramah, Aceh
01:06:51I arrived at the airport
01:06:53I arrived at the airport
01:06:55Sultan Iskandar Muda
01:06:57is behind the army
01:06:59suddenly he pulled my hand
01:07:01who is this?
01:07:03he called my name
01:07:05he called my name
01:07:07he said, who are you?
01:07:09we are the same class
01:07:13it turns out that he is a soldier
01:07:15he joined the army
01:07:17I became a soldier
01:07:19now I am saved
01:07:21by my friends
01:07:23on the left is the army
01:07:25on the right is the police
01:07:27I want to say
01:07:29I want to say
01:07:31I want to say
01:07:3320 years will come
01:07:35the children of Pesantren
01:07:37they will lead this country
01:07:39God willing
01:07:41but on what conditions?
01:07:43the father must answer
01:07:45the father must answer
01:07:47the father must answer
01:07:49the father must answer
01:07:51the father must answer
01:07:53the father must answer
01:07:55I want to go back to Pesantren
01:07:57I want to go back to Pesantren
01:07:59I want to go back to Pesantren
01:08:01I want to go back to Pesantren
01:08:03I want to go back to Pesantren
01:08:05I want to go back to Pesantren
01:08:07I want to go back to Pesantren
01:08:09I want to go back to Pesantren
01:08:11I want to go back to Pesantren
01:08:13I want to go back to Pesantren
01:08:15I want to go back to Pesantren
01:08:17I want to go back to Pesantren
01:08:19I want to go back to Pesantren
01:08:21I want to go back to Pesantren
01:08:23I want to go back to Pesantren
01:08:25I want to go back to Pesantren
01:08:27I want to go back to Pesantren
01:08:29I want to go back to Pesantren
01:08:31I want to go back to Pesantren
01:08:33I want to go back to Pesantren
01:08:35I want to go back to Pesantren
01:08:37I want to go back to Pesantren
01:08:39I want to go back to Pesantren
01:08:41I want to go back to Pesantren
01:08:43I want to go back to Pesantren
01:08:45I want to go back to Pesantren
01:08:47I want to go back to Pesantren
01:08:49I want to go back to Pesantren
01:08:51I want to go back to Pesantren
01:08:53I want to go back to Pesantren
01:08:55I want to go back to Pesantren
01:08:57I want to go back to Pesantren
01:08:59I want to go back to Pesantren
01:09:01I want to go back to Pesantren
01:09:03I want to go back to Pesantren
01:09:05I want to go back to Pesantren
01:09:07I want to go back to Pesantren
01:09:09I want to go back to Pesantren
01:09:11I want to go back to Pesantren
01:09:13I want to go back to Pesantren
01:09:15I want to go back to Pesantren
01:09:17I want to go back to Pesantren
01:09:19I want to go back to Pesantren
01:09:21I want to go back to Pesantren
01:09:23I want to go back to Pesantren
01:09:25I want to go back to Pesantren
01:09:27I want to go back to Pesantren
01:09:29I want to go back to Pesantren
01:09:31I want to go back to Pesantren
01:09:33I want to go back to Pesantren
01:09:35I want to go back to Pesantren
01:09:37I want to go back to Pesantren
01:09:39I want to go back to Pesantren
01:09:41I want to go back to Pesantren
01:09:43I want to go back to Pesantren
01:09:45I want to go back to Pesantren
01:09:47I want to go back to Pesantren
01:09:49I want to go back to Pesantren
01:09:51I want to go back to Pesantren
01:09:53I want to go back to Pesantren
01:09:55I want to go back to Pesantren
01:09:57I want to go back to Pesantren
01:09:59I want to go back to Pesantren
01:10:01I want to go back to Pesantren
01:10:03I want to go back to Pesantren
01:10:05I want to go back to Pesantren
01:10:07I want to go back to Pesantren
01:10:09I want to go back to Pesantren
01:10:11I want to go back to Pesantren
01:10:13I want to go back to Pesantren
01:10:15I want to go back to Pesantren
01:10:17I want to go back to Pesantren
01:10:19I want to go back to Pesantren
01:10:21I want to go back to Pesantren
01:10:23I want to go back to Pesantren
01:10:25I want to go back to Pesantren
01:10:27I want to go back to Pesantren
01:10:29I want to go back to Pesantren
01:10:31I want to go back to Pesantren
01:10:33I want to go back to Pesantren
01:10:35I want to go back to Pesantren
01:10:37I want to go back to Pesantren
01:10:39I want to go back to Pesantren
01:10:41I want to go back to Pesantren
01:10:43I want to go back to Pesantren
01:10:45I want to go back to Pesantren
01:10:47I want to go back to Pesantren
01:10:49I want to go back to Pesantren
01:10:51I want to go back to Pesantren
01:10:53I want to go back to Pesantren
01:10:55I want to go back to Pesantren
01:10:57I want to go back to Pesantren
01:10:59I want to go back to Pesantren
01:11:01I want to go back to Pesantren
01:11:03I want to go back to Pesantren
01:11:05I want to go back to Pesantren
01:11:07I want to go back to Pesantren
01:11:09I want to go back to Pesantren
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01:12:03I want to go back to Pesantren
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01:13:01I want to go back to Pesantren
01:13:03I want to go back to Pesantren
01:13:05I want to go back to Pesantren
01:13:07I want to go back to Pesantren
01:13:09I want to go back to Pesantren
01:13:11I want to go back to Pesantren
01:13:13I want to go back to Pesantren
01:13:15I want to go back to Pesantren
01:13:17I want to go back to Pesantren
01:13:19I want to go back to Pesantren
01:13:21I want to go back to Pesantren
01:13:23I want to go back to Pesantren
01:13:25I want to go back to Pesantren
01:13:27I want to go back to Pesantren
01:13:29I want to go back to Pesantren
01:13:31I want to go back to Pesantren
01:13:33I want to go back to Pesantren
01:13:35I want to go back to Pesantren
01:13:37I want to go back to Pesantren
01:13:39I want to go back to Pesantren
01:13:41I want to go back to Pesantren
01:13:43I want to go back to Pesantren
01:13:45I want to go back to Pesantren
01:13:47I want to go back to Pesantren
01:13:49I want to go back to Pesantren
01:13:51I want to go back to Pesantren
01:13:53I want to go back to Pesantren
01:13:55I want to go back to Pesantren
01:13:57I want to go back to Pesantren
01:13:59I want to go back to Pesantren
01:14:01I want to go back to Pesantren
01:14:25There are three kinds of Gargantuan
01:14:27There are three of them, what else is there?
01:14:30Those who are still alive, don't come back from here, don't worry.
01:14:35Hopefully our children will be safe and sound.
01:14:39Later on, we will pray that hopefully our children will be able to memorize the Qur'an.
01:14:45May Allah always keep you healthy. Ameen.
01:14:50Is it possible for Ben Cokong to become an imam?
01:14:55Here in the Qur'an, Ben Cokong is similar to Hunza.
01:15:01Sorry, he doesn't understand the difference between Ben Cokong and Hunza.
01:15:08Hunza means...
01:15:12Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.
01:15:15If it's not because of this, I won't explain it.
01:15:18A man who is born with two children, that is called Hunza.
01:15:24Maybe we don't know when he is sleeping, but when he is taking a bath, we don't know.
01:15:29So he is Hunza.
01:15:31So if this happens, he will be taken to the doctor.
01:15:36Later on, the doctor will ask.
01:15:38After he has been examined, which one is more severe?
01:15:41It turns out that Muhammad said menstruation.
01:15:45So the man's uterus is cut during the operation.
01:15:50So he will become a woman.
01:15:53It turns out that he is a man.
01:15:56So the woman's uterus is sewn.
01:16:00And he will become a man.
01:16:03This is discussed after thinking about his name.
01:16:06Bak Hunza.
01:16:09Just like Ben Cokong, Ben Cokong is not Hunza.
01:16:13Ben Cokong is a man.
01:16:17What is the definition of a man?
01:16:19Who has Zakara, he is a man.
01:16:25Your mother-in-law is also a man.
01:16:29Therefore, it cannot be ruled that he is Hunza.
01:16:34How many children do you have?
01:16:37No one else?
01:16:39A man or a woman?
01:16:40A man.
01:16:41Why do you have so many?
01:16:42I don't know.
01:16:45So it's actually easy.
01:16:48Call Mr. Kepores, call Mr. Dandim.
01:16:52Follow his program.
01:16:54Mr. Kepores and Mr. Dandim sit together.
01:16:57The name of the program is Be A Man.
01:17:01Be a man.
01:17:02Be a manly man.
01:17:03Ask him to row.
01:17:11He trains them karate.
01:17:13Sooner or later, Ben Cokong will disappear.
01:17:16Ask him.
01:17:17This is an order from the military police.
01:17:19It's done.
01:17:20Ask him to play soccer.
01:17:21Ask him to run.
01:17:22Ask him to do karate.
01:17:28Hopefully, these diseases...
01:17:30Where is the proof?
01:17:32This is a disease.
01:17:34In a country that allows it, there are many.
01:17:38But if the country is tight, there are few.
01:17:41Where is the example?
01:17:43Bencong is the most in the world in Thailand.
01:17:45I am one of Bencong's fans.
01:17:48In Thailand, there is a Miss Warrior.
01:17:53Her name is Lady Boy.
01:17:55Lady Boy.
01:17:56Her face is like a lady, her legs are like a boy.
01:17:58Her face is like a lady, her cheeks are like a lady, her legs are like a boy.
01:18:01Her neck is like a jackal.
01:18:04Because of that, there is this.
01:18:06But in Egypt...
01:18:08In Egypt, the society is tight.
01:18:11There is none.
01:18:12In my years in Egypt, I only met Bencong once.
01:18:15I didn't look for her, I met her.
01:18:18Because of that, if our society is tight,
01:18:21the education is tight,
01:18:23the school is religious,
01:18:25the society...
01:18:26Now, Bencong is being socialized through movies,
01:18:31through ads,
01:18:33through TV.
01:18:34Mothers and fathers try to watch TV from morning to noon,
01:18:37until evening, until night.
01:18:39That's how many Bencong appeared.
01:18:41Bencong's cooking show,
01:18:43Bencong's movie show.
01:18:44Remember the movie, Cetatan Siboy,
01:18:46when we were young.
01:18:48Yes, there is Bencong.
01:18:49What does it mean?
01:18:50Bencong has been socialized from the past until now.
01:18:53Even in cartoons, there is Bencong.
01:18:56Upin is good.
01:18:57Ipin is good.
01:18:59Jarnik is good.
01:19:00Meme is good.
01:19:01But you are wrong.
01:19:07What does it mean?
01:19:08It is inserted into the movie,
01:19:10so that it is something ordinary.
01:19:17Because our society is like that,
01:19:19because it is ordinary.
01:19:21It is often seen,
01:19:23seen, seen, ordinary, ordinary, ordinary.
01:19:25Now, we must explain this.
01:19:28This is the basis of the LGBT disease.
01:19:33Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender.
01:19:37But the name is cool.
01:19:38What is the name? LGBT.
01:19:40Don't call it LGBT.
01:19:42Then what is the name?
01:19:47Lover of shit.
01:19:51I'm sorry, my ancestors.
01:19:52I'm sorry, my grandmothers.
01:19:54It is not appropriate for me to speak like this
01:19:56in front of the respected people.
01:19:58This is an insult.
01:20:01So if you use cool languages,
01:20:03they will be offended.
01:20:05This is a common community disease.
01:20:07HIV virus disease.
01:20:11Among its spread is through LGBT.
01:20:16May Allah save the world from LGBT.
01:20:21So, Ustaz, can he be an imam of prayer?
01:20:24No, he can't.
01:20:26The one who becomes an imam of prayer is the woman.
01:20:29If it is clear that he is a man,
01:20:31he goes forward.
01:20:32If Bencong, after his repentance,
01:20:35suddenly he can read the Qur'an,
01:20:37suddenly he enters the purification of the Qur'an,
01:20:39and he is healthy,
01:20:43a person who has repented,
01:20:45a man with tattoos who has repented,
01:20:47Bencong who has repented,
01:20:49then don't remember the past.
01:20:51Don't wait for Bencong's ex-imam.
01:20:53Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
01:20:56Is our prayer right?
01:20:58If Bencong's ex-imam.
01:21:00If Bencong's ex-imam.
01:21:01Don't make a problem.
01:21:03Who has never had a problem?
01:21:05We all have sinned, right?
01:21:07And because of that, the one who sinned is
01:21:09the one who repented from his sins.
01:21:12Many, many times.
01:21:19Rabbal baraya.
01:21:28Minal khataya.
01:21:36Rabbal baraya.
01:21:43Minal khataya.
01:21:46What is your opinion, Ustaz?
01:21:48Why can't we call a non-believer as a Muslim?
01:21:52I was in the same elementary school as Atiyah.
01:21:57My friend from the same elementary school.
01:21:59His name is Atiyah.
01:22:01Is Atiyah a Muslim or not a Muslim?
01:22:04He is not a Muslim.
01:22:06How many years have I been close to Atiyah?
01:22:08I have never called him.
01:22:10Atiyah, come here.
01:22:14Until today, my relationship with Atiyah is still good.
01:22:18Still close.
01:22:19I live near the house of Pak Panjaitan.
01:22:22We have never called him.
01:22:24Hey, you non-believer.
01:22:26We still keep our relationship with Atiyah.
01:22:31We are still friends.
01:22:34Because we are taught.
01:22:36So, even without this, we have never used it.
01:22:40But the verse of the Qur'an
01:22:43tells about a person who covers.
01:22:46Kafir means to cover.
01:22:49In English, cover.
01:22:51Cover means to cover.
01:22:53What is covered?
01:22:55What is covered is a favor.
01:22:57What favor?
01:22:58The greatest favor is the favor of the Prophet Muhammad.
01:23:05That's why there are people who are ungrateful.
01:23:09People who do not pray.
01:23:12Why don't you pray?
01:23:13I'm really lazy to pray.
01:23:15He is a non-believer.
01:23:17But the non-believer is ungrateful.
01:23:20So, understand the meaning of the non-believer well.
01:23:23So, the way we call our neighbors, our friends.
01:23:28It's the same with us in the West.
01:23:30Of course, there are our friends who are Catholic Christians.
01:23:33There are Protestants.
01:23:34There are Confucians.
01:23:37There are Buddhists.
01:23:38There are Hindus.
01:23:39We have never spread hatred.
01:23:42Kill him.
01:23:43If not as religious as you.
01:23:45Destroy his house.
01:23:46Take his motorcycle.
01:23:48Run away his daughter.
01:23:50We have never taught a good intention.
01:23:53The law does not forgive those who ask for forgiveness.
01:24:00The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him,
01:24:03was visited by a man.
01:24:07This man was the one who killed the uncle of the Prophet's uncle,
01:24:12named Hamzah bin Abdul Muttalib.
01:24:16He was stabbed.
01:24:18He was stabbed in the back of Hamzah's back.
01:24:21He was stabbed until he came out of Hamzah's throat.
01:24:33I stabbed Hamzah's back.
01:24:36Then I stabbed him until he came out of Hamzah's throat.
01:24:41After that, Hamzah's ears were cut.
01:24:44Hamzah's nose was cut.
01:24:46Then came the hatred.
01:24:49Hamzah's chest was cut.
01:24:51They were stabbed.
01:24:53Hamzah's heart was stabbed.
01:24:55Hamzah's nose was stabbed.
01:24:57That was the hatred of the Arabs.
01:25:00Arabs, Jahiliyya, Muslims,
01:25:02Kafir, Jahiliyya.
01:25:04Did the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, come with a sword?
01:25:07Destroy his head?
01:25:10Even the leader of the five warlords said,
01:25:13This is the day of mercy.
01:25:16This is the day of mercy.
01:25:18This is the day of revenge.
01:25:20The Prophet's uncle was stabbed.
01:25:22Let's stab their ears.
01:25:24But the Prophet said,
01:25:25This is the day of mercy.
01:25:28This is the day of love.
01:25:31This is the day of love.
01:25:33So if there is someone who cannot forgive,
01:25:36then he really cannot follow
01:25:39So Umar Muhammad, peace be upon him, went there.
01:25:43Forgive him.
01:25:45Have you forgiven him?
01:25:47Have you come to his house?
01:25:49Not yet.
01:25:50But have you forgiven him?
01:25:51I have forgiven him.
01:25:52But if you come to his house,
01:25:53it feels like 2031.
01:25:56This is the day of revenge.
01:25:59Therefore, hopefully we are among those who have a heart
01:26:02and forgive the mistakes of others.
01:26:05Today we pray to Allah.
01:26:07It is the time of the sun rising.
01:26:09It is the time of prayer.
01:26:11It is the time of Dhuha.
01:26:12Allah swore in the Qur'an,
01:26:14It is the time of Dhuha.
01:26:15Therefore, we pray.
01:26:16Hopefully those who have not met their partners,
01:26:18may Allah give them a good partner.
01:26:20Those who do not have children,
01:26:22may Allah give them children who memorize the Qur'an.
01:26:25May Allah make them the couple of the west of the country.
01:26:27In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
01:26:29In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
01:26:31In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
01:26:33In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
01:26:35In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
01:26:37In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
01:26:39In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
01:26:41In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
01:26:43In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
01:26:45In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
01:26:47In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
01:26:49In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
01:26:51In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
01:26:53In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
01:26:55In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
01:26:57In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
01:26:59In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
01:27:01In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
01:27:03In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
01:27:05In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
01:27:07In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
01:27:09In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
01:27:11In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
01:27:13In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
01:27:15In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
01:27:17In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
01:27:19May the blessings and blessings of all the jama'at present in this morning prayer be upon you, O Allah.
01:27:24May Allah make this city a city of peace and tranquility.
01:27:27And grant it to its people from every source of food.
01:27:30Make it a safe, peaceful, and open door of all its visitors, O Allah.
01:27:38O Allah, the creator of the beneficial.
01:27:41For those who have given charity, give a better substitute for them, O Allah.
01:27:46For those who have given charity, give a better substitute for them, O Allah.
01:27:59Grant us safety in our religion.
01:28:04Heal our bodies so that we can worship.
01:28:08Add knowledge so that our deeds are true according to the orders of the Qur'an and the Sunnah.
01:28:13Grant us the blessings of sustenance so that we can perform hajj to the best of Allah.
01:28:20Grant us repentance before we die because we have sinned a lot, O Allah.
01:28:27Give us mercy when we die because death is very heavy and we are not able to accept it, O Allah.
01:28:35Forgive us all our sins when death comes, O Allah.
01:28:42O Allah, have mercy on us when death comes.
01:28:48Relieve us when death comes, O Allah.
01:28:53Save us from the fire of hell.
01:28:57Forgive us when all our deeds are counted in front of you, O Allah.
01:29:05Take us out of this assembly in a state of cleanliness from sin and wrongdoing.
01:29:10Relieve us from the debt of debt, O Allah.
01:29:16There is among us who is sick, lift his illness and heal him forever, O Allah.
01:29:24Our parents, teachers, neighbors, friends, children, wife, family who have passed away, open their graves, O Allah.
01:29:35Forgive them all their sins, O Allah.
01:29:40And do not punish those whose wives are not good to their children, O Allah.
01:29:46And those who have married and want to have children, make them children of the memorizers of the Qur'an, O Allah.
01:29:54O Allah, have mercy on the Prophet of the Qur'an.
01:29:56Give us the blessings of sustenance because of the glory of the Qur'an.
01:30:00Give us the blessings of reciting the Qur'an day and night.
01:30:10O Allah, finish us with a good ending.
01:30:14And do not finish us with a bad ending.
01:30:18O Allah, do not end our words.
01:30:20Make the end of our words the end of our life.
01:30:23When our life comes to an end, the angels want to take away our lives.
01:30:26We want the one who whispers in our ears is the child that we called upon when he was born.
01:30:32We want the last word that comes out of our mouth is,
01:30:36There is no god but Allah.
01:30:42Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him.
01:30:45Our Lord, give us in this world a good ending, and in the hereafter a good ending, and save us from the torment of the Fire.
01:30:50And peace and blessings be upon our Master and Master Muhammad, and upon his family and companions.
01:30:58And all praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.
01:31:03Taqabbal Allahu minkum minna wa minkum taqabbal ya karim.
01:31:13Repeat it calmly.
01:31:14Bring all the trash.
01:31:17We came in a clean condition, we left the land, the field, the office, the district, the West Bank, also in a clean condition.
01:31:24Thank you for all the interchanges.
01:31:26Forgive all the mistakes.
01:31:28Wa salamu alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh.
01:31:39The man who is rude, right?
01:31:42Remember, the man who is rude has five obligations to women.
01:31:48The first, give them food.
01:31:52The second, give them clothes.
01:31:55The third, give them education.
01:31:59The fourth, give them education, attention, a place to live.
01:32:05Men, what does Allah say?
